Lesson on multiplication and division by 5. Summary of a lesson in mathematics on the topic "Division by a whole" (grade 5)


Lesson topic: Complete division

Goal: To update students’ knowledge about the operation of division; repeat the written division algorithm; Continue working on word problems.

Educational: to develop correct skills in dividing natural numbers and its properties.

Developmental: promote the development of mathematical speech, working memory, voluntary attention, visual and effective thinking.

Educational: to cultivate a culture of behavior during front-line work and individual work.

Personal: be able to carry out self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

Regulatory: be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; work according to a collectively drawn up plan; plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made; express your proposal.

Communicative: be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them.

Cognitive: the ability to navigate one’s knowledge system (distinguish what is new from what is already known with the help of a teacher); gain new knowledge (find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in class).

Basic concepts: Dividend, divisor, quotient, laws of division.

Progress of the lesson.

    Explanation of new material.

    Solving exercises on the topic.

    Physical education minute.


    Homework assignment.

    What will be the purpose of our lesson?

You solved the crossword puzzle correctly and named the topic of the lesson “Divide.”

Let be natural numbers and greater than or equal to. They say that it is divisible by an integer if there is a natural number that when multiplied by the result

At the same time they write: and call

Any natural number is divisible by 1 and itself:

You cannot divide by zero.

Let us note an important property of the quotient: the dividend and the divisor can be multiplied or divided by the same natural number - the quotient will not change.

2. Solution of exercises:

Task No. 1. Fill in the missing numbers so that the equations become true:

a) 54:9=.6, since 6

b) 220:11=20, since 20

c) 72:8 = 9, since 9

c) 51:3=17, since 17

Task No. 2. Perform division with check:

a) 66:3= 22, since 22;

b) 840:2= 420, since 420

c) 250:10= 25, since 25

d) 640:80= 8, since 8

Task No. 3. Calculate orally:

b) 58÷17×17=58;

Task No. 4. Calculate:

b) 72000: 1000 = 72;

c) 76000: 100 = 760;

d) 3700: 100 = 37;

e) 4300: 10 = 430;

d) 910000: 1000 = 910.

    Physical education minute

Pull yourself up on your toes - as many times as possible

Exactly as many as there are fingers (They showed how many fingers there are on the hands.)

On your hand. (We rise on our toes 10 times.)

One, two, three, four, five, (Clap your hands.)

We stomp our feet. (We stomp our feet.)

One, two, three, four, five, (Jumping in place.)

We clap our hands. (Clap our hands.)

We all sit down and continue solving examples.

Task No. 5. Dividing the dividend and divisor by the same number (or 10, or 100, or 1000), calculate:

a) 180:20 = 18:2 =9;

b) 555000: 5000 = 111;

c) 3900: 300 = 13;

d) 3600: 30 = 120;

e) 76000: 200 = 380;

e) 910000: 2000 = 455.

Task No. 6. Multiplying the dividend and divisor by the same number (or 2, or 4, or 8), calculate:

a) 130: 5 = 260: 10 = 26;

b) 1200: 25 = 4800: 100 = 48;

c) 3000: 125 = 24000: 1000 = 24;

d) 24000: 250 = 96000:1000=96.

Task No. 7. Find the number x for which the equality is true:

Task No. 8. The product of two numbers is 6 times the first number. Find the second number.

Task No. 9. The product of two numbers is 9 times the second of them. Find the first number.

Task No. 10. The product of two numbers is 10 times the first number and 15 times the second. Find these numbers and the product.

Task No. 11. The product of two numbers is 11 times the first and 12 times the second. Find these numbers and the product.

Task No. 12. The quotient of two numbers is 3 times less than the first number. Find the second number.

Task No. 13. The quotient of two numbers is 13 times less than the first of them. Find the second number.

Task No. 14. The quotient of two numbers is 5 times less than the first number and 2 times more than the second number. Find these numbers and the quotient.

Task No. 15. The quotient of two numbers is 20 times less than the first number and 3 times more than the second number. Find these numbers and the quotient.

4. Reflection. Please select one of the options:

1. The lesson is useful, everything is clear.
2. Only one thing is a little unclear.
3.You still have to work hard.
4.Yes, it’s still difficult to study!

