3rd lunar day characteristic of haircut day. Third lunar day

A dream on the 3rd lunar day contains information about difficult situations that await you in the future. It can warn you about the intentions of your enemies and what troubles may await you.

From dreams on the third lunar day you can learn about where to look for protection, how to prevent or soften the “blows” of fate.

Interpretation of dreams: dream on the 3rd lunar day

Dreams during this period show where the energy “hole” is located, through which you are constantly losing energy and strength.

A dream on the 3rd lunar day can tell you how to increase your potential, how to patch up this very energy hole in order to accumulate enough strength necessary to overcome difficulties.

Try to carefully remember what dreams you had on the third lunar day.

It is equally important to interpret them correctly, because the symbols that came to us in dreams on the third lunar day are hints and keys to solving the problems and tasks facing us.

They will allow you to remove barriers to the path of lunar energy into your life and destiny.

To understand what enemies and troubles the dream is about, pay attention to what zodiac sign the Moon is in.

It is her position that will tell you what areas of life or circumstances we are talking about.

The 3rd lunar day - or the day of Mars - is best suited for active activities. This is a time of energy growth and overcoming; passivity and suspiciousness during this day are extremely undesirable. The thin crescent moon determines how the next three weeks will turn out for you.

The third lunar day is the best for starting the fight for your interests and defending your aspirations and territory from “external invasion.” It is not for nothing that the symbol of this lunar day has long been called a leopard (as well as a cheetah or leopard), ready to attack.

The characteristics of the third lunar day are also expressed in its color range - from lemon yellow to ocher-saffron. Stones that can be worn on the third lunar day have a similar palette - these are fiery ruby, sparkling pyrite and shimmering aventurine.

The heavenly patron of the day is the “aristocratic” guardian angel Sargo. He is responsible for refined manners, useful acquaintances and connections, as well as women's health.

This lunar day gives growth energy to already sown seeds; the plant world is its element. Walking where birch, oak, pine, aspen, and linden trees will bring benefits. These plants are able to share vital energy with a person, charge creativity and extinguish internal contradictions.

The third lunar day is the literal embodiment of the proverb about “early birds”. Getting up early and being active during the day creates a serious foundation for the benefits you will reap in the future. The more you have time to do, the better, and regrets about wasted energy on the third lunar day are inappropriate.

The time of dreaming and planning is over, the time has come to take on the realization of your dreams and desires. The energy of the Moon helps the “seeds” of your business activity or creative aspirations to “sprout” into reality. If you do not take action for this, the growing energy of the third lunar day will literally burst you from the inside, turning into dissatisfaction with yourself or aggression towards others.

If the situation is not conducive to active action, you need to come up with some kind of activity for yourself on the third lunar day that involves at least minimal physical activity. This could be cleaning the apartment, going shopping, doing some exercise, or taking a walk in the park.

The surge of energy, for which the 3rd lunar day is also called the day of Mars, should under no circumstances be directed towards achieving one’s goals through aggression. Any manifestations of impudence, impudence, hostility and ill will towards others should be avoided. It will be difficult to do this - the energy of the lunar day will constantly provoke exaggerated reactions, but it is necessary.

Aggression can be directed in a positive direction by prescribing or rescheduling sports training in various martial arts to the 3rd lunar day. It can be karate, jiu-jitsu, and even wushu. If this option is not suitable, at least have a home pillow fight with your loved one or brother (sister) - of course, having warned your “rival” in advance about your intentions.

A trip to the pool, bathhouse or sauna will help relieve stress. Repressed aggression will not only negatively affect your affairs during the coming lunar month, it can have an immediate effect in the form of headaches or worsen liver function.

The assertiveness and power of energy on the 3rd lunar day leads to the fact that people who are timid, indecisive and suspicious by nature feel out of place. Moreover, such behavior can even cause an outburst of causeless aggression from active, but unbalanced others.

Therefore, even timid and passive people on such a lunar day should be ready to defend their interests and defend their territory - both in the literal and figurative sense. If you think you can't overcome your natural timidity and shyness, take up individual physical activities (such as yoga) or cleaning.

Any attempts to lock energy inside yourself are fraught with quarrels over trifles, conflicts out of nowhere, dissatisfaction with yourself and the world around you. However, if you do not give free rein to fear, even a person who is not too confident in himself is able to become more active and create something that he had not even dared to dream of before.

Working moments

An element of risk may be hidden in everything that will be started on the third lunar day, but the outcome of any business will depend on your mood. If you are friendly to others or at least do not show aggression towards them, even difficult negotiations in business will be successful.

This lunar day is also good for “pushing” the way for your new projects with your bosses. It is also favorable to negotiate long-term cooperation and negotiate with sponsors for support and assistance.

But it is not advisable to conclude deals during this day, even if the preliminary negotiations were successful: it is better to sign the agreement a little later, when passions have cooled down and all the details have been verified. It is also better to postpone transactions with real estate or cash loans, although preliminary negotiations can give a good result.

If all these options do not suit you, because you are now on vacation or on a well-deserved rest, in the warm season on the 3rd lunar day it will be very good to start working on your garden plot. Construction or repair work is most suitable - erecting a gazebo, building a well or repairing a water pipeline.

Travel, health, dreams

The activity of the day favors long walks and is suitable for starting travel. Patronizes the third lunar day and business trips. The longer your path, the better the result will be, no matter what it is aimed at - solving work problems and issues or self-development and knowledge of the world.

At the same time, it is important to concentrate your mental strength on the main question and not to be scattered about trifles - and the world around you will give you its answer to it. Mental laziness at this time has the same negative impact on health as aggression - it can result in headaches that are difficult to treat with medication.

In general, getting sick on the 3rd lunar day is not the best option. The disease will last for quite a long time and will take a lot of strength from the body. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful, especially if your activity involves the possibility of injury.

Dental treatment and any planned surgical intervention are not recommended. The eyes are subject to severe fatigue during this period of time, so you should stop watching TV and reduce your time working at the computer.

Esotericists of the past were unanimous that dreams on the 3rd lunar day mean nothing. Today, the dreams of this day have a broader interpretation: they do not always come true, but can be aimed at testing our “emotional health.”

Dreams on the third lunar day often contain scenes where the sleeper has to fight with someone. What to do if in your visions you were not a winner? When you wake up, do not give in to a bad mood, but “unwind” the plot in your head so that it has a favorable ending for you.

How important “dreams of the waxing moon” are depends on the night of what day of the week they visited you: on Sunday - they can come true in the first half of the day. On Thursday night - they signal how the situation in your workplace will develop in the near future.

More than others, dreams “threaten” to come true on the third lunar day near Friday. You should also focus on the visions that visited you on Saturday night. But, as a rule, these dreams are of “prolonged action.”

Let's sum it up

What else can or cannot be done during the 3rd lunar day, when the waxing moon appears in the sky?

  • Business. It is worth paying attention to promoting already formed ideas. New solutions will not be useful or will be rejected.
  • Money. This is not the right time to take out loans, lend money, or document real estate transactions. All this will subsequently either bring you losses or become the subject of legal proceedings.
  • Beauty. Cutting your hair on the 3rd lunar day is a bad idea. A haircut may not have the best effect on the condition of not only the hair itself, but also on the health of the entire body. It is better to postpone going to the hairdresser until the day when cutting your hair is more appropriate.
  • Creation. Bad time for creativity and study. Mental activity should be oriented to the outside world, and not locked within four walls.
  • Sexual activity. The third lunar day is the best suited for non-trivial sex, which gives the greatest thrill. Intimacy is desirable in non-standard settings, extravagant positions and with the dominant role of a woman.
  • Marriage. Strongly not recommended. The lion's share of couples who got married at this time broke up.

Time for conception and birth. Children conceived on the third lunar day grow up to be warriors or hooligans. Those born on this day are by nature fighters, revolutionaries, defenders - also very militant personalities. However, those born on the 3rd lunar day for the most part have reduced immunity - great attention should be paid to the health of children with such a birthday. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Symbolic correspondence: 25th degree of Aries - 6th degree of Taurus.
The symbol is a leopard or leopard preparing to jump. From this day neomenia (new moon) begins, a crescent moon appears in the sky (the days of Hecate are over).
Anatomical compliance: back of the head, ears.
Action: the battle.
Titles: leopard, warrior, Revati.
This is a period of active struggle, pressure and aggression, an astral warrior clad in armor. All passive people on the third day of the Moon are vulnerable, as various astral attacks are made on them. A person, if he is not a fighter, simply “ferments” his energy, becomes suspicious, suspicious and insidious. You should concentrate and use your astral energy for self-defense. This is the best day to practice martial arts - tai chi, karate and others.
On this day they work with metals, sharpen knives, and in ancient times they cast silver things.
Social influence: Bad for passive and weak people. Aggression increases. Day of struggle. Don't get married.
Household influence: Things are going well. A sauna is recommended.
It is bad to spill oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
It is advisable to go to the sauna and take a steam bath. It is recommended to work with all energies of the biofield.
Mystical influence: Day of practicing martial arts, turning and making weapons, declaring war. It's generally good to work with metals. Signs are possible.
Medical influence: injuries, acute diseases requiring immediate action. Getting sick is dangerous.
If there is pain in the back of the head or ears, it is necessary to clean the bones (boil 1 packet of bay leaf per 1 liter of boiling water to a volume of 0.5 cups and take the decoction as an internal remedy). On the third day, these parts of the body should be given increased attention.
Impact on those born: Active people, military men, strategists are born. Often there is magical or athletic potential.
Effect on conception: Good for conceiving a warrior or a bully. Passion and activity will always possess a person conceived on this day.
Stones - jaspilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine.
Meditations: Weapon.
Signatures: ruby, pyrite, aventurine.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half of this day is unfavorable and can bring a number of troubles. Ambition and aggressiveness increase, so conflicts between spouses, partners, parents and children are possible. The manifestation of anger and negative emotions can cause a bad mood for a long time. The second half of the day is more favorable, efficiency increases, scientific and practical activities intensify, and favorable contacts are possible. You should pay attention to any suggestions, since they can very often have a positive effect.

"Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

It's an unlucky day. Diseases are dangerous. Neither sow nor plant. Dreams are significant. Babies don't last long.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

The symbol is "Leopard" or "Leopard". Day of astral struggle. On the 1st and 2nd lunar days, the soul and body were cleansed, and now the time has come to cleanse the astral plane.
On this day, a person himself can evaluate his astral energy by concentrating on it. It is necessary to carry out cleansing exercises for the astral plane, as well as practices for accumulating astral energy.
In each joint we have an energy center as an exit to one of the levels of the astral body, so it is good to do physical exercises. You need to stretch your fingers, move your shoulders, do good exercises to improve joint mobility. If the joints are not in order, stagnation of astral energy occurs. On this day it is also good to work with energy fields, i.e. with the biofield. The astral body represents not only our energetic frame, but also our emotions. Therefore, on the 3rd lunar day, you need to free yourself from negative emotions, be attentive to your reactions during contacts.
On the 3rd lunar day, we can determine where negative energy accumulates in us, transfer it to Manipura and burn it.
As a rule, this is a day of provocations, you need to remember this and try not to transfer negative energies into any other types of energy, to give free rein to your hands. Spilled oil on this day is a sign that you do not control astral energies.
On this day it is not recommended to cast metal, silver items or sharpen knives. It is good to massage the ears and the back of the head and carry out procedures for these organs. You can put a mustard plaster on the back of your head.
The Vishuddha chakra, the throat center, is associated with the 3rd lunar day. If you feel suffocated, this is also a bad sign. You need to concentrate on Vishuddha and do cleansing exercises for this chakra.
Violations of the requirements of the 3rd lunar day lead to the fact that a person becomes available for astral attack, and he may experience breakdowns at the level of the astral body (larvae, evil eye and damage). The person becomes vindictive and malicious. If you catch yourself doing this on the 3rd lunar day and do not stop yourself, bronchial disease or asthma may occur.
A person born on the 3rd lunar day must learn to control astral energies and treat them consciously. Otherwise, this may be fraught with danger for himself, since, having the ability to influence people in the astral plane, he can bring damage and the evil eye to them. This happens due to emotional reactions. If a person allows himself not to restrain himself and shows vindictiveness, he thereby aggravates his own karma.
You can and should do and eat:
- Astral cleansing
- Construction of astral protection
- Ablution, sauna visit
- Be independent
You cannot do or you must abstain, do not eat:
- Spill oil

