Should you call your man first? Should you call a man first if he doesn't call? What no woman should do

Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“Why doesn’t the man call, although I know for sure that I wanted and was going to call? I flinch at every signal from the phone, I think, maybe it’s him... I don’t know what to do, should I call the man myself? My friends advised me to call myself... I decided that I’ll write again, but I won’t call first, and now I regret it. He replied tosmsthat he will call back and then silence. And this made me feel even worse than before,” writes Zhanna.

“who is capable of being honest and open. The thing that irritates me most in games is when men start hiding. I can’t understand why the man doesn’t call after he promised to do so himself? Should I call the man myself or will it look like I’m imposing myself,” writes Maria.

“Why do men ask for a phone number and don’t call? This is not the first time this has happened to me. What kind of entertainment do they have to make a girl twitch? I'm not sure that a woman should call a man, but on the other hand, maybe that's what they're waiting for? "— writes Galina.

We have already discussed how to understand a man’s intentions at the very beginning of dating →. And in this article we will look at the reasons why men take a woman’s phone number, but then don’t call. There is something to think about here, and knowing these reasons will save you from unnecessary worry.

Why does a man take a phone number but then not call?

Reason #1 - Collecting trophies

Some men are not mature enough and do not know how to be honest and frank with women. They simply inflate their ego by flirting with you, without even intending to call you back later. They get your number to feel confident and to have it just in case they have a reason to call you in the future. In addition, a woman’s phone number is a kind of trophy that you can show off to other immature men.

Usually, such men accumulate women’s numbers and store them on their phones, no matter whether the man communicates with everyone or not. In a word - trophies.

Reason #2 - Impressed

The man is currently looking only for entertainment, not... If he suddenly sees in you a woman with whom he could build something serious, he takes your phone, because now he is under the impression, it suddenly seems to him that he wants a good woman and a serious real relationship. But then, when he is left alone with himself, this thought leaves him. He realizes that he is not really ready for something serious.

Reason #3 - Out of politeness

A man wants to be nice and polite to you. It seems to him that picking up the phone and promising to call is a polite end to your communication that will be pleasant for you. Maybe he thinks you're waiting for him to ask for your phone number. He takes your number without even intending to call you back. This is a way for him to end the conversation on a positive note.

Women also sometimes give out their phone number just out of politeness, secretly hoping that the man won’t call. And if he calls, they begin to prevaricate in every possible way.

Reason #4 - It's simple

There are also the simplest reasons for a man’s silence. He lost your phone number because his cell phone broke or he accidentally erased it. Perhaps he simply forgot to call you because he has a lot of problems in his life. Perhaps he wants to call, but he is free too late and it is inconvenient for him to call you after midnight.

Reason 5 - He already has someone

When I was writing this article, I casually asked my husband why he thinks men take a number and then don’t call. He suggested the following reason: “He’s busy during the day, so he doesn’t call. And in the evening he is with his wife or girlfriend, so he cannot call.”

You can also ask your male friends, and I’m sure they will offer you interesting explanations.

Now try to answer the question yourself: what do all these situations have in common?

You can check the correctness of your answer by reading this article to the end. In the meantime, we’ll try to figure out whether it’s possible to call a man yourself or whether it’s better to wait for him to call himself.

What determines whether a man calls first or not?

In life, every case is unique. It's not always the men who call first who turn out to be good candidates for husbands, and it's not always the men who a woman calls first who turn out to be uninterested and hopeless.

The answer to the question of whether you should call yourself depends on:

  • on your character, how comfortable you are in doing this;
  • from the character of the man - how he will perceive your initiative.

Is it in your nature to call men?

I have a friend who never gave men her phone number when meeting men. When asked to give her a phone number, she said that it would be better if he gave her his and she would call. And the men did not understand whether she was rejecting them in this way, or vice versa. They later admitted to her that they were waiting for her call and were worried. Naturally, she had no questions about whether to call a new acquaintance first; she always did this. Then, using the number that had been determined, the men called her themselves.

But there were cases when men hung up or found a reason to quickly end the conversation and never called back. She always treated this behavior of men with humor and did not worry. “So it’s not my option,”- she said.

It was natural and comfortable for her, she knew her character and knew what she needed in a relationship. She set herself a norm of 3 to 1. For 3 initiatives from a man to call, she was the only one.

At the same time, I know women who will initially worry all day long about whether to call their man herself or not. Then, having called and not receiving the desired reaction from the man, they will worry for another whole week that they called.

In dating and relationships with men, it is very important that you yourself feel comfortable in what you are doing. If you worry that a man dropped the call after seeing your number, or said that he could not talk, and at that time you hear a woman’s laughter on the other end, do not create unnecessary stress for yourself. If you like to call yourself, take the initiative, and you are happy with the men who are waiting for this initiative, call for your health.

How will a man take your call?

Men are all different and will react differently to your call.

The more a man values ​​independence, his personal space, is focused on traditionally masculine qualities, and has had negative experiences of criticism and control from women, the less likely it is that your initiative will be received positively. Such a man is more likely to perceive your call as an initiative for intimacy or decide that you are a dominant woman.

And vice versa, the more a man values ​​​​communication, emotional connections, the more focused on traditionally feminine qualities, sociability, caring, mutual support, the more likely it is that your initiative will be perceived positively.

But once again I want to remind you that everything is very individual, and in order to say whether it is worth taking the initiative and calling first, you need to know well, his past experience and life circumstances. Therefore there are no general rules. Each woman sets them for herself, based on her character and needs.

Now let's return to our previous question: what do all the described examples have in common?

I think you already know the answer.

A man's desire to call you depends on how much you impressed him. In other words, whether a man calls you or doesn’t call you - all this is largely a consequence of your influence on him during the meeting.

What makes a man want to call you? This is the impression of meeting you, the emotions that you awakened in him.

Give him a reason to call you and make him think about you.

It could be something unexpected, unpredictable, funny, attractive, unusual that makes him think about you after breaking up.

How not to impose yourself

Many women find it difficult to feel the difference between interest in dating and obsession. Comparing your interactions with a man at the beginning of your acquaintance with the ball game will help you avoid going overboard and not looking intrusive.

Imagine people throwing a ball to each other. Everything is simple here, whose side the ball is on now determines the move. Likewise, when communicating with a man, watch whose side the ball is on.

Every girl at least once in my life I thought about whether the guy could be first or not. Every second person has had a situation where they seem to want to dial a familiar number and get pricked. It is not clear exactly what to do under such life circumstances. On the one hand, stereotypes that are ingrained in one’s head insist that it is not appropriate for a girl to take the first step. But a call does not always mean the first step. There are situations when it is not only possible, but even necessary to call the guy first so as not to ruin the relationship.

You can call first:
1) If you are already have been in a relationship for some time, and are designated to people around them as a couple, then you can safely call first. Since he is your boyfriend, and no one reaches out to anyone anymore, you are already together, he will not think that you are running after him. However, you should not constantly annoy him with calls, because he may become fed up with it. Give him the opportunity to take some initiative in the relationship. If only he constantly calls, it may seem to him that you are not at all interested in communicating with him and do not need it.

2) If a guy has been chasing you for a long time, tried to reach you, but you still didn’t give in. And then one fine day they decided to give him a chance, apparently having taken a better look at him and realizing that he was not so bad. And maybe something can work out for you. During this time, the guy could have completely lost hope that he will ever have a chance to communicate with you, so he will probably stop calling you. Therefore, you will have to call yourself and, with some hints, let the guy know that you are not indifferent to him either.

3) If he doesn't have your number. For example, he begged for it from you for a long time, but you did not dictate the cherished numbers to him. And you could easily get his number through his friends. If you want to continue getting to know him, you can safely call first, he will only be happy.

4) If he himself asked you to call. Guys often cheat by telling a girl, as if by chance, to call him when, for example, she wakes up, gets off work, etc. Thus, the guy teaches the girl to call first. Over time, she may get used to it and start calling without a reminder, not considering this act shameful. However, this is a misconception.

There are also situations, in which it is strictly forbidden to call the guy first. This will not only ruin your relationship, but it will also make you look bad.

1) If you just had your first date. You talked, got to know each other a little, but it’s not clear what impression you made on him. Of course, feminine curiosity can consume you, but try to pull yourself together. If you call him first now, I assure you, this will always be the case. And you won't get any calls from him.

2) If you haven't started a relationship yet. You see each other almost every day, but are not yet a couple. Despite this fact, you have already had one, but you are still not close enough. This period can be called courtship. And men should look after. Therefore, do not take this bread away from him, let him feel like a conqueror, and at this time he will be the first to do everything.

3) If you always called each other equally, and suddenly he suddenly stopped calling. Sometimes it happens. Maybe he has some urgent business or something serious has happened. But he might also just be tired of your relationship with him and decide to take a short break. And if you start calling him now, he will be even more annoyed because of this.

4) If you had sex for the first time. After this, a man is simply obliged to call first, and if you do this, you will forever lose respect in his eyes, since he will decide that you are an insecure girl who is afraid of being abandoned after spending the night with her.

5) If you had a major quarrel at stake, in which he is clearly to blame. Or you are both equally to blame, then you should not be the first to beg for his forgiveness, no matter how dear your partner is to you. Give him the opportunity to show his attitude towards you and show his interest in the truce.

Despite these adviсe Whether to call the guy first or not is up to you to decide. Perhaps your situation will be an exception to the rule, and if you do not act as your heart tells you, everything will get worse.

March 5, 2018

When we fall in love, we grow wings that carry us at breakneck speed towards new feelings and emotions. Without thinking about anything, forgetting the rules of decency and expecting an immediate response, we sometimes destroy relationships that are not yet strong.

Modern women have become so active that they suppress or scare away gentlemen with their behavior. Without having time to get to know each other better, the ladies, without waiting for their lover’s call, begin to hang up the phone. Is this good or not? In this article we will try to figure out from the point of view of the psychology of relationships whether it is worth calling a man first.

Is it possible to call a man first?

This question is quite difficult, since there is no consensus. Feminist supporters believe that women have the same rights as men. Others recognize only the traditional approach, giving primacy to the stronger half. To understand whether it is possible to call your chosen one first, you need to consider the problem from both sides.

The first group - those who do not consider such behavior appropriate - argue their position by sharing successful personal experiences that “if I had not decided to call, we would not be together now,” “he thought that he did not like me, and “If I hadn’t dialed his number, we wouldn’t be married and happy.”

Their opponents are convinced that men by nature are passionate hunters who must achieve everything themselves, including their chosen one, and otherwise they will quickly lose interest. If we consider both positions as a whole, then both are right. It all depends:

  • on the character of the man you are going to call (how he will react to such an initiative);
  • specific situation;
  • depends on how comfortable you are with doing this.

Active women have developed a life in which everything happens according to their will, since their chosen one was initially indecisive and passive. And for those who did not call, the man turned out to be the leader in the relationship. Unfortunately, at the beginning of dating it is difficult to understand what type your lover is. Here you should rely on previous experience.

Perhaps strong women, on a subconscious level, choose men to follow them or are so confident in their own abilities that they are accustomed to occupying a dominant position in everything. Well, if you are not one, then do not overpower yourself, but calmly wait for a call from someone you care about.

Each case is unique. Gentlemen who call first do not always become worthy candidates for husbands, and those without initiative are often not hopeless.

There are a number of reasons why you should not call a man first. If you ignore them, it will not work in your favor. You may get an unflattering impression of yourself as a frivolous and annoying woman. But this will not lead to anything good.

If you want a normal relationship, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not be persistent or excessively intrusive. You should not dial the number endlessly and be interested in its affairs. Be patient and wait for a response.
  2. If for some reason you are refused, do not humiliate yourself by persuading a man to meet. You won’t achieve anything with this behavior, but you can easily make the situation worse.
  3. Still decided to call first? Try to position the object of your affection for easy communication. You should never pick up the phone when you are in a bad mood. A man is unlikely to like it.
  4. You should not call first if your friend did not give you his phone number. Not everyone will like this lady's initiative. He may simply decide that you are stalking him.
  5. After spending a night together, the first call must be from your boyfriend. By expressing impatience, you risk losing his respect.
  6. During the courtship period, it is also not advisable to take the initiative, especially if you see each other often, but have not yet established yourself as a full-fledged couple.
  7. If you quarrel and the culprit of this trouble is a man, stand firm and let him take the first step.

In what cases can you still call a man?

There is nothing wrong when a girl calls a guy first at his request. For example, when she is free, or for some reason he does not have your treasured numbers, and he gave you his phone number himself.

Should a woman call a man first in other cases? No one can prevent ladies from doing this, but first think carefully about your speech and follow some recommendations, using harmless feminine tricks so as not to become a victim of an absurd situation:

  • Come up with a convincing pretext containing some intrigue, telling the place and time. This could be an invitation to a football match. Speak confidently and decisively, without mumbling into the phone. As a rule, an offer to spend time together is perceived positively by men. Of course, there is a possibility of failure. If this happens, demonstrate your indifference by hinting that you have plenty of guys like him.
  • Invent some problem that you cannot solve without his help. A man will be pleased to feel that he is needed. You can simply consult on the operation of a computer or other equipment. If you don’t receive a response, feel free to hang up - he’s definitely not suitable for the role of a life partner.

Your friend has been trying to court you for a long time, but never received reciprocity? Decided to give the guy a second chance? In this situation, there is nothing wrong with calling him.

What if the man didn't answer the call?

Your first meeting went off with a bang and gave hope for further developments, but the gentleman does not show up and does not answer the phone. What does it mean? There are a number of reasons why the guy you like doesn't call you back.

Let's look at the most common of them:

  1. Collecting trophies. Some men in this way try to stroke their ego or assert themselves in the eyes of equally insecure friends. They meet girls, get her number like a trophy, and disappear. These guys usually keep a huge list of such contacts on their phones, as a kind of collection or just in case they come in handy.
  2. Vivid impressions. The man is not going to start a serious relationship at the moment, but is meeting women for fun. He picks up the phone while in a romantic mood, thinking for a moment that he needs a good woman, but soon realizes that he is not ready to give his heart to just one.
  3. Politeness. An intelligent person, due to his upbringing, cannot offend you by immediately refusing a further meeting. He thinks that by taking a woman’s phone, he will commit a noble act, thereby making the girl happy.
  4. A loss. There is also a more banal explanation for a guy’s silence - losing his number or breaking his mobile phone. Maybe he doesn't mind continuing to date.
  5. He has another one. If a new acquaintance has a girlfriend or wife, then it is unlikely that they will call you back. For him, your meeting was just a little flirtation, nothing more.

What to do if the man himself has not called for a very long time?

What to do if the guy you like has disappeared from sight, and you no longer have the strength to sit patiently by the phone? There may be plenty of reasons. To find out whether it is worth making plans for the future, find a suitable excuse and call yourself. This will allow the further development of the relationship to be determined by his intonation and the content of the conversation.

If the conversation took place in a positive way, and the man again does not call for a long period, then perhaps he does not dare to offend with a direct refusal. There is no need to imagine a tragedy in your imagination or look for shortcomings in yourself. Sincerely believe that you will meet the love of your life and she will definitely come to you.

Is it worth calling a man after a quarrel if he doesn’t call himself?

The gentleman unfairly offended you and is in no hurry to correct the situation. Should you call a man after a quarrel? Definitely no. Do this once and he will understand that he can twist you any way he wants.

If a man truly experiences feelings, then, despite his temper, he will carefully weigh everything and definitely show up. And at the same time he will understand that such a number will not work with you.

If not, then your friend doesn’t value the relationship enough and has found an excuse to break it off. Or maybe this manipulator is trying to subjugate you. If the quarrel is your fault, then analyze how serious it is in order to stop communicating.

Should you call your boyfriend? This question breaks down into three:

Let's go in order.

Is it worth calling a guy if you met on the Internet and have never met before?

You could easily have met by correspondence, or on a dating site. We talked a little and agreed to meet. And now he doesn't call.

If there have been no meetings yet and the guy doesn’t call, it’s acceptable to call yourself.
There is a high chance that he is simply embarrassed to call, he is afraid you won’t like it. Your call will solve the problem, there will be a chance to meet. So if you really want to, call first.

But be prepared for the fact that he doesn’t communicate much in person. Just chat online. This happens often.

Is it worth calling a guy you just met and have already met 1-2 times?

If you have already met, for example, once or twice, then the guy concludes whether he needs a relationship with you.

At this stage, he doesn't care what kind of relationship it will be. One-time meetings or a long family life - it will depend only on you. How you position yourself and how interested the guy will be. It doesn't matter what he thinks about this.

There's no point in calling here. And not even because you need to increase your worth. It's just a guy either can't call or doesn't want to. Moreover, the second occurs much more often. And in both cases, your calls will only make the situation worse.

