What does gleb mean? What does the name Gleb mean for a boy?

In our country. We can say that it is quite rare to meet him. And there is a reason for this - it appeared in everyday use relatively recently, and therefore did not have time to gain popularity. To correct the situation, today we will tell you what the name Gleb means, how it came to us, and describe all the characteristics of this name.

Origin and meaning of the name

This is a rather ancient and not often found name. Its origin is completely unknown. But there is a hypothesis that it originates from the Scandinavian “Guðleifr” (“given under protection”, “beloved of the gods”).

According to another version, it comes from the German “gutleib” (“pleasing to God”). A connection with the Old Church Slavonic language, which contained the word “gleba” - “virgin land”, “earth”, “arable land”, is also not excluded.

Did you know? Some folk signs are associated with Gleb and Boris: “Don’t touch Gleb and Boris for bread”, “Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe.”

Nevertheless, whatever the etymology and mystery of the name Gleb, it sounds courageous and rude, and therefore it is believed that its bearer must fully correspond to its meaning.

There are suggestions that the name comes from the Russian “block” - “pole”. Russian historians claim that many ancient princes were called this way, which is why they consider him Orthodox.

Forms of first name and patronymic

Unfortunately, boys are rarely called this because the name sounds too gloomy. And in vain. Gleb is an official name, the meaning of which can be changed if the full name is pronounced more affectionately, using the following derivatives:

  • Glebka;
  • Glebushka;
  • Glebonka;
  • Glebchik;
  • Glebochka;
  • Glebus.

Short form:

  • Glebik;
  • Glebunya;
  • Glebka.

The children of men named this way will bear the patronymic names “Glebovich” (in common parlance - Glebych) and “Glebovna”. In Orthodoxy it remains unchanged, so it can be given at baptism (although, if desired, you are allowed to take any). Declension: Gleb-Glebu-Glebom-Gleba.

Day Angel

According to the Orthodox calendar, Gleb's name day is celebrated on May 15; July 3, 10 and 19; August 6; 23 September. And on September 18, they remember the ancient Russian prince, who became the first Russian martyr. Angel Day - July 24th.

The patrons of these men were the great martyrs who died a violent death.

Name in different languages

Everyone will be interested in how men so called will be called abroad. Despite the fact that many of the names we use have Greek roots, you will not find what the name Gleb means in Greek - there is no analogue in Greece.
Translation in different languages ​​is written like this:

  • English, Spanish, German - Gleb (it will also be written in the international passport);
  • Russian, Belarusian - Gleb;
  • Ukrainian - Glib, Gleb;
  • Polish - Hleb;
  • Chinese - 格列布 (sounds like Gelebu);
  • Japanese - グレブ (sounds like Gurebu).

The character and fate of people with this name in history

If you like the name Gleb, you already know the meaning of this name and have decided to choose it for your child, Orthodoxy will not refuse this.

But it would also be nice to get acquainted with the achievements of famous people named so by their parents:

  1. - courageous, selfless, ready to help. Together with his brother, he is one of the first Russian great martyrs. They fell simultaneously in 1015. They were killed by Svyatopolk, who was called the Accursed for his atrocities. According to legend, the passion-bearing brothers help their native land and people turn to them in difficult times.
  2. - a hardworking, impressionable, research-oriented Russian writer of a democratic and revolutionary direction. He began his career when he was less than 20 years old, initially published in the Yasnaya Polyana magazine under the pseudonym Bryzgin. In his essays he described the poverty and oppression of ordinary people.
  3. - a purposeful, fearless designer. Invented (and later modified) the aviation backpack parachute.
  4. - intellectual, hardworking, active revolutionary, party leader, vice-president of the Academy of Sciences. Founded the Energy Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  5. - a persistent, persistent director and screenwriter (“People’s Militia”, “The Beginning”, “Vassa”, “Mother”, “The Romanovs. The Crowned Family”).
  6. - a firm, fair, talented theater and film actor. The most famous films: “The Main Witness”, “Mission in Kabul”, “Tavern on Pyatnitskaya”, “Red and Black”, “Days of the Turbins”.
  7. - a complex, hot-tempered person, prone to harmful addictions. Musician, composer, head of the band “The Matrixx”, formerly frontman of “Agatha Christie”.

The main character traits of people with this name

Gleb is a strong name, the meaning of which gives a person such characteristics as independence and autonomy. In addition, such men become a real support and protection for their loved ones. People who wear it are enthusiastic, passionate individuals.

The boys named so have the most powerful energy and a minimal set of shortcomings.

