The first day of the waning moon in November.

The waxing of the Moon is an important period because it connects two special days - the New Moon and the Full Moon. The energy of the Moon has been increasing all these days, so people are becoming more impulsive.

In November, the Moon will grow from the 1st to the 3rd, as well as from the 19th to the 30th. You can attract love and luck into your life only through hard work and self-confidence, especially in the first three days of this month. The waxing Moon is a time of opportunity.

Waxing Moon from November 1 to 3

All three days will pass under the auspices of Aries. These will be dangerous days in which it is better not to make any important decisions and be wary of lies and hypocrisy. Most conflicts occur on such days, because the combination of Aries and the waxing Moon is very negative from any point of view. Energy dissonance will lead you to new problems if you do not take care of solving the old ones.

During this period, your health can be very bad: headaches, constant fatigue, and joint pain are possible. If you are a weather-sensitive person, then these three days may become dangerous for you.

Try not to go too far by staying too long at work, overloading your body with physical and intellectual stress. Go to bed on time and don't do things you hate. Also try to avoid drinking alcohol and junk food.

Many people may fall into a state of short-term depression from November 1st to November 3rd. She will force you to change your principles and fail in love, business and affairs. It is better not to make purchases on such days, because you may be deceived. Everyone is looking for benefit for themselves. Only those people who can agree with each other will get what they want. This suggests that at the beginning of November you need to do not what you want, but what is necessary. Take care of your direct responsibilities. This way you can avoid problems.

The period of the waxing moon from November 19 to 30

There will be many truly positive days during this period: November 19, 21, 24, 25 and 28. This will become possible thanks to successful alliances of the Moon and stars. The entire period will be generally stable. Despite the fact that the Moon is growing, astrologers advise spending more time in a calm environment, without work, without nerves. Only occasionally will it be possible to force yourself to move forward, overcoming obstacles. Any victories during the growth of the Moon will be very pleasant, especially in the area of ​​love.

During this period, you should not waste money. Don’t waste money, but earn it, as well as the respect of partners, colleagues and superiors. In a word, increased activity will only benefit you. Life is very simple in such moments when you just need to move forward, but not everyone manages to find the strength to do this. That is why it will be necessary to avoid high ambitions that are not supported by any skills.

The most positive days are November 24 and 25. The Moon will be waxing in Aquarius, so the days will fly by quickly, but very productively. Even if you do nothing, fate itself will do everything for you. It will create conditions in which you just need to force yourself to move forward.

Try not to plan anything for more than three or four days. It will also be possible to act on inspiration, because in general the period will turn out to be especially creative. The sixth sense will be strongest, again, on the 24th and 25th. Astrologers note that it is better not to avoid new beginnings - on the waxing Moon at the end of November it will be possible to experiment.

In love, success awaits those who know how to make an impression with their actions and know how to maintain the fire of intrigue. Because of this, most likely, women will have an easier time than men. Make new acquaintances, don’t be afraid to invite people on dates and look for your place in the sun of love.

If the month doesn't start off in the best way, then use affirmations to help you set yourself up for victories at the end of November. The waxing Moon will help you move from planning to decisive action. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not doubt your success. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.10.2017 07:38

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Detailed lunar calendar for November 2017

November 1, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries. An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions and give up bad habits well. Make contacts, communicate and resolve urgent issues.

November 2, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries. Don't overexert yourself and don't give in to the hustle and bustle. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today’s plans, thoughts and desires have every chance of coming true.

November 3, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries. A day of self-improvement, knowledge and humility. Don't lie or gossip, don't give in to vanity, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. It is beneficial to communicate with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

November 4, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Full moon at 8:21. Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. The most favorable time for establishing and restoring contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Provide support to those who need it. On this day you can improve a lot in human relationships, turn your life for the better.

November 5, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. Today you should not live according to plan: fate may bring it! unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - there is a chance that you will receive honest, sincere answers.

November 6, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. This is a day of wisdom, solitude and focus that will require prudence and rationality. An ideal time of self-knowledge, deepening, asceticism and humility. Physical and spiritual cleansing is recommended: light a candle and walk around the room or apartment with it. Avoid fuss, don't waste energy.

November 7, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. If this day does not go well, if everything falls out of hand, this means that something urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in oneself. Listen carefully to those who come to you with criticism today: they will help you look at yourself soberly, evaluate your achievements, capabilities and resources.

November 8, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Cancer. The day is quite intense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things, otherwise you may run into problems. You should not make appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

November 9, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to the influence of others. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, self-control and character, not to succumb to provocations, and to avoid the influence of others. It is undesirable to actively communicate or be in crowded places.

November 10, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. A day on which caution and attentiveness are required in carrying out any task. Don’t give up what you start, be sure to finish everything. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, transforming human nature. In order to use such power, you must be absolutely pure spiritually.

November 11, 2017, 23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. A day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you will be able to achieve mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

November 12, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. Don't overexert yourself and don't give in to the hustle and bustle. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today’s plans, thoughts and desires have every chance of coming true.

November 13, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. This is the time of accumulation of information. It is better not to rush forward, but to look back: many situations are repeated during these lunar days, returning like poorly completed lessons: for correction, revision and rework. Contacts with people who are new or not too close are productive.

November 14, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All business started during this period works out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you find out your path, your destiny, and understand your purpose in this life.

November 15, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. Emotionally unstable day. Avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself good physical activity in the gym. Refrain from excess. Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable; it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

November 16, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. On this lunar day, mental comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. Today the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

November 17, 2017, 28-29 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your assumptions. Provide support to those who need it. The “crowd instinct”, base instincts, are becoming more acute, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

November 18, 2017, 29, 30, 1 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. New Moon at 14:40. A day on which caution and attentiveness are required in carrying out any task. Don’t give up what you start, be sure to finish everything. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, transforming human nature. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually.

November 19, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But don’t give up what you started and be sure to finish it. Overload is contraindicated today. Dedicate the evening to home, family, loved ones.

November 20, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions and give up bad habits well. Make contacts, communicate and resolve urgent issues.

November 21, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. A day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you will be able to achieve mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

November 22, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. The recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. Debt Repayment Day: If you have debts and pay them off today, you will not need to resort to loans later. Take on only well-thought-out and carefully planned activities. It is useful to start performing a set of health-improving exercises.

November 23, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person. Don't indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life, today is the time, especially in the first half of the day. It's good to go on trips and trips.

November 24, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. This is a day of solitude and concentration that will require prudence and rationality. An ideal time of self-knowledge, deepening, asceticism and humility. Physical and spiritual cleansing is recommended: light a candle and walk around the room or apartment with it. Avoid fuss, don't waste energy.

November 25, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. This is a day of false seduction by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. Under no circumstances take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Refrain from vigorous activity. Rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

November 26, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. The day is quite intense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things, otherwise you may run into problems. Not. It is worth making appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem, this communication will not bring success.

