Combat Magic: The Basics. Black magic spells - are you ready for such witchcraft? Combat magic spells

The training “Practice of Combat Magic” includes sections:

Slavic combat magic

Creating a Deity Fetish

Definition of patron

Creation of protection means

10 Strongest Attack Techniques on Victims

5 Techniques for luring a victim

3 Techniques for neutralizing a victim’s attack

Stories of combat magic from 5 schools of the world: Arab, Russian, Latin American, Indian and Egyptian.

The training lasts two weeks via Skype, 6 lessons and one exam. Cost 2000 rub.

Presenter Yuri Vector.

To register, write by email.

Druid Inner Vision Spell:


True Sight:

Un et maar
Navard a kia

Allows you to notice the essence of things and the movement of energy.

Universal Attacker:

Hena onta Hipsole!

Universal changing
(removes slipperiness and the like):

Inviktus omta Empire!

Universal restorative:

Vita mono Hait!

Stop the Snakes
When you see it, say:

Oza Ozoa Ozia!

Banishment, against entities:

Hilka Hilka Besa Besa!

(used in the manufacture of artifacts, to charge items):

Dare Athertus Lamire
Lamire Mire blerte!

Healing Touch:

Armisi Farisirestingo!

Summon Rain:

Essay Irreide Irri!

Rose of Death:

Ferros Tieteros Astanta
Per Opera Fisitis
Prestanta Astis!

A curse:

Rentum Turmentum
Rentum Morte!


Esta Qusor Carracos Arne
Resarrect Estifajt Saret-Personas

Spell to whip up the wind
a spell that brings up the wind... you need to start (train) like this... put your first and index fingers into a triangle, hold it above the water and sniff the spell under your breath... after such training, some people brought up the wind very strongly... without water.. .

Entropy Shield
deflects attacks, changes movement trajectories, even flying physical projectiles...
Ulahmeti Ulahmeti To
Protartinia Tunash Go
To Who Brat Ne Tvo!...

"Rose of Death"
Ferros Tieteros Astanta
Per Opera Fisitis
Prestanta Astis!
A kind of “dark explosion” occurs, it can be seen even in physics, like a light dark fog... The center - read, spreads in all directions... after 5 - 7 meters it withers...
Breaks bio-energy bodies, demolishes defenses and stored energy...

Word of Fracture
It is also called “Break”... A very unpleasant spell... not every defense will hold it back...
It simply breaks Energy... Any... including life... If someone tried to cast a spell at that time, it breaks the “cast”...

Only Ancient Spells can withstand the Fracture and work normally...


Ligran Personas est-Fernesta
Giromagicas sertus Sinotec!

Section Angle

Esterdera Kvantus Septekra!

Estakratos tinkt Per-Ahon!
Multiplies the Power of the spell... If you say it at the beginning of the casting of the main spell, that is, “weave it” into the main one... However, then the spell requires more energy consumption... But it becomes more effective...

Finding a place of power.
Kair norches
Ergo laim.
I don’t know, you stand there and feel after this where to go, somehow it just came.

It “combs out” only that which has the energy of what you need or the energy of what you are squeezing in your hand... It is convenient to remove all sorts of nasty things from yourself or another person without damaging the installed shields and barriers...
Glossartas sinotia resezent
Minatoa Setias naverent!...

Cyclone Forces

simagis Poliranta sinos
Set-persenta issarta
ripagis Lagonta nivius

Black hand
Due to a disrupted internal state, sometimes even a combined spell misfires...
Here, try this spell, interesting effect...
RakkArt FennIus Estrikort
BertAna SiniUmus GAzerkt!
What is his interest? - it acts differently... Destructively... But each magician has his own way... for one it is the Touch of Death... For another it is the Grip of Asphyxiation... each has its own action...

"Energy Ball"...
Desirtarast Globe
Endimapus Stringest

“Calling for Rain”
Impente Dominus Priante!

“Spell of the Dominant”
CApta PrivOle Indole!..

Is the battle mage a fantasy hero or an active member of the modern magical community? Everyone who reads books in the fantasy style has almost certainly heard about battle magicians, because magical battles and battles, global and local wars of mythical kingdoms rarely do without the use of the power of sorcerers or wizards who specialize in using magic in battle. Book publishing even has special sections dedicated to this topic. In particular, this refers to the “Battle Magic” series, which includes works telling about wars with the participation of magicians and more.

However, one should not think that the phenomenon of combat magic, as well as the magicians themselves, exists only on the pages of books. Not at all! As long as the history of human wars has existed, so has combat or military magic, which is a set of methods and techniques that make it possible, through the use of magical means, conspiracies and rituals, to achieve the desired outcome of a military action. This is one of the most unsafe and difficult categories of magical knowledge. If only because it is too many-sided. It includes a huge number of important and necessary rituals on the battlefield: from enchanting weapons and magical effects on the general course of the war to protective spells designed to protect a warrior in battle from mortal wounds.

If we try to present the effect and tools that are used in this art in the most accessible and simplified form, then we can say that the entire theory of combat magic is based on the idea that the personal and accumulated energy of the magician can be used to strike another person ( enemy), as in some cases. In other words, magicians fight not with weapons or physical strength. They use the energy potential that they have accumulated at the moment. This is the case if the battle takes place between magicians on a subtle level.

If a wizard or sorcerer helps the army, there are, of course, other methods at work that affect the spirit of both the individual warrior and the collective unconscious of the entire army. One way or another, battle magicians have existed at all times, and in our turbulent time, rich in armed conflicts and a high level of aggression among the masses, they are, perhaps, no less relevant. Fighters of the invisible front, they continue to influence the power of certain militant groups and the outcome of battles, not to mention the fact that they periodically fight with each other.

