The meaning of shirah, baldur von in the encyclopedia of the third reich. Baldur von Schirach - standard bearer of the "Hitler Youth": rise to power

(Schirach), (1907-1974), leader of German youth, head of the Hitler Youth organization in 1933-40. Born March 9, 1907 in Berlin. His father was an officer in the Guards regiment of Wilhelm II, later retired and became a theater director, first in Weimar, then in Vienna. Schirach's mother was American. Baldur von Schirach grew up in an atmosphere of theater, music and literature, and his poetic talent manifested itself early. At the age of 10 he joined the German Youth League. In 1924, having moved to Munich, von Schirach began studying art history and German studies. In 1925 he joined the NSDAP and the SA. In 1928, he headed the National Socialist German Student Union, showing himself to be a skilled organizer in this post. In 1931, Hitler appointed him director of youth affairs for the Nazi Party. In 1932, von Schirach organized a 100,000-strong youth march in Potsdam in front of the Fuhrer. On June 1, 1933, at the age of 26, he became the youth leader of the German Reich, skillfully attracting more and more new members to the ranks of the Hitler Youth. However, von Schirach's enemies gradually began a campaign of discredit against him, ridiculing his effeminacy and femininity, accusing him of being partial to “girls' bedrooms,” calling him “a Berliner who changed into leather Bavarian pants.” As a result of these intrigues, Hitler in July 1941 appointed von Schirach to a less important post - Gauleiter of Vienna, which he held until 1945. Von Schirach participated in the deportation of Austrian Jews to concentration camps. At the Nuremberg trials he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Released in 1966. In 1967 he published a book of memoirs, “I Believed Hitler,” in Hamburg. Von Schirach died in Krewe on August 8, 1974.

View value Schirach, Baldur Von in other dictionaries

Background- field
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Baldur Von Schirach (1907-1974) was a leader of German youth, head of the Hitler Youth organization in 1933-40.
Born on March 9, 1907 in Berlin. His father was an officer in the Guards regiment of Wilhelm II, who later retired and later became director of the theater in Vienna. Baldur's mother was American. Baldur von Schirach grew up in an atmosphere of theater, literature and music, and his poetic talent manifested itself at an early age. At the age of 10 he joined the German Youth League. In 1924, when he moved to Munich, Schirach began studying German studies and art history. In 1925 he joined the NSDAP and the SA. In 1928, he headed the National Socialist German Student Union, where he proved himself to be a skillful organizer in this post.
In 1931, Hitler appointed him director of youth affairs for the Nazi Party. In 1932, Baldur von Schirach organized a 100,000-strong youth march in front of the Fuhrer in Potsdam. At the age of 26, on June 1, 1933, he became the youth leader of the German Reich, quite skillfully attracting more and more members into the ranks of the Hitler Youth. However, behind his back, von Schirach's enemies began a campaign to discredit him, ridiculing his femininity and effeminacy, accusing him of being partial to “girls' bedrooms,” and calling him “a Berliner who changed into leather Bavarian pants.” As a result of such intrigues, in July 1941, Hitler appointed von Schirach to a less important post - Gauleiter of Vienna, which he held until 1945.
Von Schirach took part in the deportation of Austrian Jews to concentration camps. At the Nuremberg trials he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was released in 1966. And in 1967 he published a book of memoirs in Hamburg called “I Believed Hitler.” Baldur von Schirach died on August 8, 1974 in Kröwe.

More details:

Baldur Benedikt von Schirach (German: Baldur Benedikt von Schirach), (May 9, 1907, Berlin - August 8, 1974, Kroef) - German party and youth leader, leader of the Hitler Youth (1933-1940), then Gauleiter of Vienna. Obergruppenführer SA (1941).

Childhood and youth

Born in Berlin. His father was an officer in the Guards regiment of Wilhelm II, later retired and became a theater director, first in Weimar, then in Vienna. Schirach's mother, Emma Middleton Schirach, was an American from Philadelphia. Baldur von Schirach's father also had American roots.

