On the development of cooperation within the Commonwealth of Independent States. What significance does Russia Day have for the citizens of the country, for you personally?

Russia fruitfully cooperates with many countries of the world, and, above all, with its closest neighbors - the CIS countries, with which it is closely connected thanks to historical, cultural, scientific, economic and transport ties. The severance of ties between the countries that once made up one country, the USSR, had an extremely negative impact on the economies of these states and seriously aggravated the structural crisis. According to the most conservative estimates, in Russia this factor influenced the decline in at least 1/3 of production. Even greater damage was caused to our CIS partners, whose economies, compared to Russia, are less self-sufficient. Therefore, the task of having a new integration mechanism is of great importance. A serious incentive for CIS countries to integrate is the need to preserve their market. An analysis of the structure of mutual commodity exchange provides strong grounds for the conclusion that abandoning the overwhelming majority of its positions, taking into account the real possibilities of reorientation to the markets of “third” countries and import substitution, is not feasible in the near future or is not economically feasible. Significant integration potential is predetermined by a powerful and comprehensive raw material base, including all types of strategic raw materials, geographical proximity and the presence of powerful infrastructure - primarily transport and communications. The integration processes that have begun are based on the developed scientific and technical potential of the CIS countries. Thanks to the constructive interaction of partners in the CIS, it was possible to establish a system for organizing cooperation, adapted to servicing their economic relations on market principles. A prerequisite for cooperation should be not to damage the interests of other CIS countries.

Russia has always strived to maintain mutually beneficial economic relations with the republics of the former USSR. This cooperation allows us to solve many problems on a mutually beneficial basis. One of our country’s permanent partners is the Republic of Belarus, with which we have fruitful cooperation in a variety of areas. These are the Unified Energy System of Russia and Belarus, the construction of the Belarusian section of the Yamal - Western Europe gas pipeline, the joint Russian-Belarusian program for the development of the automotive industry "Development of the Diesel Automotive Industry". Trade turnover between our countries is constantly growing. Russia and Kazakhstan signed an agreement on the creation of UralTEK JSC on the basis of Russian energy enterprises in the Urals and Ekibastuz State District Power Plant-2 (Kazakhstan). The capacity of the Atyrau-Samara oil pipeline has been increased and Kazakhstan's export quota for pumping oil through Russia has been increased from 6 to 9 million tons per year.

The most important highways connecting Russia with European countries pass through the territory of Belarus; the base of the Russian Black Sea Navy is located in Ukraine (in Sevastopol), and economic, cultural and scientific ties continue to develop with many countries. This is largely possible thanks to the preservation of good neighborly relations with the former Soviet republics and the Russian language - the language of interethnic communication. At the same time, the share of Russia’s foreign trade turnover with the CIS countries is significantly inferior to non-CIS countries, and, above all, to European countries. Quite close contacts between regions of countries can be considered as one of the instruments of Russia’s long-term policy in this space. In this regard, it is necessary to not only expand the boundaries of access to markets for goods, services and capital, but also, taking into account the course towards innovative development, to promote the creation of new niches for interaction with other states. And, above all, this concerns the joint development of natural resources and common infrastructure of the CIS countries. Due to the fact that the crisis has led to a reduction in imports from non-CIS countries, there are now excellent opportunities for the economic development of countries. One of the striking examples of economic integration is the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Despite all this, there are certain difficulties in Russia’s relations with the CIS countries. Mainly, this is the presence of outstanding debt obligations for energy supplies supplied by Russia. For example, in 1999, the supply of electricity to Georgia was stopped. The disconnection of Georgia from the Unified Energy System of Russia deprives our country of the opportunity to export Russian electricity to Turkey.

Despite certain economic and political difficulties, Russia's activities within the CIS have shown the inexpediency of destroying old economic ties. The CIS countries had a unified energy system, a system of transport and telecommunications and industrial connections that had been preserved from the times of the USSR. Thus, it was necessary to look for new forms of development. Until now, the activities of the CIS have not been effective enough and therefore have not brought the desired results. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the CIS countries have not yet developed a unified economic strategy - each of them has to independently solve the problems of entering the world market and choosing partners in the world community.

