Horoscope for Gemini for July 30, 1999. Health horoscope - Gemini


Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - ARIES

The July 30 horoscope for Aries says that problems with children may arise that will last for quite a long time if you do not react quickly. It is possible that one of your friends needs your help not only morally, but also... Do not refuse mercy to your loved ones.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - TAURUS

The stars warn Taurus that on July 30, your liveliness and energy will only be enviable. Don't rush to answer awkward questions, because later you may come up with a more original answer that will discourage your opponent. .

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - GEMINI

The horoscope for July 30 for Gemini says that on this day your mood will be mostly excellent. You may have to overcome them, but they won’t take much time. The work will actively move forward and produce results.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - CANCER

The stars warn Cancers that on July 30 you will have to make important decisions, take responsibility, develop your business, continuously updating your circle of acquaintances. They may remind you of old problems that will have to be solved using.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - LEO

The astrological forecast for Leo for July 30 says that on this day you will experience increased attention at work. Perhaps an unexpected inspection will come that will put the whole office on its ears. Continue and charge your colleagues with your positivity.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - VIRGO

The stars on July 30 tell Virgos that they can begin to take confident steps in developing a new career. The financial situation will be quite prosperous. will tell you where to look for treasure, and where it’s better to leave quickly. Trust your eyes, not other people's words.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - LIBRA

The Libra horoscope for July 30 says that you should keep your strategic plans secret. Don't tell your colleagues anything they can use to forgive you. Cash flow can come from: a solid bonus, repayment of old debts, the opportunity to earn extra money.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - SCORPIO

The Moon on July 30 warns Scorpios that on this day your circle of acquaintances can benefit from expanding. You managed not only to maintain relationships with ancient acquaintances, but also to find many new ones that will change your life for the better. Use it to the fullest.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - SAGITTARIUS

The Zodiac tells Sagittarius that on July 30, free representatives of the sign will have a chance to make interesting contacts and join an influential company. An affair with a person who came from afar, or fateful meetings on a trip are possible. Family Sagittarians need to spend this day with their family.

Horoscope for July 30, 2018 - CAPRICORN

The horoscope for Capricorn says that on July 30 you will have to make important decisions and take responsibility not only for your words and actions, but also for many people around you. The evening promises a pleasant rest. You are approaching your goal at a confident pace.

A pleasant day awaits you. It is unlikely to bring any serious difficulties. Problems may arise, but they usually do not require an immediate solution, so you can calmly think things over and consult with people you trust. There will be a chance to learn something new, get information that will soon come in handy. You pay attention to little things, this helps to avoid mistakes.
Interesting acquaintances and unusual meetings are likely. You may become attracted to a person who is completely different from you; the sympathy that arises will be mutual.

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Love horoscope - Gemini

Most likely, friendly communication in a company and various activities will captivate you, but try to spend the evening with your loved one.


There is no need to suspect your soul mate of God knows what - she or he is most likely innocent, and your jealousy is in vain. If something is bothering you, talk about it calmly. Those who do not have a partner will today be able to fully realize themselves in love and sex.
You are not usually selfish, but in this case it may be better to put your own needs first. You must know exactly what you want and not waste your time on trifles.

Your loved one will come today darker than a cloud. For God's sake, don't ask him what happened! In response, he will only snap. Later, however, he will regret it, but to no avail, since he has already ruined your mood. Maybe a delicious dinner first?


Family horoscope - Gemini

No matter how much you want to remain nonchalant and easy-going with your partner, you may have to have some serious conversations with him to avoid possible misunderstandings in your relationship with him. The main thing is to make sure that this is really necessary, because it’s also not worth inventing problems out of the blue.

Business horoscope - Gemini

Tomorrow is the most successful day for solving problems, try not to relax, then your business will prosper.


The luminaries promise you creative inspiration and will help you succeed in the artistic or intellectual sphere. Add to this competence and common sense, and here it is - a formula for success!

Health horoscope - Gemini

An optimistic outlook on the future and an unshakable belief in one’s own strength will help you easily cope with all illnesses and bad moods. You have the power to change everything in your life for the better. Perhaps you will find a way out of difficult situations faster if you start looking for a solution in a great mood. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, then you will always be full of strength and energy, and your productivity will not be lacking.


You can count on good overall health. Those who have been overtired lately will feel full of energy again. Of course, it is important not to lose vigilance and remember that a runny nose and stress are troubles that can happen to anyone.

Mobile horoscope - Gemini

People around you sit opposite you or stand directly in front of you, crossing their arms, and looking straight into your eyes. Surely they will ask you for something, so don’t refuse them. Moreover, it costs you nothing to give them the information they need so much. Try not to be rude. You want everyone to know your opinion on something, right? If yes, then it’s time to voice it, and let everyone think that you did it for their sake.

