What is pamelo? Pomelo: how to use, health benefits and harms of pomelo

We are already accustomed to the fact that many things, objects and phenomena, when they land on Russian soil, take on unique forms. Food products are no exception: we are starting to not only eat them differently, but also call them so that, given the peculiarities of the language, it is not always clear what we are talking about.

For example, pomelo - everyone knows from childhood that this is the “transport” of Baba Yaga, but today we also call this a tropical fruit of the citrus family, which is very healthy, tasty and has medicinal properties. This fruit came to Europe in the 14th century, but they didn’t understand it then - apparently there was no time for it.

What kind of fruit?

Pomelo is called an analogue of grapefruit, but this is not entirely true - they are rather relatives, and quite different.

Pomelo is a large fruit, and various sources write that its weight reaches 10 kg, although we have not seen such fruits in our supermarkets.

The fruits that we sell can weigh more than 1 kg and have a thick peel, but in tropical countries there are certainly much larger pomelos: about 30 cm in diameter and weigh several kilograms - this is normal for those places.

The fibers of pomelo are also large, and it tastes much sweeter than grapefruit.

Pomelos grow in Southeast Asia, and China is considered their homeland. The pomelo can be spherical, have the shape of a flattened ball or a pear; the peel can be yellowish-green, greenish-yellow, dark green; pulp - white, yellowish-white, pink, sweet or sour-sweet.

Pomelo is actually the “parent” of the grapefruit, and not one of its varieties. Everywhere you can find its different names: not only Pomelo or Pomello, but also Pummelo, and this sounds completely different. The names “pompelmus” and “shaddock” are also used, and the latter option is associated with the name of the English captain Shaddock, who brought the miracle citrus from the eastern hemisphere to the West Indies. This happened, according to most sources, in the 17th century, and in new climatic conditions mutations began to quickly occur with the plant - they say that this is how grapefruit turned out.

And only later, when pomelo began to be actively grown in South and Central America, it came to Europe again. Today it is grown in India, Japan, and Hawaii, but most often it comes to us from Israel.

Useful properties and composition

What are the benefits of pomelo for the body, and why do we need it at all? After all, there are oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits, and so far we have had enough of them.

The beneficial properties of pomelo for the body and its composition are what make it beneficial to the health of those who decide to try its sweet and juicy pulp: for example, eating pomelo strengthens the immune system.

Pomelo is low in calories, but has a lot of useful substances, and therefore diets are developed based on it. This fruit contains carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and some fat; vitamins – A, C, group B, beta-carotene; minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc.

Pomelo fruit is rich in potassium and it is very good for the heart; essential oils help the body fight viruses; limonoids are natural substances with unique properties that prevent cataracts, diseases of the nervous system and the development of cancer, and even block the growth of malignant tumors - sometimes faster than special medications. In addition, these limonoids act in our body for about a day - longer than most drugs, and their action makes us stronger and improves our mood.

The juice and pulp of pomelo fruits perfectly quench hunger and thirst, normalize high blood pressure and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

The pomelo fruit is useful for asthma, and in China and Malaysia it is used to make medicines used for swelling, cough, abdominal pain, tumors, indigestion and alcohol poisoning.

How to eat pomelo

Pomelo is not a very familiar fruit for us, although it often appears on the shelves of our supermarkets. And yet, many are interested in a completely logical question: how to eat pomelo correctly? Yes, just like a fruit - for breakfast, afternoon snack or dessert; You can prepare salads with it, make fillings for pies and pies, add to dishes and sauces.

Fish and meat, seafood, spicy and sweet dishes become tastier with pomelo, and marmalade and jam are made from its thick peel.

How to choose the right pomelo fruit

It is more important to know how to choose the right broom when purchasing. The peel should shine, be smooth and soft, but not very much, but slightly. A strong aroma also means that the fruit is ripe as it should be.

By the way, purchased pomelo fruit is easy to store: it can last a month without refrigeration if it is not peeled. And even peeled fruit can be stored for several days without problems, but in the refrigerator. A pomelo is peeled differently than an orange or grapefruit: both the peel and the membrane are easily removed.

Dietary properties

Since the pomelo fruit has many dietary properties, it is easy, quick and healthy to lose weight.

Diet with pomelo for weight loss

A diet that includes pomelo can be called not only healthy, but also tasty, since with it any food becomes tastier, and you don’t want to feast on anything else.

