Poppy seed roll made from ready-made yeast dough. Roll with poppy seeds made from butter dough

In my opinion (both as a cook and as a sweet tooth), there is no simpler and tastier pie than a poppy seed roll. No carved flowers-leafs, figured lattices, braids and other jewelry decorations, which not everyone has the skills to make. Roll the dough coated with filling into a tight roll - and the beautiful pastries are ready to go into the oven. The filling is also one of the most successful: it never leaks, looks cozy when cut and is available everywhere all year round. Therefore, I suggest you bake and try homemade poppy seed roll from soft yeast dough. 2 recipes with photos and text descriptions of preparation will help you make baked goods in 2 versions: classic and more original.

Classic yeast roll with delicate poppy seed filling





How to bake a delicious poppy seed roll (simple recipe with step-by-step photos):

Mix yeast with a spoon of sugar in a deep bowl. Heat the milk to 38-40 degrees (so that it becomes very warm). Pour into dry ingredients. Stir until the grains dissolve. Cover the bowl with a cloth. Leave on the kitchen counter for 10-15 minutes. The yeast will “wake up” when exposed to heat and sugar. Has a head of foam appeared? The yeast has activated.

“Live” yeast for this amount of products will require 30-40 g.

While the dough is maturing, melt the butter.

Add the remaining sugar, salt and vanillin to the eggs. Beat with a mixer or hand whisk.

In a large bowl, mix the yeast dough and egg mixture. Pour in the cooled oil. Sift the flour. Add it to the liquid components in several stages.

Knead the dough. It will turn out smooth, oily, homogeneous. Yeast baked goods loves the warmth of hands. Therefore, knead the mass for at least 7-10 minutes so that the roll turns out soft, airy and beautiful when cut. The dough may initially stick to your palms and work surface. To prevent this, lubricate the inside of the brushes and the table with vegetable fat. If the dough still doesn't obey, try adding a little more flour. Return the dough back to the bowl. Cover with a napkin. Allow 1-1.5 hours for the climb. To speed up the process, place the container closer to a heat source or in hot water.

Prepare the poppy seed filling. Pour boiling water over the poppy seed. Leave for 10-15 minutes until the water partially cools. Repeat the procedure 2 more times. Place the steamed seeds in a fine sieve to drain the liquid. Boil the milk. Pour it over the poppy seeds. Place on the stove. After boiling, cook for 5-6 minutes. Remove from heat. Cool to room temperature. Add sugar or natural honey to poppy seeds. Beat with a blender to make the filling more tender. Beat the egg whites until fluffy. Mix into the poppy mixture.


If the filling is too liquid, potato starch will help thicken it. For variety, add nuts or dried fruits to the filling.

Knead the risen dough.

Divide into 2-3 parts depending on the desired number of rolls. Roll out into a rectangular layer approximately 0.5 cm thick. Distribute the poppy seeds.

Roll it up. Pinch the edge. Place the pieces on a baking sheet with the seams facing down. Brush the top with a mixture of milk and yolk. Place in a preheated room at 180-190 degrees intermediate level. Bake for 30-40 minutes until the top is browned.

Cool the finished roll slightly. Cut and help yourself!

Beautiful roll with poppy seeds “Kosa” made from yeast dough

List of required products:

Dough (glass - 250 ml):

Poppy filler:

How to cook poppy seed roll (detailed recipe with photo):

The dough can be prepared with water or milk. Pour the liquid into the saucepan. Preheat to approximately 40 degrees. Cast a third. Divide the cast portion in half and pour into 2 cups. Pour the crumbled yeast into one. In the second, add salt. Stir until dissolved. Return the remaining milk to the stove. Place butter in it, chopped into small pieces. Add all the sugar. Dissolve while stirring. Sift the flour into a separate bowl. Measure out a third of the glass. Add in portions to the milk-butter mixture. Cook, stirring constantly with a spoon, until the mixture becomes homogeneous. The consistency will be similar to liquid sour cream or raw condensed milk.

Remove the custard portion of the dough from the heat. Add the egg. Stir. Pour in the dissolved yeast and salt.

Gradually add the remaining flour. Knead elastic dough. It will have a smooth, buttery texture. It may stick a little to the skin of your hands. But after getting up, it will be comfortable to work with him. Cover the yeast roll base. Leave to rise for 40-60 minutes.

Poppy seed baking is a fairly popular and beautiful type of baking. Sooner or later, every housewife shows varying degrees of enthusiasm for it and tries to learn how to politely and competently handle both poppy seeds and poppy dough. Mac truly demands understanding and recognition. And if they are shown, he will thank you delicious pies and buns, puff pastries and muffins, pancakes and pies.

Perhaps the most classic version preparing poppy seed pie - poppy seed roll made from yeast dough. Lush, airy, soft, spectacular and such a homemade roll! A magnificent poppy seed dessert that is a must-make! Today I will show you a fairly simple and beautiful recipe for a poppy seed roll made from yeast dough; there are also more complex ones. But we have to start somewhere!

