Feng Shui tricks for successful work and career. Up the corporate ladder: Feng Shui can help you! Feng Shui Career Zone

According to Feng Shui, the career sector is located on the nearest wall of the room when looking at it from the front door. This place is located right between two other areas: travel (assistants) and education.

The career sector needs to be activated by everyone who:

  • strives to change jobs and find a suitable activity to his liking;
  • wants to start rapidly moving up the career ladder;
  • wants to find a job;
  • desires any changes in the field of its activities.

Ideally, your workspace (both in the office and at home) should be located on the north side of the room or office. And sitting facing north is even better. It is advisable to have a blank wall behind your back. If there is a window in it, all your energy will seem to “fly” into the heavens. But the position with your back to the door is considered even more unfortunate - it is also called “a knife in the back.” The employee will gradually lose his energy and self-confidence; he may be set up or betrayed by his colleagues.

You can use a variety of Feng Shui talismans for your career. Firstly, these are a variety of aquariums, decorative waterfalls and fountains. Here they will come in handy, because the career sector is connected with the element of Water. If you cannot purchase such decorations or there is simply nowhere to put them, you can solve the problem differently: hang paintings, photographs and posters depicting seas, rivers, waterfalls, lakes, etc. on the walls. You can additionally activate the element of Water by using a variety of objects with smooth wavy shapes.

It is impossible to imagine Feng Shui for a career without important little things that allow you to cleanse the energy of the room. These are various glass figures, mirrors, and crystals. Even with an unfavorable location of the sector, they can be used to neutralize the flow of negative energy floating in the room.

Objects of dark colors will be effective helpers for you. They can be black, etc. The main thing is that these things do not cause negative emotions and harmoniously complement the overall picture.

There are a few other important things to consider when learning Feng Shui for your career. For example, all kinds of computer cables and telephone wires should be hidden behind baseboards. Like any other visible pipes, they symbolize the outflow of money.

To ensure that creative energy does not go anywhere, but constantly surrounds you, it is best to place various bright objects (blue, orange, red, etc.) near the computer. Another option is to place a small globe on the desktop, which, as you know, is a symbol of knowledge. All this will provide you with an influx of creative, fresh ideas and help you successfully implement them.

But as for the phone, it should be positioned depending on which hand you write with. For right-handers - on the right, and for left-handers - on the left. A hand constantly crossing the body (right hand reaching to the left and vice versa) will block the flow of positive energy.

And, of course, it is important to remember that all this is just a physical shell. Feng Shui for a career first of all involves changing your attitude towards work, which should bring not only money, but also sincere pleasure.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui has long entered the lives of many Europeans. This mysterious science, designed to find energy zones in a room and harmonize the space with their help, can literally work wonders. After all, we very rarely think about the fact that relationships in our family, success at work, health, in the end, are directly related to how the furniture is arranged in your bedroom, kitchen, study, nursery, etc. If you are starting to worry about these questions, then this material can greatly help you understand the basics of Taoist teachings called Feng Shui. What are we going to talk about? Firstly, we will learn how to independently find a career sector according to Feng Shui. Secondly, we will tell you how to correctly activate a particular zone in your home or office so that you can begin career growth or eliminate difficulties and problems associated with work. Thirdly, we will find out which items should be excluded from the decor and arrangement of the room for our own safety. So. Let's begin.

Career sector

It may seem strange to you, but the workplace should not only be in the office. Yes Yes. The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui says: a career zone must also be present at home. Why is it needed in a place where you want and need to take a break from everyday work and the pressure of work? Namely, in order to satisfy your professional needs and desires. The Feng Shui career zone will help you find a long-awaited job, give you completely new prospects for career growth, help you quickly climb the career ladder, and harmonize your own personality.

How to find this very zone that is responsible for your career? You need to immediately focus on the northern part of your room. It is the north that is responsible for career and success at work. Find him. You can also determine the ideal place for work and career from a Feng Shui point of view using the Bagua grid. She is in front of you.

Don't be intimidated by these designations. This is an ordinary and not quite ordinary zoned octagon, which will help you correctly divide a particular room into certain sectors.

It is the north zone that you will need to normalize. Pay attention to the northern part of your home and see if there are any clutter, stacks of books, some shelves, heaps of unnecessary rubbish? If there is a place for these things, and you are sincerely trying to improve your career and nothing is working, then you need to immediately begin cleaning this particular area. Remove unnecessary junk, free up space, ventilate the room, wipe off dust. And then energy will flow in a stormy stream and harmonize your career and relationships at work. What else do you need to know?


So you found this northern place in which you wanted to create a small workplace or just put things in order. What's next? The main thing you need to know is that according to Feng Shui, the northern sector for a career is the element of water. Therefore, the main colors of this zone are dark blue and black. The generating element of this zone is metal. Therefore, you can perfectly play up the career sector with the help of some metal tables, shelves, decor, use blue or light blue wallpaper, or interior elements. However, you don’t have to get too carried away with the colors of the sea or add metallic shades - gold, copper, white, gray, etc. It is better to choose furniture and decorative interior items with a streamlined, oval shape. Water doesn't like sharp corners. The energy of water weakens if there is Wood and Earth in this zone. Therefore, there is no need to activate this sector using a flower pot. It is better to lose any plant altogether or move it than to decorate a wooden table with a porcelain or clay pot with a flower. It is also better to choose furniture from metal.

