Why did you dream about three crosses on a chain? Why do you dream of a golden cross on a chain and without it? Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

Dream Interpretation Gold chain with a cross

Dreams in which jewelry appears are multifaceted and difficult to interpret. Because they combine several different symbols at once. These are both precious metals and the symbolism of the product itself (bracelet, ring or chain). You should also not lose sight of the plot of the dream itself, because in order to understand where such a dream came from, you need to remember how the jewelry came into your hands.

If you dreamed of a gold chain with a cross, you can prepare for a new period in life. A beautiful, bright product indicates that the streak of failures and difficulties is over. If the pectoral cross in a dream was large, it means that you will have to take on new responsibilities. They will be difficult, but you will receive a worthy reward for completing them.

Some interpreters believe that all jewelry seen in a dream means people dear to us. A jewelry box can symbolize family or those closest to you.

What does the dream mean?

Bright, shiny, beautiful jewelry speaks of positive changes in life, according to the family dream book.

To see in a dream how your loved one fastens a chain with a cross around his neck - signifies marriage. If it is silver, the marriage will be strong, and the key to happiness will be a truly deep feeling.

If you dreamed of a chain with a cross

Host identification

In order to understand what such a dream entails, it is important to remember who owned the chain with a cross seen in the dream. This point is important because it will be easier to determine who should have changes in their lives and how this relates to the dreamer.

It is also important to correlate the quality of the product, the material from which it is made, and the presence of a cross on the chain.

Your own jewel

  • If you dream of a golden chain in your palms, it means new responsibilities that will please you, says the newest dream book. If you doubted your talents, then the person you will soon meet will tell you what you need to strive for.
  • Seeing your real pectoral cross on your neck means you often think that life is too monotonous. The newest dream book gives a slightly different interpretation: you are under complete protection, and there is no need to worry about tomorrow.
  • If you dreamed of a gold chain that you lost long ago - you will be able to return to the path that you left behind, which you will be very happy about.
  • If you dream that your jewelry is torn and your pectoral cross is lost, your life will turn 180 degrees. Perhaps you will change your job or place of residence. Such a dream occurs before moving to another country or adopting another religion.


If you dream of a piece of jewelry that does not belong to you, you need to be very careful to understand what your subconscious is pushing you towards. Admiring jewelry in a beautiful store means plunging into a new unusual world. Perhaps you will meet people from show business or, conversely, a person of clergy.

Appearance or loss

In order to understand where such dreams come from, it is important to remember where the gold chain in the dream came from. The more accurately you can reproduce the plot, the easier it will be to understand how best to act in the current situation.

  • You dream that your lover gives you such decoration - it deepens the everyday part of the relationship. In this case, you will have most of the responsibilities, and he will have the rights.
  • Stealing someone else's chain with a cross means gossiping about someone's intimate life.
  • Rob a jewelry store - you will have to refuse a tempting offer. But this is exactly what will help you get the most profitable chance of your life.
  • If you dream that you are giving your jewelry to someone, you are ready to solve someone’s material problems at your own expense. But here it is important not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the relationship with the one you love.
  • Torn - an unpleasant situation will show you the true face of a loved one, which you will not be happy about at all.
  • A broken clasp means a serious conflict with a loved one, says the dream book about A to Z.

General symbolic meaning

Not every dream with jewelry can be interpreted so optimistically. The main pitfalls in interpretation can be deciphered by the esoteric dream book. After all, it is this source that draws attention to the occult part of our subconscious, which still lives in many since the times of paganism.

Slavery symbol

The esoteric dream book draws attention to the fact that the first chains were forged for slaves. And their lowest caste received a collar. Therefore, a chain, even a gold one, can mean new responsibilities. And they may not be particularly pleasant.

For a girl, receiving such jewelry as a gift can mean marriage. The more beautiful and attractive the chain, the more successful the marriage will be.

Silver in this case means financial difficulties. But if it shines brightly and the dreamer likes it, then the marriage will be based on strong mutual feelings. Although, the newlyweds will still experience some financial difficulties.

If you dreamed of a thick chain

A wide, rusty or heavy chain around your neck is a bad sign. You will have to work long and hard, receiving pittance for it. For a young girl this is a sign of a difficult marriage. She will have to endure not only material deprivation, but also humiliation from her husband. Especially if the chain put a lot of pressure on the neck in a dream.

Someone else's share

The Christian religion of the Eastern Slavs is a mixture of ancient paganism and the Byzantine manifestation of faith. External symbolism, brightness and grandeur of rituals are given much more importance than the depth of faith.

Therefore, a pectoral cross accompanies almost every person, despite the fact that he does not necessarily know at least one prayer by heart. This is the biggest given of tradition, which almost no one breaks.