The most interesting thing is that people who master certain techniques, which can also be called “battle magic,” are also found in the everyday world. Sometimes they apply their knowledge in conflicts, emerging victorious, or they try to suppress the will of individuals they dislike (even if it happens in an ordinary metropolitan office), activate psychological vampirism, and in every possible way train and hone their skills.

Learning military magic

There are several ways to learn military magic. First of all, you should turn to literary sources for help and, having memorized conspiracies and rituals, try to use them yourself in battles or when certain conflicts arise. Fortunately, today there are every opportunity to gain access to such sources of information: open archives and libraries, a great selection of magical literature on the shelves of specialized stores and book markets, and, in the end, you can always download books or collections of spells on the Internet.

However, this method is of little power without regular practice and knowledge of the general fundamentals of magic as such, so an individual who has embarked on this path is recommended to first thoroughly master all the material on magic in general, before moving directly to the theory and, even more so, to the practice of combat magic arts Unfortunately, it often turns out that a would-be magician who has read a lot of combat spells knows the basics of magical effects in battle only superficially and does not even imagine the full danger of his position, which can end tragically for him. Both the war itself and the forces that collide in the process of its implementation do not forgive mistakes, because in the most global sense it represents a great sacrifice in the name of maintaining the balance of power in the world. Therefore, one should be very careful when appealing to these forces or, even more so, coming into conflict with them. In general, those who are trying to master the craft of a military magician themselves should not forget how dangerous and even destructive that combat magic is, the training of which was not as correct and verified as possible. However, in addition to self-study, there is a more reliable way to comprehend this difficult science - you just need to find a practicing battle magician. This is where the main difficulty arises.

You can find yourself in the center of military operations, you can taste the bitter bread of war, you can study the affairs of modern military leaders, but there is practically no guarantee that you will discover a magician. Of course, by comparing various military incidents and incidents, analyzing the combat biographies of combat masters of certain states, one can find some clues, but the result obtained is unlikely to at least partially correspond to the efforts made. However, if you use, for example, the same magical means to find the right people or intelligently contact fellow battle magicians in the craft who operate in other areas, you can achieve what you want. It is ideal to find a teacher of such a level of power as the magician of Atlantis Monosov, who comprehended magic in its globality and created a personal school into which only a select few are admitted. But even if you have a less powerful teacher, this is not important, since the very fact of having one is already a huge achievement on the path of a warrior-mage. And here the most interesting thing awaits you.

Training with a war mage is one hundred percent discipline and hard work, it is a constant memorization of spells and a guardhouse in the form of creating complex potions and collecting roots for them. These are not even magical training courses, but a kind of military service (“army”), after completing which you can become a real combat magician. But in any case, you should always remember that this type of magical effect depends almost entirely on the energy potential of the master who brings it to life, which means that if you don’t have enough talent and energy, then no amount of work, perseverance and cramming spells will help. Energy is the basis of a warrior. The only thing that can be advised if it is not enough is to look for ways and methods of accumulating it or transforming other types of energy into personal combat energy.

What is more effective: conspiracies for defense or for attack?

It's no secret that the complexity of military magic lies in its globality - it covers a gigantic number of practices that a warrior should never forget about (and ideally, use them in a complex, creating a universal and perfect attacking-defensive weapon) . Combat magic techniques are very different: from primitive, often used by many soldiers even unconsciously (energy self-tuning, mental demoralization of the enemy, reading and prayers, the use of amulets and talismans, self-hypnosis, energy influence or tuning weapons and combat vehicles) to complex and complex (for example , calling on the forces of the elements, the spirits of ancestors, having elements of necromancy and similar types of magic as such). The most key (or basic) techniques of combat magic are considered to be defensive and offensive.

An active Warmaster's attack can manifest itself as follows:

  • In the form of an attack on the astral level (relevant when the one being attacked is not protected by anything, the blow is delivered to the enemy’s astral body)
  • In the form of imposing a curse (a particularly powerful bioenergetic effect that breaks the usual spiritual and physical connections of the enemy with his world)
  • In the form of energy influence (suppression of the enemy’s will, imposition of one’s will, energy vampirism)
  • In the form of a mental blow (the highest level of skill of a war magician, practically unidentifiable by its characteristics, but most effective, consisting in the total destruction of key personality parameters)
  • In the form of a physical impact created through magic (fireballs, laser beams, hot magma, tornadoes, etc.)
  • In the form of the use of third forces (egregors, resurrected zombies, etc.).

A magician's protective tools can be represented by protective spells, a protective aura, a correct lifestyle and appearance, as well as appropriate behavioral reactions and the ability to perform emergency protective rites and passes if necessary.

Types of protective spells

On the day of the battle, immediately before it, you need to find the nearest source of water, go to it, scoop up water with one hand and, after reading a spell over it “I drink the water of strength, I drink the water of power, I drink the water of invincibility”, drink up. It is best to wipe your hand on the weapon that will be used in battle. The spoken water will also help him, tempering him with the energy of victory. After this, you need to turn towards the sun and read the following: “As I see (your name) this day, so Almighty God grant me to see the next one too.”.

If the battle began suddenly, any prayer addressed to the Lord with faith, or the most elementary conspiracy based on combat magic, like this one, can help: “The star that rules the weapon today! I wish to bewitch you and tell you to obey me in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”(We should also not forget that after this kind of thing it is best to cross ourselves).

