Where is the forge of souls in WWII? Bronyam Tactics, Godfather of Souls

So, the first wing of the Ice Halls is the Forge of Souls. There are two bosses in this part of the instance - Bronyam, the Godfather of Souls, who oversees the operation of the Forge mechanisms, and the Eater of Souls, a creature that acts as a storekeeper of souls stolen by the Lich King.

And now about tactics for these bosses.

Bronyam Godfather of Souls
Bronyam is a caster who deals AoE damage to the group during the battle. One of the features of the boss is that during the first phase of the battle he draws the soul from one of the group members, which turns into a shard moving towards him. If the Godfather manages to absorb this soul, then he is healed by about 20%. As a result, the tank must kite the boss from the shard, and the damage dealers must destroy the shard. When the boss's health drops to 35%, the second phase of the battle begins. During this time, the boss does not tank and begins to deal strong AoE damage to the entire group. It's time to turn on tricks and use cooldowns in order to kill the boss as quickly as possible.

Based on my experience of fighting with this boss, the shard appeared only once and it is not so difficult to remove it, although the room is not too large, there is not much room to run around. Of course, if your group has good DPS and you removed the shard on time. Problems may arise during the second phase, so be sure to have your personal remedies ready.

Soul Eater
At the very beginning of the fight, the boss uses the Soul Reflection attack on one of the party members, causing heavy damage that should be healed as quickly as possible with focus healing. Also, during the battle, he will hit with a beam that is similar to Mimiron's laser, and causes heavy damage. The beam must be avoided, otherwise you will die. The boss will also call upon spirits to help him, who will attack you. Spirits can, in principle, be experienced without destroying them. Among other nice things, the boss again, from time to time, jumps towards a random player and leaves a puddle from which you need to quickly run out.

In my opinion main problem in this battle, it’s not to miss the moment when Reflection is cast on one of the group members. All damage of the group, including tank damage, is transferred to the target. If you continue to deal damage while under this debuff, you will die very quickly. The first time in “heroic” I was simply one-shotted. Otherwise, the battle is not very difficult and goes quite quickly.

What good awaits us after we complete the battle? In addition to talking with Jaina (or Sylvanas), loot awaits us. You can see the list of items that drop from bosses below.

Normal version

Bronyam, Godfather of Souls

Soul Eater

Heroic version

Bronyam, Godfather of Souls

Soul Eater

Dagger/ Blood Weeper
armor, shoulders /

Bronyam Tactics, Godfather of Souls

Bronyam, Godfather Soul is a humanoid boss wielding a massive scythe. Despite its warlike appearance, it is a caster. Bronyam has 690,000 HP.

When the bullet hits, the tank grabs Bronyam and takes him to the wall. The group immediately begins pouring damage into the boss. Periodically, Bronyam, the Godfather of Souls will summon a Soul Shard that will slowly move towards the boss. The fragment must be quickly focused and killed. If this is not done, the boss will heal about 20% of HP. Also Bronyam, Godfather of Souls periodically does an AoE that deals small damage to the entire group

At 35% HP, Bronyam teleports to the center of the room, loses aggro and is no longer tankable. However, the boss can be kept on taunts. Shadows fly around the boss, causing very high damage to the entire group. Bronyam, the Godfather of Souls uses fear on anyone who comes within a melee radius of him, so it is important that fear always catches the tank, this will avoid DPS loss. The boss also stops summoning soul fragments.

The group’s task in this phase is to kill the boss as quickly as possible, use Heroism/Bloodlast, turn on accessories. Healers have to go all out to keep the group together.

Soul Eater Tactics

The Soul Eater is similar to the boss from the Black Temple. The Soul Eater has 650,000 HP. The boss tanks where he stands. Almost immediately after the pool, the boss will use Soul Reflection on one of the players, which deals decent damage to one target. He needs to be healed with focus treatment. This ability will be used throughout the fight.

The boss also jumps towards a random player and leaves a purple area on the ground. Being in this area does a lot of damage, so there's no need to stand there. Periodically, the boss will use Soul Release, creating many rather weak spirits. The spirits are collected in a heap and filled with AoE.

