Serbian Chronicles. Mitar Tarabić or black prophecies Predictions about Serbia

Prophecies about Serbia by Elder Tadej Vitovnička and prophecies of monk Gabriel about Serbia and the kings of Russia and Serbia.

The bright Serbian prophet and great seer, ascetic and comforter of the Serbian people, Elder Tadej Vitovnički, who rested in 2003, left behind many prophecies about Serbia, about Montenegro, about Kosovo, about Bosnia and Herzegovina, about many people and events that will soon will come true.

About Kosovo 10 years ago he said: “Kosovo Albanians will declare independence. But this will be illegal, and it is important that neither they themselves nor the Serbian politicians will sign it. The day will come, and after the great suffering that will fall on Serbia and the entire Serbian people because of the apostasy of the Serbian rulers and one part of the people, the unification of the majority of the Serbs will still happen. Serbia will be free. And America and the West will again begin persecution against Serbia. However, after the great Serbian suffering (this was said after 1999), quite unexpectedly, America and the West will experience a terrible defeat and decide to withdraw their troops from Kosovo. Then the Serbs will liberate their spiritual cradle in a very short time. And there will never be any Albanians there again. There won't be one."

I repeat, this was said by Elder Tadei 10 years ago...

I was lucky to visit the elder myself in January 1999. Even then, just before the bombing, he said that sorrow would come to Serbia because of the great sins of the supreme power and the people. He said that Milosevic would soon fall from the throne, but that he would be replaced by a much worse person, and that many parts of Serbia would be destroyed.

People came to him from Belgrade and from all over Serbia, and he told everyone that only repentance could save Serbia, because God is omnipotent. Unfortunately, as he said, there is very little repentance in Serbia and therefore there will be even more grief.

In addition, he repeated many times that Serbia must first of all worship God and be faithful and obedient to Him, and then God Himself will protect Serbia.

He condemned children for disobedience to their parents, parents for improper upbringing of children, consoled those people who fell into despair due to life's problems, condemned those who were carried away by spiritualism and belief in horoscopes, etc. I myself heard how our Patriarch Pavel valued him very much and even came to him for advice.

A few more prophecies of Elder Tadeus

He said that Montenegro would fall away and become independent. In addition, in Montenegro there will be persecution of the Serbian language, and the government of the atheists will persecute the Serbian Church.

Some people who visited him quite often told me that he said that there would be a time in Montenegro when a civil war would begin there, and in the end a war with the Kosovo Albanians.

One person from Niksic, who constantly visited Elder Tadej, said that it was not worth buying apartments in Niksic, because now was not the time, and that Montenegro would soon become independent, and then it would be very difficult for the Serbs.

However, he repeated that, in the end, Serbia, after great suffering, would win, but the price of victory would be very high.

The greatest blow to the SOC (Serbian Orthodox Church, approx. mixednews) will be in Montenegro and in the Cetinje region.

In the end, as Elder Tadej said, Montenegro will be reconciled with the people from Serbia and will once again become part of a single Serbian state.

However, according to him, at one time even the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog will be forced to be moved from Ostrog to a safer place. It will be so difficult at that time.

The elder said that Milo Djukanovic (the current Prime Minister of Montenegro, the initiator of Montenegro’s secession from Serbia in 2006, mixednews note) would be killed by the Montenegrins themselves from their entourage, and that during the civil war there would be casualties in the country.

The most dangerous and cruel blow will come, in the end, from the Albanians, who will attack Montenegro. There will be a lot of grief, but the final victory will still be on the side of the Serbs from Montenegro. I myself heard this from other people to whom Elder Tadej told about the future of Montenegro, and it is obvious that some prophecies have already come true...

He openly opposed the policies of the DOS (Democratic Opposition Forces, mixednews) on many issues, and said that many DOS politicians act in anti-Serbian interests as opposed to the interests of non-Serbs, which leads to the destruction of Serbia. Serbia will also be liberated from a democratic ruler.

He said that Vojvodina would take the path of separatism, and the West would help them, it would be especially difficult in Vojvodina and Belgrade, and the safest place would be central Serbia.

Prophecies of Monk Gabriel

I did not have the good fortune to meet Elder Tadej personally, but I was lucky to talk with a nun who was the spiritual child of another great elder, Monk Gabriel, from the Bosnjan monastery. He died in 1999.

I want to emphasize that the prophecies of Elder Gabriel completely repeat the prophecies of Elder Tadeus. Especially the words about the misfortunes of Belgrade and the fact that only in central Serbia will there be peace. Elder Gabriel also spoke about the great grief and disintegration of Serbia, which would occur for the same reasons that Elder Tadeus spoke about. Immorality and irrepentance!

Just as a good father punishes his child out of love for him in order to correct him, so God, when all methods of calling for repentance have been exhausted, will allow difficult trials for his beloved Serbian people.

But through these trials Sunday will come, and after those great sorrows there will come great glory and joy for Serbia. Elder Gabriel said that this will not happen until Russia becomes an empire and until the Russian Tsar is coronated in our Krusevac, because Belgrade will no longer be the capital...

Kosovo will be demanded to join NATO, and the ALBANIANS WILL FLEE SO MUCH ALBANIA WILL BE CROOKED FOR THEM! Then the Russian Tsar will return all the stolen lands to Serbia with a royal charter. I suspect they will cover everything from Croatia to Albania.

Then, according to the elder, the Germans will begin to come to Serbia and ask to sell grain, because when it grows here, there will be terrible famine and chaos in the west. But then the Russian Tsar will feed everyone. However, I’m scared to write about what will happen before that. We are not like God's people, we are in complete error, and for this we will suffer a lot.

Praise God for everything...

OUR KING WILL BE FROM THE NEMANZHICH CLAN ON THE FEMALE LINE. HE WAS ALREADY BORN AND LIVES IN RUSSIA... The elder described what he would look like. Tall, blue eyes, blond hair, good looks, with a mole on his face. He will become the right hand of the Russian Tsar.

I myself heard from another source, from another monk, believe me 100%, THE RUSSIAN TSAR WILL BE NAMED MICHAEL, AND OUR ONE ANDREY.

Has anyone else spoken so clearly, for example, about Kosovo, Montenegro, Vojvodina, about the civil war in Montenegro, about the persecution of the Church and the Serbian language in Montenegro? This is serious. Besides, who else spoke so openly about the fact that Albanians will completely disappear from Kosovo after the withdrawal of NATO troops?..