November 27, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. Take time with all your endeavors, finish what you started, plan for the future. If you control your emotions, today you will succeed in any current affairs. The calmer this day goes, the better. Avoid stress and try to look within yourself.

November 28, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. On this day, it is not advisable to undertake or start anything. It’s good to pay off debts and fulfill promises, especially to children. Refrain from visiting large stores and generally places with a lot of people. Keep an eye on. with your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

November 29, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries. Don't overexert yourself and don't give in to the hustle and bustle. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today's punks, thoughts and desires have every chance of coming true.

November 30, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries. On the last, final day of the month, you should not show any destructive emotions. This is a period of some kind of completion, but at the same time it clears the way for a new cycle.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in November 2017

  • 01 November 0:07 - 01 November 9:43
  • 03 November 6:03 - 03 November 12:46
  • 05 November 12:28 - 05 November 13:26
  • 07 November 13:39 - 07 November 13:44
  • 09 November 8:14 - 09 November 15:29
  • November 11 11:55 - November 11 19:41
  • November 13 18:45 - November 14 2:26
  • November 16 3:50 - November 16 11:19
  • November 18 14:42 - November 18 21:59
  • November 21 3:26 - November 21 10:14
  • November 23 13:33 - November 23 23:14
  • November 26 5:37 - November 26 11:04
  • November 28 15:09 - November 28 19:30

This month can be quite stressful in terms of health, especially the second half when Mars will make several negative aspects. To avoid various types of injuries, you should be more attentive to everything you do. Careful adherence to safety precautions can save not only your health, but also your life in general.

Operations can be performed, but it is better if on this day the Moon wanes and does not have negative aspects with Mars and Saturn. For example, for operations, select the following days: November 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 and 16, 2017.

The most dangerous days for operations and other complex and aggressive treatments: 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 30 November 2017. These days the Moon changes phase or is damaged by malefic planets.

At the end of the article you will find a table of the vulnerability of different organs, body parts and body systems. Read also: Astrological health forecast: favorable and unfavorable days in November 2017.



Moon : grows in PISCES, ARIES from 09:43, 13th, 14th lunar day from 16:15, Moon without course from 00:07 to 09:42
Vulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system, face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Invulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system, kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Danger level : average.
: minor household or industrial injuries due to negligence and due to non-compliance with safety rules (injections, cuts, burns); headaches, migraines; increased nervousness and irritability, impulsive actions.

♈ 2 NOVEMBER, Thursday

Moon : grows in ARIES, 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:36
Vulnerable organs:
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases of vulnerable organs; headache; various injuries due to negligence; hormonal imbalance; increased emotionality, irritability and nervousness; overeating (rapid weight gain), alcohol abuse; danger from electric current, falling from a height, risks of spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant women.

♈♉ 3 NOVEMBER, Friday

Moon : grows in ARIES, TAURUS from 12:46, 15th, 16th lunar day from 16:59, Moon without course from 06:03 to 12:45
Vulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose, throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube, kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder, liver, gall bladder.
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating (stomach problems), eating disorder (rapid weight gain); increased blood pressure; poor health due to hormonal imbalances; attacks of cholelithiasis; emotional instability, anxiety, increased excitability; exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially vulnerable organs); headache.

WANING MOON from 08:22

♉ 4 NOVEMBER, Saturday

Moon : increases and decreases in CORPUSCLE, 16th, 17th lunar day from 17:26, FULL MOON at 08:22
Vulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube, kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder,
Invulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum.
Operations: extremely undesirable, since it is a full moon day.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : emotional instability, anxiety, increased excitability.

♉♊ 5 NOVEMBER, Sunday

Moon : decreases in CORPUSCLE, GEMINI from 13:26, 17th, 18th lunar day from 17:58, Moon without course from 12:28 to 13:25
Vulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube, lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders.
Invulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum,
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning and allergic reactions (especially due to harmful chemical volatiles); nervousness; discomfort in the stomach; colds and viral diseases.

♊ 6 NOVEMBER, Monday

Moon : decreases in GEMINI, 18th, 19th lunar day from 18:38
Vulnerable organs:
Invulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with vulnerable organs); colds ; swelling; depressive states, apathy; absent-mindedness, forgetfulness; nervous overstrain.

♊♋ 7 NOVEMBER, Tuesday

Moon : decreases in GEMINI, CANCER from 13:45, 19th, 20th lunar day from 19:30, Moon without course from 13:39 to 13:44
Vulnerable organs: lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders,
Invulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood, skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating (stomach problems); minor household or industrial injuries due to negligence and due to non-compliance with safety rules (injections, cuts, burns).

♋ 8 NOVEMBER, Wednesday

Moon : decreases in CANCER, 20th, 21st lunar day from 20:32
Vulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints.
Invulnerable organs:
Operations :
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases of vulnerable organs; discomfort in the stomach, indigestion, exacerbation of gastritis and other stomach diseases; electric shocks, falling from a height, risks of spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant women; nervousness; increased sensitivity to food, poisoning, cuts, swelling; danger from alcohol.

♋♌ 9 NOVEMBER, Thursday

Moon : decreases in CANCER, in LION from 15:29, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:42, Moon without course from 08:14 to 15:28
Vulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints, heart, thoracic spine and back, liver.
Invulnerable organs: skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth, ankles, lower limb bones, eyes.
Operations : acceptable (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating, eating disorder; increased blood pressure; poor health due to hormonal imbalances; attacks of cholelithiasis; strokes, heart attacks; increased emotionality; overeating, alcohol abuse.

♌ 10 NOVEMBER, Friday

Moon : decreases in LION, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:58, Fourth phase of the Moon from 23:35
Vulnerable organs:
Invulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, eyes.
Operations : undesirable as the Moon changes phase.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : emotional instability, anxiety, increased excitability; exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially vulnerable organs); cardiovascular diseases; fast fatiguability .

♌♍ 11 NOVEMBER, Saturday

Moon : decreases in LVE, VIRGO from 19:42, 23rd lunar day from 00:00, Moon without course from 11:55 to 19:41
Vulnerable organs: heart, thoracic spine and back,
Invulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, eyes,
Operations : acceptable (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : binge eating.

♍ 12 NOVEMBER, Sunday

Moon : decreases in VIRGO, 24th lunar day from 00:15
Vulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system.
Invulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system.
Operations : acceptable (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning and allergic reactions (especially due to food); nervousness; discomfort in the stomach; infectious, colds and viral diseases.

♍ 13 NOVEMBER, Monday

Moon : decreases in VIRGO, 24th, 25th lunar day from 01:31, Moon without course from 18:45
Vulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system.
Invulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system.
Operations : Undesirable as Moon is afflicted by Saturn.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with vulnerable organs); colds; swelling; depressive states, apathy, deterioration in patients; food poisoning.

