Why do you dream about your first ex-boyfriend? What does it mean if you dream about your ex-boyfriend? When sleep matters

First, try to remember this dream in detail. Using the dream book of Freud, Tsvetkova and others, we will give you the answers. For example, why do you dream about a drunk ex, a wedding, or sex with a previous boyfriend?

Your ex-significant other appeared to you in a dream. This means the past still haunts you, and in everyday life you constantly look back. It is this behavior that interferes with your development as a person, self-realization and relationships with a young man in the present.

As a rule, exes are dreamed of by people who have some unresolved issues. If, at the behest of Morpheus, your ex appears in your dreams with enviable regularity, but you never dream about him, then any girl may feel uneasy.

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, what does this mean?

Some may see a sign in this. However, dear girls, first the author advises you to forget all grievances and clear your mind. Remember what emotions arise when someone so close to you in the past appears in your dream. The answer to this question can greatly help you understand why your ex-boyfriend with whom you broke up is dreaming. But the point is that the guy who paid a visit to your dream can still mean a lot to the lady, who subconsciously may really want to return the past.

The girl’s attempts to drive away such thoughts and forget about her feelings will not bear fruit, and the subconscious will increasingly give signs that something needs to be done. Perhaps it would be right to conquer your arrogance and take the first step towards restoring your relationship with the intrusive visitor to your dreams.

However, seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream with another girl may not be a positive association, after which in most cases it is recommended to talk to him, but quite the opposite - you will no longer be able to be a couple. But in any case, a dream about an ex person means that you are thinking about your ex, no matter how bad or good your thoughts are.

What exactly happens to an ex-boyfriend in a dream, interpretation.

The state of your ex and the situation in which you find yourself with a negligent boyfriend can vary greatly from dream to dream, let’s highlight specific situations. Remember exactly how this person appeared and what you did.

  • Drunk ex. If your ex appears in front of you while drunk, then most likely he is now in a deep emotional crisis. Most likely, you are the subject of his worries. If you have not yet lost contact with him and are communicating, it is worth talking and providing him with friendly support;
  • Your ex became your husband. To worries and troubles. May symbolize the stagnation of your relationship with your current man;
  • The gift is a surprise from a boyfriend. You should not perceive this situation rosy, because such a dream can be regarded as a harbinger of betrayal;
  • Sex with an ex-man. A lustful night with former love indicates unfulfilled desires. The subconscious is trying to bring you closer to a person, but your current love interferes with the implementation of your plans. It may signify a quarrel with your significant other in reality;
  • The ex is a stranger. A dream in which a once close man seems completely unfamiliar to you, regardless of the extent of the change in appearance, marks changes in both your life and his. It is quite possible that he will declare himself more than once;
  • Talk to him, in real life or on the phone. Dreams of this kind almost always mean that your ex’s feelings for you have not yet cooled. Most likely, he is wondering why things didn’t work out for you and would like to talk in real life.
  • Late boyfriend. A dream about a guy from the other world can seriously frighten a girl. Such a dream really warns you of something dangerous. But a dream in which your deceased ex solves your dilemmas and pressing problems on the contrary, marks a quick victory over your enemies and rivals.
  • First love. A dream in which you see your first love symbolizes a lack of romance and attention. You need to feel the passion and attention for yourself that you once had in your youth.
  • Quarrel with ex-love. An emotional quarrel and swearing with an ex-boyfriend in a dream means that you will need to decide with whom you are ready to unite your hearts for a long time.

A dream in which your ex dies at your hands. If you happen to act in a dream as a real killer of your past boyfriend, then you shouldn’t be horrified. Such a dream provides you with great opportunities for change. In all your endeavors, constant success will follow you, so make up your mind.

The day on which you dreamed about your ex also plays a certain role in the interpretation of a dream:

  • The dream fell on Wednesday. Dreams on Wednesday often go beyond the limits and are prophetic. Be sure to remember what you did with your ex and what you felt at that moment. Even if the dream does not turn out to be prophetic, it could give you some clues that you might not have noticed.
  • The dream fell on Friday. Such dreams are like a guiding thread that helps to dot all the i’s. A guy’s visit in a dream on this day tells you: try to develop angelic patience and not get involved in various adventures.
  • You dreamed about the guy on Saturday. A dream with an ex-boyfriend in the leading role comes true in 50 percent of cases. In this dream, as a rule, you can see the main problems of your past.
  • Ex-boyfriend's appearance on Sunday. Such a dream marks an increase in new ideas, a surge of vitality and energy to achieve your goals.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend according to various dream books?

According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, a dream involving an ex-boyfriend carries the news of an upcoming quarrel and bickering with a lover. A quarrel may well occur because of your desire to tell your loved one about a dream in which your ex appears.

A man will instinctively feel, Freud convinces, that another representative of the stronger sex is deeply entrenched in your subconscious. However, an ex-boyfriend can symbolize the beginning of a new relationship, if not an imminent marriage.

The old is gone, says the Bulgarian seer Vanga. This is something that cannot be returned, or at least it is not recommended to return. The dream itself about an ex brings melancholy and a desire to re-ignite the passion of old love. Vanga adds that if the dream is idyll and you are happy together, you have completely let him go and do not feel attracted to him.

Nostradamus wrote that after a dream about an ex-boyfriend, you need to beware of sorcerers and fortune-tellers. While Tsvetkov warns about imminent moves, troubles with real estate and children.

In general, you shouldn’t always believe dreams.

Even when the relationship is over, your ex-lover may visit you in your dreams more than once. Why do such dreams come and what can this mean in real life? In fact, each such dream can have several meanings, and even the same night picture can carry different meanings to different people.

If you want to understand why your former loved one is dreaming, pay attention to the following points: the weather, the time of year and day, if it is indicated in the dream, his words, actions, various actions, desire or unwillingness to say something, respond to questions and get in touch. The indicator can also be the weather outside the window, various circumstances of the dream and many facts.

Almost always, the dream book writes what a former loved one is dreaming of, like this: at the mental level, the relationship with him is not yet over or there is some kind of problem and task that needs to be solved. This means that he has not yet completely gone into your past or that illusions and dreams have not yet faded away. This is what he can dream about most often and what such a dream means.

