Where is a dash placed between the subject and the predicate? Dash between subject and predicate - examples

A dash, as a rule, is used in non-union complex sentences to indicate the nature of the semantic connection between its parts. However, there are other cases of using this punctuation mark.

The placement of dashes is governed by the following rules of Russian grammar:

1. A dash is placed in sentences with a compound nominal predicate, between the subjects and the predicate. In sentences of this kind, the predicate, as a rule, is a generic concept in relation to the subject. For example:

  • Tiger is a predator;
  • The cow is an artiodactyl;
  • Birch is a tree;
  • My older sister is a teacher;
  • My older sister is my teacher.

Note 1. However, if the subject and predicate have a negative particle “not”, then the dash is not placed:

  • Poverty is not a vice;
  • A goose is not a bird.

Note 2. A dash is not placed between the subject and the predicate if they are used in an interrogative sentence and the subject is expressed by a pronoun, for example:

  • Who is your mother?

2. If in a sentence the subject is expressed by a noun , and the predicate is an indefinite form of the verb (infinitive), or they are both expressed by an infinitive, then a dash is placed between them, for example:

  • To love you is to fray my nerves;
  • The desire of every person is to love and be loved.

3. Dash is placed before words “this”, “means”, “this is”, “here”, etc. in sentences where the predicate is expressed as a noun in the nominative case or infinitive. As a rule, these words serve to connect the predicate to the subject, and also indicate that a comparison or definition will now follow, for example:

  • Desire is a person’s need, despite all adversity, to make his life better;
  • Romance is walking under the moon and eyes full of admiration;
  • Loyalty is the stronghold of true human relationships, trust is the stronghold of a strong family.

4. A dash is placed in sentences with enumerations before the generalizing word. For example:

  • Dreams, hopes, beauty - everything will be swallowed up by the inexorable passage of time;
  • Neither her tears, nor her pleading eyes, nor her sadness - nothing could make him come back.

5. A dash is placed before the application at the end of the sentence in two cases:

a) If before the application it is possible to put the construction “namely” without distorting the meaning of the sentence, for example:

  • I don't really like this animal - the cat.
  • In conversation, he demanded one thing - correctness.
  • I obey only one person - my father.

b) If explanatory words are used in the application, and the author needs to further indicate the independence of this construction, for example:

  • I had a cast iron kettle with me - my only joy in traveling around the Caucasus (Lermontov).

6. A dash is placed between two predicates or between parts of a complex sentence if the author needs to unexpectedly join or sharply contrast them in relation to each other. For example:

  • I walked into the room, not expecting to see anyone there, and froze.
  • I'd rather go to Petka - and that's all.
  • I wanted to travel around the whole world, but I didn’t travel a hundredth part (Griboyedov).
  • I wanted to sit down to sew, but the needle pricked my fingers, I wanted to cook porridge - the milk ran away.

Note 1. In order to enhance the connotation of surprise, a dash can also be placed after coordinating conjunctions that connect parts of one sentence. For example:

  • Book your vacation and move on to your family.
  • I really want to go there and meet them, but I’m afraid (M. Gorky)

Note 2: In addition, for an even greater surprise effect, a dash can separate any part of a sentence, for example:

  • And she ate the poor singer to pieces (Krylov).
  • And the grandfather threw the ruff into the river.

According to the rules of the Russian language, there is no need to put a dash in these sentences. However, it is staged only to better convey the meaning and reflect what actually happened.

7. A dash is placed between parts of a non-union complex sentence if the second part contains the result or conclusion from what was discussed in the first, for example:

  • Praise is tempting - how can you not want it? (Krylov).
  • The moon traced a path across the sea - the night lay like a light blanket.

8. A dash is placed between parts of a non-union complex sentence if between them there is a type of connection “subordinate part - main part”:

  • Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
  • The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.

9. A dash is placed to indicate the boundary of the division of a simple sentence into two verbal groups. This is done only if it is not possible to isolate this decay by other means. For example:

  • So I say: do guys need this?

Very often, such a breakdown is observed when one of the members of a sentence is omitted, for example:

  • For good studies, Marinka received a trip to the sea, and Egorka received a new computer.
  • I willed it into my fist, my heart out of my chest, and I rushed after him.
  • Everything obeys me, but I obey nothing (Pushkin).

