What does dormition mean? Dormition of the Virgin Mary

On August 28, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the day of her transition from one life to another. This holiday, dedicated to the Mother of God, ends the August two-week Dormition Fast.

When is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017?

The Orthodox Church celebrates on August 28, 2017 one of the twelve main holidays of the year - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, Christians remember the death of the Virgin Mary, and the word “dormition” here does not mean death, but ascension to God.

History of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

After Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, the Virgin Mary remained in the care of the Apostle John. The beginning of King Herod's persecution of Christians forced the Mother of God and John to settle in Ephesus. There the holy Virgin knelt in prayer, asking God to take her to him, and then one day the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and told her that her earthly life would end in three days.

Before her death, the Virgin Mary gathered all the apostles. They gathered near her bed, where she accepted death. The coffin with the body of the Mother of God was buried in a cave, and the apostles remained at its foot for three more days and prayed. The Apostle Thomas was late for the funeral. He was allowed to go into the tomb and worship the body of the saint, but there was nothing inside, which marked the ascension of the spirit and body of the Mother of God.

The meaning of the holiday

The Slavic word “dormition” means sleep. As they say, perhaps the meaning of the Feast of the Assumption is in the understanding that there is no final death, and, accordingly, no fear of it. There is life on Earth in a physical body, and life in another space and dimension. Each life has its own laws of existence. Every person on Earth has everything necessary to create his life the way he wants to see it. And each of us has a choice of what to fill our lives with, what to acquire, what to be happy about and in what direction to move. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and your desires.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a special holiday for all Christians, since it is dedicated to the Mother of God. Namely: her dormition. It is celebrated every year on August 28th. People also call this holiday the First Most Pure One.

What you definitely need to do on the Assumption

Go to church for a service

In the old days, on these days, ears of wheat from the new harvest were brought to church for consecration. This is not practiced now. But the service on this day is special - solemn and festive. You should also definitely light a candle, remembering all your family and friends.

Pray for the children

The Mother of God, as our ancestors believed, listens especially sensitively to prayers for children on this day. Therefore, you need to ask the Virgin Mary for health for the children, and for a happy fate for the girls of marriageable age.

Giving alms and feeding the poor on this day is considered a rule. Because on a day like the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all people, including those who do not have financial stability, should feel joy and protection.

Making preparations for the winter is not only possible, but also necessary! It was believed that in the near future the garden would no longer have the variety of vegetables that could be prepared in reserve. Particular attention was paid to pickling cucumbers.

And, of course, on this day you can get married. Receiving matchmakers and discussing the details of the upcoming wedding is a very good omen that promises a happy married life.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a very important and revered holiday. Therefore, it is not surprising that a huge number of different traditions, beliefs, and, of course, prohibitions are associated with it.

What not to do on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On this day, you should never walk barefoot in the dew: it is believed that this way you can only collect illnesses.

You should not wear uncomfortable shoes: this can lead to misfortunes and troubles.

Our ancestors believed that on this day you should not stick anything sharp into the ground, because it should rest.

On this day you should also not cut food with a knife. Therefore, housewives even tried not to cook anything in the kitchen that day. They prepared festive dishes on the eve of the Dormition, and broke bread with their hands.

And especially on Assumption, you cannot quarrel with anyone: otherwise there will be squabbles in the house all year long.

Traditions for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary coincides with the end of the Dormition Fast, which is considered strict.

Anyone who has fasted for two weeks can begin to eat a variety of foods. But if the Dormition of the Virgin Mary falls on Wednesday or Friday, then you need to wait one more day.

On this day, believers go to church to honor the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary. People will ask for help and protection from the Most Holy Theotokos.

Prayer for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Oh, great Virgin Mary, we pray to you, please hear us, deliver us from fears and horrors, from all evil spirits and evil. Save our house, our city and our country. All the righteous call on your name and pray to you. Save us from troubles, from illness, from floods, from the invasion of our enemies, from fires and misfortunes. Have mercy on us and forgive all our sins. Let us glorify your name and your Son Jesus Christ. Deliver us from torment, O Holy Virgin Mary. Let us rejoice in Your reunion with Your Son in Heaven! May there be peace on earth and may Your name be glorified! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. From now on and forever. Amen!"

Folk signs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • After the Assumption, Indian summer begins, which will last throughout September. In ancient times they said: “See off the Dormition, and welcome autumn.”
  • If a rainbow appears in the sky on this day, autumn will be warm. And the weather is good for the holiday - Indian summer will be cool.
  • A lot of cobwebs symbolize that the winter will be frosty and with little snow.
  • During this period, Ukrainians complete the harvest: the last sheaf was left in the fields for the Assumption, and seeds and ears of various breads were brought to the church for consecration.
  • After the Feast of the Assumption, they began to collect mushrooms and nuts in the forests and stored them for the winter.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: pictures, postcards with congratulations

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: pictures, postcards. One of the greatest Orthodox holidays has arrived - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The holiday is celebrated annually on the same day - August 28. The holiday is dedicated to the glorification of the Mother of God.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is preceded by a strict Dormition Fast, which lasts for two weeks; on the eve of the holiday, an all-night vigil is held in churches.