"The bright Serbian prophet and great seer, ascetic and comforter of the Serbian people, Elder Tadej Vitovnički, who rested in 2004, left behind many prophecies about Serbia, about Montenegro, about Kosovo, about Bosnia and Herzegovina, about many people and events that will soon will come true.

About Kosovo 10 years ago he said: “Kosovo Albanians will declare independence. But this will be illegal, and it is important that neither they themselves nor the Serbian politicians will sign it. The day will come, and after the great suffering that will fall on Serbia and the entire Serbian people because of the apostasy of the Serbian rulers and one part of the people, the unification of the majority of the Serbs will still happen. Serbia will be free. And America and the West will again begin persecution against Serbia. However, after the great Serbian suffering (this was said after 1999), quite unexpectedly, America and the West will experience a terrible defeat and decide to withdraw their troops from Kosovo. Then the Serbs will liberate their spiritual cradle in a very short time. And there will never be any Albanians there again. There won't be one."

I repeat, this was said by Elder Tadei 10 years ago...

I was lucky to visit the elder myself in January 1999. Even then, just before the bombing, he said that sorrow would come to Serbia because of the great sins of the supreme power and the people. He said that Milosevic would soon fall from the throne, but that he would be replaced by a much worse person, and that many parts of Serbia would be destroyed.

People came to him from Belgrade and from all over Serbia, and he told everyone that only repentance could save Serbia, because God is omnipotent. Unfortunately, as he said, there is very little repentance in Serbia and therefore there will be even more grief.

In addition, he repeated many times that Serbia must first of all worship God and be faithful and obedient to Him, and then God Himself will protect Serbia.

He condemned children for disobedience to their parents, parents for improper upbringing of children, consoled those people who fell into despair due to life's problems, condemned those who were carried away by spiritualism and belief in horoscopes, etc. I myself heard how our Patriarch Pavel valued him very much and even came to him for advice.

A few more prophecies of Elder Tadeus

He said that Montenegro would fall away and become independent. In addition, in Montenegro there will be persecution of the Serbian language, and the government of the atheists will persecute the Serbian Church.

Some people who visited him quite often told me that he said that there would be a time in Montenegro when a civil war would begin there, and in the end a war with the Kosovo Albanians.

One person from Niksic, who constantly visited Elder Tadej, said that it was not worth buying apartments in Niksic, because now was not the time, and that Montenegro would soon become independent, and then it would be very difficult for the Serbs.

However, he repeated that, in the end, Serbia, after great suffering, would win, but the price of victory would be very high.

The greatest blow to the SOC (Serbian Orthodox Church, approx. mixednews) will be in Montenegro and in the Cetinje region.

In the end, as Elder Tadej said, Montenegro will be reconciled with the people from Serbia and will once again become part of a single Serbian state.

However, according to him, at one time even the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog will be forced to be moved from Ostrog to a safer place. It will be so difficult at that time.

The elder said that Milo Djukanovic (the current Prime Minister of Montenegro, the initiator of Montenegro’s secession from Serbia in 2006, mixednews note) would be killed by the Montenegrins themselves from their entourage, and that during the civil war there would be casualties in the country.

The most dangerous and cruel blow will come, in the end, from the Albanians, who will attack Montenegro. There will be a lot of grief, but the final victory will still be on the side of the Serbs from Montenegro. I myself heard this from other people to whom Elder Tadej told about the future of Montenegro, and it is obvious that some prophecies have already come true...

He openly opposed the policies of the DOS (Democratic Opposition Forces, mixednews) on many issues, and said that many DOS politicians act in anti-Serbian interests as opposed to the interests of non-Serbs, which leads to the destruction of Serbia. Serbia will also be liberated from a democratic ruler.

He said that Vojvodina would take the path of separatism, and the West would help them, it would be especially difficult in Vojvodina and Belgrade, and the safest place would be central Serbia.

Prophecies of Monk Gabriel

I did not have the good fortune to meet Elder Tadej personally, but I was lucky to talk with a nun who was the spiritual child of another great elder, Monk Gabriel, from the Bosnjan monastery. He died in 1999.

I want to emphasize that the prophecies of Elder Gabriel completely repeat the prophecies of Elder Tadeus. Especially the words about the misfortunes of Belgrade and the fact that only in central Serbia will there be peace. Elder Gabriel also spoke about the great grief and disintegration of Serbia, which would occur for the same reasons that Elder Tadeus spoke about. Immorality and irrepentance!

Just as a good father punishes his child out of love for him in order to correct him, so God, when all methods of calling for repentance have been exhausted, will allow difficult trials for his beloved Serbian people.

But through these trials Sunday will come, and after those great sorrows there will come great glory and joy for Serbia. Elder Gabriel said that this will not happen until Russia becomes an empire and until the Russian Tsar is coronated in our Krusevac, because Belgrade will no longer be the capital...

Kosovo will be demanded to join NATO, and the ALBANIANS WILL FLEE SO MUCH ALBANIA WILL BE CROOKED FOR THEM! Then the Russian Tsar will return all the stolen lands to Serbia with a royal charter. I suspect they will cover everything from Croatia to Albania.

Then, according to the elder, the Germans will begin to come to Serbia and ask to sell grain, because when it grows here, there will be terrible famine and chaos in the west. But then the Russian Tsar will feed everyone. However, I’m scared to write about what will happen before that. We are not like God's people, we are in complete error, and for this we will suffer a lot.

Praise God for everything...

OUR KING WILL BE FROM THE NEMANZHICH CLAN ON THE FEMALE LINE. HE WAS ALREADY BORN AND LIVES IN RUSSIA... The elder described what he would look like. Tall, blue eyes, blond hair, good looks, with a mole on his face. He will become the right hand of the Russian Tsar.

I myself heard from another source, from another monk, believe me 100%, THE RUSSIAN TSAR WILL BE NAMED MICHAEL, AND OUR ONE ANDREY.

Has anyone else spoken so clearly, for example, about Kosovo, Montenegro, Vojvodina, about the civil war in Montenegro, about the persecution of the Church and the Serbian language in Montenegro? This is serious. Besides, who else spoke so openly about the fact that Albanians will completely disappear from Kosovo after the withdrawal of NATO troops?..”