♍♎ 14 NOVEMBER, Tuesday

Moon : decreases in VIRGO, LIBRA from 02:27, 25th, 26th lunar day from 02:46, Moon without course until 02:26
Vulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Operations : Undesirable as Moon is afflicted by Mars.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : minor household or industrial injuries due to negligence and due to non-compliance with safety rules (injections, cuts, burns); Digestive problems due to too hot or spicy foods.

When to perform surgery according to the lunar calendar?

♎ 15 NOVEMBER, Wednesday

Moon : decreases in LIBRA, 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:59
Vulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Operations acceptable (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases of vulnerable organs; crisis in patients; electric shocks, falling from a height, nervousness.

16 NOVEMBER, Thursday

Moon : decreases in LIBRA, SCORPIO from 11:19, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:11, Moon without course from 03:50 to 11:18
Vulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum, liver.
Invulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose,
Operations acceptable (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : binge eating.

17 NOVEMBER, Friday

Moon : decreases in SCORPIO, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:21
Vulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum.
Invulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube.
Operations : extremely undesirable, as the new moon is approaching, as well as the negative aspect of Mars and Pluto.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating, alcohol abuse; fatigue, anxiety, fears, apathy, depression; poisoning, danger from alcohol.

WASHING MOON from 14:40

18 NOVEMBER, Saturday

Moon : decreases and increases in SCORPIO, growing SAGITTARIUS from 21:59, 29th, 30th lunar day from 07:30, 1st lunar day from 14:40, NEW MOON at 14:40, Moon without course from 14:42 to 21:59
Vulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum.
Invulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube.
Operations : Extremely undesirable as it is a new moon day and the negative aspect of Mars and Pluto is also approaching.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : emotional instability, anxiety, fears, increased excitability; depression; exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially vulnerable organs); memory impairment.

♐ 19 NOVEMBER, Sunday

Moon : grows in SAGITTARIUS, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 08:37.
Vulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood.
Invulnerable organs: lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning and allergic reactions; infectious diseases ; various injuries; increased aggressiveness and irritability.

♐ 20 NOVEMBER, Monday

Moon : grows in SAGITTARIUS, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:39
Vulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood.
Invulnerable organs: lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with vulnerable organs); colds; swelling.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations

21 NOVEMBER, Tuesday

Moon : grows in SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN from 10:14, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:36, Moon without course from 03:26 to 10:13
Vulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood, skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth.
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating (rapid weight gain).

♑ 22 NOVEMBER, Wednesday

Moon : grows in CAPRICORN, 4th, 5th lunar day from 11:26
Vulnerable organs: skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth.
Invulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases of vulnerable organs; injuries to the spine or limbs; minor household or industrial injuries due to negligence and failure to comply with safety rules (injections, cuts, burns); overeating (rapid weight gain).

♑♒ 23 NOVEMBER, Thursday

Moon : grows in CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS from 23:15, 5th, 6th lunar day from 12:08, Moon without course from 13:33 to 23:14
Vulnerable organs: skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth.
Invulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : electric shocks, falls from heights, broken limbs.

♒ 24 NOVEMBER, Friday

Moon : grows in AQUARIUS, 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:43
Vulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, eyes, liver, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs: heart, thoracic spine and back.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating, eating disorder (rapid weight gain); increased blood pressure; poor health due to hormonal imbalances; attacks of cholelithiasis.

♒ 25 NOVEMBER, Saturday

Moon : grows in AQUARIUS, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:12
Vulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, eyes, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs: heart, thoracic spine and back.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : hormonal imbalance; increased emotionality; overeating (rapid weight gain), alcohol abuse.

♒♓ 26 NOVEMBER, Sunday

Moon : grows in AQUARIUS, PISCES from 11:04, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:36, Second phase of the Moon from 20:01, Moon without course from 05:37 to 11:03
Vulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, eyes, feet, body fluids, lymphatic system, upper respiratory tract, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating (rapid weight gain); anxiety, exacerbation of chronic diseases; nervousness; depression; dislocations, sprains, fractures; wandering pains of neuropsychic origin.

♓ 27 NOVEMBER, Monday

Moon : grows in PISCES, 9th, 10th lunar day from 13:58
Vulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system, upper respiratory tract.
Invulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning and allergic reactions (especially due to food and medicine); infectious diseases; dislocations, sprains, fractures; wandering pains of neuropsychic origin.

♓♈ 28 NOVEMBER, Tuesday

Moon : grows in PISCES, ARIES from 19:31, 10th, 11th lunar day from 14:18, Moon without course from 15:09 to 19:30
Vulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system, face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system, kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Operations: extremely undesirable, since the Moon is growing and affected by Saturn.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with vulnerable organs); colds; swelling; depressive states, apathy; overeating (rapid weight gain); nervousness; discomfort in the stomach; infectious, colds and viral diseases; falling from a height; electric shocks.

♈ 29 NOVEMBER, Wednesday

Moon : grows in ARIES, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:39
Vulnerable organs:
Invulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases of vulnerable organs; headaches, migraines; various injuries, especially head injuries (due to non-compliance with safety rules, negligence, impulsiveness); nervous breakdowns; falling from a height; electric shocks.

♈♉ 30 NOVEMBER, Thursday

Moon : grows in ARIES, TAURUS from 23:39, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:00, Moon without course from 21:37 to 23:38
Vulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Operations: extremely undesirable, as the Moon is growing, and the negative aspect of Mars and Uranus is approaching.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : various injuries, especially head injuries (due to non-compliance with safety rules, negligence, due to impulsiveness); burns, cuts, injections, injuries due to moving mechanisms, accidents; electric shocks, falling from a height, risks of spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant women; nervous breakdowns.

Table of vulnerability of different organs on different days of November 2017

Organs, body parts, body systems: Invulnerable Vulnerable
Teeth 7-9, 14-16 1-3, 21-23, 28-30
Head (eyes, nose, ears) 14-16 1-3, 28-30
Throat, vocal cords and neck 16-18 3-5
Thyroid 16-18 3-5
Lungs, bronchi, upper respiratory tract 19-21 5-7
Breast 21-23 7-9
Arms, shoulders, hands 19-21 5-7
Stomach, pancreas: 21-23 7-9
Liver 5-7 3, 9, 16, 19-21, 24
Gallbladder 5-9 19-23
Lymphatic system 11-13 26-28
Heart, blood, circulatory system 24-26 9-11
Back, diaphragm 24-26 9-11
Nervous system 9-11 24-26, 29-30
Intestines, digestive system 26-28 11-13
Abdomen 26-28 11-13
Bladder and kidneys 1-3, 28-30 4, 14-16
Leather 7-9, 11-13 21-23, 26-28
Genitals 3-5 16-18
Hips 5-7 19-21
Knees, joints, tendons 7-9 21-23
Bones, spine 7-9 21-23
Shin 9-11 24-26
Feet, toes 11-13 26-28
Unfavorable days for any complex procedures and operations: 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 30
The most successful days for any complex procedures and operations: 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Useful tips

November 2017, like other months, has a number of more or less positive days, which the Moon will tell you. However, you should not exclude the location of other planets, as they can also give clues about what is best to do and what to refrain from. We wrote more about this in the article General astrological forecast for NOVEMBER 2017 . But in the descriptions for each day we will also dwell on what aspects do this day other planets.