Beauty Horoscope - Gemini

Now you should not be either a leader or a follower - try to make sure that the company of your friends acts as a single organism. And don't be discouraged if it takes you a while.

Today the horoscope will be literally filled with emotions. Even if you have planned this day in advance “from” to “to”, you are unlikely to be able to complete your plan to the end. Your guiding star will be your desires and feelings, which is why the day promises to be unpredictable, but overall successful. Even in financial and business matters, you should listen to your intuition and rely heavily on luck - such tactics promise to bring good results. And don’t hold back your craving for communication; it is sociability and friendliness that today can give you a chance to achieve what you have long been striving for, reports RIA VladNews with reference to 1001 Horoscope.

Today Aries His bright imaginative thinking will help. The day gives him a creative streak and a vivid imagination, which Aries can apply in any matter, especially in the development of creative ideas and in matters that require a non-standard approach. The horoscope stars promise that today Aries, with his fresh outlook on the world, is able to find an unexpected solution to a problem or spot a mistake where others do not see it. His eyes will have access to much more than usual, and this must be used.

Today even the most skeptical Taurus has a chance to encounter a series of coincidences happening right before his eyes during the day! These coincidences may be related to the affairs of Taurus or to what is happening around him. Perhaps the equipment in the whole house will fail or someone will make a mistake several times in a row. It is not surprising that all this will unsettle Taurus, making it difficult to concentrate on business.

Today at Gemini there will be a rare opportunity to secure the patronage of some high-ranking official. Geminis are able to make a good impression on their superiors in any environment - in a bustling office atmosphere, in a strict meeting room, at a corporate party, or just on the phone. In other words, today Gemini should keep their trump cards ready all day: a fateful conversation with their superiors can happen at any moment!

Today the horoscope stars promise Raku success in any matter related to communication. His communication skills will be top notch! Conduct complex negotiations, defend your point of view, make a new promising acquaintance - all this will be easy for Cancer today. It may even seem to him that there are no obstacles in his path at all! Well, almost anything is truly possible today - take advantage of it to take your life to the next level.

Today minor inconsistencies and troubles will force Leo mobilize and show everything he is capable of! The day gives him business activity, energy, the ability to quickly grasp the essence and solve issues on the go. All these qualities will be useful to him today: the situation will change rapidly, requiring quick and at the same time clear decisions from Leo. This is an excellent chance for him to prove himself to others - Leo is unlikely to have a second one in the coming weeks.

Head today Virgo will be so overwhelmed with various questions that she risks falling into a stupor! Especially if the situation requires her to be in several places at the same time or she is given a task that Virgo needs to deal with in the shortest possible time. However, no matter how busy the schedule is today, the horoscope stars advise Virgo to take on one thing first. It is better to complete one small task than to chase ten birds with one stone all day and end up not catching anyone.

Today the secret of success Libra is to act not alone, but in a team! If they manage to feel like a cog in a well-oiled machine, then any troubles will not be able to unsettle them. Thanks to this attitude, Libra will find it easier than usual to deal with most problems. They will get answers to some questions themselves, and to others by asking advice from others. And Libra themselves will help those who need them more than once throughout the day. “A sense of comradeship and mutual assistance” - with this motto, Libra today is able to accomplish the impossible!

Today's events around Scorpio will be a reflection of his own actions, thoughts and feelings. “What goes around comes around” is the motto of today. If Scorpio is aggressive towards others, then they will be happy to repay him in kind. But all altruistic impulses and good deeds will also not go unnoticed, returning to Scorpio a hundredfold. Treat others the way you would like to be treated, and you won't regret it.

Today Sagittarius in the midst of the day, they can be unsettled every now and then by some worries or unresolved issues. At home he will be distracted by work problems, and at work by home problems. This will make him distracted and can lead to misunderstandings and failures. In order not to get completely confused, the horoscope stars advise Sagittarius today not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts and feelings, otherwise the number of his problems may increase.

Today during the day from Capricorn You will need the ability to keep abreast of events and adapt to a rapidly changing situation. If he succeeds, he will be able to reap many benefits for himself - in particular, related to his income. If Capricorn chooses not to fuss and let events take their course, then he will simply remain to his own devices. Well, one of his quick competitors will take advantage of the lucky chances of fate.

On July 30, 2018, Aries' plans will change so dramatically that it will be impossible to keep up with you. Tired of working in a team? So, open your own business and work for your own good. So far there are no such prospects. The situation will significantly improve in your personal life. Aries can make a pleasant acquaintance that will give a lot of impressions and joys.

The horoscope promises Taurus success in career matters, when even competitors will look enviously in your direction. As they say, the more you drown, the more you earn. If Taurus correctly interprets all the statements of his superiors, he will generally become a deputy in the department. Find time to communicate with your family and children.

