What animal is 1991 according to the horoscope? year of the goat, element metal, color white

The Eastern calendar plausibly describes the character traits of a person born in a particular year. Some people do not believe in horoscopes and zodiac signs, but throughout my life I have been convinced more than once of the reliability of the described qualities. Knowing the year of birth helps to better understand the characteristics and preferences of a person, and good intra-office relationships without knowledge of the basic characteristics of colleagues are unlikely.

A friend of mine constantly changed jobs due to the difficulty of communicating in a team, until she studied the Chinese horoscope in detail. Now she has no problems with communication, since she has also mastered meditation. Many people are interested in: 1991 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar? This year passed under the auspices of the white metal goat.

So, 1991 passed under the auspices of the metal (white) goat (sheep). This animal is considered the most mysterious in the Chinese horoscope due to its contradictory character and tendency to shocking antics. Goats are artistic, mysterious and incomprehensible. Double bottom, duality of perception of the world - these qualities give goats a touch of mysticism and irrationality.

Sometimes goats demonstrate coldness, unscrupulousness and even cruelty. But believe me, under this false mask hides a vulnerable and tender soul. Deep down in their souls, goats are very romantic, sensitive to attention and self-care from others. They may not show it outwardly, but they suffer greatly from inattention to their person.

The main spiritual task of the metal goat is to find the meaning of life. Most often, she finds it in religion, since she is inclined to be merciful towards the shortcomings of other people. If the search for the meaning of life is not found, then there is a risk of turning a sheep into a hermit. The goat must understand why it exists, only under this condition will its life take on clear outlines and become logically meaningful.

Pay attention! Goats are very sociable creatures and love to be the center of attention.

Goats are distinguished by their sociability and always come to the aid of their friends; this quality of character attracts many fans and friends to representatives of the metal sign. The desire to always be the center of attention can adversely affect the goat's studies or career, since it devotes a lot of time to communication and does not have time to cope with important matters. However, their great energy potential allows goats to find additional sources of internal energy to move mountains on the path to success.

Note! A distinctive feature of the white metal goat is its education, helpfulness, calm disposition and charm.

Artistic nature helps representatives of this year of birth achieve high levels in the world of art and culture. Among them you can find many talented musical performers, directors, artists and dancers. Aesthetic taste brings representatives of the year of the goat to the heights of design art. Image makers, makeup artists, stylists - this is the area of ​​interest of the white metal goat, in which it can achieve amazing results.

Positive qualities:

  • performance;
  • the ability to mobilize to achieve a goal;
  • honesty and openness;
  • adequate self-esteem;
  • modesty, undemandingness;
  • tact and the ability to be grateful;
  • developed intuition and subtle aesthetic sense.

Goats are very conscientious workers, painstakingly fulfill their duties, organized and collected. They know how to focus on the main thing and do not scatter attention to secondary issues. They know how to earn good money and provide their lives with everything they need. But they never give up on help and financial support.

Negative character traits

Let's consider the negative qualities of representatives of the year of the metal goat:

  • pessimism;
  • complexes;
  • excessive shyness;
  • restlessness, fussiness;
  • capriciousness and spoiledness;
  • vindictiveness and rancor.

These character traits are sometimes confusing and make it difficult to communicate with goats. However, natural charm forces others to put up with shortcomings and even provide more assistance and attention to capricious creatures.

The goat will always find pasture with the most luscious grass and will be well-fed and safe.

Frequent mood swings in goats are among those qualities that perplex loved ones. These people can be unbalanced by some little thing that others would not pay attention to.

Goats are not always confident in their own abilities and sometimes panic, so they need psychological support from a partner. In extreme situations, the goat begins to panic, rather than demonstrate composure and an adequate reaction to what is happening.

The inability to plan for the future is another significant drawback of representatives of this sign, which is why goats desperately need a partner. This could be a spouse, boyfriend, boyfriend or girlfriend. It is vital for Goats to feel friendly support during important periods of their lives.

Another significant drawback is uncontrollable stubbornness. A sheep can act to its own detriment, but will never give up its position. Reluctance to adapt to circumstances most often leads to big troubles, but goats, even in such a situation, are not capable of concessions and do not compromise.

Esoteric characteristics

According to esotericists, goats are favored by the color blue. Among metals, preference should be given to gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7, and unlucky numbers are 4 and 9.

Pay attention! Goats need to take care of their lungs, as this organ is the most vulnerable.

Lucky stones:

  • moonstone;
  • agate;
  • cornelian;
  • jade;
  • sapphire;
  • ruby;
  • amber;
  • emerald.

Among plants, representatives of this year of birth are favored by wormwood, anise and honeysuckle.

Love and family relationships

Goats need a confident partner who can take responsibility for the relationship. Developed intuition allows them to distinguish real feelings from frivolous infatuation. At a young age, goats are not ready for family relationships, are not able to organize their daily life and do not have a stable income. Therefore, they need an accomplished partner who is ready to provide them with a comfortable existence.