For breakfast, in addition to half a pomelo, you can eat 50 g of cheese and drink coffee without sugar.

For lunch - stewed vegetables with lean boiled fish, and herbal tea.

You can have two afternoon snacks: 1st - half a juicy fruit, 2nd - the other half and an egg.

For dinner, an egg is again offered, another half of a fruit and an apple, and boiled cauliflower (or broccoli), and then herbal tea with honey. After such a dinner it will be easy to sleep, and you will hardly want to eat at night.

Healthy salad with pomelo

With pomelo you can prepare very original and exotic salads and surprise your family and guests. We offer you a recipe for a healthy dietary salad and seafood.

So, shrimp salad with pomelo: you will need 10 medium shrimp, one pomelo fruit, celery or green onions (50 g), and sour cream. It is suggested to add sugar and salt to taste, but it is better to do without them.

Boiled and chopped shrimp are mixed with peeled and chopped pomelo, finely chopped herbs, everything is mixed and seasoned with sour cream. The finished salad can be served in halves of the fruit peel, optionally garnished with olives and herbs.

Healthy exotic dessert with pomelo

Delicious and healthy fruit dessert: ½ pomelo, banana, orange; apple, kiwi, pear - 2 pcs., ice cream - 1 briquette, grated chocolate or coconut.

All fruits are cut into pieces and mixed with ice cream. Before serving, sprinkle with grated chocolate or coconut.

What are the benefits of the peel?

The peel of the pomelo can be very thick, but there is no need to throw it away - it is also very useful, so you can make unusual jam.

First, the peel is soaked to remove the bitterness - for 5 days, changing the water 2 times a day; then it is brought to a boil - 2 times, and both times the water is drained. The cooled crusts are covered with sugar and left overnight. You will need 3 cups of sugar, and about 300-320 ml of water.

This jam is cooked in stages: first the mixture boils, then reduce the heat and cook the jam for 20 minutes, stirring, then remove and cool, and repeat this 3 times. The jam is considered ready when it no longer tastes like cotton candy.

The use of fruit in cosmetology

The pomelo fruit has many beneficial properties for the face and body, which is why it is used in home and professional cosmetology.

The pomelo pulp and juice are used to make homemade face masks.

So, for oily skin, a mask with pomelo pulp and kefir is suitable. You need to peel and mash the fruit segment, add kefir (1 tsp), mix, drain a little liquid, soak a tampon in it, wipe your face and wait until the skin dries. Then apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

A moisturizing and nourishing mask is good for any skin: chop a slice of pomelo fruit, add honey and lemon juice (1 tsp each), mix and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off not with water, but with green tea, and apply your own moisturizer. It is best to do this mask at night.

It is hardly possible to talk about the harm of pomelo, but as for allergies, they can appear in those who are allergic to all citrus fruits.


Like other citrus fruits, you should not eat pomelo fruit if you have increased stomach acidity, peptic ulcers, colitis, acute nephritis and hepatitis.

The name of this fruit is still complicated. Should I pronounce either pomelo or pomelo? The second option is somehow completely colloquial or something... It turns out to be a fruit-broom. The first option, at the same time, is alien. But you can also call citrus - pompelmousse, sheddock and large citron.

What kind of fruit is pomelo?

It looks like a big, big orange. The taste is close to grapefruit. But this is still not a grapefruit or an orange, although some mistakenly believe that pomelo is a hybrid of these two fruits. Pomelo is native to China and Southeast Asia, where it is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It can rightfully be called a citrus giant. After all, it can be larger in size than a basketball and weigh up to 10 kg. But in our country such giants are almost never found. As a rule, small-sized fruits end up on store shelves. Like these, for example:

Pomelo has a voluminous, soft peel that is very easy and pleasant to clean. Under the layer of cotton wool hides a sweetish citrus. Its taste is not cloying, but not bitter either. So moderately sweet. Perfectly quenches thirst. And, of course, pomelo, like all fruits, has a number of beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antioxidant;
  • antiviral.

All the benefits are certainly contained in the pulp.

How to eat it

I prefer to eat pompelmousse in its pure form. I quickly peel, remove the white membranes, cut into small slices on a plate and enjoy the fresh taste. But if you’re already tired of this, you can get confused and make salad, jam, marmalade, soup, casserole with pomelo.