On July 30, 2018, Gemini will be irritated and outraged by the instructions of management. You are so confident in yourself that no one dares to object. This is the kind of tactic that can harm your career. Try to be wiser and look into the future. Yes, and it doesn’t hurt to listen to the advice of experienced friends. In the evening, Gemini can win a large sum in the lottery.

The horoscope predicts a difficult day for Cancer, when even the romantic atmosphere created by the chosen one will not please. It feels like you are deliberately seeking adventure and stressful situations. Keep in mind that if you provoke a quarrel, you yourself will regret it. Cancer does not interfere with rest and privacy. Sports, communication with nature and yoga are what you need.

On July 30, 2018, Leo will subconsciously strive to be alone. It is possible that fatigue accumulated from monotonous work is taking its toll. Close your eyes, calm down and dream about your vacation, especially since it is just around the corner. A trip to Leo’s pond, which he organizes together with his loved one, will be successful.

The horoscope predicts a busy day for Virgo, when they will have to come into more contact with negative people. It is possible that this is a forced measure concerning business. If you show a little cunning, you will find yourself in a winning light. Virgo needs to manage money as her mind dictates. You're practical by nature, aren't you?

The astrological forecast warns: the 31st week of 2018 will not be the most favorable period for all representatives of the zodiac pantheon. During these seven days, you should refrain from openly fighting for the best place in the sun. You should also avoid negative emotional manifestations. Now the risks of losing a job, a significant other, and ruining relationships with relatives or friends are increasing. The weekly horoscope advises you to direct your available energy resources to good deeds. This is the right time to improve and decorate your home nest, make adjustments to your usual lifestyle, sports and hobbies. In addition, the week is suitable for strengthening old contacts, establishing relationships with others, and selflessly helping loved ones and just acquaintances.


The stars advise Aries to control their emotions throughout the week.

According to the weekly horoscope, Aries expects an emotionally intense period. At the beginning of this seven-day period, people of your sign will be in high spirits and their creative potential will increase. The stars recommend monitoring your emotional state, then you will be able to avoid rash decisions and actions. From the middle of the period, problems of both a professional and family nature are possible, and close friends may also let you down. Showing prudence and calmness will help you cope with stressful situations. Meanwhile, this is a great time for loving and in love representatives of the sign, and single people can count on a romantic acquaintance.


Family Aries will be pleased with their significant other on Monday. All sorts of surprises, gifts and complete mutual understanding are expected in your union. Today you yourself are full of fresh, interesting ideas that are worth remembering. In general, this is a favorable moment for intellectual work and creative activity; it is in this area that you will be able to achieve impressive results. The main thing is not to grab on to a thousand things at the same time, nothing good will come of it.


It is important for free representatives of the zodiac pantheon to look around carefully this Tuesday. A fateful acquaintance will happen spontaneously, in the most unexpected place. In addition, today it is necessary to be meticulous when working with securities, when signing or processing documents. And careerists, it seems, will have to take risks. Show courage, fortune is on your side.


Refrain from any adventures on Wednesday; today you may want to do something similar. Exposure or punishment will most likely pass you by, but you will definitely regret what you did for a long time. This is an ideal moment for self-reflection, and a walk or run will help you collect your thoughts. At work, some Aries will find themselves in limbo; you did not expect such a turn of events.


Financial receipts are not excluded on Thursday; the budget will more or less strengthen. Representatives of the sign may face betrayal; your best friend has let you down. The stars do not advise sorting things out; try to behave wisely and just remain silent. In addition, try not to aggravate relationships with colleagues, partners or boss.


Friday will pass in the usual rhythm, you will have time for everything and cope with the assigned tasks. True, today it is possible that relations with parents or immediate family may deteriorate, especially if you live together. It is better to spend the second half of the day alone with your loved one; positive emotions are guaranteed.


On Saturday, try to get enough sleep and rest to the best of your ability. And don’t forget about business matters, there are not many of them yet, and it’s time to sort them out.


And on Sunday, many people of your sign will make unplanned shopping. Unexpectedly for yourself, you will acquire something you want.


This week Taurus must try hard not to start a conflict or get bogged down in someone else's quarrel

The weekly horoscope for Taurus predicts: the beginning of the period will be associated with the search for peace of mind. These days, people of your sign will need privacy and tranquility. But from the middle of the week, on the contrary, a rather troublesome time begins. All kinds of trips and active interaction with others are possible; the stars advise not to create conflict situations. Meanwhile, this seven-day period is suitable for completing started tasks, important tasks and resolving accumulated issues. Representatives of your sign cannot do without perseverance and determination, because the stars promise success exclusively for sensible and active Taurus.


Monday will be a great time to plan the coming week. Think through everything to the smallest detail, then events will work out in your favor. In general, the day will pass at a very measured pace, and this is for the better. The stars strongly recommend avoiding turmoil and empty conversations; it is advisable to spend most of the time alone with yourself. If possible, take a day off and go closer to nature.


Family representatives of your sign may have a small argument with their life partner on Tuesday. True, if you do not add fuel to the fire and give in to your loved one, quarrels and troubles will bypass your union. Free time is best spent in a calm, secluded environment. Turn on relaxing music, think about the issues that concern you and draw appropriate conclusions, then the emotional background will definitely stabilize.


Refrain from visiting stores and shopping centers this Wednesday; purchases will be unsuccessful and expensive. Careerists and busy Taurus expect personal trips and business trips, which will take a lot of effort and energy. Because of fatigue, you can behave aggressively towards other people, try to control your emotions, because you don’t need unnecessary problems.


Cash accruals are possible this Thursday, but this is a bad time for any manipulations with finances. But today you can make peace with someone close to you whom you unintentionally offended. The main thing is do not call or make appointments; it is better to write on social networks or send an SMS message to your phone. And at work it is not recommended to express your own opinion; it is unlikely that you will be understood correctly today.


Friday will bring satisfaction to those people of your sign who have been actively involved in solving priority matters throughout the entire period. It looks like your efforts were not in vain. The stars recommend giving up junk food, otherwise you will not avoid digestive problems.


Trips scheduled for this Saturday may be canceled unexpectedly. Don't make big plans for this weekend. The optimal solution is complete rest alone. Dedicate your free time to yourself.


Friendly and family gatherings will give you pleasant emotions this Sunday. But sensitive topics should not be touched upon today.


For Gemini, the week will be useful in terms of rest and recuperation.

The weekly horoscope for Gemini advises: try to spend this seven-day period the way you want it. Now there is no point in forcing yourself to do uninteresting tasks and routine things. At the beginning of the period, emotional outbursts and mood swings are possible; try to keep your emotions under control for your own good. This is a good time for active recreation or cultural leisure in the company of loved ones. Meanwhile, the second half of the week may bring financial difficulties; be prepared to give up something you want. Work, business and personal life temporarily fade into the background, you need a break.


This Monday is favorable for entertaining activities or trips to nature. Don't forget to bring your friends or don't refuse their invitations. But first, try to get enough sleep so that you have the strength to enjoy the rest and fun to the fullest. If you are not on vacation, it is advisable to ask for a day off, or even several.


Tuesday should be devoted to planning; most likely, you will reschedule important events to a more appropriate time, and this is the right decision. You can also safely reconsider your priorities, make some adjustments to your plans, this will have a positive impact on your ability to work and productivity in the future. In the afternoon, many people of your sign will be in an irritable, nervous state. Refrain from communicating with loved ones, you may offend them. And the best way to channel your existing energy is into sports.


Family Geminis risk ruining their relationships with their family this Wednesday. Under no circumstances should you involve third parties, especially older relatives, in these problems, as you will only aggravate the situation. The stars recommend showing gentleness and patience towards your loved one and household members in order to avoid disappointments and quarrels. And careerists should not take on important projects; solve current problems without unnecessary haste.


Refrain from debts, installments and loans on Thursday. Today you will want to spend big, but it’s unlikely that your current budget will allow it. Do not give in to momentary desires, use common sense, otherwise you will find yourself in a debt hole for a long time. Meanwhile, this is a great moment for a hobby; your favorite activity will help stabilize the emotional background.


On Friday, listen to your inner voice; intuition will definitely help you distinguish lies from the truth. In addition, you should cancel your planned shopping, today's purchases will be unsuccessful. Movies, books, music - choose entertainment to your taste and relax at home, this is the only right decision for today.


Saturday promises a meeting with an old friend or good friend. You have something to discuss.


And Sunday will have to be devoted to minor chores. Household chores will take a minimum of effort and time.


For Cancers, everything is going well at work, but amorous affairs have begun to crack, and this is a significant part of your fault

According to the weekly horoscope, Cancers will experience an eventful and very controversial time. The first half of the period is favorable for active actions in the professional sphere; representatives of your sign will be able to achieve what they want without extra effort. But the second half of this seven-day period promises complications in personal relationships in love unions; the main problem may just be rivalry between you and your significant other. It seems that the time has come to reconsider the tactics of our own behavior. Meanwhile, this is a great moment for forming a romantic relationship; single representatives of the sign will have a chance to catch luck by the tail, don’t miss it. In addition, by the end of the period, troubles among your close relatives may also affect you; be prepared to come to the aid of your relatives.


Monday will be a good moment for careerists and business people of your sign. Influential relatives or friends will support you; do not refuse their suggestions and advice. Moreover, today you can raise the topic of increasing wages or accruing promised bonuses, management will meet you halfway. But you shouldn’t interact closely with colleagues or business partners now, someone could harm your plans through slander, be on your guard.