For soldiers who are in a long, protracted war or located on enemy territory, constantly forced to “walk under bullets,” there is a simple spell that can be repeated every week. It is done only on that day of the week and only at the hour when the person performing it was born. The words of the conspiracy are:

“On the Ocean Sea, on the island of Buyan, there is a flammable stone. Under this flammable stone there is a deep shelter. I (your name) am sitting in that shed. Until they reach the island, they lift the flammable stone, they don’t open the shrouds, and they won’t find me (your name), until then neither a bayonet, nor a saber, nor an ax, nor a bullet, nor a dashing man will take me.”

In addition, potions and decoctions can help, as well as special amulets created to win and preserve life in battle for the one who wears them.

In conclusion of the article, I would still like to dwell in more detail on the problem of choosing literature to read, which would help the future war magician, since a series of books devoted to this topic (and written in a fairy-tale-magical vein, presuming the mythical and implausible nature of what is depicted and claiming to be scientific) , is very numerous, as a result of which there is a risk of choosing the wrong books and the wrong textbooks as companions.

So, first of all, it’s worth starting with the canonical texts on magic, which appear in all lists of literature of this kind and are indispensable both for comprehending the art of magic and for the further development of combat magical techniques. Such works include, for example, the magnificent books of Papus, which contain a lot of useful information about conspiracies, potions, occult rituals and ceremonies. These are, for example, his works such as “The Science of Magicians”, “Practical Magic”, “Occultism”, “Ceremonial Magic” and others. In addition to his works, Richard Cavendish “Black Magic”, Eliphas Levi “Teaching and Ritual of High Magic”, Reinak “Theory of Magic”, Paul Hasson “Textbook of Black and White Magic” and others are also useful.

From domestic reading matter, experts highly recommend the books “Military Magic and Hypnosis”, “Battle Magic of the Slavs: The Way of the Magus” by Yuri Serebryansky, which, although they are partly works of fiction, are still full of historical facts and documentary material. In particular, “The Way of the Magus” describes in detail the methods and techniques used since ancient times by Slavic tribes in the process of raising brave and fearless warriors. After reading this book, you can learn many secrets of the battle magician, which will greatly help the descendants of the Slavs. After all, as Don Juan Castaneda said, a warrior must act on his own territory, then he will have maximum strength. By studying the military magical skills of our ancestors, we can discover amazing facets of the battle magic of the pagans, which will be relevant today. Also among the books devoted to this topic are the works of Andrei Ramses, the canonical work “Fundamentals of Combat Magic” (author unknown), “Collection of manuals on combat and ritual magic” by Evgeniy Smirnov and others.

Of course, even if you read all the books, combat magic is unlikely to yield immediately, since, in addition to knowledge, you also need appropriate experience and the presence of specific talents, as well as the firm guiding hand of a teacher who could promptly correct the process of mastering the craft and help you understand one or another of its aspects, etc. However, in any case, for a novice adept there is nothing better than a correctly chosen reading, as a result of familiarization with which the person will finally understand what he will have to face in the future, and if he makes a positive decision on this issue, then it will be as verified and deliberate as possible.

Here we will describe the primary preparation techniques to get started.

I would always like to get along with people and negotiate with them verbally in a civil setting. But our life is not ideal, in our time we must be able to defend our interests before the secular authorities and the gray authorities.

Therefore, here I will begin to describe an introduction to the cruel world of magic - using these techniques you will not beat your opponents or enemies with impunity - remember that there is such a thing as a rollback - i.e. blow to you: - after you have carried out an aggressive action and it can be quite painful, so I recommend using it only in cases where it is a matter of life and death.

Additionally, if you are not properly prepared, then a rollback can lead you to the grave - always remember this.

I also warn you that if you attack a master of this art, your chances of surviving = 0.

Mandatory conditions that must be observed by an adherent of this science.

(these conditions must be followed for your own safety when carrying out the action)

No tobacco, alcohol, drugs - for life.

No meat - 10 days before the ritual.

If you cannot give up the above habits, then it is better for you not to read further, since this is not for you.

Before carrying out the action, refrain from eating for 3 days - it is advisable to meditate and think about the upcoming action.

A special meditation or energy run consists of the following: you drive the flow from head to toe and from the center of the forehead you direct the flow back to the legs, often this leads to exit to the astral plane.

The good imagination of the person using this method is a big plus in his favor. Fantasy is needed to visualize the image of your opponent, and the better you imagine him, the easier it will be for you to carry your business out of the realm of your fantasies into reality.

Respect for your enemy is one of the conditions. Never underestimate your enemy.

Perhaps from being suddenly attacked and stunned, the UN will turn into an attacker, and at this time you relaxed and received your rollback and plus an attack - the solution to the problem of survival, I place entirely on your shoulders.

In this introduction, I have given restrictions that you must observe if you want to practice applied combat magic.

Let's look at the concept of combat magic from the outside, what do people think about when they hear or say this phrase?

I think about the incredible power of something fantastic from fantasy novels or computer games, maybe from some films where some teenagers with super talents fight evil spirits or stand up for them.

That’s probably all that 80-90% of the population can imagine on this topic.

You won’t say too much, but perhaps, dear one, the question will creep into your mind: why did you start this conversation on this topic, do you really want to say that this is reality?

Well, in the form that science fiction writers describe it, it is far from reality, like fiction from electronics, but still some things are quite feasible, although there will not be such special effects, explosions, invasion of the dead, or whatever the sick imagination of the writer comes up with - everything is more prosaic.