I prepared the yeast dough with warm milk. The roll turned out to be not very high in calories, since it is based not on cream, but vegetable oil, and no egg. But the golden brown crust and poppy seed filling are made according to all the rules of not only tasty, but also elegant, beautiful cooking - for the sake of visual pleasure. Everything for yourself and your dear guests.

A couple of reminders about yeast dough:

  • To make the dough more airy, do not forget to sift the flour;
  • When working with yeast dough, remember: it is capricious and does not tolerate drafts;
  • To make the dough rise faster, place it in a bowl with warm water or to the battery.



  • milk 200 ml
  • salt 1 tsp
  • sugar 4 tbsp.
  • dry yeast 1.5 tsp.
  • sunflower oil 25 g
  • wheat flour 350 g


  • poppy 100 g
  • sugar 4 tbsp.

For lubrication:

  • chicken yolk 1 pc.

How to make a poppy seed roll from yeast dough

  1. To prepare any rich pastry, dry or fresh yeast is diluted in warm water or milk, which is what we will do. Take a comfortable deep bowl. Pour slightly warmed milk (35-38 degrees). Add a spoon granulated sugar. Stir. Add dry yeast. I like to use dry instant yeast. Cover with a cloth and leave for 10 minutes. During this time, the yeast should be activated.

  2. As soon as a foamy cap has formed over the milk, add the rest of the sugar, salt, sunflower oil. Stir.

  3. Add sifted wheat flour in small portions. Mix immediately with a spoon. Add flour until you get the desired dough consistency. As soon as the dough becomes thick, place it on a board with flour and knead so that it does not stick to your hands.

  4. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm, draft-free place for 1 hour. If the room is very warm, the dough will rise faster.

  5. Let's make the poppy seed filling. Place poppy seeds in a deep bowl. Pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid. Leave until completely cool. The poppy will absorb some of the liquid. The liquid that has not mixed with the poppy seeds must be drained.

  6. Add sugar to poppy seeds. Grind the whole mass with a blender.

  7. Dust the board with flour. Place a ball of dough and punch it down. Then roll out into a rectangular layer.

  8. And spread the poppy seed filling thickly throughout the layer.

  9. Roll the dough into a roll. Place on parchment. Cover and let rest (usually 30-40 minutes is enough).

  10. Brush the roll with beaten yolk. I love decorating baked goods with different figures. To make a beautiful poppy seed roll, you need to leave a little dough, roll it into a thin layer and cut out shapes. Place randomly on a greased roll and place in the oven at 180 degrees. Bake the roll for 50-60 minutes.

  11. Well, that's all. An elegant roll with poppy seeds made from yeast dough is ready. Cool it down and invite everyone to drink tea!

The poppy seed roll exudes homely warmth and coziness when we bake it from yeast dough. A festive atmosphere settles into the house. Perhaps the memory of our ancestors is triggered, since our grandmothers in the distant past prepared beautiful baked goods with poppy seeds for the Great church holidays. Nowadays you can’t find Russian ovens, so we cook it easily, in the oven.

But the taste does not suffer at all from this; the yeast roll turns out rich, fluffy, with a delicate filling. I suggest step by step recipe with a photo of the process of preparing the roll.

Yeast roll with poppy seeds

Proper preparation involves the use of live yeast. Finding them nowadays is quite difficult. Don’t get lost, replace it with more familiar ones – dry ones.

You will need:

  • Flour – 300 gr.
  • Milk – 150 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 60 gr.
  • Pressed yeast – 20 gr. (when replacing with dry yeast, take 5-6 grams).
  • Egg.
  • Butter – 40 gr.
  • Salt – ½ small spoon.
  • For the filling:
  • Poppy – 100 gr.
  • Milk – 100 ml.
  • Sugar – 75 gr.

How to cook a roll step by step

We will not make dough as such. We will skip this step. We knead the dough without sponge, which will not affect the taste and fluffiness of the roll. But we'll save time.

Pour warm milk into a bowl, add sugar in the amount suggested for the dough. Stir. Add the yeast, crumbling it with your hands. Stir again to revive the yeast.

Separately, add salt to the flour and mix.

Gradually start adding milk and yeast into the bowl.

Stir until the ingredients combine into a mass.

Beat in the egg and mix the dough mixture again.

The next step is to add softened room temperature butter. Mix it into the dough. Work with a spoon or spatula at first.

Then place it on the table and continue using your hands. The dough will stick a little to the table and hands. This is fine. After a quarter of an hour, the dough will become elastic, easily kneaded, and will no longer stick to your fingers.

After kneading the dough thoroughly, form a lump and place it in a bowl. Cover with cling film and place in a warm place for 1 hour, let it grow.

Use this time to prepare the poppy seed filling.

How to prepare poppy seeds for roll filling

Pour milk into a saucepan and heat it up.

  1. Without removing from heat, add all the sugar from the ingredients intended for poppy seeds. Stir and wait until the sweetness dissolves.
  2. Next send the poppy. Stir the contents again. Cook for 2-3 minutes so that the poppy seeds are soaked in milk. Remove from the burner and leave to steep for approximately 40-60 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, place the poppy seeds in a sieve to drain the liquid.
  4. Now the poppy needs to be crushed. I know several ways, but the old one is better, in a mortar. Many are passed through a meat grinder, crushed with a blender or coffee grinder.