Source, bottom of page:

Vanga and the greatest prophets of the past

Mitar Tarabić

Mitar Tarabić (1829–1899) was a Serbian peasant who was blessed by God and Providence with unusual abilities - he could predict the future. Mitar did not know how to read and write and told the local priest Zachary Zakharich (1836–1918) about his visions, and he wrote down the prophecies in a notebook. Today this priceless manuscript is kept by Zaharić’s great-grandson Dejan Malenković. Tarabić's predictions began to come true with amazing accuracy in the 20th century after the overthrow of the Serbian royal dynasty of Obrenovic.

Tarabić predicted many fateful events of the 20th century: the assassination of the Serbian King Alexander and his wife Draga in 1903, the beginning of the war between the countries of the Balkan Union and Turkey (1912) and the victory in it of Serbia and its allies (Bulgaria, Greece and Montenegro), the beginning of the First World War (1914), the attack of Hitler's Germany on Yugoslavia (1941) and the victory of the Soviet Union, the establishment of Tito's communist regime in Yugoslavia, the war in the Balkans in 1991–1995, the invention of television, the computer and the Internet and much more. Everything that Tarabić predicted regarding the Slavic peoples and states, including Yugoslavia and Russia, came true with incredible accuracy and consistency.

Predictions about war

“After the assassination of the king and queen (Alexander and Draga Obrenovic), the Karadjordjevics will come to power. Then we will start a war with the Turks. Four Christian states will attack Turkey, and our border will be along the Lim River. Then we will finally retake Kosovo and avenge it.”

“Soon after this war,” continued Tarabić, “another, big war will begin, in which a lot of blood will be shed (meaning the First World War). If that blood were a river, its flow would easily move a three-hundred-kilogram boulder. From the other side of the river, we will be attacked by a powerful army, three times our size... They will destroy everything in their path. They will advance deep into our lands. Hard times will come for us. Our army is almost about to surrender, but suddenly a smart man on a black horse will stand at its head and exclaim: “Forward to victory, my people! Forward, Serb brothers!” Our army will rise. The fighting spirit will awaken in her, and she will drive the enemy back across the river..."


Kudryavtseva Svetlana Valentinovna

The phenomenon of the clairvoyant Vanga. Divinations, predictions, conspiracies

All of Tarabić’s predictions are presented in ordinary colloquial language; they do not contain the symbolism and allegories inherent in many prophets, for example Nostradamus. They do not require decoding, like some prophecies of the Bulgarian seer Vanga.

As we know from history, the First World War began after the assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, by the Serbian nationalist Princip. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, but this war quickly escalated into a world war, in which 32 countries participated. Austria moved deeper into Serbia, capturing more and more territories, until General Alexander Misic (“a smart man on a black horse”) stood at the head of the Serbs. Thanks to his leadership talent, the Serbs were able to push the Austrians back across the Drina River.

Tarabić then describes how the events of the First World War will develop: “Then an even larger army will attack us from the north. Our land will be desolate. Many of us will die from hunger and disease. Serbia will live in complete darkness for three years. At this time, our defeated troops will be abroad, in a place surrounded by the sea. There they will be fed and treated by overseas friends. When their wounds heal, they will return home on ships. They will liberate Serbia and all the countries where our brothers live." Let's compare this prophecy with historical facts: Germany attacked Serbia from the north and dealt a crushing blow. The remnants of the Serbian army fled to the Greek island of Corfu, where the Serbs gained strength and reorganized their troops. The Serbian army then arrived in Thessaloniki, where it joined forces with the Allied forces. After heavy fighting, Serbia was liberated and united with other Slavic peoples - Croats and Slovenes. During the German occupation, many Serbs died from hunger and disease.


Tarabić predicted the death of his chronicler, priest Zakharich (in 1918) and the death of his two grandchildren in the war. The prophecy came true.

A Serbian predictor left a prophecy about the beginning of World War II: “All of Europe will be under the rule of the wicked (Nazis). Russia will not immediately enter the war; when the evil army (fascist) attacks it, the Russians will fight back. Then there will be a red tsar on the Russian throne (as Tarabić called Stalin).” Tarabić predicted that the Russians, together with their allies, would destroy the army of the “wicked” (fascists), and among the Serbs there would appear “a blue-eyed man on a white horse and with a bright star in his forehead” (meaning the communist Josip Broz Tito), who would “gather a powerful army and will liberate occupied Belgrade." In May 1945, the USSR and the allied armies - the USA, Great Britain and France - defeated Nazi Germany, and the communist Tito rode into Belgrade on a white horse and made the royal palace his residence. Yugoslavia became a communist country.

“The peace that will be established after the bloodshed will be nothing more than an illusion...”

Tarabić, like Vanga, always spoke warmly about the Russians, calling them “Orthodox brothers” who always came to the aid of the peoples of Yugoslavia. But he also predicted that relations between the countries would deteriorate: “The blue-eyed man with a star on his forehead will break off many years of friendship with our Russian Orthodox brothers. A great discord will arise between us and the Russians. Blood will be shed on our land. But the wounds will quickly heal, and we will again become friends with the Russians, but not sincerely, but only formally.”

In 1948, Tito refused to carry out the orders of I. Stalin, and relations between the two states became hostile. After Stalin's death in 1953, the USSR resumed friendly relations with Yugoslavia, but a chill of mistrust and alienation remained.

“After the great war,” Tarabić continues the story, “peace will come throughout the world. Many new states will emerge - black, white, red and yellow. An international court will be formed that will not allow countries to fight each other. This court will be greater than all kings. Blessed will be those who are lucky enough to live in those times.” In 1945, the United Nations (UN) was formed. Its Charter spoke of resolving conflicts between states through peaceful means through negotiations and legal settlement. After the war in 1946-1970, many countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East gained independence, as Tarabić predicted.

