Nizhny Novgorod universities with budget places. Universities of the Nizhny Novgorod region with budget places

The list of budget universities in Nizhny Novgorod is quite large. The city has technical, humanities, and medical universities. There are also many branches of Moscow universities. The passing scores for a number of universities are no less than those for prestigious universities in both capitals. Diplomas from graduates of Nizhny Novgorod universities are valued not only in the labor market of the city and region, but also in Russia and the world in general. Most universities are included in world education quality rankings. Not only residents of Nizhny Novgorod study at the city’s universities; many students come from neighboring regions.

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. Lobachevsky

The university was founded in 1916. It was this higher education institution that became one of the first to conduct educational activities in the city. In 1956, the university was named after Lobachevsky. The university is included in the ranking of the best 800 higher education institutions in the world. More than 30,000 people are students of Nizhny Novgorod State University. At the same time, the share of foreign students is quite large, and they came from 97 different countries.

If we consider the teaching staff, then among the university employees more than 300 are doctors of science. The structure of the university includes more than 15 faculties and institutes. Among them:

  • philology and journalism;
  • military education;
  • radiophysical and others.

There are 8 departments based on the Faculty of Chemistry. The educational programs of the faculty include the following (bachelor's degree):

  • chemical Technology;
  • ecology and environmental management and others.

Most university graduates note that the university has a large resource of modern equipment. The teaching staff is staffed with professors and associate professors, candidates of science. Lectures are interesting and use modern technologies.

Passing marks for the University named after. Lobachevsky

To be admitted to the field of Information Security of Telecommunication Systems last year, an applicant needed to score more than 197 points. A total of 20 budget places were allocated in 2017. The duration of training is 5.5 years.

To be admitted to the ranks of students in the "Tourism" field, it was necessary to score more than 234 points in total on several state exams. There are 10 budget places. The duration of study in this specialty at the Nizhny Novgorod university is 8 academic semesters. The cost of training on a contract basis is 100,000 rubles per year.

Privolzhsky Research Medical University

The list of medical universities in Nizhny Novgorod includes the Volga Research Medical University. The university faculties include:

  • dental;
  • medical and preventive;
  • pediatric;
  • medicinal and others.

The Faculty of Medicine began conducting educational activities in 1920. An interesting fact is that in 1930 the faculty was transformed into a separate institute. In 2002, the university introduced a Russian-English department, in which students studied in 2 languages ​​and could go to study at a foreign university. To enter this department, a 1st year student had to successfully pass an English language test.

If we analyze student reviews, in most cases no one regrets choosing this particular university. Graduates of the medical university find work in their specialty, many return to the educational institution for residency and advanced training programs.

Passing marks in med. university

To be admitted to the ranks of students of the budgetary basis of the “General Medicine” direction, last year the applicant had to overcome the passing score, which was equal to the value of 270. For the “Pediatrics” direction, the passing score was set at 252 points. For the direction “Dentistry” - 289 points out of 300 maximum.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Nizhny Novgorod State Agrarian University is included in the list of state universities in Nizhny Novgorod with budget places. The educational activities of the university began in 1930. And already in 1932 the first graduation of civil engineers took place. In total, the university has 6 faculties, including the following:

  • architecture and design;
  • general technical;
  • engineering-ecological systems and structures and others.

Most NNGASU graduates work in their specialty. In the labor market, a university diploma is highly valued. Reviews about the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering are 90% positive.

Passing scores in NNGASU

For admission to the “Standardization and Metrology” major at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Nizhny Novgorod University last year, it was necessary to overcome the indicator of only 104 points. There are 16 budget places. The duration of training is 8 semesters. There is also the possibility of training on a contract basis. The cost is 110,000 rubles per year.

There are no budget places available in the Tourism direction. In this case, the passing score is 116. The cost of training is 90,000 rubles per year.

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Minin University)

Minin University is also included in the list of universities in Nizhny Novgorod with budget places. The university was founded in 1911. The faculties include:

  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • humanities;
  • physical culture and sports;
  • management and socio-technical services and others.