Recent breakup

Usually people from the past start dreaming some time after a breakup and this is completely normal. The girl begins to think through the situation, remember, and does not believe that the relationship with her loved one has already ended so quickly. Therefore, it is quite natural if in a dream she begins to visit old places, to see pictures of love, past relationships, or her lover again being affectionate with her and smiling.

However, as the dream book writes, such pictures of the past mean nothing in reality and you should not attach much importance to such dreams. Only when the psyche comes to terms with the breakup or a breakup or continuation is already clearly indicated in the relationship, dreams of this kind will stop and everything will fall into place. Mystical, prophetic meaning should not be sought in such paintings.

However, if there was something new, unusual or unexpected in the dream, or you continue to dream about your ex-boyfriend even though in reality it is clear that everything is over, expect the unexpected. Usually the dream book writes that such dreams indicate that there will be a new round in the relationship, even if it seems that they have ended forever. This is what your ex-boyfriend dreams about if you broke up recently, most often.

Just seeing him, communicating with him, if you dreamed of his face, is a surprise. The dream book writes that such a dream means joy if your lover smiles at you, is friendly and pleasant to talk to. In some situations, such a dream symbolizes an unexpected meeting with him, his return, or the fact that you will be able to stay with friends with him.

The dream says that he thinks and remembers about you, especially if the girl herself kicked him out and wants to return the past. Or he hopes that the refusal he received is not final. It is possible that your relationship is not over yet and there will soon be some kind of continuation in it.

Why do you dream of a former loved one if you broke up with him on his initiative? The dream book writes that your relationship with him will not be the best. Such a dream may mean a change or that a new stage will follow after the breakup, and there may also be various troubles or that he will come to his senses. However, this may not happen right away.

If a lot of time has passed since the breakup

This dream most often means a new round in your relationship, especially if your former loved one dreamed about it after a very long time, when the relationship had calmed down and everything had passed. Pay attention to how you saw him in your dream.

If you just saw his face, he was looking at you - this is a meeting with him or a circumstance that will remind you of your past love.

The dream book writes that such a dream means joy, good news for you, and also that he will appear in life again. If this person smiled and was ready for contact, then in reality he does not wish you harm and may be ready for changes in the relationship.

Such a dream often means for you a meeting with him and that a change in love is possible. However, often a dream means a meeting with him or news about him. Or the return of some circumstance related to a love story.

If he turns away from you, kisses another girl, or does something completely unusual, then the dream book writes that this predicts troubles and various conflicts in your personal relationships. Most likely, you have lost him forever. The dream also means separation, trouble, and the fact that the conflict between you may escalate.

Seeing your loved one drunk, but not too much, predicts his falling in love or success. Most likely, he is very passionate about himself, a new turn in his life or love, but does not see the real turn of events.

If he was completely drunk and unattractive, this meant suffering and illness. A dream can show both his suffering due to parting with you, and his worries due to troubles with another person. Sometimes such a dream means his mental or physical illness.

It's good to hug and kiss with him. The dream suggests that you will make peace and everything will be fine. However, for those who have children, such a dream predicts suffering because of them and even trouble.

Therefore, it is important to protect them from harm as something bad might happen to them. However, childless couples have nothing to fear. This dream predicts reconciliation and unification.

If a loved one has died, then the dream predicts that he will now disappear forever. And you will not regret it, since it will bring emptiness into your life.

Probably every representative of the fair sex has had a dream at least once in her life in which her ex-boyfriend appeared. Such dreams after a breakup are quite normal, as they reflect internal experiences. But what if the dream appears after a long period of time, when there are already other relationships. We will try to understand this situation.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Many girls are sure that the reason is that the guy still loves and is constantly thinking. In fact, this is a beautiful excuse that strokes the ego, but how is this possible? The only option is that he has magical abilities, which is practically unrealistic. In general, dreams are a reflection of your subconscious fears and experiences, so you should look within yourself for the reason why you often dream about your ex-boyfriend.

Possible reasons:

  1. Most often this happens when, during a breakup, you were unable to dot all the i’s. The presence in real life of thoughts that perhaps you made a mistake or that you are constantly looking for someone to blame for what happened. In this case, it is recommended that immediately after waking up, write down the emotions that you experienced during sleep. For example, if you dream about your ex-boyfriend’s wedding and you are happy for him, this is a symbol of the fact that you were happy in a previous relationship and somewhere on a subconscious level you would like to return everything back. If you felt offended, then most likely in real life you are quite aggressive towards your ex-partner. When you carefully analyze the dream, find the reason and correct it, then the dreams will disappear by themselves.
  2. Another reason why you often dream about your ex-boyfriend may be that he is a projection of some person from your real life. This will be evidenced by the fact that dreams about your ex-lover do not evoke any emotions in you. In this case, it is recommended to carefully analyze the dream and determine who exactly he resembles; perhaps this is a friend with whom you have a lot in common. More often than not, such night dreams are a reflection of existing problems and, by solving them, you will get rid of nightly meetings with your ex-partner.
  3. If you dream of meeting with your ex-boyfriend, perhaps this is a signal that you are not happy with your current partner in some way. You compare guys on a subconscious level, and in some ways your current passion loses. In this case, one solution is to talk frankly with your loved one, show him your dissatisfaction and solve existing problems.

Why do you dream about your ex?

Why do you dream about your ex? Does this mean he regrets the breakup? Or is this the fear of a new serious relationship?

All women in the world would like to know why their ex is dreaming. A man who was once loved and desired cannot dream without a good reason. And only the most experienced interpreters will be able to recognize it.

Miller's dream book: why does the ex dream?

Miller sees that a dream about an ex-lover promises a woman the manifestation of indirect consequences from breaking up with him. A kiss with an ex-boyfriend means a stunning event in the future. Sex with him in a dream threatens to aggravate long-standing disagreements. A quarrel with an ex promises the emergence of a new romantic relationship in reality. Breakup - a meeting with another man, which will also end in a breakup. A fight is the emergence of despotic habits and authoritarian tendencies in the current lover.

