Where to take courses in dietetics. Dietetics training: how to become a nutritionist

In our age of physical inactivity and fast food, the issue of proper nutrition is very relevant, and therefore the profession of “nutritionist” is becoming more and more in demand. Moreover, precisely in the general sense of this specialty (calculation and control of healthy nutrition), and not only when there are already health problems. Accordingly, getting a proper education and starting your own practice has a clear practical meaning and perspective. In today's review, we will compare the 5 most popular courses offering training in nutrition and dietetics.

  1. OC "Doctor Bormental"
  2. "Interregional Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" LLC "NMO Center"
  3. "Modern Science and Technology Academy"
  4. School of nutritionists "Balance"

In fact, there are much more offers on the Internet to make a qualified nutritionist out of anyone who applies than the five presented here, and this makes us think even more carefully about the effectiveness or legitimacy of such courses. After all, nutritionology is an official medical specialization, but meanwhile many are ready to accept even those who are not doctors to study dietetics! How not to get a beautiful piece of paper, good only to please the eye, but which does not give any right to the practical use of your skills for money, but to become a professional in your chosen field, and officially? The question is interesting, and below we will try to answer it...

How to become a specialist and not a “cash cow” for scammers

If you nevertheless decide that this particular profession is worth dedicating yourself to, then the first thing you need to do is to take seriously the choice of a training (retraining) center and the courses it offers. If you don’t know what “seriously” means in this context, here is a rough list of criteria to consider:

Title and license

A too pompous name like “International Research University of Rational Nutrition” in combination with an organizational and legal form from the category of ANO or LLC is a reason to be wary. There is every chance that behind such a performance there are some “Horns and Hooves” or something even worse hidden. But even if the name is modest and quite respectable, still demand that they show you the state license to provide educational services.

Certificate (ID)

That is, a document that officially authorizes the practice of medicine, in our case a nutritionist. Find a sample of it, for example, from a “graduate” of these courses and check its legitimacy.

Dietetics training program

For a reputable organization, this point is necessarily reflected on the website. If the program is closed to free access or there is no schedule for topics and hours, this is a bad sign.


Nutritionology is a broad concept, and nutritionists are just one of its areas. Therefore, if the entire course is built on one, albeit “luminary,” it is better to look for another option.

Academic degrees

If each specialization is taught by a “different teacher,” it would be a good idea to check their qualifications. Having a scientific degree, if not purchased, is an excellent bonus and the prospect of gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to the fullest extent.

"Media" of teachers

Sometimes the lack of an official degree does not prevent a person from being a professional in his field and a good teacher, so fame is another essential criterion. Videos shot with a smartphone and posted on YouTube do not count. We are talking about programs with the participation of teachers, or even dedicated to them, shown on central television channels, and articles in reputable scientific and (or) medical journals.

Age and experience

A 20 or 25-year-old “young man” cannot be a “famous nutritionist with extensive practice and solid teaching experience”! To do this, he must be a genius, about whom everyone writes and talks, everywhere and very loudly. In general, you compare the years of life and work, and the longer they are, the more preferable.


Avoid review sites and read what they write about a potential “institute,” course, and specific teacher on open forums. If the boast of our object of interest is written by him (or, as an option, criticism by a competitor), then in such a place there will certainly be those who will write how everything really is.

A very important criterion is educational materials. A good educational institution uses (conducts its work) only approved methodological instructions and manuals compiled by authoritative specialists in the field. This is not a question of qualification itself, but the ability to prove it with references to trusted sources in the event of complaints from clients.

Yes, in most cases the problem lies with the client-patient himself and his reluctance to adhere to your recommendations, but the inspector needs to check (excuse the pun). And if, as proof of your professionalism, you show him a chaotic set of pictures and presentations from the Internet, you are unlikely to inspire trust.