The following departments operate on the basis of the faculties:

  • philosophy and theology;
  • biology, chemistry and biological-chemical education;
  • enterprise economics;
  • physical culture and others.

The university is among the top ten universities in Nizhny Novgorod. Alumni speak positively about their alma mater. Many who have completed a bachelor's degree also enroll in a master's program at this educational institution.

Passing marks for the University named after. Minina

To become a student in the Environmental Management and Audit major, last year applicants had to work hard and score 165 points in three exams. To pass on a paid basis, 150 would be enough. In total, 17 places are allocated at the expense of payment from the federal budget. Paid places - 5. The competition for 1 budget place exceeds 7 people. The cost of training is 111,000 rubles per year.

The passing score for the “Geography and Biology” direction last year was 183. The passing score for paid places was set at 150. Budget places - 15. Paid places - 5.

The competition for a place exceeded 3 people. The cost of the educational program is 111,000 rubles per year.

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University

The university was first opened in 1898 in Warsaw, and only in 1916 did the educational institution move to Nizhny Novgorod. 400 applicants were accepted for the first year that year. The structure of the Nizhny Novgorod university includes 7 institutes:

  • electric power industry;
  • transport systems;
  • economics and management and others.

The Institute of Transport Systems was founded in 2013. The institute is considered the largest in the structure of a technical university in Nizhny Novgorod, because it was formed on the basis of 2 faculties that have been conducting educational activities since the founding of the educational institution. According to the director of the institute, there are no ITS graduates on the labor exchange. Reviews of graduates also speak about this: most of them are well employed.

Passing scores for a technical university

The passing score for the bachelor's degree program "Biotechnology" was fixed at 197. There are 20 budget places in total. For those who were unable to enroll in budget places, training is offered on a contract basis. The cost of the educational program is 114,000 rubles per year. The field of “Informatics and Computer Science” is quite popular at this budget university in Nizhny Novgorod, so the passing score was fixed at 148. There are 70 budget places in total. The cost of training on a contractual basis is 145,000 rubles per year.

Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after Dobrolyubov

The list of universities in Nizhny Novgorod also includes this humanitarian university - Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University. The structure of the educational organization includes the following faculties:

  • in English;
  • translation;
  • international relations, economics and management and others.

The university departments include:

  • theories of social communication;
  • Eastern and European languages;
  • teaching Russian as a native and foreign language and others.

The Linguistic University gives students the opportunity to study several foreign languages. According to student reviews, this allows them to find employment in major companies, including foreign ones, in the future.

Passing scores at NSLU named after. Dobrolyubova

The passing score for the educational program “Foreign Regional Studies” last year was recorded at 245. This is a fairly high passing score in comparison with scores for other areas of training. There are 12 budget places in total. The cost of tuition on a paid basis is 99,000 rubles per year.

To enter the budget-funded major “International Relations,” it was necessary to score quite a lot of points on the Unified State Examination – 251. A total of 8 budget-funded places are allocated. The cost of training is 111,000 rubles per year.

National Research University Higher School of Economics (branch of the university in Nizhny Novgorod)

The faculties of the Higher School of Economics include:

  • rights;
  • humanities;
  • economics;
  • management and others.

The Faculty of Humanities was established in 2012. The faculty's educational programs include the following:

  • fundamental and applied linguistics;
  • philology;
  • political linguistics;
  • literature and media.

According to faculty members, they focus on the applied aspect of the humanities. Students at the university branch in Nizhny Novgorod are required to study 2 foreign languages ​​and at the end of their studies take the international English language exam Ielts.

Most reviews say that it is important for students that upon graduation they receive a diploma from the Moscow Higher School of Economics. Reviews also say that studying at the university is difficult; students take more than 2 sessions a year.

