Apple jam with melon slices recipe. How to cook melon jam for the winter: a recipe for making melon jam at home


Melon is rarely present in the list of our seams, because not every housewife is ready to take on a little-familiar product. We will describe simple recipes for jam, jam and berry preserves.

All about the benefits and harm of melon

The bulk of nature's gifts, if they were grown environmentally friendly and without chemicals, have beneficial properties. This melon crop is no exception. True, when buying such a product, we mainly think only about its excellent taste and aroma. So, the tender and juicy melon pulp contains a complex of vitamins, fiber, pectins, salts of various metals, organic acids and starchy substances.

Undoubtedly, it is most effective to consume it fresh, because during preservation some of the beneficial elements are lost. However, by making rolls, we can enjoy the amazing taste and nourish our body even in the winter season. Now briefly about the benefits of melon. The high content of potassium and iron has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and vitamin C improves immunity. Dietary fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the enzymes responsible for hematopoiesis, melon is recommended to be used to restore the body in the postoperative period.

In addition, this berry can improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, which is why it is often used in cosmetology. Despite this entire list of benefits, keep in mind that in large quantities melon can be harmful and, at a minimum, provoke flatulence . Pregnant and nursing mothers and diabetics should use it with caution.. And it is recommended to eat it as an independent product, without mixing it with other food or drinking it.

How to make jam?

Isn't it nice to plunge into warm summer days on a frosty winter evening? The wonderful aroma of berries can bring you as close as possible to the hot summer. And while almost every housewife can cook with her eyes closed, more exotic options sometimes cause bewilderment.

But melon jam, preserves and preserves prepared for the winter are famous for their excellent taste, so it’s worth a try. And for the seaming to be truly successful, select ripened fruits, preferably hard varieties. All containers are pre-sterilized, and finally, jars with ready-made jam, marmalade or marmalade should be turned over and wrapped so that they cool slowly. Having clarified all the general points, let's move on to the recipes.

Recipe No. 1

Ingredients: melon – 1 kg, sugar – 0.7 kg, vanillin – 3 g, lemon – 1 pc. We peel the fruit, remove seeds and veins, then cut it into small cubes (2x2 cm). Place the prepared pulp in a container in which we will then cook the jam, mix well with sugar and leave to brew for 5 hours. In principle, you can increase the time a little and let the melon brew in this state all night.

Immediately before cooking, squeeze lemon juice into the container with the vegetable. Next, put on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for another 3-5 minutes. To prevent the jam from burning, you should constantly stir it with a wooden spoon. Then we take a break of 10 hours and repeat the procedure again, only this time we increase the boiling time to 10 minutes. Let cool for 8 hours, add vanillin and boil for the last 15 minutes. The jam is ready, all that remains is to pour it into the prepared containers and seal it.

Recipe No. 2

It is not at all necessary to limit yourself to melon alone; it can also be combined, for example, with an apple. So, take melon, sugar and respectively in a ratio of 2:1:1. We prepare the melon crop in the same way as described above and mix it with sweet sand. Only in this case can the holding time be reduced to two hours, the main thing is that the juice appears. Then put it on the stove and add chopped apples before boiling. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes. You can add lemon zest. The jam is ready for preservation.

Recipe No. 3

In this case, in addition to the usual ingredients, rum will also come in handy. Cut 400 g of melon pulp into slices and fill with cold water. At this time, prepare sugar syrup and immerse the fruit in it, boil until the melon is easily pierced. Then we take the slices out of the liquid, place them on a towel to dry, and place them in containers. Meanwhile, bring the syrup to a boil again and cool. Fill the contents of the jars with it and let it brew for 4 days.

For the last time, drain the syrup and add sugar to it in the ratio of 130 g of sand per 400 ml of liquid and 1 tablespoon of rum for the same volume. Boil until a homogeneous consistency is formed, pour in the melon slices and roll up for the winter.

Recipe No. 4

Cut the ripe pulp into strips and place in a weak vinegar solution for 2 days. Then prepare the syrup, immerse the melon slices in it and boil them for 2 minutes. We take out the pieces, put them in jars and fill them with cooled liquid. Before directly seaming, let it sit for 1 hour.

Making jam and marmalade

Let's look at the most popular methods for preparing these delicacies.

First way

Cut 1 kg of pulp into small pieces and boil for 15 minutes in slightly sweetened water. Next, place the slices in a clean pan and also bring to a boil. Pour in 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and cook until tender. It is also recommended to add a little citric acid and vanillin. Place the hot mixture in containers and roll up.

Second way

To achieve greater viscosity, you can add banana to the jam. So, take 800 g of melon and sugar, 3 bananas and 2 lemons. Mix the chopped melon thoroughly with sugar and leave for 8 hours so that the fruit releases as much juice as possible. Then add the juice of one lemon and cook the mixture for half an hour. Pour boiling water over the second lemon and cut into thin half rings, do not forget to remove all the seeds. Grind bananas too. Place all ingredients in a container with melon and cook until all ingredients are soft enough. Then beat the mixture with a blender and put it on the fire again so that the jam thickens.

Third way

Finely chop the melon pulp and boil in its own juice for 20 minutes. Then we grind the mass, you can pass it through a sieve or simply beat it with a blender. Add 0.3 kg of sugar per kilogram of puree and chopped lemon (you can grate it along with the zest). Cook the jam until it thickens and be sure to constantly stir with a wooden spoon.

Melon jam has a very delicate structure. Thanks to its neutral taste, you can easily combine melon with other fruits. Most often, melon jam is prepared with bananas, apples, oranges, ginger and many other seasonal fruits and berries.

Melon jam is prepared very quickly. After all, the melon pulp, although dense, is tender; it does not need to be boiled for a long time to achieve softness.

To make melon jam, melon of any degree of ripeness and sweetness is suitable. All defects can be corrected during the cooking process.

Wash the melon thoroughly and dry it with a towel. Cut into slices, remove peel and seeds.

Cut the melon into pieces, place in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Let it sit for an hour or two and release the juice.

The amount of sugar is arbitrary. For a sweet melon, use sugar half as much as the weight of the melon, but if the melon is unripe, then the amount of sugar should be increased and taken 1:1.

Pass the lemon through a meat grinder and add it to the melon.

Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil while stirring continuously.

Turn the heat down and cook the melon for another 15 minutes. A melon, even an unripe one, will soften sufficiently during this time.

Remove the pan from the heat and cool slightly. Although the melon pieces are soft, they will not boil down in the puree on their own. To puree the melon, you can use an immersion blender or a sieve with large holes.

After you have made the puree, you can continue boiling the jam to the desired thickness. On average, it takes no more than 30 minutes. 2-3 minutes before readiness, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, or ginger, after which you can put the finished melon jam into jars and roll up.

Melon jam is not particularly capricious, but nevertheless, it needs to be stored in a cool, dark place and consumed within 8 months.

How to make melon jam with ginger and cinnamon, watch the video:

Melon is another confirmation that healthy things can be tasty. Few can resist a slice of this incredibly aromatic, sweet southern beauty. Everything about a melon is tasty and healthy – the aromatic pulp, the skin, and even the seeds.

Melons, despite their sweetness, are a low-calorie product (30-38 kcal/100 g, depending on the variety). It is thanks to this low-calorie content that melon is a berry (precisely a berry!), with which you can arrange tasty and pleasant fasting days.

The melon diet is one of the most effective diets, following which you can get quick and very noticeable results. In addition, this way you can cleanse the kidneys well, since melon is an excellent diuretic.

This diet is classified as a mono-diet, so its duration should be limited. They stick to the melon diet mainly for 1–7 days. If you follow this diet for a week, you can lose up to 5 kilograms.

What is good about the melon diet? Melon saturates the body well and creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, so you will not feel hungry after eating melon. Melon is characterized by a high content of plant fiber, which helps to improve the digestive system and also helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Also, this southern berry promotes rejuvenation, gives additional energy and increases vitality. In addition, melon is a kind of fat breaker; it helps remove harmful cholesterol and heavy animal fats from the human body, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

I suggest you make jam from this healthy, dietary berry in combination with apples! A very interesting combination of sweet melon with sour apples! Although it all depends on the type of apples you use for jam.

To make melon and apple jam, you will need:

melon puree – 350 g
apple puree – 450 g
sugar – 600 g
citric acid – 2 g
water - to taste

How to make jam from melon and apples:

1. For jam, choose ripe melons. We rinse thoroughly under water, cut in half, remove the seeds and the tender part of the pulp adjacent to them, peel them.
2. Then cut the prepared melons into small pieces, about 5-10 centimeters long. Place the melon pieces into an enamel pan with a small amount of water at the bottom (water is needed to prevent the melon from burning). Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then cook the melon for 10-15 minutes until completely softened. Next, while hot, rub the prepared mass through a sieve.
3. Wash the apples thoroughly, cut them in half, and remove seeds and skin. Cut into small slices and place in a separate enamel pan with a small amount of water at the bottom so that the apples do not burn. Bring the mixture to a boil, then cook until completely softened, about 10-15 minutes (time depends on the type of apple). Then rub the softened mass while hot through a sieve.
4. So, the melon puree and apple puree are ready. Place both types of puree into a large enamel pan and mix.
5. Place the pan on low heat and heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Then gradually add half the sugar (300 grams) and cook the mixture for 25-30 minutes.
6. Next, add the second half of the sugar and citric acid, after which we boil the jam until tender, about another 15-20 minutes. The total cooking time should not exceed 45-50 minutes, otherwise the appearance, color and taste of the jam will deteriorate.
7. Place the prepared hot melon and apple jam into prepared, washed, dry jars and hermetically seal with boiled lids.

Each of us has our own favorite fruits, vegetables and dishes made from them, so, for me, for example, this is the ideal way to prepare my favorite melons for the winter.

Melon jam according to the classic recipe is prepared in the following way:
. Melon - 2 kg;
. Sugar - 500-700 gr;
. Lemon (orange can also be used) - 1 pc.;
. Purified water - 100-150 ml.

Cooking method:
The melon must be washed and peeled using a sharp knife (rotten and damaged areas must also be cut off). Next, you need to remove the seeds; this can be done by cutting the melon into two halves and scooping out the seeds with a tablespoon.

The next step is to prepare the melon puree. To do this, cut the pulp into medium-sized slices, add a small amount of water and simmer until softened. Next, the boiled melon should be twisted through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve. Thus, we get aromatic melon puree.

The third stage will be the actual cooking. jam. Add sugar to the previously obtained puree, put it on the fire and cook until the required thickness. During the cooking process, it is necessary to stir the jam and periodically remove the resulting foam. 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add grated lemon zest and lemon juice. When the drop of jam stops spreading, it’s ready.
The final stage consists of pouring the jam into jars and sealing it with tin lids for the winter.

Also, melon goes perfectly with apples, so you can safely prepare the following jam recipe- ingredients:
. Granulated sugar - 500-600 gr.;
. Melon - 450 gr;
. Apples - 500 gr.;
. Lemon - 2 gr.;
. Water - 1.5 cups

Way :
As in the previous recipe, the melon must be prepared, that is, washed, peeled, cut into small cubes and simmered with a small amount of water to soften, and puree the melon using a sieve.
Wash, peel and grate the apple, then combine the two types of puree, add half the volume of granulated sugar, boil over medium heat for 30 minutes, add the remaining half of the sugar and citric acid, cook for another 15-20 minutes (it is worth remembering that overcooking melon should not be used, as this can lead to a deterioration in the taste of the jam). Ready

Winter preservation allows you not only to preserve healthy vitamins, but also to enjoy fruits and berries when their season is already over. Delicious melon jam for the winter will bring the aroma of the past summer and replenish the body with useful substances.

Incredibly, melon contains more vitamin C than orange citrus fruits, and 17 times more iron than milk. In addition, this berry contains calcium, sodium, potassium, and chlorine. Nutritionists recommend consuming melon for diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as for rheumatism, gout and anemia.

A large amount of fiber activates digestive processes and helps reduce high cholesterol. And the silicon included in the composition improves the condition of the skin and hair.

For jam, choose well-ripe and, most importantly, aromatic melons. Since the melon itself is very sweet, lemon juice or citric acid is added to the jam - this way the taste will not be too cloying. Experienced housewives recommend cooking in small portions, since with a large amount of food there is a risk of overcooking the melon.

To make the jam thick, practically no water is added during cooking.

Several of the most popular melon jam recipes for the winter are presented below.

Fragrant melon jam (pieces) with ginger

To prepare, you will need melon and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Cut the melon, select the seeds, peel and cut into small pieces.

Sprinkle the melon pieces with 0.5 kg of sugar and leave overnight so that it releases its juice.

Over low heat, bring the resulting syrup (together with the melon pieces) to a boil, add another 0.5 kg of sugar, the juice of one lemon or 1 tsp. citric acid. Lastly, add one grated fresh root.

Cook until tender for an hour, stirring occasionally so that the jam does not burn. The finished treat should not spread if dropped onto a plate.

When using juicy melon varieties that release a lot of juice, the jam may not thicken in one hour of cooking. The cooking time is then increased, and ginger and lemon juice are added at the end of cooking.

Place the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars. Wait 10 minutes until the steam comes out, roll up and cover with a warm blanket.

Melon and lemon jam

This photo recipe for melon jam differs from the previous one in its consistency. The remaining pieces in it are crushed in a blender so that the jam becomes homogeneous. This dessert is ideal as a filling for pancakes.

Peel 2 kilograms of melon from all excess and cut into pieces.

Cut one large lemon into two halves, remove the seeds and cut into half rings or slices. There is no need to cut off the peel.

In order to remove the bitterness from the lemon zest, it should be blanched in hot water for 3-5 minutes. (in its entirety).

Cover the melon pieces with one kilogram of sugar and place lemon slices on top. Leave for 5-6 hours for juice to release.

Boil the mixture for half an hour, adding a cinnamon stick.

Grind the jam in a blender until smooth (remove the cinnamon stick before doing this).

Simmer the mixture over low heat for another 10-15 minutes and roll into sterilized jars.

Melon dessert cooked in syrup

You can make delicious melon jam for the winter if you prepare it in three batches. To do this, pour boiling water over one large lemon, remove the zest with a vegetable peeler and thinly cut it into strips.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp.

Prepare sugar-lemon syrup: add lemon juice to 50 ml of boiling water, add chopped lemon peel and add 700 g of sugar. Keep on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Add chopped melon (1 kg) and bring to a boil. Turn off the burner and leave the preparation overnight (12 hours).

Repeat the procedure two more times, after which pour the jam into containers and roll up.

Quick melon jam recipe

If you don’t have the time or desire to bother with preparing melon, you can use an accelerated method for preparing melon jam for the winter.

Prepare the syrup: add 50 g of sugar to 0.5 liters of water. Dip one kilogram of peeled and chopped melon into syrup and blanch for 15 minutes.

Add another 1.5 kg of sugar to the melon and cook until the jam thickens. At the end add 1 tsp. citric acid and a little vanillin. Roll up the finished treat.

Melon jam in a slow cooker

The recipe is a little similar to the previous one, since the melon is not covered with sugar, but is immediately boiled in syrup. Prepare melon jam in a slow cooker as follows:

Melon and apple jam

Instead of lemon for melon jam, you can use sour apples, which will diversify the sugary-sweet taste of the berry.

Peel the melon and remove seeds and cut into pieces. The net weight of the pulp itself should be:

  • for melon – 1.5 kg;
  • for apples – 750 g.

Place the ingredients in a casserole and cook for 30 minutes, stirring.

Grind the hot preparation with a blender, add 1 kg of sugar and cook for another hour, then let it cool.

Put 1.5 tsp into the cooled jam. ground cinnamon, bring it to a boil again, turn the heat down to low and simmer for half an hour. Roll up.

Melon and banana jam

For those who like very sweet preparations, a recipe for melon and banana jam is suitable:

  1. Peel and cut the melon. The net weight without peel and seeds should be 850 g. Add 800 g of sugar and leave for 8-9 hours.
  2. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and pour it into the melon preparation. Cook for half an hour.
  3. Scald another lemon with boiling water and cut into rings.
  4. Also cut three bananas into rings.
  5. Add the lemon and bananas to the pan and cook until softened.
  6. Blend the jam with a blender and boil to the desired thickness.

Delight your family and prepare them an incredibly tasty melon jam. Both adults and children will love it from the first spoon. Bon appetit!

Video recipe for melon and watermelon jam