It is here that he accumulates souls for his undead army. It is here that players will face terrifying nightmares...

Bronyam, Godfather of Souls

Bronyam, the Godfather of Souls, is a humanoid wielding a massive scythe. Despite its warlike appearance, it is. Bronyam has 690,000 HP.

When the bullet hits, the tank grabs Bronyam and takes him to the wall. The group immediately starts at the boss. Periodically, Bronyam will summon a Soul Shard that will slowly move towards the boss. The fragment must be quickly focused and killed. If this is not done, the boss will heal about 20% of HP. Bronyam also periodically does this, which causes small damage to the entire group

At 35% HP, Bronyam teleports to the center of the room, loses aggro and is no longer tankable. However, the boss can be kept on taunts. Shadows fly around the boss, causing very high damage to the entire group. Bronyam, the Godfather of Souls uses fear on anyone who comes within range of him, so it is important that fear always catches , this will avoid DPS loss. The boss also stops summoning soul fragments.

The group’s task in this phase is to kill the boss as quickly as possible, use Heroism/Bloodlast, turn on accessories. must fry fully to keep the group together.

Soul Eater

The Soul Eater is similar to the boss from the Black Temple (you can read about impressions of the Black Temple). The Soul Eater has 650,000 HP. The boss tanks where he stands. Almost immediately after, the boss will use Soul Reflection on one of the players, which deals decent damage to one target. He needs to be healed with focus treatment. This ability will be used throughout the entire battle.

The boss also jumps towards a random player and leaves a purple area on the ground. Being in this area does a lot of damage, so there's no need to stand there. Periodically, the boss will use Soul Release, creating many rather weak spirits. The spirits are collected in a heap and filled with AoE.

After defeating the last boss Soul Forges, players can get into the next instance -

The dungeon is designed to be completed by 5 players. Entrance from the 78th standard (gear of the 219th level) and at the 80th heroic (gear of the 232nd level)

Bronyam Tactics, Godfather of Souls (1st boss)

When the bullet hits, the tank grabs Bronyam and takes him to the wall. The group immediately begins pouring damage into the boss. Periodically Bronyam will call soul fragment . The whole problem is that when he casts a fragment, he does not move, and if he casts it on someone within a mile radius, then this person must run away from the boss and when the fragment appears, then he (the fragment) must be killed immediately, the tank is leading barefoot away from the fragment. Otherwise, if you don’t kill the fragment and transfer the boss to the 2nd phase, then the fragment will heal him in the 2nd phase, and this is no longer pleasant, the boss will be healed quite well.(I didn’t notice this, please correct me if there is one)
In the 2nd phase (30-40%) Bronyam teleports to the center of the room, loses aggro and is no longer tankable. Shadows begin to fly around the perimeter of the room, constantly narrowing the radius, so it is advisable to stand closer to the center. Bronyam uses fear Therefore, tremor-totem/immunities to fear/CD, abilities, etc. are needed. because in fear you 100% fall into flying shadows. It is advisable to finish off the boss as quickly as possible.

Tactics Soul Eater (2nd boss)

The boss tanks where he stands. Almost immediately after the pool, the boss will cast Soul Reflection on one of the players; this cast, during its action (orange beam), transfers part of the incoming damage to the boss to the selected player. At this time, it is advisable to do stop damage, but if the healer can handle it, then you can also deal damage. This ability will be used throughout the entire battle. The boss also jumps towards a random player and leaves it on the groundpurple zone . Being in this area does a lot of damage, so there's no need to stand there. Periodically the boss uses Releasing Souls, creating many rather weak spirits. Spirits are not attacked, so thick skins simply ignore them; healers and casters, if this damage is critical for them, can run from them.
Another important moment is when a woman’s face (and therefore a woman’s voice) becomes active, then do not stand in front of the gaze, a blue beam is cast directly in front of you and the head slowly begins to turn. Run away from the beam, otherwise death

(this color indicates what is not required and is missing on our server, I left the original tactics for comparison) (slightly edited)