A battle magician will not dramatically wave his staff and shout or whisper spells to summon long-dead people or spirits - everything is quite prosaic, you can just stand and smile - as you already understand, all the work happens in the head, and is realized in the physical world.

Why insult or provoke a person with your appearance, your words or anything else, it is best for an adept that no one knows what he is capable of - a kind of rosy-cheeked angel who would never offend a fly.

And he knows his job and does it boldly, since there are few people in our world who, as such, can suspect him of something criminal, and even fewer can stop him.

Now let’s move away from the appearance to the inner world of the magician himself, but they say that knowledge makes a person unhappy, and perhaps this is applicable to this science - an adept always needs to calculate his strength so that God forbid he does not cripple a person irrevocably - and this is very easy, but such a guardian like our conscience and upbringing often and strictly stands in a person’s brains and thoughts, and this is good.

Teaching this science to people, I constantly notice that beginners are constantly experimenting, sometimes even on themselves - which is not very good, I warn them, I will immediately pull them 3 times, then get out of your own way - develop a sense of danger and retreat in time so as not to fall into the next rope.

There are different twists, I have so far avoided deaths among my students, but I think that one quick guy (you know who I’m talking about) will make the jump, either become great, or play in the box - the second is more likely. If something doesn’t drift, I’ll try to pull it out, but it will cost you:..

And so, dear ones, let’s think about what I hid in this article - what could help a beginner in studying this subject

Let me explain - combat magic is mainly an action of instantaneous manifestation, while usually the adept may not show his involvement in anything...

Everything happens not in the physical, but in the energy-structural dimension; by manipulating structural structures or symbols, a person can repel attacks from the outside and counterattack himself.

Subtle plans

Subtle planes are a densely populated territory; by getting into this level of interactions, you will inevitably enter the zone of someone’s territorial or vital interests.

Conversations about your capabilities remain at the previous level and real capabilities, that is, strength and experience, come into force.

When I was studying the system of subtle information connections, I was faced with the problem of constant self-harm. Entering into direct engagement with the channels, the potentials were equalized between my energies and the frequency of the channel, and I was thrown around. Since my thin body was being thrown around, this was reflected in the state of my silver thread.

I couldn’t understand why, without entering into harsh interactions with anyone, I was nevertheless crippled.

Contacts with objects allowed me to look at all this from a different angle.

Having accumulated experience in interactions, I came to the conclusion that combat magic is a certain type of interaction.

Combat magic is a tough type of information interactions.


The techniques are widely described in the school's teaching materials. Everyone has their own ideas. There are also techniques that can be obtained in contact with other magicians. There is also the possibility of combining it with the channel of the Battle Mages clan, which is a very effective activity. There are also techniques for individual and group work. Individual work has a high result when working with the information component of combat magic. Group work has high results when working in impulse.


There is such a thing as a ritual - this is a certain chain of actions that ensures that you, as an object, are constantly in good shape, that is, it ensures that you are ready for tough types of interactions.

The norm of the state of an adept who reaches the level of interactions is a state of readiness (not for attacks as such), but for interactions in general. That is, a state is needed that allows the adept not to fly away with the forces he encounters, but to work with them, learning their nature and meaning.


Protection is a natural part of Combat Magic, so over time, interactions automatically build up a certain level of cocoon protection (sometimes called status), but before it appears, there is always the opportunity to attach a breakdown.

Status protection is an automatic self-renewing protection of a certain order.

Preventive measures - there is an option to wear an absolute protection bracelet so that the cocoon remembers the protective parameters. Once the cocoon is modulated with frequencies so that you can enter this state even without a bracelet, you can avoid many troubles.

You can also combine it with the channel of combat magic techniques until you get a stable entry into the state.

Also, everyone has a visualization of the Totem Clan and the Guardian Angel; these are protective programs located in one of the zones of our consciousness. By activating one of these programs, you can leave contact or repel an attack.

Training your Ally in combat magic is quite effective. Also effective in terms of protection is gaining experience accompanied by a visiting Teacher.

Types of interactions

Astral attacks are perceived by people differently depending on their level, for some it is similar to symptoms of the disease NCD or VSD, for others at the level of tactile sensations, for others they will see the image of the attacker, see the weapon and feel the attack itself. In reality, these are all information structures - projections highlighted by consciousness, depending on who refracts the signal, the perception of contact will differ. The higher the level of consciousness, the more controlled interactions are.

Awareness of the level of interaction is constantly expanding and depends on the quantity and quality of experience. The primary experience from interactions is getting stuck - pulling away, and only then research and control.

Of course, in addition to hard information interactions, there are also random interactions.

Example: you have unwinded and reached a higher level in terms of revolutions, and there in the same place there is an object that is minding its own business, in the end you will collide with it and get a hall of the subtle body.

Example: you were engaged in displacement along the minor arcana, and entered state 5, a spirit manifested itself, you interacted with it or it interacted with you, depending on whether you were ready for the meeting or not.

Example: you performed a ritual, fell into the zone of lower frequencies, there you encountered local residents, or the recipient of the ritual, and eventually returned to the zeros.

Contacts with the yin components of space are also difficult.

Contacts with creatures inhabiting the Dream space are special. Anyone who deals with Dreaming knows how easy it is to leave all the energy there in one contact with local residents. And if you are lucky enough to meet a magician there who has a goal, then you are out of luck. The fact is that the Dream space is a real-life system of powerful information flows that are stronger than the dreamer’s intention. The greatest problems are created by the simultaneous static and dynamic nature of space, so when working with the Dream it is better to use additional protective mechanisms. Also, zeroing in energy will occur if someone “grazes” the astral plane in order to profit from something tasty. In these cases, the safest thing is to be in the channel of an egregor (school) or belong to some magical tradition (order) or group, then the attacking object itself will “merge” from a collision with the mass of the egregor.


