How to treat the area after a tick bite. Methods for treating places where a cat shits

When bitten by a tick, a person should act quickly and correctly, in accordance with the recommendations of leading experts. All the main recommendations and prohibitions if a tick is found on the body are presented below.

  • feeling of weakness;
  • aching joints;
  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness.

What can you do at home?

Even before going to the doctor, the insect is removed. This reduces the likelihood of viral infection. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that some diseases are transmitted not through saliva, but through tick feces (Lyme disease). The sooner you remove an insect from your skin, the lower the risk that it will infect a person with one of the dangerous infections.

If the proboscis remains in the skin, you can try to pry it off with a needle. If unsuccessful, treat the wound with iodine and go to the doctor. The specialist may cut a small area of ​​skin to remove the foreign object.

How to treat a bite site

A tick bite and its treatment at home is a controversial issue. Some experts advise immediately going to the doctor, others say that it is advisable to treat the wound yourself. It would be optimal to first treat the bite site, and then still go for an examination to a specialist.

To stop the spread of infection and viruses, you can use one of the following means:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • peroxide;
  • iodine 5%;
  • brilliant green;
  • medical alcohol.

These drugs are stored at room temperature, so you can take them with you to the dacha or on a hike. The tablets allow you to develop immunity against tick-borne encephalitis in 12–24 hours. It increases the production of interferon, which helps the body cope with the virus. If there is a risk of contracting encephalitis, it is recommended to constantly take the drug for the entire time that a person is in nature (for example, every day of a hiking expedition).

The drug is convenient to take on the go; it is approved for adults and children over 12 years of age. However, in some patients the active substance causes allergic reactions.

It is important to understand that any tick, regardless of its stage of development, remains on the body for a very long time. At first, for several hours he can look for a place where he can bite into the skin and begin to suck out blood. Then, having gained access to the blood vessels, the insect is firmly attached to the victim’s body and can remain there for a week.

Under no circumstances should you wait until the insect leaves on its own. During this time, dangerous microorganisms and viruses can enter the body through the insect's salivary glands. The longer the contact with blood, the higher the chance of infection.

What tests need to be taken after a bite?

The patient should undergo several tests to make sure that no viruses have entered his body. There are three main types of verification.

The first is ELISA, or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. This study is not informative enough to detect the virus at the initial stage, but it helps to differentiate viral diseases at the middle stage of development. The analysis is carried out by checking the presence of immunoglobulins, which are produced when viral pathogens enter the body. ELISA helps diagnose tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis.

If a tick has just bitten a patient and it is necessary to identify possible diseases as soon as possible, a PCR (polymerase) or Western blotting test is best. Western blotting is similar to the ELISA method, but it allows you to find both active and no longer dangerous viral pathogens. In addition, Western blotting helps diagnose viruses in the early stages. But it fails to outperform the PCR method in speed. The polymerase chain reaction method makes it possible to diagnose the disease on the first day (if there is a laboratory nearby).

The test should be selected based on the budget and the clinic where the patient is being examined. The analysis should be selected based on the doctor’s recommendations. Referrals are given by a general practitioner and an infectious disease specialist.

What to do to prevent a tick from biting

Preventive measures need to be taken every time a person goes outdoors. Ticks are active in places where there is a lot of grass. They get onto the body from blades of grass, and much less often from the foliage of bushes and trees. If a person visits a forest park, a nature reserve, a nature reserve, a forest, or goes to a dacha or an overgrown park on the outskirts of the city, be sure to do the following:

How long does a bite take to heal?

The rate of tissue regeneration depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Patients with accelerated recovery may no longer experience discomfort from the wound after 2-3 days. But there are also cases when the lump from the impact of the mite lasts for a month.

Normally, the bite should heal within a maximum of 2 weeks. In this case, there should not be increased redness of the affected area, suppuration, or heating. All these are signs of the development of an infection. At the first symptoms you should consult a doctor.

If the wound does not heal for more than two weeks, the matter may be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Inflammation has developed. Against this background, regeneration processes slowed down. An ulcer or abscess may appear at the site of the wound, which takes a very long time to dry out.
  2. The patient constantly scratches the wound. Itching occurs due to an allergic reaction or infection.
  3. Healing is hampered by the part of the tick remaining in the body (head or proboscis).

In its place, regardless of the size, a small wound remains. Many patients immediately have a question: how to treat it? Let's try to understand the issues of caring for the wound at the site of the removed mole.

The first days after removal

For the first 5-7 days, you can treat the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The crust formed at the site of removal protects the wound surface from infection, and the regeneration process is actively underway. Under no circumstances should you peel off the crust! It should also not be wetted with water or softened with various creams.

In the first days after removal of a mole, the wound can be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It has a drying and antiseptic effect. You can also use an alcohol solution of brilliant green - “brilliant green”.

Immediately after removal, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the wound and if pathological signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. These signs are considered:

  • continued bleeding from the wound;
  • redness of the skin around the wound with a tendency to increase;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe swelling of the skin;
  • purulent discharge.

What to do 10-14 days after removal

Actovegin ointment and its analogues accelerate wound healing after mole removal.

The crust from the wound falls off on days 7-14 (on average 9-10), resulting in pink, young skin being exposed. It requires careful treatment - you should not injure it or expose it to ultraviolet radiation.

Young skin in the area after mole removal can be treated with a wound healing agent to speed up complete recovery. An example of such drugs is Actovegin ointment or Rescue cream.

Late recovery period

By day 18-20, the young skin is replaced by normal dermis, resistant to external factors such as ultraviolet irradiation and mechanical stress. There is little point in further treating the wound at the site of the mole. However, patients may experience itching for some time.