Another option for using pomelo is candied fruits. You can buy them ready-made at the market or prepare them at home. Candied fruits can be made from both peel and pulp. I make it from the peel. It has a lot of benefits, but you can’t eat it in its pure form, so candied fruits are the best option.

The recipe is quite simple. Cut the peel into small pieces and soak in water. Then boil in sugar syrup until the liquid evaporates completely. And finally, dry it thoroughly.

The evergreen pomelo tree gives people a tasty and juicy fruit, which is called pomelo. It also has other names - pompelmus or sheddock. Moreover, the fruit was named sheddock not by chance, but in memory of Captain Shaddock, who brought the seeds of this plant from the Malay Archipelago in the 17th century. This fruit was once grown in China so that only the imperial family could eat it.

Entire plantations of pomelo trees are located in Vietnam and Japan, China and Thailand, India and Indonesia, and are supplied to European countries in large quantities. Due to the fact that the fruit has a rather thick rind, and between it and the pulp there is a significant white layer of loose consistency, the fruits are reliably preserved during long-term transportation.

There is a wide variety of pomelo varieties. They differ in different shades and colors of the pulp - from white to rich pink. The taste is also different - sour, sweet and sour or sweet. But all the fruits have one main advantage in common - they are all aromatic, extremely tasty and healthy, as they contain many vitamins and minerals. Children and adults eat pomelo fruits with pleasure. Those who have become accustomed to this citrus in their diet already know how to choose it correctly, peel it and serve it.

Before the pomelo reaches the table, you need to choose the right fruit at the point of sale.

When purchasing you should pay attention to:

  1. Citrus appearance. If it has dents or damage, it is not recommended to take it. Uneven skin color is also a concern.
  2. Softness of the peel. If it is hard, it means that the fruit is unripe; the best fruit is considered to be the one that is slightly pressed when pressed.
  3. The smell that comes from a pomelo. High-quality fruit exudes an elusive, pleasant aroma, in contrast to spoiled fruit with a strong unpleasant odor.
  4. The mark left when the fruit is lightly pressed. You should not buy one that leaves a noticeable dent when pressed.

How to clean correctly

The juicy, tasty pulp of the fruit is precisely the part for which the pomelo is bought. But it is hidden behind a rather thick peel, and, moreover, is also divided into numerous slices using leathery membranes.

It is almost impossible to clean a broom with your hands, unless, of course, such a strongman as Dmitry Khaladzhi gets down to business. Usually people use a knife.

The peel is not an edible part of the fruit, so it must be removed. Pomelo lovers advise pouring boiling water over the fruit for faster separation, in this case the benefit will be two-sided:

  1. The peel will become softer and more manageable.
  2. A special wax will quickly be removed from the surface, which protects the fruits from infection and spoilage during long-term transportation.

In any case, the pomelo must be washed before cleaning and using.

There are several methods for removing the peel. All of them are done using a knife, but very carefully so that the tasty juice is preserved and does not leak out:

Vertical. For convenience, first of all, the upper parts are removed from both sides. Then use a knife to make shallow cuts in several parts from top to bottom along the fruit - vertically - and then the individual cut pieces of the peel will remain easy to separate. The thick white layer will also need to be removed - it is not edible. To get rid of it, you need to separate the slices, cut off a layer from each in a narrow part, then the layer will be easy to pull off, starting from the bottom. A thick leathery film will also be unnecessary during eating, so it must be removed.

Spiral. In this case, you will need to work a little harder. The cut should be made from top to bottom in a spiral. Having finished the cut, all that remains is to pry off the cut peel, and it will easily come off. Then it remains to separate the white layer by disassembling the broom into slices and removing the leathery membranes.

There are small seeds inside the pulp. They are not eaten. Only the juicy pulp with a high juice content is left for eating. It is not recommended to sprinkle pomelo slices with sugar. It is believed that this sweet product significantly worsens the taste of the pomelo and kills its real taste.

It is preferable to clean the broom in a deep container. Then, if juice leaks out when cutting, it can be saved.


After the pomelo has been peeled, the fruit should not be stored for more than a week, but this citrus remains fresh and tasty for no more than three days.

If you need to keep the broom uncleaned, it is better to keep it in a cool place for a month. For better preservation, there is a proven method: wrap it in food paper, but first generously grease it with vegetable oil.

