Why see a dragon in a dream? Why do you dream about a dragon - a symbol of hidden fears or great opportunities? Why do you dream of a Dragon in a dream?

If our current life bears little resemblance to a fairy tale, then our dreams make up for this shortcoming with all our might. Whatever our subconscious can throw into a dream!

Incredible magical worlds, fairy-tale countries and cities, unusual people and creatures - no science fiction film can compare in the richness of the stories seen with human dreams. In a dream, you can fly - not only on an airplane, but also on your own wings, and on... a dragon.

The first impression of the memory of the “dragon” dream will probably be with a minus sign - you won’t expect anything good from such a creepy “hero”. What could such a dream turn out to be?

What color is the monster?


The red dragon is a warning that due to your incontinence, emotions that have escaped out of control can break out in a real fire.

According to Nostradamus’s dream book, in this case the dreamer is threatened in the literal sense.

And if the red dragon is defeated in a dream, then in real life everything will end quite happily.

There is also this interpretation: love passion with a person of higher social status. But do not delude yourself about such a novel - it will not end in anything.

Such a dream warns of caution and the ability to restrain your feelings, because even if your relationship does not become known to others, it can seriously tarnish your reputation.

    An old Russian dream book with the appearance of a red dragon predicts a wedding or the imminent birth of a child.

    The spring dream book foretells a meeting with a person who can greatly influence the dreamer’s future life.


In Eastern mythology, the image of a white dragon symbolizes wisdom and peace of mind. Therefore, dreams involving a white lizard confirm that a person was able to achieve well-being and harmony in his life.

Seeing an albino dragon - to absolutely incredible luck, unexpected luck, including in the financial sector.

A dream with a white dragon at its head can also warn that danger can be feared not so much in real life as in the recesses of the soul. Your “inner white dragon” is all weak character traits such as fear, despondency, lack of self-confidence and self-control.

Aesop's Dream Book claims that a white dragon will help you perk up.


A black monster in a dream foreshadows protection from impending danger - failure can be avoided, according to the Wanderers’ dream book.

In the traditions of eastern peoples, the black dragon symbolizes personal spiritual development and health.

Other colors

A dragon that appeared in a dream with golden scales predicts to the dreamer that he may soon acquire some secret knowledge.

Financial success is guaranteed by the classic green reptile.

If people in creative or scientific professions dream of a bright multi-colored dragon, this is a lucky sign for them, indicating the birth and promotion of new ideas, their implementation with great moral satisfaction from one’s work.

From tiny to huge

Little dragon - for a quick meeting with an important person, which will disappoint you, just like the important person himself, or rather, his pettiness and greed. Another dream book interprets a dream with a baby dragon as a possibility of aggravation of relations with superiors.

    The family dream book claims that a small lizard-like one is a sign that you are always following your immediate desires.

    In the Eastern tradition, dragons are the personification of petty dirty tricks and quarrels.

    Small dragon can warn of a state of duality when ambition requires something big, and the soul is tormented by doubts about the ability to achieve it.

    The 21st century dream book suggests the mistrust of others, personified by a small dragon, which prevents the dreamer from moving forward. When the dragon grows up, then it will be possible to voice your plans, without fear of possible ridicule and acting more decisively.

    A toy-sized “lizard” suggests that a person already latently feels his strength, but for the time being is afraid to show it. It is possible that the time to trust your instinct has already come.

    It is logical that a huge dragon is a symbol of the dreamer’s power, but it must be used with caution so as not to harm others, ending up like a bull in a china shop.

    Large-scale affairs await the person who dreamed of a huge monster. But don't be afraid of them - you can do them.

    A dragon with several heads marks an immediate improvement in your financial situation in the form of an unexpected win or an increase in salary.

And from the mouth a flame bursts...

A fire-breathing dragon warns of a major quarrel with some influential person, perhaps with a boss.

Based on such a dream, you should be careful and extremely careful in communicating with such people so as not to cause discontent that threatens unforeseen consequences. This is also fraught with the fact that you may be declared guilty without guilt.

    Loff's dream book warns of conflict situations related to money.

    If a dragon spitting fire looks aggressive in a dream, it could mean that you have positioned yourself incorrectly in relation to others, you need to be more tolerant and polite to everyone, and this will be quickly appreciated.

