Medical education abroad. Bachelor of Medicine Outlook for Bachelors of Medicine

In the capital of our country, the choice of universities where you can get high-quality specialization within the most humane profession is very extensive. Let's get acquainted with Moscow higher educational institutions, where both native Muscovites and city guests, Russians and foreign citizens are welcome.

List of Moscow medical universities and institutes

Here is a list of Moscow medical universities opening their doors to applicants in 2017:

  • 1st Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov;
  • Russian National Research Medical. University named after Pirogov;
  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (Faculty of Fundamental Medicine);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Faculty of Medicine);
  • Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. Evdokimova;
  • Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology;
  • State classical academy named after Maimonides;
  • Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. Scriabin.

Now let’s take a closer look at the most significant Moscow medical universities and institutes from the list that we announced.

First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov

This is the oldest state medical university in the capital - it was founded in 1758. The institution operates under perpetual license No. 2356 (dated August 20, 2016), accredited on September 6 of the same year, until March 23, 2022. The main building is located on the street. Trubetskoy, 8, building 2.

The first MSMU is a Moscow medical university with a dormitory and budget places in all the specialties listed below. On its basis you can get full-time/correspondence education:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • master's degree;
  • specialty;
  • graduate school;
  • additional professional;
  • secondary vocational;
  • pre-university preparation.

The following areas are open at six faculties of this Moscow Medical University:

  • medicine;
  • nursing education;
  • pediatrics;
  • clinpsych;
  • social work/sociology;
  • biotechnology;
  • medical and preventive education;
  • dentistry;
  • pharmaceutical direction;
  • public health;
  • bioengineering, bioinformatics;
  • economy;
  • management;
  • defectological education;
  • linguistics;
  • medical biochemistry/biophysics.

RNRMU named after Pirogov

The main building of the university is located at: st. Ostrovityanova, 1. This Moscow medical university has been operating since 1906. Today, its educational services are licensed (perpetual license No. 2418 dated September 29, 2016) and accredited (No. 2314 for the period 10/31/2016 - 07/28/1017).

Full-time undergraduate, specialist, postgraduate and higher professional education are available. The university consists of nine faculties:

  • medicine;
  • psychological and social;
  • dentistry;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • pediatrics;
  • medical and biological;
  • international;
  • for training foreign students;
  • receiving additional education.

Both budget and commercial training are available in the following areas:

  • medicine;
  • pediatrics;
  • biology;
  • clinical psychology;
  • honey. cybernetics;
  • dentistry;
  • honey. biochemistry;
  • honey. biophysics;
  • pharmacy;
  • social work.

This Moscow medical university has 4 dormitories with 3,657 beds. The campus is located on the street. Academician Volgina, 35-41.

Lomonosov Moscow State University

In the oldest (founded in 1755) and significant university in Russia, which is also included in the list of Moscow medical universities and institutes, the fundamental medical faculty awaits future doctors. Location of the institution: Leninskie Gory, 1 (admissions office - Leninskie Gory, 1, p. 52, 2nd academic building, room 146). The license of Moscow State University is unlimited (No. 1353 dated April 1, 2015), this accreditation is valid until July 3, 2020 (No. 1308 dated June 1, 2015).

The university provides a dormitory for nonresident students, and a military department operates on its base. Students studying in the specialties "General Medicine" and "Pharmacy" have the opportunity to be enrolled in budget-funded places (35 and 15 places, respectively). However, the passing score here is quite high - 429 for future pharmacologists and 465 for general medicine.

Faculty of Medicine of RUDN University

Now, speaking about Moscow medical universities and institutes, let’s touch on this university, founded relatively recently - in 1960. It is located at: st. Miklouho-Maklaya, 6 (reception office in room 218). Valid under perpetual license No. 1204 dated December 23, 2014. Accredited until March 13, 2020 (No. 1190 of February 9, 2015).

Specializations available at the Faculty of Medicine:

  • Nursing (Bachelor's Degree);
  • medicine;
  • pharmacy;
  • dentistry.

In all of the listed specialties there is a possibility of admission to the budget. Nonresident students are provided with places in the dormitory.

MGMSU named after Evdokimov

This Moscow medical university with a dental focus was opened in 1922. It is located at the address: st. Delegatskaya, 20, building 1, the admissions office can be found on the street. Dolgorukovskaya, 4, building 2, in room 110. The university has a perpetual license No. 2338 dated August 16, 2016. It is accredited until February 4, 2020 (document No. 2390).