How to choose a course for yourself

The abundance of offers and the proposed search format suggest the possibility of a choice problem between two or even more identical options. In order not to become like “Buridan’s donkey”, when determining the optimal course for yourself, consider a few more points:

  1. Own specialty. A practicing nutritionist (and we are interested in precisely this aspect of science and activity) is not just a person who will say that fried foods are harmful and fruits are healthy. First of all, this is a specialist who is able to substantiate his recommendation, that is, to competently examine the patient and determine the diet and diet he needs. And if you can learn the second just in nutritional courses, then the first is impossible without a state diploma of a doctor - family doctor, general practitioner, endocrinologist, pediatrician or gastroenterologist, who has completed training and internship (residency).
  2. Learning Objective. If you want to really treat people and help them stay healthy, to be in demand and a popular specialist, then you cannot do without serious training. If you just want to quickly earn some money or get a job “anywhere”, so that without unnecessary stress, again, earn a piece of bread and butter, but without the crust, then choose any option, the main thing is that the document is issued real
  3. Willingness to invest. And she only has time and brains, but also money. A good course, by definition, cannot be cheap. Therefore, if you want to be a specialist, choose from expensive offers. On the contrary, if your goal is to show off, and the fake certificate doesn’t bother you, then pay attention to those who offer courses for 2-5 thousand rubles - they definitely won’t torture you with your studies. And even if this option is too expensive or time-consuming for you, just find a good web designer and he will whip up something colorful and impressive for you in Photoshop for a couple of hundred within half an hour. True, what is actually worth is less than the paper on which it is printed.
  4. Form of study. Skype consultations and independent study of sent materials are good, but only for consolidating and improving existing knowledge. You can only get a base from scratch, systematize your knowledge and learn how to use it efficiently through full-time training.

The recommendations given may differ in nuances for each person, but in general they should help you choose the educational institution and training program that best suits you. To make it clearer how this is done and to outline the principles, we will evaluate 5 nutritional courses from different organizations, issued by search engines.

Where and how nutritionists are trained

Let’s make a reservation right away - you shouldn’t take our opinion as the ultimate truth, it is subjective, if only because none of those who carried out the analysis themselves took the proposed courses to the end, much less had time to practice on their basis. We simply offer our own version of understanding the situation and justify it as best we can!

The assessment must be specific, and in our case it will be the 100-point system familiar to the world’s younger generation. In order not to describe everything too broadly, we consider all aspects regarding the professionalism of teachers in a comprehensive manner and take into account the cost. So let's get started...

1. OC "Doctor Bormental"

The educational center for professional training and advanced training with this name became known to a wide circle quite recently. But before that, the chain of weight correction clinics of the same name had been officially training its specialists for about 20 years. Interestingly, the program is also available for “free listening”, as an aid to those who want to understand this topic themselves, but do not plan to practice.

The official address of the center is St. Petersburg (Russia), st. Varshavskaya 23/2. There is a website on the Internet http://bormentalkurs.ru, where you can find telephone numbers for contact. Now, using our system, we will analyze and give estimates with justification:

  • Title and license - a score of 100 points, based on the conciseness and topicality of the presentation, as well as the presence of an official license for teaching activities (it is worth noting that the training itself is conducted on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University)
  • Certificate or ID – 100 points: official certificate of completed advanced training courses from the above-mentioned university
  • Program – 90 points: 40 hours divided into five days, each of which is devoted to separate topics

Training is conducted face-to-face and includes examination of the evidence base. The main guide is a methodology based on the thesis of A. Bobrovsky, candidate of medical sciences, an internationally known specialist, as well as the works of his colleagues. The class schedule is on the website, and from it one can judge that the bulk of knowledge can be obtained specifically about blocks of psychotherapeutic disorders. Actually, it is precisely because of this that we slightly lowered the rating, since the knowledge provided is more focused specifically on dietetics, and not on nutrition in general.

  • Staff and qualifications – 100 points: in addition to the well-known candidate Bobrovsky, both medically and in the media, classes are taught by four more specialists (three of them are indigenous peoples) who have specialized SCOPE certificates, which they received in the American Cambridge
  • Educational and methodological base - 100 points: in addition to the works of the teachers themselves, monographs and textbooks of other Russian and foreign luminaries of nutritionology are used for training, and some of them are unique, since they exist in a single or several copies
  • Reviews - 80 points: special review sites, probably due to the novelty of the course, are not yet replete with ratings, but there are already quite a lot of them on various social networks and forums, we were even able to find several videos on the “before and after” principle, clearly demonstrating the effectiveness practical application of the taught methodology.
  • Cost – 80 points: at the moment, the course of study, passing the exam and obtaining a certificate from St. Petersburg State University will cost 30 thousand rubles, which is not too cheap compared to competitors, but taking into account other factors it is quite adequate

It is possible to receive a “light” version of the course, which is 5 thousand cheaper, and its main difference is the absence of that very certificate from a government agency. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you need it, perhaps you will be able to save money.

