Description of nature in spring in the forest. Composition on the theme Spring nature (description)

Here comes the spring. And with the advent of spring, all nature around is transformed. At first, the days increase, and the temperature outside gradually rises. When the sun shines, it is felt that it warms more and more every day. It is getting warmer quickly, and all the snow that has not had time to melt begins to melt quickly and form large puddles. On the weekend I wanted to write an essay-description of spring.

Especially in spring it is beautiful to observe nature. After the snow has melted, after a while, green grass begins to appear, which grows all the time.

Faster every day. It happens that, due to everyday worries, you don’t notice how its small sprouts turn into a thick green carpet covering the ground.

The rapid manifestation of spring changes is observed everywhere. The most interesting thing is that on many trees, leaves begin to appear in different time. Some trees are already dressed in green outfits, on others the buds have just begun to turn into small leaves.

The air in spring becomes warmer and fresher every day. When you leave the house on the street, you can feel the smell of spring. This is especially felt after rain or sudden warming. And if you stand under the blooming

Tree, you can enjoy the aroma of its flowering. Also, the smell of spring is well felt in parks, squares, fields, outside the city in forest plantations or in the forest.

Spring is one of the most favorite seasons of many children and adults. It is during this period that people become more cheerful and active. Every year at school they are asked to write an essay describing spring.

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Mart-Protalnik. Spring comes, the sun adds. Snow blockages begin to melt from the first rays of heat. The first flowers appear in the thawed patches - snowdrops. And the month was named - Protalnik. It's time to dance and meet the red spring.

March: first rays

Description of the nature of early spring (I - II week).
So the long frosts are replaced by the long-awaited spring warmth. The snow will remain for a long time cold ground, and icy winds will remind you more than once that although winter has weakened, it has not given up. Soon, the bright March sun will gradually warm the earth, warming the air that has cooled down during the long winter with its rays. The air temperature will be negative for a long time at night and in the morning, but during the day, under the influence of rays warming the icy earth, it will gradually begin to warm up to 0 ° and above.

Nature is still asleep in early spring. The first rays of the sun are still weak, average temperature months almost winter -5 °. The snow is covered with a wet mud crust, and thawed patches grow on flat areas of the earth. In spring, nature hid in anticipation of the break of winter, in March, in sunny weather, the first cumulus clouds will begin to gather in the sky, and in bad weather, sleet and rain are possible. Birds will soon arrive and spread the spring notes throughout the forest.

The beginning of March in the folk calendar

"February is strong with a blizzard, and March - with a drop"

Spring in nature shines through at every step, the cheerful chirping of sparrows becomes audible, and the sky becomes clear and clean, where gradually, descending from the height of the cold sky, clouds begin to pile up. By folk calendar, a notable date in the description of the nature of spring is March 6, when Timothy-Vesnovey inhales it into the ground. Starting from the 12th, Prokop joins him to help, rutted roads made of snow, destroyed by heat, already on March 13, in a friendly company with Vasily-Kapelnik, they bring the winter hut to a turning point. March 14 is celebrated as the day of the meeting of the red spring. According to the Julian calendar, Evdokia begins spring from this day. March is gaining strength, now actively resisting frosts and northern winds, although they will keep nature in icy chains for a long, long time.

Spring in Russian poetry

Poets have long seen something more in ordinary seasons. They have stable images that are associated with every time: sadness, sadness, fun, joy, awakening, etc. Spring occupies a special place among the seasons in the work of Russian poets. After all, she even ordinary people associated with awakening, purity, the birth of something new and innocent.

We see the description of spring in many Russian poets. One of the striking examples is the work of F.I. Tyutchev. His most famous "spring" work is the poem "Spring Waters". It is a gentle and thoughtful work, which is the early spring with melting snow and flowing streams.

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run, and shine, and say ...

They say all over the place:
"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
Crowds cheerfully for her! .. "

The poems of A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov are also able to evoke spring images in our minds. The poet devoted a considerable part of his work to nature, in particular to spring. The brightest of them are "Spring", "Rooks". They carry images of festivity, youth, joy and tenderness. In addition, it is interesting to consider the images of birds that bring news of the upcoming rays of the sun and spring mood on their wings. An image of early spring immediately arises in the imagination with the keys of birds returning from warm lands.

Lesok dozed off. Nobody's coming
So far he hasn't been worried.
But I came, and a host of rooks
He took off, screaming, and he all came to life.

They arrived at noon
From morning walks in the fields,
Swinging on the tops of the trees
In a drowsy position.

I interfered; I scared them.
Above the grove for a long time in a noisy dump
There was a bass rumble of rooks,
And the jackdaws loudly echoed them.