Vanga's dream book: ex in a dream

Vanga, discussing why her former lover is dreaming, comes to the conclusion that the consciousness of the sleeping woman has not yet let him go. She has not yet fully come to terms with the breakup of her old relationship and hopes to get it back. If a lady dreams of her ex as if she never broke up with him, then she is ready to fall in love with another person. Former classmates or classmates in a dream foretell imminent news from an old friend.

Dream about your ex as interpreted by Loff

In Loff’s dream book it is written that the manifestation of feelings on the part of a former lover in a dream will not bring anything good to a woman in reality. If in a dream he again became imbued with strong feelings, various surprises await the lady in reality; if he got married, serious problems; if he died, a quick marriage and even the birth of a child.

Freud's Dream Book: I dreamed about my ex

A dream about an ex in Nostradamus's dream book

Nostradamus believes that a dream about an ex-fiancé or husband can be inspired by witchcraft spells, which a woman needs to beware of in every possible way. Especially if she dreamed that her ex-lover was still not indifferent to her.

Tsvetkov's dream book: the ex is dreaming

According to Tsvetkov, an ex-husband who dreams of a married woman foretells that she will act frivolously and will eventually pay for it. In any case, the lady will have to overcome a lot of difficulties in reality: unpleasant troubles, forced trips, problems with raising children, worries about the health of her husband, etc.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed about your ex

In Hasse’s interpretation, a dream about breaking up with an ex-man prophesies to a woman that she will completely change her outlook on her life and will set completely different priorities in it. A new period in life begins, which will bring with it a lot of interesting things. The main thing is to carry out a large-scale audit and throw out everything unnecessary from your consciousness.

Seeing your ex in a dream according to Longo

Longo answers in his own way the question of why your ex dreams. He believes that such a dream indicates that a woman’s heart has not yet made room for a new relationship, because she yearns for the old one. An obsession with the past causes a person to degrade as a person and makes his life gray and miserable. We must fight this!

Why do you dream about your ex-lover?

What can a dream in which a former young man was seen talk about? Probably the girl just thinks about him sometimes and can’t forget him. Perhaps she will deny it, but only because she does not want to admit that some feelings still remain.

It is also likely that in real life the sleeper is forced to return to his past, remember old events and understand them. If a girl in her dream sees that her ex-lover is sick or dying, then this probably means that she hates him and is angry for something.

And if a guy leaves a girl in a dream, then it is possible that in life she experiences fear of losing something dear and important. If you dream about your ex-lover too often, this may indicate that literally all the girl’s thoughts are occupied with him, her feelings have not yet faded away, and she wants to get him back.

Many people want to find out why their ex-lover dreams and what it means. Here it is worth remembering the whole dream, details and specific actions and deeds. So, if there is a kiss with a guy, then soon the girl can expect some kind of surprise. If the sleeping woman made love to a young man, then some long-forgotten and extinct conflict will probably escalate again.

If a quarrel occurs, the sleeping woman will most likely expect success in her personal life. If in a dream a girl broke up with her former lover, then in reality she may expect some kind of meeting or acquaintance that will not bring anything good.

But a fight with a young man can promise authoritarian tendencies of a real partner or someone from a close circle. If a former lover married someone else in a dream, this means that the sleeping woman will be able to forgive all insults.

Among other things, if a young lady dreamed of a former lover and she met with him, then she should be wary of her own carelessness and frivolity, since some actions can lead to sad consequences. If in a dream you had a conversation with your ex, then you should probably be wary of illnesses of your current life partner or loved ones.

A wedding with a young man promises trouble, so you should always be on guard. If in a dream a former lover leaves the sleeping woman, then this is a sign that a new stage will soon come, for which it is worth preparing in advance.

If you constantly dream about your ex-lover, then you should think about getting him back, since in any case, your feelings for the guy have not gone away yet. If this is impossible, then you need to do everything to forget the guy. One way or another, thoughts about him do not leave the girl’s head and interfere with her life.

It only remains to add that any dream can be both a consequence of the experiences experienced during the day, and a sign of approaching events. One way or another, any dream is not accidental and should make you think about what you dreamed about.

I keep dreaming about my ex...



when a person dreams, this is evidence that he is thinking about you in reality. It seems that your ex has not forgotten you and is thinking of returning

Natalie _)

this means that you will meet in the near future. maybe you can make peace

Alexsandra Neumann

to the return of former problems


This usually happens when a partner is under some kind of negative influence from you and, as a consequence of this influence, “falls in love and quickly leaves for another,” and you are left alone, but your love for him does not fade away (it can only “fog”). But in a dream you attract him, since a dream is a different reality in which your love is as strong as in the distant past. If you want, write to me by email and I will try to help you remove this negative impact, maybe your husband will return. Naturally, everything is free.


From my experience I’ll say one thing: you just haven’t let him go yet, even if you don’t even think about it, you’ll still dream about it, because your heart “aches” about him. This is all subconscious, you cannot control or explain it. And what this means you will not understand soon. Whether you have something in the future is up to you, but the connection with him is not lost for you.

help, I constantly dream about my ex-boyfriend, we broke up about 8 years ago. more details inside


Manka bondღ ღ

she is jealous of your husband and suspects that his feelings for you have not yet cooled down, perhaps in real life they remembered their youth, your company, feelings came flooding in, especially since you all know each other.

Leysan Safina

If you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, then such a dream means that nothing passes without a trace and there is still a place in your heart for your ex-lover.


Everything would be fine if I didn’t dream about it often - otherwise some unresolved problem is asking to come out. It happens to me that the association is only in the person’s name. The problem is with one person, but the dream is completely different, but with the same name.

*The happiest*

If you dream about your ex, then he still thinks about you, still loves you and regrets what happened.

It is very interesting to know how famous esotericists and interpreters interpret what an ex-boyfriend dreams about. After all, the past, especially associated with strong emotions, bursts into our dreams for a reason.