10. In addition, using a dash, the following are distinguished:

a) Sentences and words used in the middle of a sentence and serving to explain what is being said, but only if the parentheses can weaken the connection between the insertion and what is being explained, for example:

  • There was nothing to do, so I got into his cart.
  • Suddenly - lo and behold! oh shame! - the oracle spoke nonsense (Krylov).
  • And only once – and even then by accident – ​​did I speak to him.

b) A common application if it comes after the defined noun and needs to emphasize its own independence, for example:

  • The senior constable - a gallant elderly Cossack with stripes for long-term service - ordered to “form up” (Sholokhov).
  • In front of the doors of the club - a wide log house - workers with banners were waiting for the guests (Fedin).

c) Homogeneous members of a sentence, if they are in the middle of a sentence and need special emphasis, for example:

  • Usually, from the upper villages - Elanskaya, Vyoshenskaya, Migulinskaya and Kazanskaya - Cossacks were taken into the 11-12th army Cossack regiments and the Atamansky (Sholokhov) Life Guards.
  • And again the same picture - lopsided houses, road potholes and dirty puddles - appeared before my eyes.

11. A dash can be used as an additional punctuation mark after a comma in sentences where there are two repeated words , and this repetition is needed in order to connect one part of this sentence with another. For example:

  • I knew very well that this was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but a good man - my husband, whom I knew as myself (L. Tolstoy).
  • Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that all, without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, were all in his hands (L. Tolstoy).

12. A dash is placed after a group of subordinate clauses before the main part of a complex sentence in order to emphasize the breakdown into two semantic parts. For example:

  • But whether it was worth it or not is not for me to decide.
  • Whether Stolz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we don’t know (Dobrolyubov).

13. Dash is placed in paired constructions, meaning any time, space or quantitative framework , and in this case it is synonymous with a pair of prepositions “from...to”, for example:

  • Flight Novosibirsk - Moscow,
  • 1991 – 2001,
  • Ten - twelve grams.

14. A dash is placed between two proper names if collectively they name any teaching or discovery:

  • Boyle's physical law - Mariotte.

1. In the absence of a linking verb, a dash is usually placed between the subject and predicate, expressed in the nominative case of the noun, for example: Human-blacksmith of his own fortune(Fed.); Harvest-although festive, but work(cf.: Harvest-labor, albeit festive).

As a rule, a dash is placed:

a) in sentences expressing a logical definition: Phonetics-the doctrine of speech sounds;

b) in sentences of a scientific or journalistic style, which indicate an essential feature of an object, contain its characteristics or assessment: Evening and distance learning-a very affordable way to obtain secondary and higher education;

c) after homogeneous subjects: Elbrus, Kazbek, Mont Blanc-the highest mountains in Europe;

d) to clarify the meaning of the sentence, cf.: Older brother-my teacher.- My older brother-teacher. In this case, the dash serves to indicate a distinct pause that occurs during the actual division of the sentence.

A dash is usually not placed between the subject and predicate, expressed in the nominative case of a noun, in the following cases:

a) if sentences that are simple in construction are conversational in nature: My son is an engineer;

b) if comparative conjunctions act as connectives as, as if, as if, exactly, no matter what, sort of like and etc.: Your heart is like stone; Hair is like silk; A sweet roll is like a cake;

c) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, adverb, conjunction, particle: The Ob seems to be the largest river in Siberia(cf.: Ob-the largest river in Siberia); Mercury is also a metal(cf.: Mercury-metal); March is just the beginning of spring(cf.: March- the beginning of spring);

d) if the predicate is preceded by a negation not: Analogy is not proof;

e) if the predicate precedes the subject: How clever our Kolya is!

f) if the predicate is preceded by an inconsistent secondary member of the sentence relating to it: Work is a joy for him, work is a pleasure for him;

g) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological unit: A theory that fixes patterns is worthless.

2. In the absence of a connective, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by the nominative case of a noun, and the other by the indefinite form of the verb, for example: Talk about what has been decided-only to confuse(M.G.); Each person's purpose-develop in yourself everything human, common and enjoy it(White).