Passing scores for HSE Nizhny Novgorod

To enroll in the Economics educational program, you must score more than 318 points. For enrollment in the ranks of students in the “Business Informatics” direction - more than 238. The passing score in the “Applied Linguistics” direction was recorded at a level of over 261 points.

Nizhny Novgorod is a city with a population of more than a million people, the administrative center of the Volga Federal District and the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Nizhny Novgorod is an important industrial, cultural and economic center of Russia. There are also educational institutions and a major transport hub located here. Applicants from other cities and towns come to study in a large city of the Russian Federation. The famous Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. operates here. Lobachevsky.

The Volga State Academy of Water Transport, which is recognized as the country's largest university producing water transport engineers, is in great demand among students.

Nizhny Novgorod is home to one of the oldest and largest pedagogical universities in the Russian Federation - Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. It includes 9 faculties, 66 departments and educates more than 12,000 students.

In Nizhny Novgorod there are 4 academies, 6 universities, more than 5 institutes, and a conservatory. In total, more than 50 higher educational institutions and branches of other universities operate in the city. The first higher education institution was opened back in 1911.

Universities in Nizhny Novgorod train their students in a variety of areas. It is worth noting that Nizhny Novgorod is known throughout the world as a center of radiophysics. The Luxembourg-Gorky effect was named after this stunning city. The city is home to the country's largest production and scientific radar center - JSC FSPC NNIIRT. Not many people know that Nizhny Novgorod conducts research in laser physics, plasma physics, hydrodynamics, organometallic chemistry, etc.

The leadership of the Nizhny Novgorod region has always strived to increase the number of budget places in state universities in the region every year. This season is no exception: in 2017, according to the so-called green wave, the number of places for applicants was 130 more than last year, amounting to 7,307 places. The passing scores required for admission to the leading higher education institutions in the region, speaking on average, have decreased slightly, which is good news. Naturally, universities will give preference to those applicants who scored the most points on the Unified State Exam, as well as to those who have any other achievements or preferences, for example, winners of regional and city Olympiads or some sports competitions. In any case, the procedure for enrolling such applicants is regulated by the internal policies of the universities themselves, which is often impossible to influence at the federal level. Many of the Nizhny Novgorod universities offer additional courses, the graduates of which can enter the budget for easier programs if they show a certificate with the highest grades.

Preferential categories eligible to enter the “budget”

Let us immediately note that it is quite difficult to enroll in a budget-funded place at any of the universities in Nizhny Novgorod, despite the seemingly sufficient number of such places. However, this year there will be almost twice as many applicants. And here it should be taken into account that preference for admission to the budget department will traditionally be given to those who have the right to this, that is, beneficiaries. There are these categories:

  1. Disabled people of all groups and orphans – if we are talking about children.
  2. Children who have grown up or are growing up without parental care.
  3. Military personnel (or those who have already served, retired military, reserve officers, etc.) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (including those who serve (served) under a contract).
  4. Disabled people of the first and second groups - if their capabilities allow them to undergo training.
  5. Persons under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of the first group, as well as families if the total income is below the current subsistence level.

If you belong to one of the above categories, then your chances of entering any Nizhny Novgorod higher education institutions, as they say, on a budget, are quite high and real.

But if you don’t, then remember that in order to enroll in the budget department “on the green wave” you will have to compete with just such beneficiaries.

Where can you enroll in a budget department in Nizhny Novgorod?

In general, if we talk about the types of training in higher educational institutions in Nizhny Novgorod, then, as throughout the Russian Federation, there is the possibility of full-time (or full-time) education, combined part-time (or evening) education, and exclusively correspondence education. You need to understand that in the last two cases, the chances of getting into a budget-funded place practically tend to zero: in order for students to study on a budget, the vast majority of universities stipulate only full-time and full-time education. We should also separately highlight a case that stands apart: this is when a student works and at the same time studies, say, in an evening course, and the employer (and maybe the regional budget, for example, in rare cases) pays in full or in part for this training - such training is not is considered “budgetary”; it is simply not paid for from the student’s own pocket.

