How to tie yourself tightly to a helpless state, with rope, tape, or a belt at home, so as not to untie: training. Bondage at home

It was in the evening. There was a lull in the solarium, and its only employee sat in the office and sorted out papers. Suddenly a man appeared on the threshold. He hit her over the head and dragged her into a van, where he tied her hands and feet with duct tape. Luckily, the woman managed to jump out of the car while it was moving. Her skull bones were crushed, there were other wounds and fractures, but she still survived. As it turned out later, forty-nine-year-old Kelly Svoboda turned his van into a mobile torture chamber: he attached chains to the floor of the car, there were cable ties and ropes. Svoboda conducted surveillance of twenty women - they found records of their car license plates.

There is adhesive tape in almost every household - we use it for packaging, for fixing something on a quick fix. But duct tape is also used for other, much more sinister purposes: criminals use it to bind their victims. Once the villain ties his hands with duct tape, most of us internally give up because we have no idea how to get out of it. But I know, and by the end of this chapter you will know too. You will also learn how to free yourself from cable ties, handcuffs, and how to get out of the trunk. I have taught these techniques to people of all ages (from nine to seventy-seven to be more precise), both men and women, from different backgrounds and upbringings. And those who learned this science also acquired greater confidence in their abilities.

How to get rid of reinforced tape

Kelly Svoboda certainly wasn't the first criminal to tie up his victims with duct tape. This is the fastest and most straightforward way to immobilize someone.

But once you learn how easy it is to free yourself from it, you will certainly never be afraid again. I'm far from a heavyweight boxer, but since I know how to do it, I can free myself from the tape in a matter of seconds. I knew people who were seriously involved in martial arts - huge guys with huge hands. I tied their hands with tape and offered to free themselves. These strong men strained their arms, stretched and stretched the ribbon, but could not break it. It should be noted that when a person is tied with tape, it also causes him serious psychological trauma: he tries to break it, he fails, and he eventually gives up.

And the whole secret is not in strength, but in creating an angle at which the tape easily breaks. If you've ever had to tear off a piece of tape (and I'm sure you have), you know that the most important thing is to tear it at the right angle. This is what we will do.

Step 1: Starting Position

If your hands are tied with duct tape, lean forward as far as possible and press your elbows and arms together as tightly as possible from hand to elbow. If the bonds allow, clench your hands into fists. The main thing is to press your forearms together as tightly as possible. By the way, if you lean forward, the abuser may think that you have already internally given up and are not a problem, since such a lean is considered a “submission pose.”

Step 2: break

You know very well that no matter how you pull the adhesive tape, it just won’t break - you need to create the right angle. To do this, raise your clasped hands above your head and lower them in one sharp and quick movement. down and to the sides.

Work on mistakes

You practice, but you fail. Why? Probably because you do not sharply spread your arms to the sides - strive to ensure that they are on either side of your hips. Repeat this movement again and again: arms above your head, sharply down and to the sides, on the sides. And the tape will certainly break.

Plan B: Hands tied behind you, you're injured.

I am often asked: what to do if the criminal has his hands tied behind his back? This, to tell the truth, does not happen often, because tying your hands in front is both easier and faster, and the villains are also in a hurry. In addition, then they can grab you by your tied hands and drag you wherever they want. However, this can happen - or it may happen that you have received an injury that does not allow you to create the angle necessary to break the tape. Then I will tell you about another method, but its goal is still the same - to find the angle necessary for the break. Only this is a different angle - a straight line, 90°, the corner of a wall, a chair, another piece of furniture, or whatever. You just need to press the middle part of the tape to this corner and saw it at this corner until it breaks. The sawing part - the corner - will be motionless, what will move will be what is being sawed - the tape. Practice and see for yourself how quickly you can do it.

How to get rid of cable ties

Scotch tape is a favorite material for criminals. But it is also important to know how to free yourself from cable ties. The bodies of two girls, eighteen and nineteen years old, were found on the side of the road in Jacksonville. Both were tied together with cable ties. A doctor's assistant was arrested for traffic violations in Chico. Imagine the surprise of the police when it turned out that he was serial criminal. He abducted young girls, bound them with cable ties, covered their eyes with tape and then raped them.

Cable ties are as difficult to get out of as duct tape. But it is possible - if the techniques are known. Today's criminals often use zip ties - they are cheap, accessible, and they can also intimidate psychologically: the victim may think that there is no way to escape.