Miller's Dream Book - ex-lover

According to this interpretation, seeing your ex in a dream means changes in the future, news on the personal front. For example, a dream about a kiss with a former lover will soon bring unexpected news. Proximity, on the contrary, promises conflicts and troubles. If you dreamed that you had a serious fight with your ex-boyfriend, then you are ready to start a new romantic relationship. A dream about separation will bring a break with your current partner. If you clearly felt in a dream that your ex-boyfriend hit you, then this is a manifestation of hidden fears regarding your new partner. It is possible that he is an aggressor, so you should beware of him.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - ex-boyfriend

If a woman sees her ex-partner in a dream, then she still has feelings for him and wants to return to the relationship. So the subconscious is trying to bring back bright moments, it’s worth thinking about why the breakup occurred. The only exception is one dream. I dreamed that there was no breakup and the relationship with the ex was smooth - this means that the woman is ready to enter into a new romance.

Loff's dream book - why does your ex dream?

A dream with a former lover promises changes in the life of a sleeping girl. If in a dream it seems that a guy has fallen in love with you again, expect unpleasant surprises and unexpected news. A dream where a former lover gets married threatens very serious troubles; you should be careful in business and making new acquaintances. But if you saw in a dream that your ex-boyfriend died, you will soon get married or become pregnant.

Freud's dream book - dreaming of a choice between guys

A dream where you are torn between your former and current chosen one inevitably leads to quarrels and conflicts in your personal life. It's easy to explain. From Freud’s point of view, this is how a woman’s uncertainty in her feelings, in her choice, her mental tossing, which leads to troubles, is manifested.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - a guy from the past in a dream

If you dream about your ex-lover, then be careful - perhaps someone wants to bewitch you. All dreams where a long-gone guy tries to win you over again are inspired by witchcraft spells and love spells used on you.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why does a former young man dream?

If you dreamed about your ex-husband, then you cannot avoid a streak of minor troubles. This could be chores around the house or with children, or reckless actions. After such a dream, a woman needs to pull herself together and be especially attentive and careful.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation – I dreamed about an ex-boyfriend and a breakup

A dream where a young girl breaks up with her ex-boyfriend brings change. It marks the end of one stage of life and the beginning of another - with a clean slate.

Longo's Dream Interpretation - seeing your ex in a dream

This dream threatens a woman with dissatisfaction in her personal sphere and in life in general. Her heart is not free, and she is sad that her desires cannot come true. And if in a dream she also has to be torn between guys, then her soul is a complete mess, problems with the psyche, nerves, and depression are possible.

Islamic dream book

This dream book says that if a dream about an ex had a positive connotation, then you should not worry - this will lead to success in personal affairs. If you had a creepy and scary dream, then you need to pray to Allah three times so that it does not come true.

Dream about ex-boyfriends by day of the week

A dream in which a girl made peace with her ex-boyfriend from Thursday to Friday has a very high probability of becoming a reality, naturally, if you put effort into it. Such a plot indicates that the girl really wants to return to the relationship and make peace. But if she dreams of a guy’s participation on Tuesday or Monday, the likelihood of such a dream coming true is almost zero. The more often a woman or girl dreams of a former lover, the stronger her dissatisfaction with her current personal life and longing for the past. If a married lady dreams that her ex-boyfriend has returned, this may be a signal that the current man does not satisfy her in some way. But it’s quite natural to want to change minor shortcomings; it’s worse if your ex proposed to you in a dream - this will lead to divorce in reality.

Video dream book - why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

After a breakup, it can be difficult for us to get rid of thoughts about our ex-other half. It often manifests itself through dreams in which you see an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. Many people believe that such a dream means that your ex is still thinking about you and he still has some feelings for you, but in reality such situations are extremely rare.

What is your dream really telling you? To understand this issue, try to remember in detail everything that happened in the dream, then read our article, which contains the most complete collection of dream interpretations.

With us you can find exactly your events related to your ex-boyfriend in a dream, and get the most reliable and accurate interpretation of your dreams, thanks to the fact that we take into account all aspects and draw up the most complete picture of the interpretation.

Subconscious separation

You can say your farewell words once, turn around and leave. However, deep down in her soul, the girl begins to be drawn to old meetings, especially if the ex-boyfriend himself decided to end the relationship that was important to her. Therefore, the continuation of a relationship is often dreamed of after a breakup. As a rule, the person in love begins to miss him, the guy becomes, as before, affectionate and gentle, hugs her, kisses her, or she herself begins to drive him away, but he cannot approach her.

  • The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are simply considered unreacted emotions to separation. In the real world, they do not foretell changes; on the contrary, longing, pain about loss and regret begin in the morning.
  • To distinguish such a dream from a real prediction, pay attention to the actions in the dream.
  • If you really wanted affection and for him to kiss you and you dream about it, this is simply compensation for the desire. But if you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend being affectionate when you don’t want him to be, this is already a dream with meaning.
  • Sometimes a girl dreams that she screams at him, quarrels with him and drives him away herself.

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend from time to time after a breakup, your soul misses him. Such dreams will stop happening when the feeling fades away or the young man finally disappears from your horizon. This will be an indicator that everything has passed and you have already moved to a new stage.

His suffering and regrets

Such dreams occur quite often if you broke up on your initiative and he constantly thinks about you and wants to improve the relationship. Usually a girl, if she decides to end the relationship with him without regrets, stops seeing him in her dreams. However, dreams can indicate to her cruelty and a mistake that she can make out of stupidity or inexperience, without having the experience of properly breaking up a relationship, without tears and resentment.

  • Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend if the girl herself left him, knowing that he was in love with her?
  • This means that he has a strong hope of restoring the relationship and is trying to do this with the help of magic, appeals to pity, or simply various destructive actions.
  • If you often dream about an ex-boyfriend who is not worthy of a relationship, such a dream always means that he is remembering you.

If in a dream he asks for forgiveness, cries, gets sick, or tries to cut his veins, such a dream means his tears, repentance and the fact that he has not come to terms with refusal. Seeing him drunk or hanged in a dream is very bad. This means that because of unhappy love, he not only suffers, but can also commit suicide. Seeing him begging among the poor and homeless means his inability to establish relationships, constant self-pity and drunkenness.

It is possible that he is psychologically broken, mentally ill and drinks and does other destructive things. Sometimes such a dream means a girl’s regret about breaking up with him, but the inability to build a serious relationship with him. But in rare cases, higher powers call you to return to the relationship, since this person truly loves you and over time will be able to do a lot for personal happiness.

