Abstract on the ecology of indoor plants. Lesson summary on the topic: Indoor plants and home ecology

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 16" of the city of Aleysk

Integrated lesson on ecology

"The World of Houseplants"

Aleysk, 2017

Integrated lesson “The World of Indoor Plants”

Goals : Create conditions for expanding children’s understanding of indoor plants: their benefits, structure, diversity.


  • Educational:
  • learn to distinguish indoor plants by appearance;
  • Teach to improve the syntactic side of speech;
  • learn to compose complex sentences.
  • Educational:
  • develop the ability to draw conclusions by establishing cause-and-effect relationships between natural objects;
  • develop attention and observation;
  • develop the ability to listen and engage in dialogue;
  • develop visual attention and thinking;
  • develop general motor skills of the hands.
  • Educational:
  • cultivate hard work and caring attitude towards plants;
  • cultivate independence, goodwill, and a desire to help.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Materials and equipment:

  • indoor plant: geranium, fern, ficus, violet, and others;
  • pictures depicting indoor plants of the group;
  • watering cans, spatula, napkins, spray bottles;
  • pot, earth;
  • pencils, album sheets.

Preliminary work:

  • monitoring the growth and development of plants in a group;
  • examining and comparing stems and leaves of different plants;
  • caring for indoor plants in a corner of nature (watering, loosening, wiping leaves);
  • observing the teacher’s work in watering the plants of a corner of nature;
  • observation of plants in favorable and unfavorable conditions (lack of moisture), a series of experiments to determine the moisture needs of plants.


Kuzya comes into the group, holding a flower pot in his hand.

Educator : Something about our Kuzya is sad.

Kuzenka, what happened to you?

Kuzya : My flower was so beautiful, and suddenly something happened.

Educator: His favorite plant was as beautiful as in a painting(showing a picture), and now it has become like this,(shows a plant). I don’t know what happened to it, I feel sorry for the plant.

Educator : Children, do you feel sorry for the plant? Let's take pity on him, say kind words to him.

(Children say kind, affectionate words: good, don’t cry, we will help you, you will become beautiful and healthy again, etc.)

Educator : Guys, why did Cousin’s plant become like this?(children's answers) . Listen to what the plant is asking for. Kuzma, your plant needs to be watered and it will get better.

Educator : Can we help Kuza?

Children: Yes.

Educator: How?

Children: We will teach Kuzya how to water the plant.

Educator : Kuzya, sit down and learn how to care for indoor plants. Guys, look at what indoor plants we have in our group? Are they beautiful? Are there many of them? Are they feeling good?(Children look at the plants and answer questions.)What do you think these plants are for?(Children's answers).

I summarize the children’s answers: “It’s right that it be beautiful! A person decorates his home with indoor plants. But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also cleanse the air of dust and dirt. Many houseplants smell good.” Children, you already know that every plant has its own name. What names of indoor plants do you know? Do you know the name of this plant?(Shows geranium).This plant is called "geranium" or "pelargonium". It is also called “crane nose” because the column of the flower sometimes grows into a long “beak”, very similar to the beak of a crane. Let's see what parts do geraniums have?

I summarize the children’s answers: “Geranium leaves are round in shape, bright green in color, with a brownish circle at the edge.”

Educator: What color are geranium petals?

Children's answers: “Geranium flowers can be of different colors: white, pink, crimson. Geranium flowers are collected in inflorescences, like an umbrella.”

Educator: Where are the roots of geranium?

Children: In the ground.

Educator : Why do you think a plant needs roots?
I summarize the children’s answers: “The roots of the plant are in the ground. Due to the root, the plant does not fall and stays firmly in the ground. The root also feeds the plant. When we water the soil in a pot, the root absorbs the water and it rises up the stem to the leaves and flowers.”
(Accompany the story with a demonstration.)

Educator: Who knows what this plant is called?(Shows a violet.) This plant is called violet. Look carefully at the plant and tell me what the violet has? What shape are the leaves? What color are the leaves? What color are the flowers?
Children : The violet has leaves, flowers, stem and roots. The leaves are round, dark green, plump and drooping. The leaves have a petiole. The stem of the violet is very short. Violet flowers come in different colors.