The main advantages of such people:

  • responsiveness;
  • hardness;
  • strength of mind;
  • calmness.

If you named your child Gleb, the meaning of this name sets the character for the boy as obedience, seriousness, and perseverance. It is these qualities that allow you to achieve good success in your studies. Both teachers and classmates love such guys for their willingness to always come to the rescue.

Important! Boys so named are prone to learning languages ​​from childhood.

Having matured, Gleb changes little - he is the same noble, balanced and reasonable man, who can often give the impression of a secretive and unfriendly person - he does not like to open himself to unfamiliar personalities, and in order to gain his trust, you need to try.

Did you know? In China, the grasshopper symbolizes prosperity, fertility, productivity, courage, bravery, luck, courage. Among European peoples, this insect, on the contrary, means irresponsibility and frivolity. In Greece, grasshoppers were signs of aristocracy, elitism, and power. Jews associate grasshoppers with cataclysms, since in the Bible the invasion of these insects personifies the wrath of God.

Such men easily endure the blows of fate and do not like people who make empty promises. Such a man is a man of his word. The meaning of the name Gleb will play an important role for the boy in the future if he chooses a topic for his portfolio in early childhood.

In the future, he will devote himself entirely to his favorite business. At the same time, Gleb cannot be called a careerist - his family is more important to him.

Name Astrology

Its astrological characteristics are as follows:

  • the stone that will serve as a talisman is moonstone, jasper;

Important! Dreamy and capricious people are not recommended to wear moonstone, since it only enhances these qualities and can only cause harm and cause trouble.

  • Zodiac sign - Cancer, Scorpio;
  • planet - Moon and Jupiter;
  • color - soft blue, brown or dark green;
  • a tree that will give strength - an apple tree;
  • a plant whose presence will bring happiness - clover;
  • the patronizing animal (more precisely, an insect) is a grasshopper;
  • character traits - restraint, virtue;
  • character type - phlegmatic.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

We have already revealed the meaning of the name Gleb for a boy in astrology and in church terms, it’s time to talk about numerology:

  • G- thirst for knowledge, the art of understanding everything in a single connection with life, inclusion in hidden secrets, interest in details, the duty to do everything in good faith.
  • L- a refined understanding of beauty, aristocratic hobbies and talents, a desire to share one’s skills, abilities and feelings with a partner.

Important! The presence of the letter “L” is a warning not to waste your life and find your true purpose.

  • E- the need to express oneself, share ideas, the ability to act as a mediator, thanks to the ability to enter the light of secret forces, insight. Excessive talkativeness is acceptable.
  • B- romanticism, loyalty, reliability, disruptive talent, desire for financial independence.

We tried to clarify the secrets of this rare name today. We hope that our information will help to better understand Gleb’s character. Of course, this transcript alone cannot fully characterize the person, but we have provided the initial information.

Gleb's name day

Saints: Holy Martyr Prince Gleb.

What does it mean

Gleb means “presented to God.”


It makes sense to start the analysis with origin. The story has ancient Russian roots, and comes from the ancient Russian pagan male name G(ъ)л? b, which after the canonization of Gleb Vladimirovich entered the Christian name book.

There is a version that it is of Old Norse origin and means “favorite of the Gods.”

What does the name Gleb mean according to B. Khigir

Gleb is a calm and reasonable boy. Looks gloomy. Gives the impression of being older than he really is. But when you get to know him better, you realize that he is a good-natured person. If Gleb rises to the rank of director, then his subordinates will not have problems. He has authority in society. Much in life is not easy for him. He prefers to spend less time talking and immediately gets down to business.

Gets married quickly. Gleb completely trusts his wife and is even ready to obey her, but only on home territory. He tolerates the shortcomings of his wife, but is very jealous and may even keep an eye on her if he begins to doubt his wife’s integrity.

Gleb willingly does housework. Loves to play with kids.

In accordance with the interpretation of the name according to Winter

His character is such that he combines both goodwill and thoroughness.

Energetically it is unidirectional. This means that the owner of this name will be businesslike, serious and economical. This is noticeable from a very early age. He often helps his parents as much as he can, loves to build something, is diligent and diligent.

The adult Gleb will choose his profession on his own, and his priority will not be career advancement, but providing for his family; he wants to stand firmly on his feet.

It’s great if Gleb has a sense of humor, otherwise his seriousness can give the impression of gloominess. And a joke said with a serious expression on the face is often appreciated even more.