Video: about the benefits and harms of pomelo

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Many fruits and vegetables have unique properties that can be used for different purposes. Some are recommended for use for skin diseases, others for indigestion or for weight loss. Few people know how pomelo is useful (see the photo below for what the fruit looks like), because it is an exotic fruit for our countries and is not in wide demand. However, the citrus fruit has a pleasant taste and is also rich in a whole range of useful substances.

What kind of fruit is pomelo?

Some people believe that pomelo is some kind of grapefruit variety or hybrid. This idea is incorrect. Just to get a grapefruit, I had to cross a pomelo and an orange. The thick-skinned fruit grows on an evergreen citrus tree up to 15 m tall. The fruit is orange, yellow or pale green in color. The fruit inside can be green, pink and red, white or yellow. Looks like grapefruit. The main difference from grapefruit is weight: for example, not the largest fruit weighs 1 kg. In tropical countries, pomelo reaches 30 cm in diameter and up to several kilograms.

The fruit has a very thick peel; you need to peel it with a knife; the pulp has large fibers and tastes much sweeter. The fruit has several names: pamella, pompelmus, pomelo, sheddock (the origin of the name is from the name of the captain who brought it to the West Indies). It was first discovered in China and Southeast Asia. Thailand is currently the largest exporter, but the plant is also cultivated:

  • in Japan;
  • Indonesia;
  • Israel;
  • California;
  • India.

Composition and calorie content

The benefits of pomelo are large amounts of vitamin A, C, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, limonoids, sodium, essential oils, and iron. The fruit is rich in fiber, which is good for the intestines and stomach. The presence of a lipolytic enzyme, which accelerates the breakdown of fats, is valued among those losing weight. The calorie content of 100 g of pomelo is 32 kcal, and the content is as follows:

  • proteins – 0.6 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.7 g.

How to choose the right broom

The main parameters of the “correct” fetus:

  1. The aroma is the first thing you should pay attention to. It should be bright and be felt even from a distance. This indicates the ripeness of the fruit.
  2. The color of the fruit should be uniform and identical. There should be no streaks or green spots (unless it is a green pomelo variety).
  3. Feel the peel: it should be uniform throughout the entire fruit, without compactions. If there are any, it means that the pomelo was not grown or stored correctly. Such a fruit will be bitter or bland, contain a lot of seeds and have no vitamin value.
  4. If there are stains on the citrus that are uncharacteristic of the main color, then this indicates a disease in the fetus. It will not cause harm to the human body, but there will be no benefit from the fruit.

Useful properties

The fruit is tasty and has a beneficial effect on many internal human systems. The beneficial properties of pomelo have a positive effect not only in reducing calories during a diet. A tasty addition to food helps improve the functioning of the human body. The influence of the fruit is experienced by:

  1. Immune system. The fruit contains a large amount of vitamins that help strengthen the immune system and fight infections that enter the body. Can be eaten as a prophylactic against seasonal or flu.
  2. Cardiovascular system. The composition of pomelo helps strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessel walls. This property of the product reduces the likelihood of a heart attack. It is believed that the fruit cleanses blood vessels and helps reduce blood pressure. Pomelo is recommended for use in bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  3. Bones. They are strengthened due to the presence of calcium in the pomelo.
  4. Brain work. Phosphorus, which is contained in the fruit, promotes better brain function, and calcium has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  5. Women's health. The reproductive system of girls is susceptible to various malfunctions and diseases. Folic acid has a positive effect on it. It is also useful at the very beginning of pregnancy - it reduces the risk of miscarriage.
  6. Metabolism. Improves metabolism, which makes the fruit an important element of many weight loss diets.
  7. Digestive system. Bioflavonoids from the peel of the fruit help normalize the functioning of the pancreas and intestines.
  8. Emotional state. Pomelo is called an antidepressant fruit because it improves mood. The fruit replenishes energy reserves and increases productivity.

Medicinal properties

In pharmacology I use not so much the fruit itself as the leaves, seeds, and flowers of the plant. These drugs help cope with stomach disorders, vomiting, hangover, and swelling. Where the fruit itself is effectively used:

  • in a feverish state;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • colds, viral diseases;
  • regular insomnia;
  • weakening of intestinal motility;
  • depressed state;
  • treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pomelo for weight loss

Many diets use this fruit as the basis of their diet. This is due to the composition of the fruit, which supplies a lipolytic enzyme that accelerates the breakdown of fat cells. What else is pomelo good for losing weight? It is used in snacks to suppress the feeling of hunger; the fruit is very filling. The fruit can be stored for 1 year at room temperature. Dried pomelo is also eaten: lovers of dried fruits will appreciate the fruit. If you wish, you can make yourself a cocktail from this citrus fruit, for example:

Option 1:

  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • pomelo juice - fruit.

