Message in English on the topic of the Internet. Essay (topic) on the topic “Internet” in English

Tell me what you are looking for on the Internet and I will tell you who you are. At the same time being one of the most ingenious inventions of mankind, it is also the most powerful tool in the world for monitoring it. Who knows, perhaps soon the Internet will become the only source of information for people. We shall see.

Essay on Pros and cons of the Internet

The Internet is for sure one of the greatest inventions of the last century. The point is that the invention and implementation of it to different spheres of our life has completely changed the way we live it. It has transformed the process of communication, study, search of information and even the way of thinking. But are all these changes positive?
First of all, the existence of the Internet doubtlessly had an enormous effect on our lives. Furthermore, it brought more opportunities that had been unachievable before. As for the process of communication, it’s obvious that the appearance of the Internet has given us a chance to keep in touch with people from all over the world. We are able to hear and see our faraway relatives and friends as well as make a deal with clients and business partners from different continents. Moreover, we have unlimited access to any kind of information, which makes it easier to study and develop ourselves.
On the other hand, it’s disputable if we use all these advantages or not. The unlimited access to information can be treated as drawback, because people are not motivated to get knowledge. In addition, the information that is available for everyone is not so desirable any more. The vast majority of teenagers waste their free time surfing useless websites and chatting with each other. They stopped communicating face to face and don’t spend enough time outside. The problem is also that the Internet is like a drug for many people. More and more often we talk about the Internet addiction and how it ruins our lives.
As for me, I can see a lot of advantages and new opportunities that the Internet allows us to use. Nevertheless, we have to be vigilant and do not become addicted.

Essay on the topic Pros and cons of the Internet

The Internet is clearly the greatest invention of the last century. The fact is that the invention and its implementation in various areas of our life has completely changed its image. This has transformed the way we communicate, study, search for information, and even the way we think. But are all these changes positive?
First of all, the existence of the Internet has undoubtedly had a huge impact on our lives. In addition, more opportunities have appeared that were unattainable before. When it comes to the process of communication, it is obvious that the advent of the Internet has given us the opportunity to maintain relationships with people from all over the world. We can hear and see our distant relatives and friends, as well as enter into transactions with clients and business partners from other continents. Moreover, we have unlimited access to any information, which makes our learning and development easier.
On the other hand, it is debatable whether we take advantage of all these benefits or not. Unlimited access to information can also be considered a disadvantage because people are not motivated to acquire knowledge. Moreover, information that is available to everyone is no longer desirable. Most teenagers waste their free time by visiting useless websites and texting each other. They don't interact face to face and don't spend enough time outside. The problem is also that the Internet is like a drug for many people. More and more often we talk about Internet addiction and how it destroys our lives.
As for me, I see many advantages and new opportunities that the Internet allows us to use. However, we must be vigilant and not become addicted.

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In this article we will figure out how to write an essay about the pros and cons of the Internet in English. The article includes recommendations for writing an essay, as well as the text of the essay in English and Russian. This material will be useful to those who are preparing to take the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam, as well as schoolchildren and students who have been asked to write an essay in English about the pros and cons of the Internet.

The World Wide Web has become a part of our lives. We can no longer imagine a world without various gadgets. How to write an essay about the Global Network in English? The Pros and Cons of the Internet is a great topic for honing your writing skills. Almost everyone today uses the World Wide Web and sees both positive and negative sides, so it will be easy to choose arguments for and against.

What difficulties may arise when writing an essay?

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of articles on the World Wide Web about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, writing an essay on this topic still causes certain difficulties. This is due to the fact that in these types of tasks it is necessary to follow a certain structure, correctly use introductory words and linking words, and also build a logical chain of reasoning.

What to consider when writing an essay

To successfully write an essay on a given topic you need:

  • decide on the pros and cons that will be presented in your essay;
  • determine the structure of the future essay;
  • think about the introduction and conclusion;
  • speak on this issue;
  • Don’t forget about linking words and introductory words.

Example essay about the pros and cons of the Internet in English

The Internet plays an important role in our lives. Since its invention it has completely transformed our world. Today we even can’t imagine our life without it. We communicate, study, have fun and even buy things via the World Wide Web. But has it got only positive sides?

On the one hand, the Internet helps us to chat with friends and to keep in touch with our relatives that live in other cities or countries. Moreover, it gives us unlimited access to information from every sphere of life. Here we can find all necessary information for our studies or work. Furthermore, everyone can find online courses which appeal to him/her, for example, courses of drawing or sketching, courses of marketing or Instagram promotion, etc. So, everyone can choose whatever they want. What is more, thanks to the Internet it is very convenient to shop online without leaving your house.

On the other hand, the Internet also has a negative effect on our lives. People start to replace the real world by the virtual one, because virtual life can seem more interesting. Many children and teenagers spend their free time playing different computer games. That is very harmful for their health. The problem is that more and more people today become addicted to the Internet and can’t get rid of this kind of drug. In addition, many people don’t use opportunities to get knowledge. Instead, they spend many hours searching useless websites and watching photos on social networks. Moreover, there are many frauds in the Internet that are ready to steal your money at any time. That’s why you should be very careful while shopping online.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet has both pros and cons. It can be either our friend or our enemy, so we shouldn’t become addicted to it. As for me, I use the Internet first of all for my studies, but I also like watching videos on YouTube and chatting with my friends on Instagram. Although, I understand that it should be better to limit the time I spend on my phone.

