Diet of Inna Volovicheva house 2. Diet of Inna Volovicheva - menu for the week with recipes

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Inna Volovicheva’s diet has come to the aid of many Russian women in their fight against excess weight. The star of the TV show “Dom-2” managed to change her figure beyond recognition (minus 40 kg) thanks to a unique technique that she herself developed. Currently, the TV show contestant wears size 46 dresses!

How Inna Volovicheva lost weight

The sharp weight loss of the Dom-2 participant caused a great stir among girls all over the country. Any nutritional system has its own characteristics and prohibitions: Volovicheva’s diet strictly prohibits eating after 18.00, because this is a strict way of burning fat. At the same time, the technique itself is very simple and understandable to everyone. Prohibited components of this diet are:

  • fried and fatty foods,
  • sweet and salty foods,
  • bakery,
  • alcohol.

How did Volovicheva from House-2 lose weight? The answer is simple: in stages. A luxurious figure requires a lot of effort and iron willpower. In the process of losing weight, you need to overcome many temptations and go through three stages:

  • The first is preparing the body for a new diet before starting to lose weight. To do this, you need to eliminate prohibited foods from the menu one by one.
  • The second is compliance with all diet rules. Physical exercise in combination with a healthy lifestyle consolidates the results of the diet.
  • The third stage involves leaving the diet and returning to your usual diet.

Book by Inna Volovicheva

A book about weight loss by a TV show participant has already been published, where she talks about her diet and shares the secrets of her luxurious appearance. Inna Volovicheva, a book about weight loss that is free to view online, spoke very well about the intricacies of the system. In the book, the star admits that she does not like sports, but for good weight loss results she was forced to do it every day. The physical activity regimen should be maximum. To properly burn excess fat, it is useful to swim in the pool and go to the sauna.

Inna Volovicheva's diet by day

As Inna Volovicheva herself says, a 7-day diet will help cope with any weight problems and last for several months. All drinks must be without added sugar. Menu for 7 days:

  • 1 day. You need to have boiled rice and coffee for breakfast. For lunch, eat an omelet with herbs, plus a vegetable salad, and drink tea with milk. For dinner – boiled egg, fresh grapefruit.
  • Day 2. In the morning, cook oatmeal in water and coffee with milk. For lunch, steam 250 g of lean chicken with vegetables, low-fat kefir. In the evening, prepare an omelet from 2 eggs and tea.
  • Day 3. Breakfast – buckwheat porridge with kefir. For lunch, boiled rabbit (no more than 250 grams) and a light salad, tea. For dinner, drink low-fat yogurt with an apple.
  • Day 4 Breakfast – buckwheat with low-fat kefir, orange, fruit tea. At 13-00 – lean beef with canned corn, a glass of orange juice. For dinner - steamed chicken breast with broccoli, fresh grapefruit.
  • Day 5 In the morning - oatmeal with water (do not add salt or sugar), coffee with milk. Lunch – beef with vegetables, cooked in a double boiler, tea. In the evening, eat an omelet with milk and fresh cabbage salad.
  • Day 6 For breakfast – rice, orange juice. Lunch – fish or other seafood, unsweetened coffee. Dine with boiled chicken breast with cucumber, drink a glass of fresh juice.
  • Day 7 You need to have breakfast with oatmeal, coffee with milk, and an apple. For lunch - steamed fish with tomatoes, green tea. Until 5 p.m., boil the chicken breast, eat it with seaweed salad, and drink pineapple juice.

Adherents of various weight loss programs recently became aware of Inna Volovicheva and her 30-day diet. This is a unique course that has its own characteristics. The girl managed to lose almost 42 kilograms in just 30 days. This is a huge mass that was lost with the help of a specially designed nutrition program.

Inna Volovicheva developed a 30-day diet on her own, and she adhered to it herself. Its effectiveness has been proven in practice, and therefore many Internet users have become interested in Inna Volovicheva’s diet for 7 and 30 days. The girl willingly revealed to her subscribers the secret of her beauty and slim figure.