In addition to trade, production ties are developing, for example, joint construction of various facilities. Russia and Turkmenistan are participating in the construction of new roads and railways on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, in the creation of a new ferry crossing and the laying of pipelines. Russia participates in the search, exploration and preparation for exploitation of gas fields in Turkmenistan

1. What importance do the Pacific seas have for our country? What sectors of the economy are associated with the development of sea resources?

Human economic activity in the Far Eastern seas is determined by their geographical location and natural features. Marine fisheries are well developed in the Far Eastern seas. A large amount of fish (sardines, mackerel, saury and other species) and other marine products (mussels, scallops, squid and seaweed) are caught in the waters. Also, maritime transport is widely used in these seas, which helps improve trade relations.

2. How do the seas of the Far East differ from the Arctic seas of Russia?

The seas of the Pacific Ocean are deeper than the seas of the Arctic Ocean. They are warmer and do not freeze completely and for a short period of time. These seas are characterized by a monsoon climate, which is noticeable in the changes in winds depending on the time of year and affects the weather patterns. Due to the fact that the seas occupy vast territories, located from north to south, the climate of individual areas of the seas also depends on geographic latitude.

3. The seas of the Far East stretched out in a chain from north to south. Do their nature and conditions of economic use change depending on geographical location? Give examples.

Due to the fact that the seas occupy vast territories, located from north to south, the climate of individual areas of the seas also depends on geographic latitude. In the Sea of ​​Japan, the features of the monsoon climate are most clearly visible. In the north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the south of the Bering Sea, these features are less noticeable. The climate of the northern part of the Bering Sea is close to the Arctic, and the southern part of the Sea of ​​Japan tends to have a temperate maritime climate. The waters of the Far Eastern seas are covered with ice every year. Features of ice cover depend on geographic latitude and various local factors. The western regions of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk have the most durable ice cover. All seas of the Pacific Ocean are of great importance in fisheries. However, the Bering Sea is inferior to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Japan in terms of productivity.

4. The seas of the Pacific Ocean are bordered by numerous islands. Name them and show them on the map.

Komandorskie, Shantarskie, Sakhalin, Kurilskie.

5. What Pacific seafood do you know?

The Bering Sea is home to more than 300 species of fish. Flounder, herring, cod, as well as Kamchatka crabs and shrimp are of commercial importance. Salmon fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon and char) feed in the sea, but they go far up the rivers to spawn.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is characterized by particularly high bioproductivity. The flora is represented by a wide variety of algae. A valuable animal is the Kamchatka crab. Of the 800 species of fish found in this sea, 30 are of commercial importance. Among them are herring, flounder, cod and salmon.

The Sea of ​​Japan produces crabs, shrimp, oysters, scallops, and squid. There is active fishing for seaweed, such as kelp - seaweed.

6. The sea coast is a recreational area. Which area of ​​which sea is most favorable for recreation based on its natural features? Suggest ways to develop the Far East as a recreational area.

Distinctive features of the Russian Pacific coast are: cold sea, short swimming season, not very developed tourism services, low density of vacationers. Tourism on the coast and islands can rather be called extreme: picturesque, almost untouched nature, wild beaches. From mid-July to mid-September, the water warms up to 20-23 degrees. Exotic sheltered bays with warm water attract divers and spearfishers. The best beaches are located in the Olginsky and Khasansky districts. Before you go on holiday abroad, it’s worth looking around. Because a seaside holiday in Russia can turn out to be much more interesting, useful and, possibly, cheaper.