This state of affairs led to the fact that a pectoral cross seen in a dream was considered a symbol of reliable protection. But a dream can be interpreted in this way only if the cross exists in reality and belongs to the dreamer.

If this decoration is given to you in a dream, then you need to prepare for hard work. Perhaps they will gladly shift the most difficult responsibilities onto you, but they will present it to you as a benefit.

Finding a pectoral cross and picking it up means taking on someone else’s share. If it was beautiful, shiny and golden, perhaps you will get what you have dreamed of for so long. But it’s not a fact that after a while you won’t feel like you’re living someone else’s life.

A silver chain with a cross means serving your loved ones in the full sense of the word. But a simple, large and heavy cross on the neck is a very bad sign. You will have to work long and hard to feed yourself and your children. If it puts pressure on your neck or pulls you down, the marriage will be unhappy, but you will not have the determination to break it off.

Your mark.

The cross is one of the most important, complex, ancient and mysterious symbols of human dreams. Such night dreams warn of dramatic changes in the dreamer’s life. The nature of these changes depends on many circumstances. It is not so easy to understand why you dream of a golden cross. It is necessary to take into account who had this dream, the dreamer’s actions with the jewelry, and the appearance of the gold jewelry.

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      Key values

      Gold pectoral cross on a chain, seen in a dream, is a symbol of great happiness, God's grace and success in all endeavors. The owner of the vision and all his close people are protected by higher powers. However, the dream can have other meanings:

    1. 1. The dreamer’s work will be appreciated. It is possible to move up the career ladder or increase your salary. Another meaning of such a night vision for entrepreneurs is obtaining large financial profits, which will be achieved through hard work. However, a new profitable type of activity will be quite interesting and will bring pleasure to the dreamer.
    2. 2. Some dream books interpret this dream as an imminent marriage. For married people, night dreams foreshadow a fateful acquaintance with a person who will radically change their life.
    3. 3. If a pregnant woman had a night vision of a golden cross on a chain, this promises her an easy and timely birth.
    4. 4. For a sick person, a golden cross on a chain is a sign of a speedy recovery and healing from a serious illness.
    5. 5. An old cross foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance. According to some dream interpreters, the dream foreshadows the emergence of a difficult situation in the dreamer's life. He will be forced to turn to his family or good friends for help.
    6. 6. If the chain on which the gold cross hung is torn, then this is a warning to the owner of the dream that he may soon become seriously ill. You should pay special attention to your health. It is better to give up bad habits. This will help normalize the body's condition.
    7. 7. A dream of a silver chain with a cross characterizes the dreamer as a bright person with a pure soul and thoughts. Seeing a silver chain on yourself foreshadows the beginning of a new stage in life, which will be accompanied by success in all matters.
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      No chain

      If you dreamed of a cross without a chain, then this is a hint to the dreamer that he committed the wrong actions, and now he is tormented by remorse. It is necessary to learn a lesson from this situation, and, if there is such an opportunity, then it is necessary to try to correct the situation and ask for forgiveness.

      If you dreamed of a golden cross without a chain on the eve of a long trip, the trip will be easy and will leave only pleasant memories. For entrepreneurs, such a dream promises a successful signing of a profitable deal.

      If you happen to see in your night dreams a stranger with a golden cross in his hands, inviting the dreamer to engage in charitable activities, this means that one of the relatives is in great need of the help of the owner of the vision.

      A cross with stones is dreamed of on the eve of a difficult period filled with worries and sorrows, with diamonds - to unexpected wealth. If in your night dreams you see the figure of Christ on a cross, then this promises a sacrifice of your interests for the benefit of your family or loved one.

      A cross on a rope foreshadows difficulties in material terms; on a thread - a symbol that the owner of the vision is beginning to lose faith. This will be the root cause of most of the problems in his life.

      A golden cross shimmering in the rays of the sun characterizes the dreamer as a kind and generous person. Bent and dirty means that a person has become too greedy, greedy and callous. You should be more merciful and generous towards other people.

      If the cross has turned black or covered with rust, then this warns the owner of the vision about big troubles in his personal life or a serious illness that will require long-term treatment.

      If a person saw a broken cross in a dream, then this promises a series of troubles in the dreamer’s personal life. A person who has recently experienced a strong moral shock may have such a dream, and it indicates that he is in great need of psychological support.

      The dreamer's actions

      The found cross is a sign of great joy and God's grace. Soon the dreamer will be able to solve most old problems. His life will change dramatically for the better. He will be able to achieve all his goals. To put on a symbol of faith found on the side of the road means to shift the problems and concerns of other people onto your shoulders.