Yugoslavia, the Serbian soothsayer said, after the war with the “wicked” (fascists), a time of prosperity and prosperity awaits. “Many generations will be born and die in peace, knowing about war only from books, stories and strange ghostly visions. Our kingdom will be strong, loved and respected by everyone. People will be able to eat white bread and wheat flour as much as they want. Everyone will ride in carts without oxen. People will fly across the sky and look at the earth from a height twice as high as Mount Tara” (it is not difficult to guess that Tarabić was talking about cars and airplanes). During the Tito regime, Yugoslavia really achieved high rates of economic development. Tarabić predicted that as long as a "blue-eyed man on a white horse" ruled the country, "Serbia will prosper." But after his death, unrest will begin in the country - “brother will hate brother and begin to wish him harm.” “The blue-eyed man on a white horse,” according to Tarabich, will live until he is almost a hundred years old, but one day while hunting he will fall from a white horse and lose his leg, from which he will die. Tito (1892–1980) lived to be 87 years old; he loved hunting, but he never fell off his horse. Tito died of diabetes, but he really lost his leg - doctors amputated his limb due to diabetes.

After Tito's death, Yugoslavia began to be governed by a collective body, the Presidium, and in 1991 the nationalist war began in the Balkans. Tarabić also predicted these tragic events in the 19th century: “A new people will arise on our borders and beyond them (meaning the Albanians who lived in the province of Kosovo and sought independence; the conflict between Serbs and Albanians escalated into war). These will be good and honest people, and they will respond to our anger with composure. They will take care of each other like brothers, and we, because of our madness, will think that we know everything and can do everything, and we will begin to convert them to our new faith, but in vain, because they will believe only in themselves and no one else . A big disaster will come out of this, because they will be a brave people.” The war between the peoples of the former Yugoslavia - Serbs, Croats, Slovenes and Bosnians lasted 5 years (1991-1995), and only international intervention (both diplomatic and military from NATO) stopped the bloodshed in the Balkans. “This trouble will last for many years, and no one will be able to stop it, because those people will grow like grass after a flood. The one who will be born many years after you will be honest and will be able to negotiate peacefully with them. We will live in peace - they are there, and we are here and there.” The last words should be understood as follows: after the end of the war, ethnic Croats began to live only in Croatia, and Serbs - in Serbia and Croatia.

Serbian soothsayer Mitar Tarabić bitterly said that “the peace that will finally be established after the bloodshed will be nothing more than an illusion” because “many will forget about God and will worship only their own minds. What is human reason compared to God's will and God's knowledge? Less than a drop of water in the ocean."


The Bulgarian Vanga, like the Serb Tarabić, predicted a war in the Balkans. The Bulgarians were worried that their people would also be drawn into this conflict between the Slavic peoples, but Vanga assured that “there would be no war.” And indeed, everything happened without Bulgarian intervention in military operations on the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

“The greatest and the worst will fight the most powerful and the most furious!”

The Serbian soothsayer and the Bulgarian clairvoyant saw the main cause of human misfortune in people’s loss of faith in God.

“People will understand less and less day by day who they are and why they live,” Tarabić said. “They will be born not knowing who their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were. They will think they know everything, but they will know nothing." Tarabić predicted that those who think they know more than God will lead the world to global catastrophe: “Evil people will devastate the Earth, and people will begin to die in huge numbers.” These “evil people,” who have lost faith in the Lord and worship only science, “will poison the air and water, spread the plague over the seas, rivers and lands, and people will suddenly begin to die from various ailments.”

Tarabić, like Vanga, warned that gross human intervention in nature and violation of the laws established by God would lead to an environmental disaster on the planet. Those who want to be saved, according to the Serbian soothsayer, “will rush away from the cities and will look for mountains with three crosses, and there they will be able to breathe and drink water.” Then hunger will come, there will be enough food, but it will be impossible to eat it - it will all be poisoned. The one who will survive is the one who prays and abstains from food, and then “the Holy Spirit will save him and bring him closer to God.”


Tarabić, like Vanga, said that people will fly into space and to the Moon, but will not find life there like ours. “It will be there, but they won’t understand it and won’t see that this is life.”

Tarabić paints an apocalyptic picture of the end of the world; in his visions, the world will perish during the Third World War. “The greatest and the worst will fight the most powerful and furious! In this terrible war, woe will be to those armies that rise into the skies; it will be easier to fight on land and in water.” In this war, new weapons will be used - Tarabić calls them “strange cannonballs”, which, instead of exploding, will bewitch all living things - people, entire armies and livestock. People under the influence of this witchcraft will sleep instead of fight, but will later regain consciousness. Only one country will survive this massacre - “at the very edge of the world, surrounded by large seas the size of our Europe” (maybe Australia?), not a single cannonball will explode here. Those people who hide in the mountains with three crosses (which mountains we are talking about is also unclear) will survive these terrible events and will subsequently live in prosperity and love, because there will be no more wars on earth.

Tarabić’s words echo the alarming predictions of the Bulgarian Vanga: the recklessness of people will ultimately lead to the death of all life on the planet: “People will dig wells in the ground and mine gold, which will give them light, speed and energy (meaning oil production, which is also called “black gold”), and the Earth will cry tears of bitterness, because there is much more gold and light on its surface than inside. The earth will suffer from these open wounds." Instead of cultivating the fields, people, blinded by profit, will rush to look for oil, and then realize “how stupid it was to drill all those holes.” According to experts, oil resources will be depleted on the planet as early as 2050.

People will do a lot of stupid things, according to Tarabic, “thinking that they know and can do everything, without knowing anything.” Then sages will come from the East, their wisdom will cross borders and oceans, but people will declare this divine truth a lie. Their souls, Tarabić predicts, will be taken over not by the devil, but by something more terrible - their own illusions. People will believe that their knowledge is the truth, “even though there will be no truth in their minds.” What Tarabić describes resembles with striking accuracy the life of people in modern cities: “People will hate clean air, and this divine freshness, and this divine beauty, and will settle in the gutters. Nobody will force them, they will do it of their own free will.” Then many of those who abandoned their homes in the villages will return to “cure with clean air.” It will be impossible to distinguish women and men - “everyone will dress the same” (women will wear trousers, like men), people will stop thinking about why they live on earth at all.

“And when all the Serbs gather under one plum tree, eternal peace and tranquility will come to our land.”
This is perhaps one of the most famous Balkan prophecies. They treat him differently. Some note that the map of Serbia without Kosovo, with its outlines, is very reminiscent of this particular tree, which means peace is just around the corner. Others call this prediction a lie and even the machinations of enemies who want to dismember the state. Approximately the same attitude towards the authors of this prophecy - Tarabichi from the village of Kremna.