The title “Pros and cons of the Internet” in English can be written in different ways. For example: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet, Pros and Cons of the Internet, or Pros and Cons of the Internet.

What else should you consider when writing an essay on the pros and cons of the Internet? In English, this word is used with the definite article the Internet.

Translation of an essay about the pros and cons of the Internet in English

“The Internet plays an important role in our lives. With its advent, our world has changed dramatically, because today we cannot even imagine life without the World Wide Information Network. We communicate, learn, have fun and even shop online. But does it have any disadvantages?

On the one hand, the Internet helps us communicate with friends and relatives located in other cities and countries. Moreover, it gives us unlimited access to knowledge in all areas. On the World Wide Web you can find all the necessary information for study and work. In addition, you can take various online courses through the Internet, such as courses in drawing, marketing or promotion on Instagram, etc. Thus, everyone can find courses according to their interests. It is also very convenient to shop online without leaving your home.

On the other hand, the Internet also has a negative impact on us. People are starting to live in virtual reality because they find it more interesting. Many children and teenagers spend all their free time sitting at the computer and playing computer games, which is bad for their health. Today, more and more people are becoming addicted to the Internet. This is a serious problem because it is very difficult to get rid of this addiction. In addition, many people are reluctant to take advantage of the opportunity to gain new knowledge. Instead, they spend a lot of time watching useless videos, websites and photos on social networks. Moreover, there are many scammers on the Internet, so you should be very careful when making purchases online.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the Internet has both pros and cons. He can be both a friend and an enemy to us, so we should not become dependent on him. I use the World Wide Web primarily for studying, but I also like to watch videos on YouTube and chat with friends on Instagram. Although I understand that I should cut down on the time I spend on my phone."


Now you know how to write an essay about the pros and cons of the Internet in English. You can add your own arguments confirming the advantages and disadvantages of the World Wide Web, as well as express your thoughts on this matter.

Essay (composition) in English on the topic: The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Still, it is considered to be dangerous to many people.


Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.

In my opinion, modern life can hardly be imagined without the world-wide web. The Internet can be helpful to everyone, including students. Firstly, students can use the Internet for learning purposes. I suppose that it is the strongest reason why they should get access to the Internet. Thousands of websites place a mass of good information at the disposal of any person interested in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. Many school teachers create special resources for their students. Secondly, the Internet offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. You can get in touch with your friends and send them e-mail messages, picture-cards, photos. You can make new friends from the whole world. The Internet offers a wonderful solution to the problem of loneliness.

Notwithstanding the advantages, the Internet implies serious risks. I think that dating websites pose a real risk to the teenagers. On the one hand, dating websites give you a chance to find a friend who you have much in common with. On the other hand, your new friend may turn out not to be a person you’d like to communicate with. What is more, it is quite possible that your new friend is a criminal. Such contacts may be very dangerous to you. Another grave disadvantage of the Internet is the presence of much information that can hurt your psyche and even body. I mean pornography, publication of possible ways of suicide or buying and taking drugs.

In my opinion, the quality of information must be one of the top national priorities. It is necessary to pass laws to prevent harmful information from spreading. Much needs to be done to enforce the laws. Internet providers should have a concern in the quality of information being transmitted through their channels.

To sum it up, modern people are in great need of the Internet. But strong measures must be taken to protect them from bad information. If such measures are taken, the Internet will be safe.


It is hard to deny the importance of the Internet nowadays. This global system of interconnected networks has entered nearly everyone’s life and holds several billions of users worldwide. The Internet helps not only to communicate, but offers infinite possibilities for business and education. It carries an extensive range of information and services. Other known media sources, such as television, radio, newspapers, have been reshaped, redefined and naturally replaced by the Internet. It has enabled newer forms of human communications via instant messaging, social networking, video phone calls, forums, blogs, etc. Buying and selling different products became much easier. Many people prefer online shopping to time-consuming walks around the malls.

The benefits of the Internet are obvious. People easily find up-to-date information in any required field. It is possible to get an online degree, to study in many prestigious universities from the comfort of one’s own home, to travel virtually and to learn about world attractions. However, opinions differ and many people emphasize the disadvantages of the Internet as well. Making world information easy to access is not always for good. First of all, the reliability of this information is dubious and secondly, children are under risk. They suffer from inappropriate information, placed on various websites. There were even cases when children became victims of criminal cases through the Internet.

Not everyone is aware that the Internet had started as a military experiment in the United States in the late 1960s. It was supposed to help to survive during the nuclear war. If everything around got polluted and people couldn’t get out of their homes, the Internet would be the only source of information and way of communication. It was the safest and quickest path from one computer to another. For this reason Internet was designed. As long as there was a single route between the computers, people could stay in touch. Subsequently, the modems were invented. They were the devices which allowed the computers to send certain information through telephone lines. Modem has opened doors to the Internet for millions of people. Since then the number of users is constantly growing.