You can reduce the severity of itching using an ointment with an antipruritic effect. Sinaflan ointment, Beloderm and their analogues have a similar effect. Usually a single use is enough to get rid of all unpleasant sensations.

By the end of the month, complete healing of the wound at the site of the removed mole is noted. It should be remembered that after removing a large mole, a scar may form in its place.

Many patients are afraid of this procedure, but you can ignore this: instant fear, short-term painful sensations - that’s all. But the possible consequences can be much more unpleasant: bumps appear at the injection site, and you need to think about how to get rid of them.

Reasons for the appearance of bumps at injection sites

Especially often, such checkers occur after painful injections, when, for example, vitamin B12, magnesium or antibiotics are administered. Keep in mind that especially in this sense, injections that we do on our own are dangerous, believing that there is nothing special about it. Moreover, bumps are not the only possible nuisance. It happens that the case ends with an abscess and damage to the sciatic nerve. So it is much safer to use the services of professional doctors.

First of all, of course, you need to use the recommendations of specialists. They usually advise using these methods of treatment.

  1. Heparin ointment. It is applied to the formed hematomas. The ointment should quickly resolve bruises.

Use a syringe to treat the hematoma and lubricate it with iodine.

Apply the ointment to a bandage, apply it to the bump and secure with a band-aid. After two days, replace this bandage with a new one. And so on until the lump is completely reabsorbed.

  1. Cabbage leaf. It should be mashed or beaten until the juice comes out. After this, apply overnight to the area where the lump has formed. To enhance the effect, the leaf can be smeared with honey.

In conclusion, all that remains is to wish you good health, so that you can do without injections for the rest of your life, and if there is a need for them, that they are painless and do not lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of bumps and bruises.

Preparing for the injection. What to do when preparing for the injection.

Preparing for the injection

Whoever you are - a professional health worker, or a home “nurse against your will”, and what kind of injection you would have to give - subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, to yourself or to another person, there are a number of manipulations that need to be done in any case.

About such manipulations - this page

3. Aseptic means: cotton balls and alcohol (or alcohol tincture)

Syringe for injection

A syringe for injecting a good person (yourself, a child, a beloved relative or friend) must first of all be good.

A good syringe in the twentieth century is a three-component syringe from a reliable manufacturer (there are also cheap Chinese analogues, probably of comparable quality to the price).

If the injection is subcutaneous, choose from syringes with a volume of 1 ml: 1 ml tuberculin is suitable for all subcutaneous injections, the scale on syringes 1 ml 40U and 1 ml 100U suggests the administration of insulin exclusively, and exclusively in the indicated (40U or 100U) concentration.

All parameters of injection needles for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are described in detail in the relevant sections of the Site about syringes and injections

Medicine for injection

Manufacturers produce medicine for injection either in ampoules or vials.

The drug in the ampoule is usually in liquid form, and all that is needed before injection is simply to open the ampoule and draw the medicine into the syringe.

Here we describe in detail how to open an ampoule with and without a special nail file.

Aseptic means

During the injection, it is important to create conditions under which no harmful microbe gets into the wound and cannot cause infection, lead to an abscess, etc.

Such correct conditions will be called aseptic.

In a sterile tray (at home this role can be played by any clean, flat, small dish) we put everything needed for the injection:

Syringe with the drug

Cotton balls soaked in alcohol (or alcohol tincture).

You need to wipe the skin with one cotton ball before the injection (disinfect the surface, remove all bacteria and microbes), with the other after (cover the wound, do not allow access to new bacteria).


The patient must be ready for the injection

After all, in fact, an injection today is not as scary as it was 20 years ago! Fortunately, we have the opportunity to buy modern three-component syringes, with sharp thin needles - with a good syringe, the injection is really almost unnoticeable (if the medicine itself is not painful). Therefore, when giving an injection to a child, do not be nervous yourself, and create an atmosphere of calm for the child.

For an intramuscular injection, you must relax the muscle into which the injection will be performed. We strongly advise taking intramuscular injections while lying down. Read more about the intramuscular injection technique here. A subcutaneous injection can also be given while sitting; the technique of a subcutaneous injection is described on this page.

The best doctors of the Healthy Family family medicine clinic and specialists from the site answer questions about syringes and injections.

You can ask your doctor a question by following this link.

How to treat bumps from injections

Causes of bumps

  1. Wrong choice of injection sites.
  2. Injecting the drug too quickly, as a result of which it accumulates in one place and forms a lump.
  3. Muscle tension.

In this case, the lump at the injection site quickly turns red (if the drug is absorbed quickly) and itches. This is inevitable when a drug is administered to a person for the first time, if the person is prone to allergies, not necessarily to drugs.

The only way out of this situation is to cancel the drug and prescribe another drug by the doctor, since this type of treatment does more harm than good.

Many nurses naively believe that if the needle is short and thin, the medicine will be administered quickly and painlessly. Some even give intramuscular injections with insulin syringes, citing the fact that their design is simply ideal for this procedure. MirSovetov points out that this statement is a common misconception, because a short needle under no circumstances will be able to reach the muscle, so the medicine will be released into the subcutaneous fat. In this layer, the medicine never dissolves and forms a rather painful compaction.

Whether a lump forms or not is also influenced by the properties of the composition - a thicker or oilier medicinal substance will dissolve much longer than a liquid one.

MirSovetov calls for introducing thick formulations as slowly as possible to prevent bumps from appearing at the injection site.

  • Failure to comply with the rules of antiseptic treatment.

    Do not be lazy to treat the injection site with alcohol before and after the injection. Ideally, two cotton balls soaked in alcohol should be prepared before the injection is given. One to wipe the injection site before the injection, and the second after. If the injection is given in extreme conditions, where alcohol cannot be found during the day, wipe the injection site with vodka, medical alcohol wipes or, as a last resort, cologne.