The Tarabichi were originally from Herzegovina. As the family legend goes, Spasoe Tarabić and his four sons, while driving cattle for sale in Bosnia, saw a snake holding a golden ducat in its mouth in one of the mountain valleys of Tara. In the place where the reptile was basking in the sun, they found a treasure, which they happily divided among themselves and invested in the construction of their own houses, thereby founding the village of Kremna.
They say that it was on the site of this village that the earth once suffered an impact with another cosmic body, thanks to which the Kreman Basin, surrounded by mysterious mountains, was formed. These mountains consist of some special type of semi-precious stone, emitting unusual energy that promotes longevity and the manifestation of the talent of foresight. In any case, the Tarabichi were not the first prophets of these places. A certain Kremanian gave advice to Prince Lazar himself; “vidovity” natives of Kremna are mentioned both under the famous Karađorđe and under Prince Miloš.
As for the Tarabić brothers, they became the most famous Serbian prophets of the nineteenth century. Largely thanks to his godfather, Archpriest Zachary Zaharic, who not only wrote down all their prophecies, but also passed them on to Dr. Radovan Kazimirovich, author of the book “Mysterious Manifestations in the Serbian People and the Creman Prophecy.” True, there is a version that we do not know the true text of the brothers’ predictions. They say that Archpriest Zachary gave the manuscript to his friend Gavrilo Popovich, who walled it up in the foundation of his house in Uzice. The house still stands, but no one has yet found anyone willing to confirm this version.
During Tito's time, the second edition of the Creman Prophecy was published, edited by Golubovich. In order to convince the people that it was with socialist Yugoslavia that “eternal peace” came to the Balkans, changes were made to the text. Great times will supposedly come when the Serbian people connect their lives with a sign that everyone can see on an apple cut in half, whose core is shaped like a five-pointed star. No comments needed.

Now in the village of Kremna there is the House of the Prophets - a kind of museum that contains exhibits telling about these places and about the Tarabić brothers. One of the most interesting exhibits was the Kremansky stone, one of several hundred not yet fully studied “space guests” possessing colossal energy. This photo was taken on August 9, 2005 around 3 p.m. A little over a day later, the House of the Prophets suddenly caught fire, and the stone itself fell apart into several parts. They say that the museum was set on fire by one of the villagers. For what? There is no answer to this question yet.

But let's return to the prophets. The first was Milos Tarabic (1809-1854). According to Archpriest Zakhary, the elder Tarabić was a pious man, spoke little, was subject to epileptic seizures, and had an unusually penetrating gaze. He lived only forty-three years. He predicted his early death and promised to continue communicating with the world through one of his relatives, who became his nephew Mitar (1829-1899).
It is interesting that the villagers themselves were skeptical about both Tarabiches. And even when something they said came true, the invariable: “Ah, I guessed right...” followed. Most likely, they were simply not understood. And how can an illiterate person understand, for example, this: soon they will measure the land and collect tribute according to the measures, and money will become a piece of paper (charter). We understand that we are talking about land taxes and shares, but to the peasants of the century before last, all this seemed like gobbledygook. Another thing is surprising: both Milos and Mitar were also not literate and did not graduate from universities. However, they foresaw the advent of the telegraph, telephone and television, predicted changes on the Serbian throne, the decline and return of the Karađorđević, and many events of the First and Second World Wars.

Predictions and events up to the end of the First World War (1903-1918)

. “After the assassination of the king and queen [Aleksandar and Draga Obrenovic], the Karadjordjevics will come to power. Then we will start a war with the Turks again. Four Christian states will attack Turkey, and our border will be along the Lim River. Then we will finally retake Kosovo and avenge it.”

Historical facts: 1903 - Alexander and Draga Obrenovic were killed by their guards. Peter Karageorgevich became the ruler of Serbia. 1912 - Beginning of the First Balkan War between the countries of the Balkan Union (Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro) and Turkey (Ottoman Empire). The Balkan Union won, and Serbia's borders expanded to the Lim River. Kosovo changed from Turkish to Serbian.

. “Soon after this war, another, big war will begin, in which a lot of blood will be shed. If that blood were a river, its flow would easily move a three-hundred-kilogram boulder. From the other side of the river, we will be attacked by a powerful army, three times our size... They will destroy everything in their path. They will advance deep into our lands... Hard times will come for us... Our army will almost surrender, but suddenly a smart man on a black horse will stand at its head and exclaim: “Forward to victory, my people! Forward, Serb brothers!” Our army will rise. The fighting spirit will awaken in her, and she will drive the enemy back across the river..."

Historical facts: 1914 - After the assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, the Austro-Hungarian Empire attacked Serbia. This local war soon grew into World War I, which involved 32 countries. Austria quickly and easily captured the northern and central parts of Serbia, but when General Alexander Misic (the man on the black horse) took over the Serbian army, the Serbs were able to push the Austrians back across the Drina River.

“Then an even larger army will attack us from the north. Our land will be desolate. Many of us will die from hunger and disease. Serbia will live in complete darkness for three years. At this time, our defeated troops will be abroad, in a place surrounded by the sea. There they will be fed and treated by overseas friends. When their wounds heal, they will return home on ships. They will liberate Serbia and all the countries where our brothers live.”

Historical facts: Germany attacked from the north and by December 15 inflicted a crushing defeat on Serbia. The remnants of the troops and the government of Serbia have been located on the Greek island of Corfu (Kerkyra) since 1916. Having reorganized and gained strength, the Serbian army arrived in Thessaloniki, where it united with the Allied forces. After heavy and prolonged fighting, Serbia was finally liberated and united with the other South Slavic peoples (Croats and Slovenes) whose territories were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During the German occupation, many Serbian residents died of hunger and disease.

. “I’ll tell you something else, father: the invaders will come to Kremna on the day of your baptism, stay here for three years and leave on the same day, that is, on the day of St. Luke. But you won't see the end of the war. You will die in the last year of worldwide carnage. These two wars, with the Turks and another, larger one, will take the lives of your two grandchildren - one will die before and the other after your own death.”

Historical facts: The German army entered Kremna on St. Luke and left three years later on the same day. Zachary Zakharich died in 1918, the last year of the First World War. In the same year, two of his grandsons died: one before, the other after his death.

Predictions and events until the end of World War II (1918-1945)

. “Listen, dear father: after the first big war, Austria will disappear, and Serbia will become big, like a real kingdom. And we will live in perfect harmony with our northern brothers.”

