Love horoscope for the week: Gemini. Tarot horoscope for Gemini for December Accurate horoscope for December Gemini

Gemini horoscope for December 2017

General horoscope for Gemini for December 2017

The horoscope for representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign advises in December 2017, instead of complaining about fate and talking about what you lack, on the contrary, thank it for what you have. Don't waste your precious time on empty talk. If you are not happy with something, try changing the current state of affairs. Also, the horoscope for this period warns you against gossip. If possible, communicate less with people whom you do not fully trust, and simply with those who “suck” your energy. Better put your energy into productive channels!

Gemini work and finance horoscope for December 2017

Unlike representatives of many other zodiac signs, who will not be particularly strained professionally, Gemini will have to do a lot of work. But very soon the reward, both in the form of a material nature and advancement up the career ladder, will certainly make itself felt. Therefore, it is now recommended to treat the performance of professional duties with the utmost care and responsibility.

Moreover, your energy potential is now quite high. So you can implement even large-scale, for example, international projects. Seize the moment. It is possible that situations will change frequently. But don't be alarmed - you can react quickly and, if necessary, make adjustments. If something happens, you can count on support from your colleagues. You obviously won’t be left alone with your problems.

In financial terms, Geminis were advised in December 2017 not to succumb to provocations and to avoid dubious projects. Remember that, as they say, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Do not chase after quick and, at first glance, easy enrichment. Otherwise, you risk losing the funds you have.

Love horoscope and Gemini family for December 2017

Representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini who are in a relationship, the stars predict the solution of problems and the elimination of omissions that for a long time prevented you from fully enjoying personal happiness. Spending time alone with your other half will strengthen your connection. Undoubtedly, it is worth going out together on visits and various friendly rendezvous. But leave at least some time in your schedule to devote exclusively to each other. For those Geminis who have not yet met a loved one, the December horoscope advises, first of all, to decide what you yourself want from a relationship and to “draw” the image of a potential partner in your mind.

Gemini health horoscope for December 2017

December 2017 is perfect for Geminis to lose weight. If you have long wanted to lose weight, but it didn’t work out, the stars advise you to try again. At this time, to modernize your figure, you will not need to starve yourself or not leave the gym. Metabolism works as quickly as possible and is aimed at burning excess fat. So removing frankly high-calorie and fatty foods from the diet and short exercises in the morning will be quite enough to achieve a positive result.

Favorable and unfavorable days December 2017 Gemini

Favorable days for Gemini December 2017 - December 5, December 15, December 19, December 21, December 27, December 31, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Gemini December 2017 – December 3, December 11, December 18, December 26, 2017.

In the last month of 2017, Gemini may be lucky in love. You will feel interest in yourself from attractive representatives of the opposite sex, there will be more love pleasures and joyful events in relationships with your loved ones.

The Sun, Mercury and the planet of love Venus itself pass through the house of Gemini’s partner. Moreover, all these planets form a harmonious relationship with Uranus, which portends positive changes. This is an exceptional planetary configuration, so you can expect positive developments in existing relationships, or, if you are single, the birth of a new love story.

There is more good news for Gemini. December 20, 2017 Saturn finally leaves your partner's house. If your personal life has been marked by difficult moments or unpleasant situations, now you can breathe more freely. You will feel the climate becoming warmer in your family and love relationships. But this is only if you have already learned the lessons that Saturn taught you.

Gemini career and financial horoscope for December 2017

The main theme of the month is cooperation. Achievements in work and career will come through communication and joint activities. Through interaction with others, you will achieve success and, importantly, you will be able to make good money.

The period is suitable for meetings and negotiations, participation in team projects, discussions with colleagues or business partners about general plans for the future, analysis of trends in your field of activity, etc. You will meet people with whom you can work fruitfully in the future, or those who will support your ideas. It will be easy for you to find a common language with them.

Mars has been in Gemini's house of work since December 9, 2017, giving you an abundance of energy. The influence of fiery Mars stimulates taking initiative at work and in the business environment.

Mercury retrograde continues from December 3 to December 23, 2017, so you may encounter delays and obstacles in achieving your goals. Problems related to documents, payments, transport, and computer equipment cannot be ruled out. At the same time, the time is favorable for returning to unfinished tasks, identifying errors and eliminating deficiencies in previously done work.

The financial sector is also active, but tension is felt here. The stars advise making important decisions carefully, not risking money and not leaving unresolved issues.

On December 20, Saturn enters one of Gemini’s financial houses, where it will remain until March 2020. Saturn teaches you to take a responsible approach to financial matters, control expenses, avoid debt and invest in the future. You should clearly define your limitations and responsibilities in the financial sphere, both with business partners and with loved ones.