In Nizhny Novgorod at this time there are more than fifty different higher educational institutions, both independent and operating in the form of branches of Russian universities from other regions. Those of them that make it possible to enroll in a budget department can be fundamentally divided into three types, as, indeed, are universities throughout the rest of the Russian Federation:

  • universities (wide-profile, comprehensive universities, with a large number of internal structures in them, covering all areas of activity). There are exactly six universities in Nizhny Novgorod;
  • academies (specialized universities that train specialists of an extremely high level of qualification, but only in one particular field of knowledge). There are currently four such establishments in Nizhny Novgorod;
  • institutes (the most common type of higher educational institutions, the graduates of which, as a rule, belong to a fairly narrow field of focus). Now Nizhny Novgorod has five universities of this type.

It should also be noted that in Nizhny Novgorod there is also a conservatory (Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka), which is also ranked among the universities of the highest degree of accreditation and offers its own quota of budget places for applicants (183 places as of 2017, minimum passing score – 71). The duration of study at budgetary departments of Nizhny Novgorod higher educational institutions can range from four to six years.

Nizhny Novgorod universities that accept state employees

Finally, we come to the most important thing - specifics. So, universities in Nizhny Novgorod with budget places, the list of them is quite impressive.

Let's start with universities. The passing score in them, as a rule, is fixed initially, the number of budget places in percentage terms is the largest.

NNGASU, or Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Specialties in the field of architecture and design, according to sociological surveys, are among the most in-demand professions in Nizhny Novgorod at the moment. For this reason, the passing score on the Unified State Exam for entry into this university is quite high - exactly 100. True, there are quite a lot of budget places: 737.

NGLU, or Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. N. A. Dobrolyubova. The passing score is high - 211. The number of places in the budget department is 155. A good university that graduates students in the humanities.

NSU or Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky. One of the main universities in Nizhny Novgorod and the region, therefore the number of budget places offered is maximum - as many as 1411. The low passing score is also pleasing - 72. At one time, this university became the first university in the Nizhny Novgorod region (1916). Now it is consistently included in the rankings of the ten best universities in the Russian Federation.

NSTU, or Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R. E. Alekseeva. It is included in the top hundred best universities in Russia. The university specializes in graduating technical professionals for science and industry. In order to enter the “budget” (there are 1,258 places available this year), you need to score at least 118 points on the Unified State Examination.

VGUVT, or Volga State University of Water Transport. The passing score this year is encouraging: 96. The number of state employees that the university is generous with is 585 people, which, in general, is not bad.

NSPU, or Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after. Kozma Minin. Pedagogical University in the classical sense; This season, 616 places have been allocated to “state employees,” but what the passing score will be is still unknown: everything will depend solely on the number of applicants.

Nizhny Novgorod academies cannot always give a passing grade, and they allocate much fewer places to state employees than universities. But graduates leave academies as true professionals in their highly specialized field and have a good chance of getting a good job. Below are presented only those academies that provide “budget” places.

Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The institution is quite rated, so the entrance score is unexpectedly extremely high - 300. The number of places provided for “budget” students is 348.

Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy (NSAHA). It is distinguished by its low passing score (100), and also by the fact that it is the largest agricultural university in the Volga Federal District. It welcomes “state employees” by allocating 685 places to them in 2017.

The institutes of Nizhny Novgorod are the least favored by applicants wishing to enroll in budgetary departments. In general, at the beginning of 2017 there was only one institute.

Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic Institute (NGIEI). It’s a young university, but there is an “allocation” for “state employees”: 395 people. The passing score at which an applicant becomes a student is quite acceptable - 95. The institute has a branch, also called an “institute,” namely the Institute of Food Technology and Design.

As for the branches of Russian higher educational institutions located in Nizhny Novgorod, then, firstly, information about the number of “state employees” is accepted by the management of the main university, and not its branch, so this kind of information is difficult to access and is always inaccurate. The passing score is also only given approximately. We are talking about educational institutions, for example, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.