3.Dashes are placed before words this, this is, this means, this means, adding the predicate to the subject, for example: The first thing I would like to point out is-it is the complexity of the problem at hand.

4. A dash is placed if both main members of the sentence are expressed by the nominative case of a cardinal numeral or if one of them is expressed by the nominative case of a noun, and the other by a numeral or a phrase with a numeral, for example: Big Dipper-seven bright stars. Machine performance- 20-28 products per minute.

Note. In technical literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not placed in these cases, for example: crane lifting capacity 25 t, boom radius 5 m and so on.

5. A dash is usually not placed if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun and the predicate by the nominative case of the noun, for example: I am an engineer; You are my brother.

Note. Placing a dash in this case aims to logically highlight one of the main members of the sentence, for example: I am a poet.

6. A dash is not placed if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun, for example: Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

7. With a subject expressed by a pronoun This, a dash is placed or not placed depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence of a pause after it, for example: Add another enemy to fatigue, boredom and guilt. This-loneliness(Ch.). Wed: This-the beginning of all beginnings; This is the best way out.

8. As a rule, a dash is not placed if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, a pronominal adjective, or a prepositional-case combination, for example: Barinov’s legs are crooked, like a tailor’s; arms are long and thick(M.G.); The shark's back is dark blue and its belly is dazzling white.(Gonch.); Whose house is this? But: Life without freedom-nothing(R. Rolland) (predicate - pronominal noun).

Note. Placing a dash before the predicate, expressed by an adjective, emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into the composition of the subject and the composition of the predicate, for example: My friend-smart, well-mannered, educated, he will not be unpleasant to you.

9. A dash is placed between the subject, expressed by the infinitive, and the predicate, expressed by the predicative word - O, if there is a pause between the main parts of the sentence, for example: Call by a fictitious surname- dangerous(G.); Give in-shameful(Tendr.). But (in the absence of a pause): It is very easy to judge a person in disfavor.(L.T.).

10. A dash is placed if the predicate is expressed in an idiomatic phrase, for example: His tactics-divide and rule.

1. Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case form: Lonelinessin creativity - difficultthing(Ch.); Nextstation - Mytishchi;Moscowgames- beautifulacademysports creativity(gas.).

Usually, dash put:

1) in sentences that have the nature of a logical definition: Geometry - departmentmathematicians who study spatial forms and relationships of bodies;

2) in sentences of book and written styles (scientific, journalistic, official business), containing a characteristic, assessment of an object or phenomenon: Matter- objectivereality,existing outside and independently of human consciousness;Disarmament- commandtime;

3) in identity sentences (the subject and the predicate express the same concept): Moscow is the capitalRussia;

4) after homogeneous subjects: Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan- the largestcitiesVolga region;

5) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence: Diligentin the brigade -treasure, lazy- heavy burden;

6) to clarify the meaning of the sentence; compare: Olderhis sister - teacher;Olderhis sister is his teacher.

Note. In a number of cases, a dash is usually not placed:

1) in sentences of simple composition in a conversational style of speech: My mother is an engineer; My brother is a schoolboy;

2) if the role of the connective is comparative unions as if, as if, exactly, as if, anyway and so on.: Speeches as speeches(Furm.); The stars are like small diamonds; The clouds are like fairy-tale monsters; Today the sky is like the sea.

Deviations from this provision among classical writers and modern authors are associated with previous punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the connotation of comparison contained in the predicate: Your speeches are like a sharp knife(L.); This phrase is like a grand slam in Jumble(T.); This girl is like a holiday!(Already); The duration of the war is like a century of life(TV);

3) if the predicate is preceded by a negation not: This officer is no match for you(Fed.); ... The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all, it’s almost a reality(March.); Poverty is not a vice(linear); The heart is not a stone(linear); Analogy is not proof.