5. Homework: 12.10: clause 1.12. No. 180, No. 182

General information

Lesson summary
in 2nd grade
in mathematics

Lesson topic: “Multiplying the number 5 and dividing by 5. The fifth part of the number”
Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge

Objective of the lesson:
consolidate the skill of tabular multiplication of numbers by 2,3,4,5;
- practice solving problems of finding the product and perimeter of a polygon;
- develop oral and written numeracy skills; logical thinking, attention, speech, accuracy of perception, broaden horizons;
Planned results

Know table multiplication
Find the fifth part of a number
Metasubject (UD): Regulatory:
be able to control your readiness for the lesson; be able to set a lesson goal; be able to draw up a plan and sequence of actions; be able to conduct self-analysis and self-evaluation.
Cognitive: be able to put forward hypotheses; be able to search for and highlight the necessary information; be able to analyze text; be able to extract information from a listened text; be able to structure knowledge, be able to consciously and arbitrarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form.
Communicative: be able to plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers; be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; be able to manage your partner’s behavior.

Educational and methodological support (facilities, equipment):

For the teacher
For the student

Information sources:
Lesson content

Lesson stage, time
Methods, techniques
Teacher activities
Student activities
UUD for each task

1. Limiting torque

Greeting the teacher, preparing for the lesson

P - the ability to control your readiness for a lesson;
K – ability to plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;

2.Preparation for active and conscious work

Today we will continue to study the topic “Multiplication and division by 5, finding the 5th part of a number (and 4, and 3, and 2)
2*5, 3*5, 5*6, 5*7, 4*5, 10*5, 0*5, 5*8, 5*9, 1*5
For one mistake we give 4 for 2-3
Now switch notebooks and take a simple pencil
We are very interested in who got 5? 4?
The rest of the guys, what will you do after receiving your grade?
Yes, guys, you need to learn the multiplication tables.
Example 1. The side of a square is 8 cm. What is its perimeter?
How do we find the perimeter of a square? (a+a+a+a) or a*4
There are 2 ways, what are they?
Who will go to the board and solve this problem?
We write down the solution in our notebooks
Well done!
Example 2. The length of the rectangle is 5 cm and the width is 2 cm. What is the perimeter?
How will we solve this problem?
1 solution or are there others?
(several students perform different ways to solve the problem at the board)
Write down the solution in your notebook!

Now let's do the following task
How will we write down the solution from the task?
How is this?
Let's write it down and check it out together later!
I check several students in turn
Well done.
Now let's start the task from the textbook page 11. No. 31 1st column
You will answer in a chain
Well done. Subtraction and addition problems on slides
Checking tasks along the chain

write down

exchange notebooks and check their work
Raise their hands who got what grade

P = 8 4
8 4 = 32 (cm) – perimeter
Answer: 32 cm.
Someone comes to the board

1 way:
1)5 + 2 = 7 (cm) – half the perimeter
2)7 +7 = 14 (cm) – perimeter

P = 5 + 5 + 2 + 2
P = 14 cm


They say: des. Under dec. Unit under unit

Children's answers in a chain
P – ability to structure knowledge;

P – the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement;

P – ability to put forward hypotheses;

K – the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

P – ability to search and highlight the necessary information

P – conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance;

Presentation slide 1
(answers to multiplication)

Slide 2

Slide 3

3. Generalization and systematization of the material (comprehensive testing of knowledge and skills)

Find: the fifth part of the numbers 45,15,5. Find: the fourth part of the numbers 12,20,36
Find the third part of the numbers 27,15,30
Find the second part of the numbers: 20, 12, 18
Let's check your answers
Along the chain

1. Subtract 17 from 37.
2. Subtract 34 from 54.
2.1. What is the sum of the numbers: 17 and 37?
2.2. What is the sum of the numbers: 34 and 54?
2.3. What is the sum of the numbers: 15 and 67?

1. When subtracting the number 47 from 67, what is the number 47?
2. What is the number 12 when subtracting from 58?
3.5. On the first day, the tourists walked 17 km, and on the second day another 22. How many km did they walk in 2 days?
What needs to be done to solve this problem?

Add 17 and 22
P – ability to put forward hypotheses;
K – the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

P – ability to put forward hypotheses;

K – the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;
K – ability to control the behavior of a partner;

P – ability to search and highlight the necessary information;

4. Summing up

Reflection. What did we repeat? Were the tasks difficult or easy?
Who liked which ones?