Pay attention! Goats can remain a child within themselves until they are very old.

Capricious goats can spend hours tormenting loved ones with problems that exist only in their heads. This complicates living together with a representative of this sign. Attaching importance to small everyday issues is a distinctive quality of these people. If a sheep learns to react more calmly to unimportant problems, life with it will become much easier and more enjoyable.

The Sheep woman is not an example of a model wife, since she is not inclined to spend time preparing dinners and cleaning the room. She enjoys chatting with friends on the phone rather than doing boring household chores. The spouse must be ready to become the chef in the family and must love the dishwasher: you can hardly expect order in the kitchen from a sheep...

Men of this year of birth are frightened by the responsibility for family well-being, so they do not strive to start a marriage relationship. However, if the partner agrees to the role of leader, the Goat man will be happy to give her the palm. You should also take into account the dislike of representatives of this sign for restrictions and jealousy on the part of their partner. Give the goat more freedom, and you will get a gentle and caring spouse.

Profession and career

Despite their great enthusiasm and driving force, goats rarely reach career heights. They are more satisfied with a comfortable environment at work, and the energy fuse only lasts for a while. In addition, the habit of criticizing and expressing dissatisfaction can turn colleagues against the kazy, which will significantly complicate her life.

Note! Goats are hardworking and efficient, but do not like to work hard.

A positive quality of representatives of the year of the metal sheep is the ability to organize and unite a team of like-minded people in a short time. But then the enthusiasm wanes, and the business started can quickly fall apart. However, this quality of a goat must be skillfully used to start a business, and then successfully promoted without its direct participation.

Goats do not know how to cope with leadership positions, and they do not strive for this. They need a leader, a leader or a leader: then they will feel comfortable and safe.

Note! Representatives of the year of the white metal goat know how to quickly earn money and also spend it quickly.

Representatives of this zodiac sign love not only comfort, but also will not give up luxury. Sometimes this leads to exorbitant spending, which infuriates spouses and devastates the family budget. However, the money spent is miraculously replenished, since sheep know how to attract prosperity to themselves.


Let's consider which signs of the eastern horoscope goats are compatible with, and which ones they should not associate their fate with.

Rat. This union will turn into one big problem due to the excessive emotionality of both partners.

Bull. There is obvious incompatibility in this union: the goat does not like the assertiveness of the bull, and he does not like the submissiveness and opportunism of the goat.

Tiger. This union is quite likely if the sheep behaves appropriately and does not anger the formidable animal. Otherwise, the tiger will simply tear apart the careless artiodactyl.

Rabbit. This is a very prosperous and harmonious union. The couple will live to a ripe old age in peace and harmony. They will never be bored together.

Dragon. The union is not favorable. The sheep is frightened by the originality and conceit of the dragon.

Snake. The union is problematic, but possible. Partners will strive to pull the blanket over themselves, as a result of which frequent quarrels and showdowns are possible.

Horse. Relationships are possible under one condition: the horse partner must be wealthy.

Goat. An alliance with your horoscope sign is favorable and successful, especially if the couple overcomes the five-year mark. Those around you will be surprised by the ardent passion and happiness of the two goats. With age, the couple’s ardor will cool down, but mutual understanding and respect will remain.

Monkey. There will be constant quarrels out of nowhere. These are two completely opposite signs in aspiration and temperament.

Rooster. The union is very favorable if the partners do not fight for leadership. When passions subside, a wonderful time will come to live together under one roof.

Dog. Two pessimists cannot get along together. Astrologers warn in advance: don’t even try to start a relationship, it won’t lead to anything good.

Pig. The union is very favorable and stable. The pig does not see any faults in the sheep, and the sheep likes the pig's loyalty towards it. This is one of the most long-lasting harmonious marriages.

1991 is the year of which animal? This question is asked quite often by those who believe and follow horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

1991 is the year of which animal?

The year 1991, from which twenty-three years have already passed, gave the whole world many of the most ordinary and famous people. That is why special attention is focused on it, like many other years. According to the Eastern calendar, an animal such as a sheep or goat ruled over it.

Period and features

Having found out which animal year 1991 is, it should be noted that it began on February 15, and ended on the 4th of the same month, but only in the future - 1992. The main material of this eastern symbol is metal. As for color, 1991 was the year of the White Goat or Sheep.

General information

Now you know 1991 is the year of which animal. The horoscope of people born under the sign of the Goat says that they are quite subtle creative natures who are capable of incredible romantic deeds. Sensitivity, sincerity and generosity are not alien to such representatives. Sometimes “goats” can fall into a strong state of laziness, and also show their capricious and even vindictive nature.