A month full of impressions and vivid emotions awaits you, so there will be no time for illness. In fact, it is common knowledge that enthusiasm stimulates the immune system and strengthens the body. Maybe only by the end of the month you will relax a little. But on December 23, 2017, Mercury will resume its forward motion and your fitness will improve.

Don't spend a lot of time at home! Be in public, meet friends, communicate.

The horoscope for December 2017 foretells for Gemini real volcanoes of passions and explosive emotions (in general, everything without which representatives of this zodiac sign cannot imagine their existence). Moreover, storms of emotions at the beginning of this winter will not come from you, but from your immediate circle. It is difficult to predict the reasons why people with whom you come into close contact on a daily basis will suddenly become surprisingly impulsive. Perhaps this will be influenced by upcoming celebrations or some other compelling circumstances. One thing is clear, among the December volcanoes of passion you will feel like a fish in water, never ceasing to dream that these “volcanoes” will not stop their “eruption”.

As for the sphere of personal affections of Gemini, for this aspect the December passions will become a truly life-giving “balm”. Judge for yourself - your long marriage, as soon as there is room for bright emotions in it, in the blink of an eye it will begin to resemble not a dull union, but a relationship that is at the very start. True, if you have just begun to build love, the whirlpools of passions characteristic of this December may turn out to be a difficult test for you and your passion... No one knows which side each of you will show, succumbing to jealousy and other strong emotions. If this test destroys your fragile attachment, do not be sad! This means that the person next to you was not the one on whom your Fate placed its main bet. Anyone who is single will be able to find time to make new acquaintances in December, but all these acquaintances will be fleeting. Yes, you will spend many pleasant minutes in the company of your admirers or suitors, but internally you will understand that you are not ready to live with any of these people until you are very old.

Gemini's career and finances will not undergo any sudden shocks in December. If you work at an enterprise and you know exactly how much and in what time frame you will receive for your work, at the beginning of winter you will experience a pleasant surprise. The New Year bonus that management will give you will be significantly higher than you expected. This will give you the opportunity to buy a little more gifts for loved ones or treat yourself to a new outfit (another item that has a fairly high cost). Geminis who work in the field of individual entrepreneurship spend this working year on a positive note. You will carefully calculate your total income and will be pleasantly surprised by this figure. You have always been distinguished by the breadth of your soul, and in December pettiness will also not be inherent in you. You will present your staff with very expensive gifts, and the people who work diligently for you will once again be convinced that they are very lucky to have a leader.

In December, Gemini will not learn about serious health problems. In the absence of any special problems, you will decide to take care of yourself, paying great attention to your appearance and figure. Sports and a balanced diet will become your true allies in this difficult event. The result that you will achieve thanks to your amazing perseverance will be beyond praise, and therefore you will receive another good reason for pride.

December 2017 will be marked by the retrograde movement of Mercury. The patron of Gemini will remain in this “painful” state from December 3 to December 23, 2017. This period is not suitable for purchasing New Year's gifts, travel packages, and tickets. The likelihood of purchasing low-quality, defective goods increases. If it is purchased as a gift, the recipient may not be happy with it. Under no circumstances should you buy equipment, since it is protected by Mercury.

The Gemini horoscope for December 2017 recommends that representatives of the sign take stock of the results. The month is suitable for getting rid of everything bad. For example, you can pay off debts so that you can enter the new year with a clear conscience and a positive balance. It is worth writing down bad habits and bad character traits that you would like to get rid of on a piece of paper. And then think about what you can do to become better.

Favorable days for December 2017 for Gemini: December 3, 4, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30, 31, 2017.

Gemini love horoscope for December 2017

In December 2017, Gemini will become more prudent in their relationships with loved ones. But this is not bad, on the contrary, representatives of the air element will learn to identify mutual benefits from common goals, spending time together, and this will have a positive impact on relationships and strengthen them. If there were any omissions or quarrels in November, in December there will be ways for reconciliation and compromise.

When communicating with children, it is important to adhere to the golden mean. On the one hand, you need to teach the child discipline and order, but on the other hand, you need to do this in a playful way, without resorting to a commanding tone.

Favorable days for love in December 2017 for Gemini: December 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 28, 2017.

Gemini financial horoscope for December 2017

The Gemini horoscope for December 2017 does not advise taking on new projects. Retrograde Mercury encourages finishing current affairs and summing up results. By showing hard work and competence, Gemini will achieve great success. Quality work done will serve as an excellent start to achieving excellent results in the new year.

There is no reason to complain about fate, gossip, or waste time on empty talk. All this takes away strength and energy that would be wiser to spend on achieving goals. It is important for Geminis to remain in a good mood, to radiate optimism, then those around them will not be slow to shower them with warmth, smiles and unexpected surprises.

Favorable days for money in December 2017 for Gemini: December 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 2017.

