The elder scrolls iv: oblivion: codes in the game. TES IV: Oblivion, Reference, Console Commands Oblivion Item Ids in Russian

General information

The console is opened with the "~" button (or some other, depending on your keyboard). After opening the console in the lower left corner of the screen, you can write commands, completing them by pressing Enter, move up / down / right / left through the lines or scroll through them using the "Page Up" and "Page Down" buttons.

The console is case insensitive: typing "TDT" or "tdt" will be the same. Commands that are shorthand for words can also be run with their full name, such as "tai" = "toggleai" and "getav" = "getactorvalue".

When executing a command on a target, you must first select an NPC / object and make it active, otherwise it will affect your character. To address a command to your character, you can use "player.command", and to an NPC with a known RefID - "RefID.command", or simply click on it with LMB. When an NPC/object is selected, its name/name and hexadecimal code will be displayed at the top center of the screen. For example, to unlock a locked door, open the console, LMB on that door so that its name and RefID appear at the top of the screen, and then enter the unlock command.

Some commands require a FormID and some require a RefID. There are many articles on this site with given item IDs, and you can also download an archive (165kb) with a list of IDs (this is a download of all the names from the Russian TES IV Golden Edition). If you need an earth ring ID, for example, then the line you are looking for in this file looks like this:

FormID: 0009844B EnchRingMundane CLOT Earth Ring

It is much more difficult to find out the correct ID for items from plugins. in this case, modindex is also needed - the first two digits in the FormID, which can vary depending on the number of connected plugins and the order in which they are connected: 01, 02, 03, etc., up to FE (Oblivion.esm is always loaded first, so for him modindex is 00, both in CS and in the game). Ways to find modindex plugin:

  • find the NPC/object brought into the game by this plugin, open the console and click on it with LMB, then you will see the FormID, where the first two digits are exactly the same modindex;
  • if you are using the Oblivion Mod Manager, the modindex will be shown when hovering over the plugin name in the list of connected mods;
  • if you are using Wrye Bash, the modindex for all active plugins can be viewed in the second column on the Mods tab;
  • The FormID of items, objects, and characters can also be determined in-game using the FormID Finder plugin.

Note: if you have problems opening the console (this happens in Windows Vista), then try to bypass it again using plugins:

  • Ring of Console - adds a ring to the inventory, which, when equipped, opens the console;
  • Change Console Key - Changes the standard key that opens the console.

Warning: Use console commands with care!

Switch Commands

  • pcb(Purge cell buffer) - allows you to free up used memory, often increasing fps;
  • showsubtitle- shows/hides subtitles for conversations between NPCs;
  • tfh(Toggle full help) - shows/hides help;
  • tdt(Toggle debug text) - shows/hides debug texts on the screen (first enter sdt N, then tdt):
    • sdt 0 - in-game day of the week, date, time, EditorID of the current cell and its name displayed on the map,
    • sdt 8 (Magic Info) - the stock of the character's magic and all active spells with the amplitude and duration of their action,
    • sdt 9 (Actor Info) - all values ​​of the character's current/base attributes and skills,
    • sdt 10 (Skill Usage) - current values ​​of all skills and their values ​​required for levelup;
  • tai(Toggle AI) - selectively enables/disables artificial intelligence (AI);
  • tcai(Toggle combat AI) - selectively turns on / off the combat AI (if you do not select anyone, it will affect everyone);
  • tdetect(Toggle AI detection) - enables/disables AI detection (if no one is selected, it will affect everyone);
  • tgm(Toggle god mode) - enables / disables the invulnerability mode (only affects your character);
  • tcl(Toggle collision) - selectively enables/disables obstacles (your character will be able to fly!);
  • tfc(Freeflying camera) - enables/disables the free camera (the character remains in place);
  • tg(Toggle grass) - shows/hides grass;
  • tll(Toggle land LOD) - shows/hides the remote terrain (LOD);
  • tlv(Toggle leaves) - shows/hides leaves;
  • ts(Toggle sky) - shows/hides the sky;
  • tt(Toggle trees) - shows/hides trees;
  • tm(Toggles menus) - shows / hides the menu (for taking screenshots, that's it!);
  • tmm N(Show/hide all map markers) - shows(N=1)/hides(N=0) all markers on the map;
  • tfow(Toggle fog of war) - opens / hides as yet unexplored areas on the terrain map;
  • twf(Toggle wireframe mode) - shows/hides the mesh.

Teams on target

  • additem BaseID N- adds N items with the specified BaseID to the inventory;
  • removeitem BaseID N- removes from the inventory N items with the specified BaseID;
  • equipitem BaseID- equips an item with the specified BaseID on the NPC / creature (provided it is in the inventory);
  • removeallitems- removes all items from the target's inventory (does not affect non-playable items);
  • addspell SpellCode- adds a spell with the specified ID;
  • removespell SpellCode- removes the spell with the specified ID;
  • dispel SpellCode- dispels a certain magical effect from the target;
  • dispelallspells- dispels all imposed magical effects from the target;
  • prid RefId- selects an NPC with the specified RefId (this NPC will become the target for all subsequent commands);
  • disable- removes the selected object/NPC from the game world;
  • enable- returns the object/NPS deleted by the disable command;
  • kill- kills the selected creature/NPC;
  • resurrect- resurrects the selected dead creature/NPC;
  • createfullactorcopy- creates an exact copy of the selected NPS;
  • deletefullactorcopy- deletes the created copy of the selected NPS;
  • DuplicateAllItems RefID- copies all items from the target's inventory to a container with the specified RefID;
  • moddisposition ActorId N- changes the location of the selected NPC to the player (-N decreases the location);
  • SetActorFullName name- sets a new name for the selected NPC/creature;
  • placeatme BaseID- creates a new copy of the selected NPC/creature and places it in front of the character;
  • moveto RefID- teleports the character to the place where in this moment there is an NPS with the specified RefID;
  • set crime gold N- "hangs" a fine of a certain amount on the target;
  • payfine- "repays" the penalty of the target;
  • getav attribute- shows the value of the specified target attribute;
  • setav attribute N- sets the given value to the specified target attribute;
  • setlevel N- changes the level of the target;
  • lock N- locks the selected door/container (difficulty can be selected from 0-99);
  • unlock- unlocks the selected door/container;
  • SetOpenState state- changes the state of the selected door (1 unlocks and opens, 0 closes without locking);
  • SetOwnership owner- changes the owner of an object/building to another NPC, some faction or your character;
  • startcombat- makes an NPC/creature attack another creature/NPC/player;
  • stopcombat- forces the NPC/creature to stop fighting.

