On the 29th lunar day you can quit. What days should you apply for a job?

Hello, I’m with you again, your Witch, and today I propose to talk about planning. No, not about planning the budget of a family or an individual state, but about planning decisive matters according to the lunar calendar.

How often, when we are about to take some important step, we wonder whether it will be successful, timely and whether it will bring positive rather than negative changes. In fact, it’s best to ask astrology about this, or more precisely, the lunar calendar of affairs.

Don't know what day to choose for a declaration of love, a wedding, or getting a job? Our lunar calendar of affairs will help you decide.

Lunar calendar of affairs: choosing a day to declare your love

Are you tired of waiting for your beloved to say the cherished three words “I love you” or “become my wife”, and you decided to open your heart to him?

First, remember who your favorite person is according to the zodiac, since not all signs are loyal to a woman declaring her love first, or to the fact that she actively hints at the registry office.

Some people believe that this is the prerogative of men, while others are scared because they understand that they now simply have to do something. So, you should not be the first to admit your feelings and make a marriage proposal to Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer, that is, representatives of the fire and water elements - the former will not tolerate primacy, and the latter may “leak away”.

If your beloved belongs to the elements of Air or Earth, and also if you still decide to take a risk and conquer Fire and Water, then take the lunar calendar of affairs for the current month and start choosing the appropriate lunar day.

Firstly, you should not assign hour “X” to the days of the full moon, new moon, first and fourth quarter of the moon. This is obviously a failed option, since these days any person is internally tense, he is already anxious, and here you are with your confessions and proposals.

Secondly, you should choose a day that does not coincide with the listed days and when:

Moon in Cancer are very emotional days when we evaluate our partner by his attitude towards us (and not vice versa), that is, your chosen one will be pleased with both a kind word and a recognition that he is the best. And a marriage proposal on this day will remind him not of the responsibilities of a married man, but of home comfort and warmth.

Moon in Leo - on this day the emotional background is also favorable for receiving confessions, since increased emotionality, impressionability and deep experiences will allow your chosen one to feel your mood, internally echo you, and be on the same wavelength with you.

Moon in Libra - mutual understanding, the need for beauty and harmony increases. On such days, a person is loyal to innovations and is ready to accept or forgive a lot. But on this day, don’t expect a response from him and the cherished “yes” - he can be very indecisive in expressing his feelings, he will need to “sleep” with your confession or proposal, think about it and only then answer something.

Moon in Sagittarius - on such a day your lover is in the mood for protection, so he will be happy to take you under his wing. These days, benevolence, optimism, generosity increases - your man will be impressed by your desire to give him your love, he will consider your future relationships through the prism of future pleasures and benefits. And he won't want to upset you.

Lunar calendar of affairs: choosing a wedding or engagement day

For your wedding/engagement day, as well as for any decisive step, you should not choose the days when the Moon enters a new phase (new moon, full moon, first and fourth quarter). According to the lunar calendar, this is an unimportant time for business: everything will fall out of your hands, you will suffer from vague anxiety about your family future, you will suspect your fiancé of all mortal sins and cry non-stop on your best friend’s shoulder. Do you need it?

Just like for a love confession, it is good to choose the Moon in Cancer for a wedding and engagement day. Cancer is generally a “pet”; on such days, family values ​​come to the fore, so the celebration will turn out appropriate - decorous, traditional, emotionally attuned to the long term.

The Moon in Sagittarius is also a good time. Moreover, on this day it is good not only to have a wedding, but also to go straight from the ball to the ship - to go on a honeymoon. And a marriage contract signed on the very morning of the engagement may not be necessary at all, since you and your future husband will not give each other a reason for divorce.

Do not set your wedding or engagement day on a lunar day when the Moon is in Scorpio - emotional tension can result in a scandal with breaking dishes, and you yourself may lose your nerves, and you will show others the third part of the film “Runaway Bride”.

Lunar business calendar: choosing a day for an interview

There is not only love in our life. Sometimes you want to eat sausage in addition to the nectar of sensual relationships, so you should also approach the choice of a day for an interview responsibly. Especially if you have been dreaming about this job for a long time, and if it is important for you to please your boss or an important lady in the HR department at first sight.