Full-time education only: bachelor's/master's degree, specialty, secondary and additional vocational education, postgraduate studies. There are nine faculties at this Moscow Medical University, among them:

  • medicine;
  • dentistry;
  • clinpsych;
  • social work;
  • economic;
  • pedagogy in higher medical school.

There are also faculties of additional and secondary education, and a military department. Budget and paid places are open in the following directions:

  • dentistry;
  • clinpsych;
  • social Job;
  • medical business.

The university has three dormitories: st. Onezhskaya, 7a, st. Vucheticha, 10 and 10, p. 1.

Moscow medical universities and institutes, the list of which we have presented, are pleased to accept thousands of new students this year for both budgetary and commercial places. You can find out more detailed information by contacting the admissions office or the official website of a particular university.

with a training profile "Biomedicine"

Form of study: full-time
Duration of training: 4 years
Entrance tests (USE): mathematics, biology, Russian language.

Applicants enrolled in the first year of a bachelor's degree can compete for a double degree program with the University of Turin.

Academic bachelor's degree in biology (profile "Biomedicine") Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov trains medical and biological specialists and provides for in-depth study of both biological and fundamental medical disciplines. When creating the course, we accumulated all the best that was developed and tested at the Faculty of Medical Biology of the University as part of a six-year education (specialty) in the specialties “Medical Biochemistry”, “Medical Biophysics” and “Medical Cybernetics”.

During the learning process, students gain a holistic understanding of the functioning of living systems at all levels of organization: from molecular to organismal. The main focus is on the study of molecular and physiological processes occurring in the body under normal conditions and pathology, as well as on modern biomedical technologies used in scientific and clinical biomedical research. Lecture courses run in parallel with practical classes, where students are taught the basic laws and rules of scientific research work in the laboratory. Unlike many non-medical universities, we have experience in training specialists to work in the biomedical field!

A graduate who has mastered the bachelor's program "Biology" and hastily passed the state final certification is awarded the qualification "bachelor" in the field of study 03/06/01 Biology.


Graduates who have completed the bachelor's program will be able to continue their studies in the master's program in the field of study "Biology", profile "Medical Bioinformatics". A graduate of the master's program will become a specialist in one of the current areas of biomedical research, in demand in leading scientific laboratories, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in Russia, the USA and Europe. A master's degree graduate can continue his education in postgraduate studies at biomedical research institutes and universities in the areas of “Biological Sciences”.

Graduates who have completed the bachelor's program can work in the following positions:

Teacher of biology, chemistry, mathematics, ecology in high school;
specialist in environmental services and organizations;
laboratory assistant, research assistant or technician in an educational organization, research institute or sanitary-epidemiological station.

master's program "Organization and management in healthcare" in the direction of “State and Municipal Management” (GMU) consists of training managers who are able to effectively provide at different levels of management the development, regulatory, organizational and economic support and implementation of state policy in the field of healthcare, innovative state, municipal and corporate programs and projects in healthcare, taking into account international and domestic experience.

Entrance tests: exam in the form of testing in a core discipline using a hundred-point system.

  • Written Test Example

Purpose of the program:

Formation of a holistic understanding of state and municipal management and its features in the field of healthcare, including in the field of medical care and services based on service and social services, as well as in teaching practical skills in organizational, managerial, administrative, technological and project activities in healthcare.

Program objectives:

  • providing professional training for undergraduates for the system of state and municipal management in the field of healthcare;
  • providing legal education to managers focused on professional activities in government bodies and local governments, as well as in organizations of various forms of ownership related to the healthcare sector;
  • systematization and integration of knowledge on problems of management, legal regulation, economics and finance in the healthcare sector, including at the federal, regional, municipal, and corporate levels;
  • implementation of theoretical and practical training on the issues of personnel policy and personnel management in the healthcare sector;
  • formation of practical skills in program-targeted management, expert and project activities in the field of healthcare; implementation of theoretical and practical training for management activities aimed at improving the quality and culture of consumer service in the healthcare sector.

Competencies and advantages

  • The program is based on the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 04/38/04 State and Municipal Administration (SMU) (master's level) (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2014 No. 1518) and many years of experience in training personnel for social branches of the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the Academy.
  • The training of master's students is based on an integrated approach to the organization and management of healthcare; the use of modern management methods and tools, taking into account the specifics of state, municipal and corporate management, with a focus on strategic guidelines for long-term planning of the activities of healthcare organizations, including primary care; involves mastering best practices.
  • Upon completion of the program, it is possible to continue education in graduate school and doctoral studies.