Tuesday may bring unexpected income or expensive gifts. The stars recommend that businessmen listen to their intuition, then today’s investments and concluded deals will turn into success for you. In addition, this is not a bad time for planned shopping, however, you shouldn’t deny yourself pleasant little things either.


Married people will need warmer, more trusting relationships with their family. Come up with a way to unite the whole family; loved ones will definitely appreciate it. And in those couples where a competitive spirit often reigns, relationships can become strained already on this Wednesday. Now neither Cancers nor their halves can control themselves and give in. The horoscope encourages: do not touch upon sensitive topics, do not argue, remain neutral. Then the conflict will exhaust itself.


Thursday will be busy. The problems of parents or older relatives will again fall on your shoulders. True, this time you are sincerely ready to support your loved ones. And fortune has a surprise in store for lonely individuals - a romantic acquaintance can happen anywhere, don’t miss your happiness.


Friday will be a day of reconciliation, sincere conversations will help improve relationships. Representatives of your sign are in an optimistic mood and are ready to have fun with friends. It is advisable to relax in nature, but it is better to avoid nightclubs.


Saturday's day off is ideal for first dates; today you are not constrained and are extremely attractive to the opposite sex.


And it’s best to devote a Sunday to sporting events. This will have a positive effect on your well-being.

a lion

Leos should be patient, the favor of the stars has left you, so grit your teeth

According to the weekly horoscope for Leo, this seven-day period will be a rather stressful and relatively unlucky time for you. The first half of the period is conducive to training, self-education, and advanced training. These days your intellectual capabilities will increase. In addition, this is a good time to meet new people and communicate with like-minded people, which will mostly take place on the Internet. As for the professional sphere, during the entire period you will face difficulties at work and dissatisfaction with the result of your own work. Meanwhile, in the second half of the week, many representatives of your sign will feel overwhelmed, and health problems are possible. The stars advise you to calm down and take care of yourself, now hassle will only worsen the situation.


Monday is ideal for study and intellectual work. You easily and with interest perceive new information, filter the acquired knowledge efficiently and can effectively apply it in practice. The stars also remind people of your sign about the boomerang principle: wish only good things for those around you, but refrain from negative and evil thoughts, otherwise you risk getting the same thing in return.


This Tuesday, it is advisable for Leos to be quiet at work. An open fight with your superiors or colleagues will not lead to anything good; on the contrary, you may lose your status in professional circles. Business meetings scheduled for this day should be postponed to a more opportune moment. But this is a great time for online interaction. You will be able to meet interesting and useful people.


Family people should keep their mouths shut on Wednesday. Do not tell acquaintances or co-workers, as well as friends about personal troubles. Ill-wishers are just waiting to take advantage of the moment and spread unpleasant rumors about you and your loved ones. All disagreements need to be discussed with your family, today you will come to a compromise, and the conflict situation will be neutralized.


Modest cash receipts are not excluded this Thursday; it looks like we will have to save for now. The stars strongly recommend paying special attention to your well-being, especially if you feel weak or have a cold. Do not overwork at work, avoid drafts and hypothermia. Now your immunity is weakened.


Representatives of the sign may face betrayal from their gentleman on Friday. Don’t try to justify your lover, face the truth, then you will be able to avoid disappointment and anxiety. Don't forget about older relatives, they may ask you for help.


Spend your Saturday day off with your closest people. This is the only way you can find inner harmony.


And try to dedicate Sunday to rest. You need to regain your strength and improve your health.


The weekly horoscope for Virgo predicts: representatives of your sign will not have the smoothest, but relatively good period. In the first half of this seven-day period, Virgos will be optimistic, many will be drawn to all sorts of adventures and escapades. Do not forget about a sense of proportion to avoid irreparable situations. And from the middle of the week, conflicts with loved ones are very likely; it is advisable to avoid them. Meanwhile, throughout the entire period, you are slowly but surely achieving your career and business goals. The budget will strengthen, material difficulties, if there were any, will finally disappear. The stars advise using common sense more often, then everything will work out in your favor.


Already on Monday, single representatives of the zodiac pantheon will begin to actively get acquainted and make dates. Now you are not interested in a serious relationship, but you will not give up intense intimate pastime and unforgettable emotions. Try not to get excited; such behavior can lead to emotional burnout.


On Tuesday, typical representatives of your sign may take unjustified risks; the spirit of freedom and the search for bright impressions will guide you. Everything will work out well if you stop yourself in time. Meanwhile, financial receipts are not excluded today; apparently, you have already decided how to manage the money.