If you know that the person who will “interview” you is a person of an older generation, an influential and important gentleman (or lady), then choose a day when the Moon is in Capricorn. Just remember that you shouldn’t demonstrate to your future employer that you are democratic in your choice of image and that you have free judgment. It’s good if you take an interest in the company’s charter, the rules and regulations adopted in the team, as well as the views encouraged in this organization in order to correspond to the boss’s ideas about the ideal employee.

According to the lunar calendar of affairs, on days when the Moon is in Capricorn, self-control increases and vanity increases, so you can negotiate favorable working conditions for yourself without losing face.

Moon in Virgo - on this day a person’s attention to detail becomes more acute, so you won’t miss a single pitfall in a business agreement, and your potential boss will have a very clear understanding of who he is hiring and how to use your skills more effectively. The absence of emotional excitement will help you both calmly discuss all aspects of future cooperation, and clarity of thought will give you the opportunity to clearly formulate all your advantages.

But the Moon in Aquarius, according to the lunar calendar of affairs, is not the best time for an interview - your potential boss will be skeptical, will re-read your resume several times and look for subtext in it. True, if the future boss is your old friend and like-minded person, or you came to get a job not just in some organization, but in a “union”, that is, where the corporate image, corporate spirit and corporate ethics are strong and omnipotent, then, on the contrary, there is no better day.

Just be prepared to immediately demonstrate loyalty to the idea and corporate values. That is, in this case, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the statutory “issues” in advance.

And, of course, in any of the above situations, the stars will be helped by your confidence in your actions, calm dignity and determination to win.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 09 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

When not to quit your job

If a person quits his job on an unfavorable date, then for a long time he will not find another job, and having found it, he may soon leave there.

JANUARY – 1, 13, 20.

FEBRUARY – 17, 18, 27, 29.

MARCH – 1, 3, 6, 24.

APRIL – 24, 27, 29.

MAY – 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 27.

JUNE – 7, 10, 22, 26.

JULY – 2, 7, 13.

AUGUST – 3, 4, 5, 9.

SEPTEMBER – 1, 2, 27, 28.

OCTOBER – 3, 6, 12, 14, 22.

NOVEMBER – 4, 12, 16, 18, 21, 27.

DECEMBER – 14, 18.

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Statistics show that every person changes jobs about three times in their entire life. This tells us that throughout our lives we are in search of an application for our talents, and we are also looking for a way of self-realization. People want to better provide not only for themselves, but for their entire family.

But it doesn’t matter for what reason we had to quit our jobs, change teams for a new one, or leave our homes. It is not a fact that our future will be the most suitable, the salary will be higher, and the boss will not be so strict. In order for your work to please you, you must follow several rules. Then you will be surrounded by desire, determination and luck.

In our article we can see a calendar with the most favorable days for finding a good job in 2017. And if you take the right day, it will guarantee successful employment and subsequent career growth. Then there will be harmony with the world around you. The table below shows good and bad days for getting a job.

Favorable days

January — 5-6, 10, 14, 18-19, 23-26

February — 2, 4, 8, 12-14, 19-21, 28

March — 3, 5, 7, 10-14, 20, 24-27

April — 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26

May — 1, 4, 9, 14-19, 30

June — 1, 5, 8-10, 14-18, 21, 27, 30

July - 1-3, 6, 10-13, 19, 24, 28

August — 2, 5, 7-9, 14, 19, 21-26

September — 1, 5, 9, 12-15, 21-23, 30

October — 2, 5, 8, 9, 13-16, 20, 27

November — 3, 5, 9, 12-15, 18, 22-23, 28

December — 4-5, 8, 14, 18, 21, 25-26

Unfavorable days

January — 1-3, 7-9, 12, 15, 21, 27-28

February — 1, 5-7, 10, 16-17, 23-24

March — 1, 4, 8-9, 17-19, 29

April — 3, 7, 9, 16-19, 25, 29

May — 2, 5, 8, 11-13, 21-27

June — 2-3, 11-12, 19, 22-25, 28

July - 4-5, 9, 17, 25-27

August — 3-4, 6, 10-12, 18, 27-28

September — 2-3, 6, 11, 16-18, 25-27

October — 3, 4, 11, 18-19, 22-24, 29

November — 1, 7-8, 17, 19, 26-27

December — 1-2, 7, 10-13, 19, 23, 28

Professions for zodiac signs

Aries always choose a job not through rational reflection, but out of a desire to achieve the ideal and shine. Aries can safely choose something that requires perseverance. If the boss needs an employee who is always ready to work, then this is about Aries.

