Star on shoulder tattoo meaning. Star on shoulder tattoo meaning Pentagram tattoo designs

The Pentacle of Solomon, the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon are different names for the same amulet symbol. It has been used since ancient times for protection from enemies, magical influence, creating a strong energy barrier, acquiring vitality, enlightenment and getting on the right path, getting rid of bad habits and improving health, acquiring valuable knowledge, attracting good luck in various matters, achieving financial well-being , arranging your personal life by successfully finding your other half.

The meaning of the Pentacle of Solomon tattoo

A tattoo in the form of a six-pointed star symbolizes the desire to attract all resources to one’s side, including dark forces, in order to win in some important matter or business. A person begins to experience success in all endeavors. Businessmen easily deal with the machinations of competitors and strengthen their positions, while acting very wisely.

For students, the Pentacle of Solomon gives self-confidence. This amulet promotes the activation of cognitive activity and helps to quickly prepare for various tests in the form of tests, tests, and exams. Of course, this does not mean that you can be lazy and completely rely on the help of a tattoo.

The image can be made in the form of a star inscribed in a circle, accompanied by various Latin symbols. Another type of sketches are decorative tattoos in the form of jewelry. They are usually made in color, decorated with designs of precious stones, runes, sunbursts, ribbons, etc.

The unusual nature of this symbol is that its energetic influence depends on the day of the week and the position of the stars at the time of application. It is believed that the amulet will have maximum power if the tattoo was tattooed during the period when the waxing moon entered the sign of Virgo.

The seal or pentacle of Solomon is strictly prohibited from being imprinted on the body on Saturday. Businessmen and anyone who wants to quickly find success in business, move up the career ladder, achieve a salary increase or praise from management should get a tattoo on Sunday.

A Star of David applied to any part of the body on Monday will bring good luck in communicating with people. The owner of such an image will meet on his way only those who will change his life for the better. Those who previously showed no interest in this person at all will pay attention to him.

A tattoo done on Tuesday will bring success to medical workers. Patients will get better, communication will improve even with the most conflict-ridden clients. You will be able to avoid failures at work. A drawing filled on Wednesday will help spiritual enlightenment, calmness and knowledge. Long-dormant abilities will be revealed.

Businessmen and heads of large financial companies can have a permanent design in the form of the Pentacle of Solomon applied on Thursday, since this particular day of the week is responsible for material wealth. On Friday, tattoos with the Star of David are made by representatives of the creative community to become famous and gain inspiration.

People choose completely different themes for their body designs, and not the least of them is the pentagram tattoo. Moreover, every year tattoos are gaining more and more popularity. If earlier this sign was suppressed in every possible way, was considered a demonic symbol and was not accepted by society, now they treat it much more loyally, and the pentacle is not considered a devilish symbol.

Pentagrams and their meanings

When and where exactly the pentagram appeared is unknown, but it has been seen on very old documents. It is believed that the pentagram design originated from a cross-section of an apple. Indeed, if you cut an apple, you can see similarities with the picture of a star. It is officially believed that regular five-pointed stars (inverted pentagrams) are a symbol of protection, and inverted stars in a circle are supernatural, satanic symbols. It is also believed that an asterisk drawn with the top up is used by good magicians, and down - by evil sorcerers.

Some people make body art in the form of a five-pointed star, giving it special meaning, and some simply because they like the look of the pentacle.

The pentagram is often considered to represent the five senses of man because the star has five ends. The pentacle can be compared not only with the five senses, but also with the structure of a person: a head, two arms and two legs.

Sometimes a tattoo can mean protection from negative energy, a symbol of an easy transition to the afterlife. The pentacle is associated with the five wounds on the body of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. It is believed that such a tattoo will bring health and good luck.

In a negative way, the pentagram is associated with being close to the devil. It is believed that this is a mark placed by Satan himself. The older generation views the pentagram and inverted cross as a dangerous sign that will not bring anything good to its owner.

Prisoners give themselves such tattoos as a gesture of repentance for their sins. Opinions about the meaning of the sign of Baphomet are very different, everything depends only on the person’s perception. For some it is a positive sign, and for others it is a negative sign.

Pentagram in a circle

Tattoos of a pentagram enclosed within a circle are quite common. This sign is used for protection: it symbolizes safety. Among magicians, a five-pointed figure described in a circle was used as a banner of silence and teaching. After several years of silence, a ceremony was performed over the man. The sign of Lucifer in the circle was made to protect against supernatural forces. In films you can often see a ritual where a person draws a pentagram in a circle on the floor, stands in its center and no one can get close to him.