  • Why do you dream of an ex-boyfriend who stalks you, doesn’t let you meet a new person and is constantly jealous? This dream means that his feelings have not cooled down and he will interfere with your personal life.
  • What does it mean if he constantly stalks you with a knife or threatens or blackmails you? This dream means revenge for an insult or spreading defamatory rumors about you in retaliation.
  • The dream book calls for caution and the fact that you will have to quarrel with him and try to completely break off relations with him, so as not to harm yourself.

When sleep matters

Usually in such dreams the ex-boyfriend appears unexpectedly and in an unusual form. Sometimes such coincidences can turn out to be very striking and surprising, sometimes even frightening. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend when you have already stopped remembering him? The dream book writes that such a dream always reminds of the past and almost always predicts news from or about it.

  • Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend being drunk, when he has never taken a drop in his mouth in his life? Such a dream often means that he feels bad at the moment and asks for forgiveness mentally, but is afraid to say so.
  • Sometimes such a dream means suffering for him because of a cold and selfish girl whom he cannot achieve.
  • Usually the dream book interprets an ex-boyfriend simply as a symbol of the past, which will remind itself again. Remember what was connected with him when you met this person.

Why does my ex-boyfriend dream about another girl or his fiancee in a wedding dress? Subconsciously, you are ready to accept his choice and are keenly interested in who is now his chosen one. Pay attention to her appearance, as it shows what kind of girl he really wants. Sometimes such dreams come about the news that he is getting married or dating another person.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream as affectionate as before, hugging him and kissing him? There are several interpretations of what exactly this means. In the first case, such dreams mean that your personal life will not go well, and you will remember your ex and begin to strive to improve your relationship with him.

  • Whether this will be possible or not depends on the plot of the dream.
  • Another version of the dream book about what an ex-boyfriend or even a husband dreams about is related to the fact that very soon you will learn about his loneliness and vulnerability in feelings.
  • He will suffer or start drinking.

What does it mean if you constantly dream about your ex-boyfriend in the same situation? Most often, this is an encrypted message that requires execution.

  • Or a requirement of fate in which you will be together again, although not immediately. What does it mean to hear the same words from him in a dream? Please note what they mean.
  • They sometimes contain a call to literal action. What is said must be done.
  • In the end, the result can already be controlled. After the fulfillment of fate is completed, he will stop constantly appearing in dreams.

Why do you dream about your ex instead of your current fiance or even husband? Very often this means disappointment in your chosen one or a reunion with a past love. Seeing him instead of your fiancé means that you will be together again or your chosen one will be like him.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, an ex-boyfriend in a dream is interpreted as longing, suffering for a person who has left your life, but you miss him.

You think that a reunion is inevitable, that's why you dream about your ex-boyfriend, you want to believe in the best, and you can't just take him and let him out of your life. Admit to yourself that you still miss your ex, that he still means something to you, and that perhaps all is not lost. On the other hand, the dream may foreshadow a breakup with your current lover, so don’t get too hung up, writes I Want.

According to Freud

The founder of psychoanalysis is known for seeing sexual connotations in everything. So, for example, according to his theory, seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream means a quarrel with your current lover. Old Freud insisted that scandals and discord would occur due to comparisons between former and current boyfriends.

Loff's Dream Book

  • If you believe Loff’s dream book, seeing a former young man in a dream is unlucky. When marrying your ex-lover, be sure that major troubles will appear in your life.
  • If your ex-boyfriend confesses his love to you, expect unpleasant surprises. But if your ex-boyfriend marries or confesses his love to another girl, you may make new good friends or forgive someone.
  • If your ex-lover dies in your dream, most likely you will soon get married and have a child.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, a former loved one dreams of impending changes. Changes in life can be both positive and negative. If you dreamed that you were reunited with your ex-boyfriend, in real life this could mean a situation related to a former relationship. A kiss with an ex-boyfriend symbolizes some pleasant and unexpected event, and sex with him symbolizes conflicts.

Wanderer's Dream Book

A certain Wanderer interprets an ex in a dream as the emergence of a new relationship in reality. This means that you have definitely cooled down from your past relationship, made the right choice and are ready for well-being and happiness with another person.

A smile from your ex-boyfriend in a dream speaks of imminent health problems or problems with your current lover (in this case, you should just listen to your body).

Interpretation by days of the week

  1. From Monday to Tuesday: your ex-boyfriend, despite the breakup, respects you, wishes you only good things and does not say any nasty things about you.
  2. From Tuesday to Wednesday: your ex-boyfriend thinks about you, remembers past relationships, regrets the breakup and wants to get you back.
  3. From Wednesday to Thursday: your ex-lover thinks about you, but tries to forget himself with the help of other girls.
  4. From Thursday to Friday: your ex-boyfriend has feelings for you, perhaps even loves you, from which he suffers greatly and cannot be consoled in the arms of other girls.
  5. From Saturday to Sunday: be vigilant, because the guy is brewing a serious conversation with you on the topic of past grievances, understatements and unclear matters.
  6. From Sunday to Monday: your ex-man is looking for a meeting with you, wants to talk and just see how you live without him.

Such dreams especially occur if the breakup was due to the girl’s fault and she is aware of it. It is worth noting that a former lover can also have dreams of this kind. An undefined point often leads to the fact that both partners want to finally sort out the relationship, even if it’s at least in a dream. If the dreams are just like that, then the girl should talk to her ex in real life and then the problem will be solved.

It happens that a young man dreams of a changed appearance. It could be a slight change in appearance, or it could be that he is sick with something. Such dreams most often indicate changes in life, and they can happen both in the life of a girl and in the life of a former lover.

Perhaps news will come from him. Such a dream sometimes speaks of an upcoming meeting of former partners, but how this meeting will end is unknown.

  • Well, the last option: sleeping with your ex is just a dream and nothing more. Sometimes memory brings up various memories of past events that have not caused any emotions for a long time. For example, the reason for such nostalgic notes can be viewing old photographs of a former happy couple.
  • Or maybe somewhere a girl smelled his favorite cologne or heard their favorite song. In any case, whatever the reason for the memories, they do not mean that the girl misses her ex-boyfriend and wants to make peace with him.
  • These are just fleeting and pleasant memories of a past life, and the subconscious just “replays” these events in a dream.