How to make a roll

The dough came out perfectly, no need to knead it anymore.

Roll out with a rolling pin into a rectangular layer approximately 30 by 30 in size. Approximately 0.5 cm thick.

Since we decided to bake not only a rich, but also a beautiful poppy seed roll, I suggest decorating it with braids.

To do this, measure approximately a third of the length of the layer and draw a line.

Place the poppy seeds on the dough, taking 2/3 of the size, as in the photo. Level it out.

For decoration, cut ribbons with a knife.

Then braid your hair like you would for your daughters.

Roll up the roll. Grab your hands on the opposite side of the braids. Make the first bend 1-1.5 centimeters.

Gently twist the roll, pushing a little on the braids so that the base sticks together.

Shape it a little with your hands.

Throw on the braids - throw them at the top and secure them at the bottom.

Leave the roll to proof for 40 minutes, covering with film.

The roll will grow well. All that remains is to grease it with an egg beaten with water or milk.

Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for baking. Baking time is 35-40 minutes.

The roll will turn out tall and ruddy. I advise you to immediately grease it with melted butter. Then the top will be soft, the crust will not be hard.

You can decorate the baked goods with powdered sugar.

To help novice cooks, I’ve put together a video with a step-by-step description of how to prepare a gorgeous poppy seed roll. Let your home always smell like delicious baked goods!

I'm not a fan of poppy seed pastries. But my husband loves poppy seed roll made from yeast dough. Usually, traditionally, my mother makes it for Easter. You could say, especially for my son-in-law.

This year the rolls were very small and were quickly eaten. I decided to bake a huge roll myself, for the second time in my life. The dough was extremely tender and the poppy seed filling had an interesting taste. I add more sugar, so the baked goods “release” delicious juice.

First of all, let's prepare the dough.

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add sugar and a spoonful of flour. Leave until foamy.

Add milk, melted butter, egg and salt. Mix. Add flour and knead the dough.

Cover the dough and leave until it increases in volume.

When the dough has risen, you need to steam the poppy seeds.

Fill the poppy seed with water and put it in the microwave. Turn on for about 10 minutes.

All the water should evaporate. Look at your stove. You can also steam the poppy seeds on the stove.

Flatten the dough into a flat cake. This works great even with your hands.

Brush with melted butter.

Spread the poppy seeds. And sprinkle the entire surface with sugar.

Roll up. Leave to rest for 15 minutes.

Using a sharp knife, make cuts all over the roll.

Bake the poppy seed roll from yeast dough at 170 degrees until golden brown. Approximately 25-35 minutes.

Let cool slightly and you can cut.

Bon appetit.

Let's start, of course, with the dough, or rather, with its base - with the dough. 1/2 tbsp. heat the milk (to about 30"). Grind 4 tablespoons of sifted flour with yeast, add 1 spoon of granulated sugar, season it all with warm milk and mix well so that there are no lumps. And leave for about an hour in a warm place - let him rise quietly.

Meanwhile, let's start filling. It just looks so simple, but in reality... So... Let's get started...

To do this, pour the poppy seeds into one large container and pour boiling water over them. Leave it like this for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, drain the water and refill the poppy seed - and again with boiling water, only now for 5 minutes. Then drain the water and squeeze out the poppy seed. Careful - it's hot! :)

Now all this softened beauty needs to be passed through a meat grinder. And not just like that - but with sugar. The end result is a nice, slightly runny paste.

To save time, the best thing to do is start the test and put the poppy seeds aside for a while.

Heat the remaining milk a LITTLE, just enough to dissolve the butter. Then combine the milk and the inflated dough, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and mix everything well but gently.

In a separate bowl, beat the white with salt, the yolk with sugar and vanilla sugar.

Again, carefully combine the white, yolk, and sponge mixture, adding sifted flour in portions. Knead a fairly elastic dough. And knead... And knead... And knead... No man loves women's hands as much as dough loves them... And therefore the more you knead it, the more it will give you its taste and softness. Knead for about 10-15 minutes.

Well that's it! Now he needs to be sent back to a warm place for another hour. Just remember to carefully cover the dough with a towel.

And again the poppy... It's already ready. Or rather, he is only ready to tinker with him for at least another hour :) Place the poppy seed mixture in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of milk, butter and honey. Place on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally. Add a tablespoon of milk from time to time. As a result, by the end of cooking, the poppy seed should be quite dry.

Now let’s connect.

Knead the dough to remove any bubbles that have already formed and roll out to a thickness of approximately 3 mm. Trim the edges to give the sheet a rectangular shape. (if there is too much dough, don’t use it all - make buns. The dough is very tasty..:))

Apply ALL the poppy seed filling onto the sheet, spreading it out carefully and evenly with a knife. Carefully roll up the roll.

This beauty needs to be greased with a beaten egg and baked at 180°C for the first ten minutes. Every next ten minutes, reduce the temperature by 20°C. Total baking time is approximately 35-40 minutes.

And, finally, our torment has come to an end... A lot of dishes have been washed, a lot of nerves have been spent - but the goal has been achieved, we have done IT!