Simple ice cream made with marshmallows and cream. How to make ice cream from marshmallows “Watermelon Ice cream from marshmallows and milk

Pancreatitis imposes many restrictions on those who happen to have this disease. Patients experience withdrawal from sugars worst of all. After all, sweets with pancreatitis may be prohibited if consumed in unlimited quantities. What sweets can an inflamed pancreas tolerate? When will sugar only cause harm? Let's talk about this below.

Cookies for pancreatitis must be chosen carefully. Preference should be given to dry dietary varieties. You should also avoid toppings, flavorings and preservatives. The pancreas may not be able to cope with this diversity. The ideal baking option is homemade cookies (there are interesting recipes below), biscuits, and shortcrust pastry products.

Store-bought cookies should not contain chocolate or glaze. But raisins are not prohibited for pancreatitis.

Delicious cookies can be prepared at home. This way you can be sure that the ingredients are safe. Recipes for this dish:

  • In one glass of oatmeal or wholemeal flour, add one glass of kefir. After this, let the mixture brew. Add raisins or dried apples, a little honey or fructose.

A great idea for patients with pancreatitis is to replace sugar with fructose. The pancreas produces insulin, which reduces blood glucose levels. Fructose has a completely different way of processing in the body. Therefore, this product is safe for people whose pancreatitis is complicated by secondary diabetes mellitus. However, fructose is also very sweet and high in calories.

Spread the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cookies should be baked at 180⁰ for 20-30 minutes.

Marshmallow for pancreatitis is allowed in the period between exacerbations. This is an excellent treat for patients with pancreatic inflammation. After all, marshmallows contain gelatin, which is a stimulant of intestinal motility and an adsorbent. In addition, gelatin lowers blood cholesterol levels. In addition, marshmallows contain fruit puree that contains fructose (it does not overload the gland). Classic recipes for making this sweet use egg whites, therefore there is not so much fat in marshmallows. All of the above makes this tasty treat an excellent treat for those suffering from pancreatitis.

An acute process and exacerbation of a chronic disease require a complete abstinence from sweets. The first two weeks should be a completely sugar-free time for you.

Buy marshmallows only in white. The product must not contain chocolate.

A little about chocolate

Chocolate is not a product that is necessary for a diet. To digest a piece of this sweetness, the pancreas secretes a large amount of pancreatic juice. This can provoke an exacerbation of the process. During the acute phase and a month after the symptoms subside, it is better for you to abstain from it. Chocolate is introduced into the diet after achieving stable remission. Doctors advise trying white varieties first. This chocolate does not contain cocoa powder, only oils and flavorings. The absence of caffeine reduces the irritating properties of such foods. However, remember that there are white varieties of this sweet that are much more dangerous in calories than dark ones.

One piece of chocolate is acceptable for chronic pancreatitis, which is not complicated by diabetes. Otherwise, sugar from the bar quickly enters the bloodstream, causing complications of the disease.

Dessert from the refrigerator

Is it possible to eat ice cream when you have a chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas? Doctors deny patients this pleasure. And all because ice cream contains several factors that affect the pancreas:

  • Patients with pancreatitis should not eat cold foods. It provokes spasm of the ducts. Such exposure can lead to an exacerbation of the process;
  • Ice cream is rich in fats and carbohydrates. Sugar from this product is quickly absorbed into the blood, causing a jump in glucose with all the consequences (thirst, drowsiness, nausea);
  • ice cream is made with the addition of preservatives and flavoring additives. It is rare to find a product that is devoid of this “harmful” component. Such a dessert can only be done by a healthy gland, but a diseased organ cannot cope with it;
  • ice cream contains fillers prohibited for pancreatitis - chocolate, condensed milk, nuts, caramel.

Homemade recipes for this sweet can only be eaten warm. Remember the spasm of the sphincter of Oddi!

Life without candy? Or not?

If you have pancreatitis, you need to eat sweets very selectively. For example, during remission, fudge and soufflé will be an excellent addition to tea. But chocolate bars, candies with waffles and caramels are strictly prohibited. Therefore, before treating yourself to something tasty, study the composition of the product. Homemade candy recipes that do not contain preservatives or other additives (boiled sugar with milk, dried fruit bars) are perfect.

Chocolate marshmallow ice cream

This ice cream is a real HOLIDAY! It will amaze you not only with its amazing taste (delicate, creamy, moderately sweet with a subtle chocolate bitterness), but also with its ease of preparation. It does not need to be stirred every hour during the freezing process; there is no need to stir it at all, because ice crystals do not form..

Bitter chocolate - 50 gr.
marshmallows - 100 gr.
cream (20-30%) - 300 gr.

Pour the cream into a heatproof bowl, crumble the marshmallows, and break the chocolate as finely as possible. Place over medium heat and stir with a whisk until all ingredients dissolve. You don't need to heat it for a long time.

If small pieces of marshmallow are still floating, it’s okay. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Let cool slightly and pour into molds. I have disposable plastic cups. We put them in the freezer overnight. After 2-3 hours, stick the sticks into the ice cream.

Prepare the pistachio topping.
Peel the pistachios and pour boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After that they clean up perfectly. Dry the peeled nuts in a frying pan without oil for min. 10, stirring. Then grind in a blender or mortar, but not very finely.

Remove the ice cream from the cups, for this purpose sec. 30 just hold them in your hands. Sprinkle with pistachios and garnish with mint.
Bon appetit!

When I first saw marshmallow ice cream on sale, I was surprised. Ice cream that doesn't melt? This is interesting. Moreover, I don’t like ice cream from the refrigerator, but completely melted ice cream doesn’t give me any appetite.

I then bought ice cream not in a sponge cake, but in a chocolate glaze, and was upset: the glaze turned out to be too sweet and overwhelmed the taste of the soufflé.

The next time I bought ice cream in a biscuit. It was amazing! Both the delicate soaked biscuit and the creamy taste of the delicacy itself. I liked it much more than the “glazed brother”.

Having happily eaten the ice cream that had turned into a “cake,” I read the ingredients. There were quite a lot of additives in it. But I was consoled by the fact that I don’t buy this dessert so often that I need to worry about it.

Ingredients: proteins - 4g, fats - 10g, incl. milk fat - 8g, carbohydrates - 39g, incl. sucrose - 20g. Calorie content 260 kcal per 100 grams.

In the second photo, the product has been sitting in the bag for about an hour, which is why it looks so “good.” I like it better this way, so I apologize if I ruined your appetite with this photo.

But, of course, I will buy Zephyros more often, because it is cheaper.

If you believe the Irish writer and poet Oscar Wilde, then after a good dinner you can forgive anyone, even your relatives. And this is true, because on an empty stomach we don’t want to think, work, or rest. And since the weekend is ahead, and many of you plan to spend it at home, with your family and loved ones, the dish that will decorate your “weekend” table should be special, soulful and indecently delicious.

Don't look for recipes on the Internet or run to the nearest bookstore for a cookbook. After all, you have “Friday,” and she has answers to almost any questions. In our “big pockets” there is always useful advice that can and should be applied in weekend practice!

In Recipe of the Week, “Friday” will tell you about the most delicious and interesting dishes that you can cook for your family this weekend. With all the details, limitless imagination and warmth! So much so that those around you will lick their fingers, and from the very morning of Saturday they will languish in anticipation of your room with plates and spoons: what else will surprise them with the most brilliant chef on the planet?

We wish you bon appetit, good health and a great culinary holiday weekend! And may the endless joyful “Friday” be with you!

Ice cream with marshmallows

Cooking time: 8 minutes
Number of servings: 4


16 marshmallows;
4 crackers;
0.5 kg vanilla ice cream;
1 cup Fudge hot sauce.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the grill grate to medium temperature.
  • Spray a piece of foil with vegetable oil.
  • Place the foil on a heated rack and place 4 marshmallows in 4 rows on it.
  • Toast the marshmallows until golden brown, turning them every minute to make sure they don't melt.

  • During this time, place the crackers in a plastic bag and crush them thoroughly with the back of a spoon.
  • Place a spoonful of ice cream, two marshmallows, 2 tablespoons of hot Fudge sauce into a bowl in layers and sprinkle it all with crackers. Repeat all layers again.
  • Dessert should be served immediately with fruit.

The most delicate marshmallow layer with the aroma of cherry and chocolate splashes turns into a sweet and milky layer, which in turn turns into a bright and refreshing layer of kiwi. Well, why not a slice of watermelon?! Convenient shape, and even on a stick. You will definitely want to enjoy this ice cream more than once, both on a hot summer day and in winter, when it is simply in its element.

This dessert will decorate any holiday table, for example, New Year's, but even on weekdays this delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent! Down with store-bought chemicals, let’s make our own fruit and berry ice cream!


Recipe information

  • Type of dish: ice cream
  • Cooking method: freezing
  • Servings:3
  • 12 h
  • marshmallows (pink or white-pink) – 140 g
  • cream 10% – 160 ml
  • fresh frozen cherries (pitted) – 50 g
  • small chocolate chips - 2 tsp.
  • condensed milk (whole with sugar) – 4 tbsp. l.
  • UHT milk – 6 tbsp. l.
  • kiwi – 2 pcs.

How to do

Cut pink or white-pink marshmallows with a knife or break them into small pieces with your hands and place in a fireproof container. quite suitable for our recipe.

Add cream.

Cream can be replaced with concentrated milk 7-8.5%.

Place the marshmallows and cream in a water bath and stir with a spoon until the marshmallows melt, then beat with a whisk until smooth. Cool the milk-marshmallow mass.

Grate freshly frozen cherries on a fine grater without defrosting.

Fresh frozen cherries can also be chopped in a blender.

Add chopped cherries to the milky marshmallow mixture and stir until smooth.

Add small chocolate chips to a cup with cherry-milk-marshmallow mixture and carefully mix with a spoon so that they are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Divide the resulting mass equally into plastic cups, filling them 1/2 full or, if available, into ice cream molds. Cover the glasses and place in the freezer for 2 hours, until the “watermelon pulp” is completely hardened.

Pour UHT milk into a small cup, add condensed milk and mix well until smooth.

When choosing condensed milk in a store, you must choose jars that indicate GOST. Only “GOST” products are the best.

Remove the hardened “watermelon pulp” from the freezer and place the milk mixture on top of it, distributing it evenly among 3 cups. This is the white part of the “inner rind of the watermelon.”

Cover the glasses again and place in the freezer for 2 hours, until this layer hardens.

Peel and puree the kiwi.

Remove the cups from the freezer and, dividing evenly, fill them with the third layer - kiwi puree. This is the green part of the “watermelon rind”.

Insert the sticks and place the cups of ice cream in the freezer until completely frozen.

As soon as the Watermelon marshmallow ice cream on sticks has hardened well, remove the cups from the freezer, dip them in warm water for 1-2 seconds, and then carefully remove the contents from the cup, slowly pulling them out.

Let's eat and enjoy! Bon appetit!