Pavarotti's daughters. Happy love stories of Luciano Pavarotti and Nicoletta Mantovani

Luciano Pavarotti lives in Pesaro in a blue and white house on top of a cliff. Inside, everything is painted in bright colors, and guests feel like heroes of fairy tales here. Here he talks about himself and his life.

About excesses

The singer puts on foundation that creates the impression of an even, beautiful tan, and draws his eyebrows, black and thick, to match the color of his black-dyed hair. Questioningly raised eyebrows are everywhere - on posters and CD covers. And always the same expression. Terry Robson, Pavarotti's chief press officer, sighs heavily: "Nicoletta and I have told him more than once about eyebrows, but he does not listen to us, believing that they bring him good luck."

Here he stands before you with his supernatural voice given to him by God. Legend, icon, more than anything he regrets eating too much spaghetti. The richest voice has to come out of the richest flesh.

About women

A huge man, arranging mad tantrums, but able to calm down from a single female glance. He is now 65, and there are a lot of rumors around him, ranging from his retirement to unpaid taxes. He lived with his wife Adua for 35 years and is now experiencing the consequences of a break with her for the sake of his 30-year-old assistant Nicoletta Mantovani.

About temper

Fans celebrate the fortieth anniversary of his singing career. “Everyone says that forty years have flown by like one day, but not for me. It was a long time devoted to a very demanding profession. Fifteen years spent on becoming recognized, fifteen on winning their own place in the sun, and all the rest of the time is for his subsequent defense. I love to please the public, because, in fact, they are my bosses. At the age of 19, he played football and was able to raise the morale of the entire team. "Ah, yes, football. I was like a tiger. Rrrrr. Like a lion," he says, baring his teeth. "I'm still a lion."

Of course, he is a lion who loves horses. At his arena in Modena, Luciano hosts one of the most prestigious equestrian events in the world. "A horse is an animal that everyone loves because it is easy to control. I also have to obey the composer and conductor, but at the same time I make my own choice - who to obey. I was born with this feeling, I was a brilliant child. I have always very protective and constantly pampered. The first son, born after six daughters, everyone was so happy. And now I constantly surround myself with women. I have eight or nine secretaries, if it were my will, I would let women rule the world. They are serious, very sympathetic and kind. But to understand them is the same as knowing the world to the end. I began to explore this world at the age of four and still have not known it. And I don’t want to. Otherwise it will be boring. "

About escapades

If a man adores all women, his relationship with one of them will be significantly complicated. To come to terms with this requires remarkable strength, which is strangely embodied in a petite, makeup-rejecting Nicoletta. She doesn't spoil him one bit. She forces him to go on diets. And he, in response to this, throws out small tricks from time to time. Once he refused to perform, saying that he was not going to suffocate on the stage, where there is so much dust. And during the performance of Othello, he, sitting on a high leather throne, ate while his colleagues sang their parts.

He is ready to die. Already 53 years ready, after having suffered a very serious illness (tetanus) and was so close to non-existence. He later survived a plane crash in New York. In his autobiography, he wrote: “It was as if the Lord grabbed me by the collar and said: “You are so indifferent to life. Here, know what death is." The plane split in half, and for the next seven or eight seconds, my whole life from birth to this moment flashed before my eyes. And at that moment I realized that life should be accepted as it is, and enjoy it to the fullest. Surrender to it with all your strength." He points to paintings painted in poisonous greens and searing blues. These are his paintings. He says: "These are my colors, the colors of my soul. I try to convey the same colors with my voice, but the coloring of my voice is from nature."

About the Pavarotti and Friends Foundation

When he starts talking about his Pavarotti & Friends Foundation, his eyes light up like he's singing an aria from Princess Turandot. Proceeds from the concert in Modena, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of his career, will benefit the children of Afghanistan. When he sent an invitation to U-2 lead singer Bono to perform at this concert, he sent a camera team to him to film the moment Bono agreed to perform so that he could not refuse in the future. “I am very persistent,” says Pavarotti, “but I achieved success for a different reason: I do not remember bad things and did not experience any serious losses.

About family

My parents are still alive, father is 86, mother is 85. My father recently sang "Ave Maria" at a couple's wedding. Nobody understands why I got so big. Both of my parents are very small. I do not seek peace - when you retire, you become a calmer, more family person. And I've never really been drawn to a family."