If a powerful tip is caught, then obsessive states begin to appear. The principle is this: when reaching the level of subtle planes, the assemblage point drags into a zone of high luminosity, but a person still cannot adequately hold it there; potential equalization occurs between the object and the place.

Sometimes this leads to the fact that the object is blown away, and sensitively, and if the object is a medium, then the picture is even worse, because control of the state is completely absent. Sometimes this leads to loss of energy (ts failure) and mental potential (ts advance).

Exiting interactions

High-frequency objects are luminosity, low-frequency objects are luminosity absorbers.

If, upon contact, you, as an object, begin to leave the state of a balanced system, then the most appropriate thing to do is to withdraw from interaction.

There is a problem here in awareness, that is, how much control you have over this level of interactions, if yes, then you can do something, if not, then you better leave. It is useless to go towards a tank with a machine gun, especially since you can only see part of the object with which you came into contact.

To get out of contact, you need to remove the tip, to do this you can concentrate on the state of “I am me and I am here,” that is, change the coordinate, that is, move.

You can exit the interaction zone either down or up.

Since the most frequent contacts of this kind are with low-frequency objects, you need to shift upward, you can also shift to the norm of your normal state, you can also take alcohol. That is, we are talking about changing your frequencies.

If you cannot avoid a direct collision, then it makes sense to reduce the overlap of your frequencies; you need to shift not to another state (place), but to modify the state (by reducing the resonance plane) - this is called sliding contact.

Interactions with magicians

The consciousness of magicians are information objects of increased density. Any contacts with them as objects do not go unnoticed and do not pass without a trace.

Any contact between objects occurs with the alignment of the information component of the contact.

Hard horizontal interactions between magicians lead to changes in energy potential, hard vertical interactions lead to severe damage to the subtle body.


There is such a thing as ethics - the meaning is that while a magician reaching a new level does not understand anything, they will not touch him. Therefore, to get into a showdown you need to try very hard.

If you accidentally get into the zone of interests of a magician cooler than you, then you will be warned, if you do not understand, then you will be pushed aside.

There is also a concept - a transmission line, if you are introduced by the Teacher who “handed over” the line to you, then you automatically fall under the protection of the line and then everything is much simpler.

Combat magic at the information level

When the density of energies in the area of ​​the Vishuddha chakra becomes necessary and sufficient for the collection of an information construct there, which fixes the assemblage point, then in working condition the Vishuddha is included in the field of perception of thought forms as field structures, information fields, information channels begin to be felt, objects are perceived as a local density of information .

The signal through the analyzer can be decomposed into “hearing the thoughts” of other people, as well as the sensation of being in a zone of constant observation, in the zone of someone’s interests, in the zone of negative thoughts of other people, and other states.

At this level, direct reading of information and management of information flows occurs.

This is one of the registers of the chakra and the adept should learn to control the "on - off" button.

Since a person himself is an information structure, he automatically interacts with any other information objects.

The consciousness of a magician can create any type of information interaction and it will be legal in the information world.


Viruses are information structures that have a certain configuration; in reality, they are the simplest mini-program written by a consciousness that can work at the information level.

The program has a core and applications that ensure its operation.

A virus is created with a specific task, which is an algorithm for its interaction when installed in other information structures

The virus is the same damage, the same destructive structures that are described everywhere, it’s just that the description comes from the point of view of the information component.

Object names play an important role in these games; they are important when creating targeted viruses, that is, for writing an address.

If you are sending warm regards to someone, then you can send a parcel to Moscow via Paris, and I will need to personally deliver it to your door.

If you received an unidentified information structure by mail, there is an option to send it back to the owner via the channel without printing it (if there was a contact, it must be registered at least point-by-point when the virus was delivered), thus visualizing the feedback from the well-wisher and sending it to him gifts.


There are information structures that copy themselves and enter into a system of complex connections with the structures of the subtle body or consciousness, but these are not exactly viruses; they are installed programs that are made either automatically or specifically for the specifics of the consciousness with which the work will be carried out.

They are attached according to the principle of joining at least one quality, because otherwise they will be read by the object as a foreign inclusion.

They turn on at certain moments; to activate or deactivate such programs, certain parameters of the object’s state are set (example: it can hang on an object for years, and will turn on only when it reaches a certain level of consciousness).

Sometimes these are support programs - for a person they can be visualized in the form of an Ally or Guardian Angel.

There are multi-stage docking programs.

In Russian, it’s like this: an autonomous part (mini-program) of a large program is sent to the object, sent in chunks and methodically, each mini-program is built into its (given) part of the object’s consciousness and does not bring it any inconvenience, when the last block is installed, often it is the last block that is activator, the whole system is assembled.

Here everything depends on the goals of this event, to jam the consciousness or to zombify it.


In fact, in programming the same principle can be divided into negative and positive only conditionally, that is, we are talking about a scheme of influence, and it can be ultimately positive or negative for the object. Depending on the task at hand.

Negative programs

These are programs that suck energy from connections, mutate and programs that destroy the system of connections.

They are built from low-frequency formations of the lower world, their principle is the destruction of structure (substance).

Negative information constructs - a program is installed inside the object that wreaks havoc. This program introduces a part (zone) of an information object into the primary state (a state of chaos of discrete pieces of information).