Secrets of communication. He does not accept empty chatter, so it is better to communicate with him through action. In men he values ​​masculine qualities, and in women, not without reason, purely feminine ones.

Characteristics according to L. Tsymbalova

Little Gleb amazes those around him with his serious character. He often looks older than his age.

Gleb has a discreet appearance, restraint, and his voice is quiet rather than loud. Such qualities as objectivity in assessing people, tact and goodwill will make him a good boss for his subordinates.

It’s easy for Gleb to learn several foreign languages. He enjoys research-related work. He has artistry and understands music and painting.

According to the description of the name according to Grushko and Medvedev

Gleb speaks little and often gives the impression of a gloomy person. Most of all he likes to work with his hands. She gets along with people simply, she believes in real actions, not conversations. It's hard to deceive him. Gleb is very homely. He always tries to ensure that everything in the house is good and properly arranged. But, probably, because of his gloominess, his relatives dislike him a little.


Variants of the name Gleb: Glebka.

Diminutive of the name Gleb: Glebushka.

Different languages:

  • Name Gleb in Danish: Gleb
  • Name Gleb in English: Gleb
  • Name Gleb in Polish: Gleb

Famous Glebs:

  • Gleb Zheglov is one of the main characters in the novel by the Weiner brothers “The Era of Mercy” and the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” based on it.
  • Gleb Uspensky (1843–1902) Russian writer.
  • Gleb Petrovich Struve (1898–1985) literary critic, translator, historian
  • Gleb Krzhizhanovsky (1872–1959) public and political figure, literary critic.
  • Gleb Glebov (1899–1967) Soviet actor.
  • Gleb Panfilov (1934) Russian film director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

The origin of the name Gleb has several versions of its genesis. According to the main one, the name came from Scandinavia, and came into use after Prince Gleb Vladimirovich was canonized.

  1. The Scandinavian meaning of the name Gleb is interpreted as “heir of the gods.”
  2. The second version of origin is Slavic and is associated with the word “block”. It is also connected with the Old Slavonic name for the land, which is still used in the Polish language, “gleba”.

The name Gleb is considered quite ancient and is rare in the post-Soviet space. This word itself is rude, it emanates coldness and strength. The man, named Gleb, stands out for his originality and originality.

There is probably no more serious and calm child than Gleb. Sober beyond his years baby surprises your knowledge and skills of others. There is also good nature in the boy’s character; he will help the old man, take pity on his friend, and will not offend the animal.

With age, boy named Gleb begins to have a negative attitude towards lies and optionality. If you are not one hundred percent sure of the result, you yourself also do not make promises. Our described one is scrupulous about punctuality and does not tolerate delays from the opposite side.

Along with seriousness and calmness, little Gleb has gullibility. Although this character trait cannot be called completely positive, it has a different meaning for our hero than for the rest.

A boy named Gleb is so trusting that they don’t even try to deceive him. And if this happens, then the interlocutor feels like a complete idiot.

From an early age, Gleb becomes independent and strengthens his position every year. He begins to earn money early, which allows him to leave his homeland.

Characteristics of the name

What the name Gleb means in terms of fate, everything here doesn’t look very rosy. Inner softness and mental torment do not leave what is described. Gleb passes all the troubles and problems through himself, as if living by them. But this does not apply to all bearers of the name Gleb; most of them have a more persistent inner core and do not pay attention to the problems of others, taking them for granted. And here he will never refuse help, in addition, he will offer more than they ask.

The characteristics of the name Gleb provide for an open and measured life, without pathos and hidden wealth.

  • On the one hand, our hero is visible and his soul is wide open, on the other, he is somehow mysterious, incomprehensible and a little strange.
  • It is simply impossible to calculate all of Gleb's moves. And even he himself often does not know how he will behave in a given situation. It is in such unpredictability that Gleb’s openness and spontaneity, instilled in early childhood, is manifested.
  • Thoughtfulness, measuredness and leisurely behavior in his behavior often make Gleb psychologically older than his age, this can also be reflected in his appearance.

If the person named Gleb goes to serve in the army, he takes this period for granted. He becomes a good soldier and is often promoted by command. In extreme situations, our hero also gathers himself and responsibly begins to fulfill his duties.

Gleb is the person who does not rush around and does not pour water from empty to empty. If a strong-willed decision is required, a man will accept it without hesitation. A man named Gleb can make an excellent leader, although he does not strive for this.

  • The inner core, the ability to stand on one’s own, group around the described team, in which there are no strife and squabbles.
  • Fairness, correct behavior, self-confidence and an individual approach to each employee make Gleb an authoritative person in the team.

