A spell to summon strength. Real White Magic Spells for Beginners

Spells for beginners are increasingly attracting attention. The main task for people who want to learn how to use magic is to understand what power they can have and how to use it correctly. And also, it is worth understanding what the difference is between black and white magic.

Educational program for beginners. Spell - what is it?

A spell is a special combination of words that a magician uses during a ritual to accumulate energy in order to achieve his goal. When used correctly, the spell will focus the energy on performing a specific action to achieve material wealth or healing from an illness. However, it is worth remembering that the power of magic lies not only in words and gestures, but also in the power of the person performing the ritual.

What is needed to perform a successful spell?

  1. Relaxation, during which various thoughts leave your head, tension decreases and control over your body increases. In order to relax as much as possible, do the following: Close your eyes and imagine a bright light that envelops your body in warmth and collects all the negativity from your body and slowly moves away into the darkness. Over time, you need to learn to relax without additional techniques.
  2. Concentration. You need to be able to focus only on the object of your ritual. Some magicians, while training their concentration, used an exercise with a clock. To do this, for some time, watch the second hand on the clock and during this time do not think about anything, your head should be completely empty.
  3. Visualization. With the help of willpower and accurate visualization, you can achieve incredible results. Develop your imagination and diligence.

What items are used for spells?

All objects are endowed with energy that helps fulfill your plans. Each magician chooses the necessary item for himself; it can be a stone, an amulet, a candle or some kind of plant. When casting a spell, the sorcerer needs to draw strength from the object that is used for visualization.

The correct use of the necessary attributes affects the effectiveness of the ritual. For example: if during the ritual the candle burns out quickly, then the spell will take effect soon. Also, a beginner in the field of magic should monitor his health. At the slightest illness or physical weakness, it is necessary to refuse to perform rituals, since all rituals require a huge amount of energy expended.

Unlike sorcerers, white magicians do not have a specific selfish goal; their duty is to treat, help and provide protection to any person. The activities of white magic are no less extensive than black magic, the only difference is that most of its spells are for diseases and for.

An important law of white magicians is to call upon the forces of light to help people in trouble. One of the main milestones of white magic is healing. This is a power that, when used, even incurable diseases recede. During treatment, the healer surrounds himself with a force field that heals people standing nearby. And also, healers study medicinal plants and are able to awaken the magic that lives in every blade of grass.

White magicians are endowed with the gift of clairvoyance. It is possible to receive this kind of gift at birth, but those who are very persistent and sincerely want to help people can discover such abilities in themselves. This requires the systematic development of one’s own willpower, the power of thought, the power of emotions, round-the-clock work on oneself, and most importantly, the development in oneself of a feeling of love for all humanity.

Black magic is a magical effect aimed at satisfying the egoism of the performer, which is aimed at subordinating someone else's will or causing harm to him. This magic originates in ancient times and entails only evil and hatred. People who use this magic are considered to be helpers of the devil. Although with its help many human problems are solved. The path of the black magician is very dangerous and treacherous, because he collaborates with the powerful forces of darkness.

In modern society, people who are fond of black magic are called differently: sorcerers, or warlocks. The main goal of such people is to gain power over other people. An important component of most black rites is the sacrifice, which is carried out before the start of important ceremonies. Most often the victims are animals, but some rituals require bloodletting by the performer himself.

With the help of black magic, love spells and curses are performed. Its most important rule is that every wish must turn into action. If you want to protect yourself from negative influences and unkind people, remember:

  • To avoid taking on other people's illnesses, do not pick up jewelry or valuables on the street, especially at crossroads. Black magicians, relieving suffering from people, make a purchase of an expensive item and throw it into places where dark forces accumulate.
  • Be careful when giving alms to the poor, because if this money goes to bad deeds, trouble will begin in your life.
  • Don't accept strange things from strangers, perhaps in this way they get rid of their own problems.
  • If people stare at you on the street or whisper to you, do not look into the eyes of such a person and read the “Our Father.”
  • Attend church and always wear a cross around your neck.

