Dining room according to the dream book. Why do you dream about the Dining Room? Why do you dream about a school cafeteria?

Our dreams change along with changes in the world around us. Civilization is growing, new technical innovations are appearing, which enter not only our lives, but also our dreams.

What was strange or unexpected just recently is now becoming commonplace. Therefore, dream books are often updated, adding new images that simply did not exist before. One such image is the public canteen. It would seem that it has existed in the lives of more than one generation, but information about it cannot be found from ancient dream interpreters.

So, today we will try to find out what the dining room is about in dreams . If you look at the Modern Dream Book, the dining room is a symbol of your life, your life choices and worldview. Truly, such a dream can tell a lot about you.

Therefore, do not be lazy and analyze the dream in detail. Notice the nuances as well as your own emotional state during the dream. Here's what you can't miss in such a vision:

  • School or factory?
  • Appearance?
  • What did you feed?
  • What are your feelings?

Secrets of dreams

So, in order to analyze such a vision in detail, firstly, it is necessary to remember what kind of catering it was. If you dreamed of a school canteen, then this suggests that you will soon meet people from your past. It could be either yours or your childhood friends.

If the “canteen” was a student one, then this indicates that you will have to go back to study. Most likely, you will learn something new and useful that you can later apply in your work.

If you dreamed of a factory canteen, then such a vision promises you intense workdays. Emergency situations, overload at work and complex tasks will take up a lot of your time in the near future. But don’t worry, this period will be replaced by rest and relaxation.

Ordinary catering, not tied to any organization, speaks of your mental torment. You have become an overly open person, which makes you feel quite uncomfortable. Think about yourself, and not about others, so you will again feel like a living and full-fledged person.

Next, remember the appearance of the establishment. If the dining room was clean and tidy, then this speaks of you as a hospitable person and a welcoming host.

A standard establishment, seemingly decent, but not particularly clean, speaks about your attitude towards yourself and other people. You equate yourself to a standard, believing that you are no better or worse than others, in fact this is a manifestation of low self-esteem. It's time for you to learn to love and value yourself, otherwise who is your whole life for?

A dirty, unkempt dining room, and even with , indicates that you have given up on yourself. You are eaten up from the inside by self-dislike, and you diligently hide it. It's time to clean out all the dirt, and build new buildings in place of former ruins out of self-love and gratitude to the world.

Next, it’s worth remembering what kind of food there was. If there was no food in the establishment, and you just saw an empty building, then such a vision speaks of your fatigue and inner emptiness. It's time to take a break from worries and take time for yourself!

If the dining room was filled with food, then such a vision predicts a period of abundance for you. You will get exactly what you dream of, so if you want something serious, start dreaming bigger.

If you dreamed of a public dining room that was filled with restaurant, expensive and gourmet food, then such a vision speaks of your too high expectations from life. Remember that the main principle thanks to which everything around us lives is gradualism. Therefore, moderate your appetites a little and rejoice in what you have.

And at the end of the interpretation, pay attention to your emotions in a dream.

  • If you felt good and nourished, then such a vision speaks of your kindness and ability to enjoy little things.
  • Disgust and disgust indicate that you have difficulty accepting the limitations and hardships of life. Remember that life is cyclical and a black streak is always replaced by a white streak.
  • A state of hopelessness speaks of your inner melancholy and a feeling of a dead end in life. Make changes in your life, and then the world around you will also begin to change.

Dreams are a bright world! And whatever they are, they always bring a lot of useful and necessary information into our lives.

A dream in which you have a dry lunch while being away from home means that you will soon receive an invitation to honor a noble hero of the day. Having lunch in a restaurant with friends is a sign of recognition and wealth; in the dining room, you will be literally demoralized by the tragedy that will play out before your eyes.

Seeing yourself in a dream as the mistress of a castle and having dinner all alone at a huge table laden with all kinds of dishes - you will have to face a problem in your love relationship with your chosen one.

If in a dream a young girl is invited to dinner by her lover, and she refuses, this will lead to a complete break in the relationship between them in real life; if she accepts the invitation, in reality everything will be fine with them and will be resolved with a happy marriage.

Cooking dinner in a dream foreshadows deep moral satisfaction from a successfully completed job. Arranging a dinner for guests portends a profitable investment of money; having dinner at a party means fun will replace sorrows. Lunch at an inopportune time means a waste of energy and money on a task that is initially doomed to fail.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Lunch

Lunch always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a necessity of life. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the atmosphere of friendliness and the way the food is prepared.

For families, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather as a family to socialize. Even in families that do not communicate frequently, the dinner table has always been an important gathering place for all family members. In a dream, people who have died long ago or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully at who is present at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you.