Horoscope of people born in 1991

1991 is the year of which animal? White Metal Sheep or Goat. Such people have a rich imagination, they are endowed with various talents, they are helpful and kind, as well as artistic and elegant. In most cases, representatives of the Year of the Goat have excellent taste, understanding of shape and color. In addition, they have quite strong intuition when communicating with others. Sheep know how to please, especially if it benefits them. They are quite skillful in defending their point of view on any issues, as well as beliefs and views.

Personal qualities of people born in 1991

The goat is sweet and kind. She is inclined to mercy and charity, always shares with others and never refuses help. She always has reasonable and useful advice in stock, which she gives out left and right.

Year of birth 1991 - what qualities are inherent in such people? It should be noted that Sheep could be the most charming of all the Eastern signs if they were more optimistic and stable, and less annoying and restless. In life, such people are greatly hampered by shyness, timidity and indecisiveness. The Goat is very often dissatisfied with her fate and fate, which leads her friends and relatives to despair. Sometimes representatives of this sign become aggressive, although they themselves do not realize it. In addition, Goats can be quite religious. In this case, they become more sweet, forgiving, attentive and helpful towards others. At the same time, representatives of the year Sheep begin to control their actions and actions, weigh and think about them, begin to reflect and gradually unravel the accumulated problems.

General characteristics of the sign

Above we answered the question about which animal year 1991 is. The characteristics of this sign concern many people born in the year of the Goat or Sheep. Despite the fact that such representatives are ambitious, they rarely achieve a high financial position and social level. At the same time, the penetration power of Goats is quite large, but the fuse is only enough for “a little bit”. In addition, their habit of criticizing everything, as well as their inherent pessimism, causes a flurry of adversity and misunderstandings from the outside.

The sense of independence, personal freedom and independence in such people is either not developed at all or is completely absent. Although Goats are quite capable of choosing a lifestyle for themselves in which they will always be well-fed and safe.

Compatibility with other eastern signs

In this article we have given a comprehensive answer to the question of which animal 1991 is the year of. The compatibility of this sign with others worries horoscope lovers no less than the general characteristics. Let's look at this compatibility in more detail.

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1991 is the year of the white Goat, the element of the year is Metal.

The beginning of the Year of the Goat according to the Chinese calendar is February 15, 1991, the end of the year is February 3, 1992. A person born before February 15, 1991 belongs to the Horse sign (the previous sign in the horoscope).

Character of 1991 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1991 is Metal, and the element of the Goat (patron of the year) is Earth. The interaction of these two elements, Metal and Earth, largely determines the character of the year, as well as the character of people born in 1991.

Earth, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, gives birth to Metal. In the Eastern horoscope, the Earth-Metal combination is considered very prosperous. Metal makes the Earth more fertile and richer, and the Earth provides Metal with reliability and stability. Earth and Metal are friendly elements that interact well with each other and create a favorable background in 1991.

Together, Earth and Metal, according to the Chinese horoscope, endow a person born in 1991 with such a wonderful set of qualities as responsibility, practicality, determination, honesty, and hard work. He is decisive in his actions and clearly knows what he wants to achieve! Thanks to his “metallic” character, he has a strong inner core and is ready to take risks to achieve his goals, and the element of Earth makes him realistic and sociable.

Character of a person born in the year of the Goat

It is almost impossible to refuse a person born in the year of the Goat (according to other versions of the Eastern horoscope of the Sheep). He knows exactly which doors to knock on, what to do and what to say to get what he wants. And at the same time, the Goat does not make complex plans for the future and does not weave cunning intrigues, but simply knows how to please and evoke in others an unconscious desire to help her. In a conversation, the Goat prefers not so much to talk as to listen: she does not pull the blanket over herself, but with genuine interest asks her interlocutor about his affairs and plans.

Years of the White Metal Goat:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are “heavenly twins,” that is, they have many similar character traits and outlooks on life).

Celebrities born in 1991:

– Ingebrigtsen Henrik, 2012 Summer Olympics track and field athlete, Norwegian middle distance runner, European champion in athletics (24 February 1991).

– Alexandra Kononova, skier at the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games, champion of the games, biathlete (February 27, 1991).

– Javier Fernandez, Spanish singles skater, world champion and three-time European champion (April 15, 1991).

– Alex Shibutani, American ice dance figure skater, medalist at the Four Continents Championship (April 25, 1991).

– Camila Giorgi, Italian tennis player, winner of one WTA singles tournament (December 30, 1991).

Year of the White Metal Goat

Element: Metal

Color: White

You are charming and strive to achieve success by taking advantage of your personal magnetism. You have good mystical and artistic abilities, but in some cases you lack perseverance and patience.

Friendship with you is not entirely smooth: you look too gloomily at other people, endowing them with non-existent shortcomings. In love, you can forgive a loved one a lot, but you can also trample on him if it seems to you that he is acting meanly or unfairly towards you.