Red pentagram on a black background

The red color of the sign of Baphomet is often associated with the fire that engulfed it, with the arrival of the devil. A red five-pointed symbol on a black background takes on a more sinister meaning than just a black and white star. Not everyone will decide to get such a tattoo, because this is a mark of belonging to Lucifer, which will be acutely perceived by society.

Pentagram on a white background

A picture of a five-pointed figure on a white background is considered a good sign that will protect and bring good luck. This kind of tattoo is easier to perceive: it is not flashy and bright, so it is not so strongly associated with Satan. A pentacle on a white background is a classic design option, especially if it is made in a minimalist style. This figure on a white background is suitable for both girls and men.

Pentagram sun

For the Egyptians, the seal of King Solomon represented the sun. It was dedicated to the goddess of fertility, which was very important for ancient peoples, because their lives depended on it. The Egyptians depicted the sun pentagram almost everywhere. So they hoped to receive the favor of the Sun God and the Goddess of Fertility. If you want to get a sun pentagram tattoo, then you should know that this sign does not carry any negativity, but only means positive things.

Star in a circle

A star in a circle is not necessarily a pentagram. Such a depiction may have nothing to do with the sign of King Solomon. This may be a reference to the sky with stars, to the fact that a person feels like a star. The pentacle inside the circle can be depicted in completely different styles, not necessarily evenly and clearly, here it’s whatever the person wants, it all depends on your imagination.

Devil Pentagram

Nevertheless, most often the pentagram is attributed to satanic signs, marks of evil spirits. Some of those who make themselves such body art want to indicate their attitude towards Lucifer: to attract attention to themselves and make their appearance more frightening and intimidating. Since ancient times, in some countries this sign was exclusively devilish; everyone was afraid of it and tried to avoid it. Many people still have a fear of such an image, so they have a very negative attitude towards painting with a star.

Inverted Pentagram

An inverted sohak most often does not have any positive meanings; it is a direct reference to the affiliation of the bearer of such a mystical sign with occult forces. This five-pointed figure causes a more acute reaction from society, since it has a more mystical and magical meaning. The inverted sign of Lucifer can be deciphered as a picture of the face of a Succubus: the two ends that look up are its horns. Often the face of the devil itself is inscribed in an inverted pentagram.

Pentagram tattoo: meaning

Speaking about the meaning of a pentagram tattoo, we note that a correct, not inverted star is associated with fertility, protection from dark forces and the five senses. An inverted five-pointed star serves as a sign of an unclean spirit, a mystical mark that can bring a person closer to Satan. Sometimes a pentagram tattoo simply serves as a beautiful body image.

Suitable places for a pentagram tattoo

A luminary with five corners most often represents a small image that can be placed on any part of the body. It can be made very miniature and placed, for example, on the wrist.

A tattoo in the form of a pentagram can be tattooed anywhere: it will look advantageous everywhere.

The most risky ones can get a Cepheid tattoo even on the forehead, but this is very risky. In addition, the procedure for removing a tattoo is quite unpleasant, but if this is a conscious decision, then why not.

You can get a tattoo on your arm; such a tattoo on your hand will look especially interesting. In fact, there are many places on the body for an unusual tattoo. A tattoo on the neck (and especially on its side) can be done by people who are not afraid that the design will be noticed. In turn, tattoos on the chest are done by those who want to make it more intimate.

We find the first mention of the pentagram 4000 years ago among the Egyptians and Sumerians, who described the sky with this symbol. Thus, for the most ancient peoples, this image was the trajectory of the planet Venus. Then they began to attribute other meanings to the star, and today it is not clear to be afraid of it or consider it as your amulet. The meaning of a pentagram tattoo is as multifaceted as the history of the Earth over several thousand years. That is, you choose for yourself what a pentagram tattoo means for you and live with it until the end of your earthly history.

Another name for the flaming star, five-pointed star or pentacle, has several meanings that are opposite to each other. In short, a star with one point is good, and an inverted pentagram means evil, witchcraft and the underworld. White magicians used it as a talisman against evil, and sorcerers asked for help in their rituals from an inverted pentagram, which with its peaks resembled the outlines of a creature with horns and a sharp beard.

The main meaning of a pentagram tattoo is religious in nature, and a five-pointed star could mean belonging to secret societies and the occult. , in which the star is inscribed, means God, who unites and commands all these elements.

Pentagram in art

Even Leonardo da Vinci began to draw a man in the center of the star, thereby proving that this shape is ideal for creating proportions of the body and objects. Then the theory of the “Golden Section” was born, according to which not only paintings, but also architectural structures are created to this day. The painting “Colored Pentagram” by the artist Franz Schlambor is known and revered, around which there is the inscription “In doing the will of God there is the strength of the human soul.” Often a pentagram tattoo is surrounded by a circle and an inscription around it. We hope it is close in content to the original.