On this bright and important day for the entire Orthodox world, believers congratulate each other on the holiday. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of congratulations on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the form of postcards and pictures in electronic form.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: pictures, postcards with congratulations

Today is a bright holiday Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. People call the holiday the First Most Pure One.

The full name of this holiday, which is revered all over the world, is the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

The holiday is one of the Twelve Feasts, i.e. intolerable. Thus, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is always celebrated on August 28th. Throughout the world, the Church honors the Most Holy Theotokos as “the most honorable of the Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison of the Seraphim.”
On this day, the Holy Church remembers the righteous death of the Mother of God - an event colored at the same time by sadness about the end of the life path of the Representative for the human race and joy about the union of the Most Pure Mother of the Lord with Her Son.

It is with the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary that the first (young) “Indian summer” begins and it lasts until September 11. And based on what the weather was like these days, they determined what the second “Indian summer” would be like - from September 14 to 28.
The Nativity of the Virgin Mary also falls during Indian Summer - September 21st.

History of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to legend, the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, lived 72 years.

We know about earthly life after the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of the Savior from Holy Tradition. Until the persecution brought by Herod against the Church, the Most Pure Virgin remained in Jerusalem, then she moved with the Apostle John the Theologian to Ephesus. While living here, She visited the righteous Lazarus in Cyprus and Mount Athos, which she blessed as Her destiny. Shortly before her death, the Mother of God returned to Jerusalem.

Here the Ever-Virgin often stayed in those places with which the most important events in the life of Her Divine Son were connected: Bethlehem, Golgotha, the Holy Sepulcher, Gethsemane, Olivet. There She prayed earnestly. According to legend, the Jews attempted to kill Her, for which purpose, by order of the high priests, a guard was placed at the Holy Sepulcher, but at the right moment the soldiers’ vision was taken away, and they could not see the Mother of God.

Once, during a prayer on Olivet, Archangel Gabriel announced to the Mother of God about Her impending death in three days and presented a luminous branch of paradise - a symbol of victory over death and corruption: “Your Son and our God with the archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, with all the heavenly spirits and with the souls of the righteous he will accept you, his mother, into the heavenly kingdom, so that you may live and reign with him for an infinite time.”
The Most Holy Theotokos told the Apostle John the Theologian about what had happened, and he informed the Apostle James, the brother of the Lord, and through him the entire Church of Jerusalem, in which the tradition of the Dormition of the Mother of God was preserved. Before her death, the Mother of God bequeathed Her meager property to the widows who served Her and ordered to bury Herself in Gethsemane, next to the graves of Her righteous parents and righteous husband Joseph the Betrothed.

Here are some photos taken at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tomb of the Mother of God). Don’t judge strictly, I’m a terrible photographer, and the church itself is essentially a grotto, a tomb: it’s a little dark there and the photos aren’t very clear...

Just before her death, at her bed, she saw all the apostles and disciples of her Divine Son, who were miraculously gathered by the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, who had previously dispersed to different countries with the mission of preaching the Word of God. The Apostle Paul arrived later than everyone else. Only Apostle Thomas was absent.
Thus, the Virgin Mary was able to say goodbye to them. She asked them to rejoice and not to grieve. After all, “Her death is just a short dream, and she goes to her Divine Son”

Suddenly an unspeakable light shone, darkening the lamps; The roof of the upper room opened, and Christ Himself descended with many angels. The Most Holy Theotokos turned to the Lord with a prayer of gratitude and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. She also prayed to Her Son to protect Her from the dark satanic power, from airy ordeals. Then the Mother of God joyfully surrendered Her soul into the hands of the Lord, and immediately angelic singing was heard.

After her death, Mary was buried in the Garden of Gethsemane in the cave where the ashes of her parents once lay. During the burial of the mother of Christ there were a large number of miracles. In particular, the crippled were able to get back on their feet, and the possessed miraculously got rid of their possession.

For three days the apostles remained at the tomb of the Mother of God, chanting psalms. Angelic singing was constantly heard in the air. As St. Philaret of Moscow says, the apostles received complete and complete consolation “when, on the third day after Her Dormition, for the sake of Thomas, who was late for Her burial, opening Her tomb, they did not find Her most pure body, and after that they saw Her in the glory of the resurrection and from Her she heard a word of consolation: “Rejoice, for I am with you all the days.” The body of the Mother of God was raptured into heaven.
Jesus' disciples took Thomas to the cave where the Virgin was buried. They moved the stone that blocked the entrance, but Mary’s body was no longer in the cave - only her funeral vestments lay there. The Orthodox Church explains it this way - Jesus Christ resurrected the Most Pure Mother of God and took her with her body to heaven.