Gleb is destined to separate work from home and rest. Therefore, our hero is devoted to his professional work, devotes himself to work entirely and completely, and demands the same from his colleagues.

Love, family and marriage of Gleb

Despite the mediocre appearance, the meaning of the name Gleb, which hides God’s heir within itself, attracts the opposite sex.

Gleb himself is indecisive and modest, often afraid to take the first step. By nature, our hero can be called a romantic; he loves to surprise his other half, present gifts, and make unforgettable dinners. Passions and frequent hobbies are also about him.

Our hero's sexuality is off the charts, which can push your partner away. But a man named Gleb is a diplomat by nature, so he quickly finds a way out of the current situation. Before starting a relationship and plunging headlong into it, Gleb studies the object of his desire for a long time, so as not to be disappointed later if something goes wrong.

The one named Gleb has a hard time with partings, with each of them a piece of his soul is torn off. Sometimes a veil obscures the eyes, and our hero can rush into battle immediately, wanting to get the beauty completely and for a long time, but this does not happen often.

The man himself is a passionate lover and expects the same from his partner; standard caresses are not for him.

To create a family, our hero is looking for a kind, gentle, caring woman who will be suitable for him sexually. Leadership positions in marriage may not be shown if the wife decides to take the reins of government into her own hands.

One of the negative characteristics of the name Gleb is jealousy. If our hero suspects something, he will definitely bring his wife to light. Only to a greater extent it only seems to him, and his wife is a woman who loves her husband. Gleb great father, husband, spends a lot of time with family. In addition, he is a good owner, he copes with a man's work like an A.

Career and hobbies

A man named Gleb is a workaholic by nature, so no matter what profession he chooses, he will achieve success everywhere. Our hero does not strive to become a boss, although he often becomes one against his will.

Gleb Sergeevich Galperin (Russian diver, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)

  • Gleb’s extraordinary personality already from childhood gives preference to unusual and rare professions, and subsequently his dream comes true.
  • A boy named Gleb has a craving for art, and if he has talent, he can become an actor, singer or artist, and prove himself in architecture.
  • Having decided to go into business, our hero will become a good boss for his subordinates.
  • Our hero can have many hobbies, since he can do everything on his own.
  • Left with the children, he will cook dinner and clean the house; if there is a broken receiver or TV, he will repair it; if he needs to do the repair himself, Gleb can do that too.
  • As a hobby for the soul, he can choose an unusual and even wonderful activity, building ships with matches, etc.

How to name a child who has already been born or is about to be born? Many mothers and fathers are forced to ask this question. The meaning of the name Gleb will be interesting not only to parents, but also to its owners. What will be the fate of the person wearing it?

What is the origin and meaning of the name Gleb

First you need to figure out where it came from. What is the origin and meaning of the name Gleb?

Researchers have made various assumptions about this:

  • The first version connects it with the Old Church Slavonic language. According to this theory, the name comes from the word gleba, which is translated into Russian as earth.
  • The second version says that the name came to us from the ancient Germanic language. According to this theory, it comes from the word Gutleib. Therefore, the meaning of the name Gleb is protected by God.
  • The third version refers to the Old Norse language. According to this theory, the name comes from the word gudleifr, which translates as to give under protection, favorite of the gods.

The popularity of the name in Rus' can be explained by the fact that it was ranked among the first Orthodox holy names.

What should mothers and fathers who want to name their son this name remember? What is the meaning of a name for a child? The name Gleb gives its owner a self-possessed and calm character. Even in the middle of nowhere he hardly cries. Since childhood, Gleb has been distinguished by seriousness and does not like to carry on empty conversations. He pronounces every word to the point.

What else do you need to know about the meaning of the name Gleb for a boy? Parents can surround their heir with care and fulfill his every desire. However, mom and dad will not be able to spoil their son, even if they try very hard. The child begins to strive for independence early and gladly takes on some of the responsibilities around the house. Washing, cooking, cleaning, hammering nails - you can trust him with anything, and he won’t let you down.

The meaning of the name Gleb for a boy and the fate of its owner cannot but interest the teenager’s parents. From school the guy will bring mostly good grades. It is easy for him to become a favorite of teachers, who are impressed by his prudence and hard work. However, Gleb’s stubbornness can become the cause of his conflict with one of the teachers. His favorite subjects often include foreign languages ​​and mathematics.

Gleb has good relationships with his peers. He has many friends, but the guy approaches his choice of friends very responsibly. Few manage to get close to him and pass the tough selection process. But there is no doubt that these people will remain with the owner of the name until the end of their lives.

