Two versions of the “Hearts” cake – cream and mastic. Wedding cake in the shape of a heart Heart cake for your wedding day

No wedding, regardless of its size, is complete without a wedding cake. It is the same attribute as wedding dress brides or newlyweds' rings. Many guests even specifically wait until the end of the banquet to watch and try a small piece culinary masterpiece. What could be more symbolic for a holiday than a heart wedding cake?

You need to take care of choosing a sweet dessert for your wedding in advance. Find out which companies or bakeries in your city create custom cakes. Take an interest in customer reviews and prices for such services. To settle on a specific cake, you must know the expected number of guests at the wedding, decide on the shape, size and weight of the dessert, composition and decor. How do you feel if the main delicacy of your celebration is a heart-shaped wedding cake - a symbol of great and eternal love?

Stand and number of tiers

The dessert can be single or multi-tiered. The choice remains with the hosts of the holiday. For a small wedding party, a single-tier cake with several layers is suitable. Approximate sizes can be calculated by the number of people invited to the celebration. On average, a portion of cake is 5-7 cm wide. If more guests are expected, then the dessert should be increased in size, both in width and height. Biscuits laid out in several layers and decorated with mastic and cream look very beautiful.

A cake cannot be without a base at the base. There are several types of stands and different diameters:

  • multi-tiered vertical;
  • with 2, 3, even 5 tiers in the shape of a tree;
  • dessert tray;
  • table on wheels for a large cake.

On a stand, this wedding delicacy always looks more solid and more presentable. Such devices can be made of plastic (transparent or white) or glass. Metal or plastic is used to make trays. After baking, the biscuits of the desired shape are laid out on substrates so that the contours between the frame and the future cake coincide. Only then does the pastry chef, creating a masterpiece, begin to decorate.

Design color and filling

It is better to decide in advance what color scheme the cake should be. The bride and groom need to choose for themselves whether it will be something soft white and pink, airy or bright rich tones. Decorations can include flowers, butterflies, beads or figures sculpted from mastic. The most common option for decorating a wedding cake is the prototypes of the bride and groom standing on top of the confectionery product.

There are no limits to your imagination when choosing fillings. They can use:

  • fruits;
  • vegetable cream;
  • butter cream;
  • creamy curd;
  • based on condensed milk;
  • sour cream.

The cake should be not only visually attractive, but also delicious. Each type of sponge cake has its own cream. It all depends on what you want as a result - an airy cake or a juicy and satisfying one. The combination of fresh or canned fruits and vegetable cream in the dessert does not cause heaviness after eating it. Sour cream is very popular. For decoration with mastic, creams based on vegetable cream and Mascarone cheese are best suited.

Decoration and decor

Only experienced confectioners know how advanced cake production technology has become. Just some 30-40 years ago, decorations were monotonous cream roses(oil). Nowadays, baked goods can look like a work of art, which is even a pity to cut, let alone eat. To work on such a cake and get the expected result, you need to know many secrets.

Nowadays, cakes decorated with mastic figures or completely covered with mastic have become widespread. A whole plot or picture is sculpted. Edible sugar beads and marmalade figures can help. Separately, you can sculpt or purchase ready-made mastic figurines intended for a specific celebration, in this case a wedding. The inscriptions are made using a special tube filled with food gel.

If the cake has several tiers, then each should be made differently. It will look interesting in appearance, and guests will be able to taste several types of biscuits and fillings. For example, one tier can be decorated with fruits, strawberries and cream, another can be soaked in cream based cream and decorated with a scattering of flowers, and the top one can be covered with a layer of mastic and always decorated with figurines of newlyweds. Such a cake will be remembered not only by those responsible for the event, but also by everyone present.

Recipe for making “Two Hearts” cake at home

At home, it is quite possible to bake such an original cake as “Two Hearts”. The end result will be a dessert weighing about 9 kg. If you have time, and most importantly the desire to make homemade cakes for your celebration, it’s worth a try. Stock up necessary products and start taking action. Surely, you will surprise all the guests by creating this masterpiece with your own hands. Using this recipe, you can bake a cake not only for a wedding, but also for its anniversary.

Required ingredients for the dough:

  • flour - about 2500 g;
  • granulated sugar - about 1 kg;
  • cocoa powder – 12-13 tablespoons;
  • baking powder – 4 teaspoons;
  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • cream margarine -200 g;
  • honey – 8-9 tablespoons;
  • milk – 25 tablespoons.