There should be no worries about such dreams: the ex is only dreaming because the girl has too many memories of him. In the future, everything will gradually be forgotten, there will be new events and emotions that will cover the old ones and dreams will disappear.


If in a dream you saw your ex-lover, it means in real life that you are overly passionate about the past. In other words, your previous relationships prevent you from self-realization and starting a new life, developing as individuals and changing priorities.

  • As the classic dream book explains, if you kiss your ex-boyfriend in a dream, then in reality you will be very surprised by something.
  • If you dreamed of a sexual act - a long-standing conflict will escalate; if you broke up in a dream - this means a new meeting, if you quarreled - this means successful changes on the personal front.
  • If you saw a fight with your ex in a dream, in reality the current young man will develop a sense of possessiveness.
  • In Tsvetkov’s dream book, seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign that you will commit some frivolous act that will lead you to disastrous consequences.
  • According to the modern dream book, if in your dream you saw your ex-boyfriend feeling a feeling of love and trepidation for you, in reality be prepared for surprises, including not very good ones.
  • The death of your ex in a dream means that you will soon get married or have a child.

Most often, the dream in which you saw your ex-lover is associated with a subconscious comparison between him and the current young man, so after such a dream you need to try to control your actions and words so as not to provoke quarrels out of nowhere.

In Sigmund Freud's dream book, an ex-boyfriend symbolizes a woman's subconscious fears about his possible infidelity or betrayal. If in a dream your ex-boyfriend is angry and reproaches you for infidelity, in reality you will receive his respect and trust.

In a dream, your ex-boyfriend looks exhausted, this is an omen of a serious illness, perhaps even one of your family will be bedridden for a long time.

Why do ex-boyfriends and lovers appear in our dreams?

  • The appearance of a former lover in a dream often causes anxiety and indignation, especially among girls and women who have not found their soulmate at this point in time.
  • The most disturbing dreams about a former loved one are those in which he, without explaining the reason, leaves or talks about breaking up with you. In part, such a dream symbolizes the psychological fear of losing what is most valuable and dear.
  • If you dream about your ex-boyfriend quite often in various situations, you should think about the fact that perhaps your feelings are still alive and his character occupies most of your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If you trust folk superstitions, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think about you. And if this person is your ex-lover, this cannot be happy. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks about you is the most pleasant interpretation of a dream.

It should be noted that among the interpretations of such a dream, there are very funny ones, for example, in the English dream book, such a dream warns against witchcraft and sorcerers. You need to be especially careful if in a dream your ex-boyfriend is inflamed with passion for you.

What do dreams about ex-boyfriends mean in popular and modern dream books?

  • Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend when you're in a new relationship symbolizes a lack of romance and passion, so it's worth taking a fresh look at your sexual relationship with your current boyfriend.
  • Why do you dream of an ex-boyfriend married to another girl - in real life you will forgive someone for past grievances.

A dream in which you did not finish the conversation is a sign that you have not brought your relationship to its logical conclusion and you still have something to talk about in real life. Such dreams are especially relevant if the separation was your fault, and subconsciously you are aware of your guilt. In this case, a frank conversation will not hurt, and then the question about such dreams will be resolved by itself.


Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

  • Meeting an ex-boyfriend in life is an understandable phenomenon, but talking to him in a dream, and even when a new lover is sleeping next to him, is a real mystery.
  • Why is he dreaming? After all, life has changed, love has appeared, plans for the future, etc. Not a trace remains of the past, but...

Does he think about you?

Many girls associate the appearance of an ex in a dream with his personal feelings and experiences. If you dream, it means you still love you and can’t forget.

Why doesn't he call then? He is shy or not sure that you will reciprocate his feelings.

  • On the one hand, everything is logical, but let's try to look at the situation from a different angle.
  • How do his thoughts affect your dreams? It can be assumed that he has magical powers and is trying to penetrate your subconscious.
  • Or he has established an invisible connection with you. Agree, it sounds a little strange.

The fact is that dreams are a projection of the unconscious, which contains many interesting and mysterious puzzles. What worries you on a subconscious level appears in a dream in the form of symbols and signs.

So, maybe it's all about you?

What do your feelings say?

An ex-boyfriend in a dream can mean a disturbing incompleteness in one of the stages of your relationship. Most often, this stage is an “unfinished separation.”

  • That is, in life you have dotted all the i’s, but in your soul you continue to be tormented by doubts. Did you do the right thing? Who was to blame? Could the situation be corrected?
  • When you wake up, immediately write down how you felt during your sleep. Resentment or regret? Longing or joy? Pay attention to how you feel when you wake up.
  • Joy usually indicates that you were happy in your past relationship and may want to get back into it.

Resentment speaks of hidden aggression towards a former partner, which may affect the current union. Regret is a sign of a deep-seated feeling of guilt. Each feeling must be worked through in order to get rid of interfering dreams. However, not everything is so simple. Dreams about an ex-boyfriend may contain another twist...

Who does he remind you of?

  • Often the characters in your dreams depict real people with whom you have close relationships at the present time. They seem very familiar and loved, but at the same time you realize that you don't feel anything for them.
  • If sleeping with your ex-boyfriend does not cause you any emotions other than bewilderment, you should think about who your ex-partner is “pointing” you to?
  • Who does he look like? Who is it associated with? Usually the answer lies in individual words or behavioral traits of the hero. Perhaps some phrase reminded you of a close friend or acquaintance?

Thus, the ex acts as an image of this or that person who has a direct influence on your life. Perhaps he is trying to “help” you and show you something that you do not see in ordinary life. Such dreams often lift the curtain on underlying problems in relationships with people.

But even in this case, the ex-boyfriend is just a projection of your unconscious. Another thing is why exactly him?


I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend

Psychologists warn that visions of previous passions can provoke conflicts with the man who is caring for the sleeping woman today. This is natural. After all, she constantly compares her gentlemen: current and former. The partner senses this and expresses dissatisfaction.