Nature in spring occupies a special place in the work of Russian poets. And it's not in vain. After all, it is the most beautiful time, inspiring people to wonderful deeds, the creation of something new, tender. Spring causes only positive emotions and lightness in the soul.

March: resistance to winter

Description of the spring nature of March (III - IV) week.
spring equinox considered March 14th. It is on this day that spring comes to every house. In old Russian times, from this day on the calendar, the year began, in Rus' they met the new year. It was then that the year began to be counted from September. The snow still lies in snowdrifts along the roads and in some places it still dazzlingly shines in the sun, but the wet crust captures the snow cover more and more, becoming more and more fragile in the morning thin ice puddles that thaw by noon under the influence of sunlight. The clouds in the sky become cumulus, the cheerful rays of the March sun penetrate through them with bright clear light.

Birch and maple begin sap flow, covered with many long icicles. By the end of March, the melting of snow turns into a real flood. The ringing of spring is heard everywhere, the smell of the spring nature of the forest spreads. The larks are coming, the starlings are coming. The forest comes alive with the first truly loud birdsong. The air is still cold, with occasional snowstorms. But no matter how strong the blizzard with unpleasant sleet is, the bad weather quickly leaves and the bright, ticklish rays of the sun cut through the sky again.

The second half of the month in the folk calendar

"I saw a starling - just know: spring is at the porch"

Many poets, artists, prose writers often describe spring in nature from the arrival of rooks. Making a long journey, the rooks arrive in the second half of March. The approximate speed of movement of a flock of rooks is 50 km / day. Rooks arrive only with the arrival of spring warmth, in our native lands, March 17 was considered the day of the meeting of the rooks. Next comes the day of Konon the Gardener, on this day it was possible to predict what kind of summer awaits us.

The larks come for the rooks - 22 March. Again, the date is conditional and does not mean at all exact time the arrival of larks on schedule, but around these days in the spring forest you can already hear the joyful chirping of returning birds. This day of spring was called by the strange name Magpie. The penultimate day of March - Alex - streams of water from the mountains. A little more and it will rain.

Spring in Russian painting

Painting is an extraordinary art form that clearly and colorfully conveys the author's vision of a particular landscape. The ability to convey with paints the beauty seen and put into it your feelings, experiences and vision of the world, certainly highlights talented craftsmen brushes. The image of spring and the description of spring nature in the works of Russian painters symbolizes the awakening of all living things. Landscapes of spring paintings are filled with joy and expectation of something new, pure, sincere and real.

(Painting by I. Levitan "March")

Isaac Ilyich Levitan made a special contribution to the treasury of Russian painting. His landscapes are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty and realism. He conveyed the description of nature in spring so accurately in his paintings that one can look at the canvas for a long time, admiring every detail depicted.

Awakening of the forest.Spring forest

spring forest

spring forest is the awakening of rivers, trees, birds and animals.

Spring in the forest begins with the melting of the snow cover, which begins to melt, first of all, in glades, near trees and on the edges. Snow turns into water and enlivens many streams and streams. In low places puddles and lakes form.

Flowering liverwort.Spring forest

On the thawed earth sunny places the first are born spring flowers. The trees have not yet dressed in foliage, only hazel and willow earrings have thrown out, but the color of the bark has become more saturated.

Through the branches of trees not covered with leaves, light easily penetrates to the ground, where it awakens to life. spring flowers, hurrying, for this short period of access to the sun, wake up, bloom, give seeds and again leave the forest scene for a year.

Sap flow begins in the trees. It's time to harvest birch sap.

Anemone carpet. Spring in the forest

Every day brings significant changes to the pictures of the forest. Insects are awakening, the winter silence of the forest is changing with the din of birds.

Snowdrops appear, behind them sprouts of wild garlic make their way to the light, along the southern slopes, overgrown with forest rivers and ravines, a blue carpet of liverwort pours out, with glimpses of pink flowers in some places.

Ramson in the forest. Photo of the spring forest

Buds are just starting to swell, and white carpets of anemones are blooming in deciduous forests. Wakes up animal world.

It seems like yesterday forest was naked and dull, but now the time comes for the blossoming of the flowers of the trees and foliage. In May, the forest is filled with the scent of lilies of the valley and bracken fern rushes to the sky - a favorite delicacy of gourmets, and in sparse forests in warm places you can find the first forest morel mushrooms and morel caps. And at night, throughout the district, the trills of nightingales begin to spread.

By summer, the forest brings its decoration back to normal, and the birds and the animal world are slowly calming down, preparing to receive their offspring. spring forest changes to summer.

To be continued…

Description of spring art style for children will help to write their own essays about spring.

Description of spring in artistic style

Spring is an amazing time of the year! Nature wakes up and fills with energy, life. The bright sun is getting warmer every day, due to which the snow melts, turning into icicles on the roofs of houses and trees. Large puddles appear, which children love to walk on. Birds fly from distant lands, their chirping is everywhere. The day is lengthening! As soon as the puddles dry up, grass sprouts from the ground, later buds swell on the trees, which will turn into leaves. Never forget the first rain in the new year, it seems so cheerful, perky, warm and friendly! And what about a weak breeze, the same light, spring breeze?! With the advent of spring, the whole world is filled with colors, sounds, smells and inspiration!

Description of spring

Nature in spring is a special world that amazes with its unusualness. In the short three months of spring, nature manages to survive huge metamorphoses. No other time of the year can boast of such changes that occur in the spring. At first she wakes up from her winter sleep and at first looks a little sleepy, unsure. However, every day it begins to come into its own and gain strength.

The sun's rays are getting warmer, the snow is also getting smaller, he is still trying to outwit the spring and hide in the forest, under the trees, but the sun finds him there, leaving him no chance.

The arrival of spring is also reported by the sounds characteristic only for this time of year: the sonorous murmur of streams, the cheerful chirping of birds. The first snowdrops peek out from under the freshly fallen snow. And now they, like snow, cover the forest glades with a delicate carpet.

Then the buds on the trees begin to swell, and tiny green leaves appear, the gardens are buried in flowers, foreshadowing good harvests of fruits. And then, one morning, we find how all the trees suddenly turned green. For some reason it always happens unexpectedly. It seems that yesterday the leaves on the trees and shrubs were very small, but today the trees are already fully dressed in green foliage - bright and young.

The water in the reservoirs in the spring is clean, updated. In it you can see the azure sky and the clear sun. The cries of migratory birds returning to their homeland are heard in the sky. Come with spring warm days a new life is coming.

Description of spring compositions

If you ask me what time of the year I love the most, I will answer - of course, spring.

The severe frosts are over, and the breath of spring is felt everywhere. Everything awakens to new life, breathes freshness and youth. There is still snow in islands, and the sun is hot, and the first heralds of spring appear - streams. Streams run and sing their song, cheerfully informing everyone about the arrival of spring.

And although it is still frosty at night, spring comes into its own. Bird voices sound louder, from their chirping outside the window I wake up in the morning. Buds swelled on the trees that had rested during the winter.

I love watching nature in the spring, watching how everything around is updated. I love spending weekends in the spring forest. You walk through the forest and you feel that your soul becomes light and joyful. Here are the sunbeams dancing in the clearing - they seem to want to tell all living things in the forest that it's time to wake up. Snowdrops appeared between the trees from the first rays of the sun. They are still very small, fragile, but there is so much tenacity in these delicate flowers: they persistently break through the thick carpet of last year's snow. Blue petals, as if smiling, reach for the sun.

You come across a clearing of snowdrops - and you can’t take your eyes off: it seems as if the earth and sky are of the same color - bright blue. The flowers are so delicate that it is a pity and even a shame to pick them.

Probably, there is no one wiser than mother nature, because how to explain that one season is replaced by another, and the most long-awaited spring will certainly come.

Description of spring for grades 4, 5

1 option. My favorite time of the year is spring! It seems that everything comes to life and starts to move: sparrows rustle, drops drip, the first leaves bloom, grass appears. The days are getting longer and brighter. The sky is blue and clear and the sun shines brighter. Everyone around is happy about spring, even people smile more often. Soon everything around will be painted in bright green colors! This is the real SPRING!

Option 2. Spring is the time of the year that everyone is waiting for, tired of winter. Spring is often called long-awaited. The first signs of spring, sometimes, appear even in winter, in February: the sun shines a little harder - and icicles begin to melt, cheerful drops ring, reminding of the approach of spring. After that, frosts can still hit, it can snow, but everyone understands: spring is about to come, it will please with its warmth.

Here comes the spring. The sun begins to appear in the sky more and more often, the sky becomes brighter, deep blue, snow is melting with might and main and streams are running. The earth is still cold, too damp and bare, and the very first flowers, which are called snowdrops, are breaking through the remnants of snow.

Option 3. Spring is a wonderful time of the year! With the advent of spring, everything around is transformed. Every day is filled with changes that happen before our eyes. The first signs of spring are when the sun begins to heat up more strongly, the air becomes warmer, the days are longer and the nights are shorter. Adults and children tend to spend more time outdoors. Spring is one of the most beautiful times of the year for many people. During this period, everyone is looking forward to the weekend to go out of town, somewhere in the forest, to enjoy the beauty of spring nature. Also in the spring, birds arrive, the first flowers bloom, various insects crawl out, and the bees wake up and begin to do their work. With the advent of spring, everything around comes to life and sings.