(Shows the children violets of different colors)

The game “What has changed?” is being played.

In front of the children there are three indoor plants, for example, geranium, violet, fern. I name each plant. Then I ask the children to turn away and close their eyes, and I remove one plant. Children must name the plant that is missing or describe its appearance. The game is played 2-3 times.

Physical education minute

On the window in a pot(Children squat, facing in a circle, stand up slowly)

Flowers rose.

Reached for the sun(Stretch on tiptoes, arms up, wide to the side)

They smiled at the sun.

Leaves to the sun(Palms face up)

The flowers are turned.

The buds are turned,(Hands together above your head, slowly spread to the sides)

They will drown in the sun.

Educator: Do you know the name of this plant?(Shows ficus).

Children: Ficus.

Educator : It has beautiful large leaves. Vanya, show me where his leaves are. Today we will learn how to wipe plant leaves.(Places pots on desks). Look, I wet a cloth in water, wring it out, put my palm under it and gently wipe the dust off the leaf; from stem to edge. Which plant has the smallest leaves? At the fern. Its leaves are thin. They cannot be wiped. Its leaves are sprayed with water. (Children wipe the leaves. I help those who can’t do it).

Educator : Well done, they wiped it carefully. Now we will water them.(Hands out watering cans, waters the plants).We take the watering can with both hands: one hand by the handle, the other by the spout. We pour water between the stems of the plants and the edge of the pot.(Children carry out work assignments).

Educator: Plants are watered differently in autumn, winter, spring, and summer. In the fall, all plants that do not bloom need to be watered less - they have finished their vigorous growth and are preparing for winter. Plants should be watered with settled water at room temperature - cold water causes plant roots to rot. In winter, the entire plant requires less watering. In spring and especially in summer, plants are watered more often and more abundantly.

Experiment 1. The plant loses water through evaporation

Educator: We watered the plants, but have you ever wondered where the water goes? It turns out that plants lose moisture through evaporation. We will test how this happens experimentally.
Place the bag on the leaf and securely attach it to the stem of the potted plant with strong tape. Let's put it on the window for 2-3 hours. Look how the package turned out from the inside?

Children: Wet.

Educator: Why?
The plant absorbs water through its roots. Water flows along the stems, from where about 9/10 of the water evaporates through the stomata.

Exercise “Complete the sentence”

Educator : I start a sentence, and you compose the second part, starting with the words in order to, and then repeat the whole sentence.

Houseplants need to be watered...

Zhenya…so that they don’t wither.

Leaves on indoor plants need to be wiped...

Dasha...so that they can breathe.

Repeats the entire sentence.

Houseplants need sunlight...

Vanya...so that they can grow well.

Repeats the entire sentence.

Man needs houseplants...

Artem...so that they decorate his house

Repeats the entire sentence.

Experiment 2. Planting a plant

Educator : What does it take to plant a plant?

Children: Flower pot, soil, drainage, water for irrigation.
Educator: Look at the twig that we plucked from a houseplant. What happened to the twig while it was standing in a glass of water?

Children: The twig has roots.

Educator: That's right, the twig has roots. Now we can plant this twig in a pot of soil, because now it has roots that will nourish the young plant. Take a flower pot. What should we put in the pot first? We will pour stones into the flower pot - this is drainage. Drainage is needed to improve air access to the roots.

Logorhythmics “Here they are! »

Educator: And now I’ll check if you know how to fantasize. I suggest you play the game “Like this!” I will ask you about what different parts of indoor plants or indoor plants themselves look like. You will imitate them and say “Like these!”

Educator : What kind of needles does a cactus have?

Children show extended fingers.

Children: Like this!

Educator: What palm trees?

Children stand on their toes, raise their arms, and stretch upward.

Children: Like this!

Educator: What flowers does gloxinia have?

Children bend over and lower their hands.

Children: Like this!