Other commands

  • qqq- Exit the game without calling the menu;
  • save Name- saves the game under the selected name;
  • saveini- saves the oblivion.ini file with the current settings;
  • swdp- shows a list of those who noticed your character;
  • psb- adds to your character all the spells available in the game;
  • advlevel- opens the level up window, where you can level up the character;
  • advskill skill N- increases the selected skill of the character by N units;
  • modpca attribute N- adds N units to the specified attribute of the character;
  • modpcs skill N- adds N units to the specified character skill;;
  • setpcfameN- sets the character's fame value;
  • setpcinfamy N- sets the character's infamy value;
  • sex change- Changes the gender of your character;
  • showbirthsignmenu- allows you to change your character's birth sign;
  • showclassmenu- allows you to change the class of your character;
  • showracemenu- allows you to change the race of your character;
  • setquestobject BaseID flag- sets(flag=1)/removes(flag=0) the status of the quest item;
  • killall- kills all NPCs and creatures in the area (with the exception of quest immortals);
  • completequestquestid- completes the quest with the specified ID;
  • caqs- completes all quests;
  • getstage questid- returns the current stage of the quest with the specified ID;
  • setstage quest stage- sets the selected stage for the quest with the specified ID;
  • movetoqt- moves the character to the current goal of the active quest;
  • sq- shows a list of all quests;
  • sqt- shows the status of the active quest;
  • enableplayercontrols- includes character control during cinematic cutscenes;
  • coc CellName- moves the character to the location with the specified CellName;
  • coeX,Y- moves the character to the location with the specified coordinates;
  • fw ID- changes the current weather to another one with the specified ID (see the list of weather identifiers below in the spoiler);
  • show-enchantment- opens the enchantment window;
  • show-spell-making- opens the spell creation window;
  • set timescale to N- sets the speed of the game time;
  • set globalvar to value- sets the selected global variable to the specified value;
  • show globalvar- shows the current value of the specified global variable;
  • getgs game_setting- returns the default value for the selected game setting in the current save;
  • setgs game_setting value- sets the value for the selected game setting in the current save.


You can find all FormID, BaseID, SpellCode, CellName and other identifiers in this archive, a list of possible weather IDs for Cyrodiil, Oblivion and the Shivering Isles:

  • 000370CE Paradise (CamoranWeather);
  • 00038EEE Clear;
  • 00038EF0 Cloudy;
  • 0000015E DefaultWeather;
  • 00038EEF Fog;
  • 00032e15 OblivionDefault;
  • 00067198 Oblivion Electrical;
  • 000671A1 OblivionMountainFog;
  • 000C0999 Oblivion Sigil;
  • 00067199 OblivionStorm (Oblivion);
  • 000836D5 OblivionStorm (Tamriel);
  • 0006bC8B OblivionStorm (MQ16);
  • 00038EEC Overcast;
  • 00038EF2 Rain;
  • 000C42DE Sigil Whiteout;
  • 00038EED Snow;
  • 00038EF1 Thunderstorm;
  • 00008BBC Thunderstorm (Kvatch);
  • 000452B5 SI - Summoning Weather (SE09);
  • 000825A6 SI - Jiggy Weather (SE13);
  • 00015883 SI - Gloom Storm (SE32);
  • 00044F58 SI - ClearBlue;
  • 00078801 SI Clear;
  • 0006D221 SI - Clear01;
  • 0006D222 SI - Clear03;
  • 0008EF42 SI - ClearTrans;
  • 00044F59 SI - Cloudy;
  • 00044F5A SI - Fog;
  • 00079D76 SI - Mania Fog;
  • 00077C0A SI - Ordered Fringe;
  • 00077B28 SI - Overcast;
  • 00044F5C SI - Rain;
  • 00071D2F SI - TestAsh;
  • 00044F5D SI - Thunderstorm;
  • 00077B56 SI - WaitingRoomWeather;
  • 00041775 SI - Test Bliss Clear.

Almost all of the above console commands also work in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, because these games are made on the same (improved) Gamebryo engine.

Questions about the use of console commands for your particular case can be

Useful bugs, tricks and small strategies for Oblivion on PC and Xbox360

All of the above that follows has been collected from many sites - these are tips from players around the world. Many of them can be useful and useful if you play Oblivion on PC or Xbox360. However, on PS3, it doesn’t hurt to at least try it.

Fight melee attacks

If a hand-to-hand combatant is heading towards you, climb onto the hill and shoot him with all available weapons.

If you are afraid of a big and scary melee that is coming right at you, then ... run.

Run and look for rocks, rocks - anything you can jump on.

So, climb to the very top and just shoot the enemy with arrows, fireballs - everything that is.

The poor fellow may live long, but he won't be able to defend himself.

How to get to you.

Your success is guaranteed!

Slow Items

If you're playing Oblivion and using different weapons, you may notice how quickly your inventory fills up.

If you're playing Oblivion like a true nerd and using different weapons, you may notice how quickly your inventory fills up. Well, and how much objects in general can slow you down, even if you still have two-thirds of the free space.

So, gentlemen, here's a good way for you to carry around a bunch of armor, potions, weapons - everything your darling wants, and even useless quest items that you, in general, did not give up.