      A gift of a cross, which was dreamed of during a difficult period of life, tells the dreamer that he is under the protection of higher powers and will be able to overcome any obstacles. At the most crucial moment, the dreamer will be able to make the right decision.

      Breaking, throwing away or trampling a cross into the dirt means great life disappointments, tears and heartache; losing it means parting with a loved one. The reason will be the dissolute lifestyle that the sleeping person leads. If the lock on the chain breaks, then this will lead to a series of troubles and obstacles in achieving your goals. When the losing streak ends is entirely up to the individual.

      If you dreamed that a stranger tore off a person’s cross, then this warns the dreamer about a scam into which the dreamer will be drawn. It can also mean becoming addicted to something. A dream in which someone tears off your chain with a cross means that you will be subject to bad influences in life. This can develop into addiction.

      Taking off your symbol of faith means remorse for a rash act in the past. Another meaning is committing wrong actions or even crimes in the near future.

      Stealing a chain with a cross means gossiping about someone else's personal life. Showing jewelry to other people means forgetting about the spiritual side of life because of the pursuit of money; holding it in your hand means good news from afar; kissing it is a sign that the dreamer owes someone. Perhaps the person has unfulfilled promises, oaths, financial obligations.

      Finding a symbol of faith means victory over enemies, ill-wishers and solving old problems. For those who are going on the road, this dream promises a successful and interesting journey. For a girl, night vision foretells an imminent marriage. For married people, such night dreams promise a new addition to the family.

      Dream subjects

      If you have a dream in which a person is looking for a gold cross on a chain, then this is a warning that the dreamer needs to hurry up to complete the event he has started or abandon it. Otherwise, unforeseen troubles may arise.

      Dropping a symbol of faith is a sign that the owner of the vision is giving in to difficulties. Another interpretation of the dream is that there is a possibility that the dreamer will come under unfavorable influence.

      Throwing it in the trash means bad news from afar, receiving it as a gift means the appearance of a person who will become his reliable friend and patron, taking it or giving it means unexpected wealth.

      If the dreamer is given a gold cross, this warns him that unexpected obstacles may soon arise on the way to achieving his goal. The owner of the vision will be able to overcome all difficulties with dignity.

      Buying a symbol of faith means receiving a blessing to carry out your plans; stealing from someone means making money dishonestly. If the cross was stolen from the dreamer, then this indicates that in his close circle there are many envious people and gossips who spread false information about the owner of the vision.

      Hearing a cross fall means getting rid of a heavy burden that a person has taken upon himself. To see a stranger putting a symbol of faith around his neck is to be drawn into a scam or fraud.

      Who dreamed of a cross?

      If a woman dreams that she is receiving a gold cross on a chain as a gift, then she will soon become a mother. For an unmarried girl, night vision promises an acquaintance with an interesting young man who will offer her his hand and heart. For a woman in the position, night dreams promise a timely and easy birth without complications. Watching your loved one put a chain with a gold cross around his neck is a sign of a wedding with this person. The relationship will be filled with love, tenderness and mutual respect.

      For men, such a dream portends a solution to material problems, a promotion up the career ladder, or an increase in wages. He will be able to find a job that will bring not only material, but also moral pleasure. If the dreamer saw several crosses, then he will be able to get rid of the negative influence of his envious people and ill-wishers, who are constantly trying to harm the dreamer or denigrate his reputation and position in society.

      Interpretations in famous dream books

      Esotericists, psychologists, and dream specialists note that the positive symbolism of the cross is not always the same in dreams. A Christian symbol may have an unfavorable meaning. It all depends on the circumstances under which the golden cross was seen.

      Dream Interpretation Meaning of sleep
      VangaThe great Bulgarian soothsayer claimed that a golden cross seen in a dream is a sign of offense that someone from his close circle will inadvertently inflict on the dreamer
      NostradamusA burning cross foreshadows many trials for the dreamer, as well as danger that comes from the elements of nature. A cross in the shape of an anchor, according to the great astrologer, is the most favorable sign, as it foretells success in all endeavors
      MillerA cross seen in the hands of a man warns the dreamer that he should engage in charity work; in the hands of a woman, it foretells prosperity and the solution of material problems
      HasseA cross seen on a stranger promises sadness and trouble. In all other cases, it is a sign of happiness and prosperity.
      MeneghettiA gold cross on a chain is a symbol of pain and remorse for one’s actions. Perhaps the dreamer has done things in the past for which he is very ashamed
      KopalinskyA symbol of faith made of gold portends success and triumph in society, career advancement, and the fulfillment of cherished desires.
      HazardAzar's dream book warns that the cross is a symbol of worries and sorrows

      What does a dream portend by day of the week?