Married Virgos may encounter complete misunderstanding on the part of their life partner this Wednesday. The stars recommend not to aggravate the situation, let go of past grievances, otherwise you risk quarreling with your loved one for quite a long time. In addition, this is not a good time to meet friends or go to entertainment venues. But in the service you will be able to take a leading position, your merits do not go unnoticed by higher-ups, and your professional status increases.


Thursday is perfect for business interactions. You can meet useful people and make a wonderful impression on them. And this is also a favorable moment for signing contracts and concluding transactions; in the future they will turn out to be successful and generate income. And family people should complete the work they have started around the house; today you will quickly finish it and be satisfied with the result.


It’s better to take on new projects on Friday; don’t wait for weather by the sea. In addition, this is an ideal time for healing and rejuvenating procedures; the effect will not take long to arrive. Small changes in your image will also benefit you and lift your spirits, so go for it.


Saturday promises to be busy. Apparently, the time has come to resolve an important issue; you will have to make an important decision. You can turn to someone authoritative for advice, but the best thing to do is trust your own intuition.


Sunday's day off does not promise anything special. Spend it at home or outdoors, relax and collect your thoughts.


For Libra, the stars predict an improvement in the financial situation, but you are unlikely to be able to catch your breath this week - everything is on the run!

The weekly horoscope for Libra predicts: a rather troublesome and emotionally difficult time awaits representatives of your sign. The beginning of this seven-day period is suitable for establishing relationships with loved ones; much will depend directly on you. From the middle of the period, a large number of official duties and economic affairs will flood in. You won’t be able to relax these days, but the budget will stabilize. Meanwhile, conflicts with close relatives are possible, but it is within your power to reduce them to a minimum. And single people can count on the gift of fortune, now it is favorable to you.


Family Libras should take the initiative this Monday. Today is a good time to ask for forgiveness from your significant other or family members. Moreover, if you show flexibility and amenability, you will be able to find a mutual compromise and a way out of an ambiguous situation without unnecessary disputes and swearing. The stars advise not to refuse the help of good friends; their point of view may be useful. This is also the right time for business planning. The horoscope states that success is only possible if you think through everything to the smallest detail.


Relationships with relatives or parents may be shaken on Tuesday. Try not to let them know about your problems, don’t ask for help, and don’t react to critical remarks from loved ones, then a scandal won’t happen. The stars recommend showing sincerity and kindness towards others; you will definitely be reciprocated.


Wednesday will be a profitable day. True, you will not earn this money in the most honest or extremely risky way. Plan your budget wisely. And in the afternoon, be prepared to listen to management or business partners; apparently, they disagree with you on something. At work, additional tasks may be added that you did not expect.


Unforeseen expenses related to household issues are very likely on Thursday. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to resolve force majeure at home. It is best to reschedule planned cultural or entertainment events to a more appropriate time. Nevertheless, single Libra needs to tune in to a positive mood and open up to new things; a romantic acquaintance will happen very quickly, before you even have time to come to your senses.


You can start restoring old friendships on Friday. The quarrel has long since exhausted itself, you can have a heart-to-heart talk on the Internet or by phone and arrange a meeting. Many representatives of your sign will have to stay late at work, don’t worry, it’s worth it.


Spend Saturday with the people you care about most. And don’t cut your teeth, you are not ready to part with your loved one.


You should refrain from all kinds of trips on Sunday. Stay at home, get some sleep and dedicate this day to yourself.


This week you are lucky again: everything is smooth both at work and with finances, and there are still a lot of promising acquaintances ahead

The weekly horoscope promises Scorpios a harmonious and favorable period. The first half of the seven-day period will be marked by success in your professional field; you will also be able to strengthen your social status. And in the second half of the week, trips and acquaintances are possible, although they may not bring the desired result. Meanwhile, personal life and friendships will proceed smoothly during these seven days. The financial situation also promises to be stable. The stars advise you to avoid loneliness and not to get excited about many small things.


On Monday, focus on your priority task and dedicate yourself exclusively to it. Today you will be required to have such qualities as focus and activity. Don't be afraid of monotonous work; mistakes on your part are excluded. Already in the afternoon, encouragement from management or a lucrative offer from a business partner is possible. In addition, now is the time to start organizing your own life. You can reconsider your regime, diet, give up bad habits. In this case, your physical condition will noticeably improve by the end of the period.


On Tuesday, the stars strongly recommend that Scorpios give up any adventures. Play fair, then profit will not be long in coming. Don’t be afraid to interact with people you don’t know well; today’s risk will fully justify itself and turn into success for you. Oddly enough, your friends can play an important role; do not refuse support, because this is sincere help on their part.


Expect financial receipts on Wednesday, but let shopping wait until the end of the work week. This is the ideal moment for creative, creative activities. Your ideas can bring good income, the main thing is to bring the idea to mind and only then demonstrate your achievements to others. The stars say: today’s dreams can be prophetic, pay attention to them, but don’t get hung up on them. Moreover, unpleasant dreams should now be interpreted the other way around.