Today, the Internet can be accessed almost anywhere and by numerous means, even by mobile devices. It offers great flexibility to students and employees. Distant education becomes more and more popular. Students can get help with homework and other assignments, take up self-guided learning, or simply look up the details on interesting fact. Work has also become easier with the help of such low cost and instant sharing of knowledge. Another interesting Internet feature includes remote access which allows several computers to share information. Any office worker can access his e-mails or data from anywhere at any time. However, there are some problems, such as absence as security and control.


Nowadays, it is difficult to deny the important role of the Internet. It is a global system of interconnected networks that has entered the lives of almost every person and has several billion users around the world. The Internet not only helps you communicate, but also offers endless opportunities for business and education. It offers a wide range of information and services. Other well-known media sources such as television, radio, newspapers have been changed, revalued and naturally replaced by the Internet. New forms of human communications have become possible through instant messages, social networks, video calls, forums, blogs, etc. Buying and selling various products has also become much easier. Many people prefer online shopping to time-consuming walks in shopping centers.

The advantages of the Internet are obvious. People easily find relevant information in any field. You can earn an online degree, study at many prestigious universities from the comfort of your own home, travel virtually and learn about world attractions. However, opinions differ, and many people see downsides to the Internet. Easy access to the world's information is not always good. First of all, the reliability of this information is questionable, and secondly, children are at risk. They suffer from inappropriate information posted on various websites. There have even been cases where children became victims of crime via the Internet.

Not everyone knows that the Internet was founded as a military experiment in the United States in the late 1960s. It was assumed that this would help survive during a nuclear war. If everything around is polluted and people cannot leave their homes, the Internet will be the only source of information and way of communication. This was the safest and fastest way from one computer to another. This is the reason the Internet was developed. As long as there was a single route between computers, people could stay connected. Subsequently, modems were invented. These are devices that allow computers to send certain information over telephone lines. The modem opened the doors of the Internet to millions of people. Since then, the number of users has been constantly growing.

Today, Internet access is possible almost anywhere and through many devices, including mobile phones. This made it accessible to both students and employees. Distance education is becoming more and more popular. Students can get help with homework and other assignments, engage in independent study, or simply find detailed information about interesting facts. Work has also become easier with this inexpensive and instant knowledge sharing. Another interesting feature of the Internet is remote access, which allows multiple computers to exchange information. Any office worker can access their email or data from anywhere in the world at any time. However, there are also some problems such as lack of control and secure transfer.

Level B. Other.


Nowadays the Internet is the most popular kind of mass media. People use it all over the world. Strange as it may seem that some years ago people did not know about the Internet. But now it is as common as mobile phone. And it has pros and cons. And now I will speak about it.

On the one hand, the Internet gives us a lot of opportunities. It helps get various information. We can learn something new about local, national and international events and problems. Besides, there are a lot of encyclopedias where you can find the answer to all your questions. They are great of use if you are preparing a report at school. You can get the information about weather forecast, the correct time and others. You can also read books on the Internet. Reading them widen your horizon. I cannot but say about the educational role of the Internet. With the help of it you can widen your knowledge of nearly all subjects. For example, traveling virtually you widen your knowledge of geography, visiting museums you widen your knowledge of history. You can also learn something new about your country’s history or world’s history. There are lots of useful websites where you can find tests on your school subjects such as English or math. There are good websites such as Cambridge University Site, British Council. And of course, the Internet can help you to find a job which is interesting for you. There are a lot of vacancies. You can even work at home and earn money.

On the other hand, the Internet can be dangerous. You can become computer addicted. There are lots of people who spent all their time near the computer. Besides, there are some cites which are to be forbidden and games which are to pay. And another negative aspect is viruses which can spoil your computer.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet has both pros and cons. But I think there are more pros than cons.

Nowadays, the Internet is the most popular form of media. People use it all over the world. As strange as it may seem, a few years ago people did not know about the Internet. But now it is as common as a mobile phone. And it has pros and cons. And now I will talk about it.

On the one hand, the Internet gives us many opportunities. It helps to obtain various information. We can learn something new about local, national and international events and issues. In addition, there are many encyclopedias where you can find answers to all your questions. They are great if you are preparing a report for school. You can get information about the weather forecast, the right time and others. You can also read books online. By reading them, you expand your knowledge. I can’t help but talk about the educational role of the Internet. With the help of it you can expand your knowledge of almost all subjects. For example, by traveling virtually, you expand your knowledge of geography; by visiting museums, you expand your knowledge of history. You may also learn something new about your country's history or world history. There are many useful websites where you can find tests for your school subjects such as English or math. There are good sites, such as the Cambridge University site, the British Council. The Internet can help you find a job that interests you. There are many vacancies. You can even work from home and earn money.

On the other hand, the Internet can be dangerous. You may become addicted. There are many people who spend all their time near the computer. In addition, there are some sites that should be banned and games that you have to pay for. And another negative aspect is viruses that can ruin your computer.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet has its pros and cons. But I think there are more pros than cons.