      Day of the week Meaning of sleep
      MondayThe dream promises problems with your other half. You should pay more attention to your loved one. Otherwise, the situation will end in separation
      TuesdayTo good news from afar
      WednesdayPortends a joyful family celebration
      ThursdayIn the dreamer's immediate circle there are many envious people and ill-wishers. They are trying to tarnish the reputation of the owner of the vision
      FridayTo a major purchase for your home
      SaturdayTo an unexpected visit from distant relatives whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time
      SundayThe dream foreshadows deception on the road. Don't trust people you don't know

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes dependence or attachment to something.

Gold chain: this is a sign of dependence on your passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Base metal chain: disappointment.

Broken chain: portends failure and loss.

Watch on a chain: a sign of punctuality.

Seeing a person with a watch on a chain or wearing such a watch yourself: a sign that to achieve success in some business you will need precision and diligence.

To feel in a dream that the chain is bothering you, or to feel that it has become excessively heavy: suggests that you risk becoming a slave to your desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

To get entangled in chains means to have a lot of unfinished business.

To be chained is to bear a heavy burden of worries and responsibility.

However, such a dream can also mean a pleasant dependence on a loved one.

Other people in chains are failures and misfortunes for them.

A silver chain means pleasant troubles.

A gold chain around the neck - to fidelity in friendship and love, to wealth.

In general, a chain and chains made of expensive or precious metals are a sign of a happy and rich marriage.

If the chains or chain breaks or falls apart, you will be freed from something or someone, perhaps from some obligations.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: “dream book why you dream of a cross with a chain” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The cross is a symbol of faith that is not worn just like that. It is hidden by clothing, as if it were something intimate and secret. Why do you dream about this Orthodox symbol? Dream books give conflicting instructions on this matter; it all depends on the details in the dream.

The color of the cross, the material from which it is made, its integrity, as well as actions with it - all this is of great importance for the truthful predictions of the dream book. According to Meneghetti’s dream book, seeing a cross in a dream is considered a symbol of the dreamer’s renunciation of everything mortal and worldly, and this does not always happen of one’s own free will.

An interesting interpretation of dreams with a cross is given by a woman’s dream book: as a symbolic meaning of faith and protection, this object promises the dreamer to receive help from the outside, from supernatural forces. Your guardian angel is especially desperately protecting you at the moment, so troubles will be avoided.

A cross with a chain in a dream, according to Vanga’s interpretation of the dream book, promises the person who sees such a plot repentance and the acquisition of the truth of faith. You can instantly forget and forgive the grievances that have accumulated over many years, and this will bring peace to your soul.

Why do you dream of a silver cross? The 21st century dream book promises finding hope, even if everything around is falling apart. A small spark will appear in the pitch darkness, and life will no longer seem like a continuous series of disappointments.

The same dream book gives an interpretation of what a wooden cross means in a dream. This is a symbol of unprecedented success that will accompany you in all your endeavors. This interpretation is especially true if you were wearing this wooden object in a dream.

The bad deeds you have ever committed will soon make themselves felt with fair retribution - this is how the dream book interprets what a broken cross means in a dream. If it breaks right in your hands, then unpleasant events that expose you will happen very soon.

According to another interpretation, if a cross breaks in a dream, your whole life will go to dust, everything that you have long and diligently created will collapse literally in an instant. This can be avoided by turning to the Church; confession and communion will free the soul from sins.

Why do you dream about someone else’s cross? This is a harbinger of forced concern for one's neighbor. You will literally have to “carry his cross” on yourself. And many crosses are a sign of good deeds that you have to do.

Actions with a cross in a dream

According to the old dream book of the Russian people, finding a cross with a chain in a dream is a good omen. The triumph of spirit and body awaits you, the path of life will be illuminated with new impressions, there will be no obstacles for you.

If you managed to buy a cross that you liked, then in reality you are going the right way. Even if you are now at a crossroads and don’t know which choice is the only right one, don’t worry, the decision will come by itself, at the behest of your heart.

On the contrary, why you dream of losing a cross is explained in the dream book as wrong actions, a dissolute life that will lead you to nowhere. Change your lifestyle, stop constantly celebrating, having fun - in reality there are more worthy things.

If you are given a cross in a dream, then the dream book’s predictions are positive: soon you will feel support from loved ones, which will come at the most difficult moment. Take care of your relationships with your relatives; without their help, you definitely won’t be able to cope with a difficult life situation.

Why do you dream of a cross as a gift? If you have already been given this item in reality, and you saw it in a dream, then you can be sure of the person who gave it. He is very reliable, his help will always follow your request, he will be able to support you in difficult times, and will never refuse.