Educator: Today we did two good deeds: we helped the plants and taught Kuzya how to care for them.

Educator: Guys, are you glad that you helped Kuza and the plants?
(Emotionally share the joy of children).I propose to give Kuza a gift - draw “Flowers in a Pot.”


Let the snowdrifts in the yard And the snow hardly melt, Today is March on the calendar - Spring is coming!

MONDAY Conversation “What are nests made of?” ECD “Secrets of the Bird World” Observation of a magpie Outdoor game “From hummock to hummock” CHHL “Sparrow” M. Gorky

TUESDAY Guessing riddles on the topic “Birds” GCD “Beautiful Bird” Watching a sparrow Outdoor game “Bird and Cat”

WEDNESDAY D/I “Who can name the most actions” NOD “House for the Starling” Monitoring the condition of the snow. Outdoor game “Migration of birds” Word game “What kind of bird”

THURSDAY Exhibition “Feathered Friends” NOD “Making a story from a picture” Observation of tits Outdoor game “Lap and Jump...” CHHL “Spring, Spring” E. Baratynsky.

FRIDAY D/I “What do you see around you?” Puzzles “Birds” GCD modeling “Bird” Observation of bird behavior Outdoor game “Crow”

ENTERTAINMENT “King of the Birds”

CHHL on the topic “Birds are our friends. Keep an eye out for birds with your children. Read the information at the stand “Birds are our friends (tasks, riddles, POEMS) Together with the children, watch the birds that have flown to our region. Invite to the entertainment “King of the Birds”

On Monday, read the work of M. Gorky “Sparrow”. Prepare riddles on the topic “Birds”. On Tuesday, ask your parents to bring matchboxes. Prepare the exhibition “Feathered Friends”. On Thursday, sit through the work of E. Baratynsky “Spring, Spring”. 6.. On Friday, prepare the music hall for the entertainment “King of the Birds”.


Summary of a lesson on ecology in the middle group

"The world of indoor plants."

Educator: Pleshachkova V.V., 08/01/2017

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of indoor plants,

their benefits, structure, teach to distinguish indoor plants by their appearance

Material: indoor plants: geranium (pelargonium), fireweed (balsam), monstera, fern, violets.

Integration: labor, artistic creativity.


Children, today we will take you on a fascinating journey into the world of indoor plants.

Look how many indoor plants there are in our group.

Children, why are these plants called indoor plants?

What do you think, what are indoor plants for?

(children's answers)


That's right, it should be beautiful.

A person decorates his home with indoor plants.

But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also clean the room from dust and dirt.

Many indoor plants smell good.

Children, what indoor plants do you know?

(children's answers)


Children, do you know this houseplant?

(showing geranium)

This plant is called "geranium" or "pelargonium"

Children, let us take a look at this plant.

1 what is this (stem)

2 what is this (leaves)

3 what’s in the pot (roots)

Well done, the flower has a stem, leaves, roots.

What shape do geranium leaves have?


What color are the leaves?

(bright green)

Geranium leaves are round in shape, bright green with a brown circle at the edge or a white border.

Children, what color are geranium flowers?

(children's answers)


Geranium flowers can be of different colors: white, pink, red, crimson.

Geranium flowers are collected in inflorescences, like an umbrella.

Children, where are the roots of geraniums?

(children's answers)

Children, what do you think a plant needs roots for?

(children's answers)

That's right, the roots are in the pots so that the plant does not fall and holds tightly, and the roots also absorb water and lift it into the stems, leaves, and flowers.

To prevent the plant from wilting, it must be watered:

(teacher, and then children - which is correct)

Poem about geranium.

On the window this early

Geranium blooms

Round leaves

Lush flowers

Even very good

That's what we decided.

And here we have another wonderful plant.

Children, what kind of plant is this?

(children's answers - light)

This is balsam (light).

People also call it (light), for its flowers that look like lights.

Let's admire this plant.

This plant looks like a bush, not very tall, a lot of leaves, the leaves are small (small).

The flowers are small and there are many of them and they come in different colors.