Include luck and money!

In addition to the fact that the northern zone is responsible for career and success at work, it also contributes to the activation of mental activity, discoveries, innovations and everything creative. By adjusting this zone, you can also rise in your spiritual development and improve your career, at least Feng Shui contributes to this. How does this sector activate? You can do this by using the tips from the Bagua grid. Since the symbol of this zone is water, it means you need to make the most of its shape and colors to transform your work and career sectors. This can be all kinds of mirror and glass surfaces, furniture, and decorative items made from this material. Don't forget about metal. If we are talking about some small objects, then they can be arranged in waves, without any sharp lines.

When everything is ready, you can additionally charge the place with energy and have a relaxation session, turning on classical music more often. Such an activator of a career zone can be:

  • Mirrors;
  • Glass objects;
  • Images of the sea;
  • Aquariums with fish;
  • Marine-themed figurines, etc.

You yourself will be able to feel when purchasing which item is right for you, because there are many decorative elements with a marine theme, but not all will be to your liking. This could be a figurine of a turtle, a coin or a small sailboat. Anything. The main thing is that the color scheme matches the marine theme and metallic image.

We devote the lion's share of our lives to work. This is why it is so important to find a calling: so that work brings not only money, but also joy. The ancient eastern teaching of Feng Shui can help with this. From the article you will learn what a career zone is in Feng Shui, what it affects, where it is located and how to design it correctly to attract positive chi energy.

Where is the career zone according to Feng Shui and what does it influence in our lives?

The life path sector, as the career zone is also called, is located in the northern part of the home and is responsible for success associated with work activity and self-realization, namely:

  • Spiritual growth and expansion of life horizons.
  • Relationships with colleagues, clients and partners.
  • Professional growth and status in society.
  • Material wealth.

The sector also helps to overcome difficulties and complete the work started.

Activation of the career zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

First you need to decide on a place. According to Feng Shui, either the entire room or part of it can be designated as a career zone. In a large country house or multi-room apartment, it is logical to allocate a work office or library for the career sector. If you have a one-room apartment, then it is best to activate the northern sector in the room, and not in the bathroom, kitchen or corridor.

Water is the mistress of the sector


The north, where the quarry sector is located, is powered by water energy. According to ancient Chinese teaching, water is responsible for material well-being, and also symbolizes potential and constant development. Let's see what colors and objects are suitable for decorating a career area according to Feng Shui.

Black, blue, cyan (water colors) and smooth wavy lines.

Mirrors, glass objects and surfaces.

Decorative fountain.

An aquarium with live fish, their figurines and images.

Delbert Pagayona/Unsplash

Humidifier. A trickle of cold steam rushing upward will symbolize the active water element.

Paintings and photographs depicting moving water. It could be a mountain stream, a wide, full-flowing river with a powerful current, or a waterfall.

Computer, printer, telephone and other equipment that you use at work.

Luke Chesser/Unsplash

A feng shui vision board is perfect for a career area. Place on it photos of your ideal job, things you want to buy, motivational inscriptions, etc.

Honor board: diplomas, diplomas, certificates, medals hung on the wall, recommendations and reviews from grateful clients.

A living turtle has the same power. This animal is solitary by nature, so its image should also be in the singular.

David Mark/Pixabay

Decorative boat. Just be sure to point it with its nose toward the wall or corner of the room, and its stern toward the door. And then luck will “float” into your home.

Andrew Neel/Unsplash

According to Feng Shui, the career area needs water energy. This means that water must be active, in action. As mentioned above, this could be a decorative fountain, an image of a river with a powerful or stormy current.

There should be no standing water in the career sector - it symbolizes stagnation. So no vases with fresh flowers, bottles of water for watering indoor plants, images of ponds and swamps!

Metal gives birth to water

The metal element enhances the effect of water, so add to your career sector:

  • Metal colors (white, grey, silver, gold).
  • Oval or round objects.
  • Various metal objects (bells, coins, boxes, figurines, wind chimes).

Wood weakens water

It is advisable that in the Feng Shui career area there should be no:

  • Green color.
  • Live or artificial plants and their images.
  • Wooden and wicker furniture.
  • Interior items made of wood or paper.
  • Stacks of books, magazines, newspapers.

Earth controls water

In nature, the earth stops and limits the movement of water. In this regard, it should not be used in the design of the northern zone.

Work occupies the most important place in the life of every person. But, unfortunately, everyday life on the labor front does not always turn out the way we want. It also happens: you work in one position for a long time, but no promotion is in sight...

It seems like you’re staying late at the office; and you carry out assignments that are not part of your duties; and you spend weeks on business trips, but there is zero result. But there is another way to move up the career ladder. This is Feng Shui - an ancient Eastern practice that has become widespread even in Western countries.

Personally, I respect the Chinese very much. A rich history, a unique culture, and what interesting traditions!.. Therefore, when I first heard about the mysterious “Feng Shui” in the early 2000s, I became extremely interested. I can’t say that I became a real fan of this philosophy, but I did pick up some tips for personal use.

But first you need to understand the theoretical part of this eastern practice: Feng Shui consists entirely of nuances and little things that you need to know about. Therefore, I will list which factors are “responsible” for the career sector.

  • geographical direction: north. It is important that the person’s desk is located in the northern part of the room.
  • colors: gold and silver, blue shades, and black. They should be taken as a basis when designing the working sector.
  • element: water. According to the fan, she attracts money and “washes away” all the troubles in a person’s path. And it is desirable that the water theme is somehow present where your work area is located.
  • plants: money tree attracts finances; geranium calms even angry people; dracaena helps to obtain a stable profit; Chinese rose activates creative processes. Moreover, it is recommended to grow these plants not only in the office, but also in the apartment.
  • environment for success. For maximum inspiration, you should hang portraits of famous people who have achieved certain heights in their profession on the nearest wall. In addition, it is recommended to place photos of your loved ones on the table.

We will equip the workplace according to all the rules

At first I ignored all the rules of Feng Shui. I just didn’t attach any importance to them! However, when one job gave way to another, but there was no significant progress along the career ladder, I decided to listen to the eastern sages.

It turned out that according to Feng Shui, the area of ​​my work activity is in complete disarray. Unfortunately, it was not possible to install your desk in the northern part of the office. But I followed the remaining three points exactly: I purchased a stationery set, notepads and a wall calendar, made in blue. She placed a small trinket in the form of a fountain on the table. And to enhance the effect, I installed an image of Niagara Falls on my computer desktop.

And here it is important to know: if you use an image of water, then the picture should be calming and blissful. No storms or dreary rains, otherwise the work area will become a center of instability. But career doesn’t like this!

Then I cleared the work area as much as possible of all kinds of papers and unnecessary notepads. This is one of the conditions that Feng Shui imposes on beginning careerists.

A lot of free space immediately appeared on the table, and I “diluted” it with my favorite family photo. By the way, this helped a lot in unpleasant situations that are typical for any job. After communicating with an aggressive person, it was enough to look at this photo, and the mood immediately became better.

About a month after all these changes, one of the colleagues quit. And the management decided not to hire a new employee, but to give the suddenly orphaned “Culture” section to me. The volume of work has increased significantly, but at the same time, income has also jumped!

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but an editorial position is something that I didn’t really count on at that time. So my career took off, and if Feng Shui is to blame for this, thanks to those who invented it!

While Buddha laughs

Feng philosophy involves the active use of talismans “responsible” for the sector of work. There are many of them, and each has its own meaning.

  • a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. It can be installed both in an apartment and in an office. It is believed that this talisman attracts financial flows
  • Ganesha. The image of the god of wisdom promotes successful negotiations and contracts.
  • Laughing Buddha. This is a very “versatile” talisman, and one of its purposes is to give the owner prosperity and success.
  • turtle. Will bring the sympathy of the authorities and their patronage.
  • The music of wind. For careerists, a design made of eight metal rods that produce a pleasant chime is ideal. By the way, it is the number eight that is responsible for the growth of financial well-being.

All of the listed talismans may look weird in the office. But they will be a great way to achieve a goal for those who work from home. The work area in the apartment is built according to the same rules as in the office. However, experienced Feng Shuists remind about some taboos that should be strictly observed. Here they are:

  • Under no circumstances can the work area be positioned “facing” the wall.
  • There should be no mirrors behind a person’s back.
  • All sharp objects should be kept in a special container for stationery.
  • neither in the office nor in the apartment do you allow the desktop to be in the corner of the room.
  • trash cans should not end up in the labor sector.

And no chaos where the work area is located! Feng Shui says: career does not tolerate disorder.

Work and work again!

My friend Tanya resorted to the help of talismans. She had worked as an advertising manager for three years and felt her career had stalled. To give her a boost, she not only worked for two, but also turned to the secrets of Feng Shui for help.

In the office, Tanya decorated the table with three talismans at once: a three-legged toad, a turtle and a Laughing Buddha. I installed a money tree on the windowsill nearby. I installed a screensaver on my computer in the form of a scattering of gold coins - it is believed that such images have a positive effect on the career sector.

In the apartment where Tanya periodically works, calling clients, she hung wind chimes; installed an aquarium with goldfish; The walls were covered with golden wallpaper.

In addition, she regularly used aromatic oils in the apartment - according to Feng, they activate brain activity and help concentrate.

Who would have thought, but after three months my friend got a promotion! But even after becoming the head of the advertising department, she did not change anything either at her workplace in the office or in the apartment. She says that she has something to strive for, and the work area should always be in perfect condition.

...You may or may not believe in the effectiveness of Feng Shui, but many famous people have resorted to its help. And they achieved excellent results! But don’t forget that to build a career you need not only to surround yourself with three-legged toads and other paraphernalia, but also to work a lot, a lot. And then your success sector will always be in order.