If an unbeliever had to wear a cross, then this is a warning that one needs to live not only by material goods. You need to join the Faith and add more spirituality throughout your life. Be guided by the dictates of your heart, and not by material gain, and then fate will go in a completely different, correct direction.

Removing a cross in a dream is a symbol of serious change. You have finally decided that no obstacles will stop you from achieving what you want, and you are capable of even the most unprincipled actions just to achieve your long-awaited goal. Think about it, even if you succeed, remorse will not allow you to live in peace.

A cross on your neck in a dream is the opposite interpretation. You do not go over your head in the hope of getting any good; on your way to the goal you leave only good impressions on other people, and for this you will receive recognition and reward.

Why does the child dream of a silver cross around his neck, which I was supposed to give for christening.

I dreamed of an unfamiliar woman taking off a cross from me...

Did you dream that I gave a large cross with stones to my friend?

In my dream, my husband wanted to wear a chain with a cross, but we are now in a big scandal.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I found many, many silver crosses!

My boyfriend is a convinced atheist, so he doesn’t wear a cross. Once upon a time he was an informal and wore a pentagram. I dreamed that he was wearing a gold cross. What could this mean?

I dreamed that I hung them on the curtains, 3 crosses for each curtain, why did I dream about this?

I dreamed about my daughter’s baptism, but she was not baptized. And I just dreamed of a silver cross without a chain. What could this mean?

I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend put a gold chain and a gold cross with precious stones around my neck. I woke up impressed and in a good mood)) from Thursday to Friday. Please tell me what this could mean??

Why dream of finding a gold chain with two crosses, one is broken?

I dreamed that I was holding a silver cross decorated with rhinestones and next to a bridge, giving it to my friend.

I dreamed that I was kissing a guy, then I looked at his neck, there was a silver chain, and on it a curved silver cross, what could this mean?

An unfamiliar woman gave me a curved metal cross on which a demon was depicted, I held it and looked at it for a long time, then I put it on myself, when I put it on I saw another wooden cross on myself, I’m not a believer. Tell me why I’m dreaming.

I dreamed that I found a cross on the ground, then I picked it up, and there were more crosses. The crosses were large.

My boyfriend told me that in a dream he dreamed that he found three silver crosses. What could this dream mean?!

Why do you dream of someone else’s lost cross?

What does it mean that a cross strangles you in a dream?

I caught a fish, and in it there was a box with three crosses - one was silver, I didn’t look at the others.

I dreamed that a silver cross fell from me to the ground and split into several pieces.

I dreamed that I was standing at the counter and looking at a cross, and it was so beautiful with burgundy stones, and they told me it was our family one.

My mother was sick, and my husband’s cousin was sick, and I had a dream that it was as if some saint was giving me two crosses and saying give one to my mother and the other to Tanya (that was the name of my husband’s sister), I didn’t take it when I asked a friend what the dream was for she said they would die, and that's what happened. So now I’m afraid when I dream of crosses. The other day I had a dream about giving a gold cross with a chain to my friend. What is it for?

I dreamed that a strange man put a huge cross with a chain on me, but I didn’t want this and I was ashamed that the cross was on my neck.

I dreamed that I had a silver cross with a chain on my neck, and I was thinking about selling it, what is this for?

What if my mom gives my ex a silver cross in a dream?

I put on 3 crosses.

I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend put a ring on my finger with a silver cross. What does it mean?

I dreamed that the devil himself gave me a cross. What is it for?

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross according to dream books?

The pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in Jesus Christ, the savior of people. The mystical meaning of the cross carries a symbol of suffering and miraculous salvation, death and resurrection. Why do you dream of a pectoral cross? According to popular belief, finding a cross is not good. And what does a dream about a pectoral cross mean according to dream books? Let's look at it in detail.

Symbolism of the cross

What means find a cross in a dream? If this sign is considered bad in real life, then in a dream such a find will bring happiness. However, to see in a dream someone else's cross– voluntarily put another person’s problems on your shoulders, carry his burden.

Remember what material the cross was made from:

  • golden - according to dream books, such a cross on the body means joy and happiness;
  • silver - friends will help you solve problems;
  • iron - be patient, problems will not go away for a long time;
  • wooden - a symbol of health and well-being;
  • copper - soon all problems will be resolved;
  • with diamond inlay - you are tempted by wealth;
  • tied on a rope - to life’s difficulties;
  • baptismal - to heavenly protection;
  • blackened metal (or rusty) - for future trials;
  • plastic - to insurmountable obstacles.

Dreaming of a gold chain with a gold cross- to wealth through hard work, predicts a wedding for single people.

If the cross is broken, it means that you have taken on a burden beyond your strength. Shift some of your responsibilities onto other shoulders and continue to carry your cross further.