  • Sigmund Freud emphasizes that yesterday's lover is dreamed of by young ladies who are afraid of treason and betrayal.
  • If this gentleman is angry and shows feelings of jealousy, then in reality, he considers you a decent, honest woman.
  • A bad dream in which a recent admirer looks dejected and tired. This vision can predict illness in one of the sleeping family members.

If a girl is passionate about memories, then she dreams of past relationships. The question immediately arises: why does the ex-boyfriend dream? The dream shows a subconscious comparison between current relationships and past ones. In this case, you need to regret your actions less. This prevents you from starting a new life. You should also control thoughts and conversations with your loved one so as not to provoke a quarrel.

The dream may also mean an unconscious fear of losing the value of life. If in reality there is no loved one, then the dream book speaks of uncooled feelings. Perhaps it is worth renewing the relationship. Different nuances of a dream can create different interpretations. It is important to take all points into account. But a common folk belief says that any person who comes to you in a dream thinks about you.

See your ex-boyfriend in a dream

Tsvetaeva’s dream book warns that if you dreamed about an ex-boyfriend, then you need to be careful in your actions. Perhaps you will commit a frivolous act for which you will have to pay.

  • Kisses mean that you will soon be very surprised.
  • What does it mean to dream about sex with an ex? It means an exacerbation of a long-standing conflict.
  • If your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband is exhausted and looks sick in a dream, then in reality either you or one of your relatives will become seriously ill. A bedridden illness is possible.
  • If you break up in a dream, it means that a new acquaintance awaits you soon.
  • A quarrel is also a good sign in the dream book, indicating happiness in your personal life.
  • The fight shows that the young man has regained a sense of ownership.
  • If your ex-lover wants you back, then expect a pleasant surprise.
  • The death of an ex-boyfriend speaks of an imminent wedding and the birth of children.
  • Sigmund Freud argued that such a vision speaks of the fear of betrayal of the current young man.
  • If your ex-boyfriend accuses you of infidelity in a dream, then in reality he will show respect.
  • The English dream book warns against the influence of magic on you. You especially need to be wary when a man shows passion.
  • If you are in a relationship and you dreamed about past moments with your ex, then in reality you and your partner are missing romance.

After a dream in which you communicated with your ex-lover, are you sad and a little sorry that the dream is over? This means only one thing - you are still living in the past, dreaming that your relationship with your former gentleman will be restored. And everything will be as before... Remember! This is an extremely harmful attitude that prevents you from organizing your personal life today and now. Dozens of worthy guys pass by you and don’t pay attention to you because you look at the world with detachment. And you don’t even see them, immersed in dreams of the past.

So why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? The interpretation of the dream book depends on your actions, emotions, and the response of your former boyfriend.

Predictions from various sources

  • The classic dream book predicts extreme amazement and surprise for the one who kissed her ex-boyfriend while she was sleeping.
  • But if kisses alone were not enough, and intimacy occurred, then the dreamer faces another, painful showdown regarding a long-standing quarrel.
  • If a quarrel occurs in a dream, then in reality the girl will have good luck in matters of the heart.
  • Did your former boyfriend fight in a dream? This means that the current one will begin to show his character, command you, be jealous, like an owner.
  • In Tsvetaeva’s dream book it is indicated that an ex-boyfriend may appear before some rash act, which the sleeping woman will have to regret.
  • In the Modern Collection of Dream Interpretations, a vision about the feelings of a former boyfriend is interpreted as unexpectedness and surprises. Moreover, it is unknown whether they will make you happy, or, on the contrary, upset or scare you.
  • A nightmare about the death of an ex-boyfriend, a dream book foreshadowing a joyful event in the life of a sleeping girl. She will soon get married and give birth to her first child.

Why is he dreaming?

  • Girls who are still going through a breakup sometimes ask the question: why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? They supposedly don't want to hear anything about him.
  • And even more so to think and tolerate his “appearance” in night dreams. Be patient, as soon as you meet a worthy man, this vision will stop bothering you.
  • What if a dear friend from the past says goodbye to you in a dream and explains why he is leaving? Psychologically, the dreamer is tense; she is afraid of losing something dear and valuable.

If you dream about the same person with a certain frequency, then think: were you in a hurry with the decision to break off the relationship? He, according to the interpreters, definitely dreams of returning to the past. According to popular belief, the person in your dream is thinking about you. And if you saw in a dream the object of your former passion, then, most likely, you will be glad that he is still not indifferent to you.

But among the British, this same vision is interpreted as a terrible omen, warning that spiteful critics are plotting against the dreamer, who do not even hesitate to turn to sorcerers and witches for help. Why dream if you have already cooled down, but your ex-boyfriend is still burning with passion.

Modern interpretations

In modern dream books there is the following explanation: you dream of an ex-boyfriend if you lack romance and sensuality in your relationship today. My only advice is to try to add variety to your intimate relationship with the boyfriend who won your heart today.

  • Did you dream that your recent loved one has already found a new darling and is even getting married? Then, when you wake up, be sure to forgive someone for minor sins and even serious offenses.
  • Why do you dream about a former lover with whom you haven’t completed the conversation? If the dreamer was the initiator of parting with him, then the meaning of this plot is direct and clear. She needs to come up with a reason to meet and have a heart-to-heart talk with the hero of yesterday. Explaining to him that they are now just friends, but not lovers.
  • Did you dream that the guy you were friends with died? This is a dream book warning about danger. But if he helps and supports, then in reality everything will work out in the best possible way.
  • An interesting interpretation is offered to the vision of how you met an ex-man, but did not recognize each other. The dream book foretells serious changes in the fate of the dreamer and her former lover, or predicts their rendezvous.

Treason is prophesied by a dream about receiving a gift from an ex. But hearing the voice of a once beloved man on the phone in night vision is not bad at all. The dream book suggests that he still loves, and I really want to meet and discuss something.

Seeing your first love in a dream is a dream of a pure, romantic, unburdensome relationship like you had in your youth.

A nightmare about killing your ex-lover, oddly enough, predicts good luck. If you are thinking about something, making global plans, make up your mind or start implementing them immediately. You'll be lucky!