5.Information about d/z

Heading 115

Attached files

Repetition on the topic “Multiplication and division of natural numbers”
Lesson objectives:
improve skills in multiplying and dividing natural numbers;
development of skills to solve equations and word problems;
develop attention, memory, cognitive activity, literacy
mathematical speech;
cultivate discipline, responsibility, interest in the subject,

Epigraph for the lesson:
“The subject of mathematics is so serious that it is useful not to
miss opportunities to make it a little entertaining"
B. Pascal, French scientist.
Lesson progress
I. Organizational stage
The class's readiness for the lesson is checked. In notebooks we write down the number and class
Job. Slide 1.
II. Oral work
Answers to questions:
1. What is called multiplication? Components? (factors and product)
2. What are the numbers that are multiplied called? (multipliers)
3. What is the result of multiplication called? (work)
4. If any number is multiplied by one, what happens? (also a number)
5. If 1 is multiplied by any number, what do you get? (also a number)
6. What if any number is multiplied by 0? (0)
7. What if 0 is multiplied by any number? (0)
8. What is division called? Components? (dividend, divisor, quotient)
9. What if any number is divided by 1? (also a number)
10.What if any number is divided by the same number? (1)
11.What if 0 is divided by any number? (0)
12.What if any number is divided by 0? (doesn't make sense, you can't divide by zero!)
Let's write down the topic of the lesson. Slide 2
What goals will we set for ourselves?
The lesson is not quite ordinary. This is a fairy tale lesson. But to get into it, we
must get permission. Slide 3
Work on the topic of the lesson. Journey to the land of fairy tales.

To get admission, you need to knock on the first door. What a fairy tale behind it
lives? To find out we need to answer some more questions:
III. Mathematical dictation Slide 4
Students post their answers on their desks. Work in pairs.

Write down what it's called:
1. The number being divided by.

7. The number that is divided.

Let's check that the task is completed correctly:

1. Divider
2. Multiplier
3. Private
4. Multiplier
5. Private
6. Work
7. Dividend
8. Divider
Slide 5 (doors)

So we got clearance. Let's knock on the first door (one knock). Slide 6
What fairy tale lives behind it?
The first door opened, and behind it was the heroine of the fairy tale. Guess which one.
That's right "Little Red Riding Hood"
Let's try to find out what fairy tale lives behind the second door. To find out we need
Solve examples of multiplication and division.
Working with signal cards (yes - green, no - red)
Is it true: (showing cards)
b) x:16 = 4
a) 125 x = 1000
x = 8
x = 4
d) x 9 = 81
x = 9
c)75:x = 3
x = 25
e) x:71 = 0
x = 71
e) 47 x = 0
x = 0
g) 84:x = 6
x = 12
h) x 29 = 58
x = 2
Okay, you didn't do a bad job. You can open the second door (2
blow). The second door opened, and behind it was the hero of the fairy tale. Slide 7
Name this fairy tale.

That's right, Buratino.
V. Physical education minute.
Gymnastics for the eyes

Independent work
1 option
1) 145∙18=2610
2) 173∙160=27680
3) 7344:34=216
4) 6363:21=303
5) 18∙x=450; x=25

Option 2
1) 201∙32=6432
2) 120∙150=18000
3) 25280: 80=316
4) 9990:45=222
5) b∙23=575; b=25

VII. Lesson summary and reflection
It's time to return to our school. Today we visited a fairy tale.
What did we remember today, what did we learn?
Assess the degree of mastery of the material.
Hooray! Everything is clear to me. Minor shortcomings, There were failures, but

there is something to work on. I will overcome everything.

VIII. Homework assignments. P. 3.2, p. 5455 – repeat. No. 219, p. 59
x = 8

b) x:16 = 4
x = 4
c)75:x = 3
x = 25

d) x 9 = 81
x = 9
e) x:71 = 0
x = 71

e) 47x = 0
x = 0
g) 84:x = 6
x = 12

h) x 29 = 58
x = 2
Mathematical dictation.
Write down what it's called:
1. The number being divided by.
2. The number one hundred in the expression 23 100
3. A number that is obtained by dividing numbers.
4. The number being multiplied by.
5. The number one hundred in the equality 300:3 = 100.
6. A number that is obtained by multiplying numbers.
7. The number that is divided.
8. The number one hundred in the expression 800:100.

Mathematical dictation.
Write down what it's called:
1. The number being divided by.
2. The number one hundred in the expression 23 100
3. A number that is obtained by dividing numbers.
4. The number being multiplied by.
5. The number one hundred in the equality 300:3 = 100.
6. A number that is obtained by multiplying numbers.

Math lesson notes

2nd grade

Topic: Division by 5.

Target: introduce division by 5.

Tasks: - improve mental calculation skills (multiplication and division tables inwithin 20);

Improve your ability to solve division problems;

Develop attention, memory, observation, logical thinking, creative imagination;

Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

By content: with elements of interdisciplinary integration (the world around us).

According to the form of organization: combined (individual, pair, frontal, independent activity of students).

By type of activity: problematic lesson.

Based on the execution results: practical.

Lesson progress

I . Class organization.

II . Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Let's start the lesson with a poem, read it.

We came to school to learn,

This will come in handy in life!

Someone who wants to know a lot

You have to figure it out yourself!

What do we learn in math class?

Where will this be useful?

Who wants to learn a lot in math?

Everyone wants it! Then be ready to learn new things. How do you understand the expression “You must comprehend everything yourself”?

Are you ready for this?

Let's go on a journey to gain knowledge. And on a hike, a motto will be very useful. What will it be like for us if we want to know a lot?

Our motto:“We can do anything! Will he help us on our journey to new knowledge?

So, our lesson is dedicated to the discovery of new knowledge. You need to be attentive in class and when meeting something new: first, understand that you don’t know it, second, find a way to solve it.

During the lesson we will also check how you solve examples and problems. Let's think and reflect.

III . Repetition of what has been learned.

Guess the riddle:

The golden grain scattered by night,

We looked in the morning - there was nothing!

Yes, these are the stars in the sky.

Stars have always attracted people's attention. You can spend hours looking at the sky and admiring the stars. Oh, what is this? Shooting star. We need to make a wish quickly. People believe that it will definitely come true. And today we have a magical starfall in our lesson.

(Poster of the sky with cardboard stars)

(Students will come out, take the star, read the activity on the back and put it in the clear pocket.)

We will collect falling stars and fulfill their wishes. And when we fulfill them, we will be able to make our cherished wishes to the stars, and they will certainly come true. The number of stars we collect, the number of wishes we can make. This means our task is to do everything efficiently so that as many stars as possible end up in our pocket. We won't be able to get a star if we don't do the job. We begin to collect falling stars.

Take the first star, Slava, and read its wish.

    1st star

Task No. 1. Do an oral count.

(Give two students an individual task: on a card and at the board.)

3*3 1*3

0*4 8*2

12:2 18:3

2:2 12:4

Pick up a digital fan and show the answer based on my signal.

1st block - examples.

8:2 5*3 10:2 2*3

14:2 6*2 2*5 4*4

2nd block – naming the components and results of the action

The first multiplier is 9, the second multiplier is 2. Find a piece.

Dividend is 12, divisor is 4. What is the quotient equal to?

3rd block - geometric shapes.

Name the figure (showing a triangular pyramid).

How many faces? Vershin? Ribs?

What is the name of this geometric figure (showing a quadrangular pyramid)?

How many faces, vertices, edges?

4th block – tasks.

Three brushes cost 18 rubles. How many rubles did one brush cost?

One jar contains 3 kg of honey. How much honey is in two of these jars?

The task is a joke. Once upon a time there lived four brothers in the city,

And each of the four had a sister.

Let's figure it out, guys.

How many were there together?

Summing up.

They counted correctly, quickly. Well done!

Let's check how our comrades coped with the tasks on the card and on the board.

Check the answers on the card.

We fulfilled the star's wish, so we won the fulfillment of one of our wishes. Put the star in your pocket. There is the first star.

IV . Work in notebooks.

Open your notebooks. Let's check your homework.

Check if you did it right. Who has everything like this? Well done!

Count 4 squares down from homework. Write down the number, great job.

Let's read the wish of the next star

    2nd star

Task No. 2. Count with your heels to 20. Find the extra one.

Let's work on the calligraphy of the number 5. Remember the poems of S. Marshak.

And then I went to dance

On paper the number is 5.

She extended her hand to the right,

The leg was bent sharply.

The number is written on the right side of the cell. (show by teacher)

Write a whole line across the square.

Summing up.

You guessed the number. They wrote the numbers beautifully. Another wish won. Put the number in your pocket.

    3rd star

Task No. 3. Divide numerical expressions into groups.

5:5= 1*5= 10:5= 3*5= 5*4= 15:5= 20:5 2*5=

How many groups will there be? (2) What groups will there be?

Separate by moving the cards. (One student does it on the board, and the rest work in their notebooks.)

Write down the expressions in your notebook, dividing them into two groups.

1*5= 5:5=

2*5= 10:5=

3*5= 15:5=

5*4= 20:5=

Solve examples in the first column that involve multiplication.

Look carefully at the examples of the second column, which are divided.

Can you do the calculations? Why? (We don’t know how to divide by 5)

What moment in the lesson happened now? (Discovery of new knowledge.)

What should we call our new discovery? (Division by 5)

What will the topic of our lesson be called? (Division by 5.)

The first step towards discovering something new has been taken - we have been able to determine that we don’t know, we don’t know how! We decided on a topic.

What's the next step? (Try to find a way to solve the examples.)

Try to solve using your previous knowledge. Which? (Multiplication table.) or (Multiplication examples.)

What do we do with division expressions? (Let’s find a multiplication pair for each.)

Make pairs of numerical expressions. Now can we solve the division examples?

Solve the examples in the second column.

What did you just learn? (Divide by 5.)

Summing up.

You did an excellent job with the task, identified the topic of new knowledge and found a solution. We put the third star in our pocket. The third wish is won.

Physical exercise.

We got up. Let's have a physical minute.

Khomka, Khomka-hamster, striped flank.

The hamster gets up early, washes his cheeks, rubs his neck.

Khomka sweeps the hut and goes out to exercise.

One, two, three, four, five... Khomka wants to become strong!

Sit down. Let's continue our lesson.

V . Consolidation.

    4th star.

Task No. 4. Practice dividing by 5.

Let's consolidate the knowledge we've just gained by working from the textbook.

VI . Work according to the textbook. P. 94.

Open the textbook on p. 94. Read the topic. Find #3.

Read the examples and give the answers.





We have fixed examples on division by 5 from the textbook. You remembered the answers well and quickly named them. Now let’s practice solving these examples in other tasks.

Summing up.

You showed good results in the score. Well done!

    5 -th star

Task No. 5. Solve problems.

Before moving on to solving problems from the textbook, let's practice using sticks.

VII . Practical work.

Take the chopsticks. Work in pairs.

Place 10 sticks. Divide them into 5 equal parts. How many sticks are in each part?

(The teacher passes and looks at the result of the work.)

Tell me the solution. (10:5=2)

Connect the sticks. 10 sticks, place 5 sticks in each part. How many parts did you get?

(The teacher walks by and looks at the completed work.)

Tell me the solution. (10:5=2)

When solving the problem, we used the knowledge we acquired today of dividing by 5.

Summing up.

Did a good job with the practical work. Well done! We will need this now to solve problems.

We will perform task No. 4 from the textbook. Read the problem, Lena.

How is what we did on sticks depicted in the textbook? (Drawing)

We will not draw a picture in the notebook, but will make a brief note of the task.

Write down the task number in your notebook. If anyone knows what to do, work on your own.

(One student does it on the board.)

5th century – 15 rub.

1st century - ?


15:5=3 (r.)

Answer: 5 roses in each vase.

Well done! I decided correctly.

VIII . Independent work.

Complete the drawing for the problem.

15 roses were arranged in vases of 5 roses each. How many vases do you need?

(Children draw, then check the work by checking the board)

- Solve the problem yourself, who knows how to solve it.

(Children make a short note. Write down the solution to the problem. One student works at the board.)

5 rub. - 1st century

15 rub. - ?


15:5=3 (v.)

Answer: 3 vases are needed for roses.

Summing up.

- They solved problems well. Well done! Completed the star's task. We put the star in the pocket. Another wish of yours will be fulfilled.

    6 -th star.

Task No. 6. Check how you learned to divide by 5.

Tasks in the textbook.

Our lesson is coming to an end.

Open the diaries. Write down your homework.

X . Homework.

P.95, No. 6, 7;

Close your diaries. Let's summarize the lesson. How many wishes have you won from the stars? (6)

This is an excellent result. Well done! Then make your wishes. And I give you an excellent grade for your work in class... (The teacher says grades).

XI . Relaxation.

Think and determine your attitude to how you worked in the lesson. And then choose one of the three stars to attach to the poster. Take:

Yellow- everyone understood, they worked with pleasure, it was easy;

Blue - not everyone understood, there were some difficulties;

- red– we didn’t understand anything, it was difficult.

Stand up and pin your star on the poster.

Let's see how you rated yourself.

-Our lesson is over. Thanks everyone.

Lesson developments (lesson notes)

Primary general education

Line UMK V. N. Rudnitskaya. Mathematics (1-4)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Purpose of the lesson

Review the division by 5 table with students.

Lesson Objectives

    To consolidate students' knowledge of the results of the studied tabular cases of multiplication and division (by 2, 3 and 4), as well as the addition of single-digit numbers and the corresponding cases of subtraction; the ability to perform oral and written addition and subtraction of numbers within 100, construct and solve text arithmetic problems (including in different ways), and find the perimeter of a polygon. Develop students' graphic skills and spatial concepts. To develop students’ logical reasoning skills and the ability to perform the logical operation of classification

Types of activities

    Use the 5 times table to find the results of dividing numbers by 5. Give the results of table cases of multiplication and division (by 2, 3 and 4), as well as addition of single-digit numbers and corresponding cases of subtraction. Perform oral and written addition and subtraction of numbers within 100. Construct arithmetic problems (compose a problem according to a diagram). Identify arithmetic operations to solve problems. Solve problems in different ways. Calculate the perimeter of a polygon. Review and evaluate completed assignments. Draw up a plan for constructing a geometric figure and carry out the construction using drawing tools. Draw intersecting figures so that their common part is the indicated figure. Recognize geometric shapes in a drawing. Construct logical reasoning and justify it in the process of solving logical problems. Carry out classification on a given basis

Key Concepts

    Division by 5
Stage nameMethodical comment
1 1. Motivation for learning activities Working with task No. 41 of the textbook. The first part of the task continues the line of logical tasks to enumerate possible solutions. Possible payment options for the purchase: 1) eraser: 1 ruble coins. and 2 r. - 1 option; 2) pencils: coins 1 rub., 2 rub. and 2 r. or a 5 ruble coin - 2 options; 3) notepad: coins 1 rub., 2 rub., 2 rub. and 5 rub. or 5 rubles coins and 5 rub. - 2 options. In order to answer the questions in the second part of the task, you must first perform a number of calculations. 1. 1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 5 = 15; 15 rub. - Yulia had all the money. 2. 1) 5 + 10 = 15; 15 rub. - the cost of a pencil and notepad; 2) 15 rub. = 15 rub. - this means Yulia has enough money to buy a pencil and notepad. 3. 1) 5 2 = 10; 10 rub. there are two pencils; 2) 10 + 3 = 13; 13 rub. there are two pencils and an eraser; 3) 13 rub. less than 15 rub. - this means Yulia has enough money to buy two pencils and an eraser. 4. 1) 3 3 = 9; 9 rub. there are three erasers; 2) 9 rub. less than 15 rub. - this means Yulia has enough money to buy erasers. 5. 1) 3 + 5 + 10 = 18; 18 rub. - the cost of all three items; 2) 18 rub. more than 15 rub. - this means that Yulia does not have enough money to buy all three items. You can review the task together with the class during oral frontal work.
2 2. Updating basic knowledge Working with task No. 39 of the textbook. Divide the examples into groups. Interactive task. Use number cards to write down the result.
3 3. Statement of the educational problem Working with task No. 7 of the textbook. How many squares is each figure divided into? Solve the problem in different ways. Use number cards to write down the result.
4 4. Goal setting Using the 5 times table, do the division. Use number cards to write down the result.
5 5. Discovery of new knowledge Working with task No. 13 of the textbook. Use number cards to write down the result.
6 6.1 Primary consolidation Working with task No. 15 of the textbook. Complete the actions. In what examples can you immediately name the result without performing the specified calculations? Justify your answer. Interactive task. Fill in the blanks using the number cards and write down the result.
7 6.2 Primary consolidation Working with task No. 17 of the textbook. Solve the problem, write down the solution and answer. Interactive task. Complete the notes and calculate.
8 7.1 Independent work with self-test Work with task No. 18 of the textbook. Solve the problem, write down the solution and answer. Interactive task. Complete the notes and calculate.
9 7.2 Independent work with self-test Working with task No. 19 of the textbook. Solve the problem, write down the solution and answer. Interactive task. Use number cards to write down the results of your calculations.