  • Damage to a blood vessel.

    A little blood enters the tissue surrounding the vessel, forming a compaction colored red or purple.

  • The nerve ending is affected.

    If it is damaged, along with the formation of a seal, the following are present:

    • edema;
    • “shots” radiating to the leg;
    • weakness in the leg or legs;
    • complete or partial loss of sensitivity;
    • numbness of the injection site;
    • enlargement or swelling of the lymph nodes.

    Before we look at ways to treat lumps from injections, MirSovetov urges you to take into account the following information: lumps usually resolve within a day. Sometimes they don’t go away for months and years, sometimes they remain for the rest of your life. The bumps are harmless and only slightly painful, and are dangerous only because there is a risk of an abscess (boil).

    Signs of an abscess

    Signs of an abscess include:

    • soreness;
    • redness;
    • swelling;
    • increased temperature of the body area at the injection site;
    • the lump does not decrease, but sharply increases in size;
    • when you palpate the lump, a sharp, growing, throbbing pain occurs;
    • pus is released from the cone when pressed;
    • body temperature rises;
    • chills or fever;
    • general deterioration of health.

    If all or at least some of the above symptoms are present, contact your surgeon immediately. Most likely, he will prescribe antibiotics, treat the lump with antiseptics, or eliminate suppuration by making a small incision in the skin.

    If there are no symptoms of an abscess, the lump can be cured in two ways: traditional and medicinal.

    Treatment of bumps from injections

    These are creams or ointments based on heparin or troxerutin. These substances help improve blood circulation in the area of ​​compaction, as they thin the blood. Basic requirements for use:

    • use several times a day;
    • lubricate only the injection area itself;
    • Avoid the puncture site to avoid infection.
  • Iodine network.

    You need to take cotton wool wrapped around a match, or a regular cotton swab. Soak it in iodine and apply a mesh at the seal site. You need to repeat this procedure 4-5 times a day, then the next day you will feel significant relief.

    To make an alcohol compress, you need:

    • take a square piece of gauze and fold it several times;
    • dilute alcohol with water 1:1 to obtain an alcohol solution and avoid chemical burns to the skin;
    • heat the alcohol to 45 degrees;
    • lubricate the skin around the injection bump with Vaseline or petroleum jelly to soften the skin;
    • soak the gauze in an alcohol solution;
    • apply the resulting compress to the injection site;
    • be sure to cover the compress with a piece of cellophane and a warm diaper;
    • After an hour or two, remove the compress.
  • Compress with magnesium.

    A fairly effective way to make injection bumps resolve is magnesia. Necessary:

    • buy several ampoules of magnesia at the pharmacy at the rate of 1 ampoule = 1 procedure;
    • pour the contents of the ampoule onto a piece of cotton wool;
    • apply the resulting compress to the injection site;
    • put cellophane film on top;
    • tie a scarf or wear tight-fitting underwear;
    • remove the compress after 1-1.5;
    • do the procedures within 2-3 days.
  • Compress with Vishnevsky ointment.

    Helps well with neglected or old cones. It is necessary to apply the ointment to the bump, cover the top with an alcohol compress and leave for 3 hours.

  • Compress with propolis tincture.

    This product is sold in any pharmacy and does not require special preparation:

    • lubricate the cones with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly;
    • apply a bandage soaked in propolis tincture;
    • cover with cellophane film;
    • fasten securely;
    • remove after 1.5-2 hours.
  • Compress with Dimexide.

    This product is very toxic, so you must adhere to certain rules:

    • dilute 1 part Dimexide and 10 parts water with water;
    • moisten a piece of gauze, folded several times, in the resulting solution;
    • apply gauze to the sealing area, under no circumstances touching the puncture;
    • remove the compress after a minute;
    • wipe the skin with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad previously soaked in alcohol;
    • This procedure must be carried out 2 times a day.

    After consultation with a doctor, you can use physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • massage the lump with your hands until it resolves;
    • lump massage using special electric massagers.

    The massage must be done with cleanly washed hands, and after the manipulations, you must wipe the injection site with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or vodka.

    For a soda compress, you need to dilute 1 dessert spoon of soda in a glass of warm water. Soak gauze folded several times in this solution, apply it to the injection site and cover with cellophane. You need to keep it until it dries completely.

    Cabbage leaves and its juice help to easily get rid of the bump after the injection. You need to take a cabbage leaf, make several small cuts crosswise on it, mash it a little so that the juice begins to release. Apply such a compress sheet to the bump, cover with thick cloth and cellophane. Leave until the leaf wilts.

    This healer, which can be found in any home, is great for getting rid of cones:

    • cut off the fleshy aloe leaf;
    • put it in the refrigerator for a day (it is best to do this in advance, use 1 aloe leaf, put the second one in the refrigerator);
    • take out the sheet and cut it crosswise into pieces of 3-5 centimeters;
    • Beat a little piece of aloe leaf with a kitchen hammer, after wrapping it in a plastic bag;
    • cut the sheet lengthwise;
    • apply the pulp to the seal;
    • cover it with a plaster;
    • change to a new piece 3-4 times a day.
    • a tablespoon of thick honey, heat it to room temperature;
    • add 1 teaspoon of butter (not spread, not margarine!);
    • add 1 egg yolk;
    • mix everything thoroughly;
    • Apply an even layer to the seal area;
    • cover the injection site with film or a plastic bag.

    This compress perfectly warms up the lump from the injection and increases blood circulation, but it must be remembered that honey is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

  • A compress that helps even with an abscess.