Remember that it is better to plan important things for the second half of the month given that Mars will do several very unfavorable aspects, and Mercury will be significantly slow down, getting ready December 3, 2017 go retrograde! From 28 to 30 November 2017 It is better to postpone important matters that relate to negotiations, contracts and important papers. At the end of the article you will find information about what activities are best planned for a particular day in November 2017.

ATTENTION! The weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

Weakness of the Moon during the full moon: 11/03/2017 13:00 – 11/04/2017 15:00

Weakness of the Moon on the burnt path: 11/15/2017 05:00 – 11/17/2017 15:00 (especially 11/16/2017 15:11 – 17:05 – the Moon is at its weakest degree).

Weakness of the Moon during the new moon 11/17/2017 13:00 - 11/18/2017 22:00

Periods of the MOON WITHOUT COURSE when you can’t start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.11.2017 0:07 - 01.11.2017 9:43

03.11.2017 6:03 - 03.11.2017 12:46

05.11.2017 12:28 - 05.11.2017 13:26

07.11.2017 13:39 - 07.11.2017 13:44

09.11.2017 8:14 - 09.11.2017 15:29

11.11.2017 11:55 - 11.11.2017 19:41

13.11.2017 18:45 - 14.11.2017 2:26

16.11.2017 3:50 - 16.11.2017 11:19

18.11.2017 14:42 - 18.11.2017 21:59

21.11.2017 3:26 - 21.11.2017 10:14

23.11.2017 13:33 - 23.11.2017 23:14

26.11.2017 5:37 - 26.11.2017 11:04

28.11.2017 15:09 - 28.11.2017 19:30

30.11.2017 21:37 - 30.11.2017 23:38

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: Make wishes during the period November 18, 2017 from 14:40 to November 19, 2017 08:37. During this period, it is important not to start new things, but to plan future ones. It is also useful to imagine the future as if your expectations and plans have already come true. This will bring the fulfillment of your desires closer. Don't miss these watches! In all cases it is indicated Moscow time.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for November 2017 section:


♓♈ 1 NOVEMBER, Wednesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 16:15.FISH , ARIES from 09:43

Moon without course from 00:07 to 09:42

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call).

The Moon and Mars will be in disharmony on the first day of November, which can lead to aggressive intolerant outbreaks in society. People will now find it difficult to put up with it, it will be easier to piss them off, especially considering the fact that the Moon is located in the sign of Aries, and Mars is in the sign of Libra. Today may also become problematic for relationships: there may be quarrels and misunderstandings between partners. Today you can take care of things that need to be resolved quickly. It is better if these matters are not related to negotiations, since now there is a big risk that you may misunderstand your interlocutors.

What not to do : sort things out; perform operations; conduct important negotiations.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Today, not too large purchases are acceptable. But bargain with sellers with caution: today there is less chance that they will be accommodating. You can buy any items for sports activities, as well as gym memberships.

♈ 2 NOVEMBER, Thursday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:36.ARIES

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings).

Today the Moon will approach opposition to Venus, which is also not particularly favorable for communication and various matters related to negotiations and partnerships. Today, tension will still be at a fairly high level, so achieving your goals will be difficult. You can use the energy that will be abundant on this day for positive things. Instead of quarrels and showdowns with other people, you can load yourself with physical work or play sports.

What not to do : sort things out; conduct important negotiations; invest money, risk money; sign important documents.

Purchases : small and insignificant. Today it is better to postpone major purchases: there is a risk that you may make an impulsive purchase that will not bring much joy.

♈♉ 3 NOVEMBER, Friday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 16:59.ARIES , CALF from 12:46

Moon without course from 06:03 to 12:45

Symbols of the day : fire snake (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove).

Attention! Weak Moon!On this day, the Moon will be quite weak for important undertakings, so we advise you not to plan important, exhausting things for this day. Even if you think you have enough strength, you will quickly lose enthusiasm and feel very overwhelmed. This day is suitable for leisurely continuation and completion of various things started in the past. Partnerships can bring many surprises.

What not to do : start any important business; make quick decisions, take risks; work with weapons or metal; enter into important financial agreements; draw up important reports, carry out accurate calculations; take on serious responsibility.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

WANING MOON from 08:22

♉ 4 NOVEMBER, Saturday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 17:26.CALF

FULL MOON at 08:22

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

Attention! Weak Moon until 15:00!During the period of a weak Moon, any important undertakings are doomed to failure. It is better to spend the day today in a calm, relaxing environment. The moon in Taurus favors lazy leisure, since this day falls on Saturday. However, after 15:00 you can resolve some rather important issues, for example, you can make investments, draw up some documents, and resolve financial issues. In general, it is best to go on a visit after 17:30 or have a banquet at your home. This time is perfect for various informal meetings and relaxation. It is very good to visit the theatre, concert halls or other cultural events. Also after 15:00 marriage is allowed.

What not to do : make quick decisions, take risks; work with weapons or metal; until 15:00 you cannot: conclude important financial contracts, draw up important reports, carry out accurate calculations, take on serious responsibility.

Purchases : from the afternoon (after 15:00) is a good time for shopping. You can buy something really necessary and worthwhile, and also get good discounts. Today you can buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes, bed linen, any souvenirs and home decorations.

♉♊ 5 NOVEMBER, Sunday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 17:58.CALF , TWINS from 13:26

Moon without course from 12:28 to 13:25

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

The first half of the day is not suitable for solving any matters related to papers and money. It is best at this time to relax at home, go to an exhibition, a concert or a movie and not think about serious matters. After 13:30 it is good to meet with friends, make new acquaintances or business contacts.

What not to do : sign or draw up important documents; start long-term businesses and projects.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! After 13:30 you can go for small purchases, for example, good books, newspapers, magazines, as well as any educational materials. Be careful: there is a risk of losing money! We do not recommend buying furniture and other things that should last a long time.

♊ 6 NOVEMBER, Monday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 18:38.TWINS

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

The approach of the negative aspect of the Moon with Saturn on this day can interfere with various matters related to contacts and movements. You can go on short trips. However, be prepared for the fact that some difficulties may await you along the way. This day is good for quick and not too important tasks that need to be completed quickly.

What not to do : start any long-term business; risk money; apply to higher authorities; go on long trips.

Purchases : It's still possible to visit stores, especially if you're looking for something specific. However, today it is better not to make large purchases; it is especially bad to buy jewelry or art, real estate and land. There is a risk of unexpected expenses.

♊♋ 7 NOVEMBER, Tuesday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 19:30.TWINS , CANCER from 13:45

Moon without course from 13:39 to 13:44

Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle.

