Prayers for the feast of the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the history of the holiday, its traditions and congratulations Church holiday December 4

On December 4, 2 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, and days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays December 4

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

The latest twelfth immovable holiday. Dedicated to the introduction of Mary by her parents into the Temple of Jerusalem at the age of 3 for the purpose of dedication to God.

On December 4, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, Christians remember how Saints Joachim and Anna brought the three-year-old Virgin Mary to the Jerusalem Temple. Thus, the parents of the Mother of God fulfilled their vow - the promise to dedicate their long-awaited daughter to God. The Virgin Mary lived and served at the Temple until the moment when she was betrothed to the righteous Joseph.

The Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (this is the full name of the holiday) is one of the twelve, that is, the largest Orthodox holidays. This is an impermanent holiday, its date is unchanged.

On the day of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, the festive service consists of small vespers, all-night vigil (with litia), hours and liturgy. The charter of the service is practically no different from the charter of the other twelve celebrations of the Mother of God (Nativity of the Virgin Mary and Assumption). Only holiday songs are sung. The clergy wear white and/or blue vestments.

There are folk signs associated with this holiday. In the old days they often said: “Introduction breaks the ice” (thaw) or “Introduction is thick ice” (frost). If deep winter begins from the Introduction, prepare the bins: there will be a rich harvest of grain. If the weather is cloudy at Introduction, then next year There will be a harvest, but if it’s clear, don’t expect a harvest.

Christmas post

7th day
Multi-day fast. Its goal is the spiritual cleansing of a person and preparation for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. The duration of the fast is 40 days.

For a true Christian, any ritual of refusing food is a stage of serious preparation for an Orthodox event. The Nativity Fast is observed to meet the day, revered as the Birth of the Savior, with a pure soul and thoughts.

The history of the custom goes back to early Christianity and is noted in sources from the 4th century. Then it lasted only seven days and was observed from the last day of December and the first seven days of January according to the new style.

The clergy of the Church of Constantinople, represented by Patriarch Luke Chrysovergos, considered that 7 days of fasting before an Orthodox event is not enough for complete cleansing from sins, bad thoughts and actions. In 1166 they decided to increase the number fast days up to 40. The time period for its observance is from November 28 to January 6. According to the Julian calendar from November 14 to December 24.

This period church calendar It is also called the Filippov fast, or Filippovka, because the day before the fast, or fast, falls on the date of veneration in the church of St. Philip's day (November 27). He was a great expert in the Holy Scriptures and was waiting for the coming of the Messiah. I followed Christ at the beginning of his journey and helped in many ways.

If during the Easter Fast the period of abstinence from food shifts every year, then the Nativity Fast always has one interval, which is easy to determine if you count back 40 days of fasting from January 7 (Christmas holiday).

The meaning of the Nativity Fast in Orthodoxy

In order to accept the birthday of Jesus Christ with due reverence and awareness, you need to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually of any defilement.

The Nativity of Christ is revered as one of the significant events of Orthodoxy. It cannot be celebrated as an ordinary holiday, but only according to a special custom. Preparation is needed, comparable to cleaning the house for the arrival of the most important guests. Just as you want to remove dirt from the corners of your home, you should also prepare spiritually and physically to receive the Savior.

The parishioner must limit the intake of prohibited foods, give up entertainment, bad thoughts and actions, and pray to cleanse the soul. Only with an integrated approach can one achieve a state where a person is ready to accept faith and Christ.

The entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated by Christians in Russia on December 4. This celebration is one of the twelve holidays and is considered one of the most significant annual events of Christians. On this day, the parents of the three-year-old Virgin Mary brought her into the Jerusalem Temple, where she lived until her betrothal.

History of the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to the works of Orthodox literature, the parents of the Mother of God Anna and Joachim were unable to conceive a child for a long time. When the long-awaited child was born, the couple, in gratitude to the Almighty, promised to devote her life to God. From the age of three, the Mother of God Mary lived in the temple of Jerusalem, doing handicrafts, reading religious books and praying. The girl was raised along with other children by women who dedicated themselves to God. Church apocrypha testifies that the young Mother of God often saw a Heavenly Angel bringing her spiritual food. It is believed that the Most Holy Mary was brought into the Temple to devote herself to God, to be brought up in his dwelling and to help Orthodox believers reconcile with the Almighty, to “deify” their corrupt nature.

  • The first mention of the holiday on December 4 is recorded in the manuscripts of St. Gregory of Nyssa, dated to the 4th century.
  • In Constantinople in the 8th century, Patriarchs Germanus and Tarasius wrote sermons for the celebration of the Entry into the Temple.
  • In old month books you can also find mention of the holiday.

In those days, the significance of the holiday was not as great as it is now. Only starting from the 16th century did it become one of the twelve.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

On December 4, solemn services dedicated to the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary are held in all Orthodox parishes. The prayers of believers on this day praise the Holy Virgin and ask for her intercession before the Almighty for all Christians. After prayers and services in Rus', introduction fairs were held, full of noise and fun. Moskovskaya was especially famous. Merchants displayed a variety of goods, peddlers offered hot buns, pies, pretzels, and pancakes. They cooked hot honey sbiten.

On December 4, Christians went out on sleighs for the first time. The first right of departure was given to newlyweds. The sleigh was elegantly decorated, the bride put on her best outfit, the groom wore a red sash and controlled the horses. The ritual was popularly nicknamed “to show the young woman.”

Signs associated with the holiday

In Rus', “Introduction” meant not only Orthodox holiday, but also “input”, that is, the beginning of winter.

A proverb invented by the people speaks directly about this: “Introduction has come, winter has come.”

If snow fell before the holiday, it was believed that it would melt. If it snows the next day, then it will fall until spring. Based on the weather on December 4, they predicted the weather for the future. If you believe folk superstition, then what the weather is like at the Introduction, all Christmastide will be like that. The beginning of winter on this day foreshadowed a rich harvest.

On the eve of the holiday unmarried girls before going to bed they had to say a special prayer and see their betrothed at night.

Beautiful congratulations

On December 4, Christian believers celebrate the holiday and congratulate their family and friends. Some call by phone to say warm words and wishes, others want to meet in person. Many people send messages of congratulations. Some of them are collected here:

History of the holiday

According to Tradition, the parents of the Blessed Virgin, Joachim and Anna, for a long time could not conceive a child. Turning their prayers to the Lord, they asked to send them a baby, promising to give him to the service of God. Their prayers were heard, and she was born who was destined to become the mother of the Savior.

The righteous couple fulfilled their vow - when Mary was three years old, she was dressed in the best clothes and led with great solemnity to the doors of the Jerusalem Temple. The clergy met them there.

A high and steep staircase led to the temple. Three-year-old Maria was placed on the first level. To the great surprise of those present, the young maiden climbed the remaining fourteen steps herself, without experiencing any difficulties. She ran up to the temple doors quickly and easily, without even looking back at her parents. When Mary reached the last step, the high priest, who, as legend says, was sent a suggestion from above, brought the virgin to the Holy of Holies, where the Tablets of the Covenant were kept. Until this moment, no one had entered the secret place except the high priest - and he was allowed to do this only once a year for a special ritual.

Joachim and Anna entrusted the child to the will of the Lord and left the temple. Mary remained in the temple until she was fifteen years old, after which, according to angelic instructions, she was given in marriage to Joseph.

Mary's life is hidden in a veil of secrecy. According to Tradition, while she was in the Temple, she did handicrafts, studied the text of the Holy Scriptures, and in her soul her love for the Heavenly Father grew and became stronger.

The Day of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple is the day of the appearance to the world of God’s chosen one, the purest of all who lived on earth, who did not have even a shadow of a sinful thought.\


Our ancestors identified the day of the Entry of the Mother of God into the temple with the beginning of real winter, which is why people often called it the gate of winter. A thaw was no longer expected: it was believed that the winter cold had finally come into its own.

The onset of winter was celebrated with appropriate entertainment: they took out sleighs, played on fresh air. The custom of sledding on this day was especially widespread among newlyweds - the whole family gathered at the newlyweds’ house to watch their first ride. And on this day, unmarried girls wondered about their future spouse: before going to bed, they asked the “Holy Introduction” to show what house they would live in after marriage. Women especially revered the Feast of Entry into the Temple. It was believed that he patronized the female destiny and gave strength for work. In honor of the holiday on December 4, magnificent services are held in churches.

The pagans believed that on December 4, Winter rode through the streets on three horses, dressed in a snow-white fur coat. However, there are thaws, but to this day they say that Introduction brings winter. But after this date, no warmth was expected.

This day the Moroz Brothers were greeted by going out into the courtyard with bows. Only the owner of the house did this. The Morozs were asked for strength and health for the whole family, and a warmer stove was heated in their honor.

If you can’t go to church, you should read prayers at home and light candles near the icon of the Virgin Mary. Follow the rules of church holidays: avoid work and household chores unless urgently required. Dedicate the day to spiritual matters and folk traditions.

What can you eat on this day?
This holiday falls on the Nativity Fast (also called the Philip Fast), but it is allowed to eat fish.

Folk signs for the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • According to popular belief, if there is frost at the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then all holidays will be frosty, but if the weather is relatively mild, it means that it will not be very cold outside on holidays.
  • Snow that falls on the fourth day of December or later will not melt until spring. The snowdrifts that appeared before this date will soon melt. Real winter weather on Introduction - good omen, to harvest and wealth.
  • Frost on the Introduction - for a hot summer. If the weather is clear or snowing, there will be a good harvest of grain.
  • A cloudy and warm day promises a poor grain harvest, but a warm winter.
  • Before heavy snowfall, the night is darker than usual.
  • A lot of snowdrifts on the hills means a big harvest of strawberries.
  • The weather on December 4 also predicts what Christmas will be like. Frost means all Christmas days will be cold. If the bell ringing is clearly audible, the weather will be clear. The ringing of bells is dull - like snow.

On December 27, 3 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, and days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays December 27

Christmas post

Multi-day fast. Its goal is the spiritual cleansing of a person and preparation for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. The duration of the fast is 40 days.

The Nativity Fast is permanent: it always begins forty days before Christmas, that is, November 28. Due to the fact that on the eve of the beginning of abstinence the Orthodox world honors the memory of St. Philip, the fast is often called “Philip’s”.

The Nativity Fast is not the strictest fast in existence. However, some foods are strictly forbidden to eat: meat, eggs and dairy products. Some dishes are allowed to be eaten only on certain days, for example, fish (can be eaten on weekends and during great church holidays), vegetable oil (can be added to food on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday). Sometimes you are allowed to drink a little dry wine.

Refusal of fast food is the most insignificant part of what a person must do in preparation for the great holiday. Fasting will turn into an ordinary diet that cleanses the body and will not fulfill its spiritual function if it is not combined with constant internal work on oneself, one’s thoughts, attitude towards one’s neighbor, and daily behavior. The Church even condemns those who fast physically, but do not touch upon the spiritual aspect of abstinence.

During fasting, it is necessary to refrain from violent manifestations of feelings, negative emotions, especially anger and envy. Attendance at entertainment events should be kept to a minimum. Every day you need to spend some time alone with yourself to analyze your behavior, think about your misdeeds and ask for forgiveness from the heavenly powers for them. Resort to prayer more often - appeal to higher powers will help you tune in to spiritual cleansing and resist the temptations of the world around you.

Martyrs Thirsus, Leucius and Callinicus

Honoring the memory of three martyrs who suffered for their faith in Jesus Christ in Caesarea Bithynia under Emperor Decius.

The holy martyrs Thirsus, Leucius and Callinicus suffered for Christ under the emperor Decius (249 - 251) in Caesarea Bithynia. Saint Leucius, who reproached the ruler of Kumvrikium for the unjust persecution of Christians, was beheaded with a sword after torture. Saint Firs, sentenced to the most severe tortures and torments, endured them unharmed and, by God's will, died peacefully. The pagan priest Callinicus, seeing the courage and miracles of Saint Thirs, believed in Christ and boldly confessed true faith, for which he was beheaded with a sword.