Health horoscope for the sign Gemini for December 2017

To celebrate the New Year in a renewed way, it is recommended to switch to a light diet at the beginning of December. You should not starve yourself; it is enough to exclude smoked, sweet, and fatty foods from your diet, replacing them with vegetable and fruit salads, cereals, and juices. It is also advisable to spend more time outdoors.

  • Favorable days for Gemini in December 2017: December 5, 15, 19, 21, 27, 31.
  • Difficult days for Gemini in December 2017: December 3, 11, 18, 26.

Horoscope for December 2017 Gemini woman

Love horoscope

December 1 - December 10. You may lose some interest in novels and adventures on the side. Your loved one will also emphasize that your attempts to make him jealous are in vain. You will devote yourself completely to a difficult relationship that has been going on for a very long time. The difficulty may be that your loved one does not want to understand the problem and look for its underlying causes. He just brushes you off and doesn't take you seriously.

December 11 - December 20. Mercury will move into the sign of Capricorn and form a favorable aspect with Jupiter. Most likely, you will forget for a while about all your demands, admit that your loved one is right, because you realize that he will never give in to you. But sometimes the thought may creep into your mind: is it worth losing your independence?

December 21 - December 31. Now your first priority will be to have a serious relationship with your husband or long-term partner. Unpleasant surprises and problems await. You should take your mind off the negativity and just enjoy life. By becoming cheerful and carefree, you will seem more attractive and desirable to your chosen one.

Romantic date. In the first half of the period, it will be difficult for you to agree on a date, there is a high probability that you will be in a quarrel. Wait your time, and at the beginning of December the chosen one will invite you to meet.

Family horoscope

At some point it will seem to you that you have returned to childhood, and your parents demand an account of where you were in the evening and where you spent your money. Everyone will want you to become more responsible, take money seriously, and manage your time better. In the second half of December, the demands on you from your family will noticeably decrease. They will suddenly begin to be satisfied with your behavior and attitude towards family matters.

The secret of happiness. You need to become more patient and compliant. Even if you disagree with your family in many respects, you should remain silent and postpone objections until better times.

Holiday horoscope

In December, you will really want to diversify your leisure time with all kinds of entertainment and amusements. You will not care that the money is clearly not enough, that everyone around is against it - if you do not get a divorce, you may fall into depression. And at the end of December, you will be quite satisfied with relaxing at home, since your relationship with your family will improve quite well.

Place of power. Now you will experience an emotional uplift, being in the place where you met your chosen one or where your first date took place. Your need for emotional experiences is very high.

Horoscope of work and money

Stability awaits you in the service. However, a conservative boss who has a negative attitude towards your rationalization proposals will consider that you have overstayed your welcome. To prove your need, you will have to work hard.

Purchase of the month. Now you will not be able to manage your finances fully. The outside influence will be too strong. By the end of the month, you will be able to buy some clothes at a profit.

Horoscope health

In the first half of December you will have reasons to worry. The Saturn conjunction will weaken the immune system and aggravate chronic diseases. Try to avoid crowded places. In mid-December, things will improve, and your health will improve significantly.

Horoscope for December 2017 for Gemini men

Love. Your chosen one will show himself in an unexpected way at the beginning of December. In words, he will be completely delighted with you, he will want to spend the rest of his life with you and give birth to a bunch of kids. But in reality, it may turn out that he has someone else or that he is flirting left and right with any girl suitable for this. When you ask him directly what it all means, he may begin to make excuses and get out of it. And since you don’t want to find yourself in a stupid position, just give him an ultimatum.

Tone. Your Gemini partner may experience a loss of strength, and his chronic illness will worsen. However, by the end of December his health will improve significantly, and he will return to his previous activity.

Finance. In December, your man has a better chance of making money than anyone else around you. Let it be little money, but it will be a strong and stable income. But your loved one will dream of more and worry about his insufficient earnings.

Hobbies. In the first half of the period, your chosen one may become interested in another woman. But if you are wise enough, this romance will sink into oblivion, and you will remain in your place of honor in the heart of your lover.

Horoscope for December 2017 Gemini child

0-6 years. Your baby will be very dependent on the opinions of others. He may suffer if other children do not want to be friends with him or if his parents do not notice his successes. Try to draw conclusions from this situation.

7-12 years old. A Gemini student will worry about misunderstandings on the part of teachers. He will think that he is being graded unfairly and that the teacher has favorites, of which he is not one. The child's reaction to all this will be too emotional, and it will not be easy for you.

13-17 years old. A Gemini teenager can become very willful. In the first half of the period, his behavior will be too cheeky, he will stop listening to you and performing his duties around the house. Such a rebellion will not last long, but it will require a lot of attention and patience, firmness and thoughtful behavior from you.

Read the horoscope for December 2017 for other zodiac signs: