Being the mistress of a married man is psychology. Being the mistress of a married man psychology Women kept women psychology

” and “kept woman” are implied absolutely different women. kept woman has no feelings and desire to break up a family and take someone else's husband away. Perhaps here she behaves more honestly before society. Only another question arises, the way she earns her living - is not prostitution?

The presence of a kept woman- This is a variant of easy and free relationships. Such a woman is completely at the mercy of her sponsor. This can be compared to a job, except that you can choose the employer yourself.

Sponsor, i.e. a man can have a wife or be free. In this case, social status and a large amount of money do not play a special role. Nowadays, even drivers and ordinary loaders have a kept woman. The difference is only in the cost of gifts, the oligarch gives his mistress a Jaguar and a vacation in the Maldives, and the driver gives inexpensive household appliances or a ticket to Egypt.

In Russia, this phenomenon has long been on a professional level. There are specialized sites for the selection of kept women. On such sites, you can also meet male gigolos, but in 90% of cases, most of the ads are from young girls from 18 to 25 years old. Women who are slightly “over 30” men are not perceived by potential sponsors and do not hesitate to ask to leave the site.

Everything is simple. A man who has a status and an excellent position in society is ready to pay a lot, and only the best. It is generally accepted, in the male environment, that smooth skin and elastic body only girls under 25 can have it. A beautiful and young mistress can raise male self-esteem. That's what they're willing to pay for. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.

With age, what awaits a kept woman? Perhaps they move into a different social type of women, someone gets married and continues to live as before. This topic has not yet been discussed on the forums.

And not a prostitute and not a wife

Men won't take pride in visiting a prostitute. In our society, this is not accepted, as it is considered something dirty and vulgar. But with special pride (like a peacock spreading its tail), a man will tell his friends that he was able to give his mistress an expensive fur coat, rent an apartment, take her to a resort.

Such relationships - a sponsor and a kept woman give a man a certain confidence in himself and his abilities. He does not need to worry that she will make a scandal, pack his things or leave on her own. He is sure that the kept woman always has good mood, will fulfill any of his desires and fantasies and will always be satisfied with everything.

Why is it more profitable to have a kept woman than a wife or mistress? Most likely, because a girl, wife or mistress, having got a man, relaxes and does not want to do anything. They believe that a man now owes them everything and must fulfill all their whims, they are ready to take, but not ready to give. Kept women initially understand that they depend on the owner, he is their king and master. Therefore, they must always obey him, which they do.

Brotherhood of kept women

Girls who work as kept women do not consider themselves prostitutes. They even have their own forums where they share tips and their stories. It happens that they are also often deceived by men. For example, they are in no hurry to settle accounts with them, finding various pretexts, and then simply disappear.
Most potential kept women have higher education and themselves from wealthy families. Many do not want to work, so they are looking for a beautiful and carefree life, someone wants to improve their social level.

They are found among kept women and provincial women. Such girls dream of staying in the capital, and strive for this with all their might.

There are girls who are in a difficult financial situation. They do not have the opportunity to earn enough money, so they are trying to get the maximum benefit from such relationships with men.

What does it mean to be kept?

Anyone who believes that being a kept woman is living like in a fairy tale is deeply mistaken. Not every young woman is able to cope with the duties of a kept woman.

Kept women with extensive experience advise novice girls to study psychology first. A man dreams of comfort not so much in bed as in the shower. A professional kept woman knows how to subtly feel what to ask, what to answer, when to just remain silent.

Today it has become fashionable to live like kept women. Kept women are often young girls who live off their sponsor.

A few years ago, it was shameful and indecent to say that you live on the full support of your partner. Today, the trend has changed slightly: a dating site for Kept Women has appeared, a lot of TV shows that teach young ladies how to take possession of a rich wallet, and successful kept women themselves share their experience in the media without hesitation.

The most difficult task kept women - like a man. To do this, often, even before meeting with a partner, girls collect information about the field of activity, solvency, hobbies, lifestyle, entertainment and family. The meeting itself takes place absolutely “accidentally”, moreover, smart kept women make it so that it is the man who reveals the desire to get to know each other and continue communication.