Step 1: Starting Position

If you have your wrists tied with cable ties, stretch your arms forward as far as possible and press your forearms together as closely as possible - that is, do the same thing as you did when you first freed yourself from the duct tape.

Step 2: Move the Lock

You will see that the cable tie is held in place by a small lock. You need to turn the tie so that the lock is in the middle, between your palms - not necessarily accurate to the millimeter, but as close to the middle as possible. Since you won't be able to move the tie with your hands, use your teeth to pull the edge of the tie until the lock is in the desired position.

Step 3: break

This technique is no different from the duct tape tearing technique. You need to raise your arms above your head and with a sharp movement throw them down and to the sides. And the lock will open.

Change your laces

If for some reason you don't want to carry a roll of paracord in your bag, consider replacing your regular shoe laces with paracord laces. They are not difficult to find, they come in different colors, and they look no different from regular laces.

Work on mistakes

To free yourself from a zip tie requires more force than to free yourself from adhesive tape, so not everyone succeeds. Again, the main thing here is to create the correct angle when throwing down and spreading your arms. But if it doesn't work, don't worry, because I have another way.

Plan B: Paracord Method

I know from experience that anyone can get rid of duct tape, but I know from experience that cable ties are more difficult to get free of. But there is an alternative method. Remember what I talked about paracord in the previous chapter? This is where we will need it. Take the paracord out of your pocket, bag, or remove the paracord laces from your shoes. Ideally, you will need about a couple meters of paracord. Thread the paracord through the tie so that the middle of the cord is in the center of the tie. Now tie loops at the ends of the paracord, large enough to fit your feet through. Place your feet through the loops, lean back and begin to twist your legs as if you were pedaling a bicycle. And then you will literally saw through the screed.

How to free yourself from ropes

This happened in New Orleans. A married couple has disappeared. Eleven days after they were put on the wanted list, the bodies of the missing were found in the coastal canal. Their legs were tied with blue nylon rope. The man had a thirty-pound weight at the end of the rope. The end of the rope with which the woman was tied was frayed, indicating that some kind of weight was also tied to her. On August 21, 1996, Leonila Tara Cortes left home in a car, accompanied by a friend. Since then, no one has seen her again. The family immediately realized that something terrible had happened, as she would never leave two small children. Her body was found many years later, and it was immediately clear from her remains that she had been tied up. Rope is not used as often as duct tape, but knowing how to untangle yourself from it is still very important.

Step 1: Starting Position

When you are tied up, you have to keep your hands together, but try to spread your elbows as wide as possible. Remember: don't try to move your forearms as you did with the duct tape. Your task is to make sure that there is some distance between your wrists and the rope, no matter how tightly you are tied, and this only happens if you spread your elbows.

Step 2: Friction

After this, extend your arms forward and straighten them as much as possible, straighten and clench your palms. And then start quickly rubbing your hands against each other, and as a result, one of your hands will certainly slip out. This works with any thickness of rope, but the thinner the rope, the longer it will take you (alas, it won't catch fire from friction).

Plan B: Paracord Method

I think you've begun to understand why I insist that you always have paracord with you - or that you at least replace your regular shoe laces with paracord laces. Because it will be very useful to you if your attacker is a master at tying knots. This technique will take longer, from thirty seconds to five minutes, and you can only use it if you are left alone. You need to tie two loops at both ends of the paracord and thread it through the rope that is tied with your hands - right in the middle, just like with a cable tie. Just like before, put your feet through the loops, lean back and start pedaling until the paracord frays the rope.

A few words about “Escape from the Trunk”

One of the most exciting exercises in my courses is an exercise called “Trunk Escape.” Once they learn how to open handcuffs, my students rush to take things to the next level. And they know how to not only get out of the trunk, but get out while being handcuffed and with a bag over their head. The best of the best do it in a few seconds, the rest take just under two minutes.

But before you try this exercise yourself, I need to tell you something.

Firstly, take your time, act methodically and slowly. The trunk of a car is a small enclosed space, you may feel ill, your blood pressure will rise, and you will feel the need to get out as quickly as possible. Calm down, do everything slowly. After all, if in a hurry you drop a bobby pin or wedges from a click-clack hairpin, it will be difficult for you to find them in pitch darkness. Also know what's in car trunks latest models A glow-in-the-dark lock is installed, allowing you to open the trunk from the inside in emergency situations. It won't be difficult to find him. But what if you find yourself in the trunk of an old car? Don't panic either. The trunk locks are not very strong. Just get on all fours and press your back as hard as you can against the lid - it will probably open. Other options? Kick out the back seat with your feet. But first, try the two previous methods - and do not forget that you should not exercise alone, but in the presence of a friend who can back you up.