Softer negative programs correct behavior, leading it away from adequacy.

Positive programs

Positive programs are written on the same principle as negative ones, the same description of the impact only with a plus sign, and are installed into the object in the same way.

If the main negative programs are somewhat simpler in their tasks - and they can be given the conventional name “came - saw - won”, then the positive ones are more complex, they are almost always combinations, and the creative ones are generally multi-stage information complexes that actually change the structure of the object’s consciousness.

When gaining experience in writing positive programs, you need to start simple.

For example: a change in the state of an object means the removal of depression, that is, the transformation of a state from depression to non-depression and it is not at all a fact that the object will be transferred to a more comfortable state.

The task will learn to change one state to another. Then you should proceed with the specified changes. For example: to transfer the state of an object from depression to stable, or to satisfaction or joy.

The most successful in this sense is working with the transformation of situations, where we have structure, information structures, dynamics, staticity, reference points. Situations are a faster and more accurate indicator than healing, which is not unimportant.

Creative programs

Creating programs belong to the category of training programs that record and complete the information structure of an object and are a means of complicating objects.

The use of creative programs accelerates the development of personality and can have a destructive effect on the object itself due to the fact that it will bend the person, he may be bombarded with files of support and compensation for his current state, which always leads to a global reassessment of values ​​and a sorting out of the qualities of the cocoon shell.

Creation and progress

Once again I want to return to the fact that “positive” is a conditional name. What may be positive from your point of view may have unplanned changes in parameters (consequences) for the object and be negative for it.

Unless, of course, we are talking about extreme assistance, that is, an immediate change in the state of the object from critically destructive to stable.

Here the concept of progress arises - by spinning up an object, you can bring it to such speed that the destruction of what was acquired by “backbreaking labor” begins, that is, unfinished information structures (for example, a construct for fixing a vehicle at a higher level) can leave the object in the form free radiation.

Most often this occurs in a collision with a force of a much higher order, which results in the loss of developments that have not been reduced to a stable form (quality).

Therefore, the impact must be measured and dosed, that is, we are talking about long-term development programs.

It is also necessary to measure the real capabilities of the object, that is, its state of subtle bodies, so as not to destroy their integrity. It is incorrect and careless to distribute impulses of the same order to all objects, since this impulse will help one to gain a foothold on the level, while another will destroy the unfinished construct.

Creation programs (progressive programs) are not recommended for use unless you can offer the person you are working with immediate support and help in case they need it.

The training “Practice of Combat Magic” includes sections:

  • Slavic combat magic
  • Creating a Deity Fetish
  • Definition of patron
  • Creation of protection means
  • 10 Strongest Attack Techniques on Victims
  • 5 Techniques for luring a victim
  • 3 Techniques for neutralizing a victim’s attack
  • Stories of combat magic from 5 schools of the world: Arab, Russian, Latin American, Indian and Egyptian.

The training lasts two weeks via Skype, 6 lessons and one exam. Cost 2000 rub.

Presenter Yuri Vector.

To register, write by email.

Spells of white and black magic are witchcraft, control of various energies of the universe, which are carried out with the help of any rituals, manipulations and conspiracies that influence otherworldly forces in order to fulfill the plan. There are a large number of conspiracies related to white magic and they are available to anyone who wants to use them, and even to a novice magician. They will help you strengthen your financial situation, achieve career growth, find your soulmate, cure an illness, etc.

For white magic conspiracies to start working, it is not enough to know just the words; experience, practical skills and mental strength are also required. By performing some rituals every day, a novice magician gains experience, thanks to which in the future he will be able to find a way out of different life situations.

Modern sorcerers believe that if you need to get what you have planned, you must believe in it, since thoughts can be translated into reality. The spells of white as well as black magic acquire the most powerful power thanks to the words from which they are constructed, as well as the tone and intonation without the slightest objection. In addition, the correct thoughts into which these words subsequently turn are important. Sorcerers claim that any word can become a conspiracy if it is spoken in an imperative and demanding tone.

Concentration on the frontal chakra - the third eye, enhances the effect of the spell.

If the person conducting the ritual doubts or thinks incorrectly, for example, when casting spells, thinking that nothing ever works out for him, that he is always abandoned and deceived, then rejection will occur, that is, the opposite effect. When conducting witchcraft rituals, it is not enough to read the spell words correctly; they will become effective only if the main factors are fulfilled: a clearly formulated plan, unshakable faith in one’s own strength, complete concentration on what is desired. Faith in the said white magic spell should not disappear at the end of the ritual.

It is worth noting that in order to learn white magic, you need to create a course for yourself from scratch to obtaining the necessary skills and knowledge regarding identifying negative information, removing it, creating protection, charging amulets and talismans. You also need to plunge into the world of numerology, techniques that put people into a state of hypnosis and trance, and learn the technique of love spells.

White magic love spell

The magical tools of white magic include: conspiracies, prayers, the brightest feelings and, first of all, love. If you are planning to study white magic on your own, then you need to remember that the love spell you cast will not have any negative consequences if it is cast only with the brightest feelings.

For example, if you want to exert a magical influence on your lover, then practical white magic strongly recommends performing the ritual only if you do not have any selfish aspirations regarding this person. There should be no intention in thoughts to harm him or to force him to do something that is contrary to the will of the young man.

How to learn to cast white magic?

Training in white witchcraft involves the use of acquired knowledge, which covers a wide spectrum. It also requires daily exercises that can help you acquire the necessary practical skills. Before delving into the rituals of white magic, stock up on a strong desire, patience and faith that, despite failures, you will achieve what you want.

