Motorized rifle battalion of the USSR Army diagram. Structure of a motorized rifle battalion: strength, composition, units, organization and weapons

The regiment commander carries out the management of logistics personally through the headquarters, deputy for logistics and service chiefs. To solve logistics support problems, the regiment has the following services (Fig. 55).

1. Fuel supply service;

2. Food service;

3. Clothing service;

4. Medical service;

5. Apartment maintenance service;

6. Financial service.

The regiment's logistics support units include:

1. Material support company (rmo ) consisting of:

Ammunition supply platoon (URAL-4320 - 11 pieces; ZIL-131 - 6 pieces; GAZ-66 - 1 piece; UAZ-469 - 5 pieces; PAZ-672 - 1 piece);

Platoon for the supply of fuels and lubricants (URAL-4320 ATs-55 - 9 pieces; URAL-4320-ATMZ - 6 pieces; URAL-4320 - 4 pieces);

Maintenance department (MTO-AT - 1 piece);

Economic platoon (KP-125 - 6 pieces);

Warehouses (missile and artillery weapons, automobile, military-technical equipment, food, clothing, fuel and lubricants).

2. Regimental medical station (MPP) (GAZ-66 - 2 units).

The placement, work and movement of rear units is carried out within the regiment's position area. Rear units are controlled from the TPU (rear control point).

Material reserves, the procedure for their expenditure and replenishment

For the uninterrupted supply of regiment units with material resources, military reserves are created and constantly maintained in established sizes, which are divided into consumables and emergency reserves.

Material reserves are calculated for registered personnel, standard equipment and weapons (Fig. 56).

The need and provision of troops with material resources is determined in calculation and supply units, and, if necessary, in pieces, weight and volume units.

The accounting and supply units are:

a) for wheeled vehicles - the amount of fuel that provides a cruising range for a specified distance (500 km);

b) for tracked vehicles - the amount of fuel that is filled into the fuel tanks;

c) for power units - the amount of fuel required to operate the engine for 50 hours.

2. Sutodacha- the amount of food required according to established standards to feed one military personnel per day.

3. Emergency reserve:

a) part of the military reserves of material resources, which is spent in special cases with the permission of the senior commander (chief);

b) a stock of material resources intended to support military formations during mobilization.

4. Minimum stock(missiles, ammunition, etc.) - the minimum level of supply that should not decrease during the battle. Installed by the commander in ammunition kits or pieces.

5. Ammunition- a set number of missiles (ammunition) per unit of weapon (BM, machine gun, pistol, etc.).

Spent supplies of material resources must always be replenished to the established standards. They are usually transported by regiment transport. In some cases, by order of the regiment commander, by battery transport.

Military reserves are contained in the transport of the regiment and units, in combat and other vehicles, in weapons and personnel.

To carry out logistics support activities, a maintenance station is created in the air defense unit, the work of which is headed by a battery sergeant major.

Let's consider some features of the organization of logistics support in an anti-aircraft missile battery.

Refueling of combat vehicles with fuel and lubricants is carried out: on the march - in areas of halts, rest and upon arrival at the designated area. During combat operations, the battery can be supplied with a diesel tanker (ATMZ). Accounting for fuel consumption and preparation of reporting documents (waybills, distribution sheets) are, as a rule, assigned to the head of the technical maintenance department.

Food is stored and transported in protected containers, dry rations are kept by personnel (on combat vehicles). Control over the availability of NZ food is assigned to the heads of calculations.

Meals for personnel are organized through the PCB (household supply point), for which a cook from the economic platoon of the material support company is allocated to the battery sergeant-major and a field kitchen KP-125 is assigned. Meals for personnel with hot food are, as a rule, organized 3 times a day, and if three meals a day are not possible, with the permission of the regiment commander, 2 times a day, but at the same time part of the daily allowance is given to the personnel in dry rations.

The release of clothing property is carried out according to supply standards for the payroll number of personnel on a seasonal basis, as well as to replace worn-out, lost in battle or contaminated property. Each serviceman bears personal responsibility for the safety of the property allocated to him.

Personnel are washed weekly with a mandatory change of underwear. Handing over laundry for washing and receiving clean linen is the responsibility of the battery foreman.

To meet the needs of personnel for household services, a utility room is equipped at the battery location, which contains: ironing boards, irons, shoemaking tools, threads, scissors, accessories, etc.

The supply of water to the starting positions is organized by the battery foreman from the water supply points. It is prohibited to use unequipped water sources. For example, during combat operations in Afghanistan, mineral water delivered through stores in the military trade network was often used as drinking water.

In exceptional cases, panthocide, which is included in individual first aid kits, can be used to disinfect water.

Motorized rifle battalion (MSB)- the main combined arms unit. It is organizationally part of a motorized rifle brigade (regiment).

The purpose of the units of a motorized rifle battalion

Battalion Command - battalion commander, deputy for personnel affairs and deputy for weapons.

Battalion Headquarters - chief of staff, he is also the deputy battalion commander, the battalion communications chief, he is also the commander of the communications platoon, chemical instructor (warrant officer) and clerk.

Communications platoon - designed for organizing radio and wire communications in battalion units.

The communications platoon consists of a commander's infantry fighting vehicle (squad commander - also a senior radiotelephone operator, driver-mechanic of the infantry fighting vehicle) and two radio sections. In total, the communications platoon has 13 personnel, 1 command armored personnel carriers, 2 wheeled armored personnel carriers, 22 radio stations, and 8 km of cable.

Motorized rifle company - a tactical unit that performs tasks, as a rule, as part of a SME, but can also perform tasks independently in reconnaissance and security, as a tactical airborne assault force or a special detachment behind enemy lines.

Mortar battery - fire and tactical artillery unit. The battery is designed to suppress and destroy manpower and fire weapons located openly, in trenches and dugouts, on the reverse slopes of heights and ravines. Depending on the nature of the target, the duration of fire and the consumption of shells, it can suppress manpower in an area of ​​2-4 hectares and conduct barrage fire at the front up to 400 m. A mortar battery consists of: battery management (battery commander, deputy for work with l/s, foreman, medical instructor, senior driver), a control platoon (platoon commander, reconnaissance department, communications department), two fire platoons (each with four 120-mm mortars). In total in the mortar battery: personnel - 66 people, radio stations - 4, mortars - 8, tractor units - 8, cables - 4 km.

Grenade Platoon - a powerful fire weapon for a motorized rifle battalion. Designed to destroy enemy personnel and firepower located outside shelters, in open trenches (trenches) and behind folds of terrain.

A grenade launcher platoon consists of a platoon commander, a deputy platoon commander, those squads (in each squad commander, 2 senior grenade launcher gunners, 2 grenade launcher gunners, an armored personnel carrier machine gunner, a senior driver or driver).

In total, the platoon of personnel - 26 people, 30-mm automatic grenade launchers AGS-17-6, infantry fighting vehicles - 3.

Battalion medical station designed to collect the wounded in the battalion and evacuate them, as well as to provide medical assistance. The platoon consists of the head of the medical post (warrant officer), a medical instructor, 2 orderlies, a senior driver, and 3 driver-orderlies.

In total there are: personnel - 8 people, wheeled transporters - 3, ambulance, trailer 1-AP-1.5.

Support platoon - designed for uninterrupted logistics support, maintenance of routine repairs of the battalion's combat and transport equipment. A platoon consists of a platoon commander (warrant officer) and a deputy platoon commander (who is also a squad leader), from a technical maintenance department, an automobile department, and a business department.

Maintenance Department consists of a squad commander, a senior auto electrician-battery mechanic, an auto mechanic (installer), and a driver-auto mechanic. The department has: personnel - 4 people, a workshop for the maintenance of MTO-LT-1, ZIL-131, ZIL-157 vehicles under MTO-AT-1.

Main weapons:

Small arms

Tactical and technical characteristics of SME weapons.

Anti-tank missile systems

BMP and armored personnel carrier

Organization and armament of a motorized infantry battalion (MPB) of the US Army.

The composition of the units of the US Army motorized infantry battalion, its


The US Army Mechanized Infantry Battalion is the primary combat


The motorized infantry battalion organizationally consists of:

Command and Headquarters;

Headquarters Company;

Four motorized infantry companies;

Anti-tank company.

Total in the motorized infantry battalion:

L/s – 896 people.

BMP M2 “Bradley” – 54 units.

BRM M3 – 6 units.

BTR M 113A1 – 23 units.

ATGM “TOU” – 12 units.

PU ATGM “Dragon” – 36 units.

106.7 mm self propelled min. – 6 units.

KShM M577A1 – 8 units.

7.62 mm RPM60 – 70 units.

Cars – 114 units.

R/stations – 250 units.

MPB Headquarters and Command

L/s – 24 people.

Headquarters Company

Designed for planning and controlling combat operations, accounting

personnel, organization of combat and logistics support as regular staff,

and attached units.

Consists of: 1. Company control:

BMP M-2 “Bradley” – 2 units;

KShM – 3 units.

2. Six platoons.

Reconnaissance Platoon

Consists of: - control (BRM M3 – 2 units);

Two reconnaissance sections, two each

BRM M3 in each.

Total: - l/s – 29 people;

BRM M3 – 6 units.

Mortar Platoon

Consists of: - controls (automatic – 2 units);

Two mortar sections each

KShM M577A1 and three - 106.7 mm SM M 106A2.

Total: - l/s – 34 people;

106.7 mm SM – 6 units;

KShM – 2 units;

Cars – 2 units.

Platoon ____________connections

Consists of: - controls;

Radiocommunication Sections;

Wired communication sections.

Total: - l/s – 18 people;

BTRM 113A1 – 2 units.

Medical platoon

Consists of: - controls;

First aid station;

Evacuation section.

Total: - l/s – 47 people;

M113A1 armored personnel carrier – 8 units.

Support platoon

Consists of: - controls on the M577A1 CVS – 1 unit;

3 sections: 1) transport;

3) nutrition.

Total: - l/s - 112 people;

KShM – 1 unit;

Cars – 58 units.

Repair platoon

Consists of: - controls;

Eight sections:

1) administrative;

2) repair;

3) technical support for headquarters and headquarters company;

4) four technical sections. providing motorized infantry companies;

5) technical section providing an anti-tank company.

Total: - l/s – 79 people;

M113A1 armored personnel carrier – 5 units.

Total in the headquarters company:

L/s – 345 people;

BMP M2 “Bradley” – 2 units;

BRM M-3 – 6 units;

106.7 mm SM – 6 units;

7.62 mm Pul. M-60A2 – 6 units;

BTR M-113A1 – 15 units;

KShM – 6 units;

Cars – 60 units.

Motorized infantry company

The motorized infantry company is the main combat unit of the battalion.

Consists of: - company management;

Three motorized infantry platoons.


L/s – 11 people;

BMP M2 “Bradley” – 1 unit;

BTR M113 – 1 unit.

Motorized infantry platoon

Consists of: - control section: 1) l/s – 8 people;

2) BMP M2 “Bradley” - 1 unit

3 motorized infantry squads - 9 people each.

The squad consists of: - squad commander;

Deputy com. department;

BMP gunner-operator;

BMP mechanic driver;

Operator of the “Dragon” ATGM launcher;


Senior Gunner;


Grenade launcher.

In combat, a squad can be divided into fire groups.

Total in MPV:

L/s – 35 people;

PU ATGM “Dragon” – 3 units;

7.62mm Manual pool. M-60 – 3 units;

BMP M2 “Bradley” – 4 units.

Total in MPR:

L/s – 116 people;

M113A1 armored personnel carrier – 1 unit;

BMP M2 – 13 units;

PU ATGM “Dragon” – 9 units;

7.62mm Manual pool. M-60 – 9 units;

5.56mm machine guns – 18 units;

Auto. screw. M16A1 – 74 units;

40mm under-barrel grains. M203 – 18 units.

Anti-tank company

Represents the commander's mobile anti-tank reserve

motorized infantry battalion.

Consists of: - management: 1) l/s – 3 people;

2) M113A1 armored personnel carrier – 1 unit.

3) anti-tank platoons.

The platoon consists of: - control: 1) l/s - 4 people;

2) M113A1 armored personnel carrier – 1 unit.

4 anti-tank sections:

in the section: 1) l/s – 4 people;

2) self-propelled ATGM “TOU” M901 – 1 unit.

Total in platoon:

L/s – 20 people;

ATGM “TOU” – 4 units;

M113A1 armored personnel carrier – 1 unit.

Total in the anti-tank company:

L/s – 63 people;

ATGM “TOU” M901 – 12 units;

M113A1 armored personnel carrier – 4 units;

7.62mm RP M60 – 12 units. and other weapons.

The saturation of troops with a variety of weapons and military equipment not only increased their combat capabilities and striking power, but also led to an increase in the need for ammunition, fuel, military-technical equipment and other materiel. Before considering the work of the battalion rear, let us briefly recall its organizational structure and capabilities.

The basis of military logistics is divisional logistics, which includes units of material and medical support. However, the main burden of providing units with everything necessary for battle falls on the regimental and battalion rear. The availability of motorized rifle, tank, parachute, artillery and other units performing combat missions depends on the effectiveness of its work.

The main rear unit in the regiment is the material support company ( rmo). It solves the problems of receiving, maintaining and delivering (dispensing) stocks of weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, clothing, engineering, medical equipment, water and other material resources; refueling equipment; providing food for personnel, washing them in the bathhouse; repair, disinfection and disinfestation of clothing property; evacuation of faulty, unnecessary domestic and captured weapons, equipment and property from units and preparing them for shipment to their intended destination. It consists of three automobile platoons (supplying ammunition; supplying fuel; supplying food, clothing and military-technical equipment), an economic platoon and a maintenance department.

The economic platoon includes a dining room-kitchen, a clothing repair shop, and a field bathhouse. A platoon can deploy up to seven warehouses, food and hygienic washing stations for personnel, and a workshop for repairing clothing.

To evacuate the wounded and sick from the battalion (division) medical center, provide them with first medical aid and prepare for further evacuation to their destination, carry out sanitary and hygienic measures in the regiment's units and provide them with medical equipment, the regiment's medical center (medical company) is intended. . The regiment's medical station contains supplies of medical equipment. During combat operations, its personnel are obliged to provide full first aid. The medical center (medical company) has a dressing room, a pharmacy, a dental office, a food station, as well as two departments for the collection and evacuation of the wounded.

An integral part of the rear of the regiment is the rear of the battalions. In the material support system, the battalion rear is the final link, which is responsible for directly providing the serviceman, crew, crew, mortar, combat vehicle with everything necessary for life and combat. This is the first thing.

Secondly, in the organization of medical support, battalion paramedics and medical instructors are, as it were, the first echelon in the system of medical evacuation and provision of pre-hospital medical care to the wounded and sick.

Thirdly, the battalion rear, like the units it supports, during the battle carries out the tasks assigned to it under enemy fire.

The rear of a modern battalion (motorized rifle or tank) is represented by a logistics platoon (support platoon) and a medical unit - a medical platoon or medical post (MSB).

Material support platoon ( WMO) carries out the reception of inventories of material resources, their storage in established sizes and transportation; transportation to battalion units and issuance of material resources to them; refueling units' equipment; providing personnel with hot food. It consists of two automobile and utility departments. The platoon is equipped with vehicles, including special ones, in the quantity necessary to maintain material reserves in accordance with established standards. For cooking, the platoon has kitchens for cars or trailers, as well as sets of portable stoves. In total, this division has approximately twenty units of various equipment, of which over 60 percent are vehicles for various purposes.

Battalion Medical Unit ( medv or MPB) in battle is engaged in searching for the wounded (identifying patients), collecting and evacuating them from the battlefield and from centers of mass sanitary losses; providing them with first medical and pre-medical (paramedic) aid; preparation for further evacuation; carrying out sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures. The medical platoon (point) is also responsible for receiving, storing and issuing medical equipment to the battalion personnel. It consists of a platoon commander (paramedic), a medical instructor, nurses, orderlies, a driver-medic and a department for collecting and evacuation of the wounded. The unit is equipped with up to four ambulances, ensuring the movement of its personnel and the evacuation of the wounded and sick from the battlefield or from battalion units.

When organizing logistics support, it is important to remember that companies, batteries and platoons do not have their own logistical units. Meanwhile, it is in these units that all incoming material is delivered directly to the personnel: riflemen, machine gunners, grenade launchers, crews and crews. Here there is a need for maintenance and restoration of damaged weapons and equipment, searching for, collecting the wounded (sick) and providing them with first aid. These tasks are performed by medical instructors, company (battery) foremen, deputy company commanders for technical matters (equipment), vehicle crews and drivers, artillery and mortar crews. If necessary, emergency sanitary departments can be created in companies and batteries at the expense of their forces and resources. In battle, in defense and when advancing on foot, motorized rifle companies can organize company ammunition supply points(RPB).

The rear of modern motorized rifle and tank battalions is fully motorized. Having the necessary road transport, he is capable of marching together with combat units in difficult road conditions and continuously following the battalion as it conducts combat operations on any terrain.

The decision to organize the logistics support of a battalion in battle is made by its commander, and he manages it through the chief of staff and his deputies for logistics and weapons.

As a rule, support is carried out from a higher level to a lower level, with the senior commander being responsible for providing support to subordinate units and subdivisions. To transport material resources, by decision of the senior commander, vehicles of the supported units can be used.

The main issue of logistics support is the placement and movement of rear units to support companies and batteries on the march, in battle and when positioned on the spot. Each time it depends on the combat mission being performed by the battalion, the adopted combat or marching order (order of deployment on the spot), the condition and capabilities of the rear units, the nature of the terrain, road conditions, weather and the combat situation.

On schemes 1 and 2, depicting the placement of the rear of the mentioned battalion in defense and its movement in the offensive, it is clear that the rear units in the defensive battle were located at a distance of 2.5-3 km from the front edge. The first aid post was usually deployed near the battalion command post, and so that it would not unmask it. In our example, the MPB was located in the battalion reserve area due to difficult terrain conditions. During the offensive, the medical center followed the companies of the first echelon, sometimes in their battle formations.

The vehicle departments of the logistics platoon actually deployed a battalion ammunition supply point (BAP) and a refueling point (BZP) on the ground, and the economic department of the same platoon deployed a battalion food point (BPP).

In a battalion, rear movements are carried out 3-4 times per day of battle. Based on the conditions, the movement may correspond to the tasks of the units and subunits. As a rule, after the regiment has completed its immediate and subsequent tasks, as well as at the end of daylight.

V. Golovinsky, Colonel, Associate Professor of the Department of Operational-Tactical Training and Management of Daily Activities of Troops, Military Financial and Economic University. 2001-2002

State educational institution of higher professional education "RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF JUSTICE"

For official use

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Doctor of Military Sciences, Associate Professor

Reserve Colonel Kalashnikov V.N.


in the academic discipline Ensuring combat operations on the topic:





Main part:

1. Forces and means of logistics and technical support.

2. Logistics and technical support in battle.

4. Logistics and technical support on the march.



1. Combat regulations of the Ground Forces. Part II. Battalion, company. M.: Military Publishing House, 1982 (DSP).

2. Logistics support for units in battle//Training manual. Edited by A.T. Klimova. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1995.

3. Tactics. – M.: Voenizdat, 1988.

Educational and material support

1. Multimedia support.

2. Posters.


Uninterrupted logistics and technical support is one of the main conditions for the successful conduct of combined arms combat.

As the experience of wars and the practice of military exercises shows, the daily consumption of various material resources per serviceman is constantly growing. In the First World War it was 6 kg, in the second - already 20 kg. In the 70s, even during exercises, this figure reached 40 kg, and during local wars - 90 kg. In operations of multinational forces against Iraq in the Persian Gulf, over 110 kg were spent per US Army soldier. Approximately the same amount of material resources, judging by the experience of exercises in recent years, will be required to support a motorized rifleman or tankman of our army in modern combat.

Even a simple comparison of the daily consumption allows us to state that the needs of divisions, units and formations for material resources are growing exponentially. Moreover, we are talking not only about the volume of material resources consumed. Due to the equipping of tactical units with various types of weapons and military equipment, the range of consumed ammunition, fuel and lubricants, engineering, chemical, clothing, and other property and food was constantly increasing. The size and structure of material resources spent by units, the constant complication of weapons and military equipment significantly affect the scope of logistics and technical support tasks and the conditions for their implementation.

It can be argued that the most important and responsible task, primarily for tactical commanders, is the organization and direct implementation of logistics and technical support for subordinate units and personnel. Consequently, almost the entire officer corps must have strong skills in providing logistics and technical support for combined arms combat.

Purpose of this lecture– to familiarize students with the forces, means and main activities of logistics and technical support for motorized rifle (tank) units during preparation and during combined arms combat.



The rear of a modern battalion is represented by a logistics platoon and a medical unit: in a motorized rifle battalion this is usually a medical platoon, and in a tank battalion this is a medical post.

Logistics Platoon designed for receiving and maintaining inventories of material assets in established sizes, storing and transporting them; transportation of material resources to units; issuing material resources to battalion units; refueling units' equipment; providing personnel with hot food.

It consists of two automobile and one utility departments.

The units included in the logistics platoon are intended to:

automobile departments- for the reception and maintenance of battalion reserves of materiel, their delivery (release) to units, the acceptance from them of defective and unnecessary for battle domestic and captured weapons, equipment, property and their preparation for dispatch to their intended destination; for the evacuation of the wounded and sick, transportation (if necessary) of personnel, for refueling equipment;

economic department- for maintaining the battalion’s material reserves, providing them to units, preparing and issuing hot food to personnel, storing personal belongings of battalion military personnel;

The material support platoon is currently equipped with vehicles, including special ones, in the quantity necessary to maintain and transport the established stocks of material resources. For the preparation and delivery of food to the units within the platoon, there are automobile and trailer kitchens. In total, a logistics platoon can have more than 20 units of various equipment, including over 5 vehicles.

Medical platoon (point) of the battalion designed to search for the wounded (identify the sick), collect and remove (remove) them from the battlefield and from centers of mass sanitary losses; providing first medical care to the wounded and sick, and, if possible, pre-medical (paramedic) care; preparing the wounded and sick for further evacuation; carrying out sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemic measures in the battalion and medical reconnaissance, as well as for receiving, storing and providing unit personnel with medical equipment.

The medical platoon includes a platoon commander, a medical instructor, nurses, orderlies, a driver-medic and a casualty collection and evacuation department.

The medical platoon is equipped with an ambulance and four ambulance transporters, and the medical center is equipped with only an ambulance.

In companies Medical support activities are carried out by sanitary instructors, and in platoons- shooters-medics.

Technical support in a battalion (company) is carried out by personnel operating weapons and equipment, as well as by technical support units.

Technical support units include a technical support platoon or a technical support department of a material support platoon.

Technical support (maintenance) platoon (squad) designed to assist personnel in performing complex and labor-intensive work in the preparation and maintenance of weapons and equipment, as well as for their routine repair. The technical support platoon includes two maintenance sections.

All personnel of logistics and technical support units are armed with small arms. In addition, the logistics platoon is armed with grenade launchers. The units are equipped with ultrashort wave radio stations.

The number and type of weapons and military equipment in service with battalion logistics units depend on its tasks and the conditions for their implementation in modern combat.

Thus, in order to ensure the operations of the battalion’s units in material terms, its rear must contain, in the established quantities, mobile reserves of ammunition, fuel, food and military-technical equipment. Consequently, the number of vehicles, based on their carrying capacity, must correspond to the volume of transported supplies. Also, the material support platoon must have vehicles for transporting personal belongings of battalion servicemen and company property necessary for organizing field life.

The number of kitchens required for a particular battalion is also determined based on the number of personnel on pay and the tactical and technical characteristics of the means of cooking. Moreover, automobile kitchens are used to supply tank and motorized rifle battalions on infantry fighting vehicles; for the rest of the main tactical units, mainly trailer kitchens are used. To tow them, vehicles of the material support platoon are used, allocated for the maintenance and transportation of battalion food supplies.

Based on the fact that the main task of a material support platoon is not only to maintain supplies “on wheels”, but also, first of all, to supply them to units operating in combat formations, and often directly to combat vehicles, among the main requirements for vehicles, the first The plan is put forward by their high cross-country ability, both in off-road conditions and directly on the battlefield. Therefore, at present, the staff of material support platoons includes mainly ZIL-131, Ural-4320, KrAZ-255B vehicles. In areas with special climatic conditions, for example in the Arctic, along with cars or instead of them, these platoons are armed with tracked transporters.

Special requirements are also imposed when determining the quantitative and qualitative composition of equipment and property of medical platoons and points. To evacuate the wounded from the company's medical posts, they have all-terrain ambulances UAZ-452A or UAZ-3962. In the medical platoons of motorized rifle battalions, taking into account that company personnel in the offensive act not only in combat vehicles, but also on foot, and in defense they conduct combat operations on a wide front, there are ambulance transporters to collect the wounded directly in the combat formations.

Due to the specific nature of the actions of the main tactical units, various groups of forces up to a platoon, squad, crew, crew are constantly allocated from them to solve the tasks of combat, marching and direct security, conducting reconnaissance and performing other tasks. In order to organize adequate nutrition for these groups and increase the autonomy of their actions without compromising combat effectiveness, it is planned to have in the battalion rear units portable, powered by various energy sources and fuel, cooking facilities for 5, 10 and 20 people, which can, if necessary, provide small groups, operating for a long time in isolation from the battalion.

LOGISTICS is a set of measures, the implementation of which makes it possible to provide troops with all types of materiel in order to maintain their combat effectiveness and create favorable conditions for the successful completion of assigned tasks.

The tasks of logistics support for units and subunits on the battlefield, during movement and when stationed on site are carried out by military logistics, which is a lower level in the overall system of logistics of the Armed Forces. In turn, according to the scale of the tasks being solved and the affiliation, the military rear is divided into divisional (brigade), regimental and battalion (divisions).

Battalion rear in the material support system The Armed Forces is the link that is entrusted with directly providing the soldier, sergeant, officer, crew, crew of a combat vehicle, gun, mortar with everything necessary for life and combat. In the organization of medical support The battalion rear represents the first link in the system of medical evacuation and assistance (treatment) to the wounded and sick.

Battalion logistics solves a limited number of tasks by type of logistics support. If in general the military rear, in the interests of the supported units and subunits, carries out material, medical, veterinary, trade and household, housing and maintenance, financial support and performs other activities, then the functions of the battalion rear are reduced mainly to material and medical support. Moreover, even for these types of support, tasks are not solved to the full extent that is typical for military logistics as a whole. So, for example, when organizing food supply, and in particular nutrition for personnel, the battalion rear is freed from the need to bake bread on their own, and when organizing clothing supplies, they are freed from bath and laundry services, average repairs of uniforms and shoes. Medical support mainly comes down to collecting the wounded and sick on the battlefield and providing them with first medical and pre-medical (paramedic) care.

Material support carried out to timely and fully satisfy the needs of units and units in material resources.

At the battalion level, the needs of units for material resources are usually determined by: missiles and artillery weapons, missiles, ammunition and property; armored, automotive equipment and property - deputy battalion commander for weapons; in NBC protection and communications equipment - chief of staff; in fuel, lubricants, special liquids, technical means of the fuel and lubricants service, in food, equipment and property of the food service, in clothing, cultural, educational and apartment property - deputy battalion commander for rear services; in medical property - the commander (chief) of a medical platoon (station).

When determining needs of a battalion (company, platoon) in material resources for combat operations, the need for them is taken into account to ensure expenditure during preparation and during combat (movement) and to create established reserves by the end of the combat mission.

Replenishment of consumption and losses of material resources in units is carried out centrally according to the plans of senior commanders on the basis of reports (reports) on the rear and requests from units based on their actual need for material resources and within the limits of the resources allocated to them.

Only those material resources that were received by them are counted towards the provision of troops.

The departments' need for material resources, their provision, accounting and establishment of consumption standards are assessed in accounting and supply units, as well as in other units of measurement (mass, volume, etc.).

TO settlement and supply units include: combat kit, refueling, daily allowance, kit, charging.

Combat Kit- a specified amount of ammunition per unit of weapon (pistol, machine gun, machine gun, mortar, gun, etc.) or per combat vehicle (tank, infantry fighting vehicle, armored personnel carrier, etc.). The combat kit of a formation, unit, or subunit is calculated for all available weapons and combat vehicles.

Refueling fuel - its quantity that fits into the fuel system of a machine (unit) or provides the power reserve (operating time) established for it. Refueling is determined: for tracked vehicles, wheeled military engineering equipment - by the capacity of the main tanks and additional containers structurally included in their fuel systems; for wheeled vehicles (except for military engineering ones) - an amount of fuel that ensures a cruising range according to other consumption standards for the distances established by order of the Minister of Defense; for units - the amount of fuel for the specified operating time. The unit's fuel refueling is calculated for all available equipment within the limits of its regular strength.

Daily dacha- the amount of food required according to established standards to feed one person per day. The daily allowance of a formation (unit, subdivision) is calculated based on its payroll.

Set- a set of accessories (tools, spare parts, items of clothing, medical and other property), compiled according to a specific list and in specified quantities.

Charger- the amount of special substances (solid, liquid, solutions, etc.) that fit into the main containers of special machines and devices.

Material consumption the value is not constant and can vary within significant limits under the influence of many factors. The main such factors are: the type of battle, the place of the battalion (company, platoon) in the combat (march) order of the regiment (battalion, company), the nature of its combat mission; types of weapons used by the parties; combat and numerical strength of the unit, the degree of preparedness of its personnel; state of weapons and equipment; combat capabilities and nature of enemy actions; nature of the area, time of year, weather and others.

In all cases, when determining the probable fuel consumption, the nature (depth) of the unit’s combat mission should be taken into account, as well as the conditions of maneuvering, movement, and others, using appropriate additional coefficients to meet the nutritional needs of personnel, one daily supply of food is consumed daily.

To successfully conduct modern combat operations, along with ammunition, fuel and food, each unit also requires engineering weapons and communications, armored vehicles, automobiles, clothing and other equipment.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War and post-war military exercises shows that the total need of a battalion for these materiel (in units of mass) per day of intense battle can reach up to 20% in defense, and in offensive - up to 10% of the total mass of consumed ammunition, fuel and food .

The expenditure of material resources in departments is strictly limited by establishing certain consumption norms. Under material consumption standards means their quantity (in accounting and supply units, pieces, units of mass, volume or other indicators) established for consumption per consumer (military personnel, unit of weapons and equipment, unit) at a certain time or to complete a given task.

For almost all types of materiel, consumption rates per soldier, as well as for a tank vehicle and a unit of other equipment (weapons), are established by orders of the Minister of Defense or his deputies on the basis of experimental and calculated data. The basic consumption rates of fuel, oils and lubricants for each machine of a certain type are usually established in liters per 100 km of movement (mileage) or per hour of operation of the machine (unit). For special conditions of movement (operation) of vehicles, surcharges are established to the basic fuel consumption rate. The corresponding supply standards serve as norms for the consumption of food and some other material resources.

The norms for the consumption of ammunition and fuel reserves for battles or for movement under their own power are established: for a battalion - by the regimental commander, for a company - by the battalion commander, for a platoon - by the company commander, for a squad (crew, crew) - by the platoon commander, and for a machine gunner, submachine gunner, driver - squad commander. In this case, each of these commanders must proceed from the general expenditure standards established for the battalion (company, platoon, squad), its combat and numerical strength, the combat missions of subordinate units (soldiers), the availability of reserves of appropriate material resources at their disposal and directly at their disposal, transportation possibilities, the nature of the terrain, time of year and other factors.

The norms for the consumption of supplies for battle are indicated in combat orders and supply instructions.

The main source of satisfying the material needs of departments during preparation and during combat operations there are centralized supplies of material resources according to the plans of higher authorities. Additional sources may include: repaired weapons, equipment and various property; suitable units, components, parts, instruments and equipment removed in accordance with the established procedure from deregistered domestic captured weapons and equipment that cannot be restored; procurement from local resources; trophies, and in some cases - individual items made by the troops.

Of exceptional importance in maintaining the battalion in constant combat readiness and combat effectiveness is the creation of the required size inventories. Each battalion creates reserves of missiles, ammunition, flammable food, armored vehicles, automobiles, medical and other equipment.

Material reserves created in a battalion (company, platoon) by the end of its combat mission are included in the calculation of its material needs for planned combat operations. At the same time, the size of reserves to be created in units by the end of their combat missions, depending on the specific situation, may or may not coincide with the size of reserves available at the beginning of hostilities.

Based on their ownership, the battalion's material reserves are divided into battalion reserves and company reserves. Battalion supplies are contained and transported in the vehicles of the material support platoon, as well as in the medical platoon (point) and in the battalion technical support platoon. Company reserves are located in tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored transporters, mortars, machine guns and personnel. Such dispersed maintenance of reserves allows, during preparation and during combat operations, without much effort, to rationally echelon them along the depth of the combat (march) order of the battalion (company). This creates favorable conditions for ensuring a certain autonomy in material terms (especially in terms of ammunition and fuel) of virtually all units of the battalion (company), as well as for the effective use of its transport capabilities and preserving stocks of materiel from simultaneous destruction by the enemy.

At the same time, the battalion's material reserves are divided into consumables and emergency (for fuel - irreducible) reserves. The consumable part of the reserves is used as needed to support combat operations and meet the current needs of units. The emergency (irreducible) stock usually consists of: for ammunition - part of it (determined by the relevant orders) held by soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers and officers, with machine guns, mortars and combat vehicles of all types; for fuel - 0.2 refuelings in the fuel system tanks of each combat and other equipment; for food - one to three daily dachas located by the personnel (in tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled guns) of the units. The emergency (irreducible) reserve is spent only with the permission of the unit commander, and in urgent cases - with the permission of the battalion commander with a subsequent report to the unit commander.

The size of battalion reserves (by type of material) and their echeloning are determined by the relevant orders of the Minister of Defense.

In a combat situation, if necessary, depending on the nature and scope of the upcoming hostilities, the expected consumption of material resources and the possibility of transportation, additional reserves (that is, stocks in excess of the standards established for permanent maintenance). According to the experience of exercises, additional reserves of materiel, for example, ammunition, are usually created in the amount of 0.25-0.3 combat sets, primarily through compact loading of tractors, as well as platoon logistics vehicles transporting battalion supplies of ammunition. In addition, for mortars involved in artillery preparation, additional supplies of ammunition can be laid out at firing positions. The size of these reserves must ensure consumption before the mortar unit changes its firing positions.

Additional fuel reserves are created in containers on tanks (where provided) and transport vehicles in quantities of 0.4 and 0.25-0.3 refills, respectively.

The distribution of additional supplies among units is determined by the battalion commander, taking into account their combat missions and delivery conditions. Part of the battalion's reserves of ammunition, fuel, and, if necessary, other material resources, by decision of the battalion commander, can be allocated to the reserve to ensure the completion of unforeseen tasks.

Material reserves expended (destroyed by the enemy) during preparation and during combat operations must be immediately replenished. At the same time, unit commanders report data on the consumption (losses) and availability of materiel, as well as the needs for them, upon command. Deputy battalion commanders report the same data, in addition, to the corresponding deputy regiment commanders, and the commander of the medical platoon (chief of the medical post) of the battalion - to the head of the regiment's medical service.

Medical support carried out in order to maintain combat effectiveness and strengthen the health of personnel, timely provision of medical care to the wounded and sick and their quickest return to duty. Medical support includes medical and evacuation, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, as well as medical measures to protect personnel from enemy weapons of mass destruction.

To solve medical care problems, various medical supplies and property. Thus, each battalion soldier is provided, first of all, with means for providing self- and mutual assistance: an individual first aid kit, an individual dressing package, an individual anti-chemical package and a means for disinfecting water. In this case, an individual first aid kit includes an analgesic agent in a syringe tube, a radioprotective agent, an antidote against toxic substances, an antibacterial and an antiemetic agent.

Personnel performing a combat mission in military equipment facilities are provided with a military first aid kit to provide first aid. It contains: a water disinfectant, tincture of iodine, ammonia, sterile bandages and small medical dressings, a hemostatic rubber tourniquet.

The company's medical instructor is provided with a military medical bag, a helmet for those wounded in the head, a sanitary stretcher, sanitary stretcher straps, and riflemen-medics with a military medical bag and sanitary stretcher straps. The military medical bag contains a set of medicines, dressings and other items intended to provide first aid for the wounded, burned, affected by penetrating radiation, toxic substances and bacterial agents.

The battalion's medical platoon (point) is equipped with medical equipment to provide pre-hospital medical care to the wounded and sick and to provide personnel, replenish medical equipment in individual first-aid kits and military medical bags in battalion units. The platoon has a field paramedic kit, military medical bags, sterile dressing kits and splints, a portable manual artificial respiration apparatus DP-10, an oxygen inhaler KI-4, helmets for those wounded in the head, sanitary stretcher and special straps, sanitary mowers, capes medical and related vehicles.

The basis medical and evacuation measures constitutes a system of staged treatment of the wounded and sick with their subsequent evacuation to their destination. Its essence lies in the consistent and continuous implementation of the necessary medical measures on the battlefield (in areas of mass casualties) and at the stages of medical evacuation, as well as the evacuation of the wounded and sick to the appropriate medical institutions to provide them with the necessary full medical care and treatment.

The medical evacuation stage refers to the forces and means of the medical service deployed along evacuation routes to provide assistance and treatment to the wounded and sick.

The main condition for preserving life, restoring the health of the wounded and sick and quickly returning them to duty is the timely provision of medical care to them. The sooner the victim is taken to the nearest medical station, the greater the chance of saving his life and the fewer complications such as shock, purulent infection and re-bleeding.

Currently, there are five types of medical care: first medical, pre-medical (paramedic), first medical, qualified and specialized.

First aid usually turns out at the site of injury or in the nearest shelters by the military personnel themselves in the form of self- and mutual aid, riflemen-medics, driver-medics, orderlies, medical instructors of units, as well as personnel of units allocated to teams for carrying out rescue work in centers of mass destruction. During the Great Patriotic War, 84.4% of the wounded were provided with it directly on the battlefield, and only 15.6% of the victims received it at medical stations (4% at battalion medical stations and 8.2% at regimental medical stations) and in hospitals. Moreover, in 65.4% of cases, assistance was provided for the first time half an hour after the injury, in 27.4% of cases - in a period of time from 30 minutes to 3 or more hours. And during the fighting in the Republic of Afghanistan, within the first 30 minutes from the moment of injury, first medical aid was provided to 93% of the wounded.

Pre-medical (paramedic) care complements first aid and is provided by the commander (chief) of a medical platoon (point) of the battalion.

First aid turns out to be a doctor in the medical company (point) of the regiment, as well as at the battalion medical station, headed by a doctor.

Qualified medical care ends up in a separate medical battalion of the formation (a separate medical detachment of the formation).

Specialized medical care and treatment is carried out by specialist doctors in hospitals with special equipment.

The main tasks of medical support for a company in battle are: observation of the battlefield, search for the wounded, removal of the injured from military equipment and defensive structures, provision of first aid to them, collection, concentration, designation or removal (removal) of them to the company medical post or to the ambulance transport post.

Observation behind the battlefield is carried out by a medical instructor; medical personnel, forces and means of collection and evacuation units of a higher level, and company (battalion) personnel allocated by the commander can be involved in the search for the wounded.

Search for the wounded consists of examining the combat area (the source of mass casualties) in order to detect victims who require medical assistance. Depending on the type of battle, the nature of the terrain, time of day and weather conditions, search methods can be different: using mechanized means of collection (on ambulance transporters, armored personnel carriers, helicopters for various purposes, snowmobiles, and in some cases, infantry fighting vehicles); observation method using search groups and patrols, with the help of specially trained dogs.

At the firing positions of the mortar battery, the wounded are searched for by the battery's medical instructor. He also provides first aid and organizes (carries out) their removal. The medical instructor is assisted by crew personnel allocated at the direction of the battery commander. The search for wounded artillerymen in combat formations of motorized rifle units and the provision of necessary medical care to them is carried out by the forces and means of these units.

In modern combat the wounded will often have to be removed from military equipment(destroyed fortifications, buildings), and only then provide them with first aid. The exception will be victims with life-threatening bleeding, asphyxia and burns. Extraction methods will depend on the design features of equipment and structures, the degree of their damage, the conditions of the combat situation and the condition of the victim himself.

After removing the wounded from military equipment, fortifications or other structures and providing first aid, he is carried out (taken out) to the concentration areas.

In all cases the wounded and sick are carried out with their weapons and equipment. When working in areas contaminated with radioactive, toxic substances or bacterial agents, the orderly (sanitary instructor) wears protective equipment, and a gas mask is put on the wounded person or, if one is not available, several layers of gauze are placed on his nose and mouth, securing them with a bandage.

Shelters (separate places) with the wounded concentrated in them must be well marked. To designate places where a group of (individual) wounded is concentrated, both standard and improvised means are used. The first includes the radio direction-finding device “Rosa-MT”. It consists of a transmitter and a direction finder. The orderly shooter (medical instructor) turns on one of his available transmitters and places it near the wounded person(s). The searcher, moving on foot or in transport, detects the wounded using sent radio signals using a direction finder and carries them out to the designated place.

Means such as colored smoke signal flares, luminous pointers and fabrics, whistles, etc. were also widely used to indicate the wounded. During the Great Patriotic War, pieces of bandages, armbands with a red cross, flags, and inscriptions on walls were also used. The sign that indicates the location of the wounded must stand out against the background of the area, be clearly visible from the rear, and at the same time not visible from the enemy.

From places of concentration with the forces and means of the collection and evacuation of the wounded of the medical platoon (point) of the battalion, as well as with the help of personnel allocated by the command the wounded are transported (carried out) to the deployment area of ​​the medical platoon (point), to a medical transport post, the route of movement of the MPB, or, under favorable conditions, directly to the medical company (point) of the regiment. With its own forces and means, a medical platoon can evacuate up to seven wounded in one flight.

A tank battalion is the main combined arms tactical unit and, as the main striking force of units and formations, is used primarily in the main directions.

A tank battalion is part of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment or brigade and is the main tactical unit of a formation when planning a battle.

The organizational structure of a tank battalion includes:


Combat units;

Combat support units;

Technical and logistics support units.

Control battalion includes:

· battalion command (4 people);

· headquarters (5 people).

The combat units include 3 tank companies.

Tank company consists of a company command and three tank platoons.

The company's management includes:

· company commander;

· deputy company commander for educational work;

· deputy company commander;

· company sergeant major;

tank commander;

· senior mechanic - company driver.

Tank platoon is part of a tank company. It consists of three tank crews.

The crew consists of 3 people:

· tank commander (PM);

· gunner-operator (PM);

· driver mechanic (AKSU).

Total in the company:

Communications platoon designed to establish and maintain stable communications with subordinate (attached) units and ensure control, as well as to maintain communications with the senior commander (chief) and neighbors.

The communications platoon consists of 3 sections:

Department of Management KB (2 people):

· tank com;

· Art. mechanic-driver.

Department of NS management (3 people):

· squad commander (com. BM);

· mechanic – radiotelephonist.

· mechanic - driver (driver).

Communications department (6 people):

· squad leader;

· senior master – radiotelephone operator;

· senior radiotelephone operator - 3 people;

· radiotelephone operator - 2 people;

· gunner - operator (lineman);

· electrician.

Total in the communications platoon:

Support platoon designed for receiving, storing and transporting ammunition, fuel, food, as well as providing personnel with hot food and water.

Automotive department (11 people):

· squad leader;

· drivers – 4 people.

· URAL-4320 for transporting ammunition - 1;

· KRAZ-255 or T-80 ATMZ (fuel and oil tanker) - 3;

· ZIL-131 - 1.

Economic department (3 people):

· squad leader – 1;

· cooks - 2 people.

· PAK-200 (based on ZIL-131) – 1.

· Trailer - 1

Maintenance Platoon designed for repair, maintenance and evacuation of armored vehicles from the battlefield.

A platoon consists of a platoon command and two squads.

Maintenance department:

· squad leader;

· senior foreman in electrical and specialties. equipment;

· master of loading mechanisms;

· master;

· driver - mechanic.

· MTO - - 1 pc.

Evacuation department designed for evacuation of stuck and damaged vehicles, as well as for towing damaged equipment and includes:

· squad leader - driver mechanic;

· Art. driver mechanic;

· driver-fitter.

· URAL-375 (under VTI) – 1.

Medical station The battalion is designed to search for the wounded on the battlefield (in hotbeds), timely provision of pre-medical care, collection and removal of them from the battlefield, preparation for evacuation, as well as to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases in battalion units.

The battalion medical station includes:

· head of the medical station (paramedic);

· medical instructor;

· senior driver - orderly;

· driver – orderly;

· 2 orderlies.

Total in the battalion medical center:

Total in the battalion:

Concluding the consideration of the educational issue, We note that a tank battalion, equipped with modern military equipment, is more compact and mobile than a motorized rifle battalion, and has everything necessary for the successful organization and conduct of combat operations.


All tank battalions of a tank brigade are identical in structure and include:

command - 4 people (design bureau, ZKB, deputy for work with personnel, ZKV);

headquarters - 5 people (NSH, ZNSH, NS - com. sun, instructor, clerk);

personnel work unit - 1 person (senior youth work instructor),

three tank companies, each with: command - 6 people. (KR, ZKR for educational work, ZKV, foreman, tank commander, station m/v; tank-1); three tank platoons of 9 people each. and three tanks each. Total in the company: l/s - 33 people, tanks - 10 units.

communications platoon - 11 people, consisting of: dept. ex. KB - 2 people (CT, station m/v, tank - 1); dept. ex. headquarters - 3 people (room BM, radiotelephone operator, military electrician; BMP-2k - 1); communications department - 6 people (com. department, m/v, gunner-operator, telephone operator, RTF station, TF - li-

naive overseer; BMP - 1, RPG - 1, R-159 - 1, switchboard P-193

1, recharger (ROM) - 2, lighting power station /5 kW/ - 1);

maintenance platoon - 9 people, consisting of: quarter - 1; oto - 5 people (command of the department - mechanic, senior foreman for repairing electrical and special equipment, foreman for repairing loading mechanisms, foreman, driver - mechanic; MTO - 1, RPG - 1); evacuation department - 3 people. (room department, m/v, driver-mechanic; BREM for tanks - 1, Ural according to VTI);

support platoon - 15 people: com. platoon, automobile department - 9 people. (co - deputy platoon commander, senior driver, refueling driver, radiotelephonist driver, driver - 3 people, refueling driver - 2 people); economic department - 5 people. (department commander-cook, driver, cook - 3 people). Total in the platoon: -12 vehicles (under b/pr - 3, under VTI - 1, under l/v -

1, tanker (ATZ)-3, (ATMZ)-3, PAG-200 - 1; RPG - 1, R-159 -

1).battalion medical station - 6 people (Head of the medical service - paramedic, medical instructor, orderly - 3, driver - orderly; UAZ-452 - 1, trailer - 1).

Total in the battalion: l/s - 151 people, tanks - 31, BMP-2k - 1, BMP-1, vehicles - 15, BREM - 1, total equipment - 49 units.

A motorized rifle battalion on an infantry fighting vehicle of a tank brigade includes: command - 6 people, (KMSB, ZKB, ZKV, ZKT, ZKB for work with

personnel, assistant artillery design bureau);

headquarters - 5 people (NSH, ZNSH, NS-com. platoon of communications, instructor, clerk);

personnel management unit - 1 person. (youth work instructor);

three MSDs of 101 people, each: ex. - 11 people (committee, deputy for personnel affairs, senior technician, sergeant major, orderly instructor, senior m/v, m/v, combat vehicle commander, gunner-operator - 2, operator SBR-3 - 1, infantry fighting vehicle -2 - 2, SBR-3 - 1); three MSVs for 30 people, each: management - 6 people. (KMSV, ZKV, sniper, gunner, crew number, orderly-gunner; PKM - 1, SVD - 1); three MSOs of 8 people, each: commander BM - KO, ZKBM - NO, art. m/v (mv), senior gunner, marksman, machine gunner, grenade launcher, assistant gunner grenade launcher. In the department: BMP - 1; RPG-1, RPK -

1. Total in the company: BMP-11, RPK-9, PK - 3, RPG-7 - 9, SBR-3 - 1 unit. mortar battery - 64 people, consisting of: control, platoon

control, two mortar platoons of 17 people, each: 82 mm M 2

B 14 - 3, RPG-7 - 1, Gaz-66 - 4; one mortar platoon consisting of: l/s - 14 people, 82-mm M 2B9 - 3, RPG-7 - 1, Gas-66 - 4. Total battery: 82-mm M-9, RPG-7 - 4 ; Gas-66 - 14.

grenade launcher platoon - 26 people, 30-mm AGS-17 - 6, BMP-3, RPG-7 - 1,

communications platoon - 16 people, consisting of: dept. ex. KB - 4 people (zkv-ko, station m/v, radiotelegraph operator, m/v-RTL; BMP - 1); dept. battalion headquarters - 3 people. (com BM-ko, m/v-electric, RTF); communications department - 9 people. (ko, NO-line supervisor, senior RTF, senior master RTF, RTF-2, TF-2, mechanic-driver-electrician). In the department: BMP-1, RPG-7 - 1, e/st. (0.5 kW) - 1, r/st-13, switch P-193

1, cable P-275 - 20 km, ROM-1 - 15, ROM-2 - 1;

support platoon - 32 people, consisting of: ex. - 3 people (sq., technician - 2); oto BTT - 6 people. (co, senior crane operator, senior mechanic, senior foreman (E and SO), master mechanic, mechanic; BREM-1, RPG-7 - 1); from AT -5 people. (co., senior master of fuel equipment, senior mechanic (E and CO) - battery operator, fitter, mechanic for hydropneumatic and mechanical components and assemblies, driver-vulcanizer; MTO-AT - 1); auto department - 10 people, consisting of: co, art. water, st. water-refueler, st. water RTF, driver - 4, refueling driver - 2, r/st /R-159, R-107/ -1, Gaz-66 vehicles -3 (personal belongings), ZIL-131 - 1 (food), Ural- 4320 - 3 (b/pr), ATMZ-5 (to Ural-4320) - 3; economic department - 8 people. : ko, art. water, st. cook, cook - 5; trailer kitchen - 1, PAK-200 - 3, trailer (1.5 t) - 3;

medical center - 8 people. (head of MP, medical instructor, senior driver-medic, driver-medic - 3, orderly - 2; r/st (R-159, R-107) - 1, UAZ-3962 (452A) - 4, trailer (0 .5 t) - 1.

Total in the battalion: l/s - 461, BMP - 37, BMP-1ksh - 1, BMP-1k(2k) - 1, 82-mm M - 9, RPG-7 - 34, AGS-17 - , PK - 9 , RPK - 27, SVD - 9, vehicles - 29. Total vehicles - 69, on a tracked base - 40, on a wheeled base - 29.

The brigade's self-propelled artillery battalions include three batteries of 152-mm SG "G" (4 guns each). Total in the division: l / s - 169 people, 152-mm SG - 12 units. The brigade has 36 howitzers.