Bondage is a very common sexual practice and an even more common sexual fantasy, dreamed of by 46% of men and 52% of women. Moreover, the restriction of mobility is quite harmless; it is enough to allow yourself (or receive such permission from your partner) to remain in a passive role and simply enjoy what is happening. The inability to do anything actively intensifies sensations and expands the experience of trust - if, of course, the partner was initially trustworthy. What and how to use for binding?

Jute rope

The rope is the most obvious idea, but also the most difficult to implement. Use ropes made only from natural fibers: synthetic ones can burn your skin. For people with sensitive skin and existing irritations, avoid coarse ropes; it is better to use cotton ropes. Don't tie complex knots unless you're sure you can untangle them. Always keep scissors nearby just in case. Make sure that you can easily insert a finger or two between the rope and your body, otherwise you will not avoid marks and pain. This is especially true of the ankles and wrists: unskilled bondage often leads to long-term loss of sensation, and in general this is a frequent source of neurological problems.

Vinyl tape

Ten meters of tape that sticks to itself is a great thing for tying anything together; you can even make a dress or underwear out of it (unfortunately, it’s disposable). Just like with the rope, leave extra space between the tape and the body. Take scissors with round ends so as not to accidentally injure your partner. Do not try to fix complex figures from an unprepared person - everything will immediately become numb. Just imagine if you can hold this position for at least ten minutes. No? So don’t offer it to your partner. By the way, you can even make a mask for your eyes from the tape; it doesn’t stick to your hair either.

Transformable belt

A collaboration between the famous fetish sex shop The Stockroom and guitarist Dave Navarro, who played in Red Hot Chili Peppers and Nine Inch Nails. A hand-assembled leather strap with steel rings holds the guitar and, if necessary, transforms into a collar and hog tie device - wrists and ankles secured together. A potential danger is the risk of losing tiny keys to padlocks. The solution is to order spare copies and put them somewhere close. For fans: the first 500 belts are signed personally by Navarro, and The Stockroom has begun delivering to Russia.

Pillow with gag and handcuffs

The leather cylinder pillow is used like this: lie on your back, put your head under the gag and take it into your mouth, your hands are handcuffed, and let your partner do the rest. The gag is attached to a belt that can be detached, so if you don't like that sort of thing, there's no problem getting rid of it. Or, on the contrary, you unfasten it and use it for its intended purpose separately from the pillow. True, you still can’t call it a budget multifunctional thing; the manufacturer Fleet Ilya creates luxurious sex devices and leather lingerie of excellent quality, wonderful shapes and astronomical prices.

Hanging from the ceiling

A complex device that requires a hook in the ceiling (the hook is included in the kit). If the chandelier has not yet been hung and there is space or you have managed to allocate a special room for various interesting devices, attach the hook to the ceiling and hang the included belt with bracers on it. The latter, without any locks, are fastened with Velcro, making it easy to get out on your own if necessary. Important: you don’t have to hang with your wrists pinched; there are special bars inside that you can hold on to. It’s up to you to decide what to do with your hanging partner.

Hand holder for door

The Fetish Fantasy brand of Pipedream is the most prominent supplier to the Russian market of convenient devices for fixation and games of light BDSM. Their white boxes with desperately having fun couples in black and a free eye mask included are in every sex shop, and they really have a lot of simple and effective products. For example, this thing is a belt with bracers on one end and bulges on the other. Throw the other end over the door, close it, and voila, you have dangling straps with bracers. Fix your partner’s hands and take them off and hide them in a matter of seconds if relatives from Volgograd, whose arrival you completely forgot about, suddenly arrive. Before buying, inspect the door: if there is a very large gap between it and the jamb at the top, the belts will move.

Universal door lock

This review would not be complete without Fifty Shades of Gray. Another door lock with a lot of useful things. Firstly, it is attached to the door both above and below. Secondly, there are cuffs for both arms and legs, so if you've always wanted to stretch your legs a little wooden cross, and there is nowhere to put it, try an imitation belt on the door. Thirdly, the length of the straps is adjustable, so you can hang it on doors of different heights. Fourthly, everything is detachable and can be used separately from the door if you can no longer see it, as well as with other fixation kits of the same series.