Baldur began learning German only at the age of five, since his parents spoke exclusively English at home. As a child, he wrote poetry and played the violin. For a long time I dreamed of becoming a musician. When he was 10 years old, his parents sent him to a closed boarding school in the town of Bad Berka in Thuringia, where the principles of raising children were based on the ideas of the reformer teacher Hermann Lietz. Along with physical and moral education, much attention was paid to the teaching of scientific disciplines.

Between world wars

After the end of the First World War, his patriotic older brother Karl experienced a severe psychological crisis and committed suicide, which radicalized the views of Baldur von Schirach. His parents were also dissatisfied with the times that had come, they took him out of the boarding school, and he was educated at home.

In 1918 he joined the German Youth League.

In 1924, after graduating from the Weimar gymnasium, Schirach went to Munich. There he began studying art history and German studies. In the same year, he joined the people's union of "squires", which was led by former officers from the illegal organization "Black Reichswehr". Baldur was among the “squires” when they guarded the hall in March 1925 where Hitler, recently released from prison, spoke. After the meeting, Schirach was personally introduced to Hitler. By his own admission, he became an anti-Semite after reading Henry Ford's book International Jewry.

On August 29, 1925 he joined the NSDAP, and in 1927 he joined the SA. He was actively involved in campaigning among young people and students.

On July 20, 1928, Schirach was elected Reichsführer of the National Socialist German Students' Union, Reichstudentführer (German: Reichsstudentführer) in the imperial leadership of the NSDAP. In this position he proved himself to be a skillful organizer. That same summer, Schirach traveled to America with his mother, where he met his uncle Alfred Norris, a successful Wall Street banker. He invited his nephew to take a respectable position in the company. But Schirach rejected this offer.

On December 19, 1928, Schirach became one of the founders of the youth “Combat Alliance for German Culture.”

Schirach sought to establish himself as the leader of all German youth. In 1929, he made his first attempts to reduce the influence of the leader of the Hitler Youth, Kurt Gruber, and in 1931 he openly criticized him. Intriguing against Gruber, Schirach established good relations with the stormtrooper chief Ernst Rehm, to whom the Hitler Youth was directly subordinate; he also directly approached Hitler with a proposal to create a large youth organization under the control of the NSDAP. Hitler at first did not take Schirach's ideas seriously, but in the end, on October 30, 1931, he appointed Baldur von Schirach as Reichsjugendfuhrer of the NSDAP (German: Reichsjugendfuhrer der NSDAP) and subordinated the Hitler Youth, student and school national socialist unions to him.

In May 1932, Hitler restored the independence of the youth organization. On May 13, 1932, von Schirach became a Reichsleiter, becoming the full-fledged leader of the NSDAP. He was given equal rights with Rem. Schirach immediately took advantage of his new position to fight against his longtime rival Adrian von Renteln, who temporarily, instead of the removed Gruber, acted as head of the Hitler Youth and the National Socialist Schoolchildren's Union. As a result of intrigues, he had to leave his position.

Since June 17, 1932 - leader of the youth of the German Reich (German: Jugendfuhrer des Deutsches Reiches). He led the liquidation of German youth organizations and the seizure of their property. Schirach became one of the creators of the almost religious cult of the Fuhrer. He educated German youth in the spirit of anti-Semitism and Nazism, led military training and field exercises.

In October 1936 he entered into an agreement with Heinrich Himmler, according to which members of the Hitler Youth who met the requirements of the SS were considered as the main source of replenishment for the SS. On December 1, 1936, he was introduced into the imperial cabinet as a youth leader. At the same time, on the basis of a decree, the Hitler Youth was recognized as the only youth organization in Germany. On August 11, 1939, by agreement with the Wehrmacht High Command, he undertook to conduct pre-conscription training for young people in accordance with the requirements established in the army.