The Church calls the death of the Mother of God the Dormition, and not death, because death, as the return of its dust to the earth, and the spirit to God, “Who gave him,” did not touch our Gracious Intercessor.
“The laws of nature are defeated in You, Pure Virgin, - the Holy Church sings in the troparion of the holiday, - in Virginity is preserved at birth, and life is combined with death: remaining a Virgin after birth and Living after death, You always save, Mother of God, Your inheritance.”
She only fell asleep, only to awaken at the same moment to eternal life and, after three days, with an incorruptible body, move into the heavenly incorruptible dwelling.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also called the “Easter of the Virgin Mary.” On this day, in Orthodox churches they place an icon with the image of the deceased Virgin (shroud), and also decorate it with flowers.

Traditions of the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

As a rule, on the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthodox Christians should think about their mother and help her. It is customary to celebrate the holiday among family and friends, certainly with parents, at a rich table and delicious dishes.

All believers on this day pray and ask for help and intercession from the Most Holy Theotokos.

Signs and customs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28

Engagements start from this day. After all, according to the ancestors - “The Most Pure One has come - the unclean one is carrying the matchmakers.” unmarried girls were looking forward to this day with great impatience - if they were not wooed after a big church holiday, they would have to sit as girls all winter.

On this holiday, the Slavs went to the forest to collect viburnum. Competitions were held - whoever runs to the bush with the berries first will definitely get married this year.
The guys didn’t go to pick viburnum. They waited while the girls sang and danced, and then escorted them home. Parents and daughters decorated their houses with viburnum, because this berry was considered a talisman.

What not to do on this day

On this day you should not handle piercing or cutting objects, or cook food. Believers break bread with their hands, since they cannot use a knife. Moreover, You cannot stick knives, shovels or other sharp objects into the ground at the Assumption.

You cannot go barefoot to the Assumption. It was believed that in this way all diseases could be collected. Dew on this day is the tears of nature that the Mother of God has left this world and cannot be with people and help them.

Also, all those who fasted before the Dormition were delivered from the “attempt of the evil one on the soul.”

You should also not wear old or uncomfortable shoes on this day to avoid problems in life. If you rub your foot on this day, you will have a difficult life full of problems and failures.

But you were allowed to work on this day, especially if you did not finish some work you started or need to help someone.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a truly bright and joyful holiday.

“We magnify Thee,
Immaculate Mother of Christ our God,
and we glorify Your Dormition all-gloriously."

The great church holiday - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is celebrated by all Catholics, Christians and believers. When is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017? As in those years, Dormition falls on August 28th. On this significant day, all people honor the memory of the great woman - the Most Holy Theotokos or, as she is also called, the Virgin Mary. Despite the fact that the word “dormition” means “death,” it is customary to celebrate with a smile on your face and in a good mood. After all, according to old beliefs, the Most Holy Theotokos did not die, but was reunited with the Lord in heaven.

About the church holiday

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017 is no different from the celebration of those years. It is considered the twelfth, especially important, church holiday. This is the last big holiday after Easter. On this day, Lent ends, and people celebrate it with numerous delicious dishes on the tables, thereby honoring and thanking the Most Holy Theotokos for everything.

You should definitely go to church or temple in the morning and bow before the icon of the Mother of God. Thank you for everything, light a candle for the repose of her soul, and then you can ask her for help. Someone asks for the recovery of children, someone for a fruitful harvest, or happiness in family life. Many believe that the Most Holy Theotokos will undoubtedly hear all prayers and will definitely help everyone who has repented of their sins and allowed bright intentions into their souls.

A major church holiday has a certain meaning. He tells people that people should not be afraid of death, but should meet it calmly and with dignity. After all, when dying, a person’s soul is reunited with the Lord and moves to a wonderful place where there is no lie and enmity. God protects everyone and gives the souls of the dead a second life in heaven.

On the eve of the celebration of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all clergy dress in light blue robes, thereby showing their reunion with heaven. They bow before the Queen of Heaven and the Lord, showing their faith and obedience. On this day, it is believed that the Virgin Mary covers everyone with an invisible veil, giving her blessing.

History of the origin of the Virgin Mary

Her life on Earth was amazing from a very young age. She became God's chosen one for the birth of the great Savior - Jesus Christ. The Lord saw in her a pure soul, not defiled by self-interest or evil intent, believing that it was she who should give Jesus life.

As a little girl, with the blessing of the Lord she entered the Jerusalem Temple. She was received with honors, and she began to enter many of the secret rooms of the temple, where ancient relics were kept. Only one person could enter such rooms - the priest. It was allowed to enter the rooms only after the rite of purification and after praying for all the people.

