Rules for preparing and recipes for detox drinks with vegetables and fruits.

Most of us do not have the time or opportunity to visit the gym or sports clubs. This is due to workload and lack of time. But I really want to take care of my health and figure. What to do in such a situation? In the 21st century, a solution to this problem appeared. A detox diet is a modern, simple and effective way to get in shape and improve your well-being.

What is detox nutrition

Berry smoothie

If you haven’t come across the concept of a “detox diet” before, then it’s time to try it. It includes only healthy foods in your diet, allowing you not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of waste and toxins.

The main advantages of a detox diet:

  • The ability to lose weight at home.
  • Improved metabolism.
  • Removing all harmful elements from the body.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.

What are Detox cocktails

The main and most delicious product of a detox diet is detox cocktails. They allow you to saturate the body without loading it with unnecessary and harmful elements. But what is a detox shake? A detox cocktail is a drink that removes waste and toxins from the body. They consist of fresh vegetables and fruits. Due to their components, these cocktails allow you to keep yourself in good shape without feeling hungry.

When to drink cocktails?

In fact, you can drink them whenever you want, there are no special restrictions. But there are recommended rules for drinking detox cocktails.

  • The cocktail must be drunk 2 or more times daily.
  • The first drink is drunk in the morning, before eating.
  • You can't use detox drinks for weight loss instead of food, they only complement your healthy diet.

Additional benefits of detox cocktails

  • Detox cocktails at home are easy and quick to prepare, which is another positive factor.
  • Drinks help rejuvenate the body, which is why they are so popular among Hollywood stars.
  • They are easy to digest and do not cause heaviness in the stomach. Therefore, the drink can be drunk at any time of the day.
  • Many claim that detox cocktails can even improve your mood throughout the day.

Top 5 detox cocktail recipes

It may not be possible to prepare such drinks correctly and tasty at home the first time. Therefore, we present to your attention the top 5 recipes for detox cocktails for weight loss for all occasions.

Cocktail “Green Harmony”

At first glance, green smoothies do not evoke much appetite. But together, these vegetables create a very pleasant taste and provide many benefits:

  • Improved digestion
  • Burning fat in the body

Ingredients: avocado, cabbage, spinach, broccoli.

Method of preparation: take cabbage, broccoli and avocado (about 150 g in total) and add a little spinach. Beat everything with a blender and dilute with water.

Green detox smoothies are delicious and healthy.

Berry detox cocktail for weight loss

The main advantage of this cocktail is that it saturates the body well. What could be better than eating without gaining weight?

Ingredients: black currants, raspberries, strawberries, banana, yogurt, oatmeal, ginger root, flaxseed oil.

Method of preparation: mix about half a cup of berries, half a banana, ginger root and a teaspoon of flaxseed oil thoroughly in a blender. Fill this homogeneous mass with yogurt and, if desired, add oatmeal.

Preparation will not take much time, and the body will be satiated with natural products.

Herbal tea “Herbal Energy”

Recipes for detox cocktails for weight loss continue. No. 3 in the ranking was a very pleasant-tasting and equally healthy herbal tea. You can treat yourself to this drink after a meal to help the body digest what you have eaten.

Ingredients: chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds and strawberry leaves.

Method of preparation: add all the above ingredients with water and leave to infuse in a thermos (at least 6-8 hours).

Useful properties:

  • Cleansing the digestive system
  • Has a sedative property

Beetroot drink

We present to your attention a very tasty and nutritious detox cocktail, the recipe for which we will now reveal to you. Even from beets you can make a drink that will delight you with its taste, cleanse the body and saturate it.

Ingredients: beets, apples, .

Method of preparation: take 1 beet, 2 apples and 4 celery roots. Mix all this in a blender until smooth.

This drink is best consumed in the morning, before meals. But it is strictly not recommended to abuse it, since beets have a laxative effect.

Lemon tonic drink

  • Enriched with vitamin C
  • Removes waste and toxins
  • Strengthens blood vessels

Ingredients: lemon juice, honey, grated ginger.

Method of preparation: pour 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey into a cup, add grated ginger to taste and pour boiling water. The drink must be drunk exclusively hot so that it does not lose its properties.