    According to Vanga’s dream book, there will be a serious struggle with an invisible enemy who will decide on open confrontation. And this same dream book also warns that a new stage is beginning in your life, requiring concentration of forces for hard work so that fate will show its favor.

    A dreamer who has fallen under the dragon's flame can hope for spiritual cleansing and a transition to a new, better level of life.

What did the dragon do, what did you do?

Why do you dream about a dragon if it flies in the sky? Some dream books claim that this means receiving absolutely amazing news.

Others promise the dreamer prosperity with the fulfillment of all desires.

Still others are sure: a flying dragon symbolizes power and wealth due to receiving an inheritance or meeting a wealthy patron.

The fourth suggests that the dreamer has unrealistic goals, the achievement of which would waste time and effort.

Having seen such a dream, a person must draw certain conclusions for himself, in particular regarding the set feasible goals and correctly set priorities.

The dream warns of the need to make an important decision and a final choice.

Monster in women's dreams

Dream Interpretations note that the fairy-tale monster is not indifferent to the female sex, especially if you remember how in various fairy tales and legends he kidnapped the most beautiful girls or demanded them as sacrifices.

Dragon seen in a dream may portend an acquaintance and, possibly, an affair with a wealthy man, which, however, does not guarantee serious completion.

The dragon, being a symbol of wealth and justice, nevertheless also symbolizes power, strength, and tough character, which the partner may not like. It's worth keeping your temper in check.

On the other hand, such a dream may indicate the complex character of a new acquaintance, his habits as a dictator.

    If a woman dreams of a three-headed dragon, this means that she will have a difficult choice from several worthy suitors.

    A “dragon” dream foretells significant success for the lady.

    Freud's dream book, as always, gives interpretations with a “sexual slant.” If a woman saw a nightmare in which her partner was a dragon, this is a sign of dramatic changes in her life, and quite possibly for the better.

    A huge dragon predicts the birth of a son, who in the future will become the pride of the mother.

    A dragon-like creature can hypnotize a girl, and this is scary not only in a dream - in reality she faces some kind of danger, from which only a loving young man can save her.

What if a man dreams?

Seeing a dragon in a dream for a man, according to Freud’s dream book, means victory over an opponent who previously had the upper hand in matters of the heart. The famous psychoanalyst also believes that such a dream hero speaks of the dreamer’s hidden vicious inclinations, and also warns about the possibility of being a victim in someone else's game.

The fairy-tale character promises that the long-set goal will finally be achieved, you just need to show patience and willpower.

An important dream for a man is a dream in which he fights a dragon. This means that the dreamer strives to overcome all difficulties on the path to success.

AND if in such a dream he wins, it means he will be able to defeat everyone who prevents you from achieving your goal. If at the same time there is a flame blazing from the dragon’s mouth, the struggle in real life will be serious.

Which way the dream turns out also depends on the day of the week on which it happened. So, a “dragon” dream on Sunday night is considered to have a “positive bias”: it means that the most favorable moment has come for the implementation of the most exorbitant plans. Some troubles threaten your sleep on Thursday.

But every time, turning to interpretations, you should remember: every smallest detail is important, which can radically change the interpretation of the dream.


Dragons are one of the most popular mythological creatures. For some peoples they symbolize greatness and power, while for others they symbolize evil and destructive force. The interpretation of a dream about a dragon is also ambiguous, so in order to accurately determine what it means in a dream, you need to take into account many details.

Some dream interpreters believe that a dragon seen in night dreams is a symbol of fear, while others promise that good opportunities will open up for the dreamer, taking advantage of which he will achieve success:

  • XXI century. You have every chance to get rich or take a high position.
  • American. You have great vitality and can achieve a lot.
  • English. You are overcome by a horror that is beyond your understanding.
  • Wangi. You have to submit to someone else's authority. You experience panic fear that you cannot control.
  • Veles. You will become more confident in yourself and you will be able to get rich. For sick people, night dreams promise recovery.
  • Oriental. Keep your emotions under control.
  • Denise Lynn. Inner fears keep you from moving towards your goal. It's time to conquer them and move forward.
  • Children's. You will achieve dizzying success.
  • For lovers. Control your emotions so as not to offend people you care about.
  • For the whole family. If you had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then you are in danger. Night dreams seen from Saturday to Sunday are favorable. They report that fate is favorable to you, and the time has come to realize long-cherished plans.
  • For the bitch. Control your words and actions, otherwise quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided.
  • Winters. Your fears are unfounded. Take action instead of panicking.
  • Islamic. You will get rich or find a treasure.
  • Icelandic. I will honor and respect you.
  • Italian. You are at the mercy of another person, and there is nothing you can do about it.
  • Chinese. Achieving what you want, prosperity.
  • Miller. Instead of conflicting with people, learn to control your emotions.
  • Mythological. The dream symbolizes power and wealth. A meeting with an influential patron, promotion, knowledge of the truth and oneself are possible.
  • Newest. The dream indicates the presence of damage or the evil eye.
  • About animals. Strength, wisdom and secret knowledge.
  • From A to Z. Receive an inheritance or win the lottery.
  • Peter Leyman. You have enormous potential. Get rid of fears and prejudices and act.
  • Psychoanalytic. Internal fear and obstacles.
  • Family. You are at the mercy of passions that keep your mind bound. You need to learn to control your emotions to avoid conflict situations.
  • Modern woman. Be more restrained in your statements. Stinging phrases offend others and turn people against you.
  • Modern. You allow your emotions to take over your reason, which makes you vulnerable to your enemies.
  • Ukrainian. Welfare will increase in the future.
  • Tsvetkova. Well-being and financial independence.
  • Healers Seraphim. Due to intemperance, you risk entering into an argument with an influential person, which will greatly harm you in the future.
  • Gypsy. Take part in a dubious enterprise.
  • If in a dream a dragon tried to hide by going down a well, then you will have to humiliate yourself before a government official.

    If in a dream you and the dragon were on good terms, then success in a serious matter is guaranteed to you

    What a dream can mean for a girl, woman, man

    The meaning of the dream is also influenced by who dreamed it:

  • To a girl. The vision foreshadows an acquaintance with a powerful and wealthy man, with whom you will later have a whirlwind romance. It is unlikely that the relationship will end in marriage. The difficult character of the partner and his cruelty will be to blame.
  • To a woman. According to Freud, communication with a rich and authoritative man awaits you.
  • Pregnant. Indicates your fears for your health and the life of your unborn baby. You should relax and stop stressing yourself out.
  • Married. You will become the heiress of a good fortune. According to the Islamic dream book, you will be promoted.
  • To a man. Defeat your opponent in love affairs. According to the dream book for lovers, keep your emotions under control, otherwise you risk offending the woman you love.
  • According to a modern dream interpreter, in women's dreams the dragon symbolizes a patron and protector, and in men's dreams it symbolizes a rival, by defeating whom the dreamer can easily win the heart of his beloved.

    If in your night dreams the dragon was calm and peaceful, then in real life you will receive unexpected wealth

    What is it like: fire-breathing, gold, black, red, green, etc.

    A significant role in the interpretation of night dreams is played by what the dreamed dragon looked like:

  • Fire-breathing. There is a hard fight ahead for your rights. According to Loff's dream book, you will have conflicts over money.
  • Gold. You will gain secret knowledge. This will help you make your wildest dreams come true.
  • Black. You find yourself in a difficult situation, and you just can’t control the overwhelming anger. Negative emotions take a lot of energy and strength from you. The more the conflict drags on, the more the state of affairs worsens. It is especially bad to see a black fire-breathing dragon in the kingdom of Morpheus. This suggests that after the passions stop raging, there will be only one scorched field left.
  • Red. You are an emotional person who is easily irritated and offended by others. Often your mind cannot keep up with your emotions, which leads to conflict situations. According to the Russian dream book, the vision foreshadows a wedding and the birth of a child.
  • Green. The dream foretells success in the professional sphere. There will also be an excellent opportunity to improve your well-being.
  • White. Wisdom, an internal state of happiness, thanks to which the dreamer lives in complete harmony with himself and the world around him.
  • Blue. The vision indicates confidence and calm, as well as a quiet and measured life.
  • Chinese dragon. An unexpected event will happen that will greatly surprise you.
  • Attacking. Your superiors will lend a helping hand. Wide prospects will open up before you.
  • Winged. Thanks to the support of an influential person, you will achieve unprecedented success in your professional activities.
  • Without wings. You have to work hard to get what you want.
  • Small. You feel that there is great potential hidden within you, but you are still afraid to use it.
  • Big. Testifies to the enormous strength and power of the dreamer. However, he should moderate his ardor and be more attentive to small details.
  • Three-headed. You are torn apart by internal contradictions. You are faced with a difficult choice and do not know what is the right thing to do.
  • Multi-headed. People will gossip about you.
  • Sleeping. Dreams will come true.
  • To see a beautiful dragon with a bright and unusual color in a dream is a sign of the birth of new ideas, the implementation of which will bring dizzying success.

    To see a dragon taking off in the kingdom of Morpheus - a dream come true

    The location of the dragon in the kingdom of Morpheus

    The place in which you saw a mythical creature in a dream affects the decoding of what you saw:

  • In the sky. You live in illusions and set unattainable goals for yourself. You need to reconsider your outlook on life and make more realistic plans for the future.
  • In the water. Achieving what you want will not be difficult, even if the dragon jealously protected the pond in your dream. According to the Chinese dream book, you will occupy a high position in society.
  • In a cave. You are close to your goal. It is necessary to gather strength for the decisive throw. Another dream may indicate a fear of losing spiritual or material values. If the dragon in the cave guarded the gold, then get ready for global changes. Your behavior determines what impact they will have on your life.
  • On the mountain. An important stage in life is coming. Dizzying possibilities will open up before you.
  • Seeing a dragon and snakes in your night dreams means making a profit. If, before the dreamer’s eyes, the snake has turned into a fantastic character, then a high-ranking official will give you a helping hand.

    According to A. Vasiliev’s dream book, a dragon that appears to you in a dream indicates that the time has come to get rid of pride

    Actions in a dream: fly on it, run away, kill

    Remember the events taking place in the kingdom of Morpheus. They will help lift the veil of the future:

  • Fly on a dragon. You will occupy a high position in society, and you will be able to achieve what you want. The result obtained will exceed all expectations.
  • Run away from the winged serpent. The dream indicates the need for self-control. Without it, you are unable to make the right decisions and adequately perceive reality.
  • Fight a mythical creature. You strive to overcome obstacles to achieve what you want.
  • Win. You will overcome difficulties and achieve your cherished dreams. The dream also suggests that you will be able to overcome your emotions.
  • Cut off the dragon's head. You will take a high position. For lovers, a dream promises victory over an opponent. If your loved one is married, he will soon leave his wife for you.
  • Kill. You can overcome your fear.
  • If in a dream a deceased relative came to you in the form of a winged serpent, then you are in danger, so be careful.

    According to Aesop, the more heads a dreamed flying kite has, the more conflicting thoughts torment the dreamer

    Interpretation of other dreams about a character

    A dream in which a dragon eats a snake suggests that difficulties along the way will resolve themselves. But if a mythical creature suddenly turns into one of your loved ones, then this person will soon need help and support. Have you turned into a winged serpent in your dreams? Good luck and many happy moments await you.

    To see a dragon eating something in the kingdom of Morpheus means your health will deteriorate. If a flying kite helped you in a dream, then you are a self-sufficient person living in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

    Dreaming of a wounded, exhausted or dead dragon is a bad omen. Due to the illness or death of an influential patron, problems will arise in business. This is how the healer Seraphim interprets the dream. But Prince Zhou Gong thinks differently. He believes that prosperity and appointment to a new position await you.

    The dream in which you saw the fall of a winged serpent suggests that an official may humiliate and greatly offend you.

    When you dream about a dragon, think about your behavior. Perhaps caustic words and rash actions offend others and turn them against you. Keep your emotions under control and deal with the inner fears that prevent you from achieving your goal. Don't forget that if you defeat yourself, you can win a thousand battles.

    Sometimes I have dreams with fairy-tale characters... Why did you see a dragon in a dream?

    Why do you dream about a dragon?

    To see such a dream is a sign of conflicts and quarrels, initiated by the dreamer himself. Despite your determination, it is sometimes necessary to show gentleness, which will ultimately give a much better result than achieving something with aggression and pressure.

    In addition, a dream with a dragon may foretell the patronage of an influential person or climbing the career ladder.

    If you had a dream with this creature from Wednesday to Thursday, then you should expect some troubles and troubles.

    When from Saturday to Sunday, the dream says that a favorable period has come for the implementation of your plans.

    If a child dreams of such a fairy-tale creature, then this is a sign of success. The little dreamer will either win some competition or bring home good grades.

    How many heads does a dragon have in a dream?

    If you dreamed of a three-headed dragon, then this means that you should decide between business and feelings, otherwise you can lose everything.

    When a dragon has many heads in a dream, this means that you should be careful, as gossip will begin to spread about the dreamer.

    Why do you dream about a calm or aggressive dragon?

    While fighting a dragon, cutting off his head - such a dream foreshadows a prestigious position taken instead of someone.

    If you dream of a calm dragon, this portends some unexpected profit; perhaps the dreamer will win the lottery or unexpectedly receive an inheritance.

    If you dreamed of an aggressive fire-breathing dragon, then the dreamer is surrounded by ill-wishers who are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to harm him.

    A dragon attacks - this means that the person seeing this dream has attracted the attention of an influential person and soon an offer will be made that requires responsibility.

    If you defeat a dragon in a dream, then in the near future an act will be committed that the sleeper will greatly regret.

    Why do you dream of a red, white or black dragon?

    To see a beautiful dragon with brightly colored scales is a very good dream for creative people. Their ideas will come to life and bring them success.

    If you dreamed of a red dragon, then the dreamer's emotions may soon get out of control. Such a dream is like a warning that you should restrain yourself, otherwise everything may turn out not in favor of the sleeper.

    When such a dragon attacked, but the dreamer managed to fight it off, then the troubles that would happen in reality would be successfully resolved.

    If you see a white dragon, then the dream warns of danger, but not external, but internal. After such a dream, you should shake off despondency and look around differently.

    When you dream that a black dragon is flying over the city, it means that the dreamer is under reliable protection, thanks to which troubles will be successfully resolved.

    To see a dragon in the water in a dream means the successful implementation of your plans. It is considered very auspicious to dream in which the sleeper is immersed in water, sitting on the back of this fabulous creature.

    When you dream that a dragon is standing in front of the gate, it foretells prosperity and a further happy life.

    If a dragon dies in a dream, then in reality the sleeping person will be appointed to a high position.

    A flying dragon in a dream says that soon everyone will know the place to which the dreamer will be assigned.

    Why do you dream of a flying dragon?

    When a dragon flies high in the sky, this dream is a warning that the sleeper is in danger from a side from which he does not expect it at all. Having seen such a dream, you should be especially careful.

    If you dreamed about a dragon rising up, then your plan will definitely come true.

    In a dream, flying on the back of a dragon - this portends great success in business and endeavors.

    If the dragon flies into the well, then in the future you will have to suffer humiliation from a high-ranking official.

    Other sleep options

    When you dream that you are riding a dragon into the market, a high position awaits the person sleeping in the future.

    If you dream that the dragon is in a cave, then this means that the goal is very close, there is still very little effort left to make.

    If you dreamed of a dragon lying on a mountain, then you should expect very important events.

    When a dragon guards something in a dream, the dream foretells improved health.

    If you see how a snake turns into a dragon, then the dreamer is guaranteed the support of an influential person.

    If you dreamed that a dragon was crawling through the door, this means that your financial situation will soon improve significantly.

    When you dreamed that a dragon helped in something, it means complete harmony in life.

    To see in a dream how this creature kills a person, then this dream foreshadows great troubles and misfortunes.

    In one dream, a dragon and a bear gathered, then the birth of an heir is expected soon.

    When you dreamed of a dragon in human form, this is a sign that the dreamer will be able to avoid mortal danger.

    For seriously ill people, a dream with a dragon can portend imminent death.

    To tame or command a dragon in a dream means success in some serious matter.

    Video on the topic of the article

    Riding a dragon into the market is a high appointment to a large position.

    A dragon (snake) crawls into the door - portends wealth and profit.

    A dragon (snake) crawls into the hearth - appointment to a position.

    The dragon stands in front of the gate - great happiness, prosperity.

    The wife sees a dragon - foreshadows the birth of a noble offspring.

    A snake or dragon kills a person - portends a great misfortune.

    The snake turns into a moving dragon - support for a noble person.

    Flying dragon - your appointment to the place will be announced.

    Diving into the water while sitting on a dragon means you will occupy a high position and become noble.

    Climbing to heaven on dragons means achieving a very high position.

    The arriving dragon climbs the mountain - what you wish will come true.

    A dragon is hiding in a well - suffer humiliation from an official.

    Sleeping dragon in the water - you will achieve what you strive for.

    Dying dragon - appointment to a position.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    What does the dream Dragon mean?

    Signifies vitality and great potency.

    The time has come to enter the time of full bloom, to gain the power of the dragon.

    Conquer your fears and become a dragon slayer.

    By defeating dragons: you accumulate the inner strength necessary to gain freedom.

    Dragon: guards the treasure.

    Is there some kind of power or fear standing between you and your most desired goal? Winged dragon: a symbol of soaring to spiritual or mystical heights.

    Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

    Seeing a Dragon in a dream

    Dragon - keep yourself under control, watch your actions and words to prevent quarrels and scandals.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

    What does a Dragon mean in a dream?

    In the folklore of various peoples, a giant winged serpent with the body of a reptile and the wings of a bird or bat is a symbol of wealth and power. In this aspect, one dreams of high patronage, promotion, knowledge of spiritual secrets. However, there is another aspect, see Add. Russian version of the dragon Serpent Gorynych.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Mythological Dream Book

    Dragon Dream Meaning

    The dream foreshadows sadness and misfortune.

    The only way to work through this dream is to imagine that you are boldly rushing at the dragon and killing it.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    What does a Dragon mean in a dream?

    Frightening-looking dragons in a dream: - usually are a reflection of your daytime fears and concerns.

    Most often, such dreams indicate that your fears are far-fetched.

    Moreover, the more exotic the monster looks, the less reason you have to fear in reality.

    At the same time, if the sight of a dragon in a dream gives you a feeling of inexplicable melancholy, from which you give up: this indicates serious problems. Perhaps you have succumbed to some dangerous passions and are anticipating retribution.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

    Dragon dream meaning

    Brave men who want to enter the dragon’s lair take grains with them, which make these monsters sleepy, and when the dragons fall asleep, they cut off their heads and take out the gems.”

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the ancient Slavs

    Interpretation of Dream Dragon

    Symbolizes a significant influence exerted on the subject and causing him harm, a strong reactivation of any physiological center or powerlessness before the maternal complex. It may indicate some kind of dynamic barrier that is destroying the environment.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

    Interpretation of sleep Dragon

    Dragon - symbolizes a dangerous enterprise.

    If you kill the dragon, it means that you will be able to achieve great success.

    A risky business awaits you.

    If you kill the dragon, you will achieve incredible heights.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

    What does the Dragon dream predict?

    Symbolizes fear that is beyond understanding.

    A dragon with wings is a powerful support.

    The dragon shows that you will be subordinate to a domineering, powerful person.

    These creatures symbolize the unity of spirit and matter.

    Their appearance in dreams predicts some process in our lives that has a beginning and an end.

    They may be dreamed of by a young man or girl who is confronted for the first time with the strength of their feelings, if these feelings do not find a way out.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

    Dragon dream meaning

    Seeing a dragon guarding something means an increase in health.

    Dragon in the cave - a decisive effort is needed, you are close to the goal / fear of losing the material and spiritual treasures that you possess.

    The dragon lies on the mountains - you have approached the most important events of your life, to its peak.

    The many-headed dragon is those qualities of your character that stand in your way.

    Flying dragon - you will hear amazing things.

    The dragon devours something - damage to health.

    To fight, to fight with a dragon - conflicting erotic sensations tearing you apart.

    Get help from him - live and act in harmony with cosmic forces

    Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

    Seeing a Dragon in a dream

    If a dragon attacks you in a dream, this is a harbinger that soon a person will appear in your environment whom you should be wary of. In general, his appearance in a dream is a harbinger of imminent unexpected and significant events that should happen to you in life, unless you experienced fear or horror in the dream. You will feel like the hero of a fairy tale. The dragon will be a messenger of fate and happy changes for you. You should not be afraid of him in a dream, so as not to frighten away your happiness. A dream about an angry dragon does not bode well, but, on the contrary, warns of the sad consequences of your rash actions, by committing which you can make enemies for yourself. See interpretation: fairy tale.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

    Dragon dream prediction

    Seeing a dragon in a dream means that you are subject to your passions and allow yourself to make unkind statements about your ill-wishers. This dream is a warning: control yourself in order to avoid conflicts in relationships with people.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about the Dragon?

    This dream foreshadows danger and trouble if you dream it on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

    On the night from Saturday to Sunday, this dream is favorable. You can bring any plans and ideas to life, fate is favorable to you.

    The three-headed dragon portends contradictions between feelings and deeds. You will have to choose one thing or you will lose everything. A dragon with many heads - be careful, gossip will start spreading about you.

    An aggressive dragon spewing flames indicates that your enemies are not asleep.

    Defeat the dragon - You will commit an act that you will regret.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

    Seeing a Dragon in a dream

    Fighting a dragon means quarreling with loved ones.

    And you tell him kindly: “dragon, you are good!” and stroke the head, that is, all three heads - that’s the end of the quarrel.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

    What do Dragon dreams mean?

    in a dream, a dragon is a hidden and dangerous enemy, the existence of which you still did not know; Moreover, its strength and power depend on the number of its heads. Transforming into a dragon in a dream means prolonging life.

    For a person suffering from a serious illness, a dragon in a dream is a harbinger of death.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

    Dream about Dragon

    Whoever dreams of a dragon, this dream promises a date with some noble or influential person, as well as wealth.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    If in the kingdom of Morpheus the sleeper watched the dragon with interest, then this characterizes him as a strong, self-confident person with great potential. Fear of a mythical creature is a sign that you should devote more time to self-development and not waste your energy.

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    A dragon spewing flames indicates the dreamer's enemies and ill-wishers. They may cause him harm in the near future, so you should be careful and keep your secrets secret from strangers.

      What did the dragon look like?

      The most striking detail in a dream is the appearance of the animal that the dreamer saw.

      The little dragon indicates tossing and feeling of uncertainty. The sleeper cannot make an important decision because he is afraid of making a mistake. The dream book advises you to systematically move towards your goal without taking on a large burden of responsibility.

        Animal skin color:

        • A large golden dragon indicates the sleeper’s attachment to a person who plays a big role in his life. This could be one of your family members, friends or close acquaintances. The dream book advises you to take an objective look at your relationship with this person and determine for yourself whether he really deserves such love and respect. Sometimes people pretend they are not who they are. There is a risk of becoming a victim of an elaborate deception.
        • An animal with red skin is a symbol of the feminine. If a woman sees a dream, then a bright streak has come in her life. It's time to implement your plans. In the near future, life will present pleasant surprises. In a man's dream, the dragon represents a woman with whom he has a close, trusting relationship. They constantly keep in touch and are sincerely attached to each other.
        • The black color of an animal's skin is a bad sign. It portends illness, loss of strength, depression and loneliness. The dream book advises devoting more time to rest and undergoing a medical examination. There is a high probability that the dreamer will have to undergo a course of treatment.
        • The green dragon is a symbol of career success. You will be able to significantly improve your financial situation and earn the respect of your superiors.
        • An animal with white fur represents good luck, which will become the dreamer’s constant companion in real life.

        Dream details

        The more the dreamer remembers his dream, the more details of his life the dream book will reveal to him. Below are the various dream plots:

        • A fire-breathing dragon with brightly colored wings portends communication with a person who will try to impose his point of view on the dreamer. The dream book advises to show your inner strength in order to avoid the influence of others.
        • Killing an animal is a symbol of a person’s constriction and complexes. Soon you will be able to overcome these qualities and reveal your potential.
        • The dreamer lives in complete harmony with himself and with the outside world, if in a dream the dragon helped him. Such a plot is very rarely dreamed of, since not every person achieves a state of absolute balance.
        • Flying in the sky on the back of a dragon is a good omen. Success awaits the dreamer in any business he undertakes.
        • The dragon's attack reflects the sleeper's inner fear of the future. But don't despair. Soon an influential person will support him. Subsequently, friendly relations may arise between them.
        • Dragon egg - for long-awaited guests. An alternative interpretation is the emergence of new life.
        • Seeing a dragon in a cave is a sign that the sleeper is close to realizing his dream. It remains to put in a little effort before finally celebrating your victory.

        Interpretations of famous dream books

        The dream books of famous authors discuss various details of night vision that indicate the dreamer’s future. Before you begin to interpret a dream, you should mentally imagine it in front of you. This will help you remember key events and reveal their meaning.

        Why do you dream of dollars - interpretation from dream books

        Sigmund Freud

        According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, the dragon symbolizes the feminine principle. For a girl, the animal portends a meeting with a wealthy and attractive young man. For a man, such a dream is also a favorable sign. A whirlwind romantic adventure awaits him, which in the future may develop into a serious relationship.

        Feeling fear of an animal means problems in the intimate sphere. The dream book advises you to be more careful when choosing sexual partners and to remain faithful to your soulmate. Killing an animal means victory over your fears and anxieties.