Pavarotti and Adua have three daughters: Lorenza, Christina and Gillian, all over 30, all older than Nicoletta. Adua was very upset by their parting. Why shouldn't she be upset? She handled all the affairs of Pavarotti. She demanded 70 million in compensation. When she failed to get them, she turned to the tax police. Is he worried about the trial? "I'm going to court because I have to if I want to stay in Italy. I've always paid 30% tax and now they tell me I had to pay 45% and I still owe a lot of fines" , he says, growing darker and more dejected.

About Nicolette

When he thinks about Nicoletta, there is a feeling that he fell in love for the first time. He says that she is his angel, his support. "I gave her music, and she gives me youth." From the very beginning he felt that he could trust her with everything. She worked as an assistant at his horse show. “A couple of weeks after meeting her, I realized that I really like her. But I was married, and I’m not the kind of person who can just take and start dating a girl. Divorce is a very serious matter. It takes courage, a lot courage. Love is what really matters, I am driven only by love. A tenor is a lover. That is his voice."

Nicoletta for the sake of Luciano said goodbye to her fiancé, but they kept friendly relations. He recently became a father. Does she want to have a baby? "Yes, yes, of course. You just have to find the time for it." She laughs, but still speaks seriously: "Luciano is a very generous person, but I'm not talking about money, but about emotions, and this is very important. He taught me to always see only the good in people, even if it seems difficult." At first it was very difficult - the attention of the press, the paparazzi, the divorce scandal. “It seemed to me a nightmarish need to constantly make excuses, explain something to someone, and as a result I decided that I didn’t have to do this, that I would just live and enjoy every moment of life. The worst was at first when Luciano said:“ Don’t kiss me, don't touch me" and I couldn't understand why we had to hide it."

It's hard to believe that she, too, was involved in a tax scandal. "Yes, I was attacked. It's because of the charity concerts we do. You can pay all the taxes due on them and then donate the miserable leftovers to charity, but we always donate all the proceeds from the concert. Now the tax police say that we must Were to give money to them. And I answer: "Look at these children, they need something to eat, they need to live somehow."

Nicoletta traveled to Afghanistan and brought refugee children to Luciano's anniversary concert to sing with him. At the concert, she looked just brilliant in a gorgeous black dress. Many celebrities gathered at the Opera of Modena, everyone who had ever worked with Pavarotti came to honor him. Pavarotti has a great voice today, however, he obviously overdid it with eyebrows. And when he takes out his legendary scarf, he looks like a cartoon character and a living legend at the same time - somehow, something majestic.

Alexander Eltyshev.

"I burn with love just as I burn with music. I feel it everywhere, the air around me is saturated with it. I want to sing it, offer prayers to it."

And this started amazing story So. The secretary of the great tenor, as usual - in big glasses and with a bun on her head, regularly received scolding from her boss: both for the sounds of "inappropriate" music in the office (she loved rock) and in general for trifles. They clearly annoyed each other. But one day she took off her glasses and looking into her eyes fearlessly expressed everything. For the first time, Pavarotti looked intently at this "gray mouse" and thought ... "It seems that she treats him without due respect, does not understand music at all. And yet he is used to seeing her, hearing her voice, by the way, she leads him perfectly difficult things" - all this flashed through my head like an insight. And then the great maestro, blushing, asked Nicoletta for forgiveness.

And then one fine day he stood up for her at the hotel, and a few days later she, stammering with embarrassment, handed him a bundle with a warm scarf. Now it was her turn to blush, and although she did not even try to explain herself, there was so much in her eyes. That day, for the first time, he was late for rehearsal. The next evening, he saw the rock lovers for the first time at his "classic" concert: she was sitting in the very center, her eyes were shining. Even the presence of presidents or royalty did not make him so proud. After all, she came for him!

By the moment described, the illustrious tenor was firmly in a rut - contracts, rehearsals, diets. The first wife gave him many happy moments, but their love story, alas, ended long ago.

At some point, he stopped understanding why he sings his magnificent love arias, what feeling can he put into these fabulous sounds? More than anything, he wanted to be with this simple sweet girl. As if he was in the midst of an explosion that would last forever. She returned to him a taste for life, but most importantly, he realized that Nicoletta wanted him as a man, and this lifted Luciano to heaven. Love made them indescribably beautiful in each other's eyes.

"Luciano is a great kind man. It seems to me that he came from another world, that his soul is woven from the sun's rays," Nicoletta Mantovani said to everyone around, pushing through the thorns of condemnation and boycott of the maestro's former admirers and friends.