Filimonov day

Martyrs Philemon, Apollonius, Arian and Theotichus

It is the day of remembrance of the four martyrs who suffered for their faith in Jesus Christ in the city of Antinoe (Egypt) under the emperor Diocletian.

The holy martyrs Philemon, Apollonius, Arian and Theotichus suffered for the faith in Egypt, in the city of Antinous, under the emperor Diocletian (284–305). Saint Arian, before his conversion to the Christian faith, was a persecutor of Christians, including the martyrs Apollonius and Philemon. First, the martyr Apollonius, fearing the impending suffering, begged the pagan musician Philemon to dress in his clothes and sacrifice to idols for him. But unexpectedly Saint Philemon confessed himself to the pagans as a Christian. Saint Apollonius repented and also confessed Christ. After torture, both martyrs were executed.

Their tormentor Arian, having healed his wounded eye with ashes taken from Philemon’s grave, repented, converted to the Christian faith and was baptized along with his entire house and bodyguards. For their love for Christ, they voluntarily submitted to torture and were put to death. Among the bodyguards, the eldest was the martyr Theotikh, commemorated along with other saints. The martyrs Philemon and Apollonius died on March 16, 286, and the martyrs Arian and Theotichos died on March 4, 287.

On December 4, we celebrate the Orthodox holiday of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple). This is a major Christian feast of the Mother of God. Another name for this holiday is the Third Most Pure One.

The history of the holiday and the name of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It was on this day that the Mother of God was brought to church to serve the Lord. Then Mary was only three years old and the high priest took the child to a place where children usually did not go.

Since then, only once a year, on December 4, the Virgin Mary could enter the Holy of Holies. Tradition says that parents could not have children for a long time, so they promised God that when a miracle happened, they would give the child to his service.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple: the history of the holiday

At the age of three, his parents kept their promise and brought him to the temple in Jerusalem. We had to walk for three days. Mary herself entered the temple up fifteen steps, and then the high priest took the girl to the Holy of Holies, where they could not enter ordinary people. Everyone present in the temple was surprised by this event. Maria remained in the temple to help, and her parents returned home.

From childhood to her ascension to heaven, the earthly life of the Virgin Mary is covered with many secrets. But in many scriptures there are preserved memories that the Blessed Virgin from childhood served God Himself, and was guarded by the Archangel Gabriel.

Traditions of the Feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

On this day, the fishermen were in a hurry to do their last fishing, because when the ice gets stronger, the fish will no longer taste good. On this day it was allowed to eat a little fish, sunflower oil and church wine.

On this day, despite the fast, luxurious fairs were held. Sledding began.

Folk signs of the Feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

It is believed that with the onset of the holiday, winter comes to earth and finally comes into its own.
- If it is frosty on the day of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, then the winter will be mild. The sign works the other way around: if December 4 is still warm, then winter will be severe.

Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary: folk signs

By the Feast of the Introduction, the first ice often already bound the rivers.
- It was believed that before December 4, walking on ice was still dangerous, but after that the ice became quite strong.
- In order to have a successful year and not get sick in the winter, our ancestors always welcomed the Morozov brothers, but not the whole family had to do this, but only its owner.
- It was believed that on this day the water became a love spell, so the girls gave drinks to the guys they liked.
- Our ancestors said that on Introduction the earth rests, so digging on this day was strictly forbidden.
- On this day our ancestors went to visit. If a woman enters first, it means failure, but the men promised the owners of the house wealth and a well-fed life.

What not to do during the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, you cannot have much fun; the church does not welcome this. In addition, despite the fact that the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple is a weekday, all believers try to go to church in the morning. And if this is not possible, then try to do it in the evening.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple: what not to do on this day

In addition, in the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary can't do hard work. As on any other similar holiday, you cannot clean, wash, or sew. So, on December 4, you cannot refuse alms to those who need it.

Also, on this day categorically marriages are prohibited. This cannot be done during the entire Nativity Fast, but especially on the day of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple. It is allowed to baptize children on this day.