Taurus choose a profession that brings benefits and income. Taurus always remains loyal to their boss in a crisis situation. Taurus is good at artistic work, because he can be skillful. Taurus people have always been able to create a good working atmosphere.

If we take Gemini into account, they choose everything related to mediation, communication, obtaining information, and so on. Geminis are always cheerful, diligent and fresh. This sign is always ready to come up with something new.

The professional path of Cancers is as hesitant and uncertain as Cancer itself. He chooses those places where the ability to comprehend is tedious. Cancers don't like pressure at work. The deadlines must be long. Cancers can also be given very difficult tasks that others cannot do.

Leos have always loved to occupy leadership positions. And they exactly correspond to this situation. They love ambition and always strive for goals. Leo should not be left in the shadows or publicly disgraced.

As for Virgo, they are ready to fulfill their duty at any position. Virgos can be wonderful accountants, because they are excellent at analyzing the affairs of the enterprise. They are also always ready to do their neighbor's work.

Libra's profession must try on and create agreement. Libras are excellent ambassadors and diplomats, but not representatives. You can use Libra's needs in harmony. But this sign doesn’t like being pushed aside and their talents forgotten.

Scorpios always need a task that requires the involvement of the whole being. If we are talking about simple work, then such a sign is ready to do the impossible. Scorpios should not be judges or take part in legal proceedings at all. After all, they are very capricious.

Sagittarius's work must involve debt on a significant scale. They also have remarkable leadership skills when it comes to ideal goals. Movement is important to Sagittarius. Sagittarians also love a sense of independence.

Capricorns are not afraid of any work. They are allowed to be used everywhere. Capricorns are called natural leaders, as well as reliable members of the works council. But coming to an agreement with Capricorn is not so easy. You have to have talent here.

Aquarius has many professional opportunities. They are dexterous and skillful, and can also speak wonderfully. Aquarians have a special gift for discovering talents. The main thing is consistency.

But Pisces will have to carefully consider their choice of profession. Even though they can do any task, it does not make them happy. Work should not be associated with constant pressure or stress.

Astrologer's advice

Our life can be called good if it contains love, friendship, good health, spiritual development and work that brings satisfaction and earthly blessings.
We are born with a certain horoscope at the time of birth, which outlines our abilities, inclinations, needs and opportunities to achieve goals. Knowing what our strengths and weaknesses are, knowing how we can realize ourselves, where we can best demonstrate our abilities and talents, we can build our happiness.
When choosing a job, we most often focus on our surroundings, and we do not necessarily follow in the footsteps of our parents, but most of us still remain within a certain field. Since we are born at a certain time, in a specific place, in a family, this shapes our personality and our capabilities. Although nowadays we have more of them than before.
In order for us to love our work, three conditions are necessary: ​​1) we must be suitable for it, 2) we must do it a lot and 3) we must have a feeling of success.
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime,” says a Chinese proverb.

Let's look at five effective job search methods that astrology can offer.
1. Contact the organization you would like to work for directly, and always in person. This must be done at 11-12 noon.
2. Ask your friends for help. The more applicants for the desired position, the preferable it is to enlist the support of someone already working in the organization. If they put in a good word for you, you will have an extra chance. In this case, your arrival should be at the beginning of the working day at 9-10 o'clock. Perhaps you will be immediately placed in a workplace.
3. Ask relatives for help. If your relatives work where you would like to work, then come and get a job during your lunch break or immediately after it. Bring some treat to the table. Your conversation will be a pleasant discussion of various options and job offers.
4. Use a job placement service. Go there after lunch, and if you are given the address of the proposed place, immediately go to the address. When interviewing, be sure to ask about the scope of work and salary. Be careful, otherwise you may fall into a trap. Don't sign anything right away.
5. If the new job and work in general are not working out, you need to do a self-assessment. To understand the situation, you need to listen to the recommendations of astrology.

The movement of the Sun according to the signs of the Zodiac creates peculiarities of employment, for example:

From 21.01. to 19.02. (AQUARIUS) - they are looking for someone with a good education that matches the position they hold. Friendly relationships are taken into account.

From 20.02. until 20.03. (PISCES) - searched taking into account social origin, connections, acquaintances, family relationships. They value loyalty to the circle.