Historical facts: 1918 - Collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In December 1918, a new state was proclaimed, officially called the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, but constantly torn apart by economic, social and political divisions between nationalist parties.

“For several years we will live in peace, love and prosperity. But it won't last forever. Our people will be poisoned by the poison of hatred... More bloodshed... Horror! I don’t know when or where, but this hatred is probably to blame.”

Historical facts: The dominance of Serbs in the government, the multiplicity of political parties and the refusal to grant autonomy to Croats, Slovenes and other national minorities led to political turmoil in the kingdom. Under the leadership of Stjepan Radić, the Croats and their allies increasingly opposed the centralized system and the dictatorship of the Serbs. After a member of the national parliament from Montenegro fatally shot Radić and two of his supporters, the Croats left parliament and formed their own regime, headquartered in Zagreb. Facing the threat of civil war, Serbian King Alexander suspended the 1921 constitution in January 1929, dissolved parliament and all political parties, and declared a government dictatorship. Hoping to restore national unity, the king then abolished the traditional division of the country into provinces and renamed the state the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

. “He who sits on the throne of our kingdom will be killed. His widow and orphans will remain. The throne will be taken by one of the relatives of the murdered man, he will take care of the orphans and try to rule fairly. But the people will not love him, and he will be accused of injustice. The army will overthrow him and imprison him. The King and Queen of England will save him from death. The son of our murdered king will sit on the empty throne. But he will rule only for a few days. The soldiers will escort him overseas, because our country will again be captured by a foreign, evil army. All Europe will be under the rule of the wicked."

Historical facts: On October 9, 1934, a Macedonian terrorist linked to Croatian separatists assassinated King Alexander while he was on an official visit to France. His minor son Peter became the new king of Yugoslavia II . The government was administered on his behalf by a regency council headed by Prince Paul Karageorgevich, a cousin of the late Alexander. Unpopular with the people, Paul was overthrown by rebel officers and escaped to England. In 1939, World War II began. In April 1941, the German army invaded Yugoslavia. The young king and the government fled abroad. Most European countries came under Nazi rule.

. “Russia will not immediately enter the war; when the evil army attacks her, the Russians will fight back. Then there will be a red tsar on the Russian throne.”

Historical facts: When Nazi Germany began World War II, Russia (USSR) remained neutral. On June 22, 1941, a three-million-strong German army invaded its territory, but was defeated. The USSR was led by the leader of the Communist Party, Joseph Stalin.

. “Then people with stars on their foreheads will appear. They will rule in Uzice and throughout this region for exactly 73 days, but then, under the onslaught of enemies, they will retreat across the Drina River. Hungry and cruel times will come... The Serbs will begin to fight among themselves and slaughter each other. Foreign invaders will look and laugh at the Serbs who are embittered against each other. Then a blue-eyed man on a white horse and with a bright star on his forehead will appear among our people. Evil enemies will hunt for him throughout the country - in forests, on rivers, in the sea - but in vain. This man will gather a mighty army and liberate occupied Belgrade. He will drive the enemy out of our country, and our kingdom will become larger than before. Russia will enter into an alliance with the great kingdoms overseas, and together they will destroy the wicked and free the enslaved people of Europe."

Historical facts: The Communist Party of Yugoslavia, led by Croatian communist Josip Broz Tito, the “blue-eyed man on a white horse,” organized an armed struggle against the German and Italian occupiers and against the extremist groups of Serbian and Croatian nationalists who fought among themselves. The soldiers of Tito's army wore red stars on their caps. The first territory liberated by Tito's troops was the city of Uzice and its surroundings. They resisted the Germans and Italians for exactly 73 days, after which they were forced to retreat across the Drina River, into Bosnia. The guerrilla war then engulfed the whole of Yugoslavia. In May 1945, Germany was defeated by the allied armies of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France. By the end of that year, a unified Yugoslavia had been restored. Tito rode into Belgrade on a white horse and made the royal palace his residence. Communist Yugoslavia annexed part of the territory of neighboring Italy.
(continuation )

An illiterate peasant from the Serbian village of Kremna, Mitar Tarabic (1829-1899), had prophetic visions from time to time. He talked about his “visions of the future” to the parish priest Zachary Zakharich (1836-1918), and he wrote down the stories in a notebook. After the priest's death, the notebook was kept in his family. When the village was captured by the Bulgarians in 1943, the notebook almost burned down in a fire. Currently, the manuscript is kept by Zaharic’s great-grandson, Dejan Malenkovic.

In the Balkans, Mitar Tarabić’s predictions, of which there were quite a few, were called “Tarabić’s black prophecies.” They attracted attention to themselves at the beginning of the 20th century, when one after another, with incredible accuracy and consistency, his predictions regarding the Serbian royal dynasty of Obrenovic began to come true.

Predictions that came true

After the assassination of the king and queen (Alexander and Draga Obrenovic), the Karadjordjevics will come to power. Then we will start a war with the Turks again. Four Christian states will attack Turkey, and our border will be along the Lim River. Then we will finally retake Kosovo and avenge it.

In June 1903, Alexander and Draga Obrenovic were killed by conspirators - officers of the Belgrade garrison. Peter Karageorgevich became the ruler of Serbia. In 1912, the First Balkan War began between the countries of the Balkan Union (Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro) and Turkey (Ottoman Empire). The Balkan Union won, and Serbia's borders expanded to the Lim River. Kosovo became Serbian.

Soon after this war, another, big war will begin, in which a lot of blood will be shed. If that blood were a river, its flow would easily move a three-hundred-kilogram boulder. From the other side of the river, a mighty army three times our size will attack us. They will destroy everything in their path. They will advance deep into our lands. Hard times will come for us. Our army is almost about to surrender, but suddenly a smart man on a black horse will stand at its head and exclaim: “Forward to victory, my people! Forward, Serb brothers!” Our army will rise. The fighting spirit will awaken in her, and she will drive the enemy back across the river.

In 1914, after the assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife in Sarajevo by Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and quickly captured the northern and central parts of it. But when General Alexander Misic (a man on a black horse) took charge of the Serbian army, the Serbs managed to push the Austrians back across the Drina River.