Graduates of the program have the following competencies:

  • Ability to manage an organization and its personnel, taking into account the characteristics of healthcare and the corresponding type of structure and type of activity.
  • Possession of skills in conducting representative sociological research and monitoring the social environment and public opinion, interests, preferences and expectations of the target audience when assessing the state of the healthcare system and the provision of services by its individual sectors and complexes, as well as institutions.
  • Ability to generate ideas, develop concepts of targeted programs and projects, strategies and long-term development programs.
  • Possession of skills to interact with various government and management structures, conduct dialogue with representatives of business and civil society in order to create and implement projects and programs in the field of healthcare.
  • Ability to carry out examination of regulatory documents, projects and programs in certain areas of the healthcare sector.
  • The ability to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of healthcare organizations, commercial and non-profit domestic and foreign enterprises involved in healthcare activities.


Organizations, partners and internship sites of program participants

  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and its subordinate organizations; The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and its subordinate medical and pharmaceutical enterprises; Health insurance funds; Social insurance funds; Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • The apparatus and specialized committees of the Federation Council; The apparatus and specialized committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • Medical complexes and enterprises, health resort institutions are carriers of best practices.
  • The intended field of activity for graduates of the master's program "Organization and Management in Healthcare."
  • Federal government agencies; state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; local government bodies; state and municipal institutions, budgetary organizations, including the healthcare sector; civil society institutions; public sector organizations.
  • Non-profit organizations; international organizations and international governing bodies; organizations, departments for relations with government bodies and citizens; medical and social extra-budgetary funds, health departments of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, personnel, economic planning and other services of health care organizations, trade unions; state, municipal, non-profit medical and social organizations, scientific and analytical organizations and organizations of higher professional education involved in healthcare.

To enroll, you need to have a higher education diploma.

Any state must implement policies aimed at preserving the health of its citizens. This determines how successful the population will be, which affects all areas of the country’s life without exception. This is a very complex area, which is studied by the specialty 04/32/01 Public Health.

To implement competent health care policies, coordinated actions of different bodies and departments are needed. This includes medical institutions, educational and research centers, authorities and insurance companies. The task of this direction is to skillfully manage the health of the population. This is achieved in different ways: by making adjustments to behavioral stereotypes, promoting a healthy lifestyle, consultations and education.

Admission conditions

This course is designed to develop specialists who will work in the field of prevention and promotion of the nation's health. To enroll in a master's program, you need to have a higher education diploma. In particular, it is possible to study this specialty with a non-medical education.

Future specialty

This direction involves the formation of professional competencies that will make it possible to really influence the improvement of the quality of life of the population. To do this, the specialist will need to understand the problems of domestic healthcare. After graduation, the master can work on issues of disease prevention and health promotion. Graduates of the program also occupy leadership positions in the healthcare industry. In particular, they create regulatory documentation in their field, conduct teaching and research work.

Where to apply

Currently, master's programs in this area are available in the following higher educational institutions:

  • First Moscow State honey. Sechenov University;
  • Tyumen State University;
  • St. Petersburg State pediatric med. university;
  • Northern State honey. university;
  • Ryazan State honey. Pavlov University.

Duration of training

According to legal regulations, the master's program is designed for two years of study.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The future master's student takes a theoretical course during his studies, mastering the following subjects:

  • introduction to public health;
  • introduction to biostatics;
  • mathematical modeling;
  • public health: scientific methods;
  • health promotion;
  • health policy;
  • fundamentals of psychology and sociology in the field of health care;
  • health economics;
  • healthcare management;
  • information Technology;
  • bioethics in health care;
  • human ecology;
  • foreign language.

Acquired skills

Master's studies involve acquiring the following practical skills:

  • development of preventive measures to prevent diseases;
  • carrying out activities aimed at preventing diseases, reducing morbidity and mortality;
  • solving current environmental issues;
  • development of measures to combat dangerous infections;
  • study of various factors that influence the level of morbidity in the population;
  • conducting public health research;
  • teaching work in higher educational institutions;
  • participation in the development of regulatory documents, analysis of the effectiveness of current norms and standards.

Job prospects by profession

This specialty is becoming increasingly in demand. On the one hand, its popularity is influenced by the government policy being implemented. On the other hand, demand is generated by pressing problems in the healthcare sector.

Such professionals are needed in institutions that provide health education. You can find yourself in practical medical activities or in teaching. A master's degree graduate can find work in regional departments and governing bodies in the healthcare sector. There are vacancies in specialized research institutes and centers.