    Consists of natural wax and fresh (unsalted) pork lard. The components are taken 1:1 and heated in a water bath. Don't forget to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Pour into a jar and cool to room temperature. We put it on gauze and apply it to the injection site. It not only relieves inflammation, but also draws out pus. We store the rest of the ointment in a jar in the refrigerator.

  • Onion compress with laundry soap.

    The onion must be baked in the oven and mixed with grated laundry soap (2:1). Grind thoroughly and apply on a piece of bandage to the bump. Apply once a day.

    All the remedies described in the article help in the treatment of bumps from injections, but the best way to get rid of them is to prevent disease. We don’t get sick, we don’t give injections, we don’t know what injection bumps are!

    how to treat skin before injection

    Give the injections calmly.

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    According to medical instructions, it is necessary to treat the injection site with 70% alcohol twice. But now, disinfectant liquids are increasingly being used instead of alcohol. Their selection is quite wide. At home, in the absence of alcohol, you can use triple cologne, the same 70% alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide.

    What alcohol should you use to treat the area before the injection?

    To avoid infection, injections must be given in the most sterile environment possible, because if dust or dirt gets on the needle, the butt will then have to be cut so that the infection does not begin to spread.

    The choice of processing fluid should also be approached responsibly. Sometimes regular 40 degree vodka will not be enough for processing. It is better to use special alcohol wipes, which are sold in pharmacies. If there are none, then you can buy formic or boric alcohol, which you need to generously lubricate the place where you will inject.

    I'm not a doctor. but it just so happened that I had to “work” in this specialty for many years in the family and not a single case of infection. I always disinfected with vodka and took the needle out of the “case” only at the last moment before the injection, then disinfected with vodka. Do not be ill!

    In clinics, a 70% alcohol solution is used to treat the injection site, that is, 70% alcohol. If you are allergic to alcohol or lack it, the injection site can be treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution twice (changing the tampon).

    The area before the injection is treated with a cotton swab soaked in 70% ethyl alcohol. You can also buy salicylic alcohol solution or formic alcohol at the pharmacy; they also contain 70% ethyl alcohol.

    The injection is an unpleasant procedure, but you just need to be patient. The injection site must be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. And it doesn’t matter what kind, the main thing is that alcohol is present in the solution. You can use vodka, 70% alcohol or cologne, formic alcohol.

    It is possible that the skin is very sensitive, then wipe it lightly, but it is necessary to wipe and disinfect it. Some people immediately lubricate it with iodine so that there are no bumps.

    What antiseptic is best to treat injection sites?

    Don't be afraid of injections. After all, the injection method of administering medications is in many cases better than the oral one. With the injection, more of the active substance enters the blood without causing a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

    Most drugs are administered intramuscularly. Some drugs, for example, insulin or growth hormone, are administered subcutaneously, that is, the drug goes directly into the subcutaneous fat tissue. Let us consider in detail these methods of administration. You should immediately talk about possible complications. If you do not follow the injection algorithms, then the following are likely: inflammation, suppuration of soft tissues (abscess), blood poisoning (sepsis).

    Your life may turn out in such a way that you need to know how to give injections correctly (for example, your beloved cat), so in this post we will try to give the minimum set of knowledge that is necessary to perform injections. What types of injections are there? How to do them correctly? Read about it below.

    There are four types of injections: intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous and interdermal. The fourth type of injection is used in cosmetology when introducing hyaluronic acid (filling wrinkles). You may also have encountered this type of injection at school when you were given Mantoux tests. We will not dwell on this type of injection, since you are unlikely to need it in life, and if you are a doctor or cosmetologist, then this article is not for you at all

    Alcohol solution 70%

    Let's look at each in more detail, but first let's recall some basic aseptic and antiseptic rules. Asepsis is a system of techniques and methods aimed at...

    Often, medical necessity requires the introduction of drugs into the body as quickly as possible or directly into the blood. This is necessary to achieve a faster, higher-quality effect, to avoid harm and stress on the digestive system, or if it is impossible to administer the drug in other ways (for example, orally). Any doctor would say that the simplest and most effective way to use this approach is an injection - that is, the introduction of drugs into the body using a hollow needle. To many, this process will seem painful and barbaric; they will remember the unsuccessful experience of very painful injections. However, by following all the rules for vaccinations, you can save yourself from pain or unpleasant side effects.

    If possible, get vaccinated in the treatment room of your clinic. If this is not possible, consult your doctor in detail about the nuances of the procedure.

    There are times when injections need to be done at home. For various diseases and the prescription of various medications, you need to know the rules for performing intramuscular injections at home. After all, each of us may encounter a situation where a nurse or doctor cannot administer an injection into a muscle or vein.

    First, let's talk about the injection rules. At home, it is important to follow the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. That is, before starting work, you should wash your hands with special diligence, always with soap. Several times, lathering from the brushes to the elbow and rinsing with running water. Then you should treat your hands with alcohol or other antiseptic solutions. The injection site should be thoroughly lubricated with alcohol.

    Now let's move on to the rules for recruiting the drug. Be sure to read the instructions that come with each drug. After familiarizing yourself with the rules for administering the drug, once again pay attention to the drug itself, namely its integrity.

    Rules for disinfection and sterilization of manicure instruments in beauty salons

    On websites, in advertising materials, as well as in words, every beauty salon is ready to “guarantee complete safety” of each of its clients. Rarely do clients delve really deeply and are familiar with the processes that should actually ensure their security. Therefore, demonstratively spraying instruments with a disinfectant solution seems quite sufficient to clients. And the master begins work after such preparation with a calm soul. But in this case, both the master and the visitor to the beauty salon risk their health...