The meaning of the name Gleb indicates that its owner has a kind heart. He is always ready to lend a helping hand to the weak, to protect those who are unfairly offended. Also, this guy often brings home animals found on the street and surrounds the pets with love and care.

Character and destiny

What can you tell about the man who was named Gleb? The meaning of the name, character, fate - absolutely everything is of interest. Gleb is not one of those people who have their head in the clouds and build castles in the air. This person is confident in himself, stands firmly on his feet. He easily finds his path in life and moves along it, overcoming obstacles if necessary. The very courageous sound of the name reflects his character.

It cannot be said that professional fulfillment plays the main role in Gleb’s life. Family is of much greater importance to this man. However, he will still move up the career ladder, which may ultimately provide him with a good position.

Positive features

What good can be said about his character? The meaning of the name Gleb (one of the possible) is earth, which cannot but influence him. The positive traits of a man whose name is this are as follows.

  • Equilibrium. It is extremely difficult to make this person lose control of himself. Unless passion can do it.
  • Calm. No matter what situation Gleb finds himself in, he will retain the ability to think soberly.
  • Reliability. The owner of the name is a man of action. Gleb does not like empty words; he evaluates those around him by their actions. If he made a promise to someone, he will certainly keep it. You can rely on this man without any fear.
  • Kindness. On the one hand, a person bearing this name has a good understanding of people. On the other hand, he always tries to discern positive rather than negative traits in those around him. It is easy to evoke sympathy from Gleb; he will always lend a helping hand to relatives or friends who need it.
  • Justice. The owner of the name knows exactly what he deserves. And he always strives to get it. In conflict situations, a man often takes on the role of arbitrator.

Negative traits

The meaning of the name Gleb also gives its owner negative traits, which can be read about below:

  • Gloominess. This person is one of those people who find it difficult to enjoy life. He is often overcome by gloomy thoughts; he constantly thinks about his problems and ways to solve them. It is useful for Gleb to be friends with optimists who will periodically force him to distract himself and relax.
  • Categorical. This man always prefers to decide everything on his own. This quality becomes obvious in childhood and only intensifies with age. Gleb really doesn’t like it when someone starts to challenge his decisions and also neglects his advice.
  • Stubbornness. Gleb has a strong character. However, there is also a side effect - the stubbornness of a man. It is very difficult to convince this person if he has already made a decision. Most likely, he will not even enter into a discussion with those who are trying to achieve this.
  • Unpredictability. From time to time, the owner of the name commits acts that amaze even his close friends. Sometimes Gleb himself is not able to explain the reasons that prompted him to perform this or that action, which is absolutely not characteristic of his character.

Love, sex

Gleb is a passionate person, he often falls in love. This man does not have natural charm, but the fair sex is attracted by his calmness and reliability. The owner of the name is rarely left without fans who dream of a relationship with him. Constant competition can tire his chosen one, but Gleb easily manages to get out of difficult situations.

This person can be classified as a romantic. A man tries to constantly surprise his partner. He gives flowers and gifts, organizes unforgettable dinners, and arranges surprises. Gleb experiences breakups hard and often makes attempts to win back a girl who leaves him of her own free will.

Passionate, ready to experiment - he is such a lover. It’s better for Gleb’s partner to forget the standard caresses that suit other men if she expects to tie him to her for a long time. This person cannot stand boredom and monotony, and stops meetings if the relationship begins to bore him.

Marriage, family

How is the family life of the owner of the name Gleb? The meaning of the name and fate are interconnected. Gentle, kind, caring - such a girl has every chance of getting a marriage proposal from him. Of course, the chosen one should also suit him in bed and be ready to experiment.

If in the professional sphere and in relationships with friends Gleb always strives to take a leadership position, then in his family life everything turns out differently. This man easily gives the role of leader to his wife, allowing her to make all important decisions for the two of them. He is unlikely to help with the housework, but he will make every effort to provide the family with decent living conditions.

Jealousy is one of the main shortcomings of this man. Gleb may suspect his wife of infidelity, having received (or invented) the slightest reason. The slightest doubt will force him to conduct an entire investigation. If the other half really cheated, he will certainly bring her to clean water.


Gleb is an excellent father. He pays a lot of attention to raising his offspring and never refuses to play with them. The owner of the name does everything possible to ensure that his family has the best. For this he is ready to work hard and hard.