Actions with a cross in a dream

Remember what events happened in the dream, what did you do with the cross?

  • Throwing out a cross means bad news.
  • Accept as a gift - to a reputable patron.
  • Looking for a cross is advice to quickly complete the work you started.
  • Buying a cross means a successful start and completion of your plan.
  • Losing a cross means beware of sins for which inevitable retribution is coming.
  • Taking off your cross means repentance for your actions.
  • Wearing it around the neck means favorable changes.
  • Giving to someone means hoping for help from others in solving your problems.
  • A stolen cross means you have many ill-wishers and envious people.
  • If you stole a cross, look for easy ways and profit.
  • The cross fell - to get rid of a heavy burden in life.
  • Kissing a cross in a dream means virtue and spiritual purity.

The meaning of the pectoral cross according to dream books

  • The Italian dream book considers the cross a symbol of sadness and difficulties on the path of life.
  • The Russian dream book considers the cross to be an image of humility and patience.
  • The modern dream book prophesies misfortune.
  • Azar's dream book sees the image of a cross as an expression of sadness.
  • Vanga considers the cross as a protective symbol of protection from evil.
  • The Dream Book of Winter considers the pectoral cross a symbol of preservation from temptations and seductions.

Dream book of the 21st century believes that the pectoral cross is a harbinger of good events. A gold pectoral cross is a sign of joy, a silver cross is a sign of hope, and an iron cross is a sign of trials. Finding a cross in a dream means success; wearing it as a decoration means you will charm people.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z He sees in the image of a pectoral cross protection in difficult times, he prophesies mutual understanding for lovers, and speedy healing for the sick.

Modern dream book warns: a pectoral cross promises trials, anxiety and worry. Putting a cross on someone in a dream means trouble awaits that person. A lost cross foreshadows a series of troubles in the near future, which you will survive with the help of faith in a higher power. Buying a cross means prosperity.

Esoteric dream book considers the image of the cross to be a symbol of trials. Difficult times are coming for the dreamer, however, with faith in your heart you can survive everything. A cross on a gold chain warns: you will make a big mistake if you act rashly. The dream tells you - don’t rush into making decisions, don’t rush into things. A cross appears in a dream when a person is planning an unseemly act.

If you quarreled with someone the day before, the image of a pectoral cross advises you to reconcile and find a common language with this person. The cross is the main symbol of faith in Christ, so those who wear it must fulfill God’s commandment - to love their neighbor.

What happens if you don’t listen to the hint of the subconscious in a dream? You risk losing the support of higher powers, which you will soon need. The subconscious is trying to prevent future misfortunes, so it sends the image of the cross as a reminder of faith in God.

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Dream Interpretation

Cross chain

Dream Interpretation Cross chain dreamed of why you dream about the Cross of a chain? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Cross chain in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why do you dream of a golden cross on a chain and without it?

The cross is one of the most important, complex, ancient and mysterious symbols of human dreams. Such night dreams warn of dramatic changes in the dreamer’s life. The nature of these changes depends on many circumstances. It is not so easy to understand why you dream of a golden cross. It is necessary to take into account who had this dream, the dreamer’s actions with the jewelry, and the appearance of the gold jewelry.

Gold pectoral cross on a chain, seen in a dream, is a symbol of great happiness, God's grace and success in all endeavors. The owner of the vision and all his close people are protected by higher powers. However, the dream can have other meanings:

  1. 1. The dreamer’s work will be appreciated. It is possible to move up the career ladder or increase your salary. Another meaning of such a night vision for entrepreneurs is obtaining large financial profits, which will be achieved through hard work. However, a new profitable type of activity will be quite interesting and will bring pleasure to the dreamer.
  2. 2. Some dream books interpret this dream as an imminent marriage. For married people, night dreams foreshadow a fateful meeting with a person who will radically change their life.
  3. 3. If a pregnant woman had a night vision of a golden cross on a chain, this promises her an easy and timely birth.
  4. 4. For a sick person, a golden cross on a chain is a sign of a speedy recovery and healing from a serious illness.
  5. 5. An old cross foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance. According to some dream interpreters, the dream foreshadows the emergence of a difficult situation in the dreamer's life. He will be forced to turn to his family or good friends for help.
  6. 6. If the chain on which the gold cross hung is torn, then this is a warning to the owner of the dream that he may soon become seriously ill. You should pay special attention to your health. It is better to give up bad habits. This will help normalize the body's condition.
  7. 7. A dream of a silver chain with a cross characterizes the dreamer as a bright person with a pure soul and thoughts. Seeing a silver chain on yourself foreshadows the beginning of a new stage in life, which will be accompanied by success in all matters.