    You can truly ensure safety for employees and clients of a beauty salon only by following the rules of hygiene in the workplace, disinfection and sterilization of working tools for manicure. This point should be controlled by the management of the enterprise and also initiated by the craftsmen themselves, because they themselves should be interested in protection.

    Antiseptics and antibiotics >>>> Disinfectants and antiseptics for hand treatment

    Disinfectants and antiseptics for hand treatment.

    Hand washing is considered the most important method to prevent the spread of infection. There are three levels of hand disinfection: household, hygienic, surgical.

    At the household level, hand washing is a process of combating transient microflora with the help of water and soap, and it must be done before eating or feeding, or working with food; after visiting the toilet rooms, after caring for the patient, after any degree of hand contamination.

    Hygienic hand washing involves the use of antiseptic agents for washing, which effectively remove transient microorganisms. Hand hygiene is carried out before and after invasive procedures (injections - operations); before caring for a patient with reduced immunity; before and after wound care or use of a urinary catheter; before and after dressing.

    Post-injection abscess is one of the complications of intramuscular or intravenous injection of drugs. In the classification of abscesses, it is separated into a separate group and has its own characteristics of course and treatment.

    A post-injection abscess is characterized by the formation of a purulent inflammatory focus at the injection site with tissue melting.

    Causes of post-injection abscess

    The main cause of an abscess at the injection site is non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. An infectious agent can enter human tissue in three ways:

    through the untreated hands of medical personnel; through consumables (cotton wool, syringe, medicine); from the patient's skin not treated at the injection site or after it

    Violation of safety rules at any stage of injection of a drug can lead to serious consequences, of which infiltration and abscess are far from the most serious.

    Other etiological.

    Head of the Epidemiological Department of the Federal State Institution Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in St. Petersburg O.V. Parks

    Algorithms of actions for employees of the State Health Institution State Emergency Service when performing manipulations.

    I. Algorithm for performing injections.

    Determining the injection site

    For intramuscular injections into the gluteal region, only the upper outer part is used.

    It should be remembered that accidentally hitting the sciatic nerve with a needle can cause partial or complete paralysis of the limb. In addition, there is a bone (sacrum) and large vessels nearby. In patients with flabby muscles, this place is difficult to localize. Lay the patient down, he can lie: on his stomach - toes turned inward, or on his side - the leg that is on top is bent at the hip and knee to relax the gluteal muscle.

    Feel the following anatomical structures: upper.

    The surgical field was treated for a long time with ethyl alcohol and twice with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

    Currently, more effective antiseptics are used: septocide, chlorhexidine digluconate, pervomur.

    The skin of the surgical field is wiped with a disposable napkin or cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic for 2-5 minutes, then the product is rubbed in with another napkin or cotton swab for 5 minutes.

    At the end of the operation, after suturing, the edges of the wound are lubricated with an antiseptic for 30 s.

    The injection site is treated twice: first, a large area is treated with a cotton ball moistened with an antiseptic, and then the injection site is treated with a second cotton ball.

    “Antiseptic treatment of the injection site and surgical field” article from.

    The choice of disinfectants is large, but the following are most often used.

    Carbolic acid (Acidum carbolicum). The liquid is brownish-red in color or white and pinkish crystals with a pungent characteristic odor. The crystals dissolve well in warm water. Overall this is a good disinfectant, but weak.

    Causes of bumps

    The reasons for the appearance of bumps from injections can be:

    Wrong choice of injection sites. Injecting the drug too quickly, as a result of which it accumulates in one place and forms a lump. Muscle tension.

    There are people who are terrified of injections, tensing their muscles even before the medicine is administered. The muscles have a structure in which the drug is absorbed much faster, without forming compactions, if they are in a relaxed state.

    MirSovetov warns: never agree to give injections while standing, be sure to lie down on a couch or sofa, because the muscles in this position are tense, which means bumps cannot be avoided.

    Allergy to the drug.

    In this case, the lump at the injection site quickly turns red (if the drug is absorbed quickly) and itches. This is inevitable when a drug is administered to a person for the first time, if the person is prone to allergies, not necessarily to drugs.

    When disinfecting and sterilizing an instrument, all its surfaces must be completely covered with the disinfection solution and placed in a sterilizer.


    Instruments must be stored in a UV sterilizer with bactericidal lamps.


    ATTENTION! Disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning can be combined. “Combination” options:

    REMEMBER that not every client of a beauty salon admits to you that he has some kind of dangerous disease for others, especially since he may not even know about it.

    Adopt a rule for yourself: “All clients are potentially infected”

    Place emphasis in the manicure salon on the visibility of all stages of cleaning and disinfection. Rest assured, your clients will definitely appreciate your concern for their safety!


    Post-injection abscess is a limited purulent inflammation of soft tissue at the injection site of drugs. The concepts of abscess and phlegmon should not be confused. Unlike an abscess, with phlegmon the process is diffuse in nature, not delimited from the surrounding healthy tissue. An abscess is characterized by the formation of a cavity filled with purulent contents.

    The inner wall of the cavity is a pyogenic membrane (shell), lined with granulation tissue and producing exudate. The formation of a pyogenic membrane is a local manifestation of the body’s protective reaction, due to which the purulent-necrotic process is localized.

    The most common place for a post-injection abscess to occur is the area of ​​the buttocks, the outer surface of the shoulder, the anterior surface of the thighs, and the anterior abdominal wall.

    The process of pus formation can be either aseptic in nature or purulent - a process involving an infectious agent. An aseptic abscess develops without.

    A skin antiseptic is a disinfectant intended primarily for use in medical, cosmetology and hairdressing services, as well as for hand hygiene in places where clean water and soap are not available. The use of these agents helps prevent the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), i.e. provides prevention of infectious diseases.