2. LLC "NMO Center"

The full name of the institution is “Interregional Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education.” The first offers from CME appeared in 2014, and the training is multidisciplinary, and nutritionology is only one of the courses presented. The center is focused on working with doctors who have graduated from universities, as well as with nursing staff.

On the World Wide Web, the center is represented by the website http://mosmedobr.ru, where you can find the address - Moscow, st. Ugreshskaya 2/147 (office 323) and telephone numbers for online communication. Now about impressions and ratings:

  • Name and license - 100: I was a little confused that I would have to deal with a “limited liability company”, although the license is well “printed” on the website, and the representatives of the center themselves offer to check it through Rosobrnadzor and even provide a link for a quick transition, which inspires confidence
  • Certificate (certificate) – 100: again on the website you can see samples of certificates issued upon completion of the course that fully comply with Gosstandart
  • Program - 80: it is indicated that you will have to study in absentia, on certain points remote consultations are held, the grade is reduced due to the form of training, as well as due to the inconvenience of studying the schedule itself - it is presented in JPEG format, and even packaged in an archive

Two course options are offered - the first, for those who already have a specialized education (that is, this is advanced training), the second - professional retraining of specialists. Improving skills takes 160 hours, deeper study of the material is designed for 640 hours for doctors and half as much for mid-level health workers. During the training, the lesson plan is divided into seven modules, which should guarantee a fairly extensive and high-quality understanding of the subject.

  • Qualification of teachers - 0: it is not possible to give an adequate assessment, since the website does not indicate at all who conducts classes and in what quantity, and therefore it is impossible to assess the degree of professionalism
  • Methods and manuals - 80: this score is, to some extent, an advance or, if you like, insurance, because no data on the educational and methodological base is also presented, and only the training program, designed for certified doctors and nursing staff, makes one assume that proven (classical) materials and textbooks are used
  • Reviews – 90: we didn’t come across any mentions of the center on review sites, and on average there are not many of them on the network, but there are quite a few on the organization’s resource itself, and one could assume their custom nature, but in some cases these are scans of official letters of gratitude
  • Cost - 100: being consistent, representatives of the center evaluate their services in ascending order - advanced training for medical staff 6.5 thousand, doctors - 12, and retraining, respectively 16 and 32

At first glance, the amounts are far from the lowest, but return to the training program, its duration, and the justification of the “tariff” will become more obvious.

This abbreviation stands for “Modern Scientific and Technological Academy”. The organization itself offers its services for retraining and advanced training in, attention, metallurgy, office work (accounting), labor protection and a number of other areas, including healthcare and specifically nutritionology!

We had to get acquainted with gentlemen who are so multifaceted in their activities on the website https://www.snta.ru, where the address is indicated (Moscow, Gazetny Lane 3-5/1), telephone numbers and the information that they provided for free access . After studying, we give the following ratings:

  • Title/license – 80: although there is a license for educational activities on the site, you will have to check it manually, and you still need to look for it, among the mass of documents that are absolutely not of interest to us
  • Certificate/ID – 30: as mentioned, there are a lot of documents on the site, but there is no sample document confirming completion of the course, we assume that there should still be one, but we can’t say anything about its reliability
  • Program/schedule - 60: future nutritionists are trained in two programs - advanced training and retraining (for doctors and for nursing staff), but the description consists of general phrases, which makes it difficult to make a preliminary assessment of its practical benefits and effectiveness

Courses for doctors during retraining and advanced training are designed for 550 and 144 hours, for health workers - 288 and 72, respectively. The fact that the courses involve exclusively distance lectures and self-study also contributed to the decrease in our grade.

