Dream interpretation of what aunt dreams about. Why do you dream about aunt

How often have you dreamed about your aunt? At the very beginning, it should be noted that in this case the dream book strongly emphasizes that the aunt is understood here in its original meaning, that is, as the sister of our parent. What exactly is the meaning of the dream when our aunt visits him? As usual, a lot depends on the circumstances, although the symbol itself is also very complex, since it consists of the fact that we are dealing here with a person, with a family, with a woman who is older than us, and before that with a figure who for us personally can have different meanings. Fortunately, the overall picture of a dream is always rooted very deeply in the subconscious, and you can pull out the main framework conclusions: found treasures, individualism and minimalism, even before moving on to the details.

Why do you dream about an aunt - Freud's Dream Book

Aunt - the meaning of the dream. When we see our aunt in a dream and nothing other than a special meaning happens, the dream book tells us that then the aunt is a positive signal for us regarding happiness in material matters. Although it is very rare that the meaning of a dream speaks of happiness in its pure meaning, here it is precisely this meaning of ourselves that we find ourselves between life. In other words, now is a good time to take the plunge. Of course, not in terms of letting fate go to the lottery, but rather, throwing ourselves into the sun with a hoe, because it may turn out that we may have a low chance of success just in our situation. It's worth talking to your boss about a promotion or investing in a friend's pre-start business. The subconscious mind tells us that there is some opportunity somewhere, but we miss it because it seems to us that we do not have enough happiness to take advantage of it.

Why do you dream about your dear aunt - Miller's Dream Book

The dream book interprets the situation differently when our dear aunt meets us in a dream. She tells us that such a meeting is rather unpleasant, but the cause of the trouble is not the aunt alone. Through a person we project our characteristics, that is, we attribute to her characteristics that we do not like in ourselves. The important thing here is that these features cause negative reactions from our environment, and we must necessarily respond to them in some way. In a dream, we receive information that the problem is so serious that it is perceived through our environment.

Why do aunts dream about deceased aunts - Vanga’s Dream Book

The greeting with the aunt has a rather obvious image. As a rule, such moments are not particularly pleasant and lead to bondage. This will be the case in this case, although it is difficult to say in which specific area this will not happen.

The dream most often has a moderately prophetic character, that is, it appears at the moment when we expect some unpleasant situation, and only at night it reminds us that it will come to us. This may be the need to solve some unpleasant thing, it may be something personal related to our situation, or an inevitable unpleasant conversation with someone close, or maybe even a visit to the dentist that has been postponed for a long time.

Why do you dream about an aunt in a dream - Dream Book of Nostradamus

In turn, there is a very good meaning of a dream where you dream of an aunt whom you are seeing off. This is a typical dream after some unpleasant event that we have been waiting for for a long time and finally received. Unfortunately, the dream book says that a dream is unable to foretell any events, but almost always appears after the fact, that is, for example, when a situation hangs over our head for a long time. You can't count on us to run away from the end of the case. If, however, it appears before the moment of climax, it does not concern this matter at all, which we were thinking about, but simply something else.

Why do you dream about the death of an aunt - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dreaming about the death of an aunt is another case that a dream book can explain to us. The aunt in this case is a symbol of family ties and the need to take care of us, also in a purely formal way, although this is not necessary, we have a desire for this. The meaning of a dream may refer to something that our conscious mind forgets, but the subconscious mind still remembers, and most often this is remorse associated with the negligence of some matter. If the dream continues to recur, you just need to put a little more effort into the issue of family ties and, for example, visit your grandparents.

Why does a woman dream about aunt:

Auntie is a guest on the doorstep.

1 Aunt Po Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Seeing an aunt in a dream means:

Auntie is the feminine aspect of your Self. Those qualities that you associate with your aunt may be projected aspects of yourself. This sign may also apply to your real aunt.

1 Aunt Po Modern dream book

If a young woman dreams of her aunt, in real life she will be severely condemned for an act that will already bring her a lot of trouble.

If this relative looks happy and cheerful in a dream, then in reality minor disagreements will be replaced by good luck.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Aunt Po Home dream book

Dreaming with your aunt means:

Relationship with her; her features in character or appearance.

1 Aunt according to the Online Dream Book

Meaning of sleep aunt:

An aunt, as a symbol, warns that you will make a serious mistake, for which others will reproach you, but even more so your own conscience.

This is actually your parents’ sister and she is in a great mood - life will change for the better.

If you dream of a deceased aunt, this is a warning that serious problems are approaching your home, be prepared to deal with them.

1 Aunt Po Dream Interpretation for Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Aunt - news will reach you about the death of an elderly relative.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Aunt Po American dream book

What can an aunt dream about:

May represent the productive part of your personality.

An old maid is that part of you that feels deeply unhappy.

1 Aunt Po Family dream book

Aunt, in a dream means:

A young woman who sees her aunt in a dream will receive harsh condemnation for some action.

But if you dreamed of your aunt smiling and happy, joy will come after grief.

1 Aunt Po Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

If a girl dreams of her aunt, it means:

Seeing your aunt means worsening of the situation; talking to her means domestic quarrels.