Images of a five-pointed star enclosed in a circle are often found in icons, as a sign of the five elements and the God who controls them. For those who don't know, the fifth element is Spirit, not Lilu from The Fifth Element. Since such a symbol is magical, its impact on the fate of the wearer is inevitable, so you should carefully use the drawing itself and supplement it with details.

Pentagram tattoo for women

The meaning of this symbol is the same for both sexes and is often religious in nature. It is unlikely that you will tattoo this drawing on yourself as a sign of five years of silence before initiation into the secrets of the magical order, for this is very rare in our time. Most likely, you will want to use the meaning of a pentagram tattoo in the context of a talisman, a sign of strength, friendship with the elements and higher intelligence, health and eternal youth.

We remind you that the location of the peaks on the star is of fundamental importance: one peak means God and the entire universe, with two peaks - the devil and the entire underworld. What you believe is what you will receive.

The followers of Pythagoras or Pythagoreans considered this star a symbol of health and youth, and Christians considered it an image of Christ and the Trinity. In some faiths, the pentagram symbolizes the five wounds of Christ, and the inverted one symbolizes the horns and beard of the devil.

Another analogy is made of the star and as a symbol of knowledge. In fact, if you cut an apple horizontally, its core will remind you of a pentagram.

As you yourself understand, a tattoo in the form of a pentagram has exactly as many meanings as there are people who want to get it.

Men's pentagram tattoo: photo and meaning

But here the likelihood that you are a follower of a certain religious teaching increases. Still, men are more likely to go to extremes and completely devote themselves to their work. If you are already interested in magic, then seriously. In fact, the pentagram tattoo, the photo of which you see, could belong to a white magician and protect him from the forces of evil while he works for the benefit of all mankind. Faust also drew a pentagram around the house so that Mephistopheles could not enter there. Now your body can become this impregnable fortress.

Other meanings of a pentagram tattoo:

  • luck
  • endurance
  • leadership
  • superiority
  • bravery
  • prosperity
  • stability
  • intuition

Where to stuff and in what style

For such tattoos, the graphic and ornamental style is suitable. Experts say that there is no special sacred or forbidden place for tattooing a pentagram, but we advise you to treat this sign with respect and not to tattoo it below the waist.

After all, the sign is more than 4000 years old, it was revered by many peoples, every city has its image, the whole idea of ​​the USSR was built around a five-pointed star. These facts tell us about the sacredness of the symbol and the need to respect it. Then we can guarantee you that the power and strength of this sign will be the same as you attribute to it.
In any case, take a close look at this sign, decide where it is up and where it is down, and know that the traditional position of the pentagram means good, good forces, white magic. An inverted star sign means evil, black magic and service to dark forces.

The pentagram is one of the most ancient and mysterious images, which appeared in ancient history and is used to this day as a design on the body - a tattoo. This symbol is especially popular with supporters of the occult. For the first time, the image of a pentagram was found by archaeologists at the origins of ancient Mesopotamia about four hundred years ago. Later, the five-pointed star was a sign of stars among both the Sumerians and Egyptians. In Egypt, it also symbolized closeness to heaven and was depicted on graves. Among the ancient Celts, the drawing symbolized harmony. Around the 5th-6th centuries BC, the symbol appeared among the Pythagoreans. For them, such a star was the personification of health, prosperity, eternal beauty and youth. It also meant the spiritualization of all living things, nature as a whole. It is interesting to know that the meaning of a tattoo of a five-pointed star in a circle is the silence of the initiate. The five points of the star symbolized the 5 years of silence about the learning process that had to be completed in order to become a Pythagorean. In other interpretations, such a drawing also carries the meaning of God and Light himself, which reflects, owns and controls all the elements at once. The circle also symbolized divine wisdom and protection.

Initially, and right up to the present day, the five-pointed star had the meaning of amulet and protection from evil forces, a symbol designed to keep evil out of the house and protect residents from bad thoughts and other people’s negative energy. Or, conversely, do not let evil out. To protect the home in ancient times, a pentagram was applied to doors, thresholds and load-bearing supports of the house to give them strength and durability.