Gleb is a born workaholic. Hard work, responsibility, reliability, business acumen - qualities that will allow him to succeed in almost any field. Often the owner of the name connects his fate with a rare and unusual profession. He also has a passion for art. If he has talent, Gleb can realize himself as an actor, artist, or singer.

A strong character allows this man to quickly climb the career ladder and occupy a leadership position. Subordinates respect such a person for his reliability and fairness, and for his superiors he quickly becomes indispensable.

If he wishes, Gleb can open his own business. The ability to remain calm even in a stressful situation, keep emotions under control and make informed decisions are the components of his success.

The secret of the name Gleb

The above describes the origin of the name Gleb and its meaning. The mystery of the name is also of interest. Perhaps the main secret of the man whose name is that is his sexism. He tries to hide his attitude towards the fair sex, but those close to him know about the skepticism with which he treats ladies. The success of women only causes ridicule from this person, even if we are talking about significant achievements.

Gleb is a supporter of traditional values, and it is unlikely that anything will make him change his mind. He expects his other half to leave her career, no matter how successfully it develops, and devote herself to caring for the household and children. If the spouse does not act in accordance with his wishes, the marriage is unlikely to be happy.

Planet - Moon.

The stone is moonstone.

The tree is an apple tree.

Zodiac sign - Cancer.

The plant is clover.

The color of the name is light blue.

The totem animal is the grasshopper.


Little Gleb’s health, as a rule, does not cause problems for his mother and father. The boy is resistant to infections and has excellent immunity. In adolescence, the owner of the name can become seriously interested in sports, which will allow him to become even stronger. Gleb does not refuse physical activity even as an adult. It is also impossible not to note the fact that men who are called this way rarely develop addictions.

The name Gleb is a derivative of the German Gottlieb, which means “favorite of the gods.” The meaning of the name greatly influences Gleb’s fate - he is truly lucky.

    Stone: Jasper

    Element: Water

    Planet: Jupiter


The secret of the name Gleb is that Gleb is a kind, spontaneous person, kind, sincere and simple. Honest and incapable of rude actions that offend others. Outwardly this may not seem so, and often those around him are mistaken in thinking that he is proud and arrogant. In fact, this is a mask under which a sensitive, vulnerable soul hides - the main secret of the name Gleb. He is selective when it comes to choosing friends, so most often the circle of people close to him is limited and not extensive. To the people whom he brought close to him, Gleb becomes a true friend, devoted, capable of selfless acts. In love relationships, Gleb is distinguished by excessive amorousness. In search of true love, she suffers greatly from breakups, but soon finds new love, thinking that it is real. Gleb is very attractive to women. He is gentle and caring towards his partner. Having chosen a spouse, he becomes her friend, trusting her with his experiences. Does not forgive betrayal. The most important thing that the name Gleb means is loyalty, reliability, kindness and ease of communication.

The meaning of the name Gleb changes depending on the time of year in which he was born. Gleb, born in winter, is a merry fellow and the soul of any company. He has an unconventional imagination and an excellent sense of humor. Gleb, born in the spring, is drawn to art more than others, and is interested in painting and music. Gleb, who celebrates his birthday in the summer, is a little insecure and a modest person. Gleb, born in the fall, is shy and indecisive towards representatives of the opposite sex, overly vulnerable and romantic.


Most often, Gleb’s health has been poor since childhood. Susceptible to frequent colds and poor appetite. Gleb’s weak point is his back; he often suffers from lower back pain associated with lifting heavy objects. In adulthood, there is a danger of developing radiculitis.

Very often he falls ill due to nervous experiences to which he is subject. Against this background, the temperature may rise and a fever may begin. Not susceptible to alcoholism, but often has a persistent dependence on nicotine.

Study, career, hobbies

As a rule, Gleb studies well at school. Studying comes easily to him and gives him pleasure. He is interested in music, history and various arts. Likes to attend various clubs. His career is successful if his work is enjoyable. Most often he loves mental activity or activities related to art. He has a tendency to easily master foreign languages, which can also be an activity that will bring him success. Thanks to his character traits, Gleb can achieve a lot in the field of medicine, journalism, art, and history.

From early childhood, Gleb has a tendency to commit serious, deliberate actions. He thinks a lot and learns from other people's mistakes. Very sensitive to the family situation. It is important for him that the relationship between parents is calm; he cannot stand scandals. It will be very difficult for her parents to divorce.


Gleb, Prince of Murom - son of Prince Vladimir; Gleb Kotelnikov – inventor; Gleb Krzhizhanovsky - academician, politician; film director - Gleb Panfilov; writer - Gleb Uspensky.