Dice tattoo. Dice tattoo Sketch of a tattoo on the palm in the form of dice

Since ancient times, tattoos have been a mixture of meanings and symbols that have a specific meaning. As everyone knows, when ordering a particular tattoo design, a person chooses the appropriate meaning. Skeleton tattoos are now popular among both the male and female population.

Contrary to the belief that women's tattoos with a skull or skeleton symbol mean sadness, we can safely say: this is not so. As a rule, this symbol leads to a positive component. The meaning of such tattoos can be revealed as a symbol of the eternal, of life, of its value. In addition, a tattoo with the image of a skeleton reminds you that you need to live here and now, without putting off everything for later, strive for something, to be useful to others.

Scientists are of the opinion that the image comes from Mexican legends dedicated to the Day of the Dead. But despite the name, this holiday was a festival of fun and joy.

But sometimes a person independently puts into the meaning of a tattoo the meaning that is closest to him. Even the image of a skeleton can be presented in different ways: either in a positive or negative sense.

Let your artist draw a unique skeleton tattoo design for you, don’t look for it online. Otherwise, you will only get a pitiful copy, and not a good tattoo.

Skeleton tattoo video

Below are photos of skeleton tattoos from different artists for your inspiration.

The topic of our article today is devoted to tattoos on the hand. In it we will talk in more detail about whether it hurts to get a tattoo on the hand, what a tattoo on the hand means, how best to choose a place, etc. If you're interested, keep reading.

Wrist tattoos have become quite popular, especially recently. Previously, when tattoos on the body just began to win the hearts of people, the most popular places for them were,. However, in the modern world, the view on the location of tattoos has changed greatly and now images are tattooed in the most unpredictable places.

Previously, they were applied in quality, which protected their wearer from possible harm. These were mostly black and white tattoos, but over time, colored inks were gradually introduced.

Today, tattoos are more than just a picture. This is a way to change your image, add zest to it and become brighter, impressing people. With the help of such tattoos, people express themselves, reveal their character traits and loudly declare their personality to the whole world. Many people don’t just get beautiful tattoos on their hands, but write words and texts, and put a certain meaning into them.

What do you need to know?

A tattoo is something that stays with you throughout your life, so before proceeding directly to the session, you need to consult with your parents, if you are under 18, with your friends and, above all, with yourself. Think through everything down to the smallest detail so that you are 100% prepared.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. The meaning of the image. The design you put on your body stays with you throughout your life, so think carefully about its meaning. If this is your first time, start with small minimalist tattoos. They look original, gentle and do not overload the image. In any case, a small picture can always be supplemented with something larger, it all depends on your desire. The main thing is that the tattoo you get has nothing to do with the prison sphere. Beware of ambiguous symbols and pictures that have an ambiguous, negative interpretation.

  2. Color scheme and style. When you have already found sketches of a hand tattoo, decide on the colors in which the drawing will be painted, as well as the style, so that the image can be supplemented with something similar, so that later you will have a thoughtful composition with a general storyline. Tattoos in the style of “tribal”, “biomechanics” and “Chicano” look best on the hand. Such images look bright, contrasty and have clearly drawn lines.

    1. Biomechanics, mechanisms 2. Chicano 3. Tribal on the hand and finger

  1. Size. It just depends on your personal preferences. For example, mini-tattoos are very popular among young people, which later develop into full sleeves. The advantage of small-sized drawings is that they can always be supplemented with something new if desired, adding volume, detail, and color saturation.
  2. Location. Perhaps this stage will take you the most time, and all because you can place the tattoo in this area:
  • near the thumb (abstraction looks great here, as well as patterns and ornaments of the Maori tribes);
  • near the brush (in this area you can place inscriptions in Latin, or a small butterfly);
  • tattoos on the hand and wrist (often such images are part of the sleeve. Here, simple tattoos are most often placed on the hand, which do not have a large number of details);
  • tattoo on the side of the hand (the most popular pictures in this area are all kinds of inscriptions, as well as dates of birth of relatives and friends, which are filled with Roman numerals);
  • on the hands and fingers (considered one of the most common and most painful).


Sketches of tattoos on the hands, men's and women's, developed by specialists in different styles.

The pain and practicality of such a tattoo

Undoubtedly, it should be mentioned that getting a tattoo on the hand is incredibly painful, and all because there are a lot of nerve endings in this part of the hand. In addition, the skin on the hand is practically devoid of fat and muscle tissue. Due to the fact that the skin is close to the bones, the pain is very strong.

During the tattooing process, you will need to use painkillers to survive until the end of the session. In addition, a lot depends directly on, because applying a drawing in such an area is extremely difficult.

Choose a qualified specialist who has extensive experience and knows all the intricacies of applying a pattern to such sensitive areas. You can also ask him how to care for a tattoo, what is recommended to do and what not to do.


From an aesthetic point of view, tattoos in this area have some nuances. For example, men's hand tattoos differ in their plot, size, and theme of the images. Often these are various tattoos of skulls, webs, bears, wolves. Army tattoos are very popular among the stronger sex, which they apply to the body during their service.

Most of them are names or nicknames that they received in the army or during their service. Many people wear a compass on their wrist that points north. Adherents of the pagan era choose Thor's hammer tattoo designs, as well as various Slavic amulets. Women's or men's hand tattoos - the meaning can be completely different, because tattoos can perform both decorative and semantic functions.

A tattoo on the hand for girls is more of a decorative decoration that can be made in various styles. Colored tattoos are popular among the fair sex. These can be images of a lion, a cat, and birds are also very common on the brush.

Men and women like the look of a rose on a brush, as well as the image of a phoenix, feathers, a clock and even a skeleton.

The last picture is in particular demand. It is placed on both the right and left hand. It is believed that a tattoo on the left hand helps in matters of the heart, which is why various talismans are often depicted there.


In this photo review we are shown a variety of tattoos, which are presented in different colors and styles.

In the world of tattoos, almost every design has its own meaning. A person who puts this or that image on his body can give it his own, special meaning, but it is important to know about the universal interpretation of a tattoo. There is no need to specifically select a sketch for a dice tattoo; let your artist draw it himself.

One of the most famous tattoos is the dice. As a rule, such a tattoo consists of an image of two cubes with “glasses” dots, with or without a varied background. Rarely do dice refer to tetrahedrons, octahedrons and other figures: they are more consistent with the practical use in games or fortune telling of some cultures (for example, the Mongols use tetrahedral rather than hexagonal dice during rituals).

Dice are a symbol with several meanings. Already in ancient times, cubes with dots meant randomness, the momentariness of existence and the variability of life. But this meaning tends more towards a fatalistic worldview; at the same time, a dice tattoo symbolizes good luck.

It is believed that the number “seven” is the number of Fortune, so it is very consistent to activate this meaning by drawing dice with exactly the variation of points that would form a seven: six and one, three and four, etc.

In order to choose the desired variation, you need to get acquainted with the numerological tradition of your country in order to prevent unwanted interpretations: for example, in China, a die that lands on the side with four points symbolizes misfortune and even death.

In old school, the most famous tattoo style that arose back in the 19th century, dice are a traditional motif, which in its meaning goes back to risk, ardor, as well as the common “vice” of sailors (their tattoos are the forerunners and examples of old school) - gambling .

In new school, with its exaggerated bright colors and images from comics and cartoons, the meaning of the dice tattoo has not changed, but has acquired a somewhat ironic and lightweight connotation, which corresponds to the characteristics of the style itself.

As you know, many tattoos are inscribed in the prison “language” system. Dice, on the contrary, have a free meaning, so such a design can be safely applied to any part of the body in various variants and tattoo styles.

Tattoo on the forearm, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BHXu_OLATR6/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Dice tattoos on the arm demonstrate that the owner considers excitement to be his characteristic feature. A dashing disposition, extravagant behavior and risky decisions distinguish the wearer. Tattoos have a multifaceted meaning that they have acquired over centuries of development.

What does a dice tattoo mean?

Bone tattoos arose during the formation period. Gambling was the only entertainment on board the ship. At the end of the trip, a successful player could receive the salary of 1/3 of the team, doubling the profits from the trip. That is why the original meaning: a game of chance in which everything is put at stake.

Dice tattoo meanings:

  • adventurism;
  • sexuality;
  • Fortune's favorite;
  • crazy passion;
  • attraction to risk;
  • healthy aggression;
  • emotional upsurge.

People with bone tattoos know how to make an impression. They are bright and emotional personalities with strong charisma. They feel the ability to fight, to do anything to achieve victory. At the same time, these are strong personalities who know how to benefit even from a loss.

Tattoo meaning for girls

On the female body, cube tattoos have the meaning of a dangerous heartbreaker. Girls of this type have the fatal image of a “vamp woman.” They know how to completely absorb everyone's attention and concentrate on themselves. At the same time, they think soberly and do not allow praise to cloud their mind.

Tattoo on hand, photo from:

A strong and independent girl wears a tattoo to emphasize her qualities as a socialite. She confidently takes hers, knowing how to place high bets. Among tattoo bearers there are many actresses, singers, athletes and media workers.

Tattoo meaning for men

For men, a dice tattoo brings good luck in their personal life and on the professional front. They have a flexible mind and a lively imagination. Among tattoo connoisseurs there are many architects, stage workers and lawyers.

For men, a tattoo means:

  • loyalty to one's principles;
  • strong personality;
  • dangerous enemy;
  • ironic person;
  • persistence;
  • perseverance;
  • independence;
  • love for a vibrant life;
  • power of euphoria, etc.

The tattoo shows not only a love of gambling, but also a general desire to get a strong return on the effort expended. Tattoo owners strive to achieve their goal. They are distinguished by high intellectual potential and the ability to think strategically.

Tattoo meaning on the zone

In places of deprivation of liberty, dice tattoos indicate a “lucky” repeat offender. They were stuffed onto the wrists of professional sharpers, whose activities were aimed at beating people at gambling. The value on the dice showed the player's status.

The higher the total number, the greater the prisoner's talent. For those who specialized in gambling with foreigners, the tattoo was complemented by a chain or dial. A player who learned his craft in the zone was distinguished by barbed wire wrapped around his bones.

Image options

The cubes themselves have a laconic design. The clear geometry of the drawing allows them to be classified as geometry and sketch style. The advantage of bones is that they fit perfectly into any part of the body. For example, a minimalist pattern will decorate the wrist, and a large panel will decorate the shoulder.

Bones look great in black and white. The shading style of the graph is also suitable for the geometry of the drawing. If you decide to do your work in color, you should opt for realism and 3D.

The spirit of the image is suitable for Chicano, dotwork and trash polka styles. The composition will more clearly express the meaning you convey if you supplement it with additional attributes. The theme of bones includes cards, a whiskey glass, a bowling ball and Pierrot. The clock dial and horseshoe look symbolic.

Places of application

It is beneficial to place a tattoo on the hand - the bones attract good luck to the owner. Materialistic tattoos in the form of dots are tattooed on the wrist. The area between the thumb and index finger is suitable for this. Shifting the pattern to the phalanges can lead to a negative association with.

A pattern on the forearm, chest and shoulder can attract good luck. The designs look beautiful on top of the shin or calf. For small jobs, localized areas on the lower back, rib area and shoulder blade are suitable. Large panels are laid out over the back, stomach and chest. Girls will get a miniature tattoo behind the ear.

Sketches of tattoos with bones are posted on the Internet in large numbers. Use them as a basis. Be sure to discuss composition and detailing with the artist. He can work on sketches to choose the most successful option.

Video - dice tattoo, photo gallery

A tattoo with the image of bones means immortality, defying death, victory over time, memory, spirituality, invincibility, rebellion, revenge, wisdom.

Meaning of bone tattoo

Being symbols of death, bones are at the same time a symbol of confrontation with it. The reason for this comparison and association is that bone tissue is very resistant to decay. This is the part of the body that will remain in this world after the death of the owner for some time.

Such tattoos are quite widely used with success among the male part of the population. It is sometimes believed that the more such tattoos there are, the more they delay death itself. But the real meanings are:

The original meaning of a tattoo with bones is to honor one’s ancestors and remember them.

For motorcyclists, bones are a symbol of mastery of time. After all, it gets to the skeleton last.

Longevity. In ancient times, alchemists believed that skeletal bones were a symbol of healing and a talisman of health.

In Buddhism, bones are a talisman, as well as a constant reminder that the life of every being is the most precious thing there is.

Celtic culture means that bones symbolize the receptacle of the human soul.

Therefore, often the designation of such a tattoo directly depends on the place, time, and nation to which the person belongs.

Some variations of bone tattoos.

Hades, Patron of the Dead

This image will show the arrogance of its owner and that its owner is aware of the transience of life, therefore he lives in such a way as not to limit himself in anything.

Beast skeleton image

If powerful animals are barely depicted, but only in an anatomical version, in the form of bones, then this will indicate the character of the owner - the wisdom and arrogance of a dragon, the boundless power of a bear, the punchy essence of a bull.

Fish skeleton

This tattoo will indicate the path of a person, where he strives to develop. Where the fish's head points, the person moves in that direction. Also, the owner of this tattoo is dynamic. This tattoo is very common among girls. Guys can sometimes make themselves a fish skeleton behind their ears.

Finding the tattoo in the exact location according to the anatomy of the body.

Men sometimes get 3D tattoos that depict bones according to their real locations in the body. The most common anatomical patterns on the body are the bones of the arms, feet, spine, and ribs. Such people want to perpetuate themselves and their image. The most famous example of anatomical tattoos is Rick Genest.

Human skeleton

This tattoo symbolizes death, which befalls everyone sooner or later, but the image does not attract it to its owner. It just reminds you that life is fleeting.


This symbol communicates danger, fearlessness and determination emanating from the owner.

  • In prison meaning - a tattoo, a symbol of belonging to a society of thieves.
  • A skull split by a blade - a desire for revenge on the enemy.
  • A skull covered with flowers, showered with petals, with a wreath is a symbol of love, the flourishing of life and its gradual attenuation. If a plant is depicted below, the person has suffered a personal loss.
  • A skull with a snake crawling out of its eye socket is a symbol of immortality and wisdom.
  • A goat skull is a symbol of peaceful intentions, a strong and courageous person.
  • Skull with gambling dice - destruction, challenge to chance, most often a sign of good luck in gaming hobbies.
  • A skull consumed by fire - a feeling of freedom and a sense of invincibility.

The main designation of all tattoos with the application of various bones is considered to be a talisman that wards off death, helps in achieving goals and helps in overcoming problems. Owners believe in the immortality of the soul and are not afraid of death.