The first half of the day is suitable for establishing relationships with partners, as well as any meetings, negotiations, and promotions. Although Venus will change sign today to the sign of her exile - Scorpio, the first half of the day will still pass under the sign of Libra. In general, the planet in the last degrees of the sign is not very strong, so it is better to continue and complete all the things listed above, but not to start from the beginning. For example, starting new projects related to Venus, or registering on a dating site for the first time in order to find a new relationship, is not worth it today. Today it will be quite easy to communicate with people, especially in the first half of the day. After 14:00 you can visit relatives, call them or write.

What not to do : start long-term projects; to register marriage; sort things out; do not follow safety precautions at home and at work.

Purchases : the first half of the day Perfect for various small purchases. You can buy cosmetics, perfumes, clothes. After 14:00 you can buy any small things for the home (dishes, bed linen, small furniture, etc.)

♋ 8 NOVEMBER, Wednesday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 20:32.CANCER

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

This day promises to be quite positive, although not too calm. There may be surprises that have to do with your blood relatives and family members. It’s good to please parents and other relatives with nice gifts. This day is suitable for joint gatherings or at least communication if your close relatives, for example, live far away. Particularly good watches add up until 16:30. At this time, you can do things that quickly lose relevance. You can visit restaurants, cafes, or go to a sauna or bathhouse. Not a bad time for dental treatment and prosthetics.

What not to do : start protracted affairs; move; to register marriage; give or borrow money.

Purchases : Today, any purchases for the home are allowed, as well as food purchases for future use (if you want to stock up on various non-perishable or frozen foods). It is also a good day to buy gifts for loved ones.

♋♌ 9 NOVEMBER, Thursday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:42.CANCER , A LION from 15:29

Moon without course from 08:14 to 15:28

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key).

This day is less successful than the previous one, but is still suitable for continuing and completing things that will quickly lose relevance. Intuition on this day will work very well and will tell you what you should do. After noon after 15:30 you can go to restaurants, theatre, cinema or other cultural events. Any issues related to the partnership should be resolved after 20:15, since at this time Venus and the Moon will converge in a negative aspect. Also, only after this time should you plan dates and acquaintances, since otherwise the result will not please you.

What not to do : conclude financial transactions, make investments, draw up papers, conduct important negotiations.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Today is not the best day for shopping: there are big risks that you will waste your money if you make a purchase before 19:15. It is better not to make purchases unless absolutely necessary.

Lunar calendar 2017: favorable days

♌ 10 NOVEMBER, Friday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:58.A LION

The fourth phase of the moon from 23:35

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

Today the Moon is changing phase, so it is better to postpone any important matters. Be careful! Seeking pleasure can harm you. Also on this day, the desire to clearly demonstrate your talents, brag, and overestimate your capabilities and other people may increase. You should be wary of any new acquaintances.

What not to do : start new important things; conclude important agreements, promise something serious; make new acquaintances with far-reaching plans; invest money, give or borrow money.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

♌♍ 11 NOVEMBER, Saturday, 23rd lunar day from 00:00.A LION , VIRGO from 19:42

Moon without course from 11:55 to 19:41

Symbols of the day : crocodile.

This day may turn out to be quite successful, although during the hours when the Moon is out of course, you cannot start anything new. Until 11:55 It’s good to make requests to your superiors or higher authorities. You can ask for a salary increase. New and unusual proposals can be easily approved.

Even though it is Saturday, this day can be very fruitful and will bring good results if you start things until 12:00: you can submit documents to courts, engage in advertising activities, borrow money, apply for loans, register a marriage.

What not to do : criticize superiors; move; salt the cabbage.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! In the first half of the day, it is a good time to make any purchases related to the fashion industry, including beautiful bright clothes, shoes, and jewelry. You cannot buy real estate or land.

♍ 12 NOVEMBER, Sunday, 24th lunar day from 00:15.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : bear.

This day is more suitable for relaxing or cleaning the house or office, but not for important matters. Even if you need to resolve some paperwork, reschedule these matters for a more opportune time, as there is a very high probability of errors, misunderstandings, and inaccuracies. Today there is a risk of robbery, fraud, and loss of money. You can start traveling by land.

What not to do : make long trips by water (go on a cruise); arrange a wedding, engagement, make romantic acquaintances; arrange banquets.

Purchases : best time to go shopping after 15:30, when the Moon moves away from negative aspects and the risk of monetary losses decreases. It is good to make small purchases, especially purchases of paper and stationery. You can't buy real estate.

♍ 13 NOVEMBER, Monday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 01:31.VIRGO

Moon without course from 18:45

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Despite the fact that on this day the Moon will be in the sign of Virgo, there is a possibility of confusion and confusion. Many may be late or make mistakes. It is better to abandon important calculations and any matters where high-level accuracy is needed. Mistakes in operation can lead to problems. The best time is until 11:00. In the morning you can do some things related to publications, studies, foreigners and foreign languages. Compound Venus and Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio on this day can bring you good luck in business and smooth out the negative influence of other aspects. This connection can bring optimism, good mood, and self-confidence.

What not to do : believe promises, trust unfamiliar people; start treatment; make diagnoses yourself (without proper examination).

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Bad time for shopping: there is a high risk of disappointed hopes and financial losses. It is also possible that you will urgently need money for unexpected expenses.

♍♎ 14 NOVEMBER, Tuesday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 02:46.VIRGO , SCALES from 02:27

Moon without course until 02:26

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

When the Moon transits the sign of Libra, various matters related to partnership can be resolved. However, today will be more successful the first half of the day. You can make new contacts, meet new people, organize banquets. However, you should be careful, as very soon the Moon will approach conjunct Mars, and this may indicate the danger of quarrels and disagreements with other people. Try to get things done in the first half of the day, and if you agree on something, be on your guard, as promises may later be broken.

What not to do : engage in any activities related to weapons, explosives, piercing and cutting objects; work with metals.

Purchases : not a bad day for shopping, especially good for buying clothes, shoes, cosmetics. You can also buy gifts for your loved ones. Think about buying gifts for the New Year now, because in December Mercury will be retrograde almost all the time, and you can find profitable and interesting offers now! It is better not to buy knives, sharpeners and other piercing and cutting objects.

♎ 15 NOVEMBER, Wednesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:59.SCALES

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

Attention! Weak Moon!On this day, the Moon will not be in its best position, passing along a burnt path, which in classical electional astrology is considered an unfavorable time for undertakings. However, this day is quite suitable for practicing art, communicating with the opposite sex, dating, and attending cultural events. In any case, this is the end of the month, when strength is running out and there may not be enough for important undertakings!

What not to do : start important things; risk your health, do not follow safety precautions, work with electricity or faulty electrical devices.

Purchases : Shopping allowed. Be careful with your spending: today there are risks of unexpected expenses!

16 NOVEMBER, Thursday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:11.SCALES , SCORPION from 11:19

Moon without course from 03:50 to 11:18

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

Attention! Weak Moon!The Moon will be especially weak at the critical degree of Scorpio approximately from 15:00 to 17:00. Be careful during these hours with any new undertakings; it is better to postpone your endeavors. Today it is good to continue what you started in the past. Overexertion can affect your health!

On this day, Venus and Neptune will converge in a good aspect, which is quite favorable for creative people who can find inspiration and see interesting colorful dreams. This is a good time for charity, attending cultural events and declarations of love. This is also a good time for secret and hidden affairs.

What not to do

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course!

17 NOVEMBER, Friday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:21.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya).

Attention! Weak Moon! An unfavorable day, as the Moon approaches the new moon. It is better to postpone all important matters on this day, especially beginnings! Today it is best to do your usual routine things: do the laundry, water the flowers, get a massage. In general, the favorable aspects of the planets on this day will not bring negativity: today is a very good time to complete things before the start of the new lunar month.

What not to do : start new important things; to take responsibility; promise something important; start a new job/position; borrow or lend money; submit documents to court.

Purchases : only the essentials. You can’t buy clothes and beauty items, but it’s better to postpone shopping altogether.

WASHING MOON from 14:40

18 NOVEMBER, Saturday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 07:30, 1st lunar day from 14:40.

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

Today Mars and Pluto will be met in a negative aspect, which indicates increased nervousness, aggressiveness and tension that may reign around you. At this time, you should not be in crowded places, and it is also very important to take precautions in any activity, especially if you are doing something that may threaten your health or even life. The most dangerous time is until 15:15. After this, the risk of problems is significantly reduced. Approach any business with caution. It’s better not to borrow or lend money (you can after 21:00).

What not to do : start new projects; sign important documents; contact your superiors; expand the scope of activity.

Purchases : You can make a variety of purchases, both small and large. However, remember that when the moon is waxing, you are less likely to find good things at discounts. Sellers will be reluctant to reduce prices. Attention! There is a risk of losing money!

♐ 20 NOVEMBER, Monday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:39.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

This day is suitable for new beginnings, especially those related to a new job, publishing houses, court, diploma and other educational works. You can go on long journeys or communicate with foreigners. This day is also quite successful for advertising campaigns and promoting your goods and services. You can draw up various documents and even invest money. It's especially good to start these things until 13:30. Afternoon– is less successful and can bring difficulties in these matters.

What not to do : overestimate your strengths and capabilities; make big promises; go mountaineering; abuse fatty foods and alcohol.

Purchases : Shopping allowed. You can buy everything for sports activities, as well as for travel. The best time for shopping is until 13:30.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

21 NOVEMBER, Tuesday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:36.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 10:14

Moon without course from 03:26 to 10:13

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

This day is quite successful and can bring a lot of benefits to business and busy people. Emotions will now be under control and will not interfere with business. With a moon without a course, of course, you shouldn’t start new things, but after 10:13, when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, it is a good time to start long, protracted affairs, as well as for matters that require seriousness. That is why this day is suitable for marriage, but this day is unfavorable for a festive banquet! You can get married today, and postpone the banquet on this occasion to a more favorable day. You can start building a house.

What not to do : invest; enter into financial transactions; move to a new job; move; make romantic acquaintances.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Today you can make large purchases. You can buy furniture, real estate and land. Any purchases of household items that should last a long time are also allowed.

♑ 22 NOVEMBER, Wednesday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 11:26.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

Today is a good day for long and fruitful work. You can communicate, make acquaintances and connections with older people. It’s also a good day for trips, especially business trips, or vacation trips to the mountains. Various organizational issues can be resolved. The transition of the Sun into Sagittarius in the early morning promises to instill optimism and give more enthusiasm and energy for the whole day.

What not to do : carry out important banking and financial transactions; treat and prosthetic teeth; move; contact superiors or higher institutions; borrow money (especially large amounts).

♑♒ 23 NOVEMBER, Thursday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 12:08.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 23:15

Moon without course from 13:33 to 23:14

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

The first half of the day can be full of surprises and unpredictable events; various injuries are possible, so we advise you to be careful. You can continue things you started earlier, but remember that things can give unpredictable results. With a Moon without a course, of course, we don’t start anything, but the second half of this day will be more successful. The first half of the day suitable for marriage.

What not to do : risk your health; work with faulty equipment; repair computers, phones, gadgets; move; start repair work.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Not a bad day for large purchases, although it will be more difficult to get discounts. Go shopping until 13:30, then the chances of buying something worthwhile are greater. However, there are risks of unexpected expenses!

♒ 24 NOVEMBER, Friday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:43.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

This day is not too stressful, but it is better to postpone any court cases to another day. Today you can do what you want. It's good to meet friends and do creative things. The day is suitable for banquets and entertainment events, but overeating today is extremely undesirable: the liver may suffer, especially until 19:00! Try to plan a holiday after 19:00. Today, try not to believe promises and do not make any promises: situations may turn out in such a way that you simply cannot fulfill them.

What not to do : apply to court; make serious promises; begin a course of treatment or health procedures.

Purchases : Today you can also buy real estate. Purchasing unusual items is also acceptable. There are chances to find something truly unique.

♒ 25 NOVEMBER, Saturday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:12.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

This day is associated with new interesting ideas and their implementation. Mercury and Uranus will be in a good aspect, so it is possible that an interesting and brilliant idea may come to you that can change your future. This time is very favorable for inventors, as well as those who work with computers and technology. New acquaintances are possible. But it’s better if these are non-romantic acquaintances.

What not to do : borrow and lend money (at least until 21:30); deal with serious financial matters; arrange a wedding.

Purchases : a bad day for buying beauty items; we especially don’t recommend buying clothes, shoes, cosmetics: you’ll quickly stop liking them. In the first half of the day you can buy equipment, computers or phones.

♒♓ 26 NOVEMBER, Sunday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:36.AQUARIUS , FISH from 11:04

Second phase of the moon from 20:01

Moon without course from 05:37 to 11:03

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

The day of the lunar phase change: a dangerous and stressful day. Today it is better to continue things started in the past, but not start anything new. There may be sudden changes in mood, anxiety, stress. Try to rest more on this day. You can go to the sauna or pool. This will help you relax and relieve tension.

What not to do : start new important things; turn to fortune tellers and practitioners of alternative medicine; go to the mountains; make home canned goods.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone shopping today; it’s especially unfavorable to go shopping during the Moon without a course!

♓ 27 NOVEMBER, Monday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 13:58.FISH

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus).

This day may turn out to be very nervous, restless, there will be a lot of fuss that will not lead to anything special. Although the Moon in the sign of Pisces is good for negotiations and signing important papers, it is not worth doing this today, since Mercury, who is responsible for these matters, is approaching Saturn, and this is inhibition, obstacles and the inability to get what you want. Intuition will tell you how to act, but insurmountable obstacles can interfere with the course of events, disrupting your plans.

What not to do : draw up documents, negotiate, enter into important commercial transactions, take exams and dissertations, buy real estate or land.