Placing a dash in this case aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate: But an explanation is not an excuse(M.G.); His views on family etiquette - isn't this a prejudice?;

4) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, sometimes an adverb, conjunction, particle: Dubava seems to be a friend of Korchagin(AND ABOUT.); Risk, as we know, is a noble cause; Totally rash actstepdangerous;Sergeevnow famousartist; FirSametreeresinous;MarchonlyStartspring. Wed. the presence or absence of a dash depending on the specified conditions: Ivanov- goodchess player; Ivanov,seems goodchess player(presence of an introductory word); Ivanovnow experiencedchess player(presence of adverb); Ivanovalso a famous chess player(presence of union); Ivanovjust a beginnerchess player(presence of particle);

5) if the predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence relating to it: Stepanusneighbour(Sh.); Kolyato meFriend;

6) if the predicate precedes the subject: Beautifulman Ivan Ivanovich!(G.); Slavnoeplacethisvalley!(L.); PicturesqueIndian people(Gonch.); Not badstudentthisboy. The placement of a dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two parts: Gloriouspeople are neighborsmy!(N.); Amazingcase- dream(T.); Psychologicalcuriosity - my mother(Ch.); deftlittle thing - little mindhuman(M.G.); Coffin - road(TV);

7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological unit: Penny pricetheory that fixes some patterns(Goal.); Two of a Kind(linear).

2. Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed by the indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) or if one of the main members is expressed by the nominative case of the noun, and the other by the indefinite form of the verb: About the decisionspeak- onlyconfuse(M.G.); Our duty is to protectstrength until our last breath(P.); Of course it's bigart - wait(Esb.); Teadrink- not firewoodchop(last); Forceturn me off the right path -pipes!; Writemediocre things -it doesn't take any talent(infinitive in the function of the nominative topic, the predicate is expressed in a whole sentence); It would seem that,What's easier - writeresponse letter(cf.: Writing a reply letter is easy).

But (with inversion and no pause): Whichhappinesssonhug!(Dolm.)

3. Dash comes before words this, this is, this means, this means, here, adding the predicate to the subject: Catchruff or perch - what is it?bliss!(Ch.); Sports and culture - here are two keysto joy, beauty(gas.); To understand means to forgive; Latestautumn - Thiswhen the mountain ash shrinks from frost and becomesas they say,"sweet"(Prishv.) - the whole sentence acts as the predicate.

4. Dash is put if both main members of the sentence are expressed by cardinal numerals or if one of them is expressed by the nominative case form of the noun, and the other by a numeral or a phrase with a numeral: Twenty years- goodthing(Sim.); Partings and meetings- twomainparts,from which happiness will someday be formed(Dolm.); Three times five is fifteen; Speed ​​- sixty kilometers per hour.

Note. In specialized literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not used in this case: The crane's lifting capacity is 2.5 tons, boom radius is 5 m; The melting point of gold is 1063°C.

5. Dash is placed between the subject, expressed by an indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate, expressed by a predicative adverb (state category) starting with -o, if there is a pause between the main members of the sentence: Giving in is shameful(Tendr.); This is veryunbearable - to move(Gonch.); Thisterrible - chicken outat the last moment; This is fuckingfun - rideon the boat[cf. without pause: Rideon the boatfunny; Judgea man in disgraceeasily(L.T.)].

6. Dash is placed before the predicate, expressed phraseological unit: Both woman and man -a couple of nickels(Ch.); And the porch -God forbid another prince(A.T.); His income now isBe healthy;Seryozha - the seventh water on jelly for both you and me.

7. With a subject expressed by a word This,dash placed or not placed depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:

This is the beginningstarted everyone. - This is not badStart; This is loneliness(Ch.). - This is homeZverkova(G.).

8. A dash is usually not placed if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun and the predicate by the nominative case form of the noun: He is corruption, he is plague, he is ulcerthese places(Kr.); I'm honestHumanand I never give compliments(Ch.).

Dash in this case it is set:

1) with logical underlining: I am the pageto your pen. I'll accept everything. I'm a white page. I -the keeperto your goodness...(Color);

2) when contrasted: I am a manufacturer, you are a shipowner(M.G.); She is solidclewnot ditches, butHe - embodimentOlympic calm;

3) with structural parallelism of sentences or parts of a sentence: Without youI- starwithout light. Without youI- creatorwithout peace(Br.); We - Peoplerestless becauseWe - in the answerfor the planet, Two people, he and she, walked side by side: he was youngHumanin a dark suit, she is young, very prettyyoung womanin a colorful dress;

4) when inverting the main members of the sentence: Heroof this performance - me; Exampleto that - he.

9. A dash is not placed if one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun: Tell me,Whois yoursFriend,and I'll tell youwho are you;Thiswhose book?;Who are you?

10. A dash is usually not placed if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, pronominal adjective, or prepositional-nominal combination: The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn...(P.); The earth is great and beautiful(Ch.); Cherrymy garden!(Ch.); Heaven withoutsingleclouds; PeopleHereextraordinary kindness.

Dash before the predicate-adjective is placed:

1) with the logical or intonational division of a sentence: Pupils - cat-like, long(Sh.); Heightnear the scattered houses of the farm -team(Kaz.);

2) in the presence of homogeneous predicates: RhythmSuvorov Military School -clear, fast, military (gas);He has changed a lot:gait, movements, facial features,evenlook - softer, calmer, simpler;

3) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence: The night is warm, the sky is blue, the moon is silver, the stars are brilliant.

11. In footnotes, a dash separates the word being explained from the explanation, regardless of the form of expression of the predicate: Poseidon - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the seas;Pegasus - considered a symbolpoetic inspiration.

Subject And predicate are in the closest almost “family” relationship - grammatical And semantic. The predicate is called that way because it tells, "says" about the subject. These members of the sentence carry the main meaning of any sentence.

Are there problems in the “relationship” between subject and predicate? Of course they do. First of all, this concerns compound nominal predicate. This predicate type, as you remember, consists of linking verb(auxiliary component) and noun part. Most often we find the verb in the role of a linking verb be. Usually it is present in a compound nominal predicate in the past time: was, was, was, were . For example: A distinctive feature of the professor was his love for his subject.

In present time The linking verb is almost always omitted and the subject remains with the nominal part of the predicate. For example: Time is the best medicine.

Sometimes we can still find the verb be in present time. As a rule, this is a feature of scientific, bookish speech. For example: Predicatethere is one of the main members two-part sentence.

In ordinary, colloquial speech, linking verb be falls. It probably wouldn’t occur to anyone to say something like “I am a high school student.” But the linking verb does not like to disappear without a trace; it often leaves its deputy In the role of such a deputy we can see dash. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if there is no linking verb, but sometimes before the predicate there are other words that can be “friendly” or “not friendly” with a dash. Remember a few tips.

1. Words that are “friends” with a dash are: this is what it means. If you see them before the nominal part of the predicate, feel free to putdash.

Modern children - This very inquisitive creatures.

Light winter rain Here existence disaster our time.

Be in love -means to understand And forgive.

2. The following words are not friendly with dashes: like, what, as if, as if, exactly, not. If you saw them before the nominal part of the predicate, remember that they took the place of the linking verb, so The dash in this case is superfluous.

Head without knowledge like a well without water.

Unscientific person what axe unchiselled.

Birches in the forestlike girls in snow-white sundresses.

Children's eyesas if black beads.

Pines exactly big candles.

Heart not a stone.

Dash– a very important, telling punctuation mark. To determine whether you need to put a dash between the subject and predicate in a sentence, there are a few things to consider.

1) Let's see if there is a linking verb (!!! in any tense). If there is, we don’t put a dash.

Dog was his best friend (linking verb in past tense).

Dog There is its the best Friend (linking verb in the present tense).

Dog will his best friend (linking verb in the future tense).

Compare: Dog -its the best Friend (no linking verb).

2) If there is no linking verb, we look to see if there are words-friends or words-enemies for the dash before the nominal part. If we see words this means we put a dash. If you saw the words how, what, as if, as if, exactly, not, no dash needed.

3) What else can prevent you from putting a dash between the subject and the predicate? This introductory words, adverbs and inconsistent secondary members of the sentence related to the predicate. They can stand between the subject and the predicate, replacing a dash.

The joint efforts of student and teacher, of course, path to success.

A rash decision is always risky step.

Pavlik is your favorite student.

4) We determine how the main members of the sentence are expressed. A dash is placed if in the role of subject and predicate we see a noun in the nominative case, a numeral noun and a verb in the indefinite form (infinitive). If one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by another part of speech (adjective, pronoun, adverb), we do not put a dash.

