Put a point on the jelly there, they make it from rubber. Interactive game "KVN"

Competition of experts

Russian language

You can do wonders with the Russian language. There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian words.


Language with words is powerful.


Punctuation warm-up Place punctuation marks to read the text correctly

jelly is made from rubber there

jelly is made from rubber there

there tires are made from clay the dog barks on the fence

there is a brick made of milk, a titmouse is singing in the corridor

cottage cheese is prepared from sand, children play on the wall

glass is melted from concrete there, a picture hangs on the window

dams are built from cardboard, frost patterns in the stove

covers there are firewood burning from cast iron in the hands of a girl

there they make steel from linen, there is an elegant doll in a cage

cut shirts from plastic handmade goldfinch sings napkins

the dishes are made from yarn, there are skates on the table

suits are made from oatmeal, glasses are prepared there for winter

they eat compote there with forks; there are notebooks for grandma

there they drink from a cup and the sandwich is always kept in order

there are cutlets made from bread and cheese

fresh meat candy

stuffed with sweet bean soup

everything is boiled in saucepans with salt

in the river there is a fish on a hillock

cow moos in a kennel

they make jelly there, made from rubber

they make jelly there, made from rubber

they make tires there, a dog barks from clay, on the fence

they are burning bricks, a titmouse is singing from the milk, in the corridor

cottage cheese is being prepared, children are playing from the sand, on the wall

glass is melted there, a painting hangs from concrete on the window

dams are built, frost patterns are made from cardboard, in a stove

the covers are there, firewood is burning from cast iron, in the hands of a girl

they make steel there, there is an elegant doll made of linen there, in a cage

shirts are cut, the hand goldfinch sings from plastic, napkins

they make dishes, there are skates out of yarn on the table

suits are made. From oatmeal... they prepare for winter, there are glasses

They eat there with forks, there is compote for grandma, notebooks

They drink from a cup there, the sandwich is always kept in order.

from bread with cheese, there are cutlets

fresh meat, sweets

with sweet filling, bean soup

Everything is cooked in saucepans with salt, CHECK!

there's fish in the river, on a hillock

a cow moos in a kennel

Lexical tournament

Pick up

Pick up

synonym for the word


A simple word "interval":

A simple word "interval":

A few minutes in the theater

Until a new act begins

We call everything……………;

Having stopped something for a while,

We announce…………………;

They give to the tired…………………;

After the lesson without fail

The guys need………………….

Check it out! A simple word "interval":

A few minutes in the theater

Until a new act begins

We call everything intermission.

Having stopped something for a while,

We announce a break.

In the struggle, in the work, too tired -

Give the tired a break.

After the lesson without fail

The guys need a change.

Name pairs of antonym words in the poem

In plain sight of passers-by

In plain sight of passers-by

An apple hung in the garden.

Well, who cares?

The apple was just hanging.

And the mouse is high,

Sparrow said it was close

And the snail is far away.

And the calf is concerned about

That apple is not enough.

And the chicken - because it is very,

Very, very big!!!

But the kitten doesn’t care:

Sour!!!Why is it?!

What are you, - whispers the worm, -

He has a sweet side!

In plain sight of passers-by

In plain sight of passers-by

An apple hung in the garden.

Well, who cares?

The apple was just hanging.

Only the horse said that it was low,

And the mouse is high,

Sparrow said it was close

And the snail is far away.

And the calf is concerned about

That apple is not enough.

And the chicken - because it is very,

Very, very big!!!

But the kitten doesn’t care:

Sour!!!Why is it?!

What are you, - whispers the worm, -

He has a sweet side!

Find phraseological units

It often happens that the word is one,

Let's take at least the short word WATER.

It often happens that the word is one,

It often happens that the word is one,

But it serves very differently.

Examples can be easily found here.

Let's take at least the short word WATER. CHECK!

I was a boy, but my childhood is over,

Much water has flowed under the bridge since then.

We have the right to say in advance about the brave:

This one will go through fire and water.

And geese and ducks are always dry.

People noticed: it’s like water off a duck’s back.

It happened to you: you didn’t know the rules, you worked in vain. What will they say next?

Silent during the survey? I took some water into my mouth. It’s not a good idea to carry water with a sieve.

The lazy man is resting, and time goes by -

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

We sometimes don’t mind saying to a chatterbox:

“That’s enough, they say, pounding water in a mortar.”

Don’t mind saying casually to someone else:

“Enough with pouring water! Get on with it!”

WHO CARRY WHAT Explain in what meanings the verb CARRY is used

Semyon carries the briefcase in his hand.

Semyon carries the briefcase in his hand.

Pavlusha gets a bad mark in the diary.

Seryozha boarded the ship:

He is on sea watch.

Andryusha walks around as a strongman -

He carries the backpack on his shoulders.

Peter beat the bully Misha -

Mikhail is suffering losses.

Stepan does not close his mouth -

He talks nonsense all day.

Semyon carries the briefcase in his hand.

Semyon carries the briefcase in his hand.

Pavlusha gets a bad mark in the diary.

Seryozha boarded the ship:

He is on sea watch.

Andryusha walks around as a strongman -

He carries the backpack on his shoulders.

Peter beat the bully Misha -

Mikhail is suffering losses.

Stepan does not close his mouth -

He talks nonsense all day.


Insert words IGNORANT And IGNORANT at the place of passes

Insert words IGNORANT And IGNORANT at the place of passes

  • 1.You can’t count a person as____________________

  • 2._______________will always reveal himself, because he does not know the rules of etiquette.

  • 3.Only full ______________________________

can do without books.
  • 4.Only----------will never give up a seat in transport to an elderly person.

  • 1. You cannot consider a person ignorant

only because he did not immediately name the author of the novel “Two Captains”.
  • 2. An ignoramus will always reveal himself, because he does not know the rules of etiquette.

  • 3.Only complete ignoramuses can do without books.

  • 4.Only an ignoramus would never give up a seat on public transport to an elderly person.


An ignoramus is a person who does not know, does not know.

An ignoramus is an ill-mannered, impolite person.

Fun Phonetics

Fun Phonetics

The hunter shouted:


The doors are chasing me!

Look, guys!

Crayfish grew in the garden!

The snow is melting. A stream flows.

The branches are full of doctors.

Old Grandpa Pakhom

He rode a goat.

On the yellowed grass

The lion drops its leaves.

Mom went with the barrels

On the road along the village.

The sea turns blue before us,

T-shirts fly over the waves.

Correct the text. What important linguistic idea does it illustrate?

Check it out!

Check it out!

The hunter shouted:


The animals are chasing me!

Look, guys!

Poppies grew in the garden!

The snow is melting. A stream flows.

The branches are full of rooks.

Old Grandpa Pakhom

He rode on horseback.

On the yellowed grass

The forest is dropping its leaves.

Mom and daughters went

On the road along the village.

The sea turns blue before us,

Seagulls fly over the waves.

Sound is the expresser of meaning. Replacing a sound in a word turns it into something else or completely destroys it.

Secrets of word formation

Secrets of word formation

Identify the hidden noun, write it down and a few more words formed in the same way

There is a lawn at our school

And on it there are goats and horses.

We're tumbling here

Exactly 45 minutes.

At school there are horses and a lawn?

What a miracle, guess what!

Check it out!

Check it out!

This is a gym - a difficult word/savings bank, wall newspaper/

There is a lawn at our school

And on it there are goats and horses.

We're tumbling here

Exactly 45 minutes.

At school there are horses and a lawn?

What a miracle, guess what!

The phrase of L.V. Shcherba is widely known in linguistics

The glokka kuzdra shteko has sprouted the bokr and is curling the bokrenka.

Linguists use this model to show the operation of various grammatical laws in the Russian language.

Parse this sentence into members and determine which part of speech each of them is expressed by.

definition-subject-adverbial-predicate-object conjunction

adjectival beings. adverb verb beings.

Gloka kuzdra shteko budlanula bokra and


verb noun

bokrenka curls.

Lesson 2. Let's talk about the period and comma again

1. Restore the points.

Kissel is made from rubber there

they make tires out of clay

the bricks are made from milk

cottage cheese is made from sand

glass is melted from concrete there

dams are built from cardboard

the covers are made of cast iron

they make steel from canvas there

cut shirts from plastic

dishes are made from meat

cutlets are made from soot

there they make wax from yarn

they spin cloth threads there

suits are made from oatmeal

they cook jelly there

they eat compote with forks

there they drink a sandwich from a cup

there are cutlets made from bread and cheese

fresh meat candy

stuffed with sweet bean soup

everything is boiled in plates with salt

in the river there is a fish on a hillock

cow moos in a kennel

dog barks on the fence

a titmouse sings in the corridor

children playing on the wall

painting hanging on the window

frost patterns in the stove

firewood is burning in the hands of a girl

there is an elegant doll in a cage

tame goldfinch sings napkins

there are skates on the table

glasses are being prepared there for winter

there are notebooks for grandma

2. Is a comma necessary?

A long time ago there were tales about errors with commas.


One ruler left such a will to his heirs, and they, taking advantage of the rich man’s mistake, appropriated a tidy sum for themselves.

Now you put a comma in the will.


The girl really wanted to go hiking with her classmates, but her grandmother wouldn’t let her go. Then she decided to sendparentstelegram to the sanatorium, and received the following in response: BEING AT HOME YOU CAN’T GO ON A HIKE.

How to understand this text? Why can it be read differently?



Do you remember a similar task that was given to Vita Perestukin, the hero of L. Geraskina’s story “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”?


Put back the comma.



Put the comma back in the sentence:

Olga was sitting on a bench located in the park and waiting for her friend.



3. The comma got lost.

There is a comma in the text, but it is in the wrong place. Read what came of it.

Very very

Strange look:

River outside the window

It's burning,

Someone's house

The tail wags,


Shoots from a gun


Almost gobbled it up


Cat with glasses

Reading a book

old grandfather

Flew out the window


Grabbed the grain

Yes, how he screams,

Flying away:

That's what it means


Put the commas back in place. Read the correct text.

4. Riddles of punctuation marks.

How many fingers does Dunno have?

Dunno wrote an essay:He has twenty-five fingers on each hand, ten on his feet, only twenty.

Edit the text. What did you get?




5. Telegram.

In the morning, a telegram arrived at one institution about the arrival of a foreign delegation in Moscow:The delegation leaves in the morning, meet us.

The telegram caused confusion among the employees.

Why do you think? How can you understand it?





6. Where did Peter’s comrade go?

Read the 2 sentences carefully and catch the difference between them. How are they different? What influenced the difference in the meaning of the phrases?

At the station, Peter met his mother, sister, brother, and his friend.

At the station, Peter met his friend’s mother, sister, and brother.

Why are there fewer people encountered in the second sentence? Where did Peter's comrade go?



7. Determine the meaning.

These sentences are identical in their vocabulary, but their meaning is different. Why do you think this depends?

Kolya sang as everyone else sang. - Kolya sang as everyone else sang.

It was so light that every pebble was visible on the road. - It was light, so every pebble was visible on the road.



Municipal state educational institution

“Special boarding school No. 66”


Russian language and reading teacher

Barsukova L.S.

Novokuznetsk – 2017

Topic: Secrets of punctuation

Tasks: in a playful way, teach students to use knowledge of punctuation, prove the importance of the correct use of punctuation marks; develop the ability to transfer experience and reproduce knowledge in new conditions; cultivate the desire to achieve results, to bring the work started to the end.

Form: punctuation competition.

Equipment: epigraph "Study with a smile"

Make jokes while you study!

Any error

Will disappear, afraid

Happy Science

And joyful eyes.

Study without boredom!

cards with tasks, team names: “Experts”, “Erudites”.

Progress of the game

    Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Today we have gathered to talk about punctuation marks, their role in speech, to find out how the guys know how to use their existing knowledge of punctuation. Participants in the competition of experts, which we called “Secrets of Punctuation,” will be children from grades 9a and 9b. Teams “Experts” and “Erudites”.

(Teams receive nameplates.)

We wish everyone success and victory.

    The concept of syntax and punctuation. Opening remarks by teacher and students.

Imagine, guys, that we are watching a cartoon. At first the words ran out onto the screen one by onewith, you, study, if, work, life, useful, willingly, for, correctly, skillfully, and, do, passion, same, she, interesting, build. (Words are attached to the board).

Do you guys understand what's going on?

They see words that no one understands why they ran onto the screen. We tried to break down the parts of speech. Which one?

But why they appeared on the screen remains unclear.

But someone invisible began to move them,unite, with each other changing, if necessary, them form and arranged in a certain order. And this is what happened on the screen:

If you study with passion, work willingly, relax skillfully, build your life correctly, then make it interesting and useful!

(The teacher makes a note on the board)

But still, something makes it difficult to read the text! What is missing? Yes, yes, you are right, we need itpunctuation marks.

Maybe someone can try to add punctuation marks.

(The student is trying to place punctuation marks)

If you study with passion, work willingly, and relax skillfully, you are building your life correctly. Make it interesting and useful!

What happened? What happened is that at a certain moment they began to actsyntax and punctuation. Syntax means orderpunctuation – dot.

But is only the period a punctuation mark?

(Answers from the guys)

III. Students recite poems about punctuation marks.

Exclamation mark

When the words thundered and shone,

I was in fashion, I was on a pedestal!

However, a new time has come -

It knocks me off my pedestal.

Question mark

What can I say about myself?

Life bent me into an arc.

I pay for my character -

Because I want to know a lot!


What is a comma - a squiggle?

Nothing, a tiny thing.

And if you remember, if you weigh:

“Pardon cannot be hanged.”


There is a phenomenon associated with me,

Very far from the line:

Time changes the point of view.


It's reached a point.


Known to the world for a long time,

That the sign and I am important.

And the conversation is not over...

And everyone starts thinking.

There are sometimes disagreements between punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks

At the last point on the last line

A company of punctuation marks has gathered.

An eccentric came running - an exclamation point.

He is never silent, he shouts deafeningly:

Hooray! Down with! Guard! Robbery!

A crooked question mark came dragging along.

He asks everyone questions: who? Whom? Where? How?

Commas appeared, girls with curls appeared.

They live in dictation at every stop.

The colon jumped up, the ellipsis rolled up

And others, and others, and others...

They said commas: we are busy people.

Neither dictation nor story is complete without us.

If there is no dot above you, a comma is an empty sign! –

Aunt responded with a semicolon from the same line.

Colon, blinking, shouted - No, wait!

I'm more important than a comma or a semicolon

Because I'm twice the size of the one-eyed point.

I look into both eyes: I keep order.

No... - said the ellipsis, barely moving his eyes, -

If you want to know, I am more important than others.

Where there is nothing to say, they put an ellipsis...

The question mark was surprised: - That is, how?

The exclamation mark was indignant: - That is, how!

So, said the dot, the single dot. –

The story ends with me. That means I'm more important than you!

Guys, what signs are more important?

Of course, we all need them, because we use them in different speech situations.

    Competition for experts in punctuation marks.

    Teams receive cards with text that does not contain punctuation. It is important for them to find the boundaries of sentences and put the right sign.

Who is this stocky, heroic-built man with a gray beard? What is he doing in the thicket of the forest? Why is he looking so carefully at the trees and bushes? It seems that he is an old forester; he has become so close to the mighty forest that he himself seems to be the owner of the dense thicket.

For speed, the team receives an additional token, for each correct sign - a token.

    Now work with commas, which consider themselves to be the most important. Place the necessary commas in the sentences.

Why does the magpie have such a nickname? The feathers on her sides are completely white and her head and tail are black, like a crow’s. The magpie's tail is very beautiful. The feathers in it are not just black, but with a beautiful greenish tint. The magpie is a dexterous, agile, fussy bird. By winter, magpies, crows, jackdaws scatter around the villages and look for food.

    Collaborative work with telegram text:

Meet the fifth, leaving by train 21 car 3 Masha

What remains unclear in the text of the telegram? Eliminate ambiguity by changing word order or using punctuation. Which method is more convenient in telegram?

    Working with a poem whose meaning is distorted due to the fact that there are no commas in it.

In the river there is a fish on a hillock

A cow moos in a kennel

The dog barks on the fence

A titmouse sings in the corridor

Children playing on the wall

A painting hangs on the window

Frost patterns in the stove

Firewood is burning in the hands of a girl

There's a smart doll in a cage

Tame goldfinch sings napkins

There are skates on the table

They are preparing glasses there for winter

There are notebooks for grandma

Always kept in order.

The second team gets another poem.

Kissel is made from rubber there

They make tires out of clay

Bricks are made from milk

Cottage cheese is made from sand

Glass is melted from concrete there.

Dams are built from cardboard

The covers are made of cast iron

They make steel from canvas there

Shirts are cut from plastic

Dishes are made from meat

Cutlets are made from soot

There they make wax from yarn

They spin cloth threads there

Suits are made.

Team tokens are awarded for placing commas correctly.

    Team work with the text by L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball.” Find the sentence with the most punctuation marks faster - page 130 – 131 of the 8th grade reading textbook.For speed - a token.

    Summing up the results of the competition.

What conclusion will we draw from all the work done today? Is it necessary to use punctuation marks?

Conclusions guys.

The teacher sums up his own conclusion.

The man lost his comma, became afraid of complex sentences, and looked for simpler phrases. Simple phrases were followed by simple thoughts.

Then he lost the exclamation point and began to speak quietly, with one intonation. Nothing pleased or outraged him anymore; he treated everything without emotion.

Then he lost the question mark and stopped asking any questions; no events aroused his curiosity, no matter where they

took place - in space, on Earth, or even in your own apartment.

A couple of years later he lost his colon and stopped explaining his actions to people.

By the end of his life, he only had quotation marks left. He did not express a single idea of ​​his own, he was always quoting someone - so he completely forgot how to think and reached a point.

So let's not be like this man, but let's use all the punctuation marks!

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition.

1. The words that help to ask are described in the poem by S. Marshak: I have six servants, agile, daring. And everything that I see around, I know everything from them. At my sign they appear in need. Their names are: how and why, who, what, when and where. In fact, there are not six of them, but much more. Remember them. Name words that express both question and surprise. *2. “It’s easiest to put a full stop,” you probably think, and with “extraordinary ease of thought,” you often put it in the wrong place. Dot the dots in the poetic text from the book “Entertaining Grammar” by A. T. Arsiria and G. M. Dmitrieva: ... Kissel is made from rubber there, tires are made from clay, bricks are made from clay, cottage cheese is made from milk, glass is made from sand, dams are built from concrete, they are melted there from cardboard, covers there, from cast iron, steel is made from linen, shirts are cut from plastic, dishes are made from meat, cutlets are cooked from soot, wax is made from yarn 101, threads are spun there from cloth, suits are made from oatmeal, jelly is cooked there. *3. Place the dots in the following texts: There they eat compote with forks, there they drink from a cup, a sandwich made of bread with cheese, there are fresh meat cutlets, sweets with filling, sweet soup with beans in plates, everything is boiled there with salt. In the river there, a fish on a hill mooes, a cow in a kennel, a dog barks. a titmouse is singing on the fence in the hallway children are playing on the wall there is a picture hanging on the window frost patterns in the stove firewood is burning in the hands of a girl there is an elegant doll in a cage there is a hand-made goldfinch singing napkins there are skates on the table for winter they are preparing glasses there for grandma notebooks are always kept in order . 4. What is the proposal based on? “It’s not difficult at all,” one of you will say. Let's see if this is true. Find the grammatical basics in the following sentences: 102 1. Everything is clear to the old man, the old watchmaker. From the carved window you can hear again: “Ku-ku!” (S. Mikhalkov). *2. Your master is both nice and famous. And he has a lot of guests in his house, and everyone, smiling, strives to touch your velvet wool. (S. Yesenin). *3. The village where Eugene was bored was a lovely corner... He couldn’t tell the difference between iambic and trochee, no matter how hard we fought. (A. Pushkin). *4. Evening. Field. Lights. Long road. (V. Mayakovsky). *5. The ravine where the river flowed was so deep that the guys could not see the forest. Our city is decorated with a green park. He who lifts the sword will die by the sword. 5. If the subject or predicate “did not respond”? What are such proposals called? Find them in the texts: I. 1) One swallow does not make spring. 2) After a fight, they don’t wave their fists. 3) Hasty people lack wisdom. 4) The master’s work is afraid. 5) Find yourself an ideal of courage and follow it relentlessly. 6) Night. Darkness. Lights flickering in the distance. 103 *II. 1) You cannot catch up with a broken word on a horse. 2) Check what you did in the morning in the evening. 3) The city takes courage. 4) Friends are known in trouble. 5) You can’t pierce the sky with horns. 6) They knock out a wedge with a wedge. 7) Herring is not afraid of salt. 8) Salt is eaten all over the world. 9) Do not fill the fire with oil. 10) Two bears will not get along in one den. *III. 1) Beware of everything that is not approved by your conscience. 2) If you do something, do it well. 3) Free labor - this is the fulcrum that Archimedes demanded in order to turn the world upside down. 4) Truth is the air without which you cannot breathe. 5) Whatever happens, don’t lose your courage. *IV. 1) The one who curbed anger defeated a strong enemy. 2) Only those who cross the river at night will appreciate a clear day. 3) There is a small bird that coexists peacefully with a crocodile. She pecks out the remains of food that get stuck between his teeth. 6. Can the subject consist of 5-8 words? Prove your point. *7. Find verbose subjects in these sentences: 1) And thirty beautiful knights emerge from the clear waters in succession. 2) For ten nights in a row he heals unfortunate animals. 3) She got herself half a dozen points. 4) And the squall carried a dozen or two boats out to sea. 5) Thousands of surprised eyes will surround me... And thousands of warm palms will reach out to me. 8. Combine phraseological units and verbs that have the same meaning into pairs. Construct sentences in which the phraseological unit would be some part of the sentence. If you have any difficulties, use the “School Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by V.P. Zhukov. 104 I. 1) Nodding off unexpectedly 2) Slowly out of the blue 3) It slipped my mind to doze 4) At one o'clock I forgot a teaspoon *II. Complete the same task: 1) He hung his nose and deceived 2) He kept his mouth shut, he was depressed 3) He put spokes in his wheels, he kept silent 4) He pouted, he caught up 5) He showed off, he was offended 6) He stepped on his heels, he showed off 7) He rubbed his glasses in the way 8) A tooth doesn’t get on the tooth got better 9) Made a molehill out of a molehill tired 10) Obsessively exaggerated in the teeth 11) Found the way to the heart frozen 9. Fragments of sentences “lost each other.” Help everyone find their match: 1) They say about a person who is very frightened that ……… a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. 2) About someone who runs away very quickly, they say that he…… doesn’t have a tooth to match. 3) They say about a person shivering from the cold that his...... heels sparkle. 4) If a person experiences great relief, then they say that he has……. my soul sank into my heels. 5) If a person finds himself in an awkward position, they say that he……. knocked off his feet. 105 6) If a person is tired from the hassle and running around, then they say that he……. sat down in his galoshes. What are the sentence fragments on the right? 10. Correct errors. Explain which of the four types of errors was made in each example: 1) The nominal part in the compound nominal predicate is missing or only the verb in the indefinite form included in this predicate is indicated. 2) The verb in the indefinite form included in the compound verbal predicate was not detected. 3) The subject is not found or is confused with a minor member; with the nominal part of the compound predicate. 4) The nominal compound predicate without a linking verb is confused with the definition. After all, the sun moves above us every day, but stubborn Galileo is right. He believed that his dear soul should unite with him. *The wealth of language is the wealth of thoughts. Try to leaf through and review as many different books as possible in your lifetime. There are many good books in the world, but these books are good only for those people who know how to read them. 11. “Crazy comma.” Read three sentences. Why is it that in the first of them, rolling up one’s sleeves, it is highlighted with commas on both sides, in the second, there is a comma only before these words, and in the third, there is no comma at all? The father turned on the tap and, rolling up his sleeves, began to wash his hands. You must go out into the field, roll up your sleeves and work. 106 We must roll up our sleeves and begin immediately to create a new project. *Test yourself in other sentences: Opening his mouth, he placed it under a stream of cold water. He spoke well and smoothly, and everyone listened to him with their mouths open. Do you know why I rushed here at breakneck speed yesterday morning? Hussars! Take it! Yes, tell our doctor to bandage his wound and take care of him like the apple of his eye. I tremble for him, like the apple of my eye, so that he won’t be slandered by his candy beauty (V. Mayakovsky). 12. In “glok” language. One day, Academician L.V. Shcherba asked students to parse the following sentence: The glokaya kuzdra shteko has budlanized the bokr and is curling the bokren. Try to disassemble it too. What parts of speech express the members of the sentence in it? *Examine some more sentences in this “glock” language: The molar butcher mixed the kuvitsa. Little by little the flapping deliriums appeared. The clothesman anointed the snacking ironer. (G. G. Granik. S. M. Bondarenko). 13. G. G. Granik and S. M. Bondarenko in the book “Secrets of Punctuation” say that the “trace” of the disappeared connective is a dash between the subject and the predicate. For example: Hope is my earthly compass. But this “trace” does not always remain. Wed: A head without knowledge is like a lantern without a candle. Try to determine for yourself which sentences have this “trace” (dash) and which do not: 107 A good start is half the battle. Seven is a mysterious number. An unlearned person is like an unsharpened ax (Sequence). Gardens plant life decorate. Not being able to express your thoughts well is a disadvantage. Birches in the forest are like girls in white sundresses. Children's eyes are like flowers in a field. The heart is not a stone. The mounds in the steppe are like ripe watermelons. Light autumn rain is a real disaster for the fisherman. *Mind clothes that will never wear out. Behind the mountain there are more mountains, behind the sage there are more sages. The clouds cannot cover the sun, the war of the world cannot be won. Many snakes are not poisonous at all. Many stars adorn the sky, much knowledge adorn the mind. Village children are very curious creatures. The dead of night is silent, the knowledgeable man is modest. Her eyes are like lakes. Friendship with a good person is moonlight, friendship with a bad person is snake venom. To want means to be able. Do it quickly and redo it. Lies have short legs. 14. Read the following poetic passages expressively, notice where words are missing in them. “Listen” to the pauses. Place punctuation marks in the passages. Remember what such sentences are called. 108 Copper responds Crust of bread With ringing, crunching, Tree Rain With green noise, Sad babble. (O. Driz). *The tree is famous for its fruits, and man for its labors. Washing cleanses clothes, conversation keeps the heart courageous in trouble, and modesty in contentment. A new thing is good, but a friend is old. The nail protects the horseshoe, the horseshoe of the horse, the horse of the brave man, the brave man protects the fatherland. 15. Mysterious number seven. In order to quickly “catch” the division of a complex sentence into parts as you write, you need to learn how to quickly perform syntactic “calculation in your head.” Then the punctuation marks will be placed correctly. Count the number of parts of complex sentences (texts are given without punctuation) and arrange the signs. How many parts did you discover? Is the beast roaring in the deep forest, is the horn blowing, is thunder thundering, is the maiden behind the hill singing to every sound, your response in the empty air, suddenly you will give birth. (A. Pushkin). *The attack thundered and the bullets rang And the machine gun fired evenly And our girl in a marching overcoat walks through Burning Kakhovka. (M. Svetlov). 109 *Now the last snow in the field is melting, Warm steam is rising from the ground, And the blue pitcher is blooming, And the cranes are calling each other. (A. Tolstoy). 16. Syntactic “dwarfs”. Have you noticed that complex sentences often contain syntactic “dwarfs” - short sentences consisting of one to three words that are easy to miss. Please tune in to search for the “lost dwarfs” in the following sentences. Punctuation marks are not placed so that they are not a clue to you. It is known that the participants of the first lunar expeditions were subjected to a multi-day quarantine upon returning from space so as not to bring “lunar microbes” to the earth, but there were no microbes on the Moon. It is curious that in the last century, in many countries of Western Europe, New Year's Father Frost was not such a cheerful good fellow as we know him now. It is believed that Vietnamese people become a year older on New Year's Day and the day of their actual birth is not taken into account. They say that in the old days, if a chimney sweep appeared on the street on New Year’s Day, people would run after him to get dirty with soot, as this was supposed to bring happiness. *In the back rows people began to stand up to see what was happening on stage. It is not known what else Gleb Skameikin would have told about the sea, but at that time Volodya approached us. It seemed that the greenery was covered with multi-colored shreds. What happened to the dance teacher next is unknown. 110

…They make jelly from rubber, they make tires from clay, they make bricks, they make curds from milk, they make glass from sand, they melt them from concrete, dams, they build covers from cardboard, they make them from cast iron, they make steel from linen, they cut shirts from plastic, they make dishes from meat, they cook cutlets from soot. there they make wax from yarn, there they spin threads from cloth, they sew suits from oatmeal, they cook jelly there. …They make jelly from rubber, they make tires from clay, they make bricks, they make curds from milk, they make glass from sand, they melt them from concrete, dams, they build covers from cardboard, they make them from cast iron, they make steel from linen, they cut shirts from plastic, they make dishes from meat, they cook cutlets from soot. there they make wax from yarn, there they spin threads from cloth, they sew suits from oatmeal, they cook jelly there. ...They cook jelly there. Tires are made from rubber there. They make bricks from clay there. Cottage cheese is made from milk. Glass is melted from sand there. Dams are built from concrete. From the cardboard cover there. Steel is made from cast iron there. Shirts are cut from linen. Dishes are made from plastic. Cutlets are made from meat. They make wax from soot there. The yarn is spun into threads there. Suits are made from cloth. They make jelly from oatmeal there. ...They cook jelly there. Tires are made from rubber there. They make bricks from clay there. Cottage cheese is made from milk. Glass is melted from sand there. Dams are built from concrete. From the cardboard cover there. Steel is made from cast iron there. Shirts are cut from linen. Dishes are made from plastic. Cutlets are made from meat. They make wax from soot there. The yarn is spun into threads there. Suits are made from cloth. They make jelly from oatmeal there. “It’s easiest to put a full stop,” you probably think, and with “extraordinary ease in your thoughts” you often put it even instead of a question mark and an exclamation mark. Putting a full stop is indeed not difficult, but only when you know in advance where the sentence ends. It is much more difficult if the end of the sentence needs to be found. Let's try to put points in a poetic text from the book by A. T. Arsiriy and G. M. Dmitrieva “Entertaining Grammar”: “It’s easiest to put a point,” you probably think, and with “extraordinary ease in thoughts” you often put it even instead of an interrogative and exclamation mark. Putting a full stop is indeed not difficult, but only when you know in advance where the sentence ends. It is much more difficult if the end of the sentence needs to be found. Let’s try to dot the dots in the poetic text from the book “Entertaining Grammar” by A. T. Arsiriy and G. M. Dmitrieva:

There they eat compote with forks, there they drink from cups, a sandwich made of bread with cheese, there are fresh meat cutlets, candy with sweet filling, soup with beans in plates, everything is boiled there with salt. In the river there is a fish on a hillock mooing a cow in a kennel a dog is barking on the fence a titmouse is singing in the corridor children are playing on the wall there is a picture hanging on the window frost patterns in the stove firewood is burning in the hands of a girl there is an elegant doll in a cage a hand goldfinch is singing napkins there are skates on the table In the winter they prepare glasses there; they keep them for grandma; notebooks are always kept in order. In the river there is a fish on a hillock mooing a cow in a kennel a dog is barking on the fence a titmouse is singing in the corridor children are playing on the wall there is a picture hanging on the window frost patterns in the stove firewood is burning in the hands of a girl there is an elegant doll in a cage a hand goldfinch is singing napkins there are skates on the table In the winter they prepare glasses there; they keep them for grandma; notebooks are always kept in order.

An entertaining problem from the manual by A.I. Zaretsky. Place commas in six ways in a sentence: Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright. Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright. Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright. Suddenly, waking up in the middle of the night, in fright, he jumped out of bed. Suddenly, waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright. Suddenly, waking up in the middle of the night in fright, he jumped out of bed.