This plant blooms all year round.

A poem about this plant.

Standing outside the window

Spring day

Standing on the window

Fire flower

Raspberry color

Petals are blooming

As if for real

The lights came on

I water it, I take care of it

I can't give it to anyone.


Children, what is the name of this plant?

(showing violet)

This plant is called violet.

Look carefully and tell me what the violet has?

What shape are the leaves?

What color

Are there flowers

What color

The violet has leaves, flowers (if it blooms), a stem and a root.

The stem of the violet is very short.

The leaves are attached from the root.

Violet flowers have different colors - white, pink, purple, lilac.

Poems about violets.

Violets bloom on the window

Lilac bright color

They smile at me in the morning

They are in solidarity with summer.

Violets bloom for the soul

Just in time for my name day

Fresh and so good

Still childishly vulnerable.

Physical education minute.

I ask you a flower

Pick up your paper

Get out on the path

Yes, tap your foot

Shake your head

Greet the sun in the morning

Tilt the stem slightly

Here is a charger for the flower

Now wash yourself with dew

Shake yourself off and calm down

Finally everyone is ready

Celebrate the day in all its glory!


Children, now let's summarize everything we learned about today.

All plants have:

  1. flowers when the plant blooms.

Who knows what time of year it is now?

(children's answers)

In spring, nature comes to life, and so do indoor plants. After winter rest, with the beginning of growth, the plants should be watered abundantly and placed in a window where there is a lot of sunlight.

And now we will play the game: “What if.”

What would happen if the plant was placed in a dark place?

(children's answers)

What happens if you forgot to water the plant?

(children's answers)

What happens if you take care of the plant: water it, wash it, loosen the soil, feed it.

(children's answers)

Children, I want to tell you that you are all great, now you know how to care for plants to make our group even more beautiful.

Let's listen to another poem.

Tits are jumping

Under my window

The birds are happy

It's nice for them

Look at this

Nice window

Where is summer in winter

Where there are plenty of flowers.

And now we will sit down at the tables and color the seven-flowered flower.

Let's paint the petals and leaves separately, and assemble it into an applique on a separate sheet.

Look, did the flower turn out beautiful?

This is where our journey ended.

Children, did you enjoy our trip?

(children's answers)

To consolidate knowledge about the classification of plants;

Introduce students to types of indoor plants;

Give an idea of ​​the importance of indoor plants for humans and the environment;

Teach proper care of indoor plants;

Develop practical skills of students;

Stimulate the development of cognitive abilities;

Cultivate a love for nature and the world around us.

Planned results:

Know about indoor plants and be able to care for them;

Develop an interest in independently searching for material.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, flowers in pots, cluster, drawings of leaves, handouts.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Repetition of what has been learned

We talked about the fact that all natural objects are usually divided into two large groups: living and inanimate nature. Let's check whether you remember well the objects of living and inanimate nature.

Guess game

The teacher lists objects of living and inanimate nature. If wildlife objects are named, students should raise their hands.

Words: snow, thunderstorm, flowers, rain, lilies of the valley, wind, tree, snowdrift, animal, fog, grass, cloud, bush.

You are well versed in the topic. What are the differences between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature? Highlight the main functions that help determine that you are looking at objects of living nature:

They breathe, reproduce, feed, grow, age, die.

III. Preparing to understand the topic

We talked about plants, about flowers. Remember what flowers you already know? (nasturtium, peonies, roses, chrysanthemums)

These flowers grow on the street, in squares and parks, in flower beds and gardens. They bloom in spring and autumn, delighting us with their aroma, bright colors and beautiful shapes. Do you remember what these plants are called? (floral and decorative)

Some flowers delight us in the forests, meadows and fields. These are lilies of the valley, buttercups, poppies, cornflowers. Others the person grows himself. Who does not know about the beauty of roses, the splendor of dahlias or does not rejoice in the bright colors of peonies.

What are these two groups of colors called? (wild and cultivated)

Task on the interactive board.

Highlight wild flowers in blue and cultivated flowers in green.