Detox cocktails for weight loss play an important role in the program of the same name. There is not much difference between them - both “smoothie” and “cocktail” mean “mixture”. By grinding them in a blender or food processor, raw fruits and vegetables are easier for the body to digest. At the same time, the main goal of the detox diet is fulfilled - metabolism is accelerated, waste and toxins are eliminated. Small particles cleanse the intestines, like a scrub, removing all sorts of unnecessary deposits from the body and stimulating its work.

Product selection

The most effective recipes for detox cocktails for weight loss are based on the beneficial properties of certain fruits and vegetables. The leadership is firmly held by green vegetables - they are rich in antioxidants and folic acid.

In addition to the high content of macro- and microelements, such products are also useful because they are low in calories. Moreover, green vegetables are classified as foods with so-called negative calories. That is, in order to process such food, the body has to expend more energy than it receives from such food. Green detox smoothies at home can be prepared from:

  • cucumbers, this summer vegetable is simply indispensable for weight loss, due to its low nutritional value and fiber, it cleanses the intestinal walls well and regulates its functioning;
  • avocado is a product that is amazing in its beneficial qualities; it removes cholesterol from the blood, removes free radicals and is supplied with a huge amount of vitamin E, which is good for vision;
  • broccoli - such cabbage is indispensable in the prevention of cancer, as it contains substances that prevent the development of malignant tumors, and again, fiber, which the body will need additional energy to process, which is very useful if you want to destroy unnecessary fat reserves;
  • parsley does an excellent job of removing excess fluid, which is important when losing weight, and at the same time supplies the body with all useful substances - micro- and macroelements, vitamins;
  • spinach is a storehouse of iron and folic acid, it does an excellent job of removing waste, toxins and other unnecessary things from the body, the body takes a long time to digest the vegetable, spending on this a huge amount of energy accumulated in the “lifebelt” or on the hips;
  • green beans perfectly satisfy hunger, while being a surprisingly low-calorie product rich in nutrients, vitamins and microelements, it regulates intestinal function well, preventing constipation, which is important for dietary nutrition;
  • all varieties of salads, leafy salad subspecies are rich in iron and the same folic acid, necessary for the normal functioning of the female body, the product is very light and amazingly low-calorie, another advantage of vegetables of this type is that there are no people in the world who are allergic to salads, so eat they can be in unlimited quantities;
  • White cabbage is a universal vegetable at any time of the year; in addition to a large amount of fiber and beneficial microelements, the vegetable is useful in that the product retains all its beneficial qualities until the next harvest.

All green vegetables have a very low hypoglycemic index, so cocktails using them are indispensable for.

Video “4 recipes for detox cocktails”

Demonstrative video with a recipe and tips for preparing detox cocktails for every taste.

Approximate product combinations

All ingredients must be fresh. Before breaking them in a blender, if necessary, the products should be cut into small pieces.

You cannot store the cocktail - literally a few minutes after preparation, all the vitamins will evaporate from the drink and beneficial microelements will begin to be destroyed.

Green harmony

You should take:

  • 200 grams of white cabbage;
  • 3 medium sized broccoli florets;
  • 150 grams of avocado pulp;
  • 1 bunch of fresh spinach.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse all ingredients in running water and place on a sieve or kitchen towel to drain.
  2. Chop finely for convenience. Grind in a blender or food processor until pureed.
  3. If necessary, add 50 ml of filtered water.

All ingredients can be replaced with other green vegetables if possible and desired.

Vegetables and fruits in red shades

Nutritionists recommend adding orange, yellow and red vegetables and fruits to your food, guided by their beneficial qualities. All this bright variety not only pleases the eye, but also saturates the human body with substances that actively fight cancer and aging. Along the way, they remove toxins and waste, strengthen vision and immunity. Here is a small list of products that are useful for cleansing the body and promoting weight loss:

  • table beets are a universal remedy for hypertensive patients, excellent cancer prevention;
  • red bell pepper - a storehouse of vitamins A and D, the best protection against solar radiation and premature aging;
  • hot red pepper is an indispensable biological stimulator of hematopoiesis and acceleration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • pumpkin - the autumn queen - is indispensable in smoothie recipes that participate in the body’s detoxification program and enhance the process of burning unnecessary fat reserves;
  • carrots are a tasty source of carotene and a stimulator of the body’s production of substances responsible for a natural, healthy skin color;
  • mango is a tropical fruit, suitable even for diabetics, since, having a sweet taste, it has a low hypoglycemic index;
  • grapefruit is an excellent companion for anyone who wants to lose extra pounds or lower blood sugar;
  • oranges and lemons are constant companions for fresh juice lovers, fragrant defenders of the immune system;
  • bananas - a favorite product of many, not only reduces hunger, but also strengthens the heart muscle with potassium.

By mixing orange and red veggies and fruits, you can create nutritious and delicious plant-based detox drink options.

Orange summer

It should be remembered that carotene is a fat-soluble vitamin, so the presence of high-quality vegetable oil in such recipes is mandatory.

What you will need:

  • 1 medium sized carrot;
  • 1 fresh mango;
  • 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil;
  • peppermint or lemon balm;
  • basil and tarragon greens - to taste.


  1. Rinse vegetables, fruits and herbs under the tap, shake off excess water.
  2. Peel the mango. Cut all ingredients into small pieces and grind in a blender or mince.
  3. Add oil, stir thoroughly.

Interesting fact:

All bright red or orange foods can cause allergic reactions, so it is better to alternate detox cocktails from them with green varieties of all kinds of drinks.

Royal root

It is impossible to ignore ginger when preparing detox drinks - it is deservedly called the root of health. It is difficult to find another vegetable in the arsenal of healthy products that speeds up metabolic processes and removes excess fluid more effectively. In addition, ginger promotes the production of a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger - with regular consumption of dishes with spice, there is an increase in the feeling of fullness for a long time, with reduced portions for those wishing to lose weight.

Lemon-based hydromel

This detox cocktail with ginger will effectively strengthen the walls of blood vessels, give you vigor, reduce fatigue and make you forget about hunger for a long time.

What you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp. grated ginger root;
  • 1 tsp natural bee honey;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the spice thoroughly and grate it on the finest grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over ginger and let steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Add lemon juice and honey to the infusion and stir.

It should be remembered that all the beneficial properties of the bee treat disappear in very hot water, so the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 degrees.

Video “What fruits and vegetables to use in detox smoothies?”

An indicative video in which you can see and hear a lot of useful information that will help you figure out which vegetables and fruits should be used for detox cocktails.

Detox cocktail recipes are easy to master: they are easy to prepare and perfectly dull the feeling of hunger. You can spend the whole day drinking cocktails or replace one meal with them to lose extra pounds comfortably (see).

The invention of detox cocktails for weight loss is credited to an American nutritionist. It is believed that they were the first to introduce drinks into the diet of those losing weight. Light, but at the same time satisfying, they remove waste, toxins, and stimulate metabolic processes.

Among the advantages of cocktails:

  • ability to refresh skin and breath;
  • improve kidney function;
  • help liver tissue recover (see);
  • cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Cocktails, in principle, do not contain fat, but can be nutritious, and can also significantly reduce your daily calorie intake. That’s why experts advise making sure to make them permanent during diets and fasting days.

What types of cocktails are there?

There are many types of cocktails. It’s easy to come up with combinations yourself, but you can also use existing recipes.

Three main types of cocktails:

  1. Based on fruits - the main sources of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Recommended are pineapples, grapefruits, mangoes, pomelo, kiwi, lemons, apples, bananas, tangerines. The main requirement is exceptional freshness (see).
  2. With proteins that will give you fullness, fill you with energy, make you active and cheerful. It is impossible to imagine the nutrition of athletes and slimming people without proteins, so we definitely include such mixtures. The basis for protein shakes will be milk, kefir, fermented baked milk with a low fat content, as well as any nuts, grains, cereals, for example, oatmeal (not instant!). Milk is a source of vitamin D.
  3. Vegetables that are low in calories but high in healthy fiber. Good intestinal function and removal of waste and toxins will be ensured by carrots, cucumbers, celery, raw beets, herbs, and tomatoes.

Best for diet.


A detox cocktail made from spinach and ginger root with the addition of a spoon of honey has excellent reviews. It invigorates and satisfies if you add a couple of spoons of oatmeal. For the drink you need to prepare:

  • a bunch of spinach;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • small ginger root;
  • drinking water – 200 ml;
  • oat flakes (Hercules) – 3 tbsp. l.

All ingredients are ground in a blender and a little honey is added. The result is a thick drink with a pleasant sweet and sour note, which is especially tasty when chilled. A cocktail that is too thick can be easily diluted with drinking water.

Lime-apple fresh

A few limes mixed with apples and banana in a yogurt base is a delicious treat for anyone losing weight. The banana adds sweetness, and the yogurt makes the drink filling and easy to enjoy for lunch or dinner.

You will need:

  • 2 small limes;
  • big green apple;
  • kiwi – 1 pc.;
  • large ripe banana;
  • natural yogurt – 250 ml;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

The apple is peeled and the core with seeds is cut out. Next, the fruit is cut into pieces. Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruits, and the zest of one lime is grated. The components are mixed in a blender, yogurt is added to them. The smoothie is seasoned with cinnamon and eaten with a dessert spoon. The result is a spicy dessert with a subtle lime flavor, invigorating and refreshing.

Peach Banana

It's easy to make a sweet and satisfying drink using water or ice with ripe peaches and banana slices. The smoothie will not be too cloying if you dilute the sweetness of the fruit with lemon or lime slices and season with a pinch of red pepper.

For the cocktail you will need:

  • 2 ripe peaches;
  • one banana;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • water – 200 ml (several ice cubes);
  • a pinch of red pepper.

The fruits are cut into pieces, poured with milk, and ground in a blender. The finished drink is seasoned with a pinch of pepper and garnished with a sprig of mint, after which it is drunk in small sips. You can add flax seeds, quinoa or a handful of oatmeal to this smoothie.

Beetroot-apple smoothie

Beets are delicious raw and incredibly healthy. Root vegetables are especially good when combined with apples, celery and green basil.

We will need:

  • small beets;
  • celery stalk;
  • big green apple;
  • sprig of basil.

The apple is removed from the seeds and peel, the celery is cut into rings, and the vegetables are cut into pieces (after preliminary peeling) and sent together with the herbs into a blender in order to grind all the ingredients into a puree. Since apples and beets are very juicy, adding water is not necessary. But if desired, you can dilute the puree. The result is a fresh drink with an interesting taste. It is better to drink it in the morning: beets are known to be a laxative.

Find out how to use: indications and contraindications.

Read how to brew correctly: recipes and recommendations.

Find out: methods of cleansing and contraindications.

Rules for drinking cocktails

Detox cocktails have excellent reviews, but will be especially effective if taken following simple rules. We will teach you an effective smoothie diet. Instructions for taking a smoothie look like this:

  1. It is recommended to drink any green juices, tea, herbs half an hour before meals.
  2. High-calorie drinks with avocado or nuts are best consumed as a main meal, such as dinner.
  3. Absolutely all detox cocktails are prepared for one time.
  4. Sweet berries, fruits, and nuts are combined with milkshakes. All fruits with sourness are best cooked with ice or drinking clean water.
  5. Not a single cocktail will be beneficial if you do not adhere to the rules of healthy eating during the diet. It is important for everyone to review their diet by giving up smoked meats, pickles, fatty foods, sweets, and sauces.
  6. The optimal period of a detox diet is 10–12 days. After which it is important to take a break while continuing to eat properly.
  7. Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited: alcohol retains water in tissues and has a bad effect on metabolism. It is also important to quit smoking.

Do not forget that the result will largely depend on patience. If you make detox a part of your life, not only the extra pounds will go away. The skin will glow, your health will improve, and a delightful lightness will appear throughout your body.

Nowadays every girl wants to look beautiful and slim. To do this, they turn to all possible diets. At the moment, diets such as detox cocktails are at the peak of popularity. They come in a variety of flavors and can be made with whatever you have on hand. Such cocktails are the first assistants in cleansing the body. So let's first figure out what these cocktails are made of? What is detoxification? Who needs cocktails like this anyway?

What is detoxification?

Detoxification is a process in the body that removes toxins from the body. And in order to cleanse yourself, you should start this diet with the help of cocktails. If a person does not eat properly, then toxins begin to accumulate in the body. The first way to diet is to cleanse the body! You cannot start a diet without cleansing your body. You also need to lead a healthy lifestyle to support the body. It is necessary to engage in physical activity more often, because with sweat all the waste and toxins come out. What are detox cocktails?

Detox cocktails are cocktails made only from natural products that are aimed at removing toxins from the body. Cocktails can be made from whatever you have on hand, even at home. The environment also affects the body.

Detoxification is starving the body through diet. How does this work? Fasting is everyone's choice. This makes the body stronger and makes you endure. People give up bad habits and tasty food for the sake of fasting. This fasting course cleanses and stimulates the body. But there is a benefit to this. The girl feels light, loses several kilograms, and looks fresher.

If you want to feel forever young, then ginger root will help. It helps you lose weight and removes excess fluid from the body. In order to prepare a cocktail, you need to chop it thinly, then boil it until it boils and strain. The drink needs to be cooled and a spoonful of honey added. It is recommended to drink this drink before meals.

Any weight loss can have its consequences - everyone should know this. You need to lose weight in moderation and it is better to consult a doctor before making such a decision.


"" is one of the most popular words of the year. Colorful jars with cleansing juices are everywhere: on girlfriends’ Instagrams, on advertisements, in the diets of celebrities, bloggers and IT-girls.

What is detox? Deep but gentle cleansing of the body using certain foods. Detox adds lightness to the body, elasticity to the skin, radiance to the eyes and takes away a couple of extra pounds.

  1. Detox program: Healthy breakfast

The best cleansing option for breakfast is a smoothie. Mix several ingredients in a blender bowl, beat them for a minute - ready. Most importantly, remember about important antioxidant foods that can remove waste and toxins and stimulate digestion, such as lemon, lime and spinach.

  1. Detox program: Green juices

Green juices and detox smoothies are rich in vitamins and fiber, while celery and fennel are powerful blood cleansers that remove harmful substances.

Take 100 g of kale (or halved with spinach), 1 green apple, 1/2 fennel tuber, 1 tsp. ginger, 1/2 stalk of celery, 1 tbsp. honey

Peel all ingredients, chop and blend in a blender for 1 minute.

  1. Detox program: Herbal teas

Before going to bed, prepare yourself a cleansing and soothing, chamomile, linden, thyme or lavender. The absence of caffeine will benefit your body and help you fall asleep faster and more soundly.

  1. Detox program: Smoothie with orange fruits and vegetables

Orange vegetables and fruits are rich in provitamin A. It has a positive effect not only on vision: fat-soluble beta-carotene is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which prevents heart disease, malignant neoplasms, and promotes normal metabolism.

Prepare a smoothie: 1 carrot, 1 mango, mint, tarragon and green basil, 1 tsp. olive oil.

  1. Detox program: Warm water with lemon

Warm water replenishes fluid balance, and vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon juice help the liver turn on its protective functions.


  1. Detox program: Rich vitamin lunch

Baked and boiled vegetables retain a lot of nutrients. They are no less useful than fresh ones, and the gastrointestinal tract copes with them much faster. Season the dish with hot chili or ginger - this will further enhance the digestion process. Moderately spicy and warming - this can be your detox lunch.

  1. Detox program: Salmon and beans

Omega-3 fats contained in salmon meat cleanse blood vessels, which is incredibly beneficial for your body. For lunch you can prepare yourself this detox dish:

  • 350 g salmon fillet
  • 200 g green beans
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 4 tsp grated ginger
  • Szechuan pepper
  • sugar
  • sesame oil

Marinate the salmon fillet for 20 minutes in a mixture of honey, soy sauce and freshly grated ginger. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 190˚C. In a preheated frying pan, fry the crushed Sichuan pepper in sesame oil for 2 minutes until a characteristic smell appears, add green beans (if they were frozen, defrost them first and drain the water), 1 tsp. sugar and a little soy sauce. Cook over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  1. Light dinner

The best thing you can do for your body is to make it easier to work in the evening. Fast, tasty and healthy - the best choice of recipes for dinner. It is important not to forget about fiber. It gives a feeling of fullness and sweeps away all waste and toxins from the intestinal walls, like a brush. An obligatory component of dinner is fresh herbs and bran.

  1. Detox program: Avocado, pineapple and spinach gazpacho

Avocado and pineapple are not only an excellent and tasty combination, each of them individually is simply irreplaceable. Avocado lowers cholesterol and protects the liver from toxins, while pineapple is famous for its fat-burning properties. In addition, the potassium in the fruit helps remove excess water from the body.

Take 1 avocado, 200 g pineapple, a pinch of dry chili pepper, a handful of spinach leaves, lime juice and salt. Mix all the ingredients in a blender bowl and beat, adjusting their thickness with water.

  1. Detox program: Plant Based Week

You can cleanse your body as deeply as possible over the course of a whole week. Do not eat anything fatty, fried, salty, sweet or starchy. Eat oatmeal porridge, buckwheat, unsweetened fruits and vegetables. It is important to eat often and in small portions. This type of diet is as gentle as possible for your body, especially in the summer.

A little earlier we wrote about.