If you don’t call yourself, then there is little chance of the situation improving. But at least you won't feel bullied.

The summary here is simple:
If he couldn’t call, he’ll call as soon as he can. If you didn’t want to call, then why are you in a hopeless relationship? That's right, completely unnecessary.

Should you call a guy you've been talking to for a long time?

You've been dating a guy for a long time, and he stopped calling. What should I do, and should I call myself?

In a permanent relationship, calling is acceptable, and even useful. But you need to be prepared to find out that your boyfriend is simply tired of you. And he decided to leave. In this case, you may have to call for a long time until he plucks up the courage to voice his decision. And only in rare cases will it turn out that he really could not call or come.

As you can see, whether to call the guy and how many times is up to you.

And finally, the most important question.

How to cope with yourself so as not to call your boyfriend?

How to gain willpower and not call? That's where the dog is buried!

When you are in love, it is very difficult to cope with yourself. I want to see a person, meet, hear his voice. You can't call. And I really want to.

In this case, there are 2 strong recipes.

1. Keep yourself busy with study or work.

For example, you can start renovating your apartment. In a month, learn a foreign language from scratch to the level of passing language exams to work in a foreign company.

The main thing in this recipe is that the goal is truly grandiose. Simple general cleaning of the house will not work because it takes little time and effort. You need to give it your all.

2. Find several other gentlemen.

In this case, one another will not work. To replace 1 super guy, at least he seems like that to you now, you will need at least three mediocre candidates. Well, that’s how you think about them now.

The advantages of this solution are that you will be distracted, and there is always a chance that you will like someone more.

You met a person who captured your imagination and fascinated you. The two of you were interested, he kissed you goodbye, perhaps you had “intimacy.” When you broke up, you exchanged phone numbers and since then your whole life has turned into a complete wait. Yes, no matter what you do, in your thoughts you are waiting for a call and constantly thinking - should you call the man first? You bathe in the bath, putting your phone next to you, you check an infinite number of times whether your mobile is working, every half hour you look to see if it is dead. You think about when he finally deigns to call first, whether to speak to him friendly or reprimand him for not calling right away. You think that a man who slept with you and who behaved like a real lover should not break off the relationship so easily. But it turns out you don’t know men well. There are, and not at all that rare, men who strive to get as much as possible from life - and this is especially true for love relationships with women. And they consider the inability to get maximum pleasure from each adventure simply stupidity. In this case, the woman’s feelings are not taken into account.

Time goes by... You set “deadlines” for your expectations and when they have passed, you begin to painfully think about what you did wrong, said wrong, that he doesn’t call. And you think maybe something happened to him? Maybe he lost your number, his phone was stolen, he was sent on a business trip to the wilderness where there is no mobile communication, he had an accident or became seriously ill - there are many options, each is a valid reason for not calling and each causes your anxiety. And you feverishly think: maybe you should give up on everything first?

But, if you are honest with yourself, then no matter how unpleasant it may be for you, you will admit that if a man really likes you, then he will not make you suffer with waiting, and the absence of a call only means that you did not enter into his circle of interests. Don't get too upset. This means this. And the meeting with your loved one is still ahead, and he will definitely call you every day, and even more than once a day, catch the slightest nuances of your mood, take care of you, carry you in his arms. With him, you won’t have to wonder whether to call first or not to call; such a question, in principle, cannot arise with him.

If the man didn't call first, then don't call first...

But if you can’t stand it, still dial the number, but remember: no complaints, reproaches, demands, no sad, unhappy and pleading voice! You can't seem intrusive either. If he doesn’t want to meet, under no circumstances beg him, don’t beg him to change his mind, don’t even show your grief. He should present you cheerful and joyful! Prepare some decent excuse for the conversation, but if you hear aloofness, indifference, dryness in your voice, be ready to end the conversation with dignity, explaining that you are calling just like that, to find out how you are doing and what’s new. This call is enough. If he is not followed by a return call with an invitation, cross this man out of your life forever.

Of course, a situation is also possible when, due to complexes that have arisen due to improper upbringing, a man is afraid to call first, so that you do not consider him weak. In this case, your call will be a good deed, will give him confidence and make your future relationship possible. But think about whether it will be difficult for you in life with a weak and shy man with whom