Purchases : Better to put it off: there is little chance of finding what you really need. There is a risk of monetary losses, as well as unexpected expenses.

♓♈ 28 NOVEMBER, Tuesday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 14:18.FISH , ARIES from 19:31

Moon without course from 15:09 to 19:30

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth).

Before the Moon goes into idle mode at 15:09, she will have time to make a favorable aspect with Venus, as well as several unfavorable aspects - with Saturn and Mercury. This means that this day is more suitable for relaxed and not too important matters; postpone the preparation of reports, important documents and papers. Because it's easy to make annoying mistakes. After 19:30 It’s good to engage in some kind of active activity, and also at this time it’s good to start those things that require quick completion.

What not to do : sign important documents; prepare reports; go mountaineering, go to the mountains; trust strangers.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! In the last few days of the month, we advise you not to make large purchases, as Mercury is now approaching the turning point and will soon be retrograde. You can buy something small, household essentials. Don't waste your money, you will end up disappointed!

♈ 29 NOVEMBER, Wednesday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:39.ARIES

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart).

An energetic start to the day will give you a boost of energy, so don't skip your morning exercise. You can start things already until 8 am, because at 8:22 The Moon and the Sun will converge in a favorable aspect. The day is especially good for tasks that require physical activity or quick completion. A good day for recreational activities, sports, contacting superiors and various institutions. It's especially good to start these things until 08:22!

What not to do : invest money, solve financial problems, get married.

Purchases : small and insignificant. You can buy things that shouldn't last long. We also do not recommend buying cosmetics and perfumes today.

♈♉ 30 NOVEMBER, Thursday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:00.ARIES , CALF from 23:39

Moon without course from 21:37 to 23:38

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

Approaching the negative aspect between Mars and Uranus, as well as the defeat of the Moon by Mars will make this day quite tense and restless. You may be plagued by irritability and impatience. That is why this day is not suitable for sorting out relationships, for some serious undertakings, negotiations and signing contracts. Any overexertion can cause health problems. You should not strain your eyes, sit for a long time at the computer or in front of the TV. Approach any questions very responsibly, think about the consequences and think carefully before doing anything.

What not to do : starting new things; sign important documents; make important decisions (especially rashly); risk your health; engage in extreme sports; do operations.

Purchases : Try not to make purchases in online stores at a time when the Moon is out of course. Today you can make small and insignificant purchases. For example, purchasing disposable items.

Various things to do and the most favorable days for them in NOVEMBER 2017

Cleaning:11-13, 21-23
Wet cleaning:4-7, 17, 16
Wash:7-9, 16, 17
Washing windows and glass: 5-7, 9-11, 14-16
Dry cleaning:4-17
Start of repair:5, 16
Start of house construction: 21-23
Moving:4, 5, 20, 24, 25
Signing important documents: 4, 20, 28
Looking for a new job: 2, 5, 7, 12
Appeal to the authorities: 11, 19, 20, 29
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 11, 19, 20, 24
Dating, dates, engagements: 5, 7, 11, 14-16, 19, 20
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 7-9, 27
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 19, 20
Trips to the mountains:21-23
Business trips: 11-13, 21-23
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 3-5, 9-11, 14-16
Banquets and celebrations: 4, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25
Weddings:21, 27, 28
Judicial and legal issues: 7, 8, 11
Solving important financial issues: 4, 12
Investments: 4, 19, 20
Commercial activity: 3, 12, 29, 30
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 11
Exchange transactions: 4
Preparation of documents: 4, 12, 19, 20
Making wills: 2, 19, 20, 22
Insurance:12, 16
Advertising:11, 16, 19, 20, 27, 28
Small purchases:5-7, 12, 13, 19, 20
Large purchases: 4, 7, 8, 16, 19-24
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, jewelry: 4, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15
Real estate purchases: 21-24
Buying a car: 16
Probability of unexpected expenses: 2, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 23, 27, 28, 30
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 5, 12, 13, 19, 26, 27
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 11, 16, 21, 27
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 3, 10, 17-19, 26

In November, the number of days when the Moon will be in the waxing phase actually coincides with the number of days when the night star is in the waning phase. This harmony of lunar cycles contributes to a soft and calm transition from autumn to winter.

November 1, 2017, Wednesday

13-14 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries

This day is characterized by rash actions and actions under the influence of a momentary mood. Disagreements between people can occur for no apparent reason, as they say, out of nowhere. The day is fraught with explosive situations, both at home and at work. There may be an increase in road accidents or a deterioration in the crime situation on the streets. Keep your feelings under control and postpone all important matters and negotiations until another day.

November 2, 2017, Thursday

14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries

The day can be favorable only if you plan important events in advance so that today there is time for relaxation and communication in an informal setting. Put aside for a while your ambitions and attempts to prove your truth at any cost, because today this is fraught with big scandals. But a short trip out of town and a change of scenery will be beneficial and help you avoid trouble.

November 3, 2017, Friday

15-16 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries

An unfavorable day when you need to avoid temptations and not believe the words of strangers. Today you may never get help from friends, so rely solely on your own strengths and capabilities. Lunar calendar 2017 November

advises setting realistic goals for yourself. The second half of the day should be spent in a calm home environment: you can cleanse the energy of your home from negativity or meditate near the flame of a burning red wax candle.

November 4, 2017, Saturday

16-17 lunar day, Full Moon in Taurus (11.59 Moscow time)

On this day, chronic diseases may remind themselves, and especially impressionable people will suffer from causeless blues and depression. An excellent way to lift your spirits: go shopping and purchase small things needed in everyday life. But today it is better to refrain from large purchases and serious conversations. But the Full Moon phase is excellent for carrying out effective rituals and conspiracies for business success and increased prosperity.

November 5, 2017, Sunday

17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

A favorable day for any activity related to communication and the start of promising projects. Any intellectual activity is progressing well, you can move to a new place of residence or consider moving to a more promising place of work. Mutual understanding and calm reign in relationships between people, so you can safely communicate on the most difficult topic and receive approval from authoritative people.

November 6, 2017, Monday

18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

A hectic and busy day, when you need to focus as much as possible on priority tasks and not waste your energy on unimportant matters. Today, conflicts and disputes are possible over trifles. This is not a good time to sign business papers and start new businesses. Try to switch to routine work that does not require much stress or effort. Pay attention to your health: get enough sleep and dress warmly, this will help avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases.

November 7, 2017, Tuesday

19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

Today you should not make sudden movements and sign important papers. Put off solving important issues and switch your attention to everyday work that does not require haste. Beware of having serious conversations with strangers, the risk of deception is too great. Trust only those who have been tested for strength and have never let you down. Take care of your health, follow a regimen, take preventive treatment and vitamins.

November 8, 2017, Wednesday

20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Cancer

A happy day for those who do not expect much from life, but are systematically moving towards their goal. Today, intuition works well, so you need to listen to the prompts of Fate and be sure to remember what you dreamed about at night. The second half of the day should be devoted to communicating with your loved ones. Try to give them some pleasant surprise and receive positive energy and gratitude in return.