When you receive Shadowmere from the Dark Brotherhood, you automatically forget about all other horses in principle. Is that the animal rights activists will suffer.

So, beat Tenegriva until you pass out. His, not yours. And immediately, before he comes to his senses, search him as you would any enemy. Usually an unconscious character lying on the ground will only give you, uh, "Talk" to yourself. The horse you can search; press the left trigger and discard whatever you need to transfer. This is much better than carrying around any slag in your inventory during a battle.

This works on Xbox360 using horse armor; in other cases ... Well, check.

Proper selection of weapons

Carry different types of weapons with you at the same time: fiery, stunning, having a magical effect - and ordinary.

To hell with the various enemies in Oblivion, and remembering them all is simply unrealistic. And even more so their vulnerability to different elements and abilities. After the fifth level, you won’t get anywhere from enchanted weapons, so carry with you a simultaneous fiery, deafening, magical effect - and an ordinary, unenchanted one. Yes, all together. And with the weight, the Ease Burden spell, which can be bought in magic guilds, will help you.

Why is this? So that you do not feel stupid, hammering a fire-resistant enemy with a fire weapon and wondering what you will need to take with you next time. You meet the enemy - and start sorting out weapons one by one in search of vulnerabilities. Yes, sometimes the difference is pitiful units per hit. But somehow it can save your life.

Quickly close the Oblivion Gate

If you do not want to take a long bath with this or something else, then believe me, this is not difficult. Once you get into Oblivion, run as fast as you can and grab the Sigil Stone. Everything.

Quick Acrobatics Skill Upgrade

Well, who doesn't want to get a skill quickly? Exactly. Acrobatics is by no means an exception. Run to the stairs or the steep hill and just jump the way up. This way you will be in the air for a record short amount of time and quickly start a new jump. Voila!

To increase your Stealth skill, go to the Imperial City Arena, go to one of the sacred lotus ponds and press Q (by default) to enter Stealth mode.

The same egg, only in profile.

Go to the Imperial City Arena, go to one of the sacred lotus ponds and press Q (by default) to enter Stealth mode.

There are guards behind the door, so the skill will increase.

You do not worry - go, drink coffee, let the brave hero run while on the courts, think about his behavior, learn to hide well.

By the way, if Stealth is a profiling skill, then your level will increase.

Take note.

fun in the air

Well, finally, t, this is not a hint. But it's fun.

Jump up next to the NPC and start a conversation with him. And as long as he talks to you, you... stay in the air. It's a pity, but when you leave the conversation, you will also fall. Sadness.

Duplicate Items

To duplicate any item in your inventory, you will need a bow and at least two of any arrows.

To duplicate any item in your inventory, you will need a bow and at least two arrows - any. Stretch the string and, leaving the bow in this state, go into inventory. You need to remove equipped arrows from the active cell; then a message will appear stating that you cannot remove the weapon during the attack.

After that, select the item you want to copy and discard it.

After exiting the inventory, you will find that there is as much dropped item on the ground as arrows were equipped.

This only works if there were more arrows equipped than there were items you wanted to copy. That is, if there are two arrows, and, for example, three keys, it will not work. Before opening inventory, make sure the bow is fully drawn.

This doesn't work on most enchanted and rare items either, but there are exceptions.

They say that if you double-click on a magic scroll, and then throw the item away, the effect will be the same ... But this is not certain.

Kill Umbra and take her armor and sword

To kill Umbra and take her equipment, jump on the destroyed pillar in the square and shoot her. Well… Everything. The sword that devours souls is yours.

Quick increase in Stealth skill

There is another way, yes. Enter the house where someone is sleeping, go into stealth mode, and then go into the wall. Into the wall Into the wall And don't stop.

In my opinion, the option of drinking coffee is still preferable.


Play Oblivion as if you were in this world, living the life of the character you created.

Just a little reminder that Oblivion is a sandbox where you can and should have fun.

Many gamers try to play Oblivion the way they played any other RPG - Final Fantasy, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo... They think they're playing a game with standard features and objectives.

However, Oblivion must be played as if you are in this world, living the life of the character you have created. When someone says they didn't like Oblivion, but they liked other RPGs, it usually comes down to a desire to stupidly follow directions: tasks in a journal, a strictly built plot ...

Only here in Oblivion you create your own story. And, realizing this, you will greatly facilitate yourself. game process. You just have to make choices as you would in real life- and do not be afraid of mistakes.

The most fun for me usually started when I was about to be caught, or when I was not strong enough to win the fight - and I had to get out and come up with something unusual. No, really, Oblivion is a huge sandbox where you can both build your little world out of sand and destroy it to hell! Do not be shy.

Light Enemies While Playing

If you want enemies to be easier to defeat, just create a new character and choose as your main skills those that you hardly use or don't use at all. Yes, you will not be particularly pumped - like the opponents you will meet.

Tired of being overloaded?

To reduce weight, you can make potions that will reduce weight, though not for long.

Unfortunately, this advice does not apply to real life, but only to games.

In general, there are several tips. One of them requires a more or less pumped Alchemy skill and access to the Arcana University.

The simplest solution is to enchant a weapon or piece of armor to increase strength or decrease weight.

There is more difficult - through alchemy. If you have the skill level, you can make potions that will reduce the weight by hundreds.

True, only for a few minutes. And if you drink several potions at a time, you can lose weight over 1200 units for more than 500 seconds.

Quickly kill ten bears

In order to get a bear, you can lure it into the garden, and then shoot it with a bow or fill it with spells.

If you have problems with pumping, and you nevertheless committed to kill ten wild bears for the farmer, then you should not despair.

Go for a walk, and when you run into a bear, run as fast as you can back to the farm. And then head to the fenced garden.

The bear will chase you. And when he's in the garden, run outside before he kills you and slam the door behind you.