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What significance does Russia Day have for the citizens of the country, for you personally? None. Andrey Rutsinsky, chief federal inspector in the Tyumen region - Russia Day is still considered one of the youngest public holidays, although in fact it was established almost two decades ago - on June 12, 1992. This date marks the beginning of democratic transformations in our country, uniting everyone who sincerely loves their country and dreams of seeing it prosper. For me and, I think, the majority of my fellow citizens, the future of Russia is inextricably linked with the ideas of modernization, begun on the initiative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and aimed at solving long-standing problems in various spheres of public life and government. Russia Day is a holiday that personifies the triumph of the national spirit and the inextricable connection of the centuries-old traditions of Russian statehood. We can rightfully be proud of the glorious history of our Motherland, and do everything in our power to remain worthy of our great ancestors. --- Gennady Korepanov, – The Russian state has a thousand-year history. During this time, enormous wealth has been accumulated in culture, art, architecture, education, healthcare and other areas of human activity. Among the outstanding people who have made a huge contribution to the development of human civilization are a significant number of our compatriots. Our country occupies a special geopolitical position. Having the largest territory and colossal natural resources, Russia is both a European and Asian country with all the ensuing consequences. In recent years, Russia has been given a special role as a stabilizing force to maintain peace on earth. In this regard, Russians must do everything to ensure that Russia once again becomes a powerful and authoritative state - so that we, anywhere in the world, feel protected and respected as a people. --- Victor Rein, Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma: – We, Russians, live in an original, multinational country with a majestic, somewhat tragic history. I am convinced that every sane person has a sense of patriotism, a desire to see both their small homeland and our common great Motherland - Russia - prosper. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that Russia is a powerful and prosperous country, a Motherland of which its citizens are proud. It should be remembered that state sovereignty is proclaimed not only for the sake of the state itself, but for the sake of improving the lives of citizens, residents of Russia. The main goal of a sovereign state is the success, prosperity and well-being of citizens. I perceive Russia Day primarily as a holiday of unity among fellow citizens, because national unity is the main component of the success of any nation. Russia Day is also a holiday of awareness of the fact that we all live in a great country. --- Viktor Burtny, deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma: – I won’t be mistaken if I say that every state in the world has a national holiday dedicated to the birth of the country, its state sovereignty. Russia is a country with a great thousand-year history, and it is important that the connection of times is by no means lost, but, on the contrary, is preserved in state symbols, holidays, and in the memory of the people. Modern Russia has preserved an ancient coat of arms, a flag with a history dating back centuries. The melody of the anthem remains unchanged. The Victory Banner, a symbol of the people’s feat in the Great Patriotic War, is kept intact. The holiday is also a reminder that any citizen of Russia, a patriot, strives to make his Fatherland prosperous, powerful, worthy of its great history - this work is a huge unifying factor for our multinational country.

Andrey Rutsinsky,
chief federal inspector in the Tyumen region

– Russia Day is still considered one of the youngest public holidays, although in fact it was established almost two decades ago – on June 12, 1992. This date marks the beginning of democratic transformations in our country, uniting everyone who sincerely loves their country and dreams of seeing it prosper. For me and, I think, the majority of my fellow citizens, the future of Russia is inextricably linked with the ideas of modernization, begun on the initiative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and aimed at solving long-standing problems in various spheres of public life and government.

Russia Day is a holiday that personifies the triumph of the national spirit and the inextricable connection of the centuries-old traditions of Russian statehood. We can rightfully be proud of the glorious history of our Motherland, and do everything in our power to remain worthy of our great ancestors.

Gennady Korepanov,
Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma:

– The Russian state has a thousand-year history. During this time, enormous wealth has been accumulated in culture, art, architecture, education, healthcare and other areas of human activity.

Among the outstanding people who have made a huge contribution to the development of human civilization are a significant number of our compatriots. Our country occupies a special geopolitical position. Having the largest territory and colossal natural resources, Russia is both a European and Asian country with all the ensuing consequences.

In recent years, Russia has been given a special role as a stabilizing force to maintain peace on earth. In this regard, Russians must do everything to ensure that Russia once again becomes a powerful and authoritative state - so that we, anywhere in the world, feel protected and respected as a people.

Victor Rein,
Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma:

– We, Russians, live in a distinctive, multinational country with a majestic, somewhat tragic history.

I am convinced that every sane person has a sense of patriotism, a desire to see both their small homeland and our common great Motherland - Russia - prosper. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that Russia is a powerful and prosperous country, a Motherland of which its citizens are proud. It should be remembered that state sovereignty is proclaimed not only for the sake of the state itself, but for the sake of improving the lives of citizens, residents of Russia.