Ingredients for cream:

  • butter – 1300 g;
  • milk – 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 1300 g;
  • yolks – 16 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar – 40 g;
  • flour - 20 tablespoons.

To decorate the cake you will need:

  • cream - about 1 l;
  • powdered sugar - about 1.5 kg;
  • mastic;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • red food coloring.

Preparing the cakes:

  1. Combine eggs with sugar in a bowl, stir well, add honey, margarine, milk.
  2. Prepare a steam bath and place the well-mixed mass on it. Bring to a boil so that the margarine, sugar, and honey completely melt.
  3. Mix cocoa, half the flour with baking powder. Mix well and remove from the steam bath.
  4. Make a mound with a hole inside from the remaining flour and pour the hot chocolate mixture into it.
  5. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands.
  6. Divide it into 16 equal parts and make balls.
  7. Roll out the balls into cakes that are slightly larger in size, since the size decreases during baking.
  8. Each cake is baked in the oven for 6-8 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. This is how all 16 layers of the future cake are prepared.
  9. We give the cakes a heart shape while they are hot, otherwise it will be difficult to do this later.

Preparation of cream:

  1. Mix approximately 1.5 liters of milk, 800 g of sugar and place on low heat.
  2. In a separate container, thoroughly mix the yolks, the remaining sugar, and vanillin until smooth, gradually adding 1 liter of milk.
  3. Pour the milk-yolk mixture into the hot milk standing on the stove in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  4. When the cream begins to thicken, bring it to a boil.
  5. Add softened mixture to the cooling mixture butter, mix well.
  6. Let the cream cool completely and beat well.

Assembling and decorating the wedding cake:

  1. Soak each cake in cream and fold. You should get two hearts with 8 layers each.
  2. Putting them side by side, cut off the extra corner of one heart and connect them together. Let it soak for 30-40 minutes.
  3. We begin to decorate with whipped cream and powdered sugar.
  4. Coat the cake well on all sides, smooth the cream on top with a knife.
  5. Decorate with mastic figures.

Video: how to decorate a cake with fondant?

In order not to order or buy mastic figurines, you can show your creativity - make them yourself. If you involve the whole family in this process, you will get an interesting exhibition. Molded figures from mastic can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool place in a closed container. After watching the video below on decorating with fondant (how you can “cover” a cake with it), you will want to immediately put your knowledge into practice.

Photos of the most beautiful heart-shaped wedding cakes

The central decoration of the holiday will be a wedding cake-heart, which by its shape already symbolizes the atmosphere of love, kindness and warm wishes to the newlyweds. This contour of the cakes allows you to fit into the overall theme any other types of decorations, inscriptions and a color palette of a large number of shades or just 2-3 colors.

At home, confectionery art allows you to use simple options decorated with cream, chocolate or fruit - the main idea will be preserved in the outline of the heart, which will remain in memory and in photographs.

Artistic play on the shape of the heart gives scope for a variety of options for the composition of the cake. Based on the number of guests at the holiday, the necessary one is determined. It can be made, but from several opposing figures. The mastic coating embodies the sophistication of the design solution and the impression of luxury with minimal use of coloring compounds.

Traditionally, design uses , which is present in abundance in natural components for decoration (fruits, flowers, berries) and their derivatives (jams, juices, jellies, marmalade).

You can fill it with items of different types and tastes (fresh, candied or made with your own hands).


It is convenient and customary to cut a classic cake for the hero of the occasion, which is why it is so in demand in different versions.

Just 2 wedding attributes (rose and heart), embodied in the cream, will make a lasting impression with some effort from the master.

It is convenient to place on a flat surface of sufficient size, which will be visible to guests from afar.

Inedible or ceramic figurines, photo collages can be easily and quickly removed from a single-tier product.


Placing a massive dessert on a small one, and so that it solemnly rises above the surrounding attributes, is an option for a multi-tiered cake. In this case, each floor is separated by a contrasting color border from the neighboring level so that the effect is maximum. These can be beads, flower buds, edible ribbons from sugar mastic.

The iconic shape of the cake is perfect for events in the style of minimalism, when there is no colorful play of colors, or themed weddings, where the remaining elements of the decoration are chosen for reasons of originality.

With mastic

Mastic allows you to fashion out of it the most elaborate elements for surface decoration. The mass, easily painted in the desired color, is complemented by openwork patterns made of white or dark chocolate, bows, bead necklaces or a cascade of the finest flower buds. The finishing of the composition in the icing style, reminiscent of an ice pattern, is popular.