    Prescription of skin antiseptics

    Skin antiseptics are most often used to clean the hands of medical workers before surgical and other procedures involving direct contact with the patient. There are skin antiseptics used to treat:

    injection sites; surgical field; skin area before donating blood.

    Antiseptics are also used for disinfection:

    wounds; bruises; burns, etc.

    Most often, the lumps resolve on their own within a couple of weeks after the end of the course of therapy. Therefore, no additional treatment is required. But in some cases they can remain for a long time, causing pain and discomfort. Under such circumstances, measures must be taken to ensure their fastest healing.

    What is the danger of infiltration, treatment of lumps from injections on the buttocks, how to get rid of a painful lump? This is exactly what we will talk about today:

    A first aid kit is a mandatory attribute that should be in every home, especially if children live in it. Inquisitive restless people always have a phenomenal ability to find adventures, seemingly out of the blue, and the number of such adventures increases significantly in the summer - the time of rest and vacation. Children's sports injuries cannot be ruled out, although modern protective equipment can significantly reduce the risks. However, no one has yet managed to teach a child to ride a bicycle without falling. And if your beloved child forgot to put on knee pads, fresh abrasions on the knees are guaranteed.

    Just on the eve of the summer season, when open clothing does not protect its owner, softening the blow, it is especially important to carry out a timely inspection and update stocks of products that can be used to treat abrasions, scratches and bruises.

    How to quickly stop bleeding

    So it did happen. The crying baby rushes to his mother.

    Chapter 1. General information

    Chapter 2. Professional

    training of rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

    Chapter 3. Organization and conduct

    search and rescue (SRP)

    Chapter 4. Providing first

    medical assistance to victims

    Chapter 5. Labor protection during liquidation

    consequences of emergency situations

    A syringe is a simple pump suitable for injection and suction.

    Its main components are a hollow cylinder and a piston, which must fit tightly to the inner surface of the cylinder, sliding freely along it, but without allowing air and liquid to pass through. The cylinder - glass, metal and plastic (in disposable syringes) can be of different capacities. At one end it turns into a drawn-out tip or cone in the form of a funnel for attaching a needle; another.

    Each of us throughout the day comes into contact with various objects that are potential carriers of bacteria and infections. Pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted through a handshake, money, objects in crowded places, etc. Soap is a good and proven tool for cleansing and disinfecting hands, but it only allows you to temporarily remove bacteria from the skin. For this reason, hand sanitizers have appeared on the market for household hygiene products.

    What is hand sanitizer?

    Hand sanitizer is a special product that has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, through which you can cleanse your skin at any time, thereby preventing infection with various diseases. As a rule, a high-quality household antiseptic can protect a person from pathogenic microorganisms for 5-6 hours after hand treatment.

    Modern manufacturers of personal care products have developed a wide range.

    Intravenous and intramuscular injections are the most common medical procedures, the mastery of which is mandatory for all medical workers.

    The necessary conditions

    Intravenous injection is performed in a manipulation room, in a hospital ward or intensive care unit. In exceptional cases, namely in life-threatening situations, intravenous injection can be performed at home or in transport. The drug, its dose, frequency and duration of administration are chosen only by the doctor. Despite the presence of other routes of administration, intravenous injections (techniques, algorithms) are a mandatory attribute of any healthcare worker.

    Everything that comes into contact with the vein must be sterile, since the medicine goes directly into the general bloodstream. Before performing the injection, you must clarify all the details on the prescription sheet, and if something is unclear, ask your doctor. It is also necessary to talk with the patient and find out from him whether he has previously had an allergic reaction to.

  • To the question, how can you discourage a kitten from a place where it is not necessary to shit?? given by the author SOFT FOOT the best answer is A short version of one of the articles)) (Generalized, so to speak)))
    Solutions are divided into eleven groups:
    Group 1. Ensure normal conditions.
    Check that the cat's litter box is clean enough.
    Look - does the cat even fit in this tray? Or should I buy a new, bigger one?
    Is the tray on the wrong path? Maybe the cat doesn’t like crowds and noise.
    Group 2. “Local” solutions. Move him away specifically from the place where he shits.
    Develop a persistently negative attitude towards this place.
    There are “chemical” methods - fennel, iodine, citrus fruits, vinegar, Antigadin, dry garlic, pemolux, Bio Wax spray, rub with fish or meat, wash and dry mustard, “galoshes” for washing plastic windows, spread with hot hot pepper, burnt newspaper, urinate there yourself or throw your sweaty T-shirt - but it is dangerous to use bleach and chlorine-containing substances such as Domestos - cats may like this smell. The danger with all chemical methods is that the cat may try to re-mark. And then there will be a small chemical war in Vietnam in your apartment. Another problem is that none of these methods work on all cats. There will definitely be some animal that craves fennel, loves Antigadin, and runs to the smell of dry mustard.
    Group 3. Fear of God. Develop a negative attitude towards a specific behavior - shitting in the wrong place. Catch and punish. Monitor when your cat scratches or sits down. Poking your nose, spanking, splashing with water.
    Group 4. Medical internal solutions.
    Give “Antisex” or “Kota Bayun”. In the case of my Yuki, “Cat Bayun” does not work at all. “Pilkan” works, but veterinarians strongly do not recommend all such remedies - there is a high risk of cancer in the animal.
    Cure (if sick). If a cat screams in the litter box, be sure to have it checked by a doctor; the cat may have stones.
    Group 5. Positive motivation.
    Praise her for going to her litter box.
    Feed her for going to her litter box.
    Group 6. Formation of behavior. The main goal is not so much the elimination of old behavior, but the formation of a new, correct one.
    Place an (alternative) tray on the “crime scene”, and then move it further and further in the “correct” direction.
    Place newspaper so that the cat poops on it, then transfer it to the tray.
    It seems to me that a cat can shit anywhere, and even if she shits in the tray there, this does not guarantee that the cat will continue to shit in it.
    Group 7. Change of environment, variety.
    Use a new tray.
    An option is to install a second tray.
    Buy new filler.
    Place the toilet in a new place.
    Change food.
    Group 8. Esoterics. Ways not well understood by animal sciences.
    Explain to the cat that what she is doing is wrong. It is better to explain longer and in a stern voice. Perhaps he will understand and be imbued with it.))
    Group 9. “Who is Lenin here?” If the cat thinks that he is the master of the house, you can try to convince him.
    As an option, catch it, hit it in the face and make threatening animal sounds (hissing, growling).
    Group 10. Make peace, eliminate the cause.
    If you know (or suspect) the cause of the cat’s offense, you can try to eliminate it. There are no specific tips here, because cats, being complex creatures, are capable of being offended by a million different things.
    Group 11. Escapism and mechanics. Refusal to solve the problem.
    Take him to the village to see his grandmother.
    Humble yourself and endure.
    Don't let her go where she usually shits.