Then an even larger army will attack us from the north. Our land will be desolate. Many of us will die from hunger and disease. Serbia will live in complete darkness for three years. At this time, our defeated troops will be abroad, in a place surrounded by the sea. There they will be fed and treated by overseas friends. When their wounds heal, they will return home on ships. They will liberate Serbia and all the countries where our brothers live.

Germany attacked from the north and by December 15 inflicted a crushing defeat on Serbia. The remnants of the troops and the government of Serbia have been located on the Greek island of Corfu (Kerkyra) since 1916. Having reorganized and gained strength, the Serbian army arrived in Thessaloniki, where it united with the Allied forces. After heavy and prolonged fighting, Serbia was finally liberated and united with the other South Slavic peoples (Croats and Slovenes) whose territories were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During the German occupation, many Serbian residents died of hunger and disease.

I’ll tell you something else, father: the invaders will come to Kremna on the day of your baptism, stay here for three years and leave on the same day, that is, on the day of St. Luke (October 18). But you won't see the end of the war. You will die in the last year of worldwide carnage. These two wars, with the Turks and the other, larger one, will take the lives of two of your grandchildren: one will die before, and the other after your own death.

Amazingly, the German army entered Cremna on St. Luke's Day and left three years later on the same day. Zachary Zakharich died in 1918, the last year of the First World War. That same year, two of his grandsons died: one before and the other after his death.

The one who sits on the throne of our kingdom will be killed. His widow and orphans will remain. The throne will be taken by one of the relatives of the murdered man, he will take care of the orphans and try to rule fairly. But the people will not love him, and he will be accused of injustice. The army will overthrow him and imprison him. The King and Queen of England will save him from death. The son of our murdered king will sit on the empty throne. But he will rule only for a few days. The soldiers will escort him overseas, because our country will again be captured by a foreign, evil army. All of Europe will be under the rule of the wicked.

On October 9, 1934, a Macedonian terrorist linked to Croatian separatists assassinated King Alexander while he was on an official visit to France. His minor son Peter II became the new king of Yugoslavia. The government was administered on his behalf by a regency council headed by Prince Paul Karageorgevich, a cousin of the late Alexander. Unpopular among the people, Paul was overthrown by the rebel officers and escaped to England. In 1939, World War II began. In April 1941, the German army invaded Yugoslavia. The young king and the government fled abroad. Most European countries came under Nazi rule.

Russia will not immediately enter the war. When the evil army attacks her, the Russians will fight back. There will then be a red tsar on the Russian throne.

When Nazi Germany began World War II, the USSR remained neutral. On June 22, 1941, a three-million-strong German army invaded its territory, but was defeated. The USSR was led by the leader of the Communist Party, Joseph Stalin.

Then people with stars on their foreheads will appear. They will rule in Uzice and throughout this region for exactly 73 days, but then, under the onslaught of enemies, they will retreat across the Drina River. Hungry and cruel times will come. The Serbs will fight among themselves and slaughter each other. Foreign invaders will look and laugh at the Serbs who are embittered against each other. Then a blue-eyed man on a white horse and with a bright star on his forehead will appear among our people. Evil enemies will hunt for him throughout the country: in the forests, on the rivers, in the sea, but in vain. This man will gather a mighty army and liberate occupied Belgrade. He will drive the enemy out of our country, and our kingdom will become larger than before. Russia will enter into an alliance with the great kingdoms overseas, and together they will destroy the wicked and free the enslaved people of Europe.

Yugoslav partisans, led by the Croatian communist Josip Broz Tito, the “blue-eyed man on a white horse,” fought an armed struggle against the German and Italian occupiers, as well as against extremist groups of Serbian and Croatian nationalists who fought among themselves. The soldiers of Tito's army wore red stars on their caps. The first territory liberated by Tito's troops was the city of Uzice and its surroundings. They resisted the Germans and Italians for exactly 73 days, after which they were forced to retreat across the Drina River, into Bosnia. The war of the Yugoslav partisans in alliance with Soviet troops (since 1944) ended on May 15, 1945 with their complete victory and liberation of the country from occupation.

After the great war, world peace will come. Many new states will arise - black, white, red and yellow. An international court will be formed that will not allow countries to fight each other. This court will be greater than all kings. If a war breaks out somewhere, the court will judge fairly and try to make sure that anger and massacre are replaced by love and peace. Blessed will be those who are lucky enough to live in those times.

In December 1945, the United Nations (UN) was formed. Articles 33-38 of its charter authorized the Security Council to promote the resolution of international conflicts by peaceful means, such as negotiations, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and legal settlement. In 1946-1970 dozens of countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America gained independence.

Some time later, individual great kings will cease to respect the court and begin to act as they please. Because of this, many small wars will happen. Thousands and thousands of people will die, but there will be no big war anywhere.

Korean War (1950-1953), Vietnam War (1959-1975), Afghan War (1979-1988), Nicaragua, Iran-Contra scandal (1979-1989).

Several wars will happen around the state of Israel, but eventually peace will come there too. In these wars, brothers will kill brothers. Then they will make up and kiss each other, but the anger in their hearts will remain. All these little wars will be organized by great kingdoms, evil and treacherous, and those who will fight and kill each other will do so out of their own blind stupidity.

In 1947, the State of Israel was established in the Middle East. In 1967, the so-called Six Day War broke out between Israel and neighboring Arab countries. In 1975, the Lebanese civil war began involving Iran, Syria, Palestine and Israel. Wars between Iran and Iraq (1980-1988), Iraq and Kuwait (1991).

Our kingdom will be strong, loved and respected by everyone. People will be able to eat white bread and wheat flour as much as they want. Everyone will ride in carts without oxen. People will fly across the sky and look at the earth from a height twice as high as Mount Tara.

Yugoslavia was experiencing a period of unprecedented economic prosperity. Passenger cars, buses, and passenger planes, including those belonging to Yugoslavia's own airline, became part of everyday life.

Serbia will prosper most of all while it is ruled by a blue-eyed man on a white horse, one who will bring here something like a new religion. He will ascend to our throne, will be strong and healthy, and will live a long time, almost a hundred years. He will love hunting very much, and one day while hunting he will fall from his white horse and lose his leg. He will die not from old age, but from this wound.

Under Josip Broz Tito, the Yugoslav economy developed rapidly and the standard of living constantly increased. He lived to be 87 years old (1892-1980). He loved horses and hunting, but no incidents happened to him while hunting. His leg was amputated due to diabetes, from which he died.