At her young age, the Virgin Mary was accustomed to hard work, doing handicrafts and joyfully teaching prayers. She considered the temple the best place on Earth where she could unite with God and share her thoughts. She grew up as an unspoiled child with a pure and bright soul. She was always kind and merciful to people. She learned not to break the laws of God and praised him.
According to the laws of those times, she was married, while still a young girl, to the widower Joseph, who had two children left from his first marriage. Joseph treated his new wife with respect, so he fulfilled her desire to live in celibacy. For her, he became the guardian and patron of her innocence and purity. The Most Holy Theotokos entered the family of a poor carpenter.

Birth of son Jesus

The most joyful and significant moment in Mary's life was the birth of Jesus Christ. She became the mother of the Savior incarnate.

The Blessed Virgin Mary always supported Jesus in all his affairs. She helped him, accompanied him wherever he went, protected and loved him. Jesus performed his first miracle at a feast of the poor, turning water into delicious wine. The Virgin Mary carefully hid her son's abilities and kept a vow of silence. But one day, she begged in front of her son, asking him to help poor people. Christ gave people his mercy.

The kind and pure-hearted woman had to go through many more tests. The earthly rulers began to persecute the mother and child in order to assert their rule. They were afraid that Jesus would take away their power. The Virgin Mary and her son had no choice but to flee. They went to Egypt, wandering in poverty and hunger.

But there is no comparison of these troubles worse than the pain that she still had to endure - the day of the execution of Jesus Christ. He was crucified on a cross in the middle of a crowd who, with all their anger and hatred, demanded his execution. Maria, with pain in her heart, vowed that she would devote the rest of her life to the Lord, prayers and helping people.

After the execution of Christ, she becomes the Mother of God for the apostles and preaches with them in different places. He shares with them the dangers that await them, shares meals, and goes on difficult hikes. Churches all over the world knew about her and blessed her with admiration for all her good deeds. The Virgin Mary was modest and radiated love and mercy to all people.

Death of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the last years of her life, the Mother of God was protected by the Apostle John. She often asked the Lord to take her to heaven to be reunited with her son. One fine day, the Lord heard her prayers and sent Archangel Gabriel to her earth. He informed her that her suffering would end in three days and she would go to heaven. Maria was happy that she would soon meet her family. She realized that there was no need to be afraid of death, because she would go to the Kingdom of Heaven, where there would be eternal life. While waiting for her departure, she asked to gather all 12 apostles in order to say goodbye to them.

Before her death, the Most Holy Theotokos promised not to leave anyone, to hear people’s prayers and to help everyone who needs it. She asked to transfer her body to Gethsemane, where Jesus spent the last hours of his life. Three days after the funeral, the apostles looked into the cave and were stunned by what they saw. The body of the Virgin Mary was gone, only the tissues in which she was buried remained. At the evening meal, a miracle happened: the Virgin Mary appeared surrounded by angels, saying that she would always be with everyone.
Since then, the Dormition has been celebrated with joy and sadness, because on the one hand, the Virgin Mary died, and on the other hand, she found life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

When does the Assumption Fast begin?

To cleanse your soul and heart before the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017, you should pay special attention to. What number does it start from? In 2017, the fast falls on August 14 and ends on August 27. These days you should not eat livestock, but give preference to vegetables, fruits, and grains. By fasting, a person cleanses his soul from evil intentions and anger.

What date should you go to church? The church service takes place on the night of August 27 and ends on the morning of August 28. At this time, prayers are read, sins are absolved, and icons are worshiped. After the service, they ask the Mother of God for help and beg forgiveness for their sins.

The Dormition of the Mother of God is of great importance in the life of every person. You should not start quarrels on this day, do cleaning, or be in a bad mood. You need to let goodness into your heart, smile and rejoice. After all, the Virgin Mary has always been a kind woman and, no matter what, she went to heaven with a smile on her face and kindness in her heart for every person.

The Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an important event from the stay of the Mother of God on earth, which is not in the Holy Scriptures. This phenomenon is described in detail by the Traditions of the Saints.

The Feast of the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 28, as a memory of the miraculous ascension of the Mother of God into Heaven to meet the Son, Father and Holy Spirit.

Historical information about the wonderful day

Non-believers do not understand the joy of believers celebrating this holiday. "Dormition" means both death and sleep. For followers of Jesus, death is the first step to meeting Christ. The Gospel of John speaks in the name of Jesus that those who believe in Him will be given eternal life.

On August 28, the day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Orthodox world remembers the wonderful events in the life of the Holy Virgin that preceded her death and after it.

Jesus, while on the cross in terrible torment, did not forget about His Mother. At His request, the Apostle John took upon himself further care of the Mother of God. Virgo lived in his parents’ house until she met the Archangel Gabriel. God's messenger announced to the Mother of God the joyful news for Her that in 3 days Her life on earth would come to an end.