Words on the interactive board: rose, peony, chrysanthemum, lily of the valley, thistle, chamomile, poppy, pansy, snowdrop.

IV. Explanation of a new topic

There is also a group of plants that people grow.

Guess the riddle:

They purify the air, create coziness, turn green on the windows, and bloom all year round.

(Indoor plants)

What do you think are the purpose of indoor plants?

Compiling a cluster based on student answers (Plants: decorate a room, heal, purify the air, create comfort)

Flowers in pots with signs are displayed in front of the students.

Look at our indoor flowers. Read the names on the signs. These names are very beautiful, but there are also very difficult ones. We must remember them in order to know how to properly care for them and what benefits these plants bring.

Chlorophytum: cleanses the air of bacteria and absorbs toxins. There is no need to water frequently, but you can add a few tablets of activated carbon to the soil to enhance the properties of the plant.

Dracaena: irreplaceable if the floor in the room is covered with linoleum. Dracaena absorbs benzene, which is released from synthetics, and also absorbs exhaust gases entering the room quite well.

Dieffenbachia: loves light, but not direct sunlight. It should not be touched with hands, because the juice of the leaves can cause allergies. Perfectly purifies the air.

Ficus: it is better to place it near windows that overlook the road or industrial enterprises. Cleans the air well, absorbs toxins and harmful substances. In winter, it is better not to water the ficus, but to spray the leaves with a spray bottle.

Geranium: releases substances that have calming and anti-stress properties. It is best to place it in the bedroom. Geranium loves the sun and a lot of water.

Cactus: reduces air ionization and protects against electromagnetic radiation. Loves sun and water.

Aloe: aloe juice is known for its healing properties, it disinfects and kills germs.

Peperomia: protects us from colds because it destroys viruses that cause ARVI. It is better to place peperomia in the shady side of the room.

Some indoor plants not only delight us with their unusual leaf shapes and unusual colors. It has been noticed that they extinguish negative emotions. These are begonia, fern and tradescantia.

Flowers and plants are not similar to each other, they differ in shape and color, and each plant, each flower is unique in its own way.

Video presentation on the theme "Waltz of the Flowers":

The presentation clearly demonstrates how each color has its own flower, thereby forming a bouquet and a rainbow of flowers ( literally and figuratively).


Our scarlet flowers
The petals are blooming,
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

V. Consolidation

1) Game "Third Man"

There are a number of words on the board from which you need to eliminate unnecessary ones:

Aloe, calendula, geranium;

Nasturtium, ficus, cactus;

Kalanchoe, peperomia, aster.

2) Game "Find a pair"

3) Game "Find the owner"

The teacher shows drawings of leaves. Students must guess which plant they belong to.

4) Complete the sentence: I love indoor plants because….

VI. Generalization of knowledge

Indoor plants make us happy, make the room cozy, and purify the air in the room. Plants in the house are very beneficial. But you need to properly care for them. What do you think plants like? (Light and water)

Look carefully at the signs near our plants. A light circle means the plant loves light. The shaded circle shows that this plant prefers to grow in the shade. The letter "T" means that the plant is heat-loving. It is better to place it closer to heating sources. The letter "M" means that the plant is frost-resistant. It can easily withstand low temperatures.

Exercise: arrange the flowers in places according to the characteristics of the plants that you have learned about.

Read carefully the instructions on caring for indoor plants.

1) Most flowers should be placed close to the light, but avoid direct sunlight.

2) Water every day in summer, less often in winter.

3) Do not water plants with cold water.

4) When watering, the watering can should be kept low so that the soil does not erode.

5) large smooth leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

6) You need to loosen the soil after watering, when the soil dries out a little. Only the top layer is loosened without touching the roots of the plant.

7) Feeding and replanting are carried out in spring and early autumn.

What mistakes have you made when caring for plants?

VII. Student reflection and assessment

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What other plants would you like to talk about?

What remains unclear?

What task was interesting to do?

VIII. Homework

Draw any indoor plant and prepare a short story about it.