The excellent tactics of these girls is that they try to be like their “daddy” in everything: the same hobbies, the same favorite restaurants, pets, theatrical performances. But, in order to be ready to answer the counter questions of a man, it is necessary to perfectly navigate the essence. That is why, the girls first carefully prepare for such meetings.

Not all girls claim to be a wife. Some do not want to immerse themselves in family life, give birth to children and get up every morning at 6-7 in the morning to cook breakfast for their husband. Such young ladies are absolutely satisfied with several-hour dates, joint vacation trips, nightly gatherings and other short-term dates. During this time, the girl has time to aesthetically and intimately tie a man, but they do not have time to get bored with him.

Wealthy businessmen have many principles and barriers. For example, he will never approach an awkward poor simpleton. Realizing this, a girl who is preparing to enslave a wealthy principal takes care of her appearance, making up her flaws and clearly expressing her advantages. In addition, the girl should seem wealthy and secure so that the man does not immediately see through her main goal and ideology.

Therefore, the kept women take with them to the meeting expensive accessories, put on branded clothes or defiantly drive up in a car. If a girl is not the first to have this "daddy", then most likely she already has all the luxury items and it is enough to present herself in a favorable light. If, however, this date is the girl's first attempt to catch a "fat wallet" by the tail, then initially you will have to significantly squander financial reserves.

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03.07.2015 11:26:57

The position of a kept woman has long ceased to contain any shameful meanings. In our pragmatic time, public morality quite allows a woman to derive the maximum practical benefit from her relationship with a man. Why not? The status of a modern kept woman implies something between civil marriage and casual romantic connection. And if a man has the right to demand that a kept woman comply with a certain “code of decency,” then a woman has the right to take care of her own interests, because any relationship is good only when it benefits both parties.

Unfortunately, human prejudices often turn out to be much more tenacious than the objective reasons that gave rise to them. The concept of "kept woman" over its rather long history has managed to acquire numerous myths, which can be quite difficult to separate from the real state of affairs. That is why most of the girls who decide to accept the status of a kept woman make the same typical mistakes. Let's try to briefly consider and analyze the main ones.

Mistake #1

High bar of expectations. When looking for a sponsor, one should objectively assess the real opportunities. After watching Fifty Shades of Grey, many girls who decide to start a career as a kept woman agree at least for an eccentric young billionaire, preferably without bad habits. Let's face it, there aren't that many billionaires around, especially the young and pretty ones. By setting a reasonable bottom line on your prospective sponsor's financial viability, you will significantly increase your own chances of success.

Mistake #2

Heightened self-esteem. Thinking about the career of a kept woman, many girls forget that the sponsor also has certain requirements for his passion. Beautiful eyes and youthful freshness are not always enough for a man to agree to regularly part with a substantial amount of banknotes. Claiming for a certain standard of living, you must meet this level in all respects. This means that you may not only have to visit the fitness room, solarium, beauty salon and personal nutritionist regularly, but also actively study foreign languages, to tirelessly master good manners and subtleties of choreography, to be well-read, erudite and pleasant companion ... In short, for a start it would be useful to watch a useful and in many ways instructive film "Memoirs of a Geisha".

Mistake #3

Frivolity in the relationship with the sponsor. Many girls believe that the main thing for a kept woman is to find a sponsor, and then you can live in your own pleasure, without making any effort to maintain and strengthen relationships. This is a very serious mistake. Wealthy people are usually very pragmatic, so your sponsor will most likely need good reasons to pay for your luxurious life. The position of a kept woman imposes some obligations: if the sponsor does not receive from you everything that he expects from a full-fledged romantic and sexual relationship with a girl, he is unlikely to want to continue the relationship with you. Be gentle, sensitive, caring and faithful. Your task is to constantly study your partner and create conditions for him so that the very thought of breaking up with you is unbearable for him.