The pentagram should be created extremely carefully - from left to right, in no case allowing interrupted or trembling lines. The slightest gap destroyed all the protective power of the symbol and allowed the evil that found the loophole to fall upon the one who made the mistake with redoubled force. So, this happened to the infamous Faust in the poem of the same name by the famous classical writer Goethe. In addition, in his titanic work “Secret Philosophy” or “Occult Philosophy”, Agrippa of Nettesheim described the pentagram as the embodiment of the personality of a whole and integral person. According to this medieval scientist, the four rays of the star symbolized the four elements and corresponded to human limbs - legs and arms. The fifth limb, the head, coincided with the fifth ray, which is a symbol of the spirit that controls all the elements. This interpretation later brought Agrippa the fame of a warlock and sorcerer. The pentagram began to have a modern dual appearance - with the ray (top) up or the ray (apex) down - only closer to the twentieth century. The once-famous mystic and occultist Eliphas Levi, who was extremely fond of Agrippa’s “Occult Philosophy,” made a lot of efforts so that the pentagram began to have a clear division into a tool of white magic and a means of black magic. The symbol with the top up is the purity of the spirit that rules the world, and the top down is a sign of perverted human nature and freedom of the darkest passions. Of course, for the average person this symbol remains a symbol of Satanism and rockers. But the pentagram, whose meaning has changed over the centuries, is more than just a sign of the devil-worshipping church. In different eras, under different rulers, religions and states, its meaning was either positive or negative. However, magicians and witches, as well as other occult practitioners, astrologers and esotericists have always been closely associated with the five-pointed star inscribed in a circle.

The first images of a five-pointed star date back to three thousand five hundred BC. Tablets with symbols pressed into clay were discovered by archaeologists in the ruins of the ancient city of Uruk. It is believed that the pentagram was a symbol of Venus and meant its movement along the celestial trajectory. In addition, the sign was associated with two stars - Phosphorus and Eosphorus, Morning and Evening. It is worth noting that Lucifer, aka Dennitsa, was originally called the Morning Star - probably, for such a connection with Satan, the pentagram was declared by the clergy to be the devil’s seal. What the pentagram represents, the light forces, has become no longer entirely important. In Ancient Egypt, this symbol was associated with the dog-headed Anubis, the god of the dead. For the Egyptian dead, the pentagram means stars that do not shine in the afterlife. Sometimes she was depicted on the statues of the pharaohs and on the ceiling of the tomb. In Babylonia, a five-pointed star was a symbol of the sun god Shamash. The pentagram became most widely known in Babylonia as a talisman and talisman, protection from evil. It was drawn not only on residential buildings, as we have already said, but also in stores and warehouses to protect goods from pests and thieves. In addition, the pentagram was used to designate royal power, which extended to all directions of the world. Therefore, the pentagram was often used in seals. According to a slightly different interpretation, early Sumerian pentagrams are tied to the goddess of fertility and love Ishtar, as well as the Sumerian afterlife called the Duat.

The Greek followers of the scientist Pythagoras, the so-called Pythagoreans, believed that the world consists of five elements - fire, water, air, earth and ether as a connecting element. We have already talked about Agrippa, the medieval author who laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the occult and its symbols. So, according to him, the Pythagoreans’ pentagram served as an ideal reflection of their doctrine and was a distinctive sign of this closed society, which grew up on the basis of the Pythagorean school. Jews associated the pentagram with sacred texts, the so-called Pentateuch. It was received by the prophet Moses as a gift from God. Alexander the Great, who conquered half the world, followed the example of the ancient kings. He used it as his seal. This occult sign and the famous Order of the Templars did not ignore this occult sign. Emperor of Rome Constantine the Great, who made Christianity the state religion. And even one of the Knights of the Round Table from the legend of King Arthur used this sign. Arthur's nephew, Sir Gawain wore a golden pentagram on his shield, painted red as a representation of the knight's cardinal virtues at the end of each peak. These virtues are nobility, courtesy, chastity, courage and their crown - piety. The emblem of the five wounds of the crucified Christ. The pentagram in Christianity, before acquiring the meaning of a witch attribute, was a symbol of the Suffering of Christ, since Jesus was crucified with a crown of thorns on his head, as well as with nails in his hands and feet. Ironically, some apostates from church dogmas and followers of Greek teachings believed it to be a symbol of omnipotent intelligence. In addition, in early Christian teachings, what the pentagram means was the previously mentioned torment of Christ, and unity with God as a perfect being. According to some assumptions, Arab magicians used the pentagram under the name “seal of Solomon.” Under this guise, European occult practitioners of medieval Europe learned about its existence from Arabic grimoires brought by travelers from the East. It should be noted that the seal of Solomon is understood as both a pentagram and a similar symbol - a hexagram, most often associated with the Chinese tradition of magic. The five-pointed star acquired its modern features during the Renaissance with the help of the works of various mystical researchers. For example, the Prague alchemist and astrologer Tycho Brahe in his book “Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum” created an image of a five-pointed star, on the tops of which he depicted the letters of the Divine name from another popular mystical teaching - Kabbalah. Thus, combining two occult traditions, he expanded the types of pentagrams with the so-called “Pentagrammaton”. Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum Mentioned in the first subtitle, Eliphas Levi had a hand in not only the division of symbols into white and black. At his suggestion, the inverted pentagram became the sign of Stana and Baphomet, who appears in the form of a black goat. He also used an ordinary star pointing up in the image of Baphomet, successfully contradicting himself. At the end of the nineteenth century, the author of “The Key to Black Magic,” Stanislav de Guaita, published an image of a pentagram, around the circumference of which he wrote in Hebrew the name of the biblical monster “Leviathan,” placing “Samael Lilith” between the rays. Later, the founder of modern Satanism, the enterprising American La Vey, made this image (without the last inscription about Samael and Lilith) his trademark, all rights of which are protected by copyright law. It is believed that the pentagram is a certain symbol of redemption, embodied in something carnal, some living and thinking being. This idea lies at the root of all Abrahamic, that is, Christian religions - the atoning sacrifice serves through its death to the continuation of the lives of subsequent generations. Suffice it to recall the replacement of human sacrifices with large and small livestock, which symbolized people giving their lives to the deity.