Schirach (standing) at the Nuremberg trials.

During the Second World War

In December 1939, he volunteered to join the Wehrmacht, served in the elite regiment "Gross Germany", lieutenant, and was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class.

In June 1940, at the request of Hitler, he was recalled from the army. He skillfully led the Hitler Youth, turning it into a mass youth organization - by 1940, it included 97% of young people of military age.

However, von Schirach himself was targeted by the intrigues of his ill-wishers, who conducted a campaign against him, accusing him of involvement in “girls’ bedrooms,” and also ridiculed his aristocratic manners and origins. As a result of these intrigues, on August 7, 1940, Hitler appointed von Schirach to a less important post - Gauleiter of Vienna (he held until 1945), replacing him as head of the Hitler Youth with A. Axman.

Since 1940 - Imperial Commissioner of Defense of the 17th Military District, which included the territory of the Gau Vienna, the Upper Danube and the Lower Danube. He came up with a project to evict all Czechs and Jews from Vienna and turn it into a “German city.” He supervised the expulsion of the 60 thousand Jews who remained here from Vienna to the General Government.

Since June 29, 1942 - Member of the Senate of the German Academy. Since November 16, 1942 - Reich Commissioner for Defense of Vienna.

After World War II

At the Nuremberg trials of 1946, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. He served his entire sentence in the Berlin military prison Spandau. Released September 30, 1966


Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. Comp. S. Voropaev. - M.: “LOKID-MYTH”, 1996.

G. Knopp. Hitler's "Children"

Zalessky K. A. Leaders and military leaders of the Third Reich. - M.: “Veche”, 2000.

I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Nazi Coconuts

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Schirach, Baldur von

(Schirach), (1907–1974), leader of German youth, head of the Hitler Youth organization in 1933-40. Born March 9, 1907 in Berlin. His father was an officer in the Guards regiment of Wilhelm II, later retired and became a theater director, first in Weimar, then in Vienna. Schirach's mother was American. Baldur von Schirach grew up in an atmosphere of theater, music and literature, and his poetic talent manifested itself early. At the age of 10 he joined the German Youth League. In 1924, having moved to Munich, von Schirach began studying art history and German studies. In 1925 he joined the NSDAP and the SA. In 1928, he headed the National Socialist German Student Union, showing himself to be a skilled organizer in this post. In 1931 Hitler appointed him leader

Baldur von Schirach talks with the leaders of the Hitler Youth

Youth Affairs under the Nazi Party. In 1932, von Schirach organized a 100,000-strong youth march in Potsdam in front of the Fuhrer. On June 1, 1933, at the age of 26, he became the youth leader of the German Reich, skillfully attracting more and more new members into the ranks of the Hitler Youth. However, von Schirach's enemies gradually began a campaign of discredit against him, ridiculing his effeminacy and femininity, accusing him of being partial to “girls' bedrooms,” calling him “a Berliner who changed into leather Bavarian pants.” As a result of these intrigues, Hitler in July 1941 appointed von Schirach to a less important post - Gauleiter of Vienna, which he held until 1945. Von Schirach participated in the deportation of Austrian Jews to concentration camps. At the Nuremberg trials he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Released in 1966. In 1967 he published a book of memoirs, “I Believed Hitler,” in Hamburg. Von Schirach died in Krewe on August 8, 1974.

Baldur von Schirach

Baldur Benedict von Schirach (German Baldur Benedikt von Schirach; * May 9, 1907, Berlin - † August 8, 1974, Kröwe, Mosel), - party and youth leader, Reichsleiter (13.5.1932), Obergruppenführer of the SA (1941).

His father was an officer and then a theater director, his mother was American. He grew up in an atmosphere of theater, music and literature, and wrote poetry. In 1918 he joined the German Youth League. Since 1924, having moved to Munich, he studied art history and German studies.