Option 2:

  • ginger – 50 g (finely grate, pour boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours, then mix with juice);
  • pomelo juice - fruit.


Along with the beneficial properties of this citrus fruit, there are some contraindications. People who have had allergies should be careful when consuming pomelo. It, like other citrus fruits, is a very allergenic fruit. Do not eat the fetus during breastfeeding, so as not to spoil the quality of breast milk. Those who have any forms of gastritis, colitis, acute nephritis, or hepatitis should not abuse the fruit.

Pomelo is the largest representative of citrus fruits. Judge for yourself: its diameter sometimes reaches 30 centimeters, and its weight is 10 kilograms! This fruit attracts attention with its impressive size and also contains many benefits for the body.

Photo by Shutterstock

Citrus giant

The Celestial Empire is considered the homeland of pomelo. Several varieties of this citrus giant grow there. Its common name comes from the Dutch word pompelmoes, meaning "grapefruit". In appearance and taste it is really similar to the latter. Now pomelo is actively cultivated not only in China, but also in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Israel, as well as in Taiwan and Tahiti.

The color of its skin varies and is yellow, green and pink-red. Pomelo also differs in the taste of its pulp, which is somewhat dryer than that of an orange or grapefruit. The giant has a different taste - from sour-sweet with notes of bitterness to intoxicating-sweet. There is noticeably less bitterness in it than in grapefruit. The smell of pomelo is quite citrusy, some varieties can give off a pine aroma.

In its homeland, the pomelo is considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being. They even give it as a New Year's gift.

Pomelo is the richest source of ascorbic acid, antioxidants, vitamin A and essential oils. In addition, its aromatic pulp contains folic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus and B vitamins. Due to the large amount of vitamin C and essential oils, this fruit helps fight viral diseases. Antioxidants prevent the development of cancer. Pomelo helps with atherosclerosis and problems with blood pressure. In addition, its regular use will improve your mood and increase vitality.

Pomelo has good dietary properties. 100 grams of its pulp contains only 38 calories. Pomelo contains a lot of fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness and removes all the bad things from the intestines. Losing weight with him is not only easy, but also pleasant.

How to eat pomelo

This fruit should be eaten raw, like orange, grapefruit and other citrus fruits. Peel it, divide it into slices and enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma. Do not clean the pomelo from films too thoroughly. They contain fiber. You don’t have to peel the fruit at all, but simply cut it into two parts and eat the pulp with a spoon.

Pomelo can be added to various salads. Its pulp will add piquancy to them. Pomelo is also good as an addition to sauces. You can make excellent jams, candied fruits and preserves from it. However, when cooked, the pomelo will lose some of its benefits.

200 grams of pomelo pulp contains a daily dose of ascorbic acid

How to choose a pomelo

You need to choose a pomelo with your nose, and in the literal sense of the word. The main indicator of its ripeness is its aroma, so do not hesitate to sniff the pomelo before purchasing. The ripe fruit has a rich aroma. The stronger it is, the better.

The taste of pomelo depends solely on the variety. In this case, pay attention to the color of the peel. Green pomelos naturally have a sour taste. The pear-shaped yellow fruits have the most fleshy and delicious pulp. However, they can also become bitter if they were stored at sub-zero temperatures. To check this, just press lightly on the peel. Fruit that has been stored correctly is moderately elastic and hard. A frostbitten pomelo peels easily.

Particular attention should be paid to the top of the fruit. If it is soft, the fruit itself may be rotten. You should not buy fruits that are too shiny. This is a sure sign of treatment with chemical wax. If there are stripes, dents, brown or burgundy circles on the surface of the pomelo, this is a diseased fruit.

Size matters too. From broomsticks of equal diameter, you should choose the one that is heavier. Its peel is thinner and there is more useful pulp.

How to store pomelo

It is not necessary to store a whole pomelo in the refrigerator. It will be enough to put it in a dry, dark place where nothing will happen to it for a month. Sliced ​​fruit should be stored only in the refrigerator or any other cool place, but no more than two days. In this form, its pulp dries quickly and loses its benefits.