The main goal of a sovereign state is the success, prosperity and well-being of citizens. I perceive Russia Day primarily as a holiday of unity among fellow citizens, because national unity is the main component of the success of any nation. Russia Day is also a holiday of awareness of the fact that we all live in a great country.

As noted above, relations with the CIS countries are a priority for Russia. Firstly, because the Russian Federation is interested in security on the borders of its territories. Secondly, even after the collapse of the USSR, a common economy remained in the territories of the former Soviet republics, which it is advisable to further develop jointly.

Since Russia is interested in security on the borders of its territories, it is necessary that friendly, diplomatic and stable relations be established between its neighbors. In addition to all this, Russia needs to strengthen its leadership in the CIS; for this, a smooth and painless model of transition from a planned type of economy of social structure to a full-fledged market and democracy is created.

Based on the common past and accumulated experience, for the CIS countries trade and economic cooperation is one of the most necessary conditions for successful development. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the experience of many years of existence as a single state, because many economic structures have already been established, which only need to be modernized and brought to a new level of development. As a result, the desired result is the creation of a unified economic system that allows each participant to develop effectively.

Thanks to the creation of the CIS, the former Soviet republics mostly dispersed peacefully, although armed conflicts still arose later. The problem of preserving a humane society is of great importance within the CIS.

Let's consider Russia's relations with individual countries included in the CIS.

Of course, the most promising country for the development of sustainable good-neighborly, trade, economic and cultural relations is Belarus. Russia and Belarus are working fruitfully to improve their relations; the highest level of political and economic integration in the CIS has already been achieved. In addition, close cooperation is ensured in the field of defense and security, in the humanitarian and cultural spheres.

The next country worth noting is Kazakhstan. If Belarus is an important partner in the West, then Kazakhstan plays a key role for Russia in the Central Asian region. This is facilitated by the historically predetermined economic, military-political and humanitarian interests of the parties, and the mutual desire to counter threats and challenges to regional and international security. In addition, we should not forget that the Baikonur space station is located on the territory of Kazakhstan, which Russia leases after the collapse of the USSR until the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome is completed.

Another important country for cooperation is Moldova. The most important aspect of a relationship is security. Because Transnistria, once part of Moldova, announced its unauthorized secession from the state. However, Moldova still does not recognize the independence of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR). Russia, while remaining committed to a political settlement of the Transnistrian conflict while respecting the territorial integrity of Moldova and on the basis of developing a special, reliably guaranteed status for Transnistria, advocates in the negotiation process for preserving mechanisms for ensuring stability in the region, including the current peacekeeping operation, as well as caring for the entire fund of settlement ideas .

Azerbaijan and Armenia. Relations with these countries have a long-term perspective and are allied in nature. Trade and economic relations and military-technical relations are well developed. Armenia is an important ally of Russia in the Transcaucasus. With Azerbaijan, sometimes some differences arise in foreign policy, but they are successfully regulated. We should not forget that Russia is a mediator in resolving the Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. It was thanks to the cooperation of the Russian Federation that a ceasefire agreement was signed on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. However, the question of whether Karabakh belongs to any country remains open.

Relations with Uzbekistan are developing gradually with positive success, in strategically important aspects: political, economic, military-technical, humanitarian and other areas.

Relations with Kyrgyzstan are developing in a traditionally friendly manner and are multifaceted. Military-technical cooperation is underway, work is underway to develop a Russian military base on the territory of Kyrgyzstan.

In relations with Tajikistan, certain progress has been made in the field of hydropower; the Vakhsh River was blocked with a dam for the Sangtuda hydroelectric station being built with the help of the Russian Federation - this took an important step in the construction of a power plant, which should solve the problem of providing the Republic with electricity.

Turkmenistan is a country with which Russia is trying to establish relations; the main work is aimed at developing close cooperation in various fields.