  • Staff/qualifications – 0: the website does not indicate the number of teachers, nor their names and degree of professionalism
  • UMM – 0: again, there is not a single mention of what educational materials will be used for training
  • Reviews – 50: we won’t blame reviews written “to order” for disseminating on the Internet, so as not to speak out (not caught, as you know...), but we’ll share our impressions – positive and negative opinions about the courses offered by “SNTA” are approximately equally divided, here only the first ones are correct from all sides, and the second ones are more “alive”
  • Cost – 40: unlike the points where we put “0” due to the impossibility of assessment due to the lack of data in principle, this center distinguished itself by the fact that instead of prices it placed an online “cost calculation” calculator, which needs to be calculated then you need personal data

The pretty and stylish blonde “name” (as follows from the further content - the founder of the center and its owner) calls her organization more ornately - “Center for Weight Correction and Personality Development” after herself. And she directly says that her course is designed specifically for those who “want to become a nutritionist” and make good money on it. It’s interesting, but the phrase is constructed in such a way that it is unclear who will actually make money from this knowledge, only the center or its students too.

The real (legal) address is not indicated, but Google groups the site itself http://dietkurs.ru with the resources of the Ukrainian Dnieper (if anyone didn’t know, that’s now the name of Dnepropetrovsk). In addition to phone numbers, the page lists Skype and Email, but that’s not what we’re interested in:

  • Name and license - 20: and only out of love for the beauty of the style, because there is no license (or any other statutory documents) on the site, and behind the beauty of the name the abyss that separates from scientific and medical circles is masked
  • Certificates - 40: again, from a sense of aesthetics - the published documents are colorful and solid, like thoughtful decor, which is exactly what they are, because it’s definitely not possible to open your own medical practice (at least officially) on their basis
  • Program - 40: a stationary form of training is not provided in principle, the main advantage of the course, gentlemen from the center, is the ability to choose the optimal package, but there is a problem - in order to find out the duration, and most importantly, the content of a specific package, you must first order it

Accordingly, it is impossible to give an adequate preliminary assessment of this “advanced nutritionist course” without purchasing it.

  • Staff and qualifications – 50: according to the site, several specialized specialists and even a candidate of medical sciences are involved in the creation and delivery of the course, so if you are interested in self-development, then this composition inspires some hopes for an acceptable result
  • Training materials – 30: by ordering a course, the user receives (at least he is promised this) an author’s book by Mrs. (or Mrs.) Serebryanskaya, a video with a fitness program and some other materials about weight loss, tables and diaries, plus a presentation, but what of this can be called a real teaching aid, difficult to answer

26.09.2018, 03:38

By sending their children to school, parents hope that their children will brilliantly master new knowledge, become physically stronger and gain health. But it often happens that academic performance is “lame”, and the child’s mood is not the most cheerful, and then endless autumn-winter colds pile up...

To ensure that the school year goes according to a favorable scenario and all the parents’ hopes come true, nutritionists advise paying attention to the child’s morning meal. Not only his health and mood, but also his academic performance largely depend on what a student eats for breakfast. Andrei Bobrovsky, a candidate of medical sciences, a famous nutritionist, the founder of the weight loss clinic “Doctor Bormental”, and an expert in the “I’m Losing Weight” program on the NTV channel, told a correspondent of the news agency “Stolitsa” about this.

Breakfast as prevention

— Andrey Veniaminovich, it’s no secret that the principles of nutrition to which the adult population is accustomed have recently been revised and changed in many ways. Have these changes affected breakfasts, especially breakfasts for children?

— We have been observing all kinds of changes in dietetics for ten years now... If we talk about breakfasts for schoolchildren and preschool children, then we need to take into account several important points. I'll start with a little "historical excursion". Many European countries, if we take them as an example, have been struggling with the obesity epidemic for a long time. And only in two countries, Finland and France, was it possible to stop this epidemic. Why were the interventions - and these were government interventions - in these countries effective? Yes, because the emphasis in these programs was on the prevention of obesity in children and schoolchildren, that is, in the youngest population. And this is a very correct emphasis. Because for the majority of adults who have extra pounds, any measures, as a rule, turn out to be ineffective.

— That is, we can “prevent” children from obesity, but adults can only be treated, and not always successfully?

- Absolutely right!

— What are these events that gave such a noticeable result?