    Answer from 22 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to discourage a kitten from a place where it is not necessary to shit??

    Answer from European[newbie]
    The problem is that he shits in the litter box and under the sofa, what should I do?

    Answer from Miscalculate[newbie]
    I personally, when I brought the kitten into the house, I fed him and, holding him lightly by the sides, from the feeder to the tray in the toilet, I walked with him, as if leading him (with his paws he should walk on his own!
    don't carry him no!) and showed the way to his toilet!
    excuse me, I sprinkled my urine into the tray with the filler and the kitten sniffed it and immediately understood
    Why is he here and why did they bring him here? He immediately peed and then pooped!
    So I took him AFTER FEEDING for several days (and several times a day!
    if possible) and he got used to it and no problems!
    P.S. kitten cat or cat (dogs) MUST GO WITH THEIR PAW THEMSELVES! DON'T CARRY THEM!
    These are the ones that need to be led to the tray by bending down (by the owner)! lightly holding the animal by the sides!

    Answer from Sock[active]
    First, thoroughly clean the area with bleach; secondly, train the kitten to use the litter box; and thirdly, DO NOT USE PHYSICAL FORCE IN ANY CASE - it’s still pointless!
    Tray training:
    1. Pour regular sand into the tray. Show this place to the kitten immediately after eating. Show that you need to dig and all that. Put his poop in there so he understands. If the cat is smart, he goes. Give immediate praise. If not, then continue training, put him on the tray every time after eating/sleeping.
    2. After about 3 days of “walking” into the tray, replace half the sand with filler (preferably wood).
    3. After about a week, completely replace the sand with filler, but at first sprinkle sand on top.
    Good luck to you!

    Answer from Anastasia Belskaya[guru]
    Our kitten walked on the floor for a little while, and on the carpet for a long time. Sometimes he would go to the litter box when they saw that he had sat down and they would take him to the litter box 5 times. I thought that I would have to walk around with a dustpan and a rag for the rest of my life)) They put the tray in another place in the hallway; it had been in the room before, but I didn’t like it at all. I decided to force it)) The small corridor where the tray stood was blocked with plywood and boards (repairs are underway in the neighboring one - it turned out to be at hand). The kitten was imprisoned. I still didn’t go to the toilet (I waited for 1.5-2 hours for her), it was clear that she wanted to, apparently she didn’t want to do it out of harm. Then she climbed onto the plywood, a meter high with a cap, and broke out of captivity.
    In general, I got used to walking behind the sofa in the corner, where no one sees and it’s difficult to remove. I decided to follow her lead. Fortunately, there was space on the other side of the sofa, so at half past midnight I began to move the sofa. (good thing she didn’t wake anyone up)) She moved the sofa aside so that there was more space where she wanted to go to the toilet (it became 50-60 cm). I put the tray in that corner, with filler in the tray, it’s under the grate, and they sprayed it with “my place” sprays - nothing helped before. So when she put the tray where she wanted - she didn’t believe it - she started going there! ! A miracle happened!
    This place is in the corner, behind the sofa, no one sees the cat there and no one disturbs it. The filler neutralizes odor. What’s also surprising is her manner of walking around when I wake up. To remove it immediately. It runs on schedule - at 11 o'clock, which is very convenient for the owners.
    Training a kitten requires patience. We spent a lot of nerves, but we achieved our goal! Place the tray where he has established a place for himself (or not far from it), wash the old place with bleach and powder (ours doesn’t like the smell of powder), and so that no one sees the kitten going to the toilet))

    Answer from Zabiaka[guru]
    Remove the palace. All the same, now he will be remembered for life.

    Answer from Zhanna Rubleva[active]
    Vinegar. Spray or rinse. We recently went to the vet. This is advice from there. Had the same problem. But we all castrated him early. He drove everyone to white heat in a couple of weeks...

    Answer from Elena Zhelobkovich[guru]
    Place his bowl in this place Where they feed him - he shouldn’t shit

    Answer from RayenTiamat[guru]
    Place his bowl there for 2-3 days and feed him there. cats don't shit in the places where they eat

    Answer from ???Princess Caramel???[guru]
    By the way, my cat is repelled by the strong smell of vinegar, and you can also spray this area where the kitten’s eye is placed with an air freshener with citrus scents, which should help. You can spray water (cold, of course) from a spray bottle on the kitten itself.