During this time, the Blessed Virgin tidied up the room and expressed only one wish to God - to see the apostles who remained on earth, scattered throughout the earth, before leaving.

Miraculously, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the faithful disciples of Jesus gathered at the bedside of the Mother of God who was awaiting her death. The Savior Himself appeared near the bed of the Mother of God and received her soul, hugging her like a baby with His hands.

Before leaving for Heaven, the Most Pure Virgin, with great humility and faith, asked her Son to grant a blessing to all people who revere her as the Mother of God.

As soon as her soul was in the hands of the Son, the singing of angels filled the room. The coffin with the body of the deceased Mother of God was taken to the Garden of Gethsemane for burial in a cave.

The Apostle Thomas did not have time to say goodbye to the Blessed Mother; he arrived three days after her burial. All this time the apostles prayed at the Holy Tomb.

At the great request of Thomas, the apostles moved away the stone of the cave to allow the faithful disciple of Jesus to say goodbye to His Mother. Great surprise and joy awaited the apostles - the tomb turned out to be empty. The Most Holy Theotokos was taken up into heaven by angels

The day of the departure of the Mother of God into Heaven has become clear proof that the Kingdom of Heaven awaits faithful worshipers in spirit and truth, and thousands of believers pray daily before the icon dedicated to this day.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayers to the Mother of God

The akathist to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary recalls the last days of the Mother of God and Her miraculous ascension.

Reading the prayer to the Most Pure Mother of God, which can be said not only at the Dormition of the Mother of God on August 28, but also with any petition, Orthodox believers ask:

  • help to pass the fast with dignity;
  • mentor youth;
  • keep the girls pure until the wedding;
  • give mothers wisdom to be quiet and affectionate;
  • deliverance for captives;
  • provision for widows;
  • keep travelers on the road.

Read about the Mother of God:

What is the meaning of the holiday

Secular understanding is not given to understand the joy of the Orthodox on the day of the death of the Virgin of God. It is possible to unite two opposite concepts - joy and death - by accepting as true the words of the Apostle Paul that death is a temporary sleep until the soul is resurrected.

Important! The celebration of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an ode to eternal life, when, according to the word of God, people who died in faith will enjoy eternity, where there will be no grief and tears.

About other Mother of God holidays:

On the Assumption, people rejoice and thank Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, for the great mercy to enter the Kingdom of God.

How did the Holy Virgin deserve the worship of people?

The earthly life of the Mother of God cannot be called ordinary from the very beginning. Even from infancy, little Mary was destined for the mission of becoming a great personality in the history of mankind - to give earthly life to God the Son.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Childhood years

The Virgin's parents were pious people. The family of father Joachim originated from the royal family of David, the genealogy of mother Anna began with the high priest Aaron.

Being just a baby of three years old, Mary came with her parents to the temple, and was introduced to that part of the Jerusalem temple, access to which was strictly limited even for clergy. Even before the girl was born, her parents dedicated her to God.

The Holy of Holies was the repository of the Ark of the Lord, in which the following were kept under the strictest control:

  • stone slabs with the 10 commandments carved on them, given to the prophet Moses by God on the mountain;
  • manna from heaven falling from the sky during the exit of the Jewish people from Egypt;
  • Aaron's rod, which blossomed while resolving a dispute among the clergy.

Even the high priest entering the Holy of Holies was required to undergo a rite of purification, and the little girl was brought there without observing traditions, for she did not need purification according to Her holiness.

The girl’s life at the temple was filled with prayer, work and handicrafts. She spun flax and wool and embroidered with silk ribbons. Her favorite pastime was sewing priestly clothing. The dream of the young artist was one thing - to serve God.

During her 11 years in the temple, Mary turned into a pious girl, submissive to God, who vowed to remain virgin and belong only to God.

Girlhood time

According to temple laws, girls over a certain age were not allowed to live at the temple; they were obliged to get married.

In order not to break the law and to respect the vow given by the Virgin to God, the high priest Zechariah came up with a special plan. The girl was betrothed to Joseph, an old man aged 80.

The family tree of the carpenter Joseph began with the family of King David. His family strictly observed all Jewish traditions and laws. The Holy Scriptures were especially revered.

Joseph had special character qualities such as:

  • modesty;
  • sincerity;
  • determination;
  • nobility;
  • peacefulness;
  • honesty.

Joseph’s fear of God became the main indicator when choosing a husband for the Holy Virgin, for the Lord saw the carpenter’s heart and entrusted him with the girl. Joseph knew about Mary's vow and promised to respect and support it.

From his first marriage, the carpenter had six children, 4 sons and 2 daughters. Joseph's youngest daughter lived with him and Mary. Both girls became close, like sisters.