Another common mistake

Despite the quite respectable position of kept women in modern society, many girls continue to maintain a subconscious confidence that the concepts of “kept woman” and “prostitute”, if not synonymous, are very close in meaning. The subconscious has a decisive influence on our behavior. Not without reason in the famous song is sung: "As you call a yacht, so it will float." A kept woman is not a corrupt woman, she is an equal partner who deserves understanding and respect. Learn to respect yourself, then men will treat you accordingly.

For some reason, among the population there was an opinion that being a kept woman is bad. However, if you carefully look around, you will find that there are a lot of kept women, although the majority denies this fact. Someone, being an official wife, does not work anywhere and calls herself a housewife, someone is someone's mistress and the same is not a party to labor relations. The satisfaction of certain requests of such women occurs at the expense of men who quite voluntarily agree to this. Moreover, many people want it themselves.

A high level of IQ is typical for kept women - for example, girls from Moscow, accompanying their men in society, are able to maintain highly intelligent conversations without compromising either themselves or their man. These women also have excellent communication skills, knowledge of the basics of psychology and etiquette. When communicating with them, no man will be bored.

Men are more tolerant of kept women than women, whose fate somehow did not work out. In this case, we can talk about elementary envy. However, it should be understood that without the voluntary consent of men, there would be no kept women. There are also men who have a negative attitude towards kept women, but as a rule - to strangers, since they themselves are not able to support a woman for at least some time, limiting themselves to rather short relationships on a "gratuitous" basis.

In no case should two concepts be confused - maintenance and work of girls of easy virtue, since these are completely different things. A kept woman can be an excellent faithful friend who will not need relationships with other men at all. She is not at all averse to building a serious relationship with a subsequent marriage. She can know and be able to do a lot, run a household, cook well, have high erudition and intelligence. For girls of easy virtue, the main thing is money. They do not build relationships, a regular change of men is their daily work and the status of a man is not important for her, since she is not going to live with him. Not a single "night butterfly", no matter how beautiful she may be, unlike a kept woman, in principle, can raise the status of a man. The kept women, remaining faithful to one man, having, in addition to beauty, a sufficiently high intelligence, increase the male image. Here we can give an example of Evita Peron, who, being a kept woman, became the first lady of Argentina.

A kept woman needs to be achieved, as these women know perfectly well what they deserve. And if she can regularly give a man what he needs (we are not talking only about sexual relations), then she has the right to demand such an attitude towards herself. In fact, the life of kept women is the dream of most women on our planet, and in order for it to become a reality, it is not enough to have a feminine principle and good looks, you still need to know a lot, be able to and have spiritual beauty. And then it will be a pleasure to keep such a woman.

Love to you and wonderful relationship.

The sponsor may be single or may be married. Social status and material security are not important. A minibus driver can also have a kept woman, just gifts and maintenance will be on a smaller scale than that of an oligarch.

There are plenty of reasons why girls become kept women. The most frequent of them are the following:

  • ladies do not want to work and are looking for a secure and carefree life. Or they want to achieve a higher social level in this way;
  • the goal is to gain a foothold in the capital;
  • the opportunity to live in a metropolis;
  • difficult financial situation;
  • for some, hunting for men is a kind of hobby;
  • infantilism;
  • dissatisfaction family life. A woman in this way is trying to solve two problems: to find a lover and to get material benefits.

Many girls and women consider kept women freeloaders and envy them. From the outside, their life is a constant holiday, but only those who know its reverse side understand that not everyone can stand this.

Cons of the position of a woman Alphonse

  1. The kept woman cannot allow herself to fall in love. As soon as she falls in love with another man, the sponsor will get jealous and kick her out.
  2. She cannot have children.
  3. A kept woman who falls in love with her sponsor condemns herself to torment. After all, then she will pester her lover with questions about marriage and children. But she was hired for other duties. Cases when a sponsor marries such a woman are rare. In their circle, such an act is considered bad manners. And without love there can be no true happiness.
  4. Her life is not in her hands, it is managed by the man who paid. A man can give it to a friend for a few days to use. Or it happens that the exchange of girlfriends is practiced at parties.
  5. No one will tolerate her bad character and mood, so she has to suppress her emotions.

If, despite all of the above, you still said to yourself: “I will become a kept woman!” Then listen to some recommendations.