November 9, 2017, Thursday

21-22 lunar days, waning Moon in Cancer

This is a great time to make the most of your talents and achieve success. Today you can engage in any active activity, since your energy will attract the right people, and problems will bypass you. Try to have more contact with people and reach new frontiers in business. The day is lucky for traveling and starting new things.

November 10, 2017, Friday

22-23 lunar day, third quarter, Moon in Leo

A positive and life-affirming day that needs to be lived actively and richly. The events of the first half of the day will force you to make important decisions and find compromises in communication with work colleagues. Today you can schedule a planned operation, a trip to the dentist or cosmetologist. Any medical procedures aimed at improving appearance or general well-being will be excellent.

November 11, 2017, Saturday

23rd lunar day, waning moon in Leo

One of the critical days of the month when you need to hide and just enjoy life. Don’t plan any serious events for today; Fate will make its own adjustments to the planned affairs anyway. But you can start cleaning the house and call your good old friends. Do only those things that do not require overexertion and quick reaction.

November 12, 2017, Sunday

23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo

A smooth, calm day that you need to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. You can make plans for the next week and discuss upcoming events with loved ones. Listen to the opinions of those older than you, you can get a lot of new interesting information.

November 13, 2017, Monday

24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo

It will be very difficult to get ready for work today. Try not to start new things or plan to sign important papers this day. Individual work activity will eliminate unnecessary conflicts and gossip. Take care of your nervous system, be sure to take vitamins and medicinal herbs.

November 14, 2017, Tuesday

25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra

A dangerous and unfavorable day when a quarrel or scandal between people can break out, as they say, out of the blue. Realistically assess your strengths and do not take on obligations that you cannot fulfill in the future. Avoid serious financial investments and purchasing real estate on this day. Take the opportunity to get help from friends or relatives, listen to the sensible advice of like-minded people.

November 15, 2017, Wednesday

26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra

A positive day when Lunar calendar 2017 November recommends acting actively and decisively. Today you can hit the road and establish new connections with useful people. Try to get rid of debts and improve relationships with those people who were previously offended by you in some way. The present day opens a new stage in life, as well as a period of creation and forgiveness.

November 16, 2017, Thursday

27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio

The day is good for active activity; one can only envy your energy. Today, those problems that you previously worked on to no avail are easily solved, and like-minded people themselves offer their help, saving you from unnecessary problems. An excellent time to develop a business and find new sources of financing. Luck will smile on people who are determined and confident in their strength.

November 17, 2017, Friday

28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio

An unfavorable day for serious work, when you need to give priority to your health and maintaining internal harmony. Do not succumb to the provocations of ill-wishers, and do not enter into any dubious transactions. Postpone an important conversation or signing of official papers until another day. Give preference to routine work that does not require large energy expenditures on your part.

November 18, 2017, Saturday

29-30-1 lunar day, New Moon in Scorpio

Today you need to pay off old debts and make peace with your opponents. It is better not to schedule any serious business or travel for this day. Spend time in measured activity, communicating with those people who can enrich your inner world with positive energy. Lay the foundation for new things and, if possible, move to a new stage of development in life.

November 19, 2017, Sunday

1-2 lunar days, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

On this day, it is important to listen to the prompts of Fate and you can rely on your intuition. Today those who are used to taking risks and acting decisively will be lucky. The first half of the day is great for socializing with family and daily housework. But for the evening part of the day it is worth planning a visit to a cafe or a concert in the company of people you like.

November 20, 2017, Monday

2-3 lunar days, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

The start of the new seven-day period will be dynamic and active, which will benefit energetic individuals, but will unsettle those people who are accustomed to a more measured work schedule. Today you can look for a new place of work or residence; the stars patronize those who want changes in their lives and strive to increase their level of comfort and well-being.

November 21, 2017, Tuesday

3-4 lunar days, waxing Moon in Capricorn

A successful day for any work, provided that you plan your steps in advance and spend your energy rationally. Today you can borrow and lend money, make large purchases and enter into promising deals. In the evening, try not to watch the news and not worry about little things - the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases is too great.

November 22, 2017, Wednesday

4-5 lunar days, waxing Moon in Capricorn

Today you will have to turn to friends and like-minded people for help, since the amount of work will be too large, and the desire to be on time everywhere and at once threatens to disrupt the agreements. This is a great time to start a cleansing diet and review your diet in favor of healthy, balanced foods.

November 23, 2017, Thursday

5-6 lunar days, waxing Moon in Capricorn

A good time to work as a team and find new friends who can become reliable allies. Feel free to develop your talents and invest in the future, everything will pay off handsomely. For the afternoon, you can plan a romantic date or an important conversation of a delicate nature.

November 24, 2017, Friday

6-7 lunar days, waxing Moon in Aquarius

A great time to implement long-planned plans and expand your business. Today, all matters related to the purchase or sale of real estate and the acquisition of new sources of financing are going well. The day is well suited for long and short trips, moving to a new place of work, long-awaited dates and warm meetings with loved ones.

November 25, 2017, Saturday

7-8 lunar days, waxing Moon in Aquarius

One of the most favorable days of the month, when any work brings joy and satisfaction. You can devote time to shopping and make useful large purchases, from household appliances to a car. Communicate with people and draw positive energy and new useful information from conversations.

November 26, 2017, Sunday

8-9 lunar days, First quarter, Moon in Pisces

The day is good for rest and relaxation. Chores around the house will allow you to take your mind off the hustle and bustle at work and switch your attention to more enjoyable activities. Give little surprises and pleasant gifts to your loved ones and receive in return their sincere care for you.

November 27, 2017, Monday

9-10 lunar days, waxing Moon in Pisces

It will not be so easy to get involved in the work process today due to the surging illusions and the desire to be in high spirits. But intuition works perfectly today, so you can ask the Higher Powers for help and receive hints from Fate. The second half is more suitable for communication in an informal setting.

November 28, 2017, Tuesday

10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Pisces

A calm, smooth day when you can live life to the fullest and promote new projects. Lunar calendar 2017 November suggests that the most successful activities will be those related to the social sphere, as well as any work that requires a creative approach and imagination.

November 29, 2017, Wednesday

11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries

Today you shouldn’t rush into decisions and make hasty decisions. There is a high risk of self-deception and lack of support from authoritative people. Do exclusively routine work that does not require haste and great dedication. Take care of your health and monitor road safety more carefully than usual.

November 30, 2017, Thursday

12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries

The day is not suitable for serious conversations and concluding long-term contracts. Today, old debts or obligations that have fallen out of your sight may come back to haunt you. Carefully monitor what you eat, as there is a risk of poisoning or exacerbation of a chronic disease. Do not conflict with loved ones; quarrels will not bring any benefit, but will only further aggravate an already difficult everyday situation.

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