What do course graduates do:

  • managers;
  • community leaders;
  • medical practitioners;
  • clinicians;
  • researchers;
  • teachers.

The level of remuneration for such a specialist depends on the place of application of forces. If he decides to be a practicing doctor, then the rates start from 25 thousand. Management positions mean increased income.

Benefits of Professional Development

After completing a master's degree, the graduate has broad prospects for self-realization in science. This is interesting for those who are interested in research activities. But a scientific degree also increases the employer’s interest in the applicant, even if the specialist chooses the path of a practicing doctor.

Becoming a highly qualified doctor is prestigious and promises high career growth. Today, it is difficult to obtain a medical education for several reasons: many requirements for applicants, competitive selection for a budget (from five people per place). Today, three main medical areas are popular among students: general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry. Less popular, but in great demand in medical institutions, are still the following areas - surgeon, therapist, ENT, gynecologist. New narrow professions are emerging - plastic surgery, manual therapy, cosmetology, dietetics and acupuncture.

It is not surprising that due to the popularity of medical education, the cost of studying in Russia starts from 300,000 rubles, regardless of the location of the university. At the same time, a diploma obtained in Russia does not open up the possibility of working in Europe. Secondary confirmation of your qualifications is required. Therefore, applicants pay attention to European medical universities, where after completing their studies they have the opportunity to obtain citizenship and choose to work in any country in the world. So how to choose the best university with quality medical education?

Medical education abroad

As in Russia, it is difficult to obtain a medical education abroad, especially for foreigners. Getting in on a budget basis is not possible, because the competition for one place is from 100 people. There are no benefits for foreign applicants. At the same time, the cost of medical specialization is many times higher than that of other specialties. But the training lasts almost ten years! For about 4 years, a student undergoes a general education program, another 4 years of study in the chosen field and two years of internship.

Note! Despite the above difficulties, a diploma of completion of medical education opens up the possibility of obtaining a prestigious job anywhere in the world.

5 best universities in the world:

1. Harvard University, USA

The Harvard School of Medicine consists of two schools: medicine and dentistry. It is worth noting that studying at this university is prestigious. After graduation, each student has several offers from the university or direct employers about open vacancies. The average cost of medical education reaches $60,000 (including housing, food and student fees). You can get a major at Harvard for free if the student successfully passes the entrance exams and submits an application for financial assistance. Provided that the parents' income is less than $65,000.

2. Oxford University, UK

In terms of popularity and quality of education, Oxford shares first place with Harvard. Start of training – October. Students study three terms a year - Micklemass, Hilary and Trinity. In addition to regular classes, the student has the opportunity to take individual lessons with teachers (tutoring). The Faculty of Medicine has the following departments: obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, surgery, pharmacology, clinical medicine and others. Tuition costs from 15,000 pounds per year (1,461,621 rubles).

3. University of Cambridge, UK

The University of Cambridge has several separate schools. One of them is clinical medicine. The university has large and high-tech laboratories and centers. For example, the Center for Applied Medical Statistics, the Brain Rehabilitation Center, the Stem Cell Institute and others. The cost of a bachelor's degree is £17,811, a master's degree is priced at £15,360 and a postgraduate course from £15,360. It is worth noting that these prices do not include: insurance, accommodation, meals, and textbooks.

4. University named after John Hopkinson, USA

The university is the largest medical university. It is currently ranked fourth according to a Ranhigs World University survey. The cost of annual training is $66,200. This cost includes student fees, payment for health insurance, food, literature, transportation costs, and rental housing. Financial assistance is also provided for students; the average scholarship amount is about $25,000. The main feature of the university, especially for future doctors, is the opportunity to undergo an internship at the hospital named after. John Hopkins.

5. Stanford University, USA

The university structure includes 7 faculties. The academic year consists of 4 semesters. The following departments are open in the medical field: gynecology, psychology, radiation oncology, surgery, chemical and systems biology, biochemistry, anesthesia, cardiac surgery, radiology and others. There is an opportunity to obtain all degrees of education: bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy and doctor. The duration of study is significantly lower than in other universities: bachelor's degree - 1.5-2 years, master's degree - one year, doctoral degree - 3, doctor - 5 years. Tuition fee: 1st degree – $44,200, second – $47,100, $61,875 (excluding additional expenses).

Note! If financial possibilities do not allow, you should pay attention to Germany and the Czech Republic, where medical education can be obtained for free. This option is available to winners of international competitions who have won a grant. The Czech Republic is famous for its affordable education – no more than $20,000 per year. You can also save a lot if you go to college at a foreign university.