Tie your hands and feet to prevent any attempts to escape. To tie your hands, extend them behind your captive's back and tie the rope around them in a figure eight. Secure a rope between your wrists to ensure that you cannot move your arms freely. Make sure the rope is directly under the knuckle of your thumb, with the knot just out of reach of your fingers. However, be careful that this does not interfere with blood flow in the wrists. The legs should always be tied above the ankle, either tightly together or, if tied to a chair, tie each ankle separately to the chair legs. Make sure that the rope attached to the ankles is also secured either between the ankles or between the ankle and the chair leg, depending on how you tied the prisoner. If you want to make sure your victim can't move his legs, tie an extra length of rope securely around his legs under the chair. However, it is important to remember that this can become inconvenient after a while.

Always remove the victim's shoes before tying his ankles to ensure that he has absolutely no room to move his legs freely.

If the person is tied to a chair, tie it around the stomach and between the arms and stomach and tie it tightly to the back of the chair. This will prevent him from squirming too much when trying to escape. Although the rope should be tightened between the chair and the victim's back, it should not be tightened too tightly as this can become very uncomfortable. The rope will likely place additional pressure on the abdomen and bladder

your victim, especially if she squirms a lot. After a few hours, you may need to consider freeing the victim so he can use the bathroom. To check how tightly the rope is tied, place two fingers under it.

If you struggle to do this, the rope is probably tied too tightly. You should always make sure that the knots are not too tight, as this can restrict blood flow and cause nerve damage if the person is left tied indefinitely. If the victim is not tied to a chair or pole, make sure his or her legs are tied tightly together both below and above the knees, and around the ankles. One of

the best ways To keep your victim motionless, if you have neither a chair nor a pole at your disposal, is to turn him over on his stomach and bring his bound ankles to his bound wrists. Connect these two connected areas together with another piece of rope, essentially eliminating the person's freedom of action. He or she will not be able to actively squirm or move anywhere in this position. If you tie him or her to a pole, make sure his or her hands are tied well above his or her head so that he or she cannot reach the knots tying him or her. When you tie up your victim, it is important to gag him so that he cannot try to call for help. Place the moistened cloth in the victim's mouth, but make sure he doesn't choke on it in the process.(recently used sock . It is important to make sure that the cloth is damp, as this will prevent your mouth from drying out and causing discomfort. After inserting the cloth into the mouth, cover it with two or three strips of tape to really keep your victim quiet. All she will be able to do is make a few muffled and incomprehensible sounds. It is important to make sure that your victim can still breathe while gagged. In some cases, it may be advisable to blindfold the victim. A bound and gagged person should not be left unattended or bound for more than a few hours at a time, as this can cause extreme discomfort.

Instructions for binding yourself.

Nowadays, huge interest has arisen around the shibari bandage technique. Many people perceive technology as art. In this article we will tell you how to tie yourself up using tape, ropes and even a belt.

What is a bandage and shibari?

For the first time, such a technique became known in Japan; it was called shibari. This is the erotic art of bondage, which was practiced by Japanese men in order to excite a woman. Indeed, it was often used in place of foreplay before sex. The technique made it possible to contact a woman, stroke her, touch her, and also press certain sensitive areas. This technique is still very popular in Japan.

In our country they treat it somewhat warily. Only in big cities practice bondage for money in bondage studios. The most interesting thing is that many women are aroused by limited mobility and complete helplessness.

How to tie yourself with ropes: techniques for selecting and processing ropes


  • First you need to choose ropes, depending on what and who you are going to tie. If you do this constantly, it is better to purchase hardware store regular hemp rope. The approximate diameter is 6-8 mm.
  • Next, you will have to work a little with the ropes, because all purchased products smell of oil, which is used to soak the ropes. It is advisable to wash them in washing machine. If you have time, you can put them in a large saucepan, add a packet of tea and boil. This will give the ropes a nice brown color.
  • Next, you need to dry them, and it is advisable to wrap the rope around the chair so that it is taut and does not fray. After complete drying, it is necessary to cut off the ends and hem them.
  • After this, the ropes are burned with gas. This way you will be able to get rid of a large amount of lint that remains on your clothes. You need to cut the ropes into the pieces you need. Masters of bandage, as well as shibari, most often master both short and long sections.

How to tie your hands tightly so as not to come undone: diagrams, training for tying your hands

Usually the shortest piece is 3 m long, some leave ropes 1 m long, especially for tying wrists. After this, you need to start tying. There is a certain technique here.


  • It is necessary to make handcuffs using a rope, put them on your hands and tighten them. The knots are self-tightening, so the limbs will be tied behind the back or in front of the stomach. Next, you need to do as you want.
  • To do this, you can throw the rope over your neck, wrap it around it and even tighten it. Please note that if you are going to be tied up for a long time, in no case should you tie yourself with self-tightening knots.
  • Because this is fraught with injuries, as well as compression of nerves and tendons. Subsequently, circulatory disorders can cause respiratory arrest or difficulty in controlling the hands.

How to tie yourself beautifully: patterns of beautiful bindings

Bandage masters who have been engaged in this business for a long time do not use thin ropes or self-tightening knots for long-term tying. This contributes to blue extremities and possible circulatory problems. If you are going to tie yourself up for a short time, such knots are allowed. Please note that you must have cutting objects at hand, scissors, with which you can reach and easily cut the rope. It is best if the tying takes place in the presence of another person who, if necessary, can untie you.

This is the easiest way to tie your hands. There is also a way to make a beautiful binding of arms and legs. The simplest harness in a bandage is considered to be an asterisk (pentagram). This is a chest harness that is mainly done for beauty. Experienced craftsmen also use it to link models, but at the same time complicate and complement the pentagram. The binding is complicated by placing your hands behind your head and tying them to your chest. Below are the basic patterns that are used in the bandage. With their help you can tie yourself up and decorate your body.

How to tie yourself with a belt at home?

You can tie yourself up using a regular belt. Most often this method is used to tighten the arms from the front or back. To do this, you need to fold the belt in half. Moreover, it should have a classic buckle that resembles an eyelet. After the belt is folded, you need to thread one end into the other, simulating a loop.

This way you will be left with a tip, which when pulled together will give you a fairly tight knot. You need to insert your hands into the loops and tighten the end of the belt. After this, all that remains is to secure the end with teeth, threading it into the pin. Please note that there is no need to thread the belt through the additional loop. Because difficulties may arise with untying and freeing your hands.

How to tie yourself to a helpless state tightly with a tie?

You can also tie yourself up with a tie. Because the fabric is quite dense and fits well to the hands.


  • To do this you need to tie a tie in the classic way and release the loop by loosening it
  • After this, you need to insert your hands into the loop and tighten the ends of the tie, holding it with your teeth or feet
  • Now you can tuck the ends into the loop between the limbs and twist
  • This way you will get a very naturalistic knot that will look as if someone has tied you up
  • Most often, a tie is used to tie arms or legs. One of the ways to diversify your sex life

How to tie yourself with tape?

Please note that the most complex harnesses are usually carried out using ropes. They are mainly made of jute and are sold in any hardware store. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the diameter of the rope, not to buy a very thin one that will dig into your wrist or, on the contrary, a very thick one that will be difficult to work with and thread through the holes. You can tie yourself with tape.


  • Double-sided products are best suited for this purpose. You need to make a loop through which you will put your hands.
  • Now just pull the corner that is left free
  • First unwind a little tape and wrap it around your wrist with your teeth.
  • Prepare scissors or a knife in advance, securing it so that you can easily cut off the tip and eventually free yourself from makeshift handcuffs
  • Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to free yourself, because the tape is very dense and tightly fits your hands.

As you can see, tying yourself to a helpless state on your own is quite simple. You need to have some skills. The bandage uses several simple knots. They are simple and easy to remember when used repeatedly. You will be able to tie knots with your eyes closed and tie yourself or a partner who wants to be in a motionless state.

If you are going to tie up your partner, we do not recommend training on her. It is best to master the knots yourself and practice on regular plush toys or pillows. This way you will learn how to knit the simplest knots and master them. This will help you save time in the process of tying your lover.

Please note that if you plan to keep the girl tied up for a long period of time, you cannot use self-tightening knots or very tight bindings. Because bandaging is a rather dangerous practice. Especially if it is performed by unskilled hands with very strong tugging and pressure on soft tissues. In addition, bandaging the breasts is dangerous. Due to lack of blood circulation, injuries can occur, which subsequently lead to the formation of tumors.

VIDEO: How to tie with a belt?