    Answer from Anastasia Filippova[active]
    The same problem (((((((you’re lucky that he shits on the carpet! And our cat is right on the bed ((((((you no longer have the strength to fight him! and nothing helps at all, we tried it, just like you) , EVERYTHING! only we also tried feeding in this place and spraying valerian.... try it, maybe it will help you))) good luck and patience))

    Answer from ~KiKi_RiKi~[newbie]
    after he shits or pees.... take a napkin, if he pees, then blot the napkin and put it in the patch (toilet for cats), and if he shits somewhere, then also try to put it all in the patch... and he will follow the smell where he is supposed to go..))

    Answer from Alexander Kukhtin[guru]
    These creatures are only affected by the fear of physical destruction, and even then not all of them. Sometimes you have to replace a torn animal with a new one.

    Answer from G@llink@-K@llink@[guru]
    How to train a kitten to use the litter box.
    How to choose a tray. The first mistake of new kitten owners is that they buy a small tray (with or without mesh, that doesn’t matter now). The concern for the baby is understandable, they say, it will be difficult for him to climb into the tray, a low one is somehow more convenient. This is wrong. The baby will jump perfectly into a tray 10-12 cm high (small trays are usually 5-6 cm high, not such a fundamental difference, right?), if he knows WHERE to go to the toilet. Kittens grow very quickly; before you can blink your eye, your yesterday's baby weighing 1 kg will become a baby weighing 4-5 kg. Imagine an adult cat in such a small trough... no, not convincing? Then I will tell you about a problem that cat owners of adult animals and a small litter box very often face. The cat (kitty) sits entirely in the tray, and, excuse me, the animal’s butt hangs outside it. Can you guess who will wipe up the puddle? :)? But there is no point in scolding the cat - he did everything right, there is absolutely no need to punish him here. Follow the link below
    Litter box failure is the most common problem in cats. “At least ten percent of cats have litter box problems during their lifetime,” says Victoria Voigt, citing her experience studying cat behavior at the University of Pennsylvania. The search for a solution may be futile for owners, because problems with natural functions can arise for various reasons. One problem may have many causes, while another may begin due to one thing and continue due to another. Follow the link below
    In cases where a cat refuses to use the litter box, first consider the medical reasons for this. If everything is in order with the animal’s health, then perhaps it is trying to attract attention to itself in this way. Lonely and unhappy cats often express their protest by refusing to use the litter box. Measures: tenderness, love and care.
    Cats do not like those people in whose presence they feel fear for some reason. So they mark in front of them.
    There are four other reasons why a cat might avoid the litter box:
    - the tray is too deep; - there is too much filler in it;
    - the low sloping sides of the tray make the cat hunch over when he sits down, and this, in turn, worsens the activity of the bladder and intestines;
    - the tray is rarely washed.
    A cat may avoid the litter box if it is not the only one using it. In this case, provide each animal with a separate tray. Follow the link below

    Answer from Yergey Serov[guru]
    Hard to tell. Poking your nose has helped before...

    Demercurization is the removal and neutralization of mercury, cleaning the premises from its traces and eliminating mercury contamination.

    We draw your attention to three points:

    I. Before reading For these instructions, please read the article. Because the main thing is BEFORE When treating a contaminated area, you first need to be very careful and correct COLLECT the mercury itself.

    II. All further advice applies to eliminating the consequences of minor mercury contamination (for example, from a broken thermometer). But even in this case and, even more so, in case of serious pollution (when a large quantity was spilled

    mercury) it will be better if demercurization is carried out by accredited specialists. Don't risk your health!
    III. Now let’s talk about how to eliminate the consequences of mercury pollution., it is necessary to treat the site of the mercury spill with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and (or) bleach (in common parlance - bleach). This will oxidize the mercury and render it non-volatile (the purpose of this is to prevent harmful health effects).

    Attention! Cleaning with bleach more preferred compared to the use of potassium permanganate, since chlorine is more chemically active and will therefore react more effectively with mercury.

    Demercurization option No. 1: Cleaning the contaminated area using potassium permanganate

    1. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate should be dark brown, almost opaque.
    The solution may leave residue on the floor or things. indelible stains!

    Per liter of solution you need to add 1 tbsp. l. salts and some acid (for example, 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence, or a pinch of citric acid, or a spoonful of rust remover).

    2. Treat the contaminated surface (and all its crevices!) the resulting solution using a brush, broom or spray bottle.

    Leave the applied solution for 1-2 hours, periodically wetting the treated surface with water as the solution dries.

    3. Then wash off the reaction products soap and soda solution(for 1 liter of water - 40 g of soap and 50 g of soda).

    Repeat this procedure over the next few days, with the only difference being that you keep the potassium permanganate solution for less time, and not 1-2 hours.

    Demercurization option No. 2: Cleaning the contaminated area using bleach

    Demercurization using bleach takes place in 2 stages.

    Stage 1: in a plastic (not metal!) container, prepare a solution of CHLORINE-containing bleach “Belizna” at the rate of 1 liter of “Belizna” per 5 liters of water (17% solution). Please note that there is also OXYGEN-containing “Whiteness” on sale, but it will not work!
    Rinse the contaminated surface with the resulting solution, using a sponge, brush or cloth. Pay special attention to the cracks of parquet and baseboards.

    Leave the applied solution for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

    Stage 2: Re-washing the floor with a chlorine-containing solution is best done several times over the next 2-3 weeks.

    Don’t forget about ventilating the room. But keep in mind that at low temperatures (when the room is constantly “frozen out” through a wide open window), the evaporation of mercury drops sharply, i.e. it evaporates more slowly from the room. Therefore, the ideal option is to keep the window slightly open for a long time.