How to open a laptop battery case. How to disassemble a laptop battery: step-by-step instructions, repair and restoration of the battery

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The most common problem, from which in practice no laptop is immune, is the wear of its battery. The Device's battery becomes less capacious, quickly discharges, or even stops charging, dooming the laptop to be tied to mains power.

A new battery can be quite expensive, and there is no guarantee that it will last long enough. It is possible to solve this problem yourself by disassembling and repairing the battery at home. This article contains material on how to simply and safely disassemble and repair a laptop battery.

What is a battery?

Before you pick up piercing and cutting objects, it is worth finding out what you will have to deal with: a rechargeable battery is a monoblock that includes several individual elements connected in series and parallel.

Over time, battery capacity decreases. This is due to the chemical reactions taking place inside the elements (cans) - that’s where life is in full swing! Even if the battery is not connected to the device, the processes do not stop.

It is for this reason that you should pay attention to the production date of the battery (just like when buying perishable products).

Although in the case of batteries, their service life is measured not in days and weeks, but in years. The battery loses up to 10% of its capacity per year. But the aging of each individual element proceeds differently. It is reasonable to assume that Operation Autopsy is carried out precisely because of these elements.

Before disassembling a laptop battery, it is necessary to accurately and correctly determine whether the symptoms that the user encounters when operating the device are indeed signs of a malfunction of this part. How to understand this, whether it is worth doing the repair yourself, and how to do it, will be discussed in the material presented below.

When does it become necessary to repair a battery?

It is worth noting that there are not many reasons that could serve as a reason to replace a laptop battery. A small list of them is presented below:

  • One of the battery components has reached the end of its service life. Although quite often there are situations when the control controller continues to work when the “bank” is not functioning. Then you can simply replace only the faulty element. But it’s better to change them all so as not to return to repairs several times.
  • Most of the battery cells are discharged. This occurs due to blocking the charging of the “cans” due to low voltage. In this situation, the management controller simply marks the components as faulty and shuts them down. You can fix the problem using a charger.
  • The control controller itself has failed. Most often, the best solution to this problem is to contact a specialized service center.

Consider the following important paragraph of the instructions on how to disassemble the battery of a Lenovo laptop or any other model.

Why do battery cells stop working?

There are also quite few reasons for failure here:

  • Device overheating. For this reason, the fuse tripped, which led to the shutdown of components necessary for stable operation.
  • Some parts of a laptop battery wear out faster than others. In this regard, the life of the entire battery decreases.
  • It was said earlier that quite often the control controller turns off some of the “cans” due to low voltage. Sometimes you can also encounter a simple error, the consequence of which is that the controller is unable to detect certain parts of the battery.

Now it’s worth moving on to one of the most important points: how to disassemble the battery from an Acer laptop (the model is taken as an example). After this, several ways to restore it will be considered.

Procedure for disassembling a laptop battery

If you do not have experience and practice in carrying out this work, then the best option would be to contact a specialist. If you are still prepared for the consequences, then simply follow the instructions below.

Attention! Before disassembling the laptop battery, you must fully discharge it. All further work can be carried out only after this and with the utmost caution!

  • First you need to open the battery case itself. To do this, you can use either a knife or a thin screwdriver.
  • It is necessary to separate the part along the connecting seam, which can be quite easily found on the body.
  • To open the box, carefully insert the tool into the seam. This should be done on the reverse side of the contacts. Try to act as carefully as possible, since the plastic on the connecting part is quite thin and can be easily damaged.
  • Once you have processed one side, proceed to the opposite. Proceed as before, carefully so as not to damage the contacts and the board.

Attention! Keep in mind that the batteries of some laptop models are not suitable for physical intervention at home. And if your part is from this category, then all you will get in the end is a damaged case.

  • Once you have completed the process of unsticking the box, carefully separate one part of the battery from the other.
  • Now, using a knife, remove the battery cells that will be attached to one of the sides. To do this you need to put in a little effort, as they do not stick tightly.
  • As soon as you free the necessary parts from the plastic, you can proceed to the next step of the instructions on how to disassemble the battery from an HP laptop or any other model.
  • First you need to cut the film that holds the batteries together.
  • After this, carefully disconnect the terminals from each.
  • Once the clips are removed, you can remove the board and connection traces. At this stage, the battery disassembly process is complete. As a result, you will have ordinary batteries disconnected from the general battery circuit, which can be safely used as independent power sources.

After you have reviewed the instructions on how to disassemble a laptop battery, you can proceed to ways to restore it.

Calibration utilities

At the moment this is the easiest way to increase battery life. In order to perform this operation, you just need to go to the Internet and find one of the following programs there:

  • Battery Eater;
  • BatteryCare;
  • Battery Optimizer.

These are the most popular and proven utilities that perform battery analysis and automatically configure the most suitable mode for operation.

Replacing batteries

In this case, you will still have to refer to the instructions on how to disassemble the laptop battery, since it is necessary to replace the non-working cells. This is done as follows:

  • determine the power of the batteries installed in the laptop battery;
  • then, according to the previously presented diagram, open the plastic case and get to the cells with batteries;
  • disconnect them and replace them with new ones;
  • Reassemble the battery and calibrate.

After all the basic instructions for disassembling a laptop battery and restoring it have been covered, it is worth giving a few important tips.

  • On some laptop models, the battery requires constant power in order for the device to store important data.
  • If you are changing batteries in a battery of this type, simply connect a 100 ohm resistor to remove the old ones without interrupting the power supply.
  • When changing cells, the following must match: chemical basis, charge, age and ability.
  • If some anomalies begin to be observed during the operation of the laptop, or if a short circuit occurs more often, then, most likely, copper shunts have formed inside the cells.

3 days of painstaking work, 3 nights without sleep, 3 hours until delivery. The important report is 90% complete. All that remains is to write the conclusions and breathe a sigh of relief. And then... The laptop screen treacherously goes blank. Well, nothing! Apparently, he couldn’t handle the busy schedule. Oh, no. Well, he was discharged. Recently, the charge was enough for a couple of paragraphs. The laptop is back in business - but where is the report?! So, sir, it’s not in the latest Word documents, it’s not visible on the desktop either, it doesn’t seem to be hidden in folders. I don't want to believe the worst. But the report was still not preserved. No one is immune from such a situation. This would not have happened if the battery was working at full capacity. But these are still flowers. If you sit with your hands folded, it will only get worse. The battery will hold a charge less and less, and more and more problems will appear. What to do? Get to the core and figure out how to disassemble a laptop battery with your own hands!

Battery problems entail a lot of inconvenience, so it’s no wonder that we want to get everything sorted out as quickly as possible. Moreover, preferably independently and without additional costs. We definitely won’t be able to determine the problem by eye, which means we’ll have to go all-in and disassemble the battery. If you fail and you can’t put it back together, don’t be upset. After all, laptop batteries are sold at every step, although there are only a few quality markets among them, so let’s open our cards - here is a reliable and 100% verified store.

If you drive more quietly, you will continue

  • First, carefully remove the battery from the laptop. There is no need to rush, because in a hurry you can break wood.
  • At first glance, it may seem that the battery is glued tightly together. But that's not true. There is a noticeable seam between its two parts. Found it?
  • Now we take a stationery knife, although wait, few people have one at home. You can take a flathead screwdriver and slowly disconnect one part of the battery from the other. Ready?
  • We carefully examine each element of the battery - maybe something has leaked, burned out or broken. If everything is in order, you need to check the power supply - maybe the battery is wrongly suspected of being faulty. And if we find a faulty part, we will replace it.
  • Now is the time to connect the multimeter and check the battery from head to toe. Normally, all its elements should show from 3 to 4 V. Is it in the bag?

How is a car useful for disassembling a laptop battery?

Since we want to disassemble the laptop battery efficiently, we need to “rob” our car for a light bulb and use it to discharge all the battery parts. This will ensure that the battery is charged correctly in the future.

We attach the new parts of the battery with a soldering iron and find ourselves at the finish line.

Let's go back to where we started. Again we have two parts of the battery, only now they need to be connected. It is better to do this with the help of special glue. It's more reliable.

That's it. You were able to not only successfully disassemble the laptop battery with your own hands, but also determine the cause of the malfunction.

Anyone can face this...

Now you know how to disassemble a laptop battery, and if something happens, you can do it without problems. But if repairing the battery is more or less simple, a breakdown of the power supply will force you to tinker. There will be a lot of work there, so it’s better not to even start. In this case, it will be much easier and more reliable to purchase a new charger. You can do this quickly and reliably on the batterion website: a few clicks, and a new charger is already on its way to you. Come in - you won't regret it!

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How to disassemble a laptop battery to repair it, and is it worth doing it yourself? Laptop batteries consist of several groups of batteries connected in parallel. If the controller detects a voltage deviation from the norm, it will block the operation of the entire group, despite the fact that some of the cans have not yet exhausted their potential. Battery repair is the replacement of one or more batteries, which allows you to get the desired result at a relatively low cost.

How to disassemble the battery?

To carry out repairs, first of all, you need to get to the batteries by disassembling the battery case. Most manufacturers make the case non-separable; it consists of two elements connected to each other with glue. The easiest way to answer the question is how to disassemble a Samsung laptop battery: some modern models have a case with latches: this makes it easy to open it and remove the battery pack.

How to carefully disassemble a laptop battery? For this work, a sharp tool is used, for example, a breadboard knife or a scalpel: with its help, the glue layer is carefully destroyed, after which you need to separate the halves of the body. This is delicate work that requires caution: when separating parts of the case, it is important not to damage the batteries and the controller itself, which will be impossible to restore. Before disassembling the battery of an Acer Aspire or other brand laptop, the battery must be completely discharged.

The battery pack must be checked using a tester - this work allows you to identify faulty batteries and replace them. Upon completion of the work, the battery pack is placed in the case, after which the halves need to be connected using glue.

Batteries from each manufacturer have their own characteristics that must be taken into account when carrying out repairs:

  • How to disassemble an Asus laptop battery? Most battery models have a standard connection using glue, which requires disassembly to be carried out with extreme caution. Additional difficulties are created by the placement of the battery: in many models it is placed not in a separate compartment, but in the main body.
  • How to disassemble an HP laptop battery? Almost all battery models are initially non-separable, so they must be carefully separated with a sharp tool and held together with glue after repair. The work requires great care.
  • How to disassemble an Acer laptop battery? The battery housing is made of soft plastic, it is quite difficult to open it without breaking it. This type of work requires a lot of practice; it is worth doing it yourself only if you have the skill to work with tools. The question of how to disassemble a Dell laptop battery is solved in a similar way; work is carried out according to the same principle.
  • How to disassemble a Toshiba laptop battery? Because the battery case is also made of soft plastic. Experts advise “crunching” the battery by slightly bending it from side to side. This will make it easier to separate the halves; this can be done using a regular plastic card.

In any case, the risk of self-repair must be justified: it is recommended to disassemble the batteries of only old laptops, for which it is difficult to find original components, or they are too expensive. Repairs involving replacement of batteries will only give a temporary result; only a complete replacement of the battery with a new one will help to fully restore the battery life of the laptop.

The idea of ​​creating a perpetual motion machine has not left the minds of researchers from the very moment they learned to tame electrical energy. And the sad fact for them that not a single patent commission will even accept such an invention for consideration does not stop new generations of enthusiasts from science. Well, maybe they have become a little more accommodating and are ready to compromise. For example, look for a renewable energy source with an efficiency of 99.9999999..%.

Why do we remember all this? Oh yes! In the foreseeable future, we are unlikely to be able to connect a laptop, even one as cutting-edge as, for example, Asus ZENBOOK, to a wind turbine or make it accumulate solar energy in such a way that it will be enough for an entire sleepless night of surfing the Internet or developing a website layout.

And imagining a laptop running on biofuel is beyond even the most perverted imagination. Although... who knows! Perhaps some next thinker will figure out how to turn human waste products into waste-free production that provides much-needed energy for the autonomous operation of a laptop.

This is still a dream. But in reality, if your old Asus, one of the first models with lithium-ion batteries, or the super new ZENBOOK ultrabook suddenly stops holding a charge, you will have to figure it out using traditional “old-fashioned” methods. First, you need to calibrate your Asus laptop battery in hopes of straightening out its electronic brains (that is, bringing the battery controller to life). If calibration does not improve the situation, then the battery will have to be disassembled, looked for obsolete elements and replaced with new ones.

How to disassemble a lithium-ion battery in such a way as to accurately get to the bottom of the truth (in the sense of the faulty element)? How to successfully replace a non-working “barrel” with a working one and assemble the battery so that there are no unnecessary parts left anywhere? Specialists from UA-Battery, the undisputed leader in the laptop battery market, will help us figure this out. So, let's start disassembling the battery for the Asus laptop!

Asus battery disassembly algorithm

Before disassembling the battery, prepare a knife, hammer, vice and rubber gloves. You will also need car light bulbs, a multimeter and a soldering iron. And, of course, superglue.

Secure the battery in a vice so that the pressure is applied only to one half of the case (the reference point is the seam between the halves). Insert a knife into the seam and unstitch the body by tapping the handle of the knife with a hammer. Some models are not glued very tightly, so you can do without a vice. And in some cases you have to literally cut the battery along the seam.

2. Diagnostics of battery cells

Connect a multimeter and check the voltage on all internal battery cells (the so-called “barrels”). The normal reading is 3.7 V or more (but not higher than 4.1 V). All elements where the voltage is less need to be replaced. According to UA-Battery experts, the central elements of the battery usually fail earlier. So pay special attention to them. Also ring the controller and inspect it for external damage. If there are burnt or melted elements, it also needs to be replaced.

Now you know how many elements you have that are suitable for further use, and how many need to be replaced. Select new “barrels” based on the markings. Next, discharge the cells (old and new) to 3.2 V using car light bulbs. And then connect a 5 W light bulb to the battery and charge it to 3.4 V. After this, you can solder the elements and glue the battery case.

Check if your laptop with an updated battery works offline. If yes - great! If not, it’s better not to “torture” a failed laptop battery and buy a new one. At you can choose an original or compatible battery for almost all known laptop models.