It would not be superfluous to note that all occultists should learn the basics of white magic, even if in the future they plan to study in a different direction. White magic is a method of self-improvement, and therefore always strive to improve your concentration. Do not forget to meditate, this will help you in the future to easily enter a state of trance and hypnosis.

Remember that learning the magic of the white world is the key to the subsequent successful acquisition of the necessary practices and skills.

It's no secret that white magic spells are weaker than black magic rituals. This is true, however, using such an influence, you do not have to worry about side effects, consequences and anything like that. Light forces come to help a person. Naturally, with the help of such influence one cannot harm anyone, force anyone to be nearby, change a person’s will and achieve quick results. This type of magic will help if you sincerely wish happiness for yourself and the person to whom the magic in love rituals can be directed. Its effect will be gradual and will appear only if it is destined for you by fate. If the person is not right for you or is genuinely in love with someone else, then this type of spell will not help. As for rituals for financial well-being, health, good luck, here too the action will be gradual, but the effect will not imply any negative consequences, and everything that you receive will come to you in a “bright” way. Rules for performing rituals White magic rituals must be performed in accordance with the rules provided for this type of influence: Conduct the ritual in a good mood, when all your thoughts and intentions are pure and aimed at creating something, and not at destroying. So, love rituals should not be performed at a time when you feel resentment towards your beloved; do not perform money rituals in a moment of despair. Wait until you feel free and good, and only then start doing magic. If you believe in God, then before starting a magic session, read the “Our Father” prayer. If you profess another religion, then turn to the Higher Powers for help. After this, you can begin to perform the ritual. Conduct the ceremony alone, in a well-lit room where you feel comfortable. Read the spell out loud, in a half whisper. Make your request come from the heart. Ritual to attract love This ritual is great for men and women who want to attract love into their lives. You can do it when there is no loved one in your life yet and you want to meet him, as well as in a situation where there are some problems between you and your soulmate, reciprocity has been lost or there are not enough feelings. The ritual can be used to restore relationships between spouses who are together but do not feel love for each other. This ritual is performed strictly during the growing month for seven days. The last day can fall on a full moon, but not on a waning month. “Everyone is destined by the Higher Powers to be in a couple, to share joys and sorrows, to experience happiness and bad weather! So let everything in my life go according to the Highest laws! Let love saturate every moment of existence, let it make me happy, let it make happy the one who should be next to me! Let everything take its course.” Magic words are repeated three times. It is best to perform the ritual late in the evening, after ten o’clock. The ritual is carried out in the light of church candles, which can be extinguished immediately after reading, leaving until next time. Ritual for good luck If you have protracted financial difficulties, then this ritual of white magic, aimed at improving the financial sphere, will help. The ritual should be performed on Wednesday for the growing month. The spell must be cast early in the morning, before the sun rises. A magical event is performed in the light of two church candles, which are used for illumination. “I conjure Wednesday-Middle for good luck and luck, I call on her for help, I call on her to help me! So that everything in my life will work out, Money goes to money, in a hurry! I need a lot, enough for human life, human happiness and worldly joys!” The spell is repeated seven times. When the words are read, the candles can be extinguished and, wrapped in a white napkin, put away in an inaccessible place. The ritual can be repeated in a month. Water spell for health Rituals of white magic aimed at improving health are considered very popular. This ritual is performed for the growing month, since it is aimed at improving well-being in general, and not at getting rid of a specific problem.

White magic for fulfillment of desires

There are several ways to use white magic to fulfill your deepest desires. The only condition for all magical procedures is that they should not cause the slightest damage to the health or well-being of other people. Otherwise, if your desire is fulfilled at the expense of someone else, after a while the law of balance comes into play - and twice as much of what you acquired is taken away from you.


You need to tell yourself as specifically as possible what exactly you want to attract into your life - family happiness, prosperity, health. You can briefly write down your desire on a piece of paper and place the piece of paper in a place where strangers do not look. Every day for half an hour you need to look at the word, imagining that what you are asking for has already come true.

Prayer is an equally miraculous way to achieve what you want. You need to ask for fulfillment with lit candles, beginning and ending with the prayer “Our Father.”

White magic for good luck

There is nothing difficult in attracting luck: the main condition is believing in yourself. There are also a few simple rules for attracting fortune:

do not give alms on the waning Moon, but on the waxing Moon - do it as often as possible

don't pick up change you find on the street - you're not that poor

do not lend money to people who have not yet repaid your old debts

talk to Luck, urging her to come into your life

White magic: conspiracies

Conspiracies in white magic should be used with caution, strictly following certain rituals. Remember that the word is limitless creative power.

Love conspiracies

Love conspiracies are creative conspiracies - they should be carried out on the waxing moon. These conspiracies have strong energy and should be used if you are completely confident in your desires.

White magic spells for wealth

To improve your well-being, you first need to change your way of thinking. Don't think of yourself as a poor person. Act as if you already have everything, in any life situations. Wealth attracts those who are confident and courageous.

In wealth conspiracies, not only words are often used, but also banknotes or coins.

White magic spells

Using spells, you can restore damaged family relationships, improve your financial situation, and restore lost health. Just like conspiracies, spells use the magic of words and therefore are an effective and very powerful means of influencing energy.

White magic spells for beauty

Magic spells for beauty will give a girl external attractiveness and increase her sexual attractiveness to men. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the words that you use for the spell.