— First of all, organizing a proper breakfast! By the way, there are interesting statistics provided by the American National Weight Loss Registry. These are people who have actually lost weight according to certain criteria. They lost more than 11 kilograms and maintained the new weight for more than a year and a half. According to medical canons, this is considered a good indicator of successful treatment. So, this national registry regularly conducts surveys to determine what helps these people lose weight, and most importantly, maintain the results achieved. And it turned out that the most important habit for consistently maintaining results after losing extra pounds is the habit of eating breakfast.

A proper breakfast should be made taking into account the “plate rule”: 50 percent fruits and vegetables and 50 percent protein and complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals.

Appetite is under control!

- How does this relate to losing weight?

— There is a lot of physiology here, but to put it briefly, a proper breakfast helps keep appetite in check and protects us from overeating in the evening. Everyone knows the common term “evening zhor”. So, breakfast protects us from it, because in the morning there is a competent distribution of energy for the next few hours. A person before work or a child before going to school needs to recharge with quick, accessible energy - simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates, since it is complex carbohydrates that make the flow of glucose into the blood smoother. And thus, over the course of several hours, the child gradually receives the energy necessary for mental activity and physical activity.

— So the needs of children and adults are not very different here?

— For both adults and children, a proper breakfast should be prepared taking into account the “plate rule.” And this rule postulates that for optimal saturation of the body, a diet containing 50 percent fruits and vegetables and 50 percent protein and complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals is required. Now let's break all the components into quarters. A quarter of the plate is fruits, a quarter is vegetables, a quarter is complex carbohydrates, some cereals, cereals, and the last quarter is protein food in the form of fish, meat, cottage cheese, seafood. This rule must always be followed, even when making a sandwich for breakfast.

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food

- If you put a piece of fish, cheese and a slice of tomato on a piece of grain bread - and that’s already a healthy breakfast?

— As you know, the devil is in the details! (Laughs.) Not a slice of tomato, but a substantial portion of tomato! Then we will comply with the given proportions of a healthy breakfast.

“Our grandmothers recommended eating porridge in the morning.” As far as I understand, modern nutritionists do not refuse porridges either. You just need to add vegetables and fruits to them. Is that so?

— Cabbage soup and porridge are our food, that’s what they said before. And, in general, this is the correct setting. But in fact, you can use cereal instead of porridge.

— In general, what might a proper breakfast look like?

- Porridge - for example, buckwheat, corn, occasionally - oatmeal, you don’t need to focus only on oatmeal, the same “rolled oatmeal”. Plus mixed vegetables or salad. Plus any fruit: even an apple, even a peach, even a handful of seasonal berries. Some protein food - a piece of boiled meat, fish, a boiled egg, an omelet. A piece of bread. And the drink is not too sweet. The most important thing is to follow the “plate rule” not from time to time, but at every meal.

Beware of extra vitamins

— For “growing bodies”—children 10–14 years old—does it make sense to enhance breakfast with vitamins and additional portions of vegetables and fruits? Or will the body itself “take” what it needs from its usual diet?

— In general, for a modern child, vitamin deficiency — that is, a lack of vitamins and microelements — is more of a casuistry. Or some case that is associated with serious diseases - when vitamins and microelements are simply not absorbed by the child. The calls to give children more vitamins are clear and obvious. But it is important not to overdo it, since in modern children another problem is much more common - hypervitaminosis, that is, an excess of vitamins. It happens when parents feed their children tableted vitamins. Perhaps, in those years of the last century, which were the childhood and youth of modern grandmothers, there was a problem of vitamin deficiency and related diseases. We live in a different time, and this must be taken into account. British fellow nutritionists say this: “All the money spent on tablet vitamins goes down the toilet.” Categorical, but close to the truth.

— What do nutritionists say about vitamin D? It is now widely recommended to drink it almost all year round...

— At some points this may be justified, but in general the situation with vitamin D is similar to a marketing epidemic. I believe that without a doctor’s testimony, without a proven deficiency of vitamin D in the body, prescribing it to everyone is, to put it mildly, wrong. If a mother suspects that the child is not getting enough vitamin D from sunlight or certain foods that contain it, you can use inexpensive tests to determine the level of this vitamin in the body, and only then decide whether the child has a vitamin D deficiency or not.