Pentagram - a symbol of magic and its types.

The most famous types of pentagrams may be the “Great Key of Solomon” and the “Small Key of Solomon.” The figure of Solomon is undoubtedly extremely important in religious, mythological and magical history. The creation of these symbols, namely, that Solomon himself is questioned by skeptics, however, they bear his name. It is believed that from David, his father, Solomon at the beginning of his reign received a special sign - a star with six points, which was composed of two triangles of the correct shape, superimposed on each other. Great Key of Solomon This gift Solomon placed in his ring and seals, which granted him power over the spirits. It is believed that it was on the basis of the six-pointed star of Solomon that medieval European magicians drew their five-pointed pentagrams, slightly modifying them. This may have prompted the Grand Inquisitor Thomas de Torquemada to nickname this light symbol the “devil’s pentagram” or “witch’s foot.” The nickname of the positively charged white pentagram, a five-pointed star with its apex pointing upward, is “Druid's Foot.” This pentagram is a symbol of white magic and is used in rituals to limit any forces in influencing the outside world. Most pentagrams, which are sold as jewelry in all kinds of shops, are symbols of white magic and protection. However, when purchasing any amulet or talisman, you should be extremely careful. It is not for nothing that magical pentagrams are divided into light and dark. And the designation of the pentagram as a symbol with many interpretations may be very different from the one for which you first took it. Before purchasing a talisman, you should find out what the pentagram that catches your fancy means. Nowadays, the types of pentagrams are represented by three branches of magic. That is, these signs are protective, personal and with the symbols of nine planets applied to them. Personal ones are closely connected with the occult science of numerology. They are compiled individually, taking into account many factors. First of all, the date of birth of a person, the date of name day and the name of the guardian angel, horoscope sign, planet and element under whose auspices the child was born. This is perhaps the most powerful of the pentagrams, since it establishes a close energetic connection between the human aura, the guardian angel and the heavenly patron. Pentagrams with symbols of planets are aimed primarily at fulfilling any desire, making it come true. They are compiled purely individually, taking into account all the characteristics that rarely coincide even among the most similar people. Such signs become tools of white magic. The most ancient of all may be pentagrams of protection, which are rooted in the very creation of amulets. They were made by our distant ancestors from bone, iron and other materials. The protective pentagram is an assistant in a specific situation, during a long journey or good luck in business, or recovery from a serious illness. White magicians claim that special rituals are necessary to awaken the protective properties of the amulet. A symbol of evil and destruction - a five-pointed inverted star, on the contrary, does not need additional incentives, conspiracies and energy charging. Negative events and negative emotions charge it with power if the owner does not have the special knowledge to use or cancel such energy. In any case, the use of black magic one way or another leads to bad consequences, which then become extremely difficult to correct. Being a symbol with a thousand-year history, created at the dawn of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia, the pentagram to this day remains an extremely popular amulet, talisman, and trade brand, used with enviable frequency. It is almost impossible to unravel the layers of meaning accumulated over centuries. Due to troubled periods in human history, centuries of persecution and, at times, diametrically opposed interpretations of the positions of prominent figures in the occult, everything got mixed up. However, the pentagram has carried its original protective meaning through millennia and remains a talisman of enormous power to this day.