1 Aunt Po Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why does a woman dream about her aunt:

Auntie - to the hotels.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Aunt Po Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Why does a woman dream about aunt:

Aunt - coldness in relationships; gossip, grief; guests (“hello, I’m your aunt”).

1 Aunt according to Dream Book 2012

Seeing an aunt in a dream means:

A reflection of those feelings and relationships that have developed in real life. A reminder of your own uniqueness.

1 Aunt Po Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

A dream with an aunt in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed about your aunt, this portends you receiving news about her.

Why dream that your aunt is quarreling with you - then soon a major scandal associated with her will break out in your family.

See also: why relatives dream, why uncles dream, why daughters dream.

1 Aunt Po Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dreaming with your aunt means:

A young woman dreams of her aunt - someone will sharply condemn the long-standing misdeeds of this woman, and she will be upset - and upset not so much by condemnation as by harshness. A young woman dreams of a smiling aunt - if there were disagreements with someone, they will soon disappear.

1 Aunt Po Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Meaning of sleep aunt:

Family troubles.

1 Aunt Po Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of her aunt:

Auntie - related troubles.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

Why are dream books mostly negative towards “auntie’s” dreams? This relative, in theory, should personify friendliness and democracy! Apparently, it all depends on whether the dreamer is dealing with a good aunt or a bad one.

Here is a dream where a young woman sees her aunt in her dreams - and almost all dream books say: this is a sign of immediate sharp reproach for the actions committed or for the actions that the woman is about to commit. Such an assessment, according to interpretations, should negatively affect the mood of the one who received the “auntie’s” dream.

And if the aunt didn’t just appear in a dream, if a happy smile shines on her face, this is a sign that the slight disagreements in the young woman’s life will soon come to an end, replaced by pleasure. And a joyful streak of success will come in her life.

It turns out that even a neutral-minded aunt in a dream is a reason for a young woman to more closely monitor herself and her behavior in society. Otherwise, troubles are inevitable.

Psychologists explain this interpretation of the “auntie’s” dream in different ways. After all, it is obvious that any dream book has a very certain degree of the fact that dreams will come true! Apparently, the image of the aunt in the consciousness and subconscious of young women, who then give their invisible “signals” to the brain, which turn into our dreams, is based on situations in reality. If the relationship between the aunt and the niece is not the most friendly, then the dreams cannot promise anything good. The only desire of the young woman in this case is to see a radiant smile on the face of her “beloved” aunt!

It is interesting that one of the examples of the “beloved aunt” was the character played by Alexander Kalyagin. Judging by the character of such an “aunt from Brazil”, any niece will keep her ears open - with all the ensuing consequences in the form of dreams.

However, psychologists are inclined to explain this attitude towards one of her closest relatives by reminding the young woman of how unique and original she herself is. In this, women have no equal among us mortals! So, my aunt dreamed that in this case the subtle female intuition that manifests itself in our dreams speaks. One of the interpretations is that very soon a guest should come to the house (if he is not already standing on the threshold): hello, I’m your aunt! It is obvious that here, too, subconscious anxiety manifests itself in the company of the “beloved aunt.” The following interpretation: you dreamed about your aunt in a dream - expect news that an elderly relative has died. Another explanation for the “aunt’s” dream is that perhaps soon the young woman will be given gifts (apparently, from the same beloved relative).

Simply seeing an aunt in a dream means a worsening financial situation, and if a woman also talks to her, it means that domestic quarrels cannot be avoided. I dreamed about my aunt - we must expect coldness in those relationships that just yesterday were the warmest in the world, we must expect gossip and grief.

Such not-so-pleasant associations are deeply involved in the sometimes unpredictable female psyche and logic. Interpreters are sure, for example, that most nieces, especially if their aunts are self-sufficient persons, try to “try on” their image for themselves. Such projection perhaps explains the confusing nature of dream interpretation - about as confusing as women's logic itself!

It is important to understand that some dream books cannot be an explanation for the dream you saw. Hence the discrepancy in interpretations. According to the Ukrainian dream book, an aunt means family troubles; according to the Gypsy dream book, it means family quarrels.

The aunt in the mind of the same young woman is often associated with the productive part of the personality. But if in a dream you see an aunt who is an old maid, then this may mean that part of the young woman who is not satisfied with her developing life and therefore feels like a deeply unhappy person.

Separately, you should detail in detail the part of dreams in which the previously deceased aunt is present. The main interpretation of such a dream is that it represents some unfinished complex affairs or conflicts. However, those who think that such a dream does not bode well, but only problems, are deeply mistaken. This is not a sign that something bad is bound to happen in later life. Most likely, interpreters note, this is a warning that complications are possible in life. As you know, forewarned is forearmed! And such a dream’s main function involves a reminder of the need to analyze one’s behavior, to look from the outside to see how much the dreamer’s views resonate with the norms of public opinion.

This may also mean that a new business started will not be without envious people. Therefore, there is a reason to double-check each of the existing calculations in the business plan: are there any weaknesses in it? Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid rejoicing on the part of ill-wishers, thereby giving another reason for gossip.