Today, on the 3rd lunar day, the moon is already becoming visible in the sky - it seems to make it clear that your plans, conceived in the first days of the lunar month, have already begun to be realized. Today you can feel a certain amount of aggression and assertiveness in yourself - today there is a lot of energy that is given in order to begin to translate your plans into reality, otherwise the force will not find a way out and will only do harm. Imagine that energy is fire: it can light a fire, warm you in a cold winter, or it can burn all living things within a radius of several kilometers. That is why today there is no need to allow improper distribution of energy, otherwise you will have to pay for the harm caused to yourself or others around you. Try to control yourself and not show aggression, stubbornness or temptation to commit evil. Forget about pride and do not put yourself above others. Following these recommendations, your lunar day will give an excellent impetus to the fulfillment of your plans. The lunar day today is the third lunar day, which means you need to direct your emotions in the right direction and your plans will definitely come true this lunar month!

Dreams on the 3rd lunar day

Dreams on the 3rd lunar day should not be taken seriously - they rarely come true. You may dream of a struggle on this day - if you feel like you have won in your dream, then you are in the right direction. If not, put more effort into making your plans come true.

Characteristics of the 3rd lunar day

Today the process of accumulating lunar energy begins, trees especially contribute to this. Take a walk through the forest, breathe in some fresh air, this will help improve your tone. It is advisable to spend the whole day actively, at work. If there is too much work, do at least one part. As they say, the main thing is to start! Lunar energy today will definitely help you in your actions, however, you must find the courage and desire to do something within yourself. Passivity today is strictly contraindicated; it leads to the destruction of the body. It's simple - you have energy, and it can't just disappear. If you do not give her a way out in business, she begins to put pressure on you from within, and this does not have the best effect. The moon is conducive to activity today, so don't miss your chance.

If you have absolutely nothing to do, go to the store, take a walk, do some cleaning. The main thing is not to mess around, and you will avoid a lot of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams on the 3rd lunar day

After analyzing the information received, you can understand what to expect from the future and how to prepare for possible troubles (minimize losses or avoid them altogether).

The likelihood of correctly understanding the information received will increase if, if you know the position of the moon in relation to the zodiac signs. Based on this data, you can already determine specific areas of life or circumstances to which higher powers draw your attention.

By paying close attention to your own dreams, you can even determine the priority direction in which you should act to maximize energy expenditure. Achieving greater performance.

In addition, dreams may hide a solution to a difficult problem. In particular, a dream on the 3rd lunar day can be interpreted as an omen of a lack of internal strength. It also indicates a lack of harmony with the outside world.

This problem can be solved by raising vitality. It is noteworthy that even simple physical exercises will do. Not to mention yoga and various spiritual practices. The result will be a solution to seemingly insurmountable problems. Moreover, the solution will be found by itself.

Pleasant dreams are also possible. They mean that a person is following in the right direction. But even such a dream is worth analyzing. Having done this, it will be possible to determine the priority points for applying your efforts. Accordingly, the final result will improve significantly.