Olympiad competitions for schoolchildren biology. International distance competitions and olympiads

This section contains information about various biological Olympiads taking place both in Russia and abroad. This information can be useful both for schoolchildren and their mentors.

Information about the Olympiads is presented in two versions:
Brief- only a brief description of the Olympiad and a link to the official website are given
Detailed- descriptions, tasks of the Olympiad for different years and lists of winners are presented (only for the All-Russian, International Olympiads and Olympiads of the Kirov LMS)

In order to promptly receive information about updates to this section of the site to your email address

The Olympiad is held by the Ministry of Education and local education authorities throughout Russia. Currently, the Olympiad includes 4 stages: school, municipal (city), regional (regional) and final. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage in the 11th grade receive the right to be admitted without exams to any university in the country in the faculty of biology. The Russian national team for the International Biological Olympiad is also formed from the winners of the final stage. The Olympics are one of the oldest and most widespread biological competitions in Russia.

The International Biology Olympiad (IBO) is the highest competition among high school students from different countries. Each of the participating countries sends four students from among the winners of the corresponding national competitions (for the Russian Federation this is the Final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Biology).

Traditionally, at the beginning and at the end of each shift of the FMS, the Introductory and Final Olympiads are held, consisting of test and practical tasks. Test tasks from these Olympiads are of a fairly high level of complexity and can be useful for preparing for the regional and final stages of the All-Russian Biological Olympiad.

The Summer Biology Olympiad takes place in early July; schoolchildren in grades 7-11, as well as students from universities in Russia and the CIS countries, can participate in it. The Olympics are held via the Internet in one test round. The tasks of the Olympiad are of a fairly high level, because... they are formed on the basis of the tasks of the Introductory Olympiad of the Kirov Summer Multidisciplinary School (where many prize-winners and winners of the Final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology are trained). Participation in the Olympiad will be useful as training for upcoming performances at the All-Russian Olympiad. Registration for the Summer Olympics begins every year in mid-April.

The All-Siberian Physics and Mathematics Olympiad for Schoolchildren was organized in 1962 on the initiative of Academician M.A. Lavrentieva. According to the Decision of the Russian Council of Olympiads for Schoolchildren, the All-Siberian Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren is included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for 2009/2010 in mathematics (2nd level), physics (2nd level), chemistry (3rd level), biology (3rd level) and computer science (2nd level) . A special feature of the Olympiad is also that the winners of the Olympiad are invited to the Summer Physics and Mathematics School, held in Akademgorodok (Novosibirsk), based on the results of training in which high school students are admitted to the Physics and Mathematics School, now the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of Novosibirsk State University.

The Biomedical Olympiad has been held since 2005 at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University. The objectives are presented as open-ended questions related to medical biology and human health research. Solving problems requires knowledge of both medical aspects and applications of biology, as well as biological thinking and a creative approach.

Olympics in Moscow:

The oldest biological Olympiad in Russia (and the USSR) has been held since 1951. It takes place in several rounds at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. A distinctive feature is that the Olympiad tasks are presented in the form of open problems that require, for successful solution, not only knowledge of certain facts, but also developed biological thinking and a creative approach.

Olympiads for applicants to Moscow State University:

National Biology Competition, University of Toronto, Canada (in English)

Quite an interesting high-level Olympiad, organized by one of the largest universities in Canada. Conducted in the form of testing. A distinctive feature is the openness of the competition - not only citizens of Canada, but also citizens of other countries can take part in it. To do this, you need very little: register the coordinator and the institution on the Olympiad website, and, of course, knowledge of the English language at the level of reading and understanding.

The specifics of the discipline "Biology" (a large amount of information and insufficient time to study it - 2 lessons per week) require special, quick forms of testing students' knowledge. For this reason, testing has become widely popular among biology teachers. Thematic and final test tests allow teachers to check the assimilation of a sufficiently large volume of educational material by the entire class in a short period of time.

A new free project is starting on the website of the pedagogical community “site” - an all-Russian distance competition for biology and ecology teachers for the best test development. Colleagues! What types of tests do you use in biology and ecology lessons? Share your experience, receive Certificates, win prizes from the sponsor!

Free registration and participation
Free Certificates and Diplomas
Useful prizes from the Foxford online school


“site” is a site created by teachers for teachers!


FOXFORD is an online school with an audience of more than 160,000 teachers, an organizer of distance learning courses and professional retraining, online conferences and round tables for teachers.

"Olympis 2019 - Autumn Session"!

The main goal of the Olympis competition in biology and the environment is increased interest and motivation students to the subject being studied. This is not an Olympiad; the competition contains tasks of varying difficulty levels, so all students without exception can participate in the competition.