If you dreamed of a cross without a chain, then this is a hint to the dreamer that he committed the wrong actions, and now he is tormented by remorse. It is necessary to learn a lesson from this situation, and, if there is such an opportunity, then it is necessary to try to correct the situation and ask for forgiveness.

If you dreamed of a golden cross without a chain on the eve of a long trip, the trip will be easy and will leave only pleasant memories. For entrepreneurs, such a dream promises a successful signing of a profitable deal.

If you happen to see in your night dreams a stranger with a golden cross in his hands, inviting the dreamer to engage in charitable activities, this means that one of the relatives is in great need of the help of the owner of the vision.

A cross with stones is dreamed of on the eve of a difficult period filled with worries and sorrows, with diamonds - to unexpected wealth. If in your night dreams you see the figure of Christ on a cross, then this promises a sacrifice of your interests for the benefit of your family or loved one.

A cross on a rope foreshadows difficulties in material terms; on a thread - a symbol that the owner of the vision is beginning to lose faith. This will be the root cause of most of the problems in his life.

A golden cross shimmering in the rays of the sun characterizes the dreamer as a kind and generous person. Bent and dirty means that a person has become too greedy, greedy and callous. You should be more merciful and generous towards other people.

If the cross has turned black or covered with rust, then this warns the owner of the vision about big troubles in his personal life or a serious illness that will require long-term treatment.

If a person saw a broken cross in a dream, then this promises a series of troubles in the dreamer’s personal life. A person who has recently experienced a strong moral shock may have such a dream, and it indicates that he is in great need of psychological support.

The found cross is a sign of great joy and God's grace. Soon the dreamer will be able to solve most old problems. His life will change dramatically for the better. He will be able to achieve all his goals. To put on a symbol of faith found on the side of the road means to shift the problems and concerns of other people onto your shoulders.

A gift of a cross, which was dreamed of during a difficult period of life, tells the dreamer that he is under the protection of higher powers and will be able to overcome any obstacles. At the most crucial moment, the dreamer will be able to make the right decision.

Breaking, throwing away or trampling a cross into the dirt means great life disappointments, tears and heartache; losing it means parting with a loved one. The reason will be the dissolute lifestyle that the sleeping person leads. If the lock on the chain breaks, then this will lead to a series of troubles and obstacles in achieving your goals. When the losing streak ends is entirely up to the individual.

If you dreamed that a stranger tore off a person’s cross, then this warns the dreamer about a scam into which the dreamer will be drawn. It can also mean becoming addicted to something. A dream in which someone tears off your chain with a cross means that you will be subject to bad influences in life. This can develop into addiction.

Taking off your symbol of faith means remorse for a rash act in the past. Another meaning is committing wrong actions or even crimes in the near future.

Stealing a chain with a cross means gossiping about someone else's personal life. Showing jewelry to other people means forgetting about the spiritual side of life because of the pursuit of money; holding it in your hand means good news from afar; kissing it is a sign that the dreamer owes someone. Perhaps the person has unfulfilled promises, oaths, financial obligations.

Finding a symbol of faith means victory over enemies, ill-wishers and solving old problems. For those who are going on the road, this dream promises a successful and interesting journey. For a girl, night vision foretells an imminent marriage. For married people, such night dreams promise a new addition to the family.

If you have a dream in which a person is looking for a gold cross on a chain, then this is a warning that the dreamer needs to hurry up to complete the event he has started or abandon it. Otherwise, unforeseen troubles may arise.

Dropping a symbol of faith is a sign that the owner of the vision is giving in to difficulties. Another interpretation of the dream is that there is a possibility that the dreamer will come under unfavorable influence.

Throwing it in the trash means bad news from afar, receiving it as a gift means the appearance of a person who will become his reliable friend and patron, taking it or giving it means unexpected wealth.

If the dreamer is given a gold cross, this warns him that unexpected obstacles may soon arise on the way to achieving his goal. The owner of the vision will be able to overcome all difficulties with dignity.

Buying a symbol of faith means receiving a blessing to carry out your plans; stealing from someone means making money dishonestly. If the cross was stolen from the dreamer, then this indicates that in his close circle there are many envious people and gossips who spread false information about the owner of the vision.

Hearing a cross fall means getting rid of a heavy burden that a person has taken upon himself. To see a stranger putting a symbol of faith around his neck is to be drawn into a scam or fraud.

If a woman dreams that she is receiving a gold cross on a chain as a gift, then she will soon become a mother. For an unmarried girl, night vision promises an acquaintance with an interesting young man who will offer her his hand and heart. For a woman in the position, night dreams promise a timely and easy birth without complications. Watching your loved one put a chain with a gold cross around his neck is a sign of a wedding with this person. The relationship will be filled with love, tenderness and mutual respect.