And finally, the last country is Ukraine. It is no coincidence that she was last on this list. Firstly, this is due to the fact that Ukraine intends to leave the Commonwealth of Independent States, and secondly, in recent years relations between the CIS countries and Ukraine have deteriorated greatly. And the relationship between Russia and Ukraine stands completely apart. At the moment, the most important issue is the issue of security between the two states. In addition, the issue remains unresolved regarding the Republic of Crimea, which is still considered the territory of Ukraine by most countries of the world.

Thus, to summarize, we can note changes in Russian policy towards the CIS countries. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia found itself in a somewhat unusual situation; it still perceived the territories of the former Soviet republics as a single state of its country. However, all these countries were already independent and tried to live on their own. However, the former republics also found it difficult at first, because the centralized center used to be in Russia, but here they had to start everything from scratch. Therefore, it was advisable to create a single post-Soviet space, which was done, and the Commonwealth of Independent States appeared. With the help of this international political organization, ways of successful cooperation and joint development were found, taking into account previous mistakes, emphasis was placed on bilateral relations, which allowed each member of the Commonwealth to fully realize themselves.

What is the significance of the Pacific Ocean for our country? What sectors of the economy are associated with the maritime border and the development of sea resources?

The Pacific seas are of great transport importance. Thanks to fishing, the food industry ranks second in the list of specialization industries in the Far East. Oil and gas production on Sakhalin is important. Servicing the vast maritime border requires the development of shipbuilding and ship repair.

How do the seas of the Far East differ from the Arctic seas of Russia?

They are generally deeper, warmer, and better than military ones.

The seas of the Far East stretch out in a chain from north to south. Do their nature and conditions of economic use change depending on their geographical location? Give examples.

The law of latitudinal zonality manifests itself not only on land, but also in the ocean. The heat supply and nature of the seas change from north to south. You can even notice this from the list of characteristic representatives of the animal world. For example, the Bering Sea in its northern parts is similar to the Barents Sea; bird colonies and rookeries of pinnipeds are typical for it. You won’t see this in the Sea of ​​Japan, where heat-loving anchovies, tuna, sea cucumbers, oysters, and scallops are harvested.

The seas of the Pacific Ocean are bordered by numerous islands. Name them and show them on the map.

There is only one large island in the Pacific Ocean adjacent to Russia - Sakhalin. Among the small islands, the pelagic archipelagoes stand out: the Commander Islands, the Shantar Islands, the Kuril Islands, as well as the island located east of Kamchatka. Karanginsky.

What seafood products from the Pacific seas that are commercially fished do you know?

The main riches of the seas of the Pacific Ocean are listed in the paragraph for each sea. Of commercial importance are salmon (the so-called red fish - pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, char), herring, saury, flounder, pollock, cod, the famous Kamchatka crabs with a claw span of about a meter, shrimp, oysters, scallops, squid, iodine-rich sea cabbage.

Highlight the products you know, go to a fish store and pay attention to the producers of fish products.

The sea coast is a recreational area. Which part of which sea, according to its natural characteristics, is most favorable for recreation? Suggest ways to develop the Far East as a recreational area. Material from the site

The best area for recreation is Peter the Great Bay from Nakhodka to the southern border of Russia. This is the warmest place in the Far East, where you can swim almost all summer. Only the port facilities of Nakhodka and Vladivostok disturb the pristine seascape with sandy beaches and rocky shores. The recreational resources of this area are still little used, since for a long time this area was closed to the public as a military installation. After the discovery, the area could become an analogue of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in the Far East. Monsoon rains and typhoons and frequent fogs in the first half of summer complicate matters. However, hurricanes often occur in Florida, and large areas are simply swampy; nevertheless, this is one of the most attractive resort areas in the world.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • the sea coast is a recreational area which section of which sea is most favorable according to its natural characteristics
  • The Pacific seas are bordered by numerous islands. Name them and show them on the map
  • The sea coast is a recreational zone. Which area of ​​which sea is most favorable for recreation based on its natural features?
  • propose ways to develop the Far East as a recreational area
  • What is the significance of the Pacific Ocean for our country? what sectors of the economy are associated with the development