Sugar mastic takes on any color with the help of special food gels, which make it possible to convey the tenderness of the petals of real living flowers.

With cream

The cream pattern has a large number of different options. It all depends on the set of attachments for the pastry syringe, the imagination of the master and the skills of working with this material.

A cake - two hearts with cream is considered a win-win option for guests with different tastes. Wedding dessert is possible. The shine and depth of this finish is given by a jelly coating, inserts of marmalade and meringue.

The texture of whipped egg whites adds airiness and fluffiness to any cake.

(naked cakes) are made from cream.

Heart shaped cake design ideas

The fashion for cake decoration is rapidly developing in many directions, as themed weddings have become widespread. Today, fragments from history are colorfully lined up on a heart-shaped base. Ancient Greece, with residents underwater world, reproduce architectural masterpieces that impressed the newlyweds.

Vintage celebrations present the most unexpected solutions from the characters and accessories of youth culture.

Thematic decoration of the cake can be as follows:

  • basket or box with flowers;
  • figurines of people, animals, children's toys, cars, household items or professional orientation of newlyweds;
  • symbols of happiness, fertility, good luck, motherhood, abundance;
  • comic scenes, details with a hint of some memorable events;
  • texts, photographs, drawings, portraits, ;
  • gastronomic abstraction;
  • status design, logos, precious and exclusive inclusions.

An effective solution presupposes that it is accessible to those present. There is no need to overcomplicate or burden the composition with complex conclusions if this is not included in the event program. The delicate work of a cook can say a lot for itself.

Figurines and flowers

Various versions of edible figures made from sugar mastic and marzipan are very often used to decorate cakes. By installing such figures on a wedding heart cake, the master not only saves time, but also gives it a solemn, finished look to the themed product.

This video shows you how you can create the bride and groom figures yourself:

The elements on the surface of the dessert are arranged according to a well-thought-out pattern so that they harmoniously (without excess) embody the author’s idea and make it possible to easily divide the product into portions for guests.

Flowers for framing the figures only emphasize the tender feelings and solemnity of the event. Bouquets or garlands look beautiful, which do not overwhelm with their mass, but delight with the grace of each petal.

Variety of colors

Flower buds are distinguished by their perfection not only in shades of color, but also in the subtlety of work. Therefore, for this design, choose from 2 options:

  • a riot of colors, rainbow, contrasting transitions;
  • monochrome design with careful drawing of details.

In the first case, on a completely finished base, bright flowers are made from cream across the field of the cake, emphasizing the difference between the bouquet and the basket.

A home confectioner may find it useful to have an original way of forming colored parts from fruit pastille, which is easier to handle than confectionery paste.

It is quickly and beautifully used to make not only flowers and leaves, but also letters for congratulations, parts of an ornament on a cake or heart-shaped pastries.

As an option for combining contrasting colors and monochrome design, decorate the top of the dessert, which stands out from the general background with a central composition and peripheral decoration with small splashes of gold or silver color.

On a stand

The main sweet dish of the holiday does not have to be one whole array. Modern rules have made it fashionable to serve a wedding cake consisting of several completed products in one style composition. They are placed on one stand and separated only before cutting.

This video shows how to decorate a wedding cake:

The upper platform is occupied by a wedding cake; the lower floors are accessible to guests. There can be both cut sweets and designer cakes (ready-made portions).

The decision to choose a heart cake for a wedding will in the vast majority of cases be a successful and win-win option. The emotional coloring of a form so appropriate for such an occasion in combination with spectacular design in the style of the event will not leave indifferent either the guests or the heroes of the occasion. The completeness of the impression will ensure the memorable taste of each piece of this confectionery product.

Heart shaped cake is one of the most popular confectionery, which can be prepared for Valentine's Day, a wedding, as a gift to a loved one, and also for a birthday. The main thing in this cake is its shape; you can decorate it with mastic or cream, depending on which confectionery material is easier for you to work with. This product can be considered one of the easiest to prepare; it is quite simple to make, especially if you use our detailed master class.

To create a wedding cake you only need a few ingredients. Full list looks like this:

  • sponge cake - it is quite acceptable to leave the cake white, add cocoa powder, use any non-liquid cream;
  • mastic;
  • decorgel;
  • powdered sugar;
  • pearl sugar balls;
  • liquid dyes pink, brown, white.

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • substrate;
  • multiple stacks;
  • stands for forming roses;
  • brush.