Everything. The bear is trapped, and now you can shoot him with a bow or spell. Repeat ten times.

Easy killing minotaur lords

The Minotaur Lord is the most complex and expensive monster.

Once you have passed through all the steps to the title of Grand Champion of the Arena and become one, you will be able to fight against certain monsters once a week for a certain fee. The most complex - and expensive - of these is the Minotaur Lord. It comes to the point that you can oppose three of these peppers at a time.

The trick is to run back to the exit to the Arena at the very beginning of the battle: the minotaur lords are simply too gigantic to crawl through after you. And since they don't have long-range weapons, you become unreachable.

You will need a bow and at least about 50 arrows. Well, or a good arsenal of attacking spells. Voila - without any problems, the minotaur lords were defeated. And for your torment, you get at least 2000 gold. Agree, it's quite good.

Solving problems with Eloquence

Things will become much easier when you join the Arcana University (mutka with the Mages Guild). You just need to create a very cheap spell: increase Charm (Charm) by 100 points for 2 seconds. It's really cheap. This will solve all possible problems with Eloquence. This is insanely useful in terms of Trade.

Gold from Count Skingrad

The Count of Skingrad is very distracted - which is what needs to be done.

Oh, this Count of Skingrad is very distracted - and it will do you good.

When you finish the vampire quest (the one where you get cured of vampirism), he will offer you a reward for saving his wife from suffering.

Only now he will not remember that he has already awarded you.

Ask him for 2500 gold again and again.

You will quickly be able to afford that ohhhhhhof that lovely house or upgrade your Alchemy or Commerce skill, which are pretty slow to fill up.

It's easier to win battles

The easiest way to defeat the AI ​​is to climb to a high point where the enemy cannot reach you.

The easiest way to defeat the AI ​​is to climb to a high point (like a rock) where the enemy can't reach you.

The pumped Acrobatics skill is very useful here - you can easily jump to where no one will ever touch you.

Well, now use long-range attacks - magic and arrows to help.

Well, what if the enemy is also a trucker? See if you can hide behind cover or at least dance around something without going down.

If you fall or the enemy somehow rises towards you, try doing the same thing again in the same place - or find a better place.

Best light armor for beginners

Best Light Armor for Beginners - Bruzef Amelion Armor Set

Probably the best light armor you can get at the beginning. Go to Leyawiin (a town in the south). Right outside the city you will find the Tomb of Amelions - in the north, on the east bank of the "river". Follow the right side of the river and you will be happy.

Inside will be a whole set of Bruzef Amelion's armor. They increase resistance to frost damage, the sword adds 5 cold damage. Believe me, at the beginning of the game it's just great. And it looks pretty. Pieces of armor are scattered throughout the tomb, but finding them is not difficult.

Just leave the cuirass and sword in your inventory later - a quest will be associated with this tomb, and if you don’t have them, you will lose a thousand gold.

You don’t have a house, but do you have to leave garbage (and not only) somewhere? Use rooftops. Country houses are especially good for this purpose; they can usually be jumped from slopes or rocks. Items do not lie in the inventory, NPCs do not climb roofs, so your things will be safe and sound.

But it’s not worth shoving anything into random containers - when the game is restarted, everything can simply self-destruct.

+5 to favorite stats

Oh, this is puzzling. The issue is resolved through the console. Will you risk? Forward.

Open the console (key "~") and enter "setdebugtext 10", then add "TDT" - these commands will display all the information about your skills and show how much is left until the skill is upgraded. By entering "TDT" again and again, you can open and close this information.

Have you played enough? Look at how many points you have earned in each attribute.

For example, if it says STRENGTH: 10, it means that you have received 10 points of strength, which means that you will receive another +5 after leveling up. If you manage to take advantage of this and choose your profiling skills wisely, it will be quite easy to have +5 to your chosen stats during each level up.

Easily increase Stealth and Athletics

To increase the Stealth and Athletics skill - rest your forehead against a wall or corner and turn on the autorun.

These two skills can be well pumped at the same time. Stealth increases when you fulfill the following three conditions at the same time: you have at least one NPC near you, you remain undetected (the eye icon is dark), you move. Achieving this is very simple: just find a wall or corner next to which there is an NPC who is not looking at you.

Well, a guard or a goblin in a cave would be perfect. Did you find this? Excellent. Enter stealth mode, rest your forehead against a wall or corner, and turn on autorun. Well, autorun, as you like. The hero will continue to move into the barrier, while remaining in stealth, and at this time you can calmly admire how your skill grows. Just don't forget to get rid of all light sources first: spells, torches... And remember: if your Stealth is less than 50, take off your shoes, otherwise you will be noticed.

Athletics, even without being the main skill, stuffs even easier. All you have to do is walk or run. Well, you understand, right? You rest against a wall - better in a corner, so as not to turn anywhere - and use the autorun. Thus the displacement is zero, but the velocity is not. This means that you are rocking yourself calmly, as if traveling. Also, you automatically provide yourself with +5 speed when you catch the next level-up.

Story above all else

In open world games, as a rule, everyone dilutes the storyline with the help of side quests and exploring locations. However, in Oblivion, things will have to be done a little differently. To be more precise, quite the opposite. The fact is that with the performance of various tasks you are pumped, and at the end of the game your opponents will automatically be of the same level as you. But the allies with whom you go will remain low-level, and therefore die with ease. And you probably won't be able to finish the game.

100% invisibility

First of all, you need to be able to enter the Arcane University - for this you need to complete at least one Mages Guild quest. Then make sure you have five large soul gems. Yes, it is difficult, but very important. Now enchant five pieces of armor with Chameleon. Congratulations, you are completely invisible! Enemies will not attack you, and the guards will not notice that you are stealing something. Check it out if you don't believe me.

Is there a threat?

If you are not sure if you should be afraid of an attack, quickly enter stealth mode. If the crosshairs of the sight are yellow, then look around: the enemy is somewhere nearby.

Loot storage in bones

Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing about Oblivion is when you have to part with valuable loot due to overload. This problem can be solved by killing a collapsing enemy - for example, a skeleton or a lightning atronach.

Take a fragment from the corpse of a fallen enemy using the "Z" key. In a small bone, you can store as much loot as you need. Don't forget to bring it back to town to sell or keep for later.

Seeking cover under fire

When you're being stormed hard in the abandoned tower, run up the stairs to the very top.

When you're being stormed hard in the abandoned tower, run up the stairs to the very top.

There you can jump onto a ledge where the enemies can't reach you.

There you will have time to heal and prepare for the second run.

It's also a great vantage point to gauge the number of enemies - not just for tactical purposes, but also, um... aesthetically.

Always immediately try to mark such safe places.

It can be high cliffs that are not easy to reach, destroyed walls ... Sometimes it can even reach the roofs of buildings.

Slight increase in Alchemy skill

Alchemy, oddly enough, is one of the most easily pumped skills. Duplicate the right ingredients(it says how above) and start making potions. Lots of potions. And yes, these potions can also be sold, and not cheap ...

Life hack for the quest "Through the Nightmare"

For a successful passage, reload until you get a weapon with 80 damage and an enchantment for nine times the use of weapon disintegration.

For those in the tank: a quest from the Mages Guild in which you need to free Henantier from the world of his dreams. It's about the Test of Perseverance. First, it's worth saying that if you have the Acrobatics skill, you can jump onto the balcony without a ladder and bypass the battle with two minotaurs. If this skill is not enough for you ... Let's move on to the second point.

Save before starting the Trial. The fact is that weapons spawn randomly, that is, each time is different. Yes, the lightning staff will always be in place, but the other two ... Randoooom!

Got a not-so-good set? Reboot. Reload until you get a weapon with 80 damage and an enchantment for nine times the use of weapon disintegration. Now you can destroy minotaur hammers, and everything will be much easier. This is especially noticeable at higher difficulty levels.

Lots of free money

After you become the Grand Champion of the Arena, you will have the opportunity to fight with one, two or three minotaur lords.

This thing will provide you with a minimum of 6000 gold per week. After you become the Grand Champion of the Arena, you will have the opportunity to fight with one, two or three minotaur lords. Actually, these guys are hard to put down. But go ahead and take three at once. But when the gates go down, run not forward to the arena, but back.

Minotaurs simply won't fit into your corridor because of their huge heads. It is enough to step back and throw spells at them or run up to them with a sword, beat them and run back so as not to get hit.

If you start to lose health, back off. Wait until the mana is restored, heal up and ... Again.

You will receive 3200 gold for the victory and will be able to pick up three weapons that the minotaurs leave behind - usually axes, hammers, etc. Selling cheap.

Almost easy to increase your Speech skill

Pretty quick and easy way to level up Eloquence - only for Xbox360 though. Start a conversation with someone and try to convince them. Start the circle mini-game - it doesn't matter if you understand what to do in it or not. Just spin the circle and press A without stopping. You can do this for a very long time. You can relax and watch TV. The main thing is to continue to twist and press. It doesn't matter how the NPC reacts there. Well, something like this...

Enemies don't like eyebrows

Well, eyebrows. Borders. Like invisible barriers between locations. As some oldfags remember, in Morrowind, opponents could not move to another zone. In Oblivion, this seems to have been fixed ... Or not?

It turned out that aggressive NPCs can indeed cross the boundaries between locations. But they very rarely do this in large groups. Sometimes they don't do it at all. This is especially noticeable in Kvatch if you enter a location with about six hostile Daedric subjects. You can just turn around and leave - one will follow you, the rest ...

Further experiments showed that the enemies go out of the zone one by one, maximum two.

Rule and humiliate, gentlemen.

Free cool horse

The game gives you the opportunity to get a unicorn or a horse.

To get a free horse or even a unicorn, head south of the Imperial City across the moat until you see a camp on your compass.

Enter it and go south again until you see Hircine's shrine, then go south again into an open field, kill the three minotaurs and...

Here it is, the unicorn.

Fast and strong!

Just do not attack him, otherwise he will never let you ride on himself.

Choose the Journeyman as the mage's birth sign

When starting a game as a mage, always choose Journeyman as their birthmark. In the end, this will allow you to cast master spells that require 500+ mana points.

Well fed crab

On the road from Skingrad to the Imperial City, there is a cave called "Green Meadow". You will have to wander inside, but in the end you will find a crab that has already eaten even the grandmother who cooked it.

Secrets of the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Used in many Bethesda RPGs. Therefore, in most games, users can safely install amateur modifications, use console commands and change the appearance / gameplay beyond recognition. With the help of codes, you can also make it easier for yourself to pass on a high level of difficulty or just test some chips. From this article you will learn what console commands in Oblivion are and how to use them.

Team classification

There are a lot of commands for the console in the game Oblivion, so they can be conditionally classified as follows:

  • Standard cheats. This category includes those commands that mean the usual cheat codes familiar to all avid gamers. For example, turning on invulnerability, leveling up, completing a quest, and so on.
  • Map actions. Using this section of the Oblivion console commands, you can move around the game map, place a marker anywhere, go to any dungeon, enable/disable the fog of war, and more.
  • Actions with objects and spells. This category of codes allows you to add, remove, change items in your inventory, as well as change levels, spells and character parameters.
  • Change of characteristics. separate view a cheat that allows you to set any values ​​​​of the hero's parameters (strength, agility, intelligence, etc.). There are also commands to change the name, gender, race and others. external signs, which do not drastically affect the gameplay.
  • Relationships and factions. With these codes, the player can change the relationship between his hero and the NPC, as well as the reaction of any faction to your character.
  • Dialogues and quests. With the help of similar commands in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, you can start and complete individual quests.


Each of the console commands has its own syntax, without which the code simply will not work. All cheats must be entered strictly on English language, case-sensitive and exact number of spaces/characters. Below you can see several examples of entering cheats. After that, use the commands, changing only the numerical values ​​(item IDs, quantity, and so on).

To access the console, you need to press the "~" key. It is set as the default game. If the console does not open, then check the key assignment in the game settings. After you have entered the code correctly, you must press the Enter key to activate it.

Auxiliary programs

If, in addition to console commands, you are going to modify Oblivion using third-party add-ons, then you will definitely need a utility called Oblivion Mod Manager. It allows you to arrange modifications in the correct order to improve the stability of the game. The software is also used to install textures, unpack archives and much more. The Oblivion Mod Manager app is an indispensable tool for players who are actively modding the game. TES 4: Oblivion.

Now we will look at a number of console commands that can be useful to almost every fan of this game.

Regular commands

First, let's list the codes that allow you to go through a difficult place in the game, complete the quest that the bug caught, quickly replenish health, and so on. In general, these cheats can be called the most common. These include the following:

  • TGM - invulnerability;
  • Killall - killing everyone around, including friendly characters;
  • CompleteQuest - completion of the current task;
  • Help - displaying a list of all commands;
  • player.coc *ID of place or location* - instant teleportation to the specified place;
  • tfc - free movement of the camera;
  • savegame *slot name" - saving the current game progress;
  • qqq - quick end of the game;
  • AdvSkill and AdvLevel - increasing the level of ability and experience, respectively;
  • Unlock *object name* - this command opens the specified object on the map and allows you to quickly jump to it.

We got acquainted with the basic console commands in Oblivion. Now let's move on to those codes that allow you to get any items, spells and skills.

Commands for getting items

Using the console, players can easily add any item, knowing its unique number. Below we will go over the procedure for adding items.

First you need to remember the basic commands:

  • player.additem *item ID* *amount* - code for adding a certain item in a certain amount;
  • player.removeitem *item ID* *quantity* - the same, only removing the item from the inventory;
  • player.equipitem *item ID* *quantity* - equipment of a certain item on a character.

Now you need to find out the item IDs for console commands in Oblivion. You can find a complete list of unique codes on any of the databases dedicated to this series of games. The ID consists of numbers and letters in a random order.

With the help of console codes, you can get not only weapons, armor, food, garbage, and so on, but it is also possible to add soul stones, quest items, and any item that may appear in the inventory during the passage of the game.

Oblivion console commands for skills

Now let's move on to the second category of codes. With their help, you can turn your hero into any class in a few seconds or test a certain build so as not to waste time pumping a useless character.

To increase skill levels, you must use the command player.setav *name* *value*. Each of the skills has an individual name in English:

  • Block (blocking).
  • Acrobatics (acrobatics).
  • Alchemy (alchemy).
  • Alteration (change).
  • Armorer (gunsmith).
  • Athletic (athletics).
  • Blade (swords).
  • Blunt (blunt weapon).
  • Conjuration (change).
  • Destruction (destruction).
  • Hand to Hand (hand-to-hand combat).
  • HeavyArmor (heavy armor).
  • Illusion (illusion).
  • LightArmor (light armor).
  • Marksman (shooting).
  • Merantile (trade).
  • Mysticism (mysticism).
  • Restoration (recovery).
  • Security (hacking).
  • Sneak (stealth).
  • Speechcraft (eloquence).

For example, to increase the level of the "Trade" ability to 100 points, you must enter the code playersetav mercantile 100 and press the Enter key.


In addition to abilities and skills, using the console commands in the game "Oblivion" you can increase the attributes. To do this, the modpca command *attribute name* *number of points* is useful. The name in English can be found below:

  • Strengh (strength).
  • Intelligence (intelligence).
  • Will power (will power).
  • Agility (dexterity).
  • Speed ​​(speed).
  • Endurance (endurance).
  • Personality (charm).
  • Luck (luck).

The principle of entering a string is the same as in the previous example above. In addition to attributes and skills, you can also increase HP, mana, and stamina in the game. To do this, you need to use the already familiar player.setav command, adding the parameter name and quantity to it. You can change Health (health), Fatigue (stamina), Magicka (mana). The final cheat will look like this: player.setav health 1000 (increase the maximum health level by 1 thousand points.

Console commands in Oblivion for spells

  • player.addspell *spell name* - adding an ability to the list of learned ones;
  • player.removespell *name* - removes the selected skill.

Each of the spells also has a unique name and ID address, which is used to compose a command for the console. There are so many different abilities and spells in the game that it would be impossible to list them in one article. Therefore, you can use the knowledge base for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and copy the name of the spell from there. At the end of the command, you do not need to assign a numerical value, since there can only be one ability.

The game is divided into a number of schools - restoration, change, illusion, witchcraft, mysticism, destruction. In each of the areas there is a gradation of skill - beginner, student, specialist, expert, master. Each level has a specific set of spells and skills. You can assign any of them to your character using the described command.

Additional Information

The above are console commands in Oblivion that can be useful to any player. Also, the developers have added a number of codes that are used quite rarely, but have an interesting or very useful effect.

The following are facts and rules to be aware of before using Oblivion commands:

  • The maximum numeric value can be 255, but cannot exceed this number. If you enter 256 or more, the parameter will reset to 0.
  • The codes work properly both when entered in the form of an abbreviation and when written in full.
  • All entered codes are applied to the game character by default. If you want to perform any action with an NPC, then you need to open the console, select the desired character so that the target appears at the top of the screen, and then enter cheats.
  • Any unique ID consists of 8 characters. If you found an item number from more numbers and letters, then it will not work in the game.
  • If you want to add an item from any modification using the ID, then this add-on should be in the first place in the loading priority. The already mentioned Oblivion Mod Manager will help you with the arrangement of mods.

Now you know almost all the nuances that you need to consider when working with console commands in TES: Oblivion!

Press the "~" button to open the console and enter commands. Some commands require you to select objects with the mouse before calling them. Sometimes the console is not called up by pressing a key, in this case the parameter can help -devuser, added to the game's launch file.

addspell X- add spell number X to the hero;

advlevel- add a level (level) to the hero;

advskill skill X- increases the skill level by X, for example advskill blade 4;

caqs- completes the task (quest);

coc testing hall— teleport the player to the area with all objects, monsters and interlocutors (NPC) of the game;

coc toddtest— teleport the player to the testing area;

hairtint (red/green/blue)- changes hair color;

help- show a list of console commands;

kill— kill the selected object;

lock X- close the lock or container;

modpca X attribute- adds X points to an attribute (for example, luck (luck));

modpcs skill X- adds X points to the skill (skill);

movetoqt- teleport the player to the goal of the task;

player.additem 0000000F "X"- adds X coins;

player.additem item_number quantity- adds the given item;

player.completequest X- destroys, but does not complete the selected task (quest);

player.payfine- the guards stop attacking the hero, and the ransom is paid;

player.removeitm X amount— removes object number X;

player.removespell X- remove the given spell;

player.setAV X- increase or decrease the ability (ability) or attribute (attribute) by X;

player.setcrimegold X— set the size of the bounty for the hero's head to X (to remove the bounty, enter 0), may not work within the city;

player.setlevel X- changes the level (level) of the hero to X (from 1 to 255);

player.setstage set_number stage— transfers the task to the required stage;

pov X or setcamerafov X- changes the viewing angle to X (by default it is 75);

psb— adds to the hero all spells (spells);

qqq— exit from the game;

resurrect- resurrect the selected monster or hero;

setpcfame- set the level of fame (fame);

setpcinfamy- set the level of notoriety (infamy);

setscale X- change the size of the object X times (from 0.5 to 2; 1 - normal size);

sexchange- changes sex;

showbirthsignmenu- allows you to change the sign of the zodiac (birthsign);

showclassmenu- allows you to change the class (class);

showfullquestlog X— show all entries for job number X;

showquestlog— show records by task;

showquestlog 0— show records for the current task;

showquestlog 1— show records of the completed task;

showquesttargets- show the goals of the current task;

showracemenu- allows you to change the name (name), race (race), appearance (appearance);

showsubtitle— enable/disable captions during conversations;

ssg- creates a script viewing window;

tai— switch artificial intelligence;

tcai- switch combat artificial intelligence;

tcl— enable/disable the hero's collisions with objects;

tdt- turn on the debug screen;

tfc- "ufo cam", free camera;

tfh— show/hide tooltip;

tfow- enable/disable "fog of war";

tg— show/hide grass;

tgm- invulnerability;

tll— enable/disable LOD;

tlv— show/hide leaves;

tm— enable/disable the menu;

togglemapmarkers— show all areas (locations) on the map;

ts— enable/disable the sky;

tt— enable/disable trees;

tws- turn on / off the water;

unlock- opens the selected door or container.

Many codes (especially additem) require hexadecimal object codes as a parameter. Unlike standard decimal codes, hexadecimal codes use 16 digits instead of 10. The numbers from 0 to 9 do not change their meaning, and the characters A, B, C, D, E, F are added after them, meaning numbers from 10 to 15 in decimal system reckoning. The entry "10" in hex actually means 16, "11" means 17, and so on.

Thus, the range of numbers from 108 to 10C includes 108, 109, 10A, 10B and 10C, and the range from 509 to 510 consists of 509, 50A, 50B, 50C, 50D, 50E, 50F and 510. Groups of game objects can be distinguished :

from 0002299C before 000229A5- steel and elven armor;

from 000229A6 before 000229B2, from 00048981 before 00048992 - clothes,

from 0001FED0 before 0001FED2, from 000ADD4E before 000ADDAA, from 0018AE4B before 0018AE4F- Imperial armor;

from 000CA152 before 000CA159— unique weapons;

from 000CA10F before 000CA11C— unique armor;

from 000CA11D before 000CA120— unique scrolls;

from 000CA121 before 000CA12C— unique clothes and rings;

from 0002C212 before 0002C24E, from 0003633F before 0003635C, from 0003E9AE before 0003E9C1- a variety of armor;

from 00098417 before 0009845D- rings, necklaces, amulets;

from 000387A6 before 000387BE, from 0003A856 before 0003A867, from 0003B3FF before 0003B40F, from 0003D7B7 before 0003DB26, from 000977C3 before 000977D2- weapon.

Long distances are pleasant for natural travelers: what an adventure today is without a long journey! Unfortunately, for the second time the path does not bring the same pleasure. The developers have provided the ability to instantly move around the areas: just enter the code " coc place" (without quotes, of course) . The magazine format did not allow for a complete list of available areas, but even a shortened list of the most important areas of the game will help get you to the right area. Long live the magic subway!

Amelion Tomb— Amelion Family Tomb;

Ancestor Moth Crypt TempleOfTheAncestorMothCrypt;

Anga— Anga;

Anutwyll— Anutwyll;

Anvil Lighthouse— Anvil Lighthouse;

Arpenia— Arpenia;

Attar— Attar;

Bawn— Bawn;

Bedrock Break— Bedrock Break;

Belda— Belda;

Beldaburo— Beldaburo;

Belletor's Folly— BelletorsFolly;

Book Warehouse— Warehouse Books;

Borba's Goods and Stores— Cheydinhal Borbas Goods and Stores;

Carac Agaialor— Paradise Camoran Fortress;

Castle Bravil Barracks— BravilCastle Barracks;

Castle Bruma Barracks— Bruma Castle Barracks;

Castle Chorrol Barracks— ChorrolCastle Barracks;

Castle Kvatch Passageway— KvatchCastle Passageway;

Castle Leyawiin County Hall— LeyawiinCastleCountyHall;

Castle Skingrad Barracks Skingrad Castle Barracks

Castle Varaldo Interior— CastleVaraldo;

catacombs— JakbenTombInterior;

Ceyatatar— Ceyatatar;

Clothing Warehouse— WarehouseClothes;

Crime Warehouse— WarehouseCrime;

Crowhaven— Crowhaven01;

Culotte— Culotte;

Dagon Shrine— Lake Arrius Shrine Dagon;

Dark Fissure— Dark Fissure;

Dasek Moor— DasekMoor;

Drakelowe— DrakeloweFarm;

Elenglynn— Elenglynn;

Eyes of the Serpent— PalePass01;

Fanacas— Fanacas;

Fanacasecul— Fanacasecul;

Fighting Dojo— Warehouse Fight;

fire and steel ChorrolFireAndSteel;

Fort Alessia— Fort Alessia;

Fort Ash— Fort Ash01;

Fort Aurus— FortAurus;

Fort Black Boot— FortBlackBoot;

Fort Blueblood— Fort Blue Blood;

Fort Caractacus— Fort Caractacus;

Fort Carmala— Fort Carmala;

Fort Cedrian— FortCedrian01;

Fort Chalman— FortChalman;

Fort Coldcorn— FortColdcorn;

Fort Cuptor— FortCuptor;

Fort Dirich— Fort Dirich;

Fort Doublecross— FortDoublecross;

Fort Empire— FortEmpire;

Fort Entius— FortEntius01;

Fort Facian— Fort Facian;

Fort Farragut— FortFarragut;

Fort Flecia— FortFlecia;

Fort Gold Throat— Fort Gold Throat;

Fort Hastrel— FortHastrel01;

Fort Homestead— FortHomestead01;

Fort Horunn— FortHorunn;

Fort Irony— Fort Irony;

Fort Istirus— Fortistirus;

Fort Linchal— Fort Linchal;

Fort Magic— Fort Magia;

Fort Naso— FortNaso;

Fort Nikel— Fort Nickel;

Fort Nomore— FortNomore;

Fort Ontus— FortOntus;

Fort Rayles— Fort Rails;

Fort Redman— FortRedman01;

Fort Redwater— FortRedwater01;

Fort Roebeck— FortRoebeck01;

Fort Scinia— FortScinia01;

Fort Sejanus— FortSejanus01;

Fort Strand— FortStrand01;

Fort Sutch— FortSutchInterior;

Fort Teleman— FortTeleman;

Fort Urasek— Fort Urasek;

Fort Variela— FortVariela;

Fort Virtue— FortVirtue;

Fort Vlastarus— FortVlastarus;

Fort Wariel— Fort Wariel;

Fort Wooden Hand— FortWoodenHand01;

Garlas Agea— GarlasAgea;

Gottlefont Priory— GottlefontPrioryMonastery;

Great World Interior— GretWold;

Greyland— Greyland;

Gweden Farm— GwedenFarmInterior;


Hammer and Ax— BrumaHammerAndAxe;

Hammer and Tongs SkingradHammerAndTongs;

Harborside Warehouse— Anvil Harborside Warehouse;

Harm's Folly— HarmFolly;

Henantier's Dream— DreamHub;

Hrotanda Vale— Hrotanda Vale;

Kemen— Kemen;

Knights of the Thorn Headquarters—CheydinhalKnightsoftheThorn;

Lighting Warehouse— Warehouse Light;

Lindai— Lindai01;

Lipsand Tarn— LipsandTarn;

Mackamentain— Mackamentain;

Malada— Malada01;


Moraham— Morahame;

Moranda— Moranda;

Mouth of the Serpent— Pale Pass;

Nagastani— Nagastani;

Narfinsel— Narfinsel;

Nenalata— Nenalata;

Nenyond Twyll— NenyondTwyll;

Ninendava— Ninendava;

Niryastare— Niryastare;

Nonungalo— Nonungalo;

Nord Winds— Bruma NordWinds;

nornal— Nornal;

Nornalhorst— Nornalhorst;

Northern Goods and Trade— ChorrolNorthernGoodsAndTrade;

Novaroma— Bruma Novaroma;

Odiil Farm— OdiilFarm;

Olav's Tap and Tack— BrumaOlavsTapAndTack;

Ondo— Ondo;

Piukanda— Piukanda;

Redwater Slough— Redwater Slough;

Rielle— Rielle;

Roland Jenseric's Cabin— Roland Jensersics Cabin;

Sage Glen Hollow— SageGlenHollow;

Sancre Tor— SancreTor01;

Sardavar Leed— SardavarLeed;

Sedor— Sedor;

Sercen— Sercen;

Serpent's Trail— Serpent Trail;

Shardrock Interior— Shardrock;

Shetcombe Farm— Shetcombe Farm;

Silorn— Silorn;

Talos Plaza Sewers— Imperial Sewer System Talos Plaza;

Talwinque— Talwinque;

telepe— Telepe;

Temple of the Ancestor Moths TempleOfTheAncestorMothMonastery;

Tent— KvatchTent01;

The Beast's Maw— The Beasts Maw;

The Hunter's Run— HuntersRun01;

The Oak and Crosier— Chorrol The Oak and Crosier Tavern;

Trumbe— Trumbe;

Two Sisters Lodge— SkingradTwoSistersLodge;

Upper Class Clutter Warehouse— WarehouseUpperClass;

Vahtacen— Vahtacen;

Varondo— Varondo;

Wayond— Wayond;

Vilverin— Vilverine;

Vindasel— Vindasel;

Weatherleah— WeatherleahInterior;

Welke— Welke;

Wendelbek— Wendelbeck;

Wendir— Wendir;

Wenyandawik— Wenyandawik;

Weye— Weye;

Weynon Lodge— WeynonPrioryLodge;

White Stallion Lodge— WhiteStallionLodgeInterior;

Whitmond— Whitmond Farm.