Black magic spells have long helped sorcerers achieve what they want. This is a strong and dangerous witchcraft that can destroy and create. If this ancient knowledge is in the hands of an inexperienced or selfish magician, then the consequences of witchcraft can be terrible and unpredictable.

In the article:

What are black magic spells

Black magic spells are very dangerous for both the sorcerer and his victims. Most often, such knowledge is used for fatal diseases, bewitching people, attracting money, communicating with gods and demons.

Black magic will help to punish the culprit, gain an advantage over others and resist the attack of other sorcerers. Black magic can be used not only for destruction, but also for good.

Effectively use the knowledge of black magicians only a person who has a very large supply of energy and willpower can. There are many frightening and mind-stirring rituals that can greatly impress a person with an unstable psyche. Before taking on such rituals, you need to gain experience and learn how to create a strong protection.

There are various classifications of black spells. They are divided according to various criteria:

  • by power;
  • method of influence;
  • guidance technique;
  • difficulties.

This is not a complete list of classifications of black conspiracies. In the most common classification, there are 3 groups into which all black magic conspiracies are divided.

IN first The category also includes conspiracies. They are designed more not to cause damage to other people, but to create protection. Such spells can consist of only one words that the sorcerer pronounces when he senses the approach of danger. An example of such a spell is the word:

Such conspiracies do not require rituals or the use of magical attributes. Most often in the text, the sorcerer turns to his magical protector, asking him to protect him from adversity.

Co. second This group includes double conspiracies. They work on the principle "fight fire with fire". Their essence lies in the fact that the first spell can cause the necessary action, and the second can stop it.

Black curses - third, the most terrible category of all magical conspiracies. These spells are used only by experienced witches, who can not only complete the ritual by causing damage to the victim, but also protect themselves from negative consequences.

Remove these curses it is forbidden. Even if the magician tries to eliminate the damage caused by himself and retracts his words, it will be impossible to stop the process. Such rituals purposefully deprive the victim of joy in life, money, loved ones and lead them to the grave.

Black magic: conspiracies and their forms

Strong black magicians often use not only accepted spells in rituals, but also create their own. The ability to do this comes with experience. There are also general principles for composing black spells. For example, at the beginning of each text there should be an appeal. The sorcerer can contact anyone, it can be:

  • forces of nature;
  • demons;
  • perfume;
  • People;
  • elements.

At the same time, the text should contain not only the phrase:

I command...

but also a threat, meaning that anyone who disobeys the sorcerer will face retribution:

... and if you disobey, you will be unhappy forever and ever.

The text of the conspiracy must indicate an intermediary between you and the victim. For example, if this Moon, then it must be mentioned in the conspiracy. In addition, the intermediary needs a sacrifice in order for him to agree to the deal. At the same time, the text of the slander should have a symbolic meaning - “you give me, and I give you.”

In one of the forms of black conspiracies and spells, mention of a higher black power is necessary. You can limit yourself to mentioning the name of a demon of the highest rank, but to enhance the impact, sorcerers often resort to mentioning God of darkness, Devil, Satan . You can order someone to perform the desired action “in the name” of the Lord of Darkness.

  • all four elements;
  • food, drink, spices;
  • wound, sore area of ​​the body;
  • items that are the property of the victim.

Quite popular are spells that have the form “ likening" These are conspiracies that mention an action (which the sorcerer must immediately perform) and the result that this action will entail. For example: “As I pour this water, so will the tears flow down your face.”

Love spells in black magic - love until the grave

Before you take on such witchcraft, make sure once again that this is exactly the effect you want from the ritual and that you reasonably assess your abilities. If on the day of the ritual you do not feel well, there is a sharp loss of strength and malaise, postpone the ritual.

Waning moon spell

The witch needs to find 3 graves to carry out the death ritual. If the victim is a woman - female. If a man - men's. The graves must be fresh. You must have a bottle of clean water with you. Pour this water over each cross and say the words:

The water is dead from the house, white, bright, abundant, love is dead, it comes to my house white, bright and abundant.

When leaving the cemetery, find a grave with the same name as the victim, remember it. The next night, use the remaining water to make a path from the victim's house to the chosen grave. Pour the last liquid into the cemetery and leave the container there. The path from the water should be clear and uninterrupted. Otherwise, a person will not come to his grave.

Deadly needle

In order to make a person suffer, there is an equally dangerous ritual. The witch buys a new package of needles and refuses to change. At the same time you should whisper:

I don’t take it for myself, but to spoil the enemy.

At midnight, go out onto the porch and read the text on one of the needles:

May the happiness, health, luck and joy of the slave (name of the enemy) be broken against this needle. Let the needle prick my enemy (name) day and night, and give him no peace, like a thorn in the body. Let the slave (name) be tormented, dry, aching, deprived of peace. My will is strong, words will not turn against me. Amen.

The text is read 13 times, after which a needle must be stuck into the door of the ill-wisher. You need to insert the needle in such a way that no one can find it. Because if it is discovered and damaged, then all the negativity will return to the magician.

Ceremony for funeral candles

In order to send her enemy to the grave, the witch needs to come to the temple, buy a new candle and put it in place of one of the unburned funeral candles. If there is a memorial table in the temple, place sweets on it, leaving them for the deceased whose candle was extinguished.

Burn, candle, burn! Turn the life of (enemy's name) into dust! Illness and misfortune smile at her (him), people turn away. Dead fire, bring burning damage, flammable misfortune. That light is not a simple one, it was taken from the churchyard. Dead in the ground, light on my table. I tell you what I want! Let it be so!