On December 1, 1936, he was introduced into the imperial cabinet as a youth leader, and at the same time, by decree, the Hitler Youth was recognized as the only youth organization in Germany. He educated German youth in the spirit of anti-Semitism and Nazism, led the military training of youth and conducted field exercises. In Oct. 1936 concluded an agreement with Himmler, according to which members of the Hitler Youth who met the requirements of the SS were considered as the main source of recruitment for the SS.

Since 1939, responsible for the use of youth in the war. On August 11, 1939, by agreement with the Wehrmacht High Command (OKW), he undertook to conduct pre-conscription training for young people in accordance with the requirements established in the army. On Dec. 1939 volunteered to join the Wehrmacht, served in the elite regiment "Gross Germany", lieutenant, awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class.

In June 1940, at Hitler's request, he was recalled from the army. He skillfully led the Hitler Youth, turning it into a mass youth organization - by 1940 it included 97% of young people of military age. However, Schirach's opponents waged a campaign against him, accusing him of being partial to "girls' bedrooms." As a result of intrigues, Hitler appointed Schirach on August 7, 1940 as Gauleiter and Imperial Governor of Vienna, replacing him as head of the Hitler Youth with A. Axmann. Since 1940, Reich Commissioner for Defense of the 17th Military District, which included the territory of the Gau Vienna, the Upper Danube and the Lower Danube. He came up with a project to evict all Czechs and Jews from Vienna and turn it into a “German city.” He supervised the expulsion of the 60 thousand Jews who remained here from Vienna to the General Government.

Since September 28, 1941, President of the Greater German Society of Bibliophiles.

Since June 29, 1942, member of the Senate of the German Academy. Since November 16, 1942, Reich Commissioner for Defense of Vienna.


(Schirach), (1907-1974), leader of German youth, head of the Hitler Youth organization in 1933-40. Born March 9, 1907 in Berlin. His father was an officer in the Guards regiment of Wilhelm II, later retired and became a theater director, first in Weimar, then in Vienna. Schirach's mother was American. Baldur von Schirach grew up in an atmosphere of theater, music and literature, and his poetic talent manifested itself early. At the age of 10 he joined the German Youth League. In 1924, having moved to Munich, von Schirach began studying art history and German studies. In 1925 he joined the NSDAP and the SA. In 1928, he headed the National Socialist German Student Union, showing himself to be a skilled organizer in this post. In 1931, Hitler appointed him director of youth affairs for the Nazi Party. In 1932, von Schirach organized a 100,000-strong youth march in Potsdam in front of the Fuhrer. On June 1, 1933, at the age of 26, he became the youth leader of the German Reich, skillfully attracting more and more new members to the ranks of the Hitler Youth. However, von Schirach's enemies gradually began a campaign of discredit against him, ridiculing his effeminacy and femininity, accusing him of being partial to “girls' bedrooms,” calling him “a Berliner who changed into leather Bavarian pants.” As a result of these intrigues, Hitler in July 1941 appointed von Schirach to a less important post - Gauleiter of Vienna, which he held until 1945. Von Schirach participated in the deportation of Austrian Jews to concentration camps. At the Nuremberg trials he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Released in 1966. In 1967 he published a book of memoirs, “I Believed Hitler,” in Hamburg. Von Schirach died in Krewe on August 8, 1974.

Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what SHIRACH, BALDUR FON is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    (from the Greek phone - sound, voice), part of complex words indicating their relationship to voice, sound (for example, telephone, ...
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    RADIATION natural, level of radiation caused by cosmic. radiation and radiation distributed in nature (in water, soil, air) ...
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    unit of sound volume level. For a pure tone, F. coincides with the decibel ...
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    1 main color, the tone on which the picture is painted, drawn, something is depicted Light f. Bright embroidery on white f. background 1...
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    1. m. 1) a) The main color, the tone on which the drawing is applied, the pattern on which the picture is painted. b) The background of the picture, ...
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