  • A dream is a kind of signal that a person receives. As a rule, our dreams feature unfamiliar, familiar and unfamiliar people or their images.
  • Unmarried girls can very often dream of young guys, and among them are former boyfriends.
  • Therefore, most representatives of the fair sex are often interested in the question of why the ex-boyfriend dreams?
  • We can say with complete confidence that if a girl sees a young man in a dream, then she undoubtedly has certain feelings for him.
  • This is a signal that even the slightest bit means something for a girl. As for ex-boyfriends, the situation here is somewhat different.

Every person constantly dreams throughout his life. Everyone sees them differently. Whatever the dream, it leaves an indelible impression in the memory. Sometimes these night stories frighten, delight, alarm or bewilder.

Often a person is surprised to note that dreams come true completely or partially. In some cases, they can warn about future events, joys and sorrows. And if you can interpret them correctly, then you can avoid unwanted events in life or reduce their negative impact to a minimum.

What does it mean to see your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

In reality, a chance meeting with a former lover is an ordinary thing that we cannot influence. But why does the image of a former boyfriend pop up in a dream, especially when a new stormy romantic relationship takes place in a girl’s life?

Scientists say it's all about the psychological aspect. Sometimes a certain life situation may resemble events from the past, or a girl is still having a hard time breaking up with her boyfriend. Most girls are sure that an ex-boyfriend appearing in a dream is a sure sign that he continues to think about her. However, this theory has no confirmation.

  • Often, dreams project a person’s secret thoughts and desires, demonstrating the development of events that could take place in reality under a certain set of circumstances.
  • Psychologists advise all girls who never tire of exhausting themselves with the question of why their ex-boyfriend dreams, not to take dreams too literally.
  • After all, it is possible to correctly and correctly decipher a dream only when all the details and nuances are compiled into a single picture.
  • Therefore, the one in the dream is nothing more than memories of him. Even if a girl has not seen him for a long time, something in her environment may remind her of him, or one of her friends may have mentioned him the day before.

When a relationship with a guy ended a long time ago, and he still continues to haunt the girl in her dreams, this indicates that she, especially morally, is not ready to put an end to this story and end the affair. In this case, it is best for the girl to free her thoughts from this difficult burden, which does not allow her to fully enjoy her current life without a partner.

Perhaps, at the end of the couple’s relationship, a certain understatement remained, or even worse, resentment. For this reason, the subconscious tries to let go of unpleasant emotions, but the mind does not allow it to do this.

  • In addition, the appearance of a former lover in dreams can prove the fact that the girl, on a subconscious level, constantly compares her current relationship with past relationships that ended, looking for the shortcomings of her current partner.
  • In most cases, practice shows that such a development of events does not actually lead to the desired outcome and does not end well for both partners.
  • Perhaps a girl should stop constantly comparing her current partner with her ex, but, on the contrary, look for more positive aspects of him that she likes than negative ones.

So why does a young girl dream about her ex-boyfriend? In order to get a comprehensive answer, you should

immediately after waking up, write down the basic moments of your dream as accurately as possible. An important point will be to analyze your own psychological state after sleep.

Often in her dreams, a girl can see her ex-boyfriend with a new chosen one, a female person familiar or unfamiliar to her. It is logical that she will immediately have a question about why her ex-boyfriend dreams about another girl. These dreams can also be easily and simply explained.

Ex-boyfriend and another girl

These kinds of dreams can say a lot about the character of the girl herself and the depth of her experiences. The other one next to the ex-boyfriend is a rival who makes the girl not only jealous, but also feel some self-doubt. These dreams indicate that at the subconscious level the girl continues to consider the young man, despite the breakup, to be her property.

Kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream

Often after a breakup, no matter how painful it may be for both partners, a girl sees herself in a dream next to her ex-boyfriend. At the same time, the dream may be accompanied by a passionate kiss.

After waking up, the girl, as a rule, becomes perplexed and tries to give herself an answer to the question and figure out why she dreams of her ex-boyfriend kissing me. It is worth saying right away that such dreams are caused only by the work of the subconscious. In addition, such a turn of events is provoked by a hidden or obvious longing for a certain person and relationship with him. In this case, we are talking about a former chosen one.

A frank conversation with an ex in a dream and a desire to renew the relationship

After a breakup, a young girl can often have a dream that her ex-boyfriend wants to resume the relationship. Sometimes dreams can be so colorful and realistic that a girl can spend a long time trying to interpret them and get an answer to the question of what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming about who wants to come back.

Thus, if a girl in a dream clearly saw a guy with whom she once had a serious relationship, this most likely does not mean a meeting with her ex, but only her own emotional experiences. During a breakup, a girl may feel

  • pain,
  • guilt,
  • offense.

Undoubtedly, being a couple, the girl completely trusted her chosen one and relied entirely on him in everything. After the breakup, she continues to count on his help and support in difficult situations, as well as help in solving difficult life issues. This dream most likely once again proves the fact that the girl has not learned to live in a new way and make decisions on her own without the participation of her partner.

  • Her partner’s opinion is still vitally important to her, albeit on a subconscious level, as is his presence in difficult moments. The girl wants him, and not anyone else, to listen to her and give her practical advice.
  • Despite the fact that the couple’s relationship has ended, the girl does not completely let go of her partner, since she needs his reliable shoulder, help and protection in life.
  • Psychologists say that as soon as a girl lets go of the past and starts a new relationship, such dreams will not bother her.

In order to ultimately analyze what your ex-boyfriend dreams about and come to the right conclusion, you should engage in introspection. First of all, the girl must honestly answer herself whether she has let go of her ex-lover and past relationships. If the answer is yes, then dreams starring your ex are vivid moments of memories from the past.

If the ex-boyfriend still appears in her thoughts and does not allow her to forget the past, then dreams are the work of the subconscious, which sends signals that the girl still hopes for reconciliation and renewal of the relationship. In this case, we can say with confidence that the partner, although ex-partner, still means a lot to her and remains an important person for her.

With the firm goal of eradicating such dreams, psychologists recommend letting go of thoughts, and with them the past, and adjusting to a new life. A new relationship with a new person can be a fresh breath of air, which will help you put an end to the past and start life from scratch.