According to the word of the Archangel Gabriel, the Virgin Mary received the news of the birth of Jesus, and Joseph was aware that in the womb of the Virgin there was a child from the Holy Spirit.

Earthly life of the Virgin Mary

Born in Bethlehem, Jesus, to whom the Mother of God gave a piece of her flesh, needed care; the pious Virgin provided for him.

The Mother of God was given the honor of witnessing the first miracle performed by Jesus on earth. At the request of the Most Pure Virgin, Her Son turned water into wine at the wedding feast, thereby saving the groom’s family from shame.

Knowing the Divine power of the Son, the Mother of God until now had never asked Him for anything, remaining all the time in obedience and reverence. However, the current situation forced the Mother of God to ask her son for the poor. Jesus, seeing Her sincere attitude towards people, bestows mercy.

Throughout all her travels and suffering, the Mother remained with Jesus, sharing with Him dangers, persecutions, and wanderings, but the main pain awaited Mary ahead.

Standing at the feet of the crucified Son, she heard mocking cries and saw all the mockery of His body, but she endured everything in silence, believing in the promises of God. After the crucifixion of Jesus, the Mother of God transferred her care to the apostles, becoming their Mother.

It is said that St. Mary's main attire was modesty and simplicity. Everyone who saw the Mother of God admired her love for people and beauty. The quiet, modest Mother of God remains to this day an example of purity and nobility of soul. Always benevolent, ready to help, respecting her elders, the Mother of Jesus, who lived on earth for about 72 years, left all the women of the earth a vivid example of inheritance.

Appearance of the Archangel to the Virgin Mary

What is prohibited to do on the Assumption

Since the eleventh century, the Russian Church has defined the day of the departure of the Mother of God from earthly life as a joyful day, therefore sad thoughts and melancholy should not visit the minds of the Orthodox.

Important! This day is prohibited for swearing, showing anger, starting a quarrel, and using foul language.

Squabbles during this day can bring scandals to the family for the whole year.

True believers, observing the second commandment of Christ about loving your neighbor, must learn to live, thanking God with joy, throughout their lives.

The Assumption Fast, which is celebrated on August 14 - 27, helps to cleanse yourself of sin, leave behind all grievances and unforgiveness, and come to this holiday with joy and forgiveness.

Popular beliefs

According to popular beliefs, the earth is called mother. At the Assumption it was forbidden to trample the ground with bare feet.

It is also prohibited to “stab” it with sharp objects. Because of disrespect for the land, people were afraid to be left without a harvest the next year.

Walking in the dew threatened with many illnesses.

Nowadays it is believed that uncomfortable shoes worn on a holiday can bring problems for the whole year.

Worn-out, not entirely new shoes at this celebration are not a sign of poverty, but an expectation of comfort until the next holy holiday.

Housewives try to prepare for the holiday in advance so as not to cut anything later; they even break bread products with their hands.

It should be remembered that the Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards signs and superstitions, so you should not give them much importance.

What needs to be done on this day

A joyful event is celebrated by visiting church and attending a solemn service.

Before the service begins, it is necessary to light a candle and pray to bless all relatives and loved ones.

This is a very important day when the Mother of God hears prayers for children in a special way. When visiting church, you should ask:

  • health for kids;
  • a good share for unmarried children;
  • so that they do not depart from the faith;
  • for help to overcome worldly temptations.
Advice! When leaving the church, it is customary to give alms to those in need, begging not only near the temple, but also to those living nearby. Everyone should enjoy this holiday, especially those who are financially vulnerable.

The memorable day of the heavenly departure of the Mother of God gives a happy family life to those couples who marry during the holiday.

Housewives are not prohibited from making preparations, especially pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and collecting vegetables left in the garden.

This time is favorable for forest hikes to pick mushrooms, viburnum, and also harvest pears and apples.

What signs are important for next year

Weather signs of this day are usually passed down through generations.

  • Old people say that since the Assumption the sun gets ready to sleep.
  • The warmth of this day predicts a cold autumn.
  • The rain will be the herald of dry autumn days.
  • A warm autumn will be predicted by a rainbow appearing in the sky on August 28.
  • An abundance of cobwebs portends a frosty winter with little snow.
  • August 28 does not celebrate the day of death, but the great promise of eternal life.

Watch a video about the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the last Great Twelfth Feast of the Orthodox church year, ending on September 13 according to the new style. The Dormition of the Mother of God is celebrated on August 28 (New Art), has 1 day of pre-celebration and 8 days of post-celebration, the dedication takes place on August 23 (September 5).

Its full name is the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. The date of the Dormition of the Mother of God is unknown for certain, but researchers suggest that at the time of the Dormition she was 72 years old.¹

The Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven. The Holy Apostles, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, went to different countries to preach the Gospel. But in Jerusalem, along with some of the Lord’s disciples, the Most Holy Virgin, His Mother, remained, to whom the eyes of the Apostles and many thousands of Christians turned with reverence, turned by them to the light of truth.

