Technological map of the lesson “Case, case questions of nouns. Prepositional case singular with the meaning of place What is the case of nouns

Routing lesson

Subject: Russian language

Class: 3A Teacher : Urasimova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Lesson topic : “Case of nouns. Indirect cases"

Lesson type : discovery of knowledge and ways of doing things

UMK: « Primary School XXI century"; textbook : S.V.Ivanov “Russian language” 3rd grade

Educational goal:promote familiarization with the names of cases and case questions, the algorithm for determining the case of a noun in a sentence.

Planned results (subject):apply spelling rules; check what is written, find, compare, classify, characterize such linguistic units as part of speech, part of a sentence.

Personal results:expand cognitive interests, educational motives; carry out self-control: correlate their own answer with the proposed option; discover the ability to overcome difficulties; express a desire to learn new techniques and actions and achieve positive work results.

Universal learning activities(metasubject)

Cognitive: navigate the textbook; find answers to questions in the educational text; use sign-symbolic means to solve a learning task.

Regulatory: take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher and plan their activities; compare the completed work with the sample; make necessary adjustments to actions.

Communicative:participate in educational dialogue: listen, accurately respond to cues, maintain business communication.

Lesson script

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

1.Motivation and self-determination for activity

I invite you to a Russian language lesson.

Today we work under the motto “No one was born wise, but learned.”

We continue to get acquainted with the secrets of the Russian language.

Greetings from the teachers. Organize your workplace

Personal: self-determination;


2. Calligraphy

Get the words out of the well.

Write down the words from memory. Find the extra word:definition, object, case, predicate, subject.What is the spelling of this word? Choose a test. What groups can the remaining words be divided into?

Doing the job

Name the extra word case

2 groups: main and secondary members of the sentence.

Cognitive: general educational – the ability to structure knowledge, analysis to identify features.

3. Setting a learning task and drawing up a lesson plan

What part of speech are we studying?

Work with with a magic wand"Exact Thought"

Formulate the topic of the lesson from the extra word in penmanship.

What will we learn? We deduce the objectives of the lesson.

Get acquainted with….

Study …


Drawing up an action plan (picture plan on a magnetic board)

  1. Cases in Russian
  2. Compiling a table of cases
  3. Algorithm “How to determine the case of a noun”
  4. Application of knowledge in practice

They ask questions about the noun and pass the magic wand.

The teacher listens and proposes formulations of the educational task.

Participate in drawing up the plan.

Personal: self-determination.

Regulatory: goal setting.

Communicative:planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

4.Assimilation of new knowledge


  1. Cases in Russian.

Read the lesson topic again.

1.Work according to the textbook p. 10 No. 1

Are there words you used more than once?

Did you use all the words from the references?

Why are certain forms of the word “river” necessary in place of gaps?

Slide check.

Conclusion. In order for words in a sentence to be connected in meaning, they must be used in a certain form, the required case.

2. A tale of cases based on slides

  1. Compiling a table of cases.

Each group received a poem about one case.Task on the slide:read a poem,

find out the name of the case, underline case questions,

find clue words to make it easier to determine the case of a noun.

Checking the slides at the board.

1 group.

What questions does the noun in them answer? case? Why are there 2 of these questions? What member of the sentence is in them? P.? What is the auxiliary word? Is it used with prepositions? Etc.

(a table of cases gradually appears on the slide)

  • In what case is the noun? may be subject?

All other cases are called indirect and noun in indirect cases they are secondary members of the sentence.

The meaning of the word Indirect according to Ushakov’s dictionary:
indirect, indirect (book).

Mardanova Lyudmila Raisovna
Job title: teacher primary classes
Educational institution: MOBU secondary school No. 3
Locality: r.p. Oktyabrsky
Name of material: Technological map of the lesson "Prepositional case of nouns, grade 3"
Subject: Prepositional case of nouns, grade 3
Publication date: 31.08.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Technological map of the lesson “Prepositional case of nouns, grade 3”

Lesson topic: Prepositional case of a noun.

Lesson type: Lesson on discovering new knowledge, acquiring new skills and abilities

Purpose of the lesson: To create conditions for the formation of ideas about the prepositional case through identifying the features of this case

(questions, prepositions, role in a sentence)

Lesson objectives:

Organization of class work

Organization of adoption of an educational goal:

Updating existing experience (specifically)

Updating the existing deficit of experience (visualization is desirable for presenting it in a reflective

stage of the lesson)

Formulation of the goal offered to students for its acceptance

Presentation of a plan to achieve this goal:

3.Primary independent understanding of the topic.

4.Independent work using monitoring.

5. Corrective work

6.Organization of reflection (a task that allows the child to conclude that the goal of the lesson has been achieved

Teaching aids: textbooks, notebooks, printed notebooks, route sheet, handout cards, score sheets

Methodical technique


Teacher activities

Student actions



Hello guys!

Let's take the light of the sun in the palm of our hand

And let's put it to the heart

And everything will become around.

Kinder and brighter.

Dear children, I really want you to

Greetings from teachers


Personal UUD

you did not forget that you always need to

treats with respect and kindness

to the people around you.

There are cards on your desks

Check them out

What will the task be?

By what signs will we determine

Aspen branch (R.p)

Listening to music (V.p)

Petal blooms (I.p)

Flowers for mom (R.p)

Blueberry Pie (T.p.)

Driving along the road (D.p)

I looked at the sea (V.p)

Goes with brother (t.p)

Circled over the swamp (T.p.)

Now let's check your work.

And now I offer to your attention

one interesting quatrain.

Looking at cards

Explain how to complete tasks

For questions, suggestions

Doing the job

Check, evaluate

Listen to a poem





Look at the blackboard. What did you notice?

I.P. who? What?

R.p. to whom? what?

D. p. whom? What?

V. p. whom? what?

Etc. by whom? how?

Let's get things in order. You

noticed that there is no case.

Which one? How do you think?

They look at the board and remember

cases of the Russian language, cases

questions, arrange them correctly

Prepositional case


What is the topic of our lesson?

What do we already know about Prelozhny?

What are our goals for today?

Prepositional case of names


The prepositional case answers

questions About whom? About what?

Learn about the prepositional case, with

what prepositions are used, what

is in a sentence, learn

recognize the prepositional case




Look at the route ahead of you

movement towards new knowledge

Let's fill out points No. 1 and No. 3


Case name

Auxiliary word.

Case questions.

Case prepositions.

Member of the sentence.

They look and study the route

to new knowledge

Fill out points No. 1 and No. 3





So guys, the hard part begins.

in our lesson - research

prepositional case

– Now we are working on the point

No. 2 (auxiliary words.)

route sheet

It was no coincidence that I took the epigraph to

lesson of the words of M.V. Lomonosov. Exactly

M. V. Lomonosov gave the name to the sixth

case of the Russian language.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov was

the first Russian scientist -

natural scientist, writer,

historian, artist.

In the Old Slavic language this case

called educational because

he called to care, to think about someone,

offer help. Then he was called

local, since the prepositional case

pointed to the scene of action.

Why did Lomonosov name this case


What auxiliary word helps?

distinguish this case from others?

So we found out that

auxiliary word is the word

“think”, write it in the second

point on our itinerary

Look at point No. 2

Teachers listen

He called to care, to think about

someone to offer help

Write down the second point of the plan

Personal UUD


Now open the textbook on the page

Read the specification

nouns in

prepositional case.

Find answers to points 3, 4, 5

route sheet

What are the characteristics of nouns,

in the prepositional case

different from characteristics

nouns in the form

instrumental case?

What case of nouns

always used without prepositions?

And which one only with prepositions?

We write it down in the route sheet

remaining items

Physical education minute. (movable under

music "Four Steps")

Open the textbook

Read the description

nouns found in

prepositional case

Find answers to points 3,4,5

route sheet

Answer teacher questions

Fill out the route sheet

Perform physical education




We continue to work according to the textbook,

page 54, exercise No. 97

We work in a chain. Specify case

all highlighted nouns.

In what case are all the highlighted ones?


What prepositions are they used with?

What excuse is missing?

Well done boys"

And now we have to work in pairs on



Find nouns,

standing in the prepositional case. Specify

case and emphasize prepositions.

Option I

Glistened on the grass, drive down the street,

got out of the thicket and built a dacha.

Option II

A story about a book, it smelled damp,

We are walking along the road, I saw a squirrel.

Check your friend's work.

If you agree, place it next to

the phrase “+” if you do not agree

There is a girl in front of you. What do you think about

what does she dream of?

Let's restore the sentences and find out about

what is she thinking?

I miss.

Well I'd rather dream

I really like to dream

Working with a textbook

In the prepositional case

At, in, on

Complete the task on cards according to

options, then exchange and

perform a self-test against the standard.

(posted on the board after

completing the task)

Answer teacher questions

Listen to the poem, change


oh, steam room

Personal UUD



Guys, what were the learning objectives?

Can you answer the questions?

Evaluation paper:

I liked working in the lesson.

It was difficult for me.

I still have gaps in my knowledge.


Cards with educational material.

Put the nouns into form

prepositional case using

prepositions (about (about), in, on, at), with

use it if necessary

route sheet, highlight the endings.

Gemini, mountaineer, craftsman, favorite,

trumpeter, circus performer, hotel, mustard,

Sasha, Dasha, tornado, owner, fugitive,

proud man, hospital, singer, task, luck.

Answer teacher questions

Evaluate themselves

Write down homework



“Nominative and accusative case” - Whom? My questions are who? So what? Case of nouns. For what? Prepositional. Accusative and prepositional cases. With the pretext of being friends, but I also go for walks alone. Only I can say. Who? Nominative and accusative cases. These are the cases. Everyone recognizes me easily and calls me to the subject. Where?

“Change by cases and numbers” - Schoolchild’s Dictionary. Show affection. Gas pipeline. Differences in the formation of forms. Weekdays. Squadron of Hussars. Key rings. Army. Goddess. Hectares. Genitive. Genitive plural. Nouns male. Polynya. Vegetable world. Partying. Elections. Bronchi. Serviceman. Nominative case.

“Cases” - Storm. Bay. Cases of nouns. From words to deeds there is a whole mile. Annotation. -I am the Instrumental case, Filled with all kinds of hopes. Declination frigate. And I am a prepositional case, my case is complicated! Nominative case - Who? What? Item name – initial form names. Accusative case - Who? What?

“Cases of the Russian language” - Classification of cases: “grammatical”: nominative (nominative), accusative (accusative), dative (dative), genitive (genitive), etc. “semantic” (“adverbial”): spatial non-spatial. What cases are there in other languages? Where did it come from? order I-R-D-V-T-P? What can the cases mean?

“Cases 4th grade” - Entered (WHAT?) into the cloud. Presentation for a Russian language lesson on the topic “Case of nouns.” 4th grade. Please pour your furry friends in! To whom and in what way do nouns obey? Clouds stick out from (what?) Words for reference: mountains, eat.., p.lto,, Train. How to find out the case of a noun?

“Genitive case” - Task: determine the case, put the emphasis, highlight the ending. Information about the genitive case. The task is written in the form of a diagram. "Island of Discovery" Watercolor, road, loto, alley, b lcon, b sedka, shsse, t trad. Algorithm. Assignment: give examples for each group. Cutting work. Working with a table. "Island of the genitive case."

There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic

What is case, how many cases are there in the Russian language and how to correctly determine case in nouns? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the article. We will tell you about the features of declension of nouns by case, give illustrative examples, and teach you how to determine the case form not only in indeclinable, but also in indeclinable forms of words.

What is case of nouns?

Case of nouns in Russian- This morphological feature, denoting the grammatical relationship of nouns to other words in phrases and sentences. Case is expressed by a system of rows of forms of nouns opposed to each other and is an inflectional feature.

Declension of nouns by case is studied in 4th grade.

Declension of nouns by case

There are six cases in Russian– one direct (nominative) and five indirect. Changing nouns by case is carried out using a system of case endings (inflections).

Examples of noun cases in the table:

TOP 5 articleswho are reading along with this

Case Questions for cases Examples of nouns
Unit number Mn. number
Nominative Who? What? Buddy b, branch A, lakes O Buddy And, branch And, lakes A
Genitive Whom? What? Buddy I, branch And, lakes A Buddy to her, branches, lakes
Dative To whom? Why? Buddy Yu, branch e, lakes at Buddy yam, branch am, lakes am
Accusative Whom? What? Buddy I, branch at, lakes O Buddy to her, branch And, lakes A
Instrumental By whom? How? Buddy eat, branch Ouch, lakes ohm Buddy yami, branch ami, lakes ami
Prepositional About whom? About what? Oh buddy e oh branch e, about the lakes e Oh buddy I oh branch Oh, about the lakes Oh

Indeclinable nouns do not have case forms. In such words, case affiliation is expressed not grammatically (through endings), but syntactically (through words with which they agree).

Examples: new coat(I.p), dream about coat(P.p), sew a button to coat(D.p.).

How to determine the case of a noun?

There are several ways to determine the case of a noun:

  • At the end of the word ( sun– R. p., father– D. p., about the thunderstorm– P. p.);
  • By putting questions to the noun ( road (who what?)– I. p.; jam (by whom? with what?)- T. p.; about the metro (About who about what?)– P. p);
  • Determine case by words with which the noun agrees in a phrase or sentence ( order strong coffee– V. p., dream about a new bike– P. p., white cat washes itself- I. p.).