The fame of Inna Volovicheva: what is remarkable about the girl’s life?

The unabating popularity of the famous construction site - House 2 - leads to the fact that entire generations of not only participants are replaced there. The audience also changed more than once. One of the participants in the project became Inna Volovicheva, known in special circles. She not only participated in the project, but also was transformed. It is this example that deserves respect, since the girl came to the project with a huge weight - 115 kg.

The beautiful girl was forced to carry an extra load. However, she decided to become not only attractive and slim, but also happy. To do this, she had to overcome her main enemy - herself. Even the excess weight, which sharply distinguished the girl from other participants in the project, did not prevent her from starting a passionate relationship.

But over time, she set a new goal for herself - to correct the curves of her own body, to make them not plump, but attractive. In a matter of months she managed to lose 42 kg! The project became the beginning of a new life for her, about which she has already published two books. In them, she shared the secrets of Inna Volovicheva’s diet.

It is noteworthy that after leaving the project the girl gave birth to a baby. But even the pregnancy period, as well as subsequent breastfeeding, did not become fatal for Inna. With the help of her diet, she managed to consolidate the results obtained. The diet from Inna Volovicheva is a new path. According to the author of the books, along with a beautiful body, a girl gains self-confidence, sexuality and attractiveness.

Rules of slimness from Inna Volovicheva

Inna Volovicheva's diet for 30 days is a course for a healthy, strong and slender body. Every day of the program it will only get slimmer if you follow it to the end and strictly adhere to the plan.

Inna Volovicheva is interesting to the viewer not just as a participant in the project, but also as a person who managed to seriously reduce her overall body weight. She simply transformed in a short time, which is what many compatriots dream of. To follow Inna Volovicheva’s diet day by day, it is important to adhere to several important rules:

  • Use only fractional menus; do not overdo it with one meal and overload the digestive system. The peculiarity of fractional nutrition is that the body will need in a given period of time only the amount of food that is ready to actually digest and use to maintain normal life functions. Constantly consuming small amounts of food will not cause the body to experience stress and also accumulate fat.

What’s special about many diets is that they involve a reduction, and a severe reduction, of all food products used. This forces the body to go into economical mode. He experiences stress, and therefore slows down, and sharply, all metabolic processes. And even if you managed to radically lose weight, then after leaving the standard economical nutrition program you can not only quickly restore what you lost, but also gain a couple of extra pounds on top.

  • Food separation. Inna Volovicheva suggests not only eating 5-6 times a day, but also separating foods into carbohydrates and proteins. The girl does not recommend mixing such components at one meal, so as not to overload the body.
  • Duration of use and gradual weight loss. It is this option that becomes more acceptable, since it does not involve a sharp weight loss. This means that the skin will not sag, stretch marks will not appear on it, and pathological processes will not start. It is not recommended to use Inna Volovicheva’s diet for 7 days. You should still take the time and use the proposed program for all 30 days.
  • Use for creating a menu of small portions. They should not exceed 200–300 grams. This amount is enough to fill you up. Sometimes you should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

The signal that the body is full reaches the brain only 20 minutes after eating. This means that for a third of the hour there will be a feeling of hunger. If you do not ignore it and eat, then after the specified time you can pay with heaviness in the stomach, and then with extra pounds, a distended stomach.

  • Using the rule of two fasting days a week. Volovicheva’s diet assumes that every two days a week there will be a fasting day. During this period, you will have to sit on the water or use green tea. You can add a little milk to it - 2% fat.
  • Do not eat food after 6 pm. As soon as evening comes, it's time to reduce your appetite and put the refrigerator on lock.

The rule about prohibiting eating after six in the evening is known to many, but still not everyone adheres to the program. Often nutritionists are not so strict with the principle. They claim that you need to eat food 3 hours before bedtime. And that will be enough. But still, the evening meal should be light so that the body has every chance to digest the food normally.

  • Meal times should be strictly regulated. Eating by the clock is an excellent way to discipline the body, as well as set it up for the process of losing weight. If you use Volovicheva’s diet for 30 days, you can adjust the functioning of all systems and organs so that it is possible to eliminate the feeling of hunger.

If you eat 6 times a day and wait 20-2.5 hours between meals, then the feeling of hunger will never visit a person. Do not forget that the portions are not so small that you will be satisfied.

  • Do not forget that Inna is a supporter of bath procedures. She is sure that using a steam room at least once a week will expel not only waste and toxins from the body, but also excess fat.
  • It is also important to get enough sleep. A proper rest should last 8 hours.

To stay healthy, the girl recommends visiting sports clubs or training at home. She also gives advice to those who will use Inna Volovicheva’s diet for 30 days. To prevent your body from experiencing stress, it is important to take multivitamins. This should be done every day. On this issue, nutritionists agree with the girl. And one more thing - Inna Volovicheva’s diet minus 35 kg per month would not be so effective if not for regular sex life. This is exactly what the girl admits in her books.

All these rules and postulates will not be effective without true faith in yourself, setting goals and following them to the very end.

Advantages and disadvantages of Volovicheva’s diet

Inna Volovicheva has proven effectiveness. In many ways, it does not contradict what nutritionists advise in the process of losing weight. Losing 1 kg a day is real, but you should still contact your doctor to eliminate possible risks and get recommendations.

Volovicheva’s diet is a clear course for weight loss. Losing weight with such a program has a number of advantages:

  • No sudden jumps in losing extra pounds.
  • Minimizing the risk of deterioration in one’s well-being due to refusal to eat, when the dietary program provides for an almost complete refusal of food. You should not starve yourself, as the body goes into saving mode and loses weight reluctantly and slowly. But the danger of hunger strikes is that the lost kilograms will return, since the body, having received nutrition after stress, quickly transforms everything into fat.
  • Balanced diet – it is important that the program includes a variety of foods. They become a source of trace elements and minerals.

However, you should not give up the opportunity to take multivitamins. These are complex drugs necessary for the body to function normally. If the food still lacks a certain component, the body will not experience a shortage, but will take it from the complex.

  • Availability of all products used in the program. You don't need to buy expensive foods to follow. Everything you need is available.
  • A proven method confirmed by the author himself.
  • Ability to create your own schedule and stick to it.

Among the disadvantages is the possibility of returning everything lost after returning to the regular menu. Among the disadvantages, there is also the duration of the program and the need to arrange fasting days. Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding, the presence of chronic diseases, acute conditions, and old age.

What is the basis of the diet according to Inna Volovicheva’s diet?

Every day there is a decrease in total weight according to the proposed nutrition program. This is explained by the optimal set of food baskets available for use. All products can be used raw or boiled. As a processing method, you can also use the method of steaming, baking, stewing, using the grill, but without the use of sauces and oils.

Among the leaders that can be used to create a dietary program:

  • Greens, vegetables;
  • Berries and dried fruits;
  • Fruits and cereals (allowed pearl barley, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal);
  • Meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • Seafood;
  • Fermented milk products.

This is a small list, but it is enough to create an optimal nutrition system, when you can lose 1 kg per day.

Among the prohibitions are any fatty and salty, pickled and canned foods. The list of taboos includes sweets and alcohol, as well as fast food. Don't get carried away with sweet soda and snacks. Snacks are possible, but only when using approved food products. You should not eat at fast food restaurants that serve high-calorie and generally unhealthy food.

In order for vegetables to be as healthy as possible, they should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. You can simply use the grill to quickly sear vegetables on the grill surface.

Diet menu option for Inna Volovicheva

To create your diet for a month or week, you can use the following example:

  • Breakfast - oatmeal with pieces of fruit or berries;
  • Second breakfast – a glass of tea with dried fruits or kefir, but low-fat;
  • Lunch – steamed vegetables with fish. You can bake them, use poultry, rabbit, turkey instead of fish;
  • Snack – apple or apricot, maybe a peach;
  • Dinner – steamed omelette. Use low-fat milk and 2 eggs for this.

Main stages of the program

In order for Inna Volovicheva’s 30-day diet to bring maximum benefit, it was divided into several stages:

  • Preparation - this concerns not only reducing the volume of portions, but also the psychological side of the issue. If it becomes difficult, you need to remove all unhealthy foods and ask loved ones for support.
  • The main thing for weight loss is to stick to a simple menu and compose it based on the permitted components - this is an important rule. You shouldn’t cut yourself some slack and take days off from your diet. Additionally, you need to play sports.
  • Consolidation. After leaving Volovicheva’s diet, it is important not to pounce on your usual food. It is important to gradually increase the volume of the dish to 1400 kcal per day.

It is recommended to use the weight loss program in your free time from work. Not everyone will be able to take several meals at work, and on some fasting days you may feel a loss of strength.


Inna Volovicheva's diet is of great interest to the public. The girl was able to lose 40 kg and was incredibly transformed.

The peculiarity of her technique is that it does not imply strict restrictions. You can get slim in 30 days.

Basic principles

The program is built on the following principles:

  • You need to eat 6 times a day. The optimal size of a single serving is 300 g.
  • After 6 pm you should refuse to eat. If hunger haunts you, you are allowed to have a snack, kefir.
  • You are allowed to consume no more than 1200 calories per day.
  • Always eat at the same time. This enhances the effect of the technique.
  • Fatty and fried foods are prohibited. Products are prepared by boiling, baking or steaming.
  • The girl advises paying attention to your daily routine: you need to get enough sleep, rest, and take short breaks between work.
  • The menu needs to be completely revised. Harmful products are excluded.

We must not forget about playing sports. Inna says that during the diet she ran and walked a lot, and went swimming. You can't overeat while on a diet. Food should bring satiety, but not a feeling of heaviness. In order for the body to cleanse itself and the metabolism to normalize, one should not overload the stomach.

You can lose up to 4-5 kg ​​in a week. If you have a little excess weight, you can follow the program for a week, but for a serious transformation it will take a month.

You should not use the program for more than 30 days: a small amount of calories can lead to stress and irritability.

Effect on the body

The diet has a complex effect: helps to gain harmony and normalize metabolism. During the program, it will be possible to remove toxins and stagnant water from the body.

A person develops a concept of healthy eating. He learns to follow the basic rules, goes to the gym, and makes it a habit.

The body is saturated with useful substances and vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on well-being. Nervousness and fatigue disappear.

Inna Volovicheva says that the menu is based on foods rich in fiber: it cleanses the intestines and normalizes its functioning. Abdominal discomfort and flatulence disappear.

Pros and cons

The developed methodology is unique.

Its advantages:

  • The weight comes off gradually without harm to the body.
  • During the diet there is no feeling of hunger.
  • Variety of permitted products. There is an opportunity to cook delicious and healthy dishes and experiment.
  • Minimal number of contraindications. This diet is not harmful.

Any diet has pros and cons. The disadvantages include the need to eat at the same time and reduce daily calorie intake. Some people who are losing weight admit that it is difficult for them not to eat after 6 pm. The program has no other disadvantages.

Not everyone is allowed to use the technique. there are contraindications. It is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, and old age.

If a person has diseases of the digestive system, it is also prohibited. Follow the diet with caution for chronic diseases, but consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Sample menu for 7 days

Inna Volovicheva has developed a menu for a 7-day diet(in detail for each day of the week), which is easy to follow:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Boiled riceOmelette, vegetable salad
Tuesday Pink salmon with vegetablesChicken breast with salad,
Wednesday Boiled beef withOmelette
Thursday Rice porridgeChicken breast, vegetable stewCurd casserole
Friday Rye bread toastBoiled fish withApple, compote
Saturday OmeletteStewed with vegetablesNatural yogurt with orange juice
Sunday Cottage cheese with pieces of fruitBeef cutlet with buckwheat porridgeVegetable salad

If you follow the diet from Inna Volovicheva, it is recommended to include cereals, vegetables and fruits in your weekly menu.

Every day you should eat lean meat (chicken, beef) and fish. It is better to eat vegetables fresh, boil or steam them if necessary.

You can use lemon juice or natural yogurt as a salad dressing. It’s acceptable, but you’ll have to give up plant-based ones.

To prevent food from getting boring, you need to diversify the menu. If you prepare one salad on Monday, it is better to prepare a salad with other vegetables on Tuesday.

You can alternate types of fish and meat. One can cook chicken, and the other can cook beef.

To prevent the dish from becoming boring, it is better to alternate it with others and turn it on after 3-4 days. The basis of the diet should be protein. Dairy products are allowed.

For the technique to be most effective, nutritionists advise remembering the following rules:

  • Weight loss should be gradual: you cannot immediately reduce portions several times, otherwise it will be stressful for the body.
  • If severe hunger occurs, you do not need to endure it. You are allowed to eat fruit, a handful of berries, drink herbal tea or.
  • You should have dinner exclusively with protein foods: fish, cottage cheese. These foods give you satiety and nourish muscle fibers.
  • Alcohol is definitely excluded. It's better to refuse. They negatively affect health.
  • It is allowed to replace sweets with honey and dried fruits.

To help those extra pounds disappear faster, you should go to the gym. and practice for at least an hour. Fat begins to be burned after 40 minutes of exercise. Swimming is also suitable. It requires the work of all muscle groups, tones them, and promotes weight loss. Dancing, aerobics and fitness are relevant.

Every day you need to walk in the fresh air and move a lot. It is recommended to replace gatherings with friends in a cafe with games in the fresh air.

Description of results and ways to save them

If you stick to the program for one week, you will be able to lose 4-5 kg. Most people who lose weight prefer to follow the 30-day diet according to Inna Volovicheva’s program.

During this time you can lose 12-15 kg, but the result depends on the initial weight. You can lose more pounds if you exercise. Exercise speeds up metabolism, burns fat cells, and increases skin elasticity.

The food continues to be steamed during the cooking process. It is prohibited to fry them. An active lifestyle and a balanced diet will help you stay slim and healthy.

From this video clip you will learn about a detailed menu by day for the diet from Inna Volovicheva herself:

Inna Volovicheva developed a unique technique that helped not only her, but also many fans lose weight.

The program includes simple but effective rules. A varied menu will allow you to experiment, create new dishes that will fill you with satiety and fill your body with vitamins. Diligence and work on yourself will soon bring incredible results.

So, Inna’s grocery list for the week:
(Irina spent about 3 thousand rubles on them)
1. Hercules (oatmeal) - only to be cooked (10-15 min.)
2. Milk 1 packet low-fat (1.5%)
3. Honey (small jar)
4. 2 apples
5. Nuts (dry, unroasted, unsalted) 100 g.
6. Minced fish - 1 kg. (it’s better to take two 0.5 each)
7. Pack of rice
8. Cucumbers - 7 pcs.
9. Tomatoes - 6 pcs.
10. Cottage cheese (2-5% fat) - 4 packs of 150-180 g each.
11. Large jar of sour cream 10-15% fat (or sugar-free yogurt)
12. Sweetener (if necessary)
13. Frozen green beans. - 1 kg.
14. Kefir 1% - 2 l.
15. 10 eggs
16. Bell pepper - 1 pc.
17. Tangerines - 6 pcs.
18. Chicken fillet - 3 breasts
19. Buckwheat package
20. One small pack of radishes
21. Onions - 5 pcs.
22. Cabbage - 2-3 heads
23. Greens
24. Low-fat cheese. (13-23%) - 125 g.
25. Plums - 150 g.
26. Carrots - 1 pc.
27. Crispbread - 1 pack.
28. Grapefruit - 1 pc.
29. Beef (veal) - 500-600 g.
30. Banana - 1 pc.
31. Broccoli - 1 pack (250 g)