I am the best student in class(pronoun and noun).

Pavlik is the best student in class(nouns in the nominative case).

Two by two - four (numerals).

Justify idleness - case wrong(infinitive and noun in the nominative case).

This girl beautiful (noun in the nominative case and adjective).

5) The last difficulty. Subject and predicate order. If the predicate comes before the subject(reverse order of sentence members), there is no dash.

Duty every person to be polite.

home task the art of making you think.

Probably not Which of you were afraid of quite a large number of rules that you need to pay attention to when placing a dash between the subject and the predicate. Indeed, this is a difficult moment in the Russian language. And when taking the Unified State Exam, you still need to know these rules.

But I would really like to add that the dash is a wonderful punctuation mark, it is a favorite sign of authors, because the author can put this sign where he wants to highlight and emphasize something. And then the rules go away.

You are the most wonderfulstudents!

Tutor –not just a teacher.

The goal of every person is be happy!

Good luck with your Russian language!

Still have questions? Don't know how to put punctuation marks between the subject and the predicate?
To get help from a tutor -.

blog.site, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

In the absence of a connective, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate ALWAYS:

noun in I. p. - noun in I. p.:

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.

Our life is work.(K. G. Paustovsky)

numeral in I. p. - numeral in I. p.:

Five eight is forty.

noun in I. p. - numeral in I. p.:

The height of the main peak of Elbrus is five thousand six hundred thirty three meters.

numeral in I. p. - noun in I. p.:

Forty-five - baba berry again.

infinitive - infinitive:

Smoking is harmful to health.(Proverb)

noun in I. p. - infinitive:

Our duty is to defend the fortress until our last breath...(A.S. Pushkin)

infinitive - noun in I. p.:

Think and try to understand the environment is now my goal.(N. N. Miklouho-Maclay)

infinitive - adverb ending with -o:

Giving in is shameful.(V.F. Tendryakov)

II. in front of particles This, Here, this, Means, this means, This is what:

The leitmotif of my new book is This devotion to the Motherland.(N. A. Ostrovsky)

a dash is also placed in front of the named particles when

presence of a ligament:

Being human - Means be a fighter.(J.V. Goethe)

during inversion* dash is also required:

Of course, it is a great art to wait.

(L. S. Sobolev)

It's very unbearable to move.(I. A. Goncharov)

III. before the expression one(s) of:

Patience - one of life's treasures.


IV. if the predicate is expressed by a phraseological unit:

...she and Trofim are two pairs of boots.


In sentences of a colloquial-everyday nature, a dash is not placed between the subject and predicate, expressed nouns, in the absence of a connective: My son is a writer.

However, for the purpose of semantically emphasizing the predicate, it is possible to add a dash: My son is a writer.

To clarify the meaning of the sentence, a dash is also placed:

  • The elder brother is my teacher.
  • My older brother is a teacher.

Dash between subject and predicate in the absence of a connective NOT PUT:

I. if the SUBJECT and PREDIB are expressed

noun in I. p. - adjective:

The sea is wonderful, blue and tender, like the hair of an innocent girl.(A. Zavadsky)

noun in I. p. - participle:

The windows are wide open.

noun in I. p. - an adverb:

The dress fits her.

noun in I. p. - interrogative-relative pronoun:

Tell me who is your friend?..

noun in I. p. - combination with a noun:

The inhabitants of Goryukhin are mostly of average height...(A.S. Pushkin)

personal pronoun - noun in I. p.

I am an honest person and never give compliments.(A.P. Chekhov)

personal pronoun - interrogative-relative pronoun:

... and I'll tell you who you are.

II. if between the subject and the predicate there is particle, union,

adverb, introductory word:

Analogy Not proof .

live idle only smoke the sky.(Proverb)

Pond How shiny steel...(A. A. Fet)

His coming Always event .

Goose , known, the bird is important and reasonable.

(I. S. Turgenev)


1. Dash in front of the particle NOT put:

A). If NOT used with a restrictive particle only :

  • These lines - Not only peaks of poetry.
  • (K. G. Paustovsky)