There may be ups and downs in your career, but your life cannot be called boring.

Character Traits

  • Determination;
  • Activity;
  • Durability;
  • Perseverance.

Distinctive Features

Beautiful straight teeth, a square face and small lips.

Suitable areas of activity

  • Working under someone else's direction.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But achieving harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise relationships are very easy to destroy. Be considerate of each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other and get on each other's nerves. The duration of a relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If this sounds like you, then you have every chance of creating a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. The family relationships of these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to maintain peace. For the relationship to be long-lasting and useful, both you and your partner need to put in a lot of effort, constantly adapting to each other.


Ups and downs will constantly alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can get through difficult periods, the relationship will become harmonious and you can build a happy future.

    1991 - according to the Eastern or as you asked (Chinese) calendar, this is the year - white, silver metal goat. It began not on January 1, but on February 15, 1991 and ended on February 4, 1992.

    1991 according to the Eastern calendar was the year of the Goat (also called the year of the Sheep). The color of the year was white, and the accompanying element was Metal (year of the White Metal Goat/Sheep).

    This year’s people do not waste time on trifles, but work intently on something specific. For this reason, Goats often achieve success. The Goat believes in itself and its strength and therefore no depression can break it. But representatives of this sign sometimes worry, often over trifles, and seek help. Although they could easily cope on their own.

    Goats. Or sheep. By the way, people born this year are distinguished by good character and good manners. They love art and strive for everything beautiful.

    According to the Chinese horoscope, 1991 is the year of the metal Goat (sheep). This goat is considered the luckiest. People born this year easily find a place in life, are thrifty, and love expensive, high-quality things. A psychological problem can only be inventing problems out of nowhere and digging too much into the details.

    Eastern knowledge says that 1991 took place under the sign of the Goat or Sheep. Before this year there followed the period of the white metal Horse.

    The dominant material for 1991 is metal and white, similar to the previous year.

    Those born under the sign of the Goat are very subtle creative people, capable of romantic actions and sensitivity, generosity and sincerity.

    Sometimes people under the sign of the Goat can fall into a state of laziness, they can be capricious and even vindictive.

    1991 is the year of the metal goat (sheep) according to the eastern calendar.

    The metal goat succeeds in the profession it chooses. She does everything carefully, consciously. Self-confident, but often worries about trifles. She doesn't have many friends, and she is very friendly towards her family. Has an artistic gift.

    Those born in the year of the metal goat sometimes see problems where there are none at all, so they should look for non-existent problems.

    According to the eastern calendar, or as it is also called, 1991 was the year of the white, silver goat (some also call it the year of the sheep), which took over on February 15 and reigned until February 4, 1992.

    People born this year necessarily have such traits as stubbornness and perseverance, and I know this from the way my child, now an adult, behaves.

    1991- this is the year of the Goat and not a simple goat, as the eastern calendar assures, but a metal goat. Person belonging to the year Metal goat has a peculiar character - he always relies only on himself, therefore large companies are alien to him. In everything he is very practical and has a very sober mind, which allows him to get to high positions.

    The Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Mongols celebrated the Year of the Goat (someone the Year of the Sheep) on February 15, 1991, the color of the year is white, the element is metal.

    It is impossible to refuse anything to a person born in the year of the Goat. He definitely knows which doors to knock on, knows what to say and what to do to get what he wants. And the Goat achieves all this not by weaving cunning intrigues or building complex plans, she simply knows how to arouse sympathy for herself, the favor of people who are ready to help her in everything.

    But the Goat not only has pleasant qualities, she can also be eccentric and capricious, she may not value time and be late, find fault with little things.

    According to the eastern horoscope, 1991 is the year of the Goat. The color is white, but the element is metal. Those who have intuition are those who were born in this year. They are attracted by their courtesy, attentiveness, and elegance. But their charm still fades when they show indecision and annoyingness, and sometimes even aggression. Such people have good taste and understand the value of things. They lack determination in achieving certain goals and are hindered by shyness and timidity.

    1991 is the year of the goat according to the eastern calendar. It is variously called metallic or white. People born in the year of this animal are very subtle in nature, because as a rule they are creative. Easily vulnerable, touchy, prone to depression. They like to dig into themselves and are usually introverts.

  • Year 1991 of the metal goat (sheep)

    1991 year of the goat, element metal, color white

    A person born under the sign of the metal goat can be somewhat reserved and shy, does not like large companies, and feels much more confident in a narrow circle of friends. He has great potential and is quickly climbing the career ladder.

  • 1991 - white goat (sheep).

    People of this sign are very fond of art and have talents in many areas. They are more prone to loneliness, even a little withdrawn into themselves; such people may experience depression. But at the same time, they are excellent interlocutors and comrades. They remain faithful in family matters if the other half appreciates all the talents of the goat.