For men, such a dream portends a solution to material problems, a promotion up the career ladder, or an increase in wages. He will be able to find a job that will bring not only material, but also moral pleasure. If the dreamer saw several crosses, then he will be able to get rid of the negative influence of his envious people and ill-wishers, who are constantly trying to harm the dreamer or denigrate his reputation and position in society.

Esotericists, psychologists, and dream specialists note that the positive symbolism of the cross is not always the same in dreams. A Christian symbol may have an unfavorable meaning. It all depends on the circumstances under which the golden cross was seen.

A dream in which a gold chain attracted your attention has many meanings; for a correct interpretation, one object is not enough; try to recall in your memory the smallest details of the dream, maybe details of the situation, objects, place and time of action. And the more details you were able to remember, the more accurately you can decipher the dream. The dream book will help you with this.

Dream interpretation gold chain

When you wake up in the morning, look into your dream book. Why do you dream of a gold chain around your neck?

  1. A gold chain in a dream is bright, clean, intact - this portends a bright, prosperous life.
  2. If you dream that the chain has darkened and has an unsightly appearance - in the near future luck will turn away from you, unstable income, failures in business, routine in family relationships. Your views on life do not correspond to reality, they are outdated. Review them.
  3. Why do you dream of a gold chain around your neck in the spring, when gardens or flowers are blooming? a new period in your life, perhaps a new acquaintance, a successful new job, a profitable deal, a promotion, a new positive turn in your life.
  4. Seeing a chain around your neck in winter means a stagnant period in your life, there will be no changes, everything goes along the knurled line.
  5. If you dreamed of a gold chain around another person’s neck, it means the loss of something material, for example, car theft or luggage theft at a train station. To see any dream is warning. To avoid losing more, donate a coin to a church beggar or give a small amount to charity.
  6. You dream that you are given a gold chain. The dream book warns that in the near future you a fateful acquaintance awaits, perhaps you will find your soulmate. If you are already married, then a new interesting turn in the relationship is possible. It is possible that you will meet a person who will definitely change your life, offer you an interesting well-paid job, or open up an unknown side of life for you.
  7. To dream that a gold chain breaks around your neck or in your hands. This dream doesn't bode well, in a word, an established life will end. In the near future, you will face troubles, conflicts at work, perhaps even losing your job. Family quarrels. Disagreements with children. All sorts of troubles and minor losses.
  8. The chain clasp fails. Family betrayal will not keep you waiting. The dream is just a warning. Pay more attention to your other half, give flowers or a cute trinket, have a candlelit dinner. Add new notes to your relationship.
  9. Why dream of a gold chain in water, in a stream, at the bottom of a lake, in the sea. If the water is clean, clear and doesn't take away your decoration, it's just your life on someone's lips, someone talks about you behind your back, but these conversations will not harm you, on the contrary, they will increase your rating, your importance and your fame. Finding a chain in troubled waters means dirty, envious talk and gossip. If the sea takes away a thing, it means the loss of something dear to your heart. In some cases, family ties will be destroyed.
  10. A gold chain in a dream is in the hands of a gypsy. Expect a trick or deception, a person from whom you never expect it will deceive.
  11. See not just one decoration, but several. Your plans for life and demands on others are greatly exaggerated. Come down from heaven to earth. Reconsider your options.
  12. The gold chain was stolen by thieves. This dream does not bode well if it occurs on any day except from Thursday to Friday. In this case, you will simply lose control over some situation. Well, if this is a dream on Friday, be careful, these dreams can come true.
  13. You dream that your best friend is trying on your jewelry. Be attentive to your significant other, reconsider your circle of friends, do not tell your friends the details of your family life. They can be difficult to envy, and can also bring discord into your family relationships.
  14. In the dream, when you passed by a gold chain, you did not pick it up. This means that you missed something important in your life and did not pay attention to the signs of fate. Stop before it’s too late and analyze your actions, everything can still be corrected.

Dream interpretation gold chain with pendant

Dream interpretation gold chain with a cross

Why do you dream of a gold chain with a cross? The dream book will tell you that finding or seeing a gold chain and a cross in a dream is something that concerns only you, and not your family and friends.

  • why do you dream of finding a gold chain with a cross in a dream - it’s finding your soul mate, your betrothed;
  • you dreamed that an unfamiliar young man gave you a gold chain with a cross or put it around your neck, wait for the matchmakers, get ready for the wedding;
  • in a dream, feeling warmth, cold or burning from a cross on your chest or neck is a serious warning about your health, and sometimes about damage sent by ill-wishers;
  • seeing or finding lost links in a chain foretells the loss of a close relative or good friend.