Ural icon “The Life and Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Her dwelling was in Zion, in the house of St. John the Theologian, whom her Divine Son himself adopted as her son. An ancient legend tells that the Mother of God traveled from Jerusalem and to other cities and countries, lived for some time in Ephesus, blessed Mount Athos, visited Cyprus, where St. Lazarus (who rose from the dead) was a bishop. Christians saw in her a kind of image of Jesus Christ, a mentor and example of faith and all virtues.

Until the end of her earthly life, the Most Holy Theotokos was a Virgin not only in flesh, but also in spirit: humble in heart, wise in words spoken without haste, tireless in reading, cheerful in her work, chaste in conversations, not offending anyone, not laughing at anyone. , who did not disdain the poor and wretched, but wished the best for everyone, she had the appearance of internal and external perfection Ambrose of Milan

Duccio di Buoninsegna. Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Annunciation

Finally, the time came when the animated Icon of the Lord’s shrine had to be transferred to where the Lord himself had ascended. Archangel Gabriel, handing her a sign of victory over bodily death - a branch of the heavenly Date tree, announced that her Divine Son was calling her to himself, in the abode of the Heavenly Father. The Most Holy Virgin received this long-desired news with the liveliest joy. But, leaving this lowly world, she wished to once again see the holy Apostles in it and prayed to the Lord for this.

Arrival of the Apostles

Duccio di Buoninsegna. Dormition. Farewell to Mary St. John

By invisible force the Apostles were transported from different countries to Jerusalem to the dwelling of the Ever-Virgin. Saint Paul also appeared, together with his disciples: Hierotheus the wondrous, Timothy the Bishop of Ephesus and Dionysius the Areopagite. “The apostles, having united from the end, bury My Body in Gethsemane, and You, My Son and God, accept My soul.”- said the Blessed Virgin.

The apostles shed tears. But the Most Pure Lady consoled those who were crying, telling them that she would not leave them orphans after her death, and not only them, but the whole world would be “to visit, admonish and help those in need”.

Day of the Assumption. Ascension of the soul. Burial.

Fra Angelico. Dormition of the Virgin Mary

The fifteenth of August arrived. The Upper Room of Zion was illuminated by many lamps, filled with fragrances, resounding with the fervent prayers of the Apostles: the Most Pure Virgin Mary awaited the moment of separation of her soul from her body. Suddenly, heavenly light covered the entire temple, Jesus Christ himself appeared, surrounded by Angels, took the holy soul of the Mother of God and ascended to heaven.


The apostles now saw before them only the lifeless body of the Mother of God, shining with a wonderful light, fragrant with aromas. It was transferred by the hands of the Apostles to Gethsemane and buried in the cave in which the righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, and her betrothed Joseph were buried.


Carracci, Annibale. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the third day after the burial of the Ever-Virgin, Saint Thomas also arrived in Jerusalem, who, according to God’s dispensation, was not at her repose. To console the mourner, the Apostles opened the cave where the body of the Mother of God was buried - and found nothing there except her robe. But on the same day she herself appeared to them in heavenly radiance, surrounded by a host of Angels.

At the end of their evening meal, the Apostles, raising the bread that they had set aside in honor of Jesus Christ, wanted to say, as usual: “Lord Jesus Christ, help us.” But, seeing the Mother of God, they exclaimed: "Most Holy Mother of God, help us".

This is the beginning of the rite of Panagia (of the Most Holy), which is still performed in some monasteries. The death of the Most Pure Virgin was a dream, after which She was resurrected and ascended to heaven. “The angels saw the Dormition of the Most Pure One and were amazed at how the Virgin ascended from earth to heaven.”.


From the time of the Dormition and Ascension of the Mother of God, her worldwide glory begins, hidden until that time under the cover of deepest humility. Wherever the preaching of the Gospel reached, where the name of Jesus Christ was glorified, the name of the Ever-Virgin Mary was glorified there.

The Holy Ecumenical Council (which took place in Ephesus in 431) forever established the title of Theotokos, or Mother of God, which belonged to her. The Orthodox Church every day in all its services entreats, thanks and glorifies the Most Honest of the Cherubim and the Most Glorious of the Seraphim.

“We all bless You, O Virgin Mary... Blessed are we too, who have intercession for You. Pray for us day and night, and the sceptres of the kingdom are confirmed by Your prayers.”

The Most Holy Mary made a complete change in the fate of the female sex, returning to it the meaning and dignity lost by the Fall of Eve. At the same time, the Mother of Christ our God represents the most perfect example of a Christian..