Maybe we should listen more carefully to “auntie’s” dreams? Moreover, a conversation with a deceased relative, according to interpretations, means a sign of care and attention on her part in an effort to protect her beloved niece from problems.

Anchor points:

If you don't have an aunt...

A dream in which you dreamed of an aunt, when in reality there is no such thing - symbol of troubles and fulfilling their family responsibilities. Seeing a stranger or not your aunt in a dream, in real life - a feeling of loneliness.


To see a dream about your own aunt means that in reality you will be deservedly punished for an act committed long ago, while the anticipation of this punishment has absolutely exhausted you, so you get rid of the stone in your soul. She was in a good mood joked and laughed– conflicts with relatives will be resolved.

What did aunt do?

Conversations with an aunt promise misunderstandings with household members, leading to small quarrels. The cleaning that your aunt did in the dream is a disappointment due to the fact that you are too lazy to fulfill your promise. Auntie was dancing– you will be forced to visit one of your distant relatives. Arguing with her means conflicts in real life and, most likely, with one of your loved ones.

Trouble with my aunt

If you dreamed that your aunt died, you should be careful, there is a high probability that you will get into trouble. Sick relative– you should be more careful when choosing friends, perhaps you are very mistaken about someone. If your aunt cried in a dream, now is the time to sort things out with relatives; a favorable outcome is most likely, you you can find a compromise.

Dream Interpretation deceased aunt

Why do you dream about a dead aunt? Such a dream evokes few pleasant emotions, and therefore dreamers immediately try to decipher it, making a number of mistakes.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to analyze the events taking place in detail, and only then turn to special sources for help.

Where to start?

As the dream book describes, a deceased aunt is a very important symbol.

Communication in a dream with a dead person

Typically, it reflects very important messages or warnings to soul mates that need to be heeded.

Let the news heard from the lips not be the most rosy, but their benefits will be limitless. An aunt occupies different positions in a person's life. For some, she can become a second mother, and for others, a stranger.

Which sources should you listen to?

Each dream interpreter gives his own interpretations, and each has distinctive features. It makes sense to consider several popular options and compare them with your sleep.

Miller's works

Reading Miller's dream book, you can see that the image that comes helps the sleeping person protect himself from rash actions. If you see the dissatisfied face of a close relative, then you need to reconsider your current plans and subsequent actions.

It may not be easy for you right now, but you won’t be able to stay at the fork in fate for long either.

Folk dream interpreter

Talk to a relative as if she were alive

Why do you dream about an aunt who left this world? Most likely, the dreamer is exhausted, and therefore the meaning of what he saw lies only in the reflection of his own nature. If you do not make efforts to eliminate this imbalance, the situation will worsen. The dream book does not say that such an image is bad; most likely, it is a call for further action.

Ifdreamed of a dead aunt alive, it means that in reality you have stopped remembering her, and her soul cannot find peace. You need to visit her grave more often and occasionally remember her with a pleasant word.

If a relative is alive, but died in a dream, then most likely the dreamer will have to solve the problems of his closest relatives and friends. They can simply sit on your neck, taking advantage of your friendly attitude. You should take courage and answer requests with a firm refusal. If you do not decide to take such a radical step, life will not change.

Spring dream book

The deceased aunt putting on black shoes symbolizes troubles and pitfalls that can appear at any moment. If she begins to give some recommendations, the dreamer needs to listen to every word. Perhaps it is her words that will allow us to avoid many everyday problems.

A deceased woman puts on black shoes in a dream

You may dream of such a difficult conversation, which will lead to radical changes in your usual lifestyle:

  • rethinking life mission;
  • change of workplace;
  • creating a new and successful environment.

If you see your loved one lying and not moving, it means that the weather will change soon. If some people gathered around and began to speak badly about her, the dreamer will have a difficult conversation with relatives, which could end in a big scandal. According to the second interpretation, the sleeping person is experiencing depression.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

In the dream book of a recognized master you can see various options.

  • If the aunt starts crying, then a serious quarrel will actually happen.
  • Seeing a relative standing next to you is a sign of a dark streak in life.
  • A revived image means receiving unexpected news.

What's happening?

The deceased woman calls for you in a dream

Events in a dream leave a big imprint on the interpretation itself, and therefore it is so important to pay attention to them.


Hearing your aunt invite you to come along with you is a sign of big problems. If you were able to ignore this gesture, then in reality you will be able to quickly defeat the disease or get out of a difficult situation.


If the deceased aunt gave something to a sleeping person, he will be in serious trouble. A dreamer living in the world must learn to set priorities correctly.

Giving a white or yellow dress means trouble. If a relative doesn’t like the gift you bought, then all your efforts will be useless and will not lead to any result. The main thing is to try to control the situation that has arisen and set priorities correctly.


If you see a dead woman who is alive in real life, then you need to interpret it according to a different principle. Almost any dream interpreter can give the appropriate prescription. The feeling of loss that could appear in the morning will only tell you that your health will only improve, and you won’t have to buy pills for treatment.

If a loved one begins to scold the sleeping person, then this dream should be interpreted in the reverse order. There is a possibility that in your life there will be a normalization of relationships with other people who were not previously recognized.

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