Getting ready for the marathon
On the eve of the 1st day we prepare fish cutlets. (minced meat 0.5, salt, spices, onion, WITHOUT eggs and butter; bake in the oven; it turns out about 5 cutlets, leave 4 for tomorrow, one can be “gifted” to a household member/roommate )))

Meal times:
Between breakfast and the first snack - 2 hours, lunch after 2 hours, snack after 2-3 hours, dinner after another 2-3 hours, 1 glass of kefir at night. We drink one and a half to two liters of water a day. Tea, coffee without sugar - as much as you want.

Oatmeal with milk and one tsp. honey (one to one and a half glasses of water and milk together 1:1, 3 tablespoons of dry oatmeal,

Apple and 30 g nuts.

2 tbsp. l. boil rice for garnish, 2 “yesterday’s” fish cutlets, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato


Boiled green beans for garnish, two remaining cutlets.

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs with half a bell pepper, 2 pieces of bread.
(defrost chicken breast for lunch)

150 g plums, 30 g nuts.

Buckwheat, 2 cutlets, salad of 1 cucumber and tomato, as well as halves of bell pepper, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil.

Preparation. Prepare chopped chicken cutlets (1 onion, chop the breast, herbs, 1 egg, salt, spices; when sculpting, squeeze the cutlets so that they do not fall apart; you get 6 cutlets, fry them without oil in a non-stick frying pan - 4 for today, the rest can be given to the household) , at the same time, set the buckwheat to cook - 2 tablespoons, make a salad)

Vegetable salad: 5 pcs. radish, 1 cucumber, a little cabbage - season with olive oil (a little).

Boiled green beans as a side dish, 2 chicken cutlets.

Oatmeal and 30 g of cheese.

3 tangerines

300 g stewed cabbage with chicken, 2 breads.

Preparation. Chicken breast, onion, 1 carrot, half a head of cabbage. Fry the onion in a drop of oil, add carrots and chicken, cut into pieces, simmer; chop the cabbage, add to the frying pan, pour 1 glass of water; Lastly, add the greens.

Pack of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream.

300 g stewed cabbage with chicken.

Oatmeal with grated apple.

1 grapefruit.

Stewed beef (500-600 g) with onions, without oil, cabbage with herbs - half of the resulting product (half for dinner), 200 grams, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil and 2 tbsp. l. Boil rice for garnish.

2 boiled eggs and 1 tomato.

250 g boiled broccoli and meat from lunch.

Oatmeal with 1 tsp. honey

1 banana, 30 g nuts.

Chicken fillet chops, rice, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato.

Preparation. Beat two halves of chicken breast on both sides (one for lunch and dinner), salt, season, fry without oil (fry for literally 3 minutes on each side, it will not be raw).

Pack of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream.

Chicken chop, cabbage salad, 1 cucumber and herbs, dressed with olive oil.

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs and one tomato with herbs.
(defrost minced fish for lunch)

2 breads with cheese.

Fish cutlets - 2 pcs., rice, cabbage salad with herbs (approx. 200 g).

1 cucumber, 2 boiled eggs.

Boiled broccoli, 2 fish cutlets.

Buckwheat (cook for 2 meals at once) with 2 fried eggs.

3 tangerines.

Chicken breast (cut into pieces), stewed with onions (half for lunch, half for dinner), buckwheat, salad of 1 cucumber and 1 tomato.

Pack of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream.

Broccoli with leftover chicken stew from lunch.