By her example, she teaches young women good morals, obedience, hard work, virgins and wives - meekness, chastity and piety, mothers - truly maternal love and devotion, the orphans and the poor - patience and selflessness, the great and glorious - humility.

Ancient evidence

Although the bodily ascension into heaven of the Mother of God was not included in the Creed, the entire Church unanimously believes that after her death she was resurrected by the Lord and delighted to heaven, where he resides body and soul. The circumstances of the Dormition of the Mother have been known since ancient times.

In the 4th century, two works, already ancient at that time, appeared on the bodily transmigration of the Virgin Mary to heaven - one under the name of John the Theologian, and the other by Melito, Bishop of Sardis, who lived at the end of the 2nd century. In the 5th century, Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem, testified before the Empress Pulcheria about the reliability of these events, drawn from the most ancient and immutable sources and traditions.²

What is Dormition

The death of the Mother of God is called the Dormition, because with her holy body she seemed to fall asleep for a short time, and then, rising from earthly sleep, she ascended to heaven.

History of the celebration

This holiday has been celebrated by the Orthodox Church since ancient Christian times. He is mentioned in rule 431 of the Nomocanon, borrowed from the Council of Gangria, which took place in 361, in the writings of St. Jerome and Augustine, writers of the Church of the 4th century. In former times, among some peoples, such as the Gauls, Copts and Greeks, this holiday was celebrated instead of August 15 - January 15.

But in 582, at the request of the Greek Emperor of Mauritius, it was moved to the 15th of August, in respect of the fact that in ancient calendars it is indicated on this day.² Nikephoros Callistus Xanthopoulos also reports this in his “Ecclesiastical History”. According to other researchers, Mauritius timed it to coincide with the day of his victory over the Persians on August 15, 582.

Dormition post

The Orthodox Church, reverently before the day of the Dormition of the Mother of God, prepares itself and the faithful for the worthy commemoration and celebration of this event with a fourteen-day fast, which lasts from August 13 (1) to August 27 (14) and is second in holiness (strictness) only to Great Lent, surpassing the Nativity Fast .

During the Assumption Fast, eating eggs, meat, dairy products, fish and vegetable oil is prohibited (with the exception of fish only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 19). You can eat nuts, honey, bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

On August 28 (15), the fast ends if the holiday falls on any day of the week except Wednesday or Friday. If the Assumption falls on Wednesday or Friday, then breaking the fast is postponed to the next day, and fish is allowed on this day.³

Folk traditions, spozhinki

The holiday was called differently in different localities: Big Most Pure, First Most Pure, Dormition Day, Uspenshchina, dozhinki, obzhinki, vspozhinki, opozhinki, spozhinki, Gospozhinki, Lady's day (possibly from “Mistress”, i.e. “Lady” (Virgin Mother of God) The Third Savior is celebrated the next day, August 16/29 (new) - on the day of the transfer of the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

In the old days, with the arrival of the saplings, they celebrated the end of the harvest.⁵ In the minds of the people, as always, one overlapped with the other - agricultural and Christian holidays. Agricultural holidays were associated with the calendar work of villagers. Their rituals expressed gratitude to Mother Earth for the harvest and were aimed at obtaining the next one.

"We've lived, we've lived,
The ladies met
Start the loaf,
Tolokna visited
The guests were treated to
We prayed to God!”

M. Stakhovich. Dozhinki. 1821. Photo - wikipedia

  • They organized a club (brotherhood), baked pies from the flour of the new harvest, and brewed beer.
  • They wove wreaths from ears of corn and danced in circles.
  • In the field, after harvesting, they knitted the last, birthday sheaf, dressed it up, and carried it with songs and dances to the master's yard, where the landowner treated his peasants and celebrated with them the end of the harvest.
  • The last sheaf was especially revered and was given a special role in the ritual. The sheaf was called: dozhinochny or obzhinok, gossip, strawman, Solokha, Ovsey, ergot (from “knotweed” - double grain, king-ear - the embodiment of fertility), beard, beard of God or Elijah, Ivanushka, Christ's shirt, master. It was placed on the festive table, and after the feast it was kept until the new harvest in the Red Corner under the icons.
  • The “young Indian summer” begins with the Assumption, which will last until Ivan Lent, August 29. / 11 Sep. (popular name for the day of the Beheading of the venerable head of St. John the Baptist)⁴
  • The girls looked closely at the guys when choosing grooms: “If you don’t look after the Dormition, you’ll spend the winter as a girl.”

Proverbs, signs

Most Holy Theotokos, help us!


¹ pravoslavie.ru
² Magazine "Mirsky Herald", 1865
³ Wikipedia
⁴ A.A. Corinthian. People's Rus'
Sakharov I.P. Tales of the Russian people
Lessons from Archpriest I. Yakhontov, 1864, St. Petersburg.
Dal V.I. Months - Proverbs of the Russian people