Despite worldwide recognition and fame, despite the fact that the ticket was still in great demand on his envelopes, Luciano fell in love with walking with his beloved along the Mediterranean coast, in the paradise of Monaco. And in the evening he will sing to her the best lullabies that are created in the world. And together they will dream of simple human happiness, of a family where there is a lot of love, a lot of sun and a lot of children.

Deepak Chopra writes: "Most of us develop repetitive, predictable responses to stimuli in our environment. Our responses seem to be automatically triggered by people and circumstances, and we forget that these are just choices we make in every existence... I can offend, insult you, and you can choose not to feel offended. I can say something nice to you, and you can choose not to accept my praise."

That is, we have complete freedom to make a choice that will not be associated with suffering, anger and jealousy. Thus, we immediately put ourselves on a completely different level of consciousness. We make a choice to be happy, filled with love and joy always!

And gradually, situations that used to annoy you will begin to be perceived in a completely different way. And then instead of anger you will experience compassion, instead of jealousy - calmness, and instead of envy - sincerely rejoice in the success of others.

Four years after the death of the great tenor Luciano Pavarotti, his widow Nicoletta Mantovani admitted that she was no longer alone. A handsome man appeared next to her - Filippo Vernassa. Now he helps her manage the affairs of the Pavarotti Foundation. True, the eight-year-old daughter of the singer Alice is not happy with her mother's friend.

Immediately after the death of Luciano Pavarotti, they started talking: Nicoletta, his last love and wife, only played with the feelings of the great singer. Having achieved an official marriage, she stopped looking at Luciano with adoration and showed her by no means angelic character.

Everyone was surprised: Pavarotti is slowly fading away from pancreatic cancer in his house in Modena, and his young wife, having taken her daughter, left for the States! The maestro did not want to bring the scandal to the public discussion, he spoke about his grief only to his relatives. One of them was Lydia LaMarca, wife of orchestra leader Leone Magiera, best friend Pavarotti.

- How bad I am! - the terminally ill singer complained to her. - Nicoletta does not allow me to communicate with those who are dear to me and whom I love, she surrounded me with people whom I cannot stand. My wife does not let my friends and even personal assistant Tino, who has been there for so many years, come near me!

The artist was even more horrified that Nicoletta tried to quarrel with his daughters from his first marriage.

“She talks nasty things about my daughters all the time,” he lamented. – I was in complete isolation!

Pavarotti was sure that the young wife was overcome by a single goal - she wants to snatch as much as possible from his inheritance.

Nicoletta is constantly thinking about money. She brings me various documents to sign. And he arranges terrible scenes for me, - the singer almost cried.

From the realization that his beloved Nicoletta was simply using him and in fact did not love him at all, Pavarotti fell into despair. At such moments he was close to suicide.

“You know, Lydia, sometimes I want to shoot myself…” he said.

According to Lydia, he discussed with her how to part with his young wife. But he admitted that only the thought of his little daughter Alice kept him from this act. She was a light for him, the last joyful ray of sunshine in his life. And now Nicoletta threatened to separate him from Alice if he filed for divorce. It was beyond his strength.

A few weeks before Pavarotti's death, when it became obvious that his health was deteriorating sharply, Nicoletta called the attending physician from the USA and demanded to find papers for three New York apartments.

She asked me to look for them in the safe. But they weren’t there,” the doctor recalled.

... Pavarotti was very sorry that he had connected his life with a young secretary, fell for the bait. He met 26-year-old Nicoletta Montavani at the races. The girl saw in him an invaluable gift of fate and put on him like a racehorse. A month later, she became his secretary and nanny. She took up the food of the maestro, and thanks to her efforts, the singer lost 25 kilograms! She made perfect tour plans, treated his sore throat ...

The legal wife did not like such tight guardianship. Pressed against the wall by his wife, Pavarotti announced that he agreed to a divorce. He gave his wife half of the fortune. The secretary meekly waited for a three-year pause after the divorce. And all this time she was an ideal wife and dreamed of giving her son Luciano. She could not do this for a long time - due to health problems. But in the end she got pregnant. They were twins. During childbirth, alas, one of the babies died - a boy. Doctors managed to save the girl. It seemed that Alice should have only brought them closer. But the young wife in front of her eyes suddenly began to turn from an angel into a monster.

For her sake, Pavarotti left his first wife, Adua. They fell in love with each other as teenagers. For seven years he sought her consent to marry him. It was Adua who advised him, a simple teacher, to study opera singing, she was his talisman and guardian. They have been together for almost 40 years. Adua bore him three daughters. Luciano betrayed her...