Option 4. Spring in my city. After a long winter, the long-awaited spring has finally come to our city. The snow had melted, and only in places puddles of melt water glistened on the pavement. On the thin branches, battered by winter frosts, tits perched, announcing the area with their sonorous voices, welcoming spring.

The air smells of young foliage and freshness, and the sun is already noticeably warming. Young grass sprouts sprout from under the damp earth, buds swell on the branches, everything comes to life everywhere. The sky is clear and clear, without a single cloud, after a long winter it amazes with its blueness. The rays of the sun play on the roofs of houses, on the windows of passing cars. With the advent of spring, the whole city was transformed: everything blossomed everywhere, that fierce severe cold that accompanied the frosty winter was no longer felt.

Each of the texts below can serve as an independent mini-essay about spring. The first and third description of spring consists of 5 sentences, and the second of 6. They meet the requirements elementary school. The fourth text is longer, it is suitable for high school students.

Description of spring

Spring is an amazing time of the year. It is still cold enough, and the earth has not yet fully woken up from its winter sleep. Cold winds are still blowing, cold rains are still pouring. But there is already a unique aroma in the air, characteristic only of spring. The aroma of freshness, warmth and nascent life. When you watch how every year nature is reborn again and again, when every day is full of anticipation of the flourishing and triumph of life, it is then that you realize that this is the main miracle that exists in the world.

Miniature about the arrival of spring

Here comes the spring. This is the most awaited time of the year. The day got long. The sun shines brightly and warms the earth. Young grass appeared. Leaves appeared on trees and shrubs. A cheerful stream murmurs. An anthill came to life under the warm sun. Delicate spring flowers have grown. Bees circle and buzz above them. People are excited about the arrival of spring.

I love spring!

I can watch for hours how the grass breaks through the sleepy earth. I can admire for hours how persistently and slowly the buds on the trees bloom. And of course, you can endlessly listen to how beautifully the birds sing, welcoming the rebirth of nature. The air, once cold and silent, is filled with life and freshness. This is possible only in the spring!

Why am I waiting for spring to come?

When it's cold and sad outside, spring is immediately remembered. I so want the sun to shine longer, and it gets warmer outside. Spring is always associated with the beginning of warmth and preparation for a bright and welcoming summer. The birds begin to sing, the buds appear on the trees, and the spring rain is no longer as gloomy as in autumn. Every day is getting longer and longer. It seems that the most cherished dreams are about to come true.

What is spring?

Spring is a clear blue sky and white fluffy clouds floating on it, which are driven by a cheerful breeze. Spring is early flowers: snowdrops, violets, daffodils, dandelions, young green grass. These are trees, along the trunks of which new force life-giving moisture flows, giving strength to swollen kidneys. This is the warmth in the air that you feel with your skin, these are the bright sun rays that awaken everything around, these are the unique delicate aromas of nature.

After the winter silence, spring brings with it many joyful ringing sounds. Drops from melting icicles knock on the windowsill. Noisy spring streams, cracking, breaking, ice on the river. The air is filled with the singing of birds returning from warm lands and building nests for themselves. The wind no longer hums among the bare branches of trees, but softly rustles with young foliage. It happens that it rains - plentiful, generous, filling the plants with strength. Sometimes you can hear loud peals of thunder accompanying lightning during a thunderstorm.

spring bloom

The most beautiful spring phenomenon of wildlife is the flowering of trees. They begin to bloom everywhere - in gardens, parks, forests, on the streets of the city. Delicate flowers of trees and bushes are very beautiful and have a sweet pleasant aroma. It is impossible to look at this spectacle without admiration. It seems like you are in a fairy tale! And then the flowers begin to dry up, their petals come off and fall to the ground. And in their place future fruits begin to be guessed - so far tiny cherries, pears, apples, peaches. There will be something to eat in the summer!

Spring is the time for flowers. First, still through the snow, snowdrops make their way on the black earth, raising their heads to the sun. They seem very fragile, weak, but at the same time, they managed to break through the thickness of the snow. And in mid-April, it's time for daffodils and tulips. I especially like red tulips, although they are all good in their own way. In May, lilacs of various colors and peonies bloom magnificently, and behind them - the queen of all flowers - the rose. At this time, trees and bushes are already dressed up in bright green leaves. And spring gives us its full bright and lively beauty.