Spell: Beauty Queen

To perform this ritual you need to prepare rosemary sprigs, five candles and several vanilla aromatic sticks. The ritual should be scheduled on the night of the full moon; while casting the spell, you must contact the goddess of witchcraft. On the day of your choice, place lighted candles and vanilla sticks on the floor, put on a white robe and read the following spell:

“Oh, Majestic Goddess who practices witchcraft! Come to me, three-faced goddess Hecate, the most ancient of all magicians. Listen to my call and bless my deed. I appeal to you and ask for strength in my spell.”

Then place the rosemary around the candles and while standing over them, continue reading:

“Mighty Hecate, turn back time. I set foot on your dark path, as the moon begins to wane in the sky, let the wrinkles disappear from my face, and let the gray hair disappear from my head. Let my appearance become young and beautiful again. May my dream come true according to your will.”

At the end of the ritual, put out the candles and, along with the other attributes of this ritual, bury them away from your home.

Spell: money in my wallet

This helps to attract financial luck, and money will appear from everywhere. Early in the morning on an empty stomach, take a piece of bread in your hands and stand facing the window, saying the words:

“Lord Almighty, your son Jesus Christ fed the hungry with three loaves, so feed my family and make my life rich, bring good luck to my home and drive away trouble from me. Let satiety come through my door, and let money flow like a river. I promise to use my funds for good and increase wealth. My words fly to God. Amen".

After reading the words, cross yourself three times and eat some bread.

May my dreams come true

Throughout life, each person has different desires. The ancient book of spells contains text that helps turn a dream into reality. Spell words:

“I conjure, in the name of our great God, the mighty Angels of light, and seal them with my name (name). I command you in the name of the great commander of the fourth legion of angels, Salamis. I ask you, great powers of heaven, to help me fulfill my dreams, help me realize all my plans. Amen".

I will protect my child

Every parent wants to provide protection for their child and protect him from troubles. There is a spell that is still used to this day to protect children. To successfully read protective words, you need to stand at the head of your sleeping baby on the day of your child’s name and say the following words:

“Angels from birth and throughout life, for his preservation, drive away all enemies with your wings, save (the child’s name) from misfortune, and ward off misfortune. Amen".

Then cross yourself three times and, raising your hand to the child’s chest, say:

“I will turn to the Mother of God and ask for protection. Just as I keep the child near me, so you keep him while I am not near. May maternal strength follow my baby. Amen".

And to summarize the above, I would like to note that magic has been practiced since ancient times, and until science discovered logical explanations for some phenomena, people attributed magical meanings to everything incomprehensible. Nowadays, any magic has become a highly profitable business not only for practicing magicians, but also for simple charlatans. Also, due to the abundance of magical literature, many try to comprehend the great teaching of sorcerers and witches themselves. The main thing is not to forget that any magic is very dangerous, and incorrect use of spells can lead to very serious consequences. Be careful in your actions and take care of yourself!

Many of us think that magic is only available to a select few, special people. However, this is not the case. Real spells that can rarely be found on the Internet will help you fulfill the desire of almost any person. They have special powers and are able to bring any magic to life.

The main condition is that your desire must be sincere, and the person casting magic spells must wholeheartedly believe in their power.

Where do real spells come from?

For centuries, the magical texts of spells were kept by witches and sorcerers in deep secret from other people. It is believed that they were secretly whispered by powerful spirits who helped healers and sorcerers master the secrets of esotericism.

The words of the spells were pronounced and written in Latin so that the common man could not understand their meaning and purpose. Hereditary witches passed down real spells orally from generation to generation or wrote them down in a special Book of Spells, which they kept like the apple of their eye.

Centuries have passed, the 21st century has arrived - the age of information, and the secrets of magic are now accessible even to the uninitiated. Ancient spells written in Latin have been translated into many languages, including Russian. You can read them in this article and one day take advantage of the power of secret knowledge.

How to read correctly?

Before you try to try the power of a magic spell, it is worth knowing how to read real magic texts correctly. There are a number of conditions that must be observed, otherwise the magic will not work:

  • you need to read them, freed from all negative emotions;
  • all words are pronounced clearly and confidently;
  • the special text should not be heard by strangers;
  • Spells cast in the late evening or early morning work best;
  • you need to pronounce special words on an empty stomach and a clear head;
  • You can read real spells either by heart or from a sheet or book.

For beginning magicians or witches, you should remember: black magic spells cast to the detriment of a person - damage, love spells - can hit the “reader” himself several times harder. Therefore, it is better not to use them if you do not have confidence in your own strengths and protection.

Secret words will be strengthened if you have a real magic wand in your hands. Other items with which you are accustomed to conjuring will also help increase the power of ancient texts: a magic fortune teller’s ball, a deck of cards, lighted candles, etc.

Spells for money, success, prosperity

“Like a cold spring flowing out of the ground,
It turns into a stream, and that stream flows into a river,
Large, full-flowing.
That river flows endlessly into the ocean.
So my luck begins with small luck,
Luck with good fortune strives for big money,
And money with luck and good luck flows into my house.
I collect and collect them and leave them in my house forever.
Let it be so!".

“The hen pecked and pecked, grain by grain, and laid a golden egg. I’ll pick up the egg, take it in my hands and put it in my chest. I’ll hide it behind seven locks, I won’t say a word to anyone! So be it!"

Magic spells for love

Love magic is one of the most successful means of making someone you care about fall in love with you in real life. Here is one of the powerful real love spells:

“Like a dove and a dove fly in the sky,
They flap their wings, they can’t live without each other,
So my beloved (name) and I will be together,
We can't look at each other enough,
We will admire each other day and night!
My word is strong and true! Amen".

Attracting a guy/girl

“Like a spring flower waits and waits for the sun,
Summer warmth, heavenly light,
So let (boyfriend/girlfriend’s name) long to meet me,
The look of my eyes, the pleasant words.
A flower without the sun fades away,
My friend (name) is worried and bored without me.
A flower blooms under the sun,
My friend (name) is charged with the happiness of love from me.”

For beauty

“In the morning I will get up, wash my face with clean, transparent water,
I will ask for her blessing and help.
Mother Water, be generous, give me beauty,
Clean skin, chiseled figure.
With a beautiful face and a strong look,
So be it! Amen".

For weight loss

"You, Moon, are waning,
and I'm losing weight
How do you purify your light in the darkness,
This is how my body is cleansed of excess.”

White magic spells for good luck and fortune

Good luck and fortune are some of the most common white magic spells that actually work. They are best read early in the morning, at dawn, facing east.

“The sun is clear, light up the world!
Give me good luck in business!
When there are clouds in the sky, we call you.
Sunshine, may I be lucky:
And always, and in everything!”

“Mother Nature, be generous with me, your daughter! Give me your wealth! So that my luck will never be interrupted, just as life on Earth will never be interrupted!”

Real witch spells on desire

These spells are considered very powerful, and it is better for a novice sorcerer or one who is not very confident in his abilities to refrain from casting them. Otherwise, the desire may turn out to be detrimental to the speaker of the ancient words.

But there is an ancient spell that will not bring trouble, and if it works, it will give absolute self-confidence and support from higher magical powers. This is a spell for a successful search for treasure:

“In a dense forest, under the branches of an ancient oak, under thick grass, in the damp and cold ground, a pot of gold and silver lies. He lies there, chills, waiting for a strong witch. I will go into the dense forest, to that oak tree, I will dig up the ground, I will find an ancient treasure. My strength will increase, the spirits will obey me!”

If after this you find money within 13 days (not necessarily under an oak tree in the forest, you can just find it on the street), it means that the ancient forces have heard you and will now definitely support you in any magical matters.

If you still really want to get what you want, you can use safe.

Black magic spells on the offender and enemy

It was not for nothing that ancient sorcerers and witches hid books of black magic spells under seven locks from strangers. These spells can truly bring a lot of harm, not only to the person they are aimed at, but also to the magician himself and his close people.

Before using magic spells, you should think three times whether it is worth doing this and risking your well-being, or even health. However, if you are completely confident in your abilities and ability to protect yourself from rollback, you can cast one of these black spells:

“I will seriously punish my enemy,
I will invite the crow into his life.
The black raven breaks through the roof,
My enemy (name) is afraid, the anxiety does not go away.
The black raven will break through the roof with its beak,
The enemy (name) will bring misfortune and sadness to his house.”

“Spirits of fire, spirits of earth! Water spirits, forest spirits! Burn the mind of the enemy (name), bury his feelings. Confuse him, drown his sensible thoughts! There will be no peace for you (name) either day or night, neither in water, nor on land, nor in heaven, nor underground, until you correct your evil! Let it be so!".

A spell to quickly gain magical power

Conspiracies and spells spoken by a beginner are not as effective as the same words coming from the lips of a skilled magician endowed with magical powers. You can strengthen your existing abilities with the help of an effective spell to obtain magical power. After completing the ritual, you will no longer be able to return to the world of ordinary people.

Magic and religion are two incompatible antagonists. This creates a loophole for magicians to gain magical power: you just need to go against the faith. Regardless of your religion, a spell to obtain magical power is nothing more than the famous Christian prayer “Our Father”, read in reverse.

Through meditation

The sacrament begins with meditation. Imagine how your spirit is freed from earthly shackles, how the fetters fall off your hands and feet. You should feel the power of the force that will enter the body, and freedom from prejudice and your own fears. See the sparks flying from under your feet, coming from your palms and eyes. A hellish crash, smoke and lightning will fill the room. You will be overwhelmed by the feeling of being saturated with supernatural energy. In this state, continuing to meditate, read over a lit candle for three nights in a row:

Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, he eineshuksi ov san idevv en and;
Mishan makinzlod meyalvatso ym i ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i;
Send man jad yinshusan shan belkh.
Ilmez an u iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub ad,
Eovt Eivtsrats tediirp hell, Eovm yastiyavs hell!
Heseben an ise, Ezhi shan Echto. Yenyn and Avals.
Yulimop, Idopsog (three times).
Idar Ogeovt enemi ashan ischomen iletsi and itesop, Yityavs;
Ashan yainokazzeb itsorp, Okydalv; ashan iherg itssicho, Idopsog;
San Yulimop, Yeziort. Yaatavserp. Nima. Vokev ikev ov and onsirp and enyn and,
Ukhud Umotyavs and Unys and Utsto Avals (three times).
San yulimop, Yintremszeb Yityavs, Iikperk Yityavs, Ezhob Yityavs.
Ashan ishud, Ezhalb, isaps and, Ynrevks yaikyasv to yn itsicho and,
yn in yasilesv and idiirp, Yuletadop life and higalb Yeshivorkos,
Yyayanlopsi yasa and yys edzev Ezhi, ynitsi Yeshud, Yuletishetu, ynseben
Jurats. Fuck Avals, shan Ezhob, Fuck Avals.
Nima. San yulimop, hytyavs hesv and Yeretam Yaeovt Yaitsicherp Idar
vtilom, Yizhob Enys, Yetsirkh Yesusii Idopsog.
Umonsherg enm idub vitsolim, Ezhob.
Nima. Akhud Ogatyavs and Anys and Atsto yami ov.

Pronounce your words as clearly and expressively as possible. The practice of a magician involves reading spells in ancient languages. Changing the pronunciation leads to a distortion of the meaning of the text, and, therefore, the result.

No one should see you during the ritual. There should be only you, a candle and the night in the room.

Having finished with the spell, extinguish the flame of the candle, complete the ritual with the words:

Let it be so

A cold, sticky snake of horror will crawl along your back from the departure from the foundations of faith, and treacherous weakness will take over your body. This will result in excommunication from religion and communion with magic.

When you wake up the next day, remember everything that happened at night and rejoice that you are clearing your consciousness of the superfluous and unnecessary, of the fact that you are being born as a magician.

Now you can safely continue to study magical sciences and develop your extraordinary abilities.

Veretnitsa spell to obtain magical power

If you feel that you lack magical power, then this ritual will help you. But keep in mind that the abilities are enhanced by infusing the magician’s body with one of the fiends of hell. And it will no longer be possible to kick him out.

To perform the sacrament, stock up on:

  • spindle;
  • heavy witchcraft knife;
  • an icon of the Holy Trinity, purchased from the church.

We need things that are new and have never been used.

Three days before the full moon, sharpen the edge of the spindle with a knife and by midnight go into the forest with the icon and the knife. Reach the intersection of forest paths. At midnight, stand in the center of the intersection, facing west, and say loudly and clearly:

“I summon the dashing Demon Power to my blasphemous work
I urge you to marvel at how cute she is,
Yes, I suggest you rest in this place until tomorrow midnight,
And when tomorrow midnight comes,
Let this crazy Power enter into me through my living blood,
And on the third night, by midnight, it will heal inside me -
I’m eager to spread rot around me and begin to make it easier for me.
Nima! Nima! Nima!"

Break the icon into two parts with a knife and leave them at the crossroads. Come back without looking back, but remember this place firmly. Take the knife with you.

The next night, by midnight, again come to the same intersection of paths with a spindle. Make a hole in the center of the intersection with your hands. Stand above it, facing west. Poke the spindle into the middle of your left palm so that the blood flows. Kneel. Place the spindle in the hole with the bloody end, turn it in the direction of the Sun in the sky with the words:

"I give my living blood,
I take the Evil Power into myself,
Through it I will begin to destroy everything alive around me.
Let the dashing Unclean Force spin me like a spindle,
All living things around me teach me to spread rot and hang on day and night.
With this deed I make an oath, but if I go backwards,
Yes, I will not keep my word in terrible agony and go to death.

Bury the spindle so that it is not visible. Come home. Don't turn around.

On the last night, by the full moon, return to the forest, kneel facing west, and carefully dig out the spindle. Read:

“I accept the wild, crazy power of the Evil One into myself,
I begin to spread rot and destroy all living things around me from this midnight until my eternity,
If I go backwards and don’t keep my blood oath,
So I’ll probably die in terrible agony.
Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

Take the spindle and bury it at home near your magical instrument and magic potions.

Is mastering white magic an art or a gift from God? In essence magic is the ability to control the energy of the universe, in order to influence otherworldly forces to fulfill the plan. Control of universal energy is achieved through magical rituals, conspiracies and witchcraft manipulations. It is known that magic is divided into black and white, depending on the goals pursued by the magician.

Science has proven that a thought put into words can materialize. To this postulate, experienced sorcerers add the need for strong faith in the words spoken in a conspiracy, skill and with convincing intonations. Having mastered various types of white magic spells, a person will help himself in any difficult life situation.

How to perform a white magic ritual

Every inhabitant of the Earth is naturally endowed with magical power, which is expressed in his energy, emotions, power of imagination and intentions. For most people this power is dormant., but anyone can awaken it with a strong desire or in certain life situations, using the power of a spell word. Magical techniques and rituals are based on the extreme concentration of emotions, emotions and feelings of the person performing the magic.

To create a white magic spell, you must be able to transform your desire into reality as much as possible. The result of the fulfillment of a wish depends on the more energy invested in certain words of the conspiracy. When creating a spell, try to clearly visualize your desire in your mind and believe that it will certainly come true, or even visually imagine how it has already come true.

For example, a person wants. Then, after the spoken words of a money conspiracy, he must behave as if he has a sufficient amount of money, imagine how much and where he has it, how he manages these funds. For a conspiracy to come true, you need to believe strongly, and if faith is not sufficient, then the person is not yet ready to practice white magic and fulfill his dream.

Requirements for performing magical rituals

All rituals of white magic have rules that must be strictly followed.

  • The ceremony must be carried out in a good mood. All thoughts and thoughts must be pure and directed towards creation, not destruction. Please note that you cannot be a supporter of white magic and at the same time use your spells with the aim of harming someone. If you intend to perform a love ritual, do not do it when you are offended by your loved one. Wait for the resentment to subside and leave your consciousness. Do not perform a ritual for money at a time when you feel the hopelessness of the current situation. Only when you bring your feelings to a calm state can you perform a magical ritual.
  • People who profess any religion at the beginning of the magical ritual they must turn to the Higher powers after reading the prayer. For Christians, such a prayer is the “Our Father.”
  • The ceremony should be carried out without the presence of strangers, alone, in a well-lit room where you will feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Say the magic spell in a calm tone out loud or in a whisper, the main thing is that it comes from the heart and your thoughts are maximally concentrated on the text being read and the request. It is unacceptable that while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, your brain is occupied with extraneous everyday thoughts. After reading the words of the spell, you need to say them in your mind several more times, since thoughts are more powerful than spoken words. You should concentrate all your attention on the frontal chakra and make an effort to direct your thoughts precisely to this point, from where you can redirect your thoughts to the desired object (a loved one, money, and so on).
  • Faith in the words of the spell. If you admit the thought that nothing will work out for you as always, then it will happen. Faith in the cast magic spell must remain even after the end of the ritual.

Briefly, all the requirements for the ritual are concentrated in the following: clearly formulate what is planned, unshakably believe in one’s abilities, and be completely focused on the desired result. Only in this case can you begin the ritual and master all kinds of spells

Ritual for beginner white magicians

Rite of initiation into white magic designed to tune a person’s consciousness to perform white magic rituals. It must be carried out continuously for several months in complete solitude. To complete the ritual, you should put on loose clothes in muted colors, get rid of jewelry, shoes and anything that could interfere with the free movement of blood in the body. Then you need to place only a white candle on the table so that it is located at waist level and light it. Next, you should stand in front of a lit candle with your face looking south, spreading your arms to the sides and raising your head to look into the heavenly distance, concentrating on an imaginary star.

At this time, turn to higher powers, saying a cleansing prayer:

“Merciful God. Forgive me for the sins I have committed. Wash away all unworthy deeds from me. Free me completely from all sinful acts. After your cleansing, I will become pure, like the first snow. Give me a kind heart and a righteous spirit, just as you created the Crown.”

When saying a cleansing prayer, you need to imagine flowing streams of water that cleanse the body from head to toe and take away all problems and sorrows.

At the end of the prayer, you need to make a clockwise turn in a circle, drawing a circle of fire in your thoughts. Try to clearly imagine this flaming circle at the level of your heart and see with your inner eye the energy filling it. Mentally outlining a circle, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “From the depths of my heart I call forth a circle of fire. Neither chaos nor evil will be able to get into it."

Having completed the ritual, the novice magician must mentally imagine a scarlet cross in the center of his heart, which gradually rises from the heart, disappearing into infinity. Then, after taking a few deep breaths and exhalations, say: “I thank the All-Seer for the successfully performed ritual, designed to endow me with the perception of Spiritual Light.”

Items that help perform magical rituals

Any witchcraft ritual occurs with the use of various objects that have energy that can assist in the fulfillment of the plan. What are these items? They can be precious, semi-precious and other stones, minerals, flaming church candles, photographs and plants. Practically, any object imbued with positive energy can have witchcraft powers. The main thing is that the magician has strong faith in his energetic power, can concentrate extremely, be positively disposed and remain in a state of mind. Especially for a beginner in magic, it is recommended to use such objects, draw positive energy from them and use them for visualization.

All actions that the sorcerer performs with auxiliary objects affect the result. Eg:

  • a candle that burns out quickly - portends the fulfillment of a desire soon,
  • when it burns for a long time, the witchcraft will have its effect for a long time,
  • If the object used to perform the spell is buried in the ground, then the effect of the magic will occur gradually.

And one more important detail for novice magicians: not a single auxiliary for magic the item will not have the desired magical power if the magician does not have good health or feel at least a little unwell during the ceremony.

Examples of white magic rituals

Ritual to attract love

This can be carried out for both men and women who long for the love of a certain person or, if there is no one yet, who want to meet him in the near future. The ritual can also be used in case of loss of reciprocity between two halves or cooling of feelings between spouses. A magical ritual for love must be carried out during the waxing month for 7 days, of which the last day is allowed to fall on the full moon, but not on the waning month.

At night, in a secluded place after 22.00, in the light of lit church candles, you need to cast the following spell:

“Everyone is destined by the forces of heaven to be in a couple, to share joy and sorrow, to experience happiness and misfortune! So let everything on the path destined for me be accomplished according to the highest laws! May love fill every moment of life, may it give happiness to me and the one who is destined to be with me. Let everything take its course"

After the words have been spoken, the candle must be extinguished, leaving it for the next ritual.

Ritual for better health

This spell for good health It is used most often to improve general well-being rather than to cure a specific disease. It takes place at dawn during the growing month and only for baptized people in the following way: place holy water in a glass in front of you and light a church candle. Looking at the candle fire, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Fire and water are two strong elements, I am sending you my words, asking for help. Protect me from illnesses, protect me from illnesses. Direct your strength to my defense. I thank you for your help, I hope for your support!”

These words must be read three times and wait until the candle burns out. The charmed water remains on the windowsill all night, and in the morning you should drink it all in small sips. This ritual is performed solely for prevention purposes. If there are health problems, then a ritual is used to cure the illness. The effects of such rituals are characterized by gradualness and the absence of side effects.

Ritual to attract good luck

He carried out to overcome long-term financial difficulties on Wednesday on the waxing moon. The spell is cast early in the morning, before dawn. The magical action should take place with two church candles burning. In this situation, you should repeat the words seven times:

“I conjure Wednesday-Middle for luck and good fortune. I ask her for help, I call her to the rescue. Make sure that everything goes well for me, money rushes to money and grows so that there is enough for my existence, human happiness and worldly joys.”

When the spell has been pronounced seven times, the candles are extinguished, wrapped in a white napkin and put away in a secret place. The ritual is repeated a month later.

Daily rituals for good luck

It is advisable to cast magic spells programmed for success every day, because every day of the week is under the influence of special higher powers. So that luck becomes a constant companion in life, don’t be lazy to cast the following spells:

  1. On Monday: “I conjure the heavenly angels with the omnipotence and omnipotence of the names Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who created the sea. I conjure you in the names of those who rule the main legion, subject to Orphaniel. I conjure you to help me in my affairs and accompany me to success."
  2. On Tuesday: “I conjure by the power of the holy angels, by the power of the sacred Ai, Elohim, He, Va, Hi, Adonai, and by God, who created dry water, to help me in the fulfillment of all my desires.”
  3. On Wednesday: “I conjure the holy angels Aye, Azari, Adonai and God, who created the sun, I ask by the power of the name of the six-winged animal to help in fulfilling my will.”
  4. On Thursday: “I conjure the angels of God with all the strength and might of the names of Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who became the creator of the sea, I conjure in the name of Jupiter to bestow the appearance of good luck on me.”
  5. On Friday: “I conjure you, kindest angels of power, with the sacred names of Ai, Elohim, Va, He, Hi and the name of the planet Venus, to assist me in fulfilling my will.”
  6. On Saturday: “I conjure in the name of God, the powerful lord of change, light and warmth, luck and fortune, to help me in everyday affairs, coloring them with success.”
  7. On Sunday: “I conjure all the angels of heaven in the name of Almighty God to always help me, for without your participation I cannot cope and will not see success.”

White magic spells are rites and rituals that are aimed at achieving a goal set by a person, with the help and support of the higher forces and energy of the universe. Spells, as a rule, mean conspiracies, prayers, and other actions aimed at stabilizing one of the areas of life or life as a whole. White magic spells can be performed independently even by people who have not previously resorted to magical help.