From 21.03. until 20.04. (ARIES) - they are looking for professionals with an easy-going character and extensive work experience.

From 21.04. to 21.05. (TAURUS) - they are looking for a hard worker, a believer, ready to “plow the vast field.”

From 22.05. until 21.06. (GEMINI) - looking for and hiring mainly temporary workers who can quickly respond to the situation and show dedication to the job.

From 22.06. to 22.07. (CANCER) - they are looking for a professional worker who can do what others cannot.

From 23.07. to 23.08. (LEO) - they are looking for a short-term employee, a handsome, pleasant person, a professional director, manager, administrator, and someone who is wealthy from the outside.

From 24.08. to 23.09. (VIRGO) - they are looking for a good employee with an excellent recommendation.

From 24.09. to 23.10. (LIBRA) - they are looking for a subtle connoisseur, critic, fan of their work without big claims on salary.

From 24.10. to 22.11. (SCORPIO) - they are looking for a professional who will do all the work, with minimal earnings.

From 23.11. to 21.12. (SAGITTARIUS) - they look for acquaintances, they take only their own. Full trust and professional experience of the production organizer is required.

From 22.12. until 20.01. (CAPRICORN) - they are looking for professional deputies, punctual in their work, and have very high requirements for hiring.

You should carefully consider what type of worker you might consider yourself to be and, accordingly, in what month you can get a job.
I hope that these tips can at least to some extent help you in our difficult times. I wish you success!

The next one will start on 02/27/2017 at 07:50.
On the second day of the lunar month, you can safely change jobs. This is one of the most suitable periods for this.

11th lunar day: good

The next one will start on 03/08/2017 at 13:23.
The eleventh lunar day is a good day to change jobs. You can safely and without hesitation leave for a new company

17th lunar day: good

The next one will start on 02/12/2017 at 19:22.
The day is good for changing jobs. Considering that today the Moon has a favorable effect on all our endeavors, you can safely leave your place in search of new opportunities. If you feel like you've reached the peak of your career at your current company, try something new.

28 lunar day: good

The next one will start on 02/24/2017 at 06:24.
On the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month, it is recommended to actively look for new vacancies, send out resumes and go for interviews. Even if you thought about changing jobs as a very distant and only hypothetically possible prospect, send your resume to a couple of positions that you like.

Neutral lunar days for changing jobs

6th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 03/03/2017 at 09:28.
If you were planning to change your job, you can do this on the sixth lunar day. He is relatively neutral for such drastic actions

7th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 03/04/2017 at 09:59.
If you are planning to change your job during this period, then today can be characterized by the phrase: “It’s impossible, but if you really want to, then you can.” On the seventh day of the month, the Moon does not have a very favorable effect on activities such as changing jobs. But on the other hand, it does not carry any destructive or negative energy. Therefore, if your decision is firm and has been made for a long time, if changing the company was only a matter of time and you are absolutely confident in your choice, feel free to change your employer.

8th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 03/05/2017 at 10:37.
Neutral day for changing jobs. We can say that today everything will depend only on you.

15th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/10/2017 at 16:51.
Today is a neutral day for changing jobs, but if you have the opportunity, still refrain from such a step on the fifteenth lunar day.

This day is very unlucky for any new beginnings, for business and communication. And since a change of employer means that you will be involved in all these processes, the whole complex can result in an explosive mixture of chaos and failures. You will have to constantly swim against the tide, get involved in meaningless discussions, prove your decision to your family and defend your right to choose. You will waste a lot of energy that is so important today

18th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/13/2017 at 20:35.
The eighteenth lunar day is a terrible time for any endeavors. Therefore, try not to deal with issues of your future career on this day.

23rd lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/19/2017 at 02:13.
On this day, changing your place of work is not strictly prohibited, but it is strongly recommended to avoid this act or postpone it to another day. Remember that any undertakings are contraindicated today. Particularly difficult can be all those life changes that will have a big impact on your future.

On the twenty-third day of the Moon, it is more or less safe to go to a new company only if this decision was made by you long ago, well weighed and thought out, if you have previously discussed with your new employer all the terms of the contract and functional responsibilities.

30 lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/26/2017 at 07:25.
The thirtieth day of the moon is a neutral period for changing jobs. There are no particular contraindications for taking this step in your life.