Traditionally, a heart-shaped wedding cake should be made in pastel colors, so we will use a soft pink dye; to create roses, do not select a separate dye, just pour a little more of it into the mastic to give intensity to the colors. The original decoration for this cake in our master class is a box, which can also be made from mastic. In this box with a lid you can place wedding ring or other small item.

Preparing the base

The “Heart” cake has a characteristic shape, as indicated by our master class. Making a cake of this shape is quite simple:

  • bake a round sponge cake of large diameter, from which a heart is subsequently cut out using a paper stencil or using an iron die;
  • bake a sponge cake in a springform pan;
  • if the base for the cake is not a sponge cake, but, for example, honey cakes, then they can also be immediately cut out using a stencil in the shape of a heart.

After the cakes have cooled, they must be greased with butter, butter or other fairly thick cream, and allowed to soak in the refrigerator for about 2-4 hours, depending on the hardness of the cakes. After this, the base can be covered with mastic, as in our MK. For these purposes, use light pink mastic; you can use gelatin, condensed milk-based, store-bought. It must be painted very carefully so that the color is not intense, pastel.

To cover it, roll out a large layer of pink mastic and carefully, being careful not to tear it, transfer it to the surface. Now, using your hands and a special iron, release all the air, smooth the mastic on top and sides to the base. Carefully trim off excess mastic with a knife or special device. Do not throw away the remaining mastic, roll it into a ball and wrap it in plastic.

Wedding cake decoration

This wedding cake requires appropriate decoration. There are many master classes dedicated to the design of desserts that need to be done for special occasion. For a wedding or other occasion, you can make a cake in the shape of one heart, or you can make two hearts in one, but this is usually a cream version.

Let's start decorating:

  1. Add a little more dye to the pink mastic to make the color richer. Now roll out the layer, make several circles with a die cutter, and form multi-layer roses on a special stand. These roses can be used to decorate the entire cake around the perimeter, or to make several flowers in one part.

  1. You need to place a heart-shaped box in the center; our master class will also tell you how to make it. To create a box, you need to make identical pieces in the shape of a heart, make the edge jagged using a special device. Make a side about 2 centimeters high inside the bottom. At the base of the side, place pearlescent sugar beads on the gel, decorate the edge of the lid with the same beads, and you can make a design on it using icing. In our wedding MK, on ​​the lid of this box there are 3 small roses made of burgundy mastic.

  1. Glue the box to the surface using gel or syrup; inside the box you can use white mastic to lay out an imitation of fabric on which the ring is placed.
  2. Now plant the pre-made roses on the surface.
  3. Make a long ribbon from dark red mastic, which you attach at the base with water, so you can hide the cut of the covering.

Before decorating and attaching flowers and boxes using MK, do not forget to coat the surface with decorgel, as in our MK, to give a beautiful shine.

Cream cake “Heart”

According to our master class, a wedding cake made from cream “Two Hearts” looks no less festive than one decorated with fondant, but it is easier to prepare. For it you will need the following ingredients that our master class requires:

  • 2 biscuit bases of the same shape;
  • butter or cream custard;
  • food colors pink, red, green;
  • a small piece of mastic for creating newlyweds’ rings and inscriptions with their names;
  • as well as a pastry bag, a rotating cake stand, a spatula, and a knife.

The cream wedding cake “Two Hearts” according to our master class is prepared quite quickly:

  1. First you need to bake 2 heart-shaped biscuits, as in our MK, then layer with cream, spread on top, and let sit in the refrigerator for several hours.
  2. Now we need to connect our “Two Hearts” blanks. To do this, place them side by side, using the mold in which the cake was baked, cut out part of the first heart and insert the second cake there.

  1. Coat the cakes with cream inside and out and refrigerate.
  2. Place a large volume of white cream into a bag with a nozzle, squeeze a little cream onto the surface, and smooth it out using a spatula, as in MK. To draw the border of the hearts, attach the shape and press down lightly.
  3. Using a bag with a star tip, decorate the sides with vertical stripes, make a border at the base and around the perimeter and border of the hearts at the top of the cream miracle.

  1. Form chrysanthemums from cream on a special carnation, place 2 flowers on one heart, 3 on the second heart according to our master class.
  2. Now the wedding cake needs to be decorated with roses. We also form them on a nail and then transfer them to the surface.
  3. Use green cream to form narrow leaves.

The wedding cake is ready. It remains to decorate it in accordance with our MK with two rings, which can be made from yellow mastic, as well as a small strip with the names of the newlyweds. In addition, you can place beads, icing balls and other decor on the surface as you wish.

Design ideas