IN Last year of his life, one of his daughters bore him a granddaughter. At the celebration in honor of her birth, Pavarotti met Adua for the first time in many years ... She forgave him.

“He said more than once that he was very sorry that he broke up with Adua,” said the nutritionist of the great tenor Andrea Strata.

In his last days, his elder daughters were by his side. Shortly before Pavarotti's death, he changed his will in favor of three daughters from his first marriage. The singer was a rich man: he owned several houses in New York, Monte Carlo, Italy, had a huge collection of paintings by famous artists, ran a perfume business, and owned eleven operating enterprises. In total, his fortune was estimated at 300 million euros.

“Once he told me that it was his moral duty to change his will,” Lidia continues. “I asked him what I could do: “Maybe I need to talk to my wife?” But he stopped me and said: "Do not under any circumstances say anything to Nicoletta."

After the death of the great tenor, his young wife sued Lydia for telling reporters about last days Pavarotti's life. And she explained her departure to the USA at a difficult moment for her husband with her illness. According to her, in New York she had to undergo treatment for multiple sclerosis ...

Nicoletta bequeathed her share of the inheritance - a house in Medina, a restaurant, stables and real estate in New York. Now the widow runs the foundation named after the great tenor. And recently she admitted that she had a man who helps her in everything - Filippo Vernassa, theater director.

Eight-year-old Alice does not like her mother's chosen one. She accepted him with hostility. But, as Nicoletta assures, Filippo will do everything to become a real friend for her.

posted by: Alexander | 20/07/2011

Who doesn't sing in Italy?! Everyone in Italy sings. Clean sea air, gentle sun, extraordinary aura of a great ancient country. And temperament... Famous, southern. The song just asks to be released from the body warmed by young wine.

And then the lips open, and wonderful female and male voices sing about love. What else can you sing about in this amazing country?

Luciano's father brought home records of famous tenors: Gigli, Caruso, Martinelli. He spared no expense for this. It gave him pleasure when his son climbed onto the kitchen table and shouted "Beauty's Heart." But you need to know Italian families. And the number of children in them! And in the house where the Pavarotti family lived, there were 15 of them!

Luciano did not dream of becoming a singer. He wanted to be a football player. But he never became a football player. But he won the first place at the vocal competition in Regjonel - Emilia. He was 26 years old. And in the same 1961, he made his debut in La bohème by Puccini. And then - the dream of all opera singers - the theater "La Scala"!

... 160 times I had to raise the curtain at the Metropolitan Opera. The audience did not want to let the singer off the stage. 160 times he went out "to bow", and this fact was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Pavarotti became the most adored opera singer of the twentieth century. Friends called him Big R. One hundred and fifty kilograms of kindness, charm, smiles. But what about the diet? Oh, these attempts—never, or almost never—failed.
“Why do I eat so much? Luciano smiles at reporters. First of all, I'm Italian. And secondly, from the city of the glutton of Modena.
It seemed that it would be difficult for Big R to arrange his personal life. However, he had a fiancee. They have been engaged to Adua for seven years now.
Teenage friendship eventually grew into great love. On the eve of the wedding in 1961, the singer received a decent fee and even tried to paste over the bedroom with banknotes, but what Italian woman would allow such stupidity? Oh, no: the newly minted family spent the money correctly - on a car.

His wife Adua Pavarotti owed a lot. It was she who at one time insisted that Luciano take professional vocal lessons. Adua seemed to see the future glory of her cute fat man and did everything to share it with him. “Few women could come to terms with the life of an opera singer as Adua did,” wrote Luciano Pavarotti in his autobiographical book. When the wife of the great tenor was asked if she was jealous of her husband for the young admirers of his talent, Adua answered with a laugh that her husband's first passion was spaghetti, the second was also spaghetti, and only then was love. And that “it's okay if Luciano pays attention to a few pretty young ladies. He'll still choose pizza." Therefore, when one day magazines with photographs of 61-year-old Pavarotti and his 27-year-old secretary Nicoletta Mantovani swimming in the Caribbean Sea sold around the world, Adua was not particularly alert.

But in vain. Nicoletta could not help but like men. Beautiful, elegant, very intelligent. She studied science and excelled especially in psychology. She played with the heart of the great singer, like a trusting affectionate puppy, making him fall in love with herself.
The whole world has already spoken about this connection. It seems that Nicoletta herself skillfully organized a "hunt" for a sweet couple by photographers - paparazzi, and always managed to look charming in the photographs.