About the competition

Each level consists of 24 interesting tasks of various types. The tasks have varying degrees of difficulty and are worth different amounts of points.

Duration of the competition - 40 minutes (one lesson).

The competition is underway from 01.03.2019 to 31.03.2019 on the website, you can participate in the competition at any convenient time. Students can complete the tasks of the competition in a computer lab (recommended), or, if this is not possible, at home.

You can familiarize yourself with the competition in the demo version of the competition.


All competition participants will receive printed personalized certificates of commendation or diplomas, as well as a branded Olympis ballpoint pen.

All participants will receive pen"Olympis".

Students from classes with more than 10 participants will receive an additional Olympis lesson schedules.

Parcels with award materials will be sent to the addresses of educational institutions until May 15, 2019.

Curators of competitions who have registered students and paid for their participation will receive a competition organizer certificate and monetary compensation of up to 30% of the amount of fees for student participation.

The 10 most active curators who have registered the largest number of students will receive bonuses of 10,000 rubles! .

Teachers of participants, holders of diplomas of 1-3 degrees, will receive certificates confirming the students’ achievements.

The main prizes will be received by the winners in the following categories:


Nomination Description Prize
Best result The student whose sum of results is “Ahead” is greatest. . Electric scooter Ninebot by Segway ES1
5 lucky participants 5 randomly selected competition participants. E-book Onyx Boox
Darwin 3 x 5
5 Lucky Social Members

5 randomly selected competition participants who, after participating, shared their results on social media. networks. .

Tablet computer LENOVO TAB 4 7" x 5
10 most active curators

The 10 most active curators with the largest number of students registered. .

10,000 rub.x 10
Most active school The school with the most students participating. Digital microscope

Cost of participation

Cost of participation if a student is registered by a teacher-supervisor - 150 rub.

Having paid for participation, the student has the right to participate in all “Olympis 2019 - Autumn Session” competitions available for his class. For participation in each competition, students are given separate printed personalized diplomas or certificates. The student password for connecting to all competitions is the same.

The participants' contribution will be intended to cover organizational costs: the purchase of prizes, diplomas, diplomas, certificates, memorable gifts, salaries for teachers who prepared tasks for competitions, services programming, design, maintenance, consulting, postage and other costs.

You can pay for participation in competitions using Internet banking, at bank branches, at payment terminals, with Visa, MasterCard, MIR cards and other methods.

Registration in the competition

If you are a teacher or school administrator:

Teachers wishing to register students must complete the following steps:

  1. Registration(if you have not registered previously).
  2. Invite students to participate in the competition.
  3. Collect a participation fee.
  4. Pay for participation in the competition.

Note: We strongly recommend registering on the page Registration now (before the start of collecting the participation fee). Immediately after registration, you will receive cards with passwords for students and a description of further actions to collect the participation fee. Registration will take a couple of minutes and does not obligate you to participate in the competition.

You can register students before the end of the competitions (March 31), but we recommend doing this before the start of the competitions (March 1).

If you are a student or parent of a student: show hidden text ▼

In the competition you can register independently and participate individually at home. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Register on the Registration page.
  2. Pay for participation in the competition.

Price individual participation in all competitions, if the student registers independently - 300 rubles.

Advice: invite your teacher to organize the participation of your class in the competition and participate for 150 rubles. instead of 300 rub.

Advantages of Olympis competitions

  • The participant’s contribution (150 rubles) gives the right to participate not in one, but in all available competitions.
  • All participants will receive printed (and electronic) personalized certificates/diplomas and souvenirs (more than 5 tons of award materials).
  • Free delivery of award materials.
  • Detailed report for troubleshooting.
  • Facilitators do not need to enter student responses or mail them.
  • Curators will receive certificates and compensation, and teachers will receive certificates.
  • The 10 most active curators will receive bonuses of 10,000 rubles.
  • More than 138,000 positive

Spring Session Award Materials

All parcels with award materials for the spring session of the Olympis competitions were sent: to Russian schools - from Moscow, to schools in other countries, as well as all parcels up to 100 g - from Vilnius.

You can see the track number of your parcel to track its movement on the “Results by School” page by selecting your school and clicking “Parcel Contents” (track numbers are available only for Russian schools for parcels over 100 g).

Results of "Olympis 2019 - Spring Session"

Dear teachers and competition participants!

The Olympis 2019 - Spring Session competitions are completed. All appeals have been reviewed and we announce the final results of the competitions.

More than 117 thousand students from 7,000 educational institutions in all regions of Russia and neighboring countries took part in the Olympis 2019 - Spring Session competitions! Thank you for your active participation.

Students can review their mistakes on the page International results .

Students who for some reason did not take part in none competition will be able to take part in the autumn session, which will be held in November 2019, using the same passwords.

Teachers who wish to post student results on the notice board can print them by logging into their account and clicking on “Print School Results.” You can also post a link to the results page on your school's website.

In order to receive electronic certificates for students’ achievements, connect to your account, click “School Results” in the menu and indicate the names of subject teachers next to the students (subject teachers themselves can do this by registering on the website www.site).


See you in November! :)

Competitions "Olympis 2019 - Spring Session" are over!

The competitions "Olympis 2019 - Spring Session" are completed. Final competition results and winners will be announced April 4.

The Olympis 2019 - Spring Session competitions have begun!

The Olympis 2019 - Spring Session competitions have begun! Competitions will be held until March 31. You can participate any day at any convenient time in a computer class or at home.

With the same password, students can participate in all 9 competitions (primary classes - in 5 competitions).

Students can register and pay for participation until the end of the competition - March 31. It is not too late to invite students to participate in competitions if you have not already done so.

Olympis 2019 - Spring session

"Olympis 2019 - Autumn Session"!

The main goal of the Olympis competition in biology and the environment is increased interest and motivation students to the subject being studied. This is not an Olympiad; the competition contains tasks of varying difficulty levels, so all students without exception can participate in the competition.

About the competition

Each level consists of 24 interesting tasks of various types. The tasks have varying degrees of difficulty and are worth different amounts of points.

Duration of the competition - 40 minutes (one lesson).

The competition is underway from 01.03.2019 to 31.03.2019 on the website, you can participate in the competition at any convenient time. Students can complete the tasks of the competition in a computer lab (recommended), or, if this is not possible, at home.

You can familiarize yourself with the competition in the demo version of the competition.


All competition participants will receive printed personalized certificates of commendation or diplomas, as well as a branded Olympis ballpoint pen.

All participants will receive pen"Olympis".

Students from classes with more than 10 participants will receive an additional Olympis lesson schedules.

Parcels with award materials will be sent to the addresses of educational institutions until May 15, 2019.

Curators of competitions who have registered students and paid for their participation will receive a competition organizer certificate and monetary compensation of up to 30% of the amount of fees for student participation.

The 10 most active curators who have registered the largest number of students will receive bonuses of 10,000 rubles! .

Teachers of participants, holders of diplomas of 1-3 degrees, will receive certificates confirming the students’ achievements.

The main prizes will be received by the winners in the following categories:


Nomination Description Prize
Best result The student whose sum of results is “Ahead” is greatest. . Electric scooter Ninebot by Segway ES1
5 lucky participants 5 randomly selected competition participants. E-book Onyx Boox
Darwin 3 x 5
5 Lucky Social Members

5 randomly selected competition participants who, after participating, shared their results on social media. networks. .

Tablet computer LENOVO TAB 4 7" x 5
10 most active curators

The 10 most active curators with the largest number of students registered. .

10,000 rub.x 10
Most active school The school with the most students participating. Digital microscope

Cost of participation

Cost of participation if a student is registered by a teacher-supervisor - 150 rub.

Having paid for participation, the student has the right to participate in all “Olympis 2019 - Autumn Session” competitions available for his class. For participation in each competition, students are given separate printed personalized diplomas or certificates. The student password for connecting to all competitions is the same.

The participants' contribution will be intended to cover organizational costs: the purchase of prizes, diplomas, diplomas, certificates, memorable gifts, salaries for teachers who prepared tasks for competitions, services programming, design, maintenance, consulting, postage and other costs.

You can pay for participation in competitions using Internet banking, at bank branches, at payment terminals, with Visa, MasterCard, MIR cards and other methods.

Registration in the competition

If you are a teacher or school administrator:

Teachers wishing to register students must complete the following steps:

  1. Registration(if you have not registered previously).
  2. Invite students to participate in the competition.
  3. Collect a participation fee.
  4. Pay for participation in the competition.

Note: We strongly recommend registering on the page Registration now (before the start of collecting the participation fee). Immediately after registration, you will receive cards with passwords for students and a description of further actions to collect the participation fee. Registration will take a couple of minutes and does not obligate you to participate in the competition.

You can register students before the end of the competitions (March 31), but we recommend doing this before the start of the competitions (March 1).

If you are a student or parent of a student: show hidden text ▼

In the competition you can register independently and participate individually at home. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Register on the Registration page.
  2. Pay for participation in the competition.

Price individual participation in all competitions, if the student registers independently - 300 rubles.

Advice: invite your teacher to organize the participation of your class in the competition and participate for 150 rubles. instead of 300 rub.

Advantages of Olympis competitions

  • The participant’s contribution (150 rubles) gives the right to participate not in one, but in all available competitions.
  • All participants will receive printed (and electronic) personalized certificates/diplomas and souvenirs (more than 5 tons of award materials).
  • Free delivery of award materials.
  • Detailed report for troubleshooting.
  • Facilitators do not need to enter student responses or mail them.
  • Curators will receive certificates and compensation, and teachers will receive certificates.
  • The 10 most active curators will receive bonuses of 10,000 rubles.
  • More than 138,000 positive

Biology teacher: Sukhova Tatyana Valerievna.

A team of 6 people is pre-selected in each class, the rest of the students become fans. In addition, each class receives a homework assignment to draw an environmental poster.

Participants in the game choose a captain, team name, emblem and motto that is in tune with the theme of the holiday.

Nature is the house in which we live,

And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,

We want to live in this house forever.

Nature is a house decorated with labor,

Do you know, answer me, the price of such a house?

What happens if the roof is under fire,

What will happen if we break the walls in it?

Nature is a home in which day after day

Flowers and bread are growing, children are laughing all around.

And this house and laughter are one, one for all,

There is no other house in the whole world.

We, the inhabitants of our planet, are part of the nature that surrounds us. We cannot exist without water, sunlight, heat, air. Nature gives us all this and it is our duty to protect it in order to prolong life on Earth.

And today we will try to find out what you know about the world around us during the game and compete in your knowledge for the best connoisseur of nature.

Competition "Team Presentation".

The jury evaluates all parameters with one point. Maximum – 4 points.

Competition "Warm-up".

Each team is asked 4 questions. Three of them can be answered briefly, but the fourth requires an explanation. There is no time to think about answers; you need to answer immediately.

1 team:

    Who sleeps upside down? (bat)

    Bloodthirsty predator of our forests? (wolf)

    Do birds winter in birdhouses? (No)

    Can carp get into the ocean? (no, this is a river fish).

2nd team:

    What happens to a bee after it stings? (dies)

    What bird throws eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

    Can a seal lie on its side all day? (Yes)

    Can a blackbird freeze its tail? (no, winters in the south).

3rd team:

    An animal in our forests that looks like a cat? (lynx)

    What does elk lose every winter? (horns)

    Can a tit live under a roof? (Yes)

    Can a bear get fat in winter? (no, in winter he sleeps and loses weight).

4th team:

    An animal that builds a house on a river? (beaver)

    The arrival of which birds signifies the beginning of spring? (rooks)

    Can a wasp fly into the sky? (Yes)

    Can a fox live in a hollow? (no, he doesn’t climb trees).

5th team:

    Which animal spends almost all its time underground? (mole)

    Which giraffe legs are longer: front or back? (same)

    Can a sandpiper bite its tongue? (No)

    Can dogs rip the tails off all crayfish? (no, crayfish live at the bottom of reservoirs).

6th team:

    What is the period when animals change their fur called? (molting)

    What mushroom is named after the forest beast of prey? (chanterelle)

    Is the trunk an elephant's nose? (Yes)

    Can a badger climb a branch for pine cones? (no, he doesn’t climb trees).

The jury evaluates the correctness of the answers. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Maximum – 4 points.

Competition "Let's talk about plants."

I would like to remind you of the words of the great storyteller H.H. Andersen: “To live, you need the sun, freedom and a small flower.” Therefore, we will dedicate this competition to flowers.

1. I am a poet, my name is Tsvetik,

Hello from me to you all.

What work are these poems from?

(N.N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.”)

2. “There is such a firm rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order, and immediately put the planet in order. It is imperative to weed out baobabs every day, as soon as they can be distinguished from rose bushes: their young shoots are almost identical. It's boring work, but not difficult at all." What work are these words from?

(A. Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”).

3. Continue the poem:

My bells

Steppe flowers!

(“Why are you looking at me, dark blue ones?” A. Tolstoy).

4. Poets of all centuries sing about her,

There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,

Than this scroll of scarlet petals,

Opened with a fragrant cup.

What flower are we talking about?

5. Who wrote the fairy tale “The Stone Flower”?

(P.P. Bazhov)

6. What unusual flower did S.T. Aksakov describe?

(Scarlet flower).

The jury scores the correct answer 1 point.

Competition "Familiar Strangers".

The task of this competition is to imitate the habits of some animal you know well. The captain of each team receives a card with the name of the animal. Without words or sounds made by this animal, only with the help of facial expressions and pantomime, one of the players of each team must portray this animal. The opposing teams must guess what kind of animal was presented. The jury evaluates both the display of the animal (maximum 5 points) and the guessing (1 point).

Competition "Talking Geography".

In these riddles you need to guess the geographical names. And they are called “talking” because they resemble other objects not related to geography. Here is a classic example: “A city whose name contains one male name and one hundred female ones.” Answer: Sevastopol.

The teams are given riddles in turn; the time to think is 30 seconds; if there is no answer, the opponents can answer. The last 4 riddles are for those who answer faster. For each correct answer - 1 point.

    A peninsula that speaks volumes about its size. (Yamal).

    The cape that is blown. (Burn).

    A city whose name contains three female names. (Tripoli).

    The river is a preposition. (By).

    The fastest island. (Java).

    The city that crawls. (Uzhgorod).

    A river that can be cut with a knife. (Seine).

    A city whose name consists of the names of two

animals: one is a bird, the other is a beast. (Voronezh).

    The name of which river consists of a food product and a woman's name? (Syr Darya).

    An island that says to itself that it is a piece of clothing. (Jamaica).

Competition "Countries and Capitals".

Each team receives a task card. The presenter gives explanations for this task. Correctness and speed are assessed (the team that is the first to give the correct answer receives an additional point).

These phrases, at first glance, look strange. But take a closer look - in each of them the name of a country is hidden, and moreover, the name of its capital! Here, for example: Franz and I made a bet. Jacques is a witness. You can see what is “hidden” here (France - Paris).

    There were nasturtiums and a glass of caramel on the windowsill. (Türkiye - Ankara).

    Now I have a question: did this lady send a letter to the squire? (Russia – Moscow).

Fan competition.

While the teams complete tasks in the “Countries and Capitals” competition, fans earn additional points for them.

Riddles that involve water .

    They fly without wings

They run without legs. (Clouds).

    It's not a forest, but it's noisy. (River).

    Walks underground

Looks at the sky. (Spring).

    He came, knocked on the roof,

He left, no one heard. (Rain).

    What is visible when

Nothing is visible. (Fog).

    In the evening it flies to the ground,

Night remains on earth,

In the morning it flies away again. (Dew).

    Neither water nor land,

You can't sail away on a boat,

And you can't walk with your feet. (Swamp).

    Make noise, make noise from a steep peak,

Don't stop the gray stream,

Combine a long howl,

With a lingering recall of the valley. (Waterfall).

    Transparent like glass

You can't put it in the window. (Ice).

    There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea).

"Overtaking" competition.

Each team is given a floor. You must make new words using letters from it. Letters that do not appear in the proposed word cannot be used. Time to complete the task is 2 minutes. The jury scores each correctly composed word 1 point.

The word "Ecological".

Fan competition.

While the teams are completing the task, we again turn to the fans. They are given riddles about plants.

    He produces sheets

Wide width.

Holds on strong stems,

A hundred rough, tenacious fruits.

If you don't get around them -

You will find them all on yourself.


    The clothes are gray,

Yes, the body is white.

    Although not a khan by rank,

There is a sultan on the head,

And little bottles of gold

Tucked under the arms.


    From plants whose portrait

Embossed on a coin?

Whose fruits are more needed?

On a terrestrial planet?


    This is such a curiosity:

There is a carrot on the branch!

Hangs, blushes,

It's basking in the sun.

(Red pepper).

    The berry tastes good

But rip it off, go ahead:

A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog,

So they called it -…….


    The berry is red!

The berry is delicious!

Cut and salt!

Eat and praise!

    In the little yellow house

Black kids.

Among them there are gray ones,

But they are not mature.


    Rye is earing in the field...

There you will find a flower in the rye.

Bright blue and fluffy.

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.


    I'm in the field and in the garden

In plain sight of passers-by.

My head is white

Overgrown with petals.


    Bells appeared -

White peas.

The bluebells have blossomed

On a green leg.

    A hundred clothes

And all without fasteners.


    On a green fragile leg

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball.


    Not a bee, but stings.


    Blue uniform

Yellow lining

There is a fold in the middle.

    Tomato brother,

But I’m not happy with the red gum:

He grew up in purple clothes,

Doesn't blush even when lying down.


    In haymaking it’s bitter,

And in the cold it’s sweet,

What kind of berry?

    There are balls hanging on a branch,

Turned blue from the heat.

Competition "Ecological Poster".

The jury sums up the homework.

Summing up the results of the game and rewarding the participating teams.