Don't drink cocoa with a sweet dessert. Cocoa after breakfast, compiled according to the “plate rule,” will be much healthier for a child.

Coffee - adults only

— Can children have coffee for breakfast? What is the opinion of modern nutritionists on this matter?

“Here, even about adults, scientists’ opinions differ. Some say that coffee with milk is a harmless product, others say that it is very harmful. Opinions are polar. Personally, I think that children and teenagers under 15 years old should not drink coffee. Although, unfortunately, I cannot refer to any authoritative studies.

— Is cocoa, which Soviet children loved so much, healthy?

— In terms of its content, cocoa is a harmless drink. The issue is the large amount of sugar that parents sometimes add to it. And what the drink will be consumed with. If cocoa is washed down with a sweet dessert, then, of course, this is not the best option for children. And if a glass of cocoa completes your breakfast, which is made according to the “plate rule,” then it certainly won’t do any harm.

— Are new-fangled diets - gluten-free, lactose-free - worth “testing” on children, giving up dairy products and grains?

— There are quite authoritative and adequate tests, the results of which can accurately determine whether a child has gluten or lactose intolerance. If there is, of course, the consumption of such products needs to be either reduced or reduced to zero. If there is no intolerance, there is no need to limit your diet. There is no need to invent anything out of your head.

Breakfast as a tradition

— What to do if a child refuses breakfast?

— The best option is to show by example the importance of breakfast. In general, such behavioral deviations in children are not very common, since children, unlike adults, need energy in the first half of the day. And the body itself tells them that in the morning they need to eat well in order to run, jump and think.

— So, the task of parents is to create a tradition of morning meals?

- Yes, this is wonderful in every sense - a joint breakfast with parents, discussing plans for the day. And this tradition, of course, is present in many families.

Our main problem today is not children who are undernourished, but children who are overnourished. And until the child grows up, this is the responsibility of the parents.

— Do children need so-called snacks? What can you give them to school so that it is not only satisfying, but also healthy?

- Definitely needed! Of course, you need to start from the specific situation: how much food the child has at school, what his daily schedule is. And if it is not possible to provide him with adequate nutrition every four hours, then, of course, you need to provide “snacks” with you. For example, he goes to the section after school. At this moment, he can take something out of his briefcase and eat it - the same healthy sandwiches, which consist half of vegetables, and half of bread and boiled meat. Not sausages! You can also add a slice of cheese, but it’s better to have a low-calorie cheese, for example, Adyghe cheese.

— How long can you keep such a sandwich in your briefcase? What is its “expiration date”?

“You can safely store this “snack” for up to six hours.

Sweets only after meals

— Is there some kind of standard for sweets? Or should you try to completely remove sweets from your diet?

- Let's be honest: it won't work! Organizing our life without sweets is almost impossible. Therefore, it is more correct to think not about the norm of sweetness, but about when and in what situation the child eats dessert, ice cream, candy or chocolate. When sweets become a reward for some achievement, this is very bad. In this case, sweets act as a reward or, in other words, as manipulation. Over time, this will cause excess weight or food addiction. Another important point: sweets should be consumed at the end of a full meal, and not on an empty stomach. That is, you cannot use chocolate as a “snack”. A proper sandwich, an adequate meal, and a chocolate bar at the end. And the child feels good, and the blood sugar level will not jump.

— Parents often give their children small packs of juice to school. What do nutritionists say about such drinks?

— First, you need to understand that from the point of view of composition or, let’s even say, harm to the body, there is no difference between packaged juice and some kind of soda. Both have a high content of fast carbohydrates, and they are the main problem. Therefore, it is best to give the child a bottle of plain water, tea that the mother brewed herself and put just a little sugar in it, or natural fruit compote without added sugar. It will perfectly quench thirst and will not harm the child’s health.

— When a child overeats, it is easy to determine. How can you tell if he is malnourished?

“Here, too, there is no need to guess and listen to grandmothers, to whom all children seem thin and pale. There are standard tables that can be used to determine body mass index using height and weight for a specific age. There are such tables for boys and girls. But I repeat: today our main problem is not undernourished children, but overeating ones. And until the child grows up, this is the responsibility of the parents.

In recent decades, the number of people with deviations from normal weight has been rapidly increasing throughout the planet. An obesity epidemic is how doctors increasingly characterize the situation. Overeating, unhealthy, low-quality food, sedentary lifestyle - there are many reasons. It is difficult to cope with excess fat, which disrupts the normal functioning of internal organs and threatens health and life. Often it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist.

Profession nutritionist

A nutritionist is a doctor with a higher education who deals with issues of combating excess weight and organizing proper, balanced nutrition. In fact, this is a specialist in nutrition – the science of how digestion, metabolism is carried out, and vitamins and minerals are absorbed that a person needs, taking into account his individual characteristics. Dietetics training necessarily includes general medical education in order to strengthen and maintain health through proper nutrition.

Doctors in this field are in demand more than ever before, including children’s doctors. Not everyone is helped by general recommendations that are found on the pages of magazines or in television programs. To properly create a menu and lose weight, it is necessary to take into account many factors: established eating habits, the patient’s genotype, lifestyle, and overall health status. All this is done by the doctor, developing a personal nutritional and therapeutic program for his client. This has been practiced in European countries and the USA for decades.

The list of issues in his area of ​​responsibility is large. First of all, it is the fight against obesity, helping to form a slim figure. On the other hand, being underweight falls within the scope of his professional responsibilities. The task is to identify the reasons for deviations from the weight norm of patients, to give recommendations on how to establish a balanced diet and metabolism.

Specialists in the field of dietetics are required in sports organizations, medical centers and clinics, laboratories, beauty salons and fitness clubs, universities, and research institutes. Leading experts are invited to television shows, where they help participants normalize weight. The starting salary of doctors and nutritionists starts at 30 thousand rubles per month, depending on experience, qualifications and place of work. Equally important, this profession is in demand, and there are many vacancies.


These are specialists with full medical education who have graduated from a medical university, a residency in dietetics, and every five years confirm their level of knowledge at specialized state advanced training courses conducted by research institutes. So, in Moscow it is the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education on the basis of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

The main difference between a dietitian and nutrition consultants, besides education, is that they work not just with overweight patients, but also with other diseases. Their task is not only to give recommendations on how to lose weight, but to conduct an examination together with related specialists. Based on their results, the diet is selected in such a way as to correct disturbances in the body’s functioning due to illness and provide nutrition to all organs (for diabetes, oncology, kidney disease, food allergies, gastroenterology).

Dietitians work in hospitals (public, private), sanatoriums, and dispensaries. Salaries will vary significantly depending on where you find a job: in a private clinic or a budget institution. The city also plays a role - in large cities the rates are higher. According to statistical data, the profession is most in demand in the Moscow, Leningrad regions and Krasnodar Territory. The highest salaries are offered in Moscow (from 50 thousand rubles per month), Voronezh region (40 thousand), and the Komi Republic (33 thousand).

Sports Dietetics

A nutritionist working in the sports field must know the basics of dietetics. In addition, you need training in pharmacology, principles of nutrition for different types of physical activity and training. Creating menus and diets for athletes, keeping a food diary, and using dietary supplements are important tasks - they need to help withstand stress while maintaining weight. Place of work: sports clubs and teams, fitness centers.

Nutritionist consultant

Nutrition consultants may not be medical doctors. A diploma from a nutrition school or course allows you to become a consultant for those who want to lose a few extra pounds. Adjusting the diet, drawing up a nutrition plan, motivation, control, identifying and preventing mistakes is what the consultant does. Place of work – SPA centers, beauty salons, individual (including online) consulting. Employment is possible both full-time and part-time. Payment from 40 thousand rubles per month to several hundred per appointment.

Dietitian nutritionist

A nutritionist is a professional in the field of competent nutrition. He studies: food components, cooking methods, meal times. Nutritionology differs from dietetics in that it is more related to science than to medicine. Its experts examine how food affects the body, metabolic processes, and metabolism. Disease prevention and treatment with food are tasks for a nutritionist. The pay is decent - you can earn about 40-60 thousand rubles a month with full-time work in private clinics. The profession is relatively new, so there are not many vacancies yet.


She is an assistant nutritionist. The job requires secondary medical education, training in the basics of clinical nutrition and dietetics. Range of responsibilities: monitoring the work of catering units, checking the quality of products, their purchases, storage, preparation, distribution. The chemical composition of dishes, energy value, calculation of the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins is carried out using laboratory tests upon her request.

Place of work - hospitals, sanatoriums, dispensaries, where vacationers are provided with specialized dietary food. The most popular regions are the Krasnodar Territory, Novosibirsk and Leningrad regions. Demand during the holiday season is higher than during the winter. The average salary is from 15 to 20 thousand rubles per month. Maximum offers from employers reach 33 thousand rubles (Volgograd region).

How to become a nutritionist

Dietetics training has been a popular educational option in recent years. Some people study to apply knowledge for themselves, while others are ready to work in this field. When choosing such a profession, it is worth considering the qualities that are needed. You will need: good memory, responsibility, attentiveness, communication skills, tact, and the ability to show empathy. You cannot do without a willingness to constantly improve, learn, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

The profession of a nutritionist requires knowledge:

  • about the functioning of the digestive system;
  • about the laws of metabolism;
  • about the composition of products, their effect on the body;
  • about methods of preparing diets;
  • about the operation of diagnostic equipment;
  • about the basics of psychology;
  • about human anatomy.

Where do you study to become a nutritionist?

Educational institutions

Several universities in the country offer to obtain the in-depth specialized knowledge necessary to study dietetics for medical practice. In Moscow it is: First State Moscow Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. Other specialized medical universities in the country will be suitable. The total training will take six years.

After this - residency in the specialization of Endocrinology, Gastroenterology or Dietetics. Retraining courses are possible if residency in another field has been completed. The latter is offered only by the Moscow Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Fully training to become a nutritionist takes eight years. Don’t forget about the mandatory refresher courses every five years. Such requirements are specified in the Orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. If all conditions are met, you can practice medicine, working in your specialty.


To work as a nutrition consultant and self-education, there is no need to obtain a medical education. A large number of courses are offered for basic nutrition education and seminars on healthy eating. You can choose the appropriate option based on duration, cost, program, and teachers. Multidisciplinary educational institutions will offer comprehensive knowledge or narrow specialization. Among the possible options:

  • training center for fitness professionals "Olympus" (Moscow);
  • professional school of bodybuilding and fitness (Moscow);
  • Lyceum "Scientific Fitness" (Moscow);
  • training center "Alternative" (Moscow);
  • center for additional professional education "Golitsino" (Moscow);
  • Ben Weider College of Fitness and Bodybuilding (St. Petersburg);
  • Center for Nutritionology and Adaptive Nutrition (St. Petersburg).

These and other educational institutions provide postgraduate training and nutrition education. The duration of the courses varies from 32 to 256 hours, the cost is from 7 thousand rubles and above. Upon completion of the course, a certificate or certificate is issued. Dietitian courses provide the opportunity to work as a private consultant and nutrition coach. The knowledge will be useful for fitness trainers, athletes, and just people to learn the basics of healthy eating habits.

A person with a secondary medical education can attend nutritional nursing courses. After completing the training, which lasts seven weeks, a specialist certificate and a diploma of professional retraining are issued. You can find a job in children's educational institutions, sanatoriums, dispensaries, inpatient departments of hospitals, recreation camps, and catering establishments. You can take the course in person or remotely (which will be cheaper). The cost is 22 thousand or 19 thousand for the entire course.

Distance learning

Dietetics training is also carried out remotely. This is convenient for a number of reasons: without interruption from work, available to residents of any city, and saves money. Study guides are electronic, students have access to video lectures, there are mandatory practical assignments, a final exam or testing. This training is carried out by:

  • interregional center for continuing medical and pharmaceutical education;
  • International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation;
  • training center "Golitsino";
  • training center "Alternative";
  • Krasnodar State Medical Institute;
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalin State University;
  • center for weight correction and personality development of Lara Serebryanskaya.

These and other institutions will offer retraining services to everyone in the programs “Dietician-consultant”, “Dietetics”, “Sports nutritionist”. The duration of training is from 72 to 640 hours, the cost is from 9 thousand rubles. Upon successful passing of the tests, a certificate is issued confirming completion of the course.