When Adua learned the terrible truth, she tried to save face. Although it looked more and more like a mask of despair, tightly dried to her wrinkles and swelling on her face. Her beloved husband, the father of their daughters, her cozy fat man Luciano said that he was tired of seeing his wife's loose body, pretty spoiled by three pregnancies. And that he, too, has the right to happiness!

Adua could not forgive her husband for this. The divorce proceedings were Italian loud and scandalous. The offended matron told the judge that her husband hid an income of $20 million and did not pay taxes. Pavarotti faced a scandal, a large fine and three years in prison.

The last "feather" were photos of a frankly happy husband and his lover on vacation off the coast of Barbados. In Adua, not only the jealousy of the rejected wife spoke, but also the resentment of the mother of three daughters. She actually raised them by herself. The girls are adults. What will they think and say about them when the young mistress of their father in every interview repeats that she dreams of giving birth to Luciano's son?
The offended wife tore off the sign from their common house, where the Pavarotti clan lived, and ordered a new one. It now bears only her last name: Adua Veroni.

... When journalists asked Pavarotti if he regarded the choice of such a young companion as an escape from old age, Luciano replied: “I just decided to start new life. Maybe your psychologists have something against human happiness and joy? This phrase, which has circled the world tabloids, has become winged.

Treason. What a sweet word for those who escaped from the trap of boring relationships, felt the taste of freedom, a surge of strength! What a bitter word for those who have been betrayed and rejected. Or maybe it’s not worth making a tragedy out of the collapse of marital relations? Feel sorry for yourself, blame someone else? After all, if you think about it, today the institution of marriage involves a lot of models of marital union. Official, unofficial, guest.
Marriage with elements of swing, " Swedish family", finally, a harem, legalized bigamy ...

The model is not so important, the sincerity and warmth of the feelings that you have for your partner are much more important. The quality of a person's emotional life directly depends on the love that he himself experiences and that is experienced in relation to him. Love - real - inspires a person and always changes him for the better, is the strongest stimulus for life, for creativity. Ultimately, the whole world benefits from this! ..

Interesting: what else do you read on this topic?

Love story Luciano Pavarotti and Nicoletta Mantovani began in a very unusual way.

Nicoletta worked as a secretary for the great tenor, and looked like an ordinary secretary - with a bun on her head and big glasses. Often she received a scolding from her boss for the sound of music that was not appropriate for the work environment - Mantovani loved rock. And in general, Pavarotti was picky about little things. In short, they terribly annoyed each other. And one fine day, Mantovani's patience could not stand it, she took off her glasses and told her boss everything she thought about him. Luciano Pavarotti I looked closely at this gray mouse and thought that she did not understand music at all and treated him without due respect. But after all, he was used to seeing and hearing her every single day, and, moreover, she perfectly conducts all his many affairs. And then Pavarotti committed a strange act for himself - he asked her forgiveness, while embarrassed and blushing.

After a while, he stood up for her in the office. And a couple of days later, Nicoletta, blushing and embarrassed, timidly handed him a bundle with a warm scarf. Now it was his turn to blush. She didn't try to explain anything, but he saw something more than simple gratitude in her eyes.

That day, for the first time, he was late for rehearsal. The next day, he unexpectedly saw her at his own classical concert. Mantovani, that rock lover, sat in the very center, her eyes shining with delight. Even the presence of royalty at the concert did not arouse in him such stormy delight and such pride as the arrival of a girl: she came only for him!

By that time, the famous tenor had a busy schedule: concerts, tours, rehearsals, diets. With his first wife, Luciano Pavarotti lived many happy days, but by that time their relationship had cracked. At some point, Luciano stopped understanding why he sang his arias. More than anything, he wanted to be with this wonderful girl who filled his life with joy and the meaning of life. From her communication, he received great inspiration. He was captured by emotions that seemed to last forever. She gave him back the taste of life. And it took him to the skies! Nicolleta, through the condemnation and boycott of former fans and friends of Pavarotti, told everyone: “Pavarotti is the greatest good man. He seems to come from another world. His soul is woven from the rays of the sun.

At that time, tickets for the tenor's concerts were in great demand, he had fame, recognition and crowds of fans. But he loved walking with his beloved along the shore mediterranean sea in the paradise of Monaco. And in the evenings, he sang lullabies to her, and together they dreamed of a life full of love, happiness and children.

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