Anti-aircraft division of the brigade includes a battery of ZPRK "T" (BM "T" - 6 units), a battery "Strela - 10 SV" (BM "Strela 10 SV" - 6 units), a battery of MANPADS "Igla" (MANPADS "Igla" - 27 PM ).

Brigade support units represented: rr - 51 people, rs - 65 people, isr - 88 people, vrhr - 9 people, vu NA - 10 people, komen. platoon - 25 people.

The structure of the brigade on the BMP includes: control, combat units, combat, logistics and technical support units.

The management of a SME on an infantry fighting vehicle is similar to the management of a TP, with the exception that at the regimental headquarters there is another ZNSH and a station. PNSh on mobile. work.

The organizational structure of a motorized rifle and tank battalion (there are three and one, respectively) is similar to the structure of such units in tank regiments.

Artillery divisions in organizational structure are similar to adn spar on infantry fighting vehicles of a tank division, that is, in each of them

three 122-mm SG batteries each (12 howitzers in total). The regiment has 24 howitzers.

The structure of an anti-aircraft division is similar to such units in a small infantry fighting vehicle in a tank division.

The set of combat, logistics and technical support units of a regiment practically does not differ in composition and structure of units in the tank regiments of a tank division.

Motorized rifle brigades on armored personnel carriers the structure is the same as SMEs on infantry fighting vehicles. The fundamental difference lies only in the structure of motorized rifle battalions on armored personnel carriers.

Organizational and staffing structure of SMEs on armored personnel carriers. The composition of the command and the organizational structure of the headquarters, the apparatus for working with personnel, the mortar battery, the grenade launcher platoon, the communications platoon, the support platoon and the medical post are identical to similar units in the infantry fighting vehicle, but instead of the BMP-1k(2k) and BMP-1ksh, and BMPs also in service include BTR-60PBK and BTR-70(80).

In addition, the battalion includes:

three small units of 113 people, each: management - 8 people (kr, zkr for working with personnel, senior technician, foreman, sanitary instructor, senior driver, machine gunner, SBR-3 operator, BTR-1, SBR-3 - 1); three MSVs of 32 people, each: control - 6 people (kv, zkv, sniper, gunner, crew number, medic-gunner; 7.62 mm SVD-1, 7.62 mm PKM - 1), two mso 9 people, each: co, st. shooter, art. driver (driver), sniper, shooter-assistant. grenade launcher, machine gunner, grenade launcher, machine gunner, shooter; one MSR - 8 people (minus one shooter). In each compartment: RPG-7 - 1, 7.62 mm SVD -1, 5.45 mm RPK-74 - 1, BTR -1. Anti-tank squad (in a company) - 9 people. (co, senior operator -3, machine gunner, driver, operator-3; Metis launcher - 3, armored personnel carrier - 1).

anti-tank platoon - 42 people, consisting of: control - 6 people, three anti-tank platoons of 8 people, each: co, art. driver (driver), Art. operator, operator-4, machine gunner; PU 9P135 - 2, armored personnel carrier - 1, r/st - 1; three grenade launcher compartments of 4 people, each with:

Grenade launcher commander, Art. gunner, crew number - 2; SPG-9m -

Total in SMEs on armored personnel carriers: l/s - 539 people, armored personnel carrier - 42, BTR-60 PBK - 2, ATGM "Fagot" - 6, ATGM "Metis" - 9, SPG-9m -3, RPG-7 - 34 , 82-mm M - 9, vehicles - 29, ARV - 1, total wheeled vehicles - 73, tracked vehicles - 1.

The general composition of the regiment on the armored personnel carrier is presented in Table 2.

The performance characteristics of TB technology are presented on slide N __. At the same time, let us note that the main battle tank of the TB can be the T-72, T-80U, T-90. Let's look at the main characteristics of combat vehicles.

Table 3

The performance characteristics of SME equipment are presented on slide N __.

Let's look at it in more detail. So, let's start with the performance characteristics of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

Table 4

Now let's look at anti-tank weapons.

Table 5

Slide N __ shows the performance characteristics of small arms.

Table 6

Slide N __ shows the performance characteristics of mortars.

Table 7


A tank (motorized rifle) battalion fights with the support of artillery fire and under the cover of air defense forces and means.

Self-propelled artillery divisions of the regiment consist of three 122-mm SG "G" batteries (4 guns each). Total in the division: 122 mm SG - 12 units. The regiment has 24 howitzers.

The performance characteristics of weapons and equipment are presented on slide N __.

Table 8

Anti-aircraft division of the brigade includes a battery of ZPRK "T" (BM "T" - 6 units), a battery "Strela - 10 SV" (BM "Strela 10 SV" - 6 units), a battery of MANPADS "Igla" (MANPADS "Igla" - 27 PM ).

The performance characteristics of the weapons and equipment of the plant are presented on slide N __.

Table 9

In a combined arms battle, it is impossible to imagine the action of tank and motorized rifle units without their comprehensive support.

Regimental combat support units represented by: a reconnaissance company, a communications company, an engineer company, a radiation and chemical platoon. reconnaissance, air defense and air defense control platoons.

The reconnaissance company of the brigade is armed with combat reconnaissance vehicles BRM, BRDM, tanks (BMP-2) and special devices, such as LPR and SBR-3; you will learn more about the capabilities of this equipment and reconnaissance equipment in reconnaissance classes.

Performance characteristics of weapons and equipment of other combat support units of the regiment are presented on slide N __.

Performance characteristics of the equipment of the brigade's engineering company.

Table 10

Demining charges are used to make passages in PTM and PTM fields. UR-83P mine clearing installations can also be used to make passages in the PTMP.

Table 11

Road equipment is used to prepare column routes, troop advance routes and evacuation routes.

Table 12

Indicators BAT-M BAT-2 PCT PKT-2 Motor grader D-557|D-345A
Blade gripping width, m in double-blade position in bulldozer position in grader position Crane load capacity, t Transport speed, km/h on dirt roads, maximum Weight, t Crew, persons Creation of multiple tracks, km/h on moderately rough roads. m-ti through small forests and virgin lands through virgin snow Making passages, m/h in forest rubble in stone rubble Construction of passages through ditches, trenches, cubic m/h 4.5 20-22 27.5 4-6 3-5 8-10 30-40 15-20 up to 200 | 4 | 3.3 4.6 | 3.8 3.9 | 3.2 2 | - | up to 35 | 25 60 | 45 39.7 | 19 2 | 2 | 6-8 | 2-3 2-3 | 1-2 8-15 | 10 | up to 200 | - 80-100 - | up to 300|100 3,3 3,8 3,24 - 20-25 4-6 3-6 4-6 - - - - - 12-15 12,3 - - 3-4 - - - - 3,7 - - 12-15 18,7 - - 4-5 - - -

The engineering barrier clearing vehicle (IMR) is designed for making passages in rubble, preparing column tracks and filling craters.

The PMZ-4 minelayer is designed for mechanized placement of mines in the ground (snow), as well as for laying mines on the ground (snow).1.0

Table 13

The regimental digging machine PZM-2 is designed for digging pits and trenches.

Logistics and technical support units of the brigade represented by: a repair company, a material support company, a medical center and support platoons for tank (motorized rifle) battalions.

The performance characteristics of the weapons and equipment of the logistics and technical support units of the brigade are presented on slide N __

Table 14

The material support company is armed with vehicles for transporting ammunition, fuel, food and clothing.

The medical center has vehicles for transporting the wounded from the battlefield - frontline transporters (TPC).