Pay attention to the dishes. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a specific family member or with the image of the family as a whole. It could be a food that no one likes, or an exotic dish prepared by a person who is disliked. The point is that a certain DISH becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions.

Of course, in a dream it is quite possible that some unimaginable dish will appear or an unusual cooking method will be demonstrated. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people or the inability to prepare a dish that is not on the traditional family menu. The symbolic connotation that food has (for example, you dream of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease) or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations in MEMORY.

Is lunch held in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere? Or maybe this is a celebration of some event?

What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual?

Do you use lunch time to simply talk about daily matters?

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream about a dining room in reality symbolizes a feast or a meeting with friends in an informal setting. The article offers an online interpretation of dreams about the dining room, including a spoon, fork, food and a lot of food, a cafe, eating, knives, dishes, cutlery, objects, distribution and much more.

Dream Interpretation: public canteen, school (at school), buffet, queue

A public canteen is a dream that predicts life away from home. The same dream may indicate troubles in family life.

A dream about a school canteen is a sign that in real life you will have to learn how to spend money on food economically.

You dream about a buffet if in reality you have too little time to implement your plans and you have to do everything in a hurry.

If in a dream you have to stand in line at a cafeteria or buffet, in real life you will also face downtime for reasons beyond your control.

Miller's dream book

Miller assured that a person dreams of a dining room when he is tired of home life and comfort, and his soul demands novelty.

Dining room dream book of Juno

In Juno’s dream book, visiting a dining room threatens the dreamer with loss of trust from loved ones.

This same dream is a harbinger that you will have to change your usual life pattern.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena dining room

According to the dream book, a person can dream of a dining room when he needs to diversify his diet in reality.

According to the information provided by the latest dream book, a dream about a dining room can mean problems with the digestive tract in the dreamer’s real life. Perhaps they are associated with poor nutrition or diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

What if you dream about a dining room?

Such a dream should especially puzzle a person who abuses strict diets or fasting. It must be remembered that such a diet can cause irreparable harm to health, most organs of the digestive tract and well-being in general. If you stick to strict diets for a long time, your metabolism may be disrupted. And constant fasting can lead to anorexia, which has recently become the most fashionable, but the most deadly disease. Fast food lovers should also be wary of such a dream, because abuse of fast food leads to serious digestive disorders. A dream about a dining room may be a harbinger of temporary indigestion.

For those who are confident in the correctness and completeness of their diet, the dining room may dream of certain changes or pleasant events in life. It all depends on how clean and pleasant the establishment is in the dreamer’s dream.

If the dining room is very clean, the tablecloths shine white, the cutlery is polished to a shine, then this may be a foreshadowing that the dreamer will receive an invitation to some event. Perhaps it will be an anniversary or a presentation, perhaps just a big feast with old friends. The more pleasant the dining room looks, the more friendly the staff are, the more enjoyable your time at the event will be. It is possible that you will be able to make new pleasant acquaintances that will bring a lot of not only pleasure, but also benefit. If the dreamer dreamed that he ate in such a dining room, then this could be a harbinger of a business trip or a conflict with his other half, which could end in a change of place of residence.

What does it portend?

But why do you dream of a dirty and untidy dining room? This is a harbinger that the dreamer will have to attend such an event, the unpleasant memories of which will be very difficult to erase from memory. This may be a sign that during some celebration you will have to meet very unpleasant and even disgusting people, whose communication and obsession will be difficult to get rid of. There is also the possibility that the dreamer himself will behave at the event in such a way that he will have to blush and be ashamed of his behavior for a long time. Therefore, when accepting invitations, you need to be prepared to control yourself and remember that even unpleasant acquaintances can be quite useful in certain situations.

If in a dream the dreamer turns one of the rooms into a dining room, then this foreshadows constant visits from pleasant guests, from whom there will simply be no end. These guests will be a joy, not a burden to a person. Therefore, the dreamer will not have to be bored alone.

Lonely people should wish to see just such dreams, so that in reality they would be visited as often as possible by guests who would not let them feel a lack of communication. Of course, I would like to wish all dreamers that in their dreams they see only clean dining rooms, which portend pleasant events in life.

If in a dream you find yourself in a dining room, pay especially close attention to what you eat in real life. The dream book warns that diet, lack of exercise and overeating may well become the cause of many serious diseases over time. A number of other versions of what dreams of catering mean are listed below.

Clean public canteen

If the catering outlet you dreamed of amazed you with its cleanliness, comfort and delicious variety of dishes, then you will very soon receive an invitation to some important and high-level event. The modern dream book advises not to get lost and make as many useful contacts as possible. They will definitely help in later life.

Seeing a dirty dining room in a dream means indigestion. Pay special attention to all food that ends up in your mouth. A frivolous attitude to this issue can serve as a bad joke and provoke the occurrence of all sorts of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are firmly convinced that all the food on your table is extremely healthy and correct, then expect some pleasant life events. They will happen very soon and will greatly please you.

Eating in a public canteen in a dream means a conflict situation that will occur either in the workplace or in a relationship with your other half. The Wanderer's Dream Book also prophesies a move to another place of residence caused by a quarrel.

Dirty dining room

If you dream that you eat spoiled and extremely tasteless food with a tablespoon, then the upcoming friendly or business meeting will end in bitter disappointment. Some negative moments will be impossible to erase from memory for a long time. The modern dream book advises not to dwell on the negative, but to simply move on, opening your heart to new possibilities.

A variety of interpretations

If you dream that one of the rooms in your house has turned into a school canteen, in which there are tables covered with tablecloths, on which there are spoons and plates, then you will be able to receive many invitations from people who evoke sincere sympathy.

Eating a delicious dessert in a cafe with a small spoon in a dream means receiving many sensual pleasures. Having a dream is a sign that communicating with your loved one will bring a huge amount of pleasant sensations. Another meaning of this dream is going on an interesting journey.

Hasse's dream book suggests that the school canteen is a sign that along the path of life you will meet many people who will teach you a lot and help you become a morally more mature person. If you dream of a cafe, then new friends and acquaintances will appear.

Dreaming of a date in a public catering facility means that strangers will actively interfere in your personal relationships. Try to protect your personal life from unceremonious interference in it by strangers. The dream also has a positive meaning. It is believed that a dream of romance in the dining room is a sign of a relationship moving to a new level. A family dream book even promises a wedding.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • There will be a problem with power supply.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Dining room- there will be a problem with nutrition.

The dining room is a concept that appeared already in the twentieth century. Therefore, if you take some old authoritative dream book, the dining room will not be indicated there.

Although some people talk about the dining room as a room where they used to have lunch, dinner, and receive guests. We will try to understand both meanings. Moreover, in our arsenal there are modern dream books that give an interpretation of this dream.

Meaning first

Do you see in your dream a completely Soviet-style dining room, with an iron counter and slabs visible behind the barmaid? This dream may mean that your digestive system is malfunctioning.

However, this interpretation is given by psychosomatic dream books, which decipher and help to hear the signals of our body.

Second meaning

Other newest dream books indicate that a dining room seen in a dream foreshadows pleasant changes that will soon come to you.

Do you remember whether the room was clean or not? If you could see greasy stains everywhere, there was a bad smell, and there were a lot of unwashed dishes, then soon you will attend some significant event.

This will probably be an important business meeting, or conference, or corporate event. There will be a lot of important people there, but your hopes for establishing new and useful contacts will not come true. You will make quite a lot of acquaintances, but there will be no advantages from them.

But troubles from this event are quite possible. Gossip and empty talk may spread. As a result, you will have to justify actions that you did not even commit.

Did you have a dream in which the dining room made you happy and felt cozy like home? This is a good sign, promising good luck in business and work. You can get a lucrative contract, hold successful meetings, and agree on profitable cooperation.

Meaning three

Why do you dream about the dining room in your home? This means that in your dream a separate room appeared in your apartment for receiving guests and food. The meaning of the dream is that you are oppressed by the place where you currently live.

You are worried about your neighbors, poor location of the house, cramped conditions, improper layout. You dream of a different home, but you’re afraid to admit it, even to yourself, most likely.

And you would really like a bright, clean, spacious house, where guests will come and children will play, where laughter will be heard and cheerful music will sound. All in your hands! If you realize your desire, you will begin to look for ways to realize it.

Additional interpretation

In your dream, did you have lunch in the dining room? What you ate speaks of a hidden desire or hidden fear.

  • Pie - you lack the help of older relatives.
  • Soup - you think that you have little warmth in your relationship with your parents.
  • Meat - you are afraid of getting seriously ill.
  • Pisces - you are thinking about pregnancy.
  • Dessert, something sweet - you miss romance and lyrics in your personal life.
  • Salad - your friends are boring you. You want to distance yourself from them.
  • Something disgusting, tasteless or with a disgusting taste - you are ashamed of something.
  • Something unusual, exotic - you need extreme and variety.
  • Something mega-delicious, but you don’t know what it is - you want love adventures, but you can’t afford them.

Remember, any dream can be a reflection of what you saw in reality. If you saw a beautiful dining room in someone's house or had to eat in some dining room where you didn't like it, then the dream is simply showing your emotions about it. Author: Maria Serova