It's no secret that white magic spells are weaker than black magic rituals. This is true, however, using such an influence, you do not have to worry about side effects, consequences and the like. Light forces come to help a person.

Naturally, with the help of such influence one cannot harm anyone, force anyone to be nearby, change a person’s will and achieve quick results. This type of magic will help if you sincerely wish happiness for yourself and the person to whom the magic in love rituals can be directed.

Its effect will be gradual and will appear only if it is destined for you by fate. If the person is not right for you or is genuinely in love with someone else, then this type of spell will not help.

As for rituals for financial well-being, health, good luck, here too the action will be gradual, but the effect will not imply any negative consequences, and everything that you receive will come to you in a “bright” way.

Rules for performing rituals

White magic rituals must be performed in accordance with the rules provided for this type of influence:

  • Conduct the ritual in a good mood, when all your thoughts and intentions are pure and aimed at creating something, and not at destruction. So, love rituals should not be performed at a time when you feel resentment towards your beloved; do not perform money rituals in a moment of despair. Wait until you feel free and good, and only then start doing magic.
  • If you believe in God, then before starting a magic session, read the “Our Father” prayer. If you profess another religion, then turn to the Higher Powers for help. After this, you can begin to perform the ritual.
  • Conduct the ceremony alone, in a well-lit room where you feel comfortable.
  • Read the spell out loud, in a half whisper.
  • Make your request come from the heart.

Ritual to attract love

This ritual is great for men and women who want to attract love into their lives. You can do it when there is no loved one in your life yet and you want to meet him, as well as in a situation where there are some problems between you and your significant other, reciprocity has been lost or there are not enough feelings.

The ritual can be used to restore relationships between spouses who are together but do not feel love for each other.

This ritual is performed strictly during the growing month for seven days. The last day can fall on a full moon, but not on a waning month.

“Everyone is destined to be in a couple by the Higher Powers,
Share joys and sorrows, experience happiness and bad weather!
So let everything in my life go according to the Highest laws!
Let love saturate every moment of existence,
Let him make me happy, let him make him happy too
Who should be next to me!
Let everything take its course.”

Magic words are repeated three times. It is best to perform the ritual late in the evening, after ten o’clock. The ritual is carried out in the light of church candles, which can be extinguished immediately after reading, leaving until next time.

Rite for good luck

If you have prolonged financial difficulties, then this ritual of white magic, aimed at improving the financial sphere, will help. The ritual should be performed on Wednesday for the growing month.

“I conjure Wednesday-Middle for good luck and luck,
I call on her for help, I call on her to come to my rescue!
So that everything gets better in my life,
Money came after money, in a hurry!
I need a lot, enough for a human life,
Human happiness and worldly joys!”

The spell is repeated seven times. When the words are read, the candles can be extinguished and, wrapped in a white napkin, put away in an inaccessible place. The ritual can be repeated in a month.

Spell on water for health

White magic rituals aimed at improving health are considered very popular. This ritual is performed for the growing month, since it is aimed at improving well-being in general, and not at getting rid of a specific problem.

To carry it out you will need a glass of holy water and one church candle. People who have undergone baptism should give preference to this magical event.

Early in the morning you need to put a glass of water in front of you and light a candle.

Looking at the fire, the words of the spell are read:

“Fire and water, two enormous forces,
I turn my words to you, I appeal to you for help!
Save me from illnesses, save me from illnesses,
Direct your strength to defense.
Thank you for your help, I hope for your support!”

The words are read three times, after which the candle must be allowed to burn out, and the water must stand on the windowsill all night. In the morning, you should drink the charmed water in small sips. At this point the ritual is considered complete.

Please note that this magical event is carried out for preventive purposes, when nothing hurts and you want to protect yourself. If you already have some health problems, then rituals aimed at getting rid of the disease are suitable. And this ritual can be used as consolidation.

White magic rituals and spells are considered magical events aimed at various areas of a person’s life in order to obtain what he dreams of. The impact of this plan is characterized by a mild effect, gradualness and the absence of any side effects.