Communion with a prefix is ​​not an example. Let's figure out how to spell "not" with participles

The participle is an independent part of speech and is a special form of the verb. A participle has the combined properties of an adjective and a verb. A participle denotes the attribute of a certain object depending on its action.

The main difficulties for students arise when writing particles other than participles. We will look at the basic rules under which not with participles are written together and separately.

Not written together with participles

Particle Not should be written together with participles in three cases:

- if the participle was formed from a verb that is not used in speech without the particle “not”. For example: hating, unwell, indignant. Example sentence: Ill Yakov has not shown up at work for three weeks.

- if the participle is formed from verbs that have the prefix under-. For example: misunderstood, misunderstood, unloved. Example sentence: A poem misunderstood by society did not bring popularity to its author.

- if the participle is full passive, or active and does not have dependent words. For example: an unfinished assignment, an unread manuscript, an unread book, an impending thunderstorm. Example sentences: Maria understood that walking along unlit streets was very dangerous. The fishermen hastily put on their wet clothes.

Not with participles written separately

Cases in which non-participles should be written separately:

- if the participle has a dependent word. For example: things not sorted by the owner, a book not printed on time, an album not returned to a friend. Examples of sentences: Having not experienced all the tricks of the enemy’s tactics, the young soldiers found themselves captured after the first battle.

- if opposition can be applied to the participle. For example: a book that is not printed, but a written one, a step that is not thought out, but a rash one, a story that is not fictitious, but a real one. Example sentence: In the distance one could see gardens, but not burnt, but overgrown with thick grass.

- if the participles are short. For example: the work was not passed, the exam was not studied, the shoes were not washed. Examples of sentences: Vasily understood that he had not studied the upcoming exam.

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation (1956)


VII. Spelling NOT and NOR

1. In all cases where without a negative particle Not the word is not used, for example: ignorant, inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unwell, unwell, lacking(meaning “not enough”), impossible, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

2. With nouns, if the negation gives the word a new, opposite meaning, for example: enemy, misfortune, if the negation gives a word that does not have this particle the meaning of opposition, negation, for example: non-specialist, non-Marxist, non-Russian eg: disagreements between Marxists and non-Marxists; everyone for non-specialists I liked the report; non-Russian will look without love at this pale, bloody, whip-scarred muse (Nekrasov).

3. With full and short adjectives and with adverbs -o(s) , if their combination with Not does not serve to deny any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: unhealthy looking(i.e. painful), impossible character(i.e. heavy), sea restless(i.e. worried), matter unclean(i.e. suspicious), come immediately(i.e. immediately, immediately), entered bad(i.e. bad).

4. With full participles, for which there are no explanatory words, for example: unfinished(work), unblown(flower), stainless steel(steel), unloved(child), undisguised(anger), uncompressed(stripe) (in such cases the participle is close to the adjective); But: not finished on time work, not blooming due to the cold flower, not loved by mother child, not yet examined students (in such cases the participle is close in meaning to the verb).

Note. With explanatory words indicating the degree of quality, Not with the participle is written together (in these cases the participles with Not close to adjectives), for example: extremely rash decision, completely inappropriate approximately: completely inconsistent with the rule example ( Not written separately due to the presence of an explanatory word to the rule).

5. In pronouns when Not is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: someone, something, no one, nothing(But: no one, no need, no one, no reason, no reason).

In pronominal adverbs, for example: no time, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere.

6. In adverbs no need(meaning “aimless”, for example: no need go there) reluctantly; in prepositional combinations despite, despite; in a question particle really.

Writing adverbs and adverbial combinations that include a negation, preposition, noun or adjective (for example, unaware, inadvertently, by chance, beyond the power), determined by the rules set out in § 83, paragraphs. 5 and 6.

7. In a verb prefix under- , indicating non-compliance with the required standard, for example: underfulfill(perform below the required standard), overlook(not enough, bad look, miss something), lack of sleep(sleep less than normal).

Note. From verbs with a prefix under- it is necessary to distinguish between verbs with a prefix to- having a negative in front of them Not and denoting an action not completed, for example: don't finish reading book, don't finish your drink tea, don't finish watching play.

1. With verbs, including participial forms, for example: she doesn't drink, doesn't eat, doesn't speak; cannot help but see; without looking, without looking, slowly.

About continuous writing despite, despite and verbs with a prefix under- see § 88, paragraphs 6 and 7.

Note. Commonly used verb forms numb, numb, numb are written together.

2. With participles: a) in a short form, for example: debt not paid, house not completed, coat not sewn; b) in full form, when the participle contains explanatory words (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when the participle contains or implies opposition, for example: he brought unfinished work, but only individual sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or is implied opposition, for example: no luck led us to success, and endurance and composure; not death terrible - your disfavor is terrible (Pushkin); morning has come not clear, but foggy; the train is coming not fast and not slow(implied: “at some average speed”); not tomorrow(there cannot but be a contrast here).

Note. You should pay attention to some cases of separate spelling of a particle Not . Particle Not written separately: a) if with an adjective, participle or adverb there is a pronoun starting with as an explanatory word neither , For example: no one (for no one etc.) an unnecessary thing, an error that never occurs, no one benefits from taking it on; b) if Not is part of intensifying negations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all etc., preceding a noun, adjective or adverb, for example: he is not our friend at all, far from our only desire, by no means a fair decision, not at all the best way out, far from enough.

4. With pronouns and pronominal adverbs, for example: not me, not this, not another, not like that, not otherwise, not like that.

About cases of continuous writing Not with pronouns and pronominal adverbs, see § 88, paragraph 5.

Note. Philosophical term not-me written with a hyphen.

5. With intensifying adverbs, as well as with prepositions and conjunctions, for example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from. not under. not that. not that.

The expression is written separately more than once, For example: More than once he accused himself of being overly cautious (Fadeev).

6. For unchangeable words that are not formed from adjectives and act as a predicate in a sentence, for example: don't mind, don't mind, don't be sorry.

7. For all words written with a hyphen, for example: all not commercial and industrial enterprises; said not in Russian; sing not the old way.

1. In pronouns, if the particle neither is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one's, But: no one, no one etc.

2. In adverbs never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, no way, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all and in the particle someday.

§ 91. In all other cases the particle neither written separately.

About using particles neither see § 48.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between revolutions none other than. nothing more than. from revolutions no one else. ; nothing else. eg: it was none other than your brother, but: no one else could say this; it was nothing more than fire, but: nothing else could scare me.

§113. NOT with short and full participles the promise is not fulfilled; not a late student, but a late student, a mistake I didn’t notice - a cat hated by everyone, an unnoticed mistake, an unfinished meeting

Attention to the participle form, opposition, dependent words

Write Not separately

  • with short participles: promise Not completed,
  • with full participles, if any:
    • opposition: Not a teacher who is late, but a late one; Not a late and late student;
    • dependent words: Not An error I noticed.
  • « Not» write together, e if:

    • communion without Not not used: Not everyone's favorite cat,
    • there is no opposition or dependent words: Not noticed error, Not ended meeting
    • acts as the only dependent word adverb of measure and degree *: almostNot noticed error.

    Adverbs of measure and degree:

    To the highest degree And very, too And almost,
    completely, absolutely, completely, quite,
    partly And much,
    extremely, completely, And very ( the most frequent words in the list ).

    adverbs of measure and degree with words: far, not at all, not at all. With them, as with negative adverbs and pronouns: not at all, not at all, for no one, not for anything etc., write Not separately: far Not completely cleaned shoes Not upset girl.


    NOT with participles

    It is written together not with participles, if the participles are formed from verbs that are not used without: Not good, Not harasser, Not having seen ( Not year old Not harass, Not hate).

    It is not written together with participles formed from verbs with the prefix under-: Not beloved, Not understood, Not counted ( Not to love, Not understand Not counted): To the right and to the left were visible under-pressed fields (Paust.).

    It is not written together with real and full passive participles, if there are no dependent words with them: Not completed work, Not proofread manuscript, Not moving object, Not read book - in these cases, participles with cannot be replaced with a synonymous word without (as with adjectives): Not dry(damp) clothes hurriedly stares at himself (TV); And most importantly, Bulgakov caught unpredictable(possible, but hidden), and in this sense “mystical,” features of the historical process (Laksh.); walk on unlit(dark) streets are dangerous. Sometimes such a replacement is present in the sentence itself: Vronsky also stood up and bent over, unstraightened looked at him from under his brows (L. T.).

    It is written separately not with participles that have dependent words: Not things disassembled by the owner, Not a book returned to a friend, Not article published on time; Deep, untouched even by the rustle of a single dry leaf silence extended in the meadows (Paust.); Not experienced in fighting And not having experienced all the intricacies enemy tactics, they immediately found themselves captive of conciliatory illusions (Sim.).

    Note 1. Participles with the particle not, which have dependent words, and adjectives with the prefix not-, which arose on the basis of these participles, differ in spelling; compare: Not adapted for use in winter installations (‘nobody adjusted them to winter conditions’) - unadapted to life a person (‘unable to adapt, impractical’); Not organized during classes (‘nobody organized’) - unorganized children (‘loose, undisciplined’); Not seasoned required time brewed tea (‘didn’t last the right amount of time’) - unseasoned in disputes a person (‘hot-tempered, hot-tempered’). Adjectives have a different meaning from participles (less related to the motivating verb) and can be freely replaced in a sentence with synonymous adjectives, which is not possible for participles that have dependent words. In addition, these formations differ grammatically: after passive participles, for example, you can always pose the question by whom?, since these participles control the complement in the instrumental case (the instrumental subject, doer): Not installations adapted (by whom?) for use in winter; Not classes organized (by whom?) on time. In cases with adjectives, posing such a question is impossible.
    The same difference is observed in short forms; Wed: tea Not seasoned - man Not sustained.

    Note 2. If there are adverbs of measure and degree as dependent words, not with participles it is written together, i.e., in the same way as with adjectives: absolutely Not prepared solution, absolutely Not thoughtful answer. However, if, in addition to the adverbs of measure and degree, there are also others as dependent words, then it is written not with the participle according to the general rule, that is, separately: absolutely Not a student prepared in physics (cf.: Not a student prepared in physics - completely Not prepared student).

    Note 3. The rule about separate writing not with participles that have dependent words does not apply to substantivized participles (which have become nouns); cf.: In the class there were students underachievers in Russian (participle). - Quantity underachievers in Russian there was not much in the class (a participle that became a noun).

    It is not written separately with participles if they have or imply opposition: Not printed, But written article; Not fictional, A true story; Not thoughtful, A reckless act; High mountains are visible in the distance, but Not burned, A all overgrown with forest (Gonch.).

    Separately written not with short participles: lesson Not learned, work Not submitted, article Not edited.

    Rules for writing not with short participles

    15 examples where it is not written together with participles! 15 examples where not with participles are written separately! EXPLAIN!

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  • Pronchesko 02/17/2013

    Answers and explanations

    • xxX8OLEG8Xxx
    • main brain
    • Never drying out - (with a negative pronoun),

      not yet risen - there is a dependent word

      not spoiled by life - there is a dependent word

      not painted for a long time - there is a head.

      not removed - with a short one. prib.

      not destroyed, but whole - contrast with the union a

      not mowed for a long time - there is a dependent word

      not beveled - cr.

      indistinguishable - there is a negation

      not researched - cr.ex.

      not read, but bought - contrast with a

      did not take part - dependent word

      not rising to the zenith - dependent word

      not based on anything - dependent, denial

      not yet saddled - dependent

      indignant - without use.

      unfading, indestructible - with suf. -eat-, -im-

      unlit street - no dependent word and contrast with a

      extremely rash act - dependent word adverb of degree

      unread book - no head. and against. with the conjunction a

      unmown grass - no head. and union a

      almost unexplored - dependent word adverb of measure

      uncorrected error - no

      unread but prepared is not a union but

      hated - without not using.

      disliked - without not not used.

      incessant rain - no word

      completely unpainted - there is an adverb of degree

      • on divorce Registration of divorce The basis for state registration of divorce is: a joint application for divorce of spouses who do not have common children under […]
      • Educational program for the short-term stay group “Happy Baby” (for children from 1 to 3 years old who do not attend kindergarten) Relevance. Childhood is years of miracles! The experience of this period is largely [...]
      • Law on Preschool Education Since the beginning of the new school year in 2013, the new Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” has come into force. First of all, the amendments affected [...]

    In order to understand the spelling of participles with the particle no, you need to remember, We know that this is one that denotes a sign in action and has the properties of both a verb and an adjective.

    Not written together with participles:

    When a given is formed from a word that is not used without a particle Not.

    For example: hated. Hated by everyone, he tried not to be seen;

    In the case when the particle Not helps to form a new concept for the full participle, becoming a prefix. This can be easily checked by replacing such a word with a synonym or expression close in meaning. For example: failed material (new material);

    In the case when the participle has a dependent adverb, in the meaning of measure and degree: completely untested material.

    We write separately not with participles:

    With full participles, if there is opposition using a conjunction A. For example: The house remained unfinished, but simply built from scrap materials;

    If full participles have dependent words, except adverbs meaning measure and degree. For example: On the mountain there still stood a house that he had not completed;

    If the sentence already has a negation. For example: No, this house is not finished;

    With short participles Not always written separately: This house is not completed;

    Order of reasoning when writing not with participles

    Before deciding how to write a negative particle not with participles, determine in what form, short or complete, this part of speech is found. If it’s short, then we write separately.

    If there is a full participle, we remember whether it can be used without Not. If not, then you need to write together.

    If the participle is used without this particle, then we look to see if there are any oppositions with the conjunction A. The presence of opposition means that we do not write separately with participles.

    If it is not there, then we look for an emphasized negation. When there is negation, Not written separately.

    If there is no negation, then we look for dependent words for this part of speech. There are no such words, which means we write the particle together. If there are dependent words, then we look at which ones. The adverb of measure and degree allows you to write a particle not with participles together. If there is another part of speech, we write separately.

    How to distinguish between a participle and a verbal adjective

    In order to correctly write the particle no, you need to learn how to determine which

    The part of speech before us is: participle or adjective.

    The main thing is that participles, as a rule, denote a characteristic that arises from the action of the object itself or due to an action on it. This is a temporary sign. For example: flying plane, this is the plane that is flying at the moment.

    And an adjective is a constant attribute of an object: volatile gas That is, a gas that has certain chemical characteristics.

    The participle is combined with the same words as the verb from which it is formed: launched, launched. And an adjective can be used in combination with nouns with which the verb does not form phrases. For example: attractive appearance, but you can't say: attract appearance.

    So, we've covered the basic steps for spelling a non-participle spelling correctly and learned how to distinguish it from a verbal adjective.

    One of the difficult topics in the Russian language is the spelling of participles. Especially many questions arise when studying the spelling of “not” with participles (both together and separately). Examples of writing, as well as rules and main points regarding this topic - you will find all this in this article.

    A little theory

    Before you start studying the issue of spelling “not” with participles, you need to understand the terms.

    So, a participle is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object by action. It is formed from a verb and answers the questions of the adjective (“which?”, “whose?”). There are short and full forms of the participle.

    Full form:

    • published book;
    • completed project;
    • harvested harvest.

    The short form looks like this:

    • the book has been published;
    • the project is done;
    • the harvest has been harvested.

    An important point in this topic is the distinction between participles and verbal adjectives. Participles describe a process, while adjectives describe a subject. Let's look at this with an example.

    Let's say you attended a theater performance and thought it was absolutely brilliant. So, “brilliant” in this case is an adjective formed from the verb “to shine.” This is easy to define because the word does not describe the process.

    However, at the performance you remember the actress in a costume that shone in the spotlight. Here, “shiny” is a participle because it describes the process of making the suit shine under the light. This can be determined in another way - you need to ask the question “what is he doing?”

    You can write a participle with “not” both together and separately; the examples and algorithm given later in the article will help you choose the right option.

    Separate writing "not"

    A slightly difficult point in the rules is separate writing. First of all, the short forms of the participle with “not” are written separately. Examples:

    • not published;
    • not done;
    • we don't hear;
    • we don't see etc.

    But the spelling of the full forms is somewhat different. Such participles with “not” are written both together and separately. An example is the word "undetected", which can be spelled in many different ways. What does its spelling depend on? From the words around him.

    Participles are written separately from “not” when there is a contrast with the conjunction “a”. For example:

    • not running, but crawling the distance;
    • not a latecomer, but a delayed member of the commission etc.

    Also, participles are written separately if there are words dependent on them. For example:

    • an error I didn't notice;
    • journal not corrected by the editor.

    The last rule regarding the separate spelling of “not” with participles is the spelling of phrases with the words “far”, “at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”. Their presence suggests that “not” with the participle in this case will always be written separately. For example:

    • shoes that are far from being cleaned;
    • not an upset girl at all;
    • not a written article at all;
    • boy who doesn't sleep at all.

    That's all the rules regarding writing “not” with the participle separately. Examples of continuous writing are yet to come.

    When “not” is written together

    “Not” is written together with participles if it cannot be used without “not”. For example, hated- the word “hate” and its derivatives simply do not exist in the Russian language, which means you need to write it together.

    The participle is also written together if there are no oppositions or any dependent words. Here, however, there is a caveat - if the dependent word is an adverb in the meaning of measure, then the writing will be continuous. That is, the dependent word is not always an indicator that “not” with the participle should be written separately.

    The most frequently used such adverbs are:

    • to the highest degree";
    • Very;
    • absolutely;
    • too much;
    • almost;
    • fully;
    • absolutely;
    • enough;
    • quite;
    • extremely;
    • partly;
    • very.

    Of course, this is not the entire list.

    Algorithm for working with participles

    The following algorithm will help make working with participles easier:

    1. First you need to understand whether a word is defined without "not". If not, it is written together; if yes, the next point in the algorithm.
    2. Next you need to determine its form - short or full? If it is short, then it is written separately, if it is complete, the next paragraph.
    3. Establishing the presence of opposition with the conjunction “a”. If there is such a fact, we write separately; if not, we move on.
    4. It is necessary to determine the presence of a dependent word. If it is not there, then it is written together. If it exists, what is it?
    5. If the dependent word is an adverb meaning measure, then “not” is written together with the participle.
    6. If dependent words are all other parts of speech, then the spelling is separate. The same applies to the words “far”, “at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”.

    To make it easier to understand the progress of the work, the algorithm is given in the following diagram.


    Let's look at the correct spelling of “not” with participles using examples. For each rule there will be a corresponding phrase illustrating how it works.


    short participle


    the letter has not been written



    not a truant student, but a sick student

    dependent words


    my unfinished project

    far from, not at all, not at all, not at all


    the lecturer's tone is not at all captivating

    cannot be used without "not"

    the hated rain

    no dependent words

    unread book

    adverbs meaning measure

    hardly hungry worker

    As already mentioned, you can write “not” with participles both together and separately, but the examples and rules given in this article cover this topic quite fully.

    Smolensk region

    Spelling Not with participles

    2 hours

    7th grade


    I. Testing the theory when performing practical tasks.

    There are three students at the board: one is asked to restore the missing components in the supporting notes and compose a story about combined and separate writing Not with participles. The second one completes the task, demonstrating knowledge of combined or separate spelling of participles. The third does parsing of sentences.

    The class is writing a vocabulary dictation at this time.

    Task 1. Restore the missing components of the supporting outline.

    Not with participles

    Task 2. Decide how to write - together or separately. Open the parentheses.

    A (not) learned lesson, a (not) open book, a (not) blossoming, but a withered sprout, a lesson (not) finished, a task (not) completed on time, grass (not) mown on the field.

    Task 3. Parse these sentences. Open the parentheses. Place punctuation marks and explain them graphically.

    1. The rain was noisy outside and had (not) calmed down for the second day.
    2. The leaves that (didn’t) have time to fly around trembled in the wind.
    3. Rare fields are (not) harvested and left until spring.


    An undecorated Christmas tree, an unprepared board, no respect for others, unworn boots, a suit not sewn but knitted, an unattainable goal, an indignant teacher, a bedtime story not told, a dinner not yet heated, a day not marked by anything, no need for advice, unmown grass, does not finish the drink, the rule has not been learned.

    II. Checking and evaluating work at the board.

    Completed work is assessed and checked by the class.

    III. Work in pairs and groups.

    The class is divided into pairs. Each pair is given one (identical) card. Identical pairs are combined into groups to mutually check their work.

    The teacher works with those students whose knowledge requires correction, then this group receives individual assignments.

    Material for teachers

    A. Vocabulary dictation. Each student in the group explains the spelling of one phrase.

    Untumbled grass, grass not trampled, grass not trampled by machines, a book not put back in its place, a song not forgotten but created again, an unlearned poem, a horse not harnessed, an uncovered window.

    B. Punctuation dictation. Student assignment: explain punctuation marks. (This is done in the same way as task A.)

    1. A light, persistent rain began. 2. From the train we saw bare rocks, forests with buds that had not yet blossomed. 3. First of all, he collected firewood, built a crossbar, and hung pots of water over the fire that had not yet been lit. 4. Laws are not written for steppe winds.


    (for strong students)

    K-1. Not with participles were written separately.

    1. This autumn there were no golden days, the birch copses did not shine under the unheated sun, the aspen trees did not blaze with crimson, the cart ruts were not covered with rustling leaves. (V. Tendryakov) 2. And the ungreased wheel wails throughout the entire width of the fields, into the entire depth of the sky, to the watery stars. 3. Invisible cicadas thundered solemnly from behind the dusty bushes. 4. Quickly, but carefully, so as not to catch the eye of anyone, they crossed the paths, dived into the thicket of bushes, climbed through thorny fences, crawled up, went down, leaving nothing on their way unnoticed.

    K-2.Copy, fill in the missing characters and fill in the letters. Open the parentheses.

    (Un)meaningful concepts are easily forgotten You remember the rules well if they are (not) memorized but meaningful. There is no need to learn the rules. You just need to understand the (in)understandable and realize the (un)conscious. And the main thing is to work with (un)justified confidence that everything will happen by itself. An (un)waning interest in the world is your ally in your studies. This path is (not) closed to anyone.

    Formulate and write down the main idea of ​​the text. Do you agree with her? Express your opinion.

    K-3.Rearrange the sentences so that Not written together with participles.

    1. Short autumn days flashed before me like never-before-seen stations, sparkling with lights along the path of a fast train. 2. The road to Kamenka ran through an old, rotten bridge, past water meadows covered with unmown grass and past small channels overgrown with tall, dense reeds. (A. Gaidar) 3. On the way stood a farmstead, joyfully intact, spared by the war. And one house was etched in my memory, in no way, absolutely no different from the others.

    K-4.Copy using punctuation marks and inserting missing letters. Open the parentheses.

    (Some) enterprises dump (un)treated chemical waste into clean water bodies. Fish (not) living in dirty water die. But even surviving, it is neither smoked nor fried (not) suitable for food. Factory directors who (don’t) understand or (don’t) want to understand and solve problems will only shrug their shoulders. And at this time, nature, which (cannot) withstand pollution, perishes. Nowadays, you can no longer drink (un)boiled water. (Don't) pollute the waters!

    1. Formulate and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

    2. Determine the type of speech and style of text. Prove your opinion.

    K-5.Write the sentences in the correct order to make the text. Explain the spelling Not with participles. Place punctuation marks and graphically indicate participial phrases. Open the brackets and insert the missing letters.

    The architect who built the station chose for its decoration this stern, modest and noble metal (l,ll) that was once used for key rings and loose change. It is trimmed with (non) rusting steel. This steel is (not) afraid of rust. Under the square there is a wonderful palace, the most beautiful of the Moscow metro stations - Mayakovskaya. Strict and (un)bending, strong and faithful meta(l,ll) is akin to Mayakovsky’s verse. (L. Kassil)


    K-1.Together or separately? Explain the writing graphically.

    1. For those who know, the world is bright, for those who (don’t) know it is dark. 2. (Un)expected success makes your head spin. 3. He who (does not) know the limits will grieve in wealth. 4. The (un)mown meadow was full of flowers. 5. The letter remained (un)sent. 6. The error in the work remained (un)noticed. 7. Under the window there was a still (not) leafless maple tree. 8. I looked away from him with a (un) puzzled look. 9. The test day was (not) set yet. 10. He made a completely (un)considered decision.

    K-2.Copy using the correct spelling. Indicate the participial phrases and fill in the missing punctuation marks.

    1. There was (impenetrable) darkness in the garden. 2. The (untouched) snow thickly covering the veranda looked like a cotton bedding for a Christmas tree. 3. Now it was very quiet in the (un)lit room. 4. In the light blue of the sky, which had not yet warmed up after the night, one thin cloud turned pink.

    K-3.Together or separately?

    (Not) weakening, but strengthening connections. The result is (not) verified. A child (not) spoiled by his parents. (Un)prepared speech. A photograph (un)faded by time. The task is (not) completed. (Un)finished manuscript. (Un)finished portrait. (Un)concealed sympathy.