The road will call on Thursday. But, if possible, it is advisable to reschedule the trip. Today's business trips are unlikely to be productive. Nevertheless, it is on the way that some Scorpios will meet interesting and unusual personalities. Romantic acquaintances are not excluded, but they will not develop into anything serious. In the afternoon, small cash charges are possible.


On Friday, representatives of your sign may feel a decline in energy, you are tired. Some will find it difficult to concentrate on one thing and become absent-minded. Do not throw out your emotions on your colleagues, there is an ill-wisher hiding among them who can provoke you into a conflict. The evening is worth spending with your family or loved one, this is the only way you can relieve stress.


Dedicate your Saturday to long-awaited shopping. Today you can please yourself and your loved ones with pleasant little things, your budget will quickly recover.


And on Sunday, be sure to take care of your own health.


Finally, an active and favorable time is coming for Sagittarius!

According to the weekly horoscope, Sagittarius will experience a dynamic, active time. Events will work out in your favor only if you refrain from an idle lifestyle and do not become passive. The first half of the week is conducive to self-education, training, participation in sports events, creative activities and travel. In the second half of the week, monetary troubles and family disagreements are possible. The wisdom and philosophical worldview demonstrated on your part will contribute to the speedy elimination of negative situations. The stars also advise you to monitor your well-being; if you experience the slightest symptoms of illness, you should consult a doctor.


Monday promises to be full of bright, memorable events. Express yourself, demonstrate your talents and skills to others, and then you will find yourself in the very center of public attention. This is a good moment for business trips and personal trips, the road will go smoothly. And single people of your sign can meet an interesting person of the opposite sex on the road. The stars warn: don’t count on a serious relationship, but you are guaranteed great emotions.


Sagittarians can take prizes in sports competitions or intellectual competitions this Tuesday. Today your potential is incredibly high, take advantage of it. Meanwhile, this is also a good time for learning; you will easily learn new material. Careerists would do well to visit the gym; physical activity will strengthen not only the body, but also your spirit.


This Wednesday will be a day of fresh ideas. You can confidently implement your plans, success is guaranteed. Meetings with old acquaintances are likely; you haven’t seen each other for a long time, so it’s time to catch up. If you are asked for advice or help, do not refuse. Very soon you yourself may need the support of your comrades.


On Thursday, some Sagittarius plans may be disrupted; you will receive important information that will affect the further course of events. Today you should refrain from using ATMs, information kiosks, and Internet services for payment. It is advisable to pay only in cash. In addition, property issues, including litigation, cannot be ruled out. But there is no need to panic; let common sense guide you, not emotions.


Family conflicts will be resolved on Friday. True, you will have to initiate reconciliation directly. Avoid drafts, hypothermia, and cold drinks. Try to get plenty of rest.


Saturday is ideal for first dates. But it’s best to wait with shopping.


Spend Sunday in a secluded environment. It is advisable to go out into nature, into the forest or to the lake.


It's a calm time for Capricorns, and you'll be in high spirits all week

According to the weekly horoscope for Capricorn, representatives of your sign are facing an unprecedented time. In the first half of the period, it is better to take care of economic issues related to the improvement of your home or cottage. These days, relationships with your loved one and household members will improve, you will begin to understand each other perfectly. In addition, this is a favorable time for interaction with older relatives; you will finally be able to hear each other. And in the second half of the week, conflict situations both at home and in the career are not excluded. True, if you want, you can easily avoid disagreements with others. Meanwhile, during this seven-day period, people of your sign will feel a surge of strength, which will have a positive effect on their emotional state and ability to work.


Large-scale shopping will be profitable this Monday. Registration of installment plans and loans will take place without delay. This is a good time to purchase household appliances, furniture and other household goods. It’s better to go shopping not alone, but with your loved ones; joint shopping will bring you together even more. It is advisable to devote your free time to sports activities; such activities will give you strength and energize you.


Tuesday is good for communicating with parents and elderly relatives. Feel free to touch on topics that concern you, for example, property or inheritance issues. You can come to a mutual agreement. And for purposeful and busy Capricorns, this is the best day of the current period. Engage in business planning or implement your wildest ideas; the stars promise you success in all your endeavors.


Cash accruals are very likely this Wednesday, do not rush to spend them. And also today, representatives of your sign will be required to be organized and methodical. Thanks to these qualities, you will strengthen your professional authority and achieve the respect of your colleagues or business partners. Don't forget about sports and meditation.


On Thursday, the stars recommend that you show tact and restraint when interacting with others. This is the only way you can avoid awkward situations and conflicts. This applies to both family life and the work environment. In the second half you can meet good friends. Easy communication in an informal setting will contribute to complete relaxation.


Friday will bring interesting acquaintances to creative Capricorns. You couldn’t even imagine how many like-minded people surround you. Take your luck by the tail. And single people can go on a date, but it’s unlikely to go as you would like.


Saturday should be spent with those who love and appreciate you. Your loved ones need your attention more than ever.


And the Sunday day off will have to be devoted to everyday nuances. But now such troubles are only a joy for you.


A rather controversial and alarming time awaits Aquarius. The weekly horoscope is encouraging: thanks to your inner core and demonstrated calm, you will be able to overcome the troubles that have befallen you. Meanwhile, the first half of the week is suitable for making new acquaintances, including those of a romantic nature. But your physical and emotional health may fail you during this seven-day period. You will have to reconsider your usual way of life, otherwise your health will noticeably worsen. In addition, the stars advise not to take on new projects and important matters, allow yourself to relax a little.


Already at the beginning of the period, you will attract reliable and necessary people. Despite your irritability and fatigue, you exert some kind of magical influence on those around you. Lonely people of your sign can meet their fate, the main thing is to set such a goal, then fortune will help you. Profitable business offers are possible, but don’t rush, take time to think.


Tuesday is good for planning and summing up. But with any undertakings, no matter how thoughtful they may be, it is better to wait. Today you may make an irreparable mistake that will spoil your plans in the future. The position of the planets indicates that today Aquarians are extremely unstable, forgetfulness and fussiness may appear. Breathing exercises and light meditation will help stabilize the emotional background.


Conflicts are possible in this environment. Most likely, one of your colleagues or business partners does not agree with your views. Demonstrate diplomatic talents and do not get involved in disputes, then troubles in the business sphere will bypass you. This is the right time to adjust your daily routine and diet. Don’t be lazy, set aside some free time for this.


Financial receipts are expected on Thursday. Some people of your sign may want to get a pet. The stars do not insist, but they recommend not to do this today. You may come across a sick animal or you may contact an unscrupulous breeder. Remember, everything has its time. Now, first of all, you need to improve your well-being.


Friday promises to be measured and relatively calm. This is the perfect time for first dates and romantic time with your significant other. Only the power of love can bring Aquarius to their senses.


Meeting with friends will charge you with positive emotions and relieve stress on Saturday.


And Sunday will have to be devoted to household chores.


Pisces, if they don’t get too emotional, will achieve significant success in all areas this week

According to the weekly horoscope for Pisces, a responsible and not the easiest period awaits representatives of your sign. During this seven-day period, important issues will arise every now and then that require your prompt intervention. And by the end of the week, love passions may play out. Meanwhile, now you are emotionally stable and able to deal with emerging life circumstances. A little patience and prudence - then the week will pass quickly and without global losses.


Intensive work activity will begin on Monday. Prepare to work non-stop. This is also a great time to reconsider your usual lifestyle, nutrition and daily routine. The stars advise doing light fitness, at least at home; sports will help you stay in good shape throughout the entire period.


On Tuesday, Pisces may gain access to some desired information. You will probably be entrusted with a major task at work that you have long dreamed of. Don’t rush to relax, analyze what is happening to avoid serious shortcomings in the future. In addition, the stars recommend refraining from large-scale transactions with funds; today's investments will be unsuccessful.


The environment is ideal for business interaction. And creative people of your sign will undergo a spiritual crisis; deep introspection will help you find the right solution. In the afternoon, small financial charges are not excluded. Most likely, you will return home late, so it is better to postpone household chores to a more appropriate time.


Loving and in love Pisces risk becoming hostage to their own emotions this Thursday. Outbursts of anger or, on the contrary, outbursts of incredible tenderness on your part are not excluded. Moreover, possessive instincts and unreasonable jealousy may appear. Try to avoid this so as not to spoil your relationship with your significant other. Today is also a bad moment for educational activities; children are unlikely to want to listen to you.


On Friday, free representatives of the astrological circle may find themselves in an awkward situation. It looks like someone from your past is trying to woo you again. Don’t be afraid to refuse a date; it still won’t bring you positive emotions. It is advisable to devote your free time to sports training.


On Saturday you should not share secrets even with your closest friends.


And your Sunday off will be completely mediocre, you may be disappointed. Do some chores around the house, go shopping, and your mood will improve.

The weekly horoscope warns: the most unfavorable days of the current period will be August 1 and 2, 2018. This is due to the active influence of Mars and Uranus on all inhabitants of the planet on these dates. Negative influence reduces flexibility and loyalty towards each other, people become more hot-tempered, and the likelihood of sudden conclusions and rash actions increases. Acute conflicts can arise in personal and family life, professional sphere, and even when interacting with strangers. Try to avoid provoking factors, watch your own emotions, because the consequences can be disastrous both for yourself and for those around you.