A new people will arise on our borders and beyond them. It will grow like grass after a flood. These will be good and honest people, and they will respond to our anger with composure. They will take care of each other like brothers. And because of our madness, we will think that we know everything and can do everything, and we will begin to convert them to our new faith, but in vain, because they will believe only in themselves and no one else. A big disaster will come out of this, because they will be a brave people. This trouble will last for many years, and no one will be able to stop it, because those people will grow like grass. The one who will be born many years after you will be honest and smart and will be able to negotiate peacefully with them. We will live in peace - they are there, and we are here and there.

The separation of Croatia and Slovenia and the declaration of Macedonian independence in September 1991 effectively put an end to the existence of Yugoslavia. A similar declaration adopted by Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 1992 and the subsequent armed clashes marked the beginning of the Bosnian-Croat-Serb War, which lasted 5 years (1991-1995). “They are there, and we are here and there”: after the war, ethnic Croats lived only in Croatia, and Serbs lived in both Serbia and Croatia.

You see, godfather, the peace and abundance in which everyone will live after the second great war will be nothing more than a bitter illusion, because many will forget about God and begin to worship only their own human mind. Do you know, godfather, what is the human mind in comparison with God’s will and God’s knowledge? Less than a drop of water in the ocean.

Advances in science and its growing ability to explain phenomena previously considered supernatural contributed to the spread of atheism as a more natural and "more scientific" worldview.

People will build a box, inside which they will place a device with pictures, but they will not be able to contact me, who is already dead, although this device with pictures will be as close to that light as the hairs on the head are to one another. With this device, a person will be able to see everything that is happening everywhere in the world.

We are talking about the invention of the television, the computer, as well as the great influence of communications and portable surveillance cameras on the lives of millions of people.

People will dig wells in the ground and mine gold, which will give them light, speed and energy, and the Earth will cry tears of bitterness, because there is much more gold and light on its surface than inside. The earth will suffer from these open wounds. Instead of cultivating the fields, people will rush to dig where necessary and where not necessary, although real energy will be all around them, unable to tell them: “Come, take me. Can't you see that I am all around you? Only many years later will people think about this energy and understand how stupid it was to drill all those holes.

This refers to oil production, which is commonly called “black gold”. According to experts, oil resources will be depleted on the planet by 2050.

This energy will be in the people themselves, but many years will pass before they discover it and begin to use it. So, a person will live for a very long time without being able to recognize himself. There will be many learned people who think that you can learn everything and learn everything from books. They will be the main obstacle to understanding (self-knowledge), but when people once achieve this understanding, they will see how bitterly they deceived themselves while listening to such scientists. When this happens, people will really wish they had understood it sooner, because it is so easy to understand.

Here, at home, everything will be the same as everywhere else in the world. People will hate the clean air and this divine freshness, and this divine beauty, and will settle in the gutters. Nobody will force them, they will do it of their own free will. Here, in Kremlin, many fields will turn into meadows, many houses will be abandoned, but then those who abandoned them will return to be cured by clean air. In Serbia it will be impossible to distinguish a man from a woman. Everyone will dress the same. This trouble will come to us from abroad and will remain for the longest time. At a wedding it will be difficult to understand where the groom is and where the bride is. Day by day people will understand less and less who they are and why they live. They will be born without knowing who their grandfather and great-grandfather were. They will think they know everything, but they will know nothing.

All over the world, people are leaving villages and looking for work in big cities. There are many more women wearing short hair and trousers today than in Tarabić's time, as are children born out of wedlock.

A strange disease will hit the world for which no one can find a cure. Everyone will say: “I know, I know, because I am learned and capable,” but no one will do anything. People will think and think, but will not find the right medicine, which, with God's help, they would find everywhere and even in themselves.

A person will go to other worlds and find lifeless deserts there, but even then, God forgive him, he will continue to believe that he knows more about everything than God himself. People will fly to the moon and the stars in search of life, but they will not find life like ours. It will be there, but they will not understand it and will not see that this is life.

The more people know, the less they will love and take care of each other. The anger between them will become so strong that they will care more about various devices than about their loved ones. A person will trust devices more than his next-door neighbor.

Those who read and write different books with numbers will think that they know more than everyone else. These learned people will live by their calculations and do everything as the numbers tell them. Among such learned people there will be both good and evil. Evil people will do evil. They will poison the air and water, spread the plague over the seas, rivers and lands, and people will suddenly begin to die from various ailments. The good and wise will see that the wisdom of numbers is not worth a penny and leads to the destruction of the world and will begin to seek wisdom in reflection.

The Serbian predictor believed that people should think about who they are and why they came into this world.

Predictions of World War III

When the good ones begin to think more, they will approach divine wisdom, but it will be too late, because the evil ones will already devastate the Earth, and people will begin to die in huge numbers. Then people will rush away from the cities and begin to look for mountains with three crosses, where they can breathe and drink water. Those who succeed will save themselves and their families, but not for long, because famine will come. There will be plenty of food in cities and villages, but all of it will be poisoned. Anyone who eats it out of hunger will die immediately. Whoever abstains to the end will survive, because the Holy Spirit will save him and bring him closer to God.

The greatest and the meanest will clash with the most powerful and furious. In this terrible war, woe will be for those armies that rise into the skies; it will be easier for those fighting on land and water.

The armies in this war will have scientists who will invent strange cannonballs. Exploding, these nuclei, instead of killing, will bewitch all living things - people, armies, livestock. Under the influence of this sorcery, they will sleep instead of fight, but will then regain consciousness.

We won't have to fight this war; others will fight over our heads. Burning people will fall from the sky onto Pozega (a city in Croatia). Only one country, at the very edge of the world, surrounded by large seas the size of our Europe (Australia?), will live in peace and without worries. Not a single cannonball will explode either in it or above it.

Those who hurry and take refuge in the mountains with three crosses will find refuge there and then live in abundant prosperity, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars.

And yet Mitar Tarabić believed that God would not abandon humanity:

Among the people living far in the north, a little man will appear who will teach people love and compassion, but there will be many hypocrites around him, so it will be very difficult for him. None of those hypocrites will even want to know what true grace is, but from that person there will remain wise books and all the words he spoke, and later people will see that they deceived themselves